Review Article: Machine Fault Signature Analysis
Review Article: Machine Fault Signature Analysis
Review Article: Machine Fault Signature Analysis
Review Article
Machine Fault Signature Analysis
The objective of this paper is to present recent developments in the field of machine fault signature analysis with particular regard
to vibration analysis. The different types of faults that can be identified from the vibration signature analysis are, for example, gear
fault, rolling contact bearing fault, journal bearing fault, flexible coupling faults, and electrical machine fault. It is not the intention
of the authors to attempt to provide a detailed coverage of all the faults while detailed consideration is given to the subject of the
rolling element bearing fault signature analysis.
Copyright © 2008 Pratesh Jayaswal et al. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution
License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly
subject. It begins with a summary of need of machine fault Table 1: Timings of action for maintenance.
diagnosis followed by a general overview of the numerous
Timings of action Maintenance
means of signature analysis.
Operating to failure Shutdown or breakdown
Fixed time based Preventive
Condition based Predictive or diagnostic
Machine fault can be defined as any change in a machin-
ery part or component which makes it unable to perform its
function satisfactorily or it can be defined as the termination on correct understanding of the causes of failure. The proper
of availability of an item to perform its intended function. maintenance can be done only after the knowledge of root
The familiar stages before the final fault are incipient fault, cause of failure.
distress, deterioration, and damage, all of them eventually Edwards et al. [6] present a review on fault diagnosis of
make the part or component unreliable or unsafe for con- rotating machinery to provide a broad review of the state of
tinued use [2]. Classification of failure causes are as follows: the art in fault diagnosis techniques. The early fault detection
and diagnosis allow preventive maintenance and condition-
(i) inherent weakness in material, design, and manufac- based maintenance to be arranged for the machine during
turing; scheduled period of downtime caused by extensive system
(ii) misuse or applying stress in undesired direction; failures that improves the overall availability, performance
(iii) gradual deterioration due to wear, tear, stress fatigue, and reduces maintenance cost. For the fault diagnosis prob-
corrosion, and so forth. lem, it is not only to detect fault in system, but also to isolate
Antifriction bearings failure is a major factor in failure of the fault and find out its causes.
rotating machinery. Antifriction bearing defects may be cat-
egorized as localized and distributed. The localized defects 3. CONDITION-BASED MAINTENANCE
include cracks, pits, and spalls caused by fatigue on rolling
surfaces. The distributed defect includes surface roughness, Maintenance is a combination of science, art, and philoso-
waviness, misaligned races, and off-size rolling elements. phy. The rationalization of maintenance requires a deep in-
These defects may result from manufacturing and abrasive sight into what maintenance really is. Efficient maintenance
wear [3]. is a matter of having the right resources in the right place at
Modern manufacturing plants are highly complex. Fail- the right time. Maintenance can be defined as the total ac-
ure of process equipments and instrumentation increased tivities carried out in order to restore or renew an item to
the operating costs and resulted in loss of production. Un- working condition, if fault is there. Maintenance is also de-
detected or uncorrected malfunctions can induce failures fined as combination of action carried out to return an item
in related equipments and, in extreme cases, can lead to to or restore it to an acceptable condition. The classification
catastrophic accidents. Early fault detection in machines of maintenance according to timings of action for mainte-
can save millions of dollars on emergency maintenance and nance is shown in Table 1.
production-loss cost. Gearbox and bearings are essential Every machine component behaves as an individual. Fail-
parts of many machineries [4]. The early detection of the de- ure can take place earlier or later than recommended in case
fects, therefore, is crucial for the prevention of damage and of preventive maintenance. It can be improved by condition-
secondary damage to other parts of a machine or even a total based maintenance. Dileo et al. [7] present a review on the
failure of the associated large system can be triggered [5]. classical approaches to maintenance and then compare them
There are certain objectives of machine fault identifica- with condition-based maintenance (CBM).
tion: The prevention of potential damage to machinery is nec-
essary for safe, reliable operation of process plants. Failure
(i) prevention of future failure events;
prevention can be achieved by sound specification, selection,
(ii) assurance of safety, reliability, and maintainability of
review, and design audit routines. When failures do occur,
accurate definition of root cause is an absolute prerequisite
Machineries failures reveal a reaction chain of cause and to the prevention of future failure events [2].
