Activity: Fact or Bluff: 1. History Is The Study of The Past

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Activity: Fact or Bluff

Instructions: I’m going to show you some
questions and you have to decide if they are
fact or bluff. Use your vevoxapp to answer.
"A generation which ignores history has no past and no future."


Game: Vevox Question

Meeting ID: 112-626-718 (9-1030am) 1. History is the study of the past.
Fact or Bluff

Question Question
2. History was derived from the word 3. The writing of history is called historical
hagiography. method.
Fact or Bluff • Fact or Bluff


Question Question
4. Ambeth Ocampo, Fernando Amorsolo ,Renato 5. Lapu Lapu was a Filipino leader in Mindanao.
Constantino, and Sonia Zaide are historians. Fact or Bluff
Fact or Bluff

Question Question
6. A historical fact is a fact about the past. 7. Historiography is the writing of history.
Fact or Bluff Fact or Bluff


Introduction to History

Lecture #1
Cristy Lopez

Intended Learning Outcomes: Definition of History

• Ancient Greek ἱστορία (historía)- “Knowledge acquired
through inquiry or investigation” Candelaria, JL& Alporha, V. (2018)
• ἱστορία (historía)- meaning “Learning” Gottschalk, L.
1. Define history, historical method and • History - A study of the events of the past, how and why they
historiography; and happened, as well as what happened as a result Halili, (2004)
2. Give the importance of history. • History - “ recorded struggle of the people for ever increasing
freedom and for newer and higher realization of the human
person” Constantino, R. & Constantino , L. ( 1993)
• History- “a record of events showing the evolution of man and his
society from the earliest and from the age of barbarism to what is today
“– De Viana, 2019


History as a discipline Factual History

• Existed around 2400 years • A historical fact is a fact about the past.
• As old as mathematics and philosophy • Presents the plain and basic information
• Latin historía – adapted and acquired a new
• It answers the very basic question, "What
definition – it became known as the “ account of the
past of a person or of group of people through happened?"
written documents and historical evidences

Speculative History Is History Useful?

• Events in history that may have an • Window of the past
alternate history or questionable history. • Understanding the past is the key to understanding the
• means that something that can be viewed from • It helps us to appreciate multiple perspectives and
different angles or views. interpretations
• Answers the questions : why and how • Analysing history strengthens our critical thinking skills
( Cantal,Cardinal, Espino& Galindo, 2014 as cited in ligan et al, 2018) • It trains us to gather evidences, and find patterns and
e.g. The Tejeros Convention trends
• It gives us understanding of other people and culture
• It challenges us to think outside the box and to be

Why Do We Need to Study Readings How do we understand

in Philippine History? history?
• It allows the students of the country’s past to • Historians/Political Scientists, Social Scientists,
read the actual sources of the story of the etc. use the Scientific Method to address
nation . various questions….
• It allows the students to develop his own e.g.
perspective about his country’s past.
• It will fulfil the desire to allow every 1. What were the causes of the French
generation to have their own insight about the Revolution?
past and how they will be able to learn from 2.Why was there an EDSA Revolution?


Scientific Process for

Definition of Historiography
Historiography: the writing of history; especially : the
writing of history based on the critical examination of sources
the product of historical writing ,(

Historical Analysis Assessment Activity: Construction of Model

1. selects the subject to investigate Instructions: Construct a sample model for your
2. Collect probable sources of information on own concept of history. Enhance the model in an
the subject appealing and eye-catching ways that
3. Examine the sources genuineness in part of in emphasize a compelling idea for others to
whole embrace history.
4. Extract credible particular from the sources.

Example of a model


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