Review Optimization Algorithms in Wireless Body Ar
Review Optimization Algorithms in Wireless Body Ar
Review Optimization Algorithms in Wireless Body Ar
Optimization algorithms in Wireless Body Area Networks
Dalal Abdulmohsin Hammood1,2, Hasliza A Rahim1, Ahmed Alkhayyat3,R. Badlishah Ahmad4
Bioelectromagnetics Research Group (BioEM), School of Computer and Communication Engineering,
Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Kampus Pauh Putra, 02600, Arau, Perlis, Malaysia
Electrical Engineering Technical College-Department of Computer Technical Engineering/Middle Technical
University(MTU), Al Doura 10022, Baghdad, Iraq
Department of Computer Technical Engineering, College of Technical Engineering, the Islamic University,
54001Najaf, Iraq
School of Computer and Communication Engineering, Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP), Kampus Pauh
Putra, 02600, Arau, Perlis, Malaysia
Abstract. Wireless body area network is abbreviated as WBAN. This kind has been originated
after the getting of wireless sensor network developing to a certain kind of being matured. That
has been likely owing to the huge advance directing to usable wireless comfortable scientific
knowledge as well as electronic componential parts that can be tiny. definitely, such research has
obtained important attention nowadays owing to its practical uses which mainly can be in the
direction of the sector of health care. Nowadays, a small sensor can be put on the body of humans
for recording different mental parameters and this sensor is able to send collected information
towards another device in order to get more important behaviours taken. Thus, that is utilized to
diagnose illnesses as well as improving dangerous problems alert systems in health field. In this
paper, various wireless body area network protocols and algorithms are viewed to optimize QoS
in WBAN to improve network lifetime. Such as energy-efficient, duty cycle, power
consumption, end to end delay using optimization algorithms.
Keywords: WBAN, optimization, duty cycle, energy efficient, network lifetime, health care
1. Introduction
Wireless body area network (WBAN) consists of extremely low power, needs no outside
support, smart and not heavy and can be borne by the body sensors, intended to function on, around and
in the body of humans [1]. Such a thing is made specifically to be of use medically in these days extended
to different aspects such as contingency managing, army, athletics, show business, electronic devices
for consumers, and it is still expanding [1][2][3][4][5][6].
With a more contemporary name, WBASN connects with various kinds of gadgets as well as
networks for enabling observing process that can be executed from a distance. An important area of
application of WBASN can be the observing system for healthcare [7] [8][9][10]. Figure 1 shows one
of the examples scenario of a system like that [8].
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The Fourth Postgraduate Engineering Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 745 (2020) 012054 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/745/1/012054
Sensors expansions yielded wireless mobile gadgets to spread in these days, leading the network
of wireless sensors cantered on humans to be a very interesting subject for researches. Body Sensor
Networks (BSNs) have been a number of groups of easy to be programmed motes connecting with a
domestic private gadget, and appeared as a radical application of scientific knowledge in a lot of fields
related to healthcare, physical health, smart cities, and a lot of other necessary (IoT) practical use
[9][10][11][12]. The mentioned wireless body area network (WBAN) is related to that physical
conditions that somebody exists in [13][14][15]. Owing to its specifications of practical applying as
well as the ability of being mobile [16][17][18], WBAN has got successful applications in a lot of
domains, like healthcare, entertaining, as well as the army [11][19][20][21][22][23]. Zimmerman in
1996 raised the principle of a WBAN first, and thenceforth a lot of researches have been printed,
concentrating on utilizing the wireless sensor network with the low power type for collecting effective
sign [24][25][26][27].
The last two decades has seen unprecedented development in the field of Computational
Intelligence with the advent of the GPU and the introduction of several powerful optimization algorithms
that make little or no assumption about the nature of the problem. [28]
An optimization algorithm is a procedure which is executed iteratively by comparing various
solutions till an optimum or a satisfactory solution is found. With the advent of computers, optimization
has become a part of computer-aided design activities. There are two distinct types of optimization
algorithms widely used today [28].
We can find many studies released to improve the efficiency of energy, power consumption and
the needs of QoS for a WBAN using optimization. This work presents a review paper for optimization
methods in WBAN which improve life time networks in terms of duty cycle, and QoS requirements for
WBAN, such as: genetic algorithms, Fuzzy, Game theory, cross layer, Smart and Intelligence,
and dynamic adaptive.