defect. The end of the chain is usually a performance de- Condition-based maintenance is defined as “mainte-
ficiency commonly referred to as the symptom, trouble, or nance work initiated as a result of knowledge of the con-
simply the problem. The machine fault signature analysis dition of an item from routine or continuous checking.” It
works backwards to define the elements of the reaction chain is carried out in response to a significant deterioration in a
and then proceeds to link the most probable failure cause unit as indicated by a change in a monitored parameter of
based on failure analysis with a root cause of an existing or the unit condition or performance. Condition reports arise
potential problem. Accurate and complete knowledge of the from human observations, checks, and tests, or from fixed
causes responsible for the breakdown of a machine is neces- instrumentation or alarm systems grouped under the name
sary to the engineer, similarly, as knowledge of a breakdown condition monitoring. It is here that one can make use of
in health is to the physician. The physician cannot assure a predictive maintenance by using a technique called signa-
lasting cure unless he knows what lies at the root of the trou- ture analysis. Signature analysis technique is intended to con-
ble, and the future usefulness of a machine often depends tinually monitor the health of the equipment by recording
Pratesh Jayaswal et al. 3
systematic signals or information derived from the form of monitoring and diagnostic of machines. This subcommittee
mechanical vibrations, noise signals, acoustic and thermal has published ISO 13374-1:2003 which establishes general
emissions, change in chemical compositions, smell, pressure, guidelines for software specifications related to data process-
relative displacement, and so on [8]. Mann et al. [9] present ing, communication, and presentation of machine condition
an article explores the benefits of condition-based preventive monitoring and diagnostic information. This standard
maintenance compared to the traditional statistical reliability defines the data processing and information flow needed
approach. Nandi and Toliyat [10] present a review on condi- between processing blocks in condition monitoring systems.
tion monitoring and fault diagnosis of electrical machines. Machine condition monitoring (MCM) is a vital component
Marcus [11] proposed condition-based maintenance to rail of preventive and predictive maintenance programs that
vehicle for more effective maintenance. seek to reduce cost and avoid unplanned downtime. MCM
Condition-based maintenance differs from both failure also contributes to health and safety by recognizing faults
maintenance and fixed-time replacement. It requires mon- which may give rise to pollution or health hazards, and also
itoring of some condition-indicating parameter of the unit by indication of incipient faults which could produce danger
being maintained. This contrasts with failure maintenance, conditions. MCM setups include measurement hardware
which implies that no successful condition monitoring is un- and software that acquire and interpret signals generated
dertaken and with fixed-time replacement which is based on by the machine being monitored. Condition monitoring is
statistical failure data for a type of unit. In general, condition- taken to mean the use of advanced technologies in order to
based maintenance is more efficient and adaptable than ei- determine equipment condition, and to predict potential
ther of the other maintenance actions. On indication of de- failure. It includes, but is not limited to, technologies such
terioration, that unit can be scheduled for shutdown at a time as visual inspection, vibration measurement and analysis,
chosen in advance of failure, yet, if the production policy dic- temperature monitoring, acoustic emission analysis, noise
tates, the unit can be run to failure. Alternatively, the amount analysis, oil analysis, wear debris analysis, motor current
of unnecessary preventive replacement can be reduced, while signature analysis, and nondestructive testing.
if the consequences of failure are sufficiently dire, the con-
dition monitoring can be employed to indicate possible im- 4.1. Visual inspection
pending failure well before it becomes a significant probabil-
ity. The trend monitoring method for one or group of similar visual monitoring can sometimes provide a direct indication
machines is possible if sufficient data of monitored parame- of the machine’s condition without the need for further anal-
ters are available. It relates the condition of machine(s) di- ysis. The available techniques can range from using a simple
rectly to the monitored parameters. On the other hand, con- magnifying glass or low-power microscope. Other forms of
dition checking method is employed for a wide range of di- visual monitoring include the use of dye penetrants to pro-
agnostics instruments apart from human senses. Some of the vide a clear definition of any cracks occurring on the ma-
recent developments in the form of CBM are proactive main- chine surface, and the use of heat-sensitive or thermographic
tenance, reliability centered maintenance (RCM) and total paints. The condition of many transmission components can
productive maintenance (TPM). readily be checked visually. For example, the wear on the sur-
faces of gear teeth gives much information. Problems of over-
4. MACHINE CONDITION MONITORING load, fatigue failure, wear and poor lubrication can be differ-
entiated from the appearance of the teeth.
