Succession Q and A
Succession Q and A
Succession Q and A
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Baldo—————– 450,000
Wilma————— 250,000
Elvira—————– 250,000
Ernie—————– 50,000
The disinheritance of Wilma was effective because disrespect of, and raising of voice to, her father
constitute maltreatment under Article 919(6) of the New Civil Code. She is, therefore, not entitled to
inherit anything. Her inheritance will go to the other legal heirs. The total omission of Elvira is not
preterition because she is not a compulsory heir in the direct line. She will receive only her legitime. The
legacy in favor of Rosa is void under Article
1028 for being in consideration of her adulterous relation with the testator. She is, therefore, disqualified
to receive the legacy. Ernie will receive the legacy in his favor because it is not inofficious. The institution of
Baldo, which applies only to the free portion, will be respected. In sum, the estate of Lamberto shall be
distributed as follows:
Heir Legitime Legacy Institution TOTAL
Wilm (250.000
a )