The Fourth Postgraduate Engineering Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 745 (2020) 012054 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/745/1/012054
The Fourth Postgraduate Engineering Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 745 (2020) 012054 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/745/1/012054
The algorithm starts with unitization for population size according on problem. Fitness value is
evaluated to represent the best solution. There three operators to update fitness value. They are selection,
mutation, and mating. The algorithms is stopped after evaluation of fitness value [36][37].
In [40] two protocols are proposed: Extended-OCER (E-OCER) and Optimized Cost Effective
and Energy Efficient Routing protocol (OCER). In OCER, we can apply the optimization utilizing
Genetic Algorithm (GA) to the cost function of the multi-objective type with remaining energy,
connection accuracy and loss of path as parameters to select the best possible route from a coordinator
of a given body to the sink. Space among any 2 motes can be decreased via the application of the
approach of the multi-hop type. E-OCER expands OCER's work via regarding the communication of
inter-BAN. OCER performing can be matched with other routing protocols of the existing energy aware
via regarding various parameters. A matching of E-OCER performing with OCER can be established
for studying the affecting of the communications of the on-body sensors on the consuming of energy
and the amount of work of the network that is done. Also, the paper supplies a total model of energy for
calculating the overall network energy consuming. Besides the radio transmitting and receiving energy,
other main energy consuming resources namely. transit and processing energy, sensing of sensors and
transmitting/receiving off/on energy were considered too. In [41] mote classifying algorithms are
suggested that associates the classifier ANFIS based motes, the trusted and untrusted ones detecting and
classifying system can be suggested to develop the skillfulness of the a WBAN network. That suggested
system goes on with feature extracting and the modules of classifying. The trust feature can be taken
from a mote and this taken feature can be optimized utilizing an algorithm of the genetic type. The
WBAN network performing can be taken to pieces in terms of the classifying rate, the ratio of packet
delivery as well as latency.
The Fourth Postgraduate Engineering Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 745 (2020) 012054 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/745/1/012054
In fuzzification's step number one, the crisp inputs can be turned into their values of corresponding
linguistic type, that can be exemplified during the utilizing of fuzzy groups [42]. Every fuzzy group can
relate to a function of membership which depicts the path where all crisp inputs are related with the
fuzzy group separately [43][44]. The model of fuzzy utilized 3 linguistic idioms (high, medium, low)
for partitioning the variable of inputs. For defining every idiom separately, various functions of
membership like Gaussian, S, and Z functions can be utilized [43].
The proposed work in [43] treats an assigning scheme of dynamic time slot in network of fog-
assisted type for a monitoring system of actual ill people instantly. The computing of Fog can be an
expanded copy of the model of cloud computing, that can be appropriate for a trusted, sensitive in
delaying and serious situations' application. besides, for improving the network performing, an
algorithm of energy-efficient parent selection of the least cost was suggested to the packets of routing
data. The slot allocation of dynamic time utilizes fuzzy logic with variables as inputs just as ratio and
buffer of energy, and the rate of packet arrival. Dynamic slot allocating removes the waste of time slot,
the network excess delaying and imposes a reliability of high level for the network with the highest
number channel utilizing. The effectiveness of the suggested scheme can be demonstrated in terms of
the ratio of packet delivery, average delaying of end to end, and average consuming of energy as matched
with the traditional IEEE 802.15.4 standard and the protocol of the tele-medicine quality. In [45] two
algorithms are used to improve energy Consumption and Throughput in WBAN. Genetic Algorithm is
utilized for improving the performance of the parameters. The extraneous data is being removed by
using Fuzzy logic classifier.
The Fourth Postgraduate Engineering Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 745 (2020) 012054 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/745/1/012054
The scheme of CLDO supplies an overall method for configuring WBANs for optimizing the
reliability of transmitting, efficiency of energy, and lifetime, it surely fetches a little overhead, that could
be briefed: first, CLDO possesses complicated proceedings throughout the initializing of the network,
that can be expensive in both time and consuming. Then, the iterations' value in the algorithm of CLDO
affects its performing to an important degree, but sometimes the rationality of its setting could not be
guaranteed [47].
A scheme of Cross Layer Design Optimal (CLDO) can be suggested in [47] for optimizing the
reliability of transmitting at the same time, the efficiency of energy, and lifetime of a WBAN from many
layers. First, as it is known that the transmitting power of motes affects the links' reliability in a direct
way, the optimized transmitting power of various motes can be concluded, that can raise the skillfulness
of energy to the top theoretically under the supposition that needs on delaying and jitter can be executed.