When a fault takes places, some of the machine parameters
are subjected to change. The change in the machine param-
eters depends upon the degree of faults and the interaction 4.2. Vibration analysis
with other parameters. In most cases, more than one param-
Modern condition monitoring techniques encompass many
eter are subjected to change under abnormal condition. Con-
different themes; one of the most important and informa-
dition monitoring can be carried out when the equipment is
tive is the vibration analysis of rotating machinery. Using
in operation, which known as on-line, or when it is off-line,
vibration analysis, the state of a machine can be constantly
which means when it is down and not in the operation. While
monitored and detailed analysis may be made concerning the
on-line, the critical parameters that are possible to monitor
health of the machine and any faults which may arise or have
are speed, temperature, vibration, and sound. These may be
already arisen. Machinery distress very often manifests itself
continuously monitored or may be done periodically. Off-
in vibration or a change in vibration pattern. Vibration anal-
line monitoring is carried out when the machine is down
ysis is therefore, a powerful diagnostic and troubleshooting
for whatever reason. The monitoring in such would include
tool of major process machinery.
crack detection, a thoroughly check of alignment, state of
On-load monitoring can be performed mainly in the fol-
balancing, the search for tell-tale sign of corrosion, pitting,
lowing three ways.
and so on.
The International Standards Organization’s Tech- (i) Periodic field measurements with portable instru-
nical Committee 108 (ISO/TC108) produces standards ments; this method provides information about long-
in the area of mechanical vibration, shock, and ma- term changes in the condition of plant. The portable
chine condition monitoring. ISO/TC108’s Subcommittee 5 instruments are employed with a high load factor and
(ISO/TC108/SC5) has focused on standards for the condition can often be placed in the care of only one man. Use
4 International Journal of Rotating Machinery
of life curves and the LEO approach assist the decision expenses of the monitoring equipment. However, as equip-
making. ment costs steadily fall, the range of viable applications ex-
(ii) Continuous monitoring with permanently installed pands rapidly. Olsson et al. present a frame work for fault
instruments; it is employed when machine failures are diagnosis of industrial robots using acoustic signals and case-
known to occur rapidly and when the results of such based reasoning [12]. This frame work utilizes the case-based
failure are totally unacceptable as in the case of turbine reasoning for fault identification based on sound recording
generator units. in robot fault diagnosis. Wue et al. have developed experi-
(iii) Signature analysis: scientific collection of information, mental setup for online fault detection and analysis of mod-
signals or signatures, diagnosis and detection of the ern water hydraulic system [13], and suggested that the in-
faults by a thorough analysis of these signatures based corporation of wavelet transformation into the analysis of
on the knowledge hitherto acquired in the field, and acoustic emission opens up the door for future research,
judging the severity of faults for decision making, all which can prove to be very relevant toward condition mon-
put together, is called signature analysis. The technique itoring. Choe et al. [14] worked on neural pattern identifi-
involves the use of electronic instrumentation espe- cation of railroad wheel-bearing faults from audible acoustic
cially designed for the purpose of varied capacities, signals by comparison of FFT, continuous wavelets transform
modes of application and design features. (CWT) and discrete wavelets transform (DWT) features.
Vibration signals are the most versatile parameters in ma-
chine condition monitoring techniques. Periodic vibration 4.5. Noise analysis
checks reveal whether troubles are present or impending. Vi- Noise signals are utilized for condition monitoring because
bration signature analysis reveals which part of the machine noise signals measured at regions in proximity to the exter-
is defective and why. Although a number of vibration anal- nal surface of machines can contain vital information about
ysis techniques have been developed for this purpose, still a the internal processes, and can provide valuable information
lot of scope is there to reach a stage of expertise. about a machine’s running condition. When machines are in
a good condition, their noise frequency spectra have charac-
4.3. Temperature monitoring teristic shapes. As faults begin to develop, the frequency spec-
tra change. Each component in the frequency spectrum can
Temperature monitoring consists of measuring of the opera- be related to a specific source within the machine. This is the
tional temperature and the temperature of component sur- fundamental basis for using noise measurement and analysis
faces. Monitoring operational temperature can be consid- in condition monitoring. Sometimes the signal which is to be
ered as a subset of the operational variables for performance monitored is submerged within some other signal and it can-
monitoring. The monitoring of component temperature has not be detected by a straightforward time history or spectral
been found to relate to wear occurring in machine elements, analysis. In this case, specialized signal processing techniques
particularly in journal bearings, where lubrication is either have to be utilized.