Second, an algorithm of relay decision can be suggested for choosing motes of optimized relay. Utilizing
that algorithm, motes are going to select relay motes that guarantee some balancing of consuming of
network energy, on condition that all motes transfer with optimized transmitting power and the same
size of packet. Third, the energy consuming of motes can still be without a balance even with optimized
transmitting power owing to their various places in the network's topology. Besides, the size of the
packet possesses an effect on final performing metrics too. For that, a method of synthesized cross layer
to optimize can be suggested. By using the method above, the transmitting power of motes with more
remaining energy is going to be improved as the size of appropriate packet can be estimated for various
connections in a network, resulting more developments in the system of WBAN.
In[48] A performing of two cross-layer routing techniques of optimized dynamic type can be
researched to mitigate a radio interference crossing a number of existing together wireless body area
networks (BANs), built on authentic measuring. At the layer of the network, the most suitable route can
be chosen in relation with the information of channel state from the materialistic layer, related to low
duty cycle TDMA at the layer of MAC. The techniques of routing (i.e., shortest path routing (SPR), and
novel cooperative multipath routing (CMR) creating 3-branch selecting combining) achieve authentic
and trustable collected information transmit crossing BANs processing close to the band of 2.4 GHz
ISM. An open-access experimental group of data of daily activities can be utilized to analyze the
suggested cross-layer optimizing. A cross-layer optimizing can be studies in [49] for the information of
the route crossing divided networks of wireless body-to-body, built on authentic experiential measuring.
At the layer of the network, the most suitable route can be chosen relating to the information of channel
The Fourth Postgraduate Engineering Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 745 (2020) 012054 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/745/1/012054
state (for example, the count of anticipated transmitting, the count of hop) from the materialistic layer.
There are 2 kinds of dynamic routing can be applied: cooperative multi-path routing (CMR) and shortest
path routing (SPR) related to the combining of the selecting. An open-access experiential group of data
creating daily activities can be utilized to analyze and compare the cross-layer optimizing with various
protocols of wireless sensor network (i.e., ORPL, LOADng). Insignificant error rate of packet can be
accomplished when we apply the techniques of CMR and SPR with a rationally sensitive receiver[49].
Designing and implementing a smart portal for Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) can be
suggested in [50] that searches for exploiting access of authorized Primary User (PU) channels utilizing
Cognitive Radio (CR) for facilitating spectral-skillful, cost-skillful and trustable Non-Real Time (NRT)
backhaul transmitting of the data of WBAN for observing widespread health-care. Moreover, the stack
of protocols eases the managing of sessions and the transmitting of energy-skillful backhaul CR over
PU channels that employ a suggested an algorithm of Inter-Sensing Time Optimization (ISTO). The
analytical expressions of closed form can also be established for estimating the medium used energy,
switching likelihood and time, and the cost-skillfulness of BodyCog-BNC. Complete performing
analysis makes it clear that the BodyCog-BNC (WBAN portal), suplies a cost-efficient solving for
various health-care applications under some proceeding conditions and CR cost systems [50].
The Fourth Postgraduate Engineering Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 745 (2020) 012054 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/745/1/012054
A WBAN could be organized as the scale of a human body. It comprises intelligent gadgets that can
be of low power, a small replica, hardware restricted, accompanied with or implanted in the human body
[53]. Normally, WBAN motes have got finite capacity of energy, restrictions on the small size,
processing potentials of a low signal and a capacity of a low saving [54]. Anyway, energy skilfulness is
still a significant problem in a WBAN. Figure 5 clears the adaptive algorithm and computes the wake-
up interval (Iwu) based on the contents of the TSR for a speci_c node[53]. The wake-up interval is
updated for the time instant (tiC1) based on the previous time instant (ti), and update factors as,
Where, μ is the output of the weighting average algorithm and e is the correlation error [53].
The Fourth Postgraduate Engineering Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 745 (2020) 012054 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/745/1/012054
separate variables can be known as a discrete optimization. In discrete optimization problems, we look
for a thing like an whole number, variation or graph from a group can be counted. Issued with
permanent variables have got restricted issues multimodal and problems[58].
In [59] this study illustrates two problems, that is to say spectrum interferences and sharing.
Methods for channel and power allocating can be proposed. The former instructs on a strengthening
learning technique, where the second one can be built on convex optimizing. Moreover, it has also been
suggested a model of arithmetical channel for the communicating links of off-body quality in line with
the standard of IEEE 802.15.6. The optimizing approach of the colony of ants to the issue of travelling
sales assistant has been applied to WBANs in [60] to specify the shortest path to send an urgent message
to the physician by motes; and also a game formulation of static Bayesian with a jumbled strategy has
been analyzed for enhancing the lifetime of the network. At whatever time the ill person requires any
stringent care or another kind of medicinal problem happens, an urgent message is going to be made by
a WBAN and forwarded to the physician's last resort. In [61] an agent built QoS-aware Routing
framework called Multi-agent Markov Probable (MMPQoS) for WBAN is designed. A multiagent
framework is proposed with the aim of ensuring desired critical QoS demands along with routing
framework. The coordinator agent in MMPQoS framework coordinates the data packets and manages
them through traffic monitoring agent. The traffic monitoring agent measures the transition probability
and queue length for different state space using Markov Probable QoS-aware queuing model, ensuring
end-to-end delay and reliability for critical data packets transmission. The routing agent then constructs
the QoS-aware Route table constructor using MAXMIN policy, i.e., obtaining maximum trustworthiness
for link with minimum queue length. A number of estimations on feasible channel models for a perfect
WBAN can be utilized in [62] regarding different scenarios with various carrier frequencies,
bandwidths, movements of the body, and the locations of transceivers, the famous Bayesian Information
Criterion can be utilized to test an existed channel group of data versus eleven various models of
statistics. Taking the models of channels as the instruments of the commerce, we chose a rate of symbol
error as the wanted metric for finding the optimum mote location between the already known choices
that outputs in the most trustable performing. Except for the individual motes positioning, the principle
of reliability is used in more common problems, producing handy applications beyond a single mote
level. In this field, we can introduce the lifetime of the network as the performing indicator that is
assessed for any interest scenario. Furthermore, the lifetime of the network might be dealt with as the
expense function of an optimizing issue.
Wireless network communications within the overall WBAN body sensor system is improved in
[63] to optimize of transmitter power to conserve energy, performance improvements for WBAN
devices under interference, and WBAN security. A most favorable policy of control built on time-ratio
and transmitting power allocating in a wireless body area network (WBAN) can be suggested in [64],
whereas the cycle of duty can be taken on. To maximize the produced amount of information, the entire
cycle of duty can be parted into 2 states: sleep and active states. Through the sleep one, for transmitting
information from a sensor, the energy gathered in the sensor has to be greater than a specific threshold.
And in the active one, the operation of the transmission of information via the sensor is going to result
interfering to energy gathering. For getting to a very rational and convicting optimizing target, it is
optimized that the duty-cycle time-ratio of active and sleep states and transmitting power in active state
in the same time in a system.
The Fourth Postgraduate Engineering Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 745 (2020) 012054 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/745/1/012054
Players in cooperative games can cooperate with each other on a joint strategy. On the contrary, players
in non-cooperative games do not cooperate with each other. But, cooperative games are not absolutely
advantageous under certain specific conditions. Figure 7 shows a cooperative game, in which Player A
and B can communicate and work together in order to defeat Node C.
The theory of game can be the search of deciding of rival agents in some disagreements. It comprises
a group of analytical instruments that anticipate the result of complicated reciprocal actions between
reasonable entities, whereas reason requires a rigid involvement to a strategy built on understood or
scaled outcomes [68][69]. In the theory of classical games, players can be presumed to be wholly
reasonable, and the instructions of the game, functions of payoff and the players' reasonableness can be
used as common sense. Anyway, in the last years, toward this justifying, a lot of concept-related and
experimental critiques had been there. Experimental evidence show that the players cannot be perfectly
reasonable in a lot of conditions. Those incomes ask for relaxation of the strong presumptions of the
theory of classical games about complete reasonableness of players [70].
In [71] an unfamiliar synthetic noise generation strategy built on the theory of games can be
suggested to develop the security versus the attacks against privacy in a CWSN. The generation of
synthetic noise comprises introducing interfering in the spectrum to cover the actual information. The
deciding whether to introduce or not a synthetic noise can be modeled throughout a light uncooperative
game made for a network of low sources that stable enhancing of security and energy consuming. In
[72]] a light-weight and adjusting irregular detecting approach of two levels can be introduced for
discarding false alarms resulted by broken mensuration and raise them solely as a sick person appears
to be in danger. In the level number one, a game-theoretic mechanism can be introduced where body-
worn sensor motes use the space-time attachment between readings to domestically and in an adjusted
way discover irregular conditions related to the dynamic context alters of a WBAN. In the second one,
it is feasible to apply the distance of Mahalanobis in the Local Processing Unit (LPU) that has got an
international view for analyzing involving two or more variable quantities. Our major goal has been to
guarantee a trade-off among detecting accuracy, incorrect positive rates, and the performing of a network
as regarding the WBAN physical conditions restricts. The suggested approach can be estimated
throughout numeral emulations on a real mental group of data.
The Fourth Postgraduate Engineering Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 745 (2020) 012054 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/745/1/012054
A flexible game theoretic framework is formulated in[73] to study WBAN coexistence. A detailed
mathematical analysis for a 2-player game is provided. As the WBANs' number raises in a game, the
complicatedness in utility calculating and emulations raises very much. We suggest an estimating
method to model games that involves three players and above.
The advantages of the previous works are to enhance network life time in WBAN in term of duty cycle,
BER, PDR, PER, SNR, Energy efficiency, throughput, power control and E2E delay. But there are still
some disadvantages. Such as: A Cooperative communication and duty cycle are not considered in[41]
[52] [55] [59][71][72] which avoid retransition data between sensors. While in [56] IEEE 802.15.6 is
not considered which it is suitable in WBAN. Non cooperative and game theory are not considered
in[40][43][45][53] [57] [61][63][64] which it is a new optimization algorithms in WBAN. In [68] [74].
The algorithms are relate of WSN not in WBAN. Non- cooperative game theory in term of duty cycle
is not considered in [47] [60]. Multiple WBAN’s in [48] not only WBAN. In [49] non cooperative game
theory to optimize duty cycle and power consumption are not considered. A comparison of the latest
work is also presented in Table 1.
The Fourth Postgraduate Engineering Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 745 (2020) 012054 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/745/1/012054
2017[40] OCER & (E- To select the most optimal Residual energy Routing Genetic Algorithm
OCER) Using route from a given body link reliability
GA coordinator to the sink. path loss
2017[63] APC To optimize transmitter transmitter power IEEE APC
power to conserve energy 802.15.6
To improve interference&
2018[41] GA (SNC) To improve the efficiency of classification rate, - genetic algorithm
the WBAN networks packet delivery
ratio and latency
2018[57] DHS To develop energy power IEEE DHS
consumption consumption 802.15.6
2019[64] Optimized To optimize the duty-cycle duty cycle, energy transmiss Optimal control
CPBTR&TPA time-ratio harvesting, optimal ion policy
To improve throughput control
2019[53] CMDP To optimize energy power Intelligent adaptive
efficiency consumption learning algorithm
The Fourth Postgraduate Engineering Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 745 (2020) 012054 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/745/1/012054
2017[49] SPR & CMR To reduce delay PER CMR cross layer
2017[62] BIC To find the best node Symbol error rate - Bayesian
location among the optimum values
predefined options that
results in the most reliable
2018[75] SG to balance the Security throughput authentica Nash-Equilibrium
tradeoff throughput interference tion Adaptive security
between network game theory
performance and
2019[50] An intelligent To facilitate spectral- Cost-efficiency Stack Cross-layer design
gateway for efficient, cost-efficient and Energy-efficiency Convex
WBAN to access reliable Non-Real Time optimization
of licensed PU (NRT)
channels using
2016[73] A flexible game To provide a detailed Utility Function - game theory
theoretic mathematical analysis for a
framework is 2-player game
The Fourth Postgraduate Engineering Conference IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering 745 (2020) 012054 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/745/1/012054
4. Conclusion
The study illustrates the optimization algorithms revision in WBAN to improve several key
issues such as energy efficient, power consumption, throughput, reliability, and duty cycle. These
algorithms of optimization are offered a wide range of benefits to patients, healthcare monitoring, staff
in hospital to detect abnormal condition early. Recently paper used Cross-layer design optimization and
game theory. The future work is to optimize QoS using game theory in modelling mathematic with
cooperative communication.
Significance of Work
The presented work will provide the following advantages:
The accomplishment is about to perform the WBAN communication, so that the work will
provide the recent papers that relate with improving of energy and power consumption to
increase network lifetime using optimization algorithm such as: genetic algorithms, fuzzy,
optimization methods, cross layer optimization, and game theory.
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