inadequate or absent. The techniques for monitoring tem-
perature of machine components can include the use of op-
4.6. Wear debris analysis
tical pyrometers, thermocouples, thermography, and resis-
tance thermometers. It is not possible to examine the working parts of a com-
plex machine on load, nor is it convenient to strip down the
4.4. Acoustic emission analysis machine. However, the oil which circulates through the ma-
chine carries with it evidence of the condition of parts en-
Acoustic emission refers to the generation of transient waves countered. Examination of the oil, any particle it has car-
during the rapid release of energy from localized sources ried with it, allows monitoring of the machine on load or
within a material. The source of these emissions is closely as- at shutdown. A number of techniques are applied, some
sociated with the dislocation accompanying plastic deforma- very simple, other involving painstaking tests and expen-
tion and the initiation or extension of fatigue cracks in mate- sive equipments. Presently, available lubricant sampling or
rial under stress. The other sources of acoustic emission are monitoring techniques like rotary particles depositor (RPD),
melting, phase transformations, thermal stress, cool-down spectrophotometer oil analysis programme (SOAP), Ferro-
cracking, and the failure of bonds and fibers in composite graphic oil analysis and recent software used techniques are
materials. Acoustic emissions are measured by piezoelectric available to distinguish between damage debris and normal
transducers mounted on the surface of the structure under wear debris. Every machine ever designed undergoes a pro-
test and loading the structure. Sensors are coupled to the cess of wear and tear in operation, yet a battery of modern
structure by means of a fluid couplant or by adhesive bonds. condition monitoring techniques is available to monitor this
The output of each piezoelectric sensor is amplified through process and trigger preventive maintenance routines which
a low-noise preamplifier, filtered to remove any extraneous depend on identifying any problem before it has the chance
noise and furthered processed by suitable electronic equip- to develop to the point of final breakdown. Now recently, en-
ment. gineers have been able to extend their knowledge of condi-
Traditionally, acoustic emissions as a technique has been tions within operating machinery by studying the particles
restricted to the monitoring of high cost structures due to the of metallic debris which can be found in lubricating oil from
Pratesh Jayaswal et al. 5
engines, gearboxes, final drive units and transmissions, or in arately in time and frequency domains. A time-domain anal-
hydraulic fluid, and recording the number, size, and type of ysis focuses principally on statistical characteristics of vibra-
these fragments of debris. tion signal such as peak level, standard deviation, skewness,
kurtosis, and crest factor. A frequency domain approach uses
4.7. Motor current signature analysis Fourier methods to transform the time-domain signal to the
frequency domain, where further analysis is carried out, con-
Motor current signature analysis (MCSA) is a novel diagnos- ventionally using vibration amplitude and power spectra. It
tic process for condition monitoring of electric motor-driven should be noted that use of either domain implicitly excludes
mechanical equipment (pumps, motor-operated valves, the direct use of information present in the other. These tech-
compressors, and processing machinery). The MCSA pro- niques have been broadly classified in three areas, namely, the
cess identifies, characterizes, and trends overtime the instan- following.
taneous load variations of mechanical equipment in order to
diagnose changes in the condition of the equipment. It mon- 5.1. Time-domain analysis
itors the instantaneous variations (noise content) in the elec-
tric current flowing through the power leads to the electric The time domain refers to a display or analysis of the vi-
motor that drives the equipment. The motor itself thereby bration data as a function of time. The principal advantage
acts as a transducer, sensing large and small, long-term and of this format is that little or no data are lost prior to in-
rapid, mechanical load variations, and converting them to spection. This allows for a great deal of detailed analysis.
variations in the induced current generated in the motor However, the disadvantage is that there is often too much
windings. This motor current noise signature is detected, data for easy and clear fault diagnosis. Time-domain anal-
amplified, and further processed as needed to examine its ysis of vibration signals can be subdivided into the following
time-domain and frequency-domain (spectral) characteris- categories: time-waveform analysis, time-waveform indices,
tics. Korde [15] demonstrates that the spectrum analysis of time-synchronous averaging, negative averaging, orbits, and
the motors current and voltage signals can hence detect var- probability density moments.
ious faults without disturbing its operation using FFT trans-
formation. 5.2. Frequency domain
4.8. Nondestructive testing The frequency domain refers to a display or analysis of the
vibration data as a function of frequency. The time-domain
The principle of nondestructive testing (NDT) is to be able to vibration signal is typically processed into the frequency do-
use the components or structure after examination. The in- main by applying a Fourier transform, usually in the form
spection should not affect the item involved, and must there- of a fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm. The principal
fore, be nondestructive. NDT includes many different tech- advantage of this format is that the repetitive nature of the
nologies, each suitable for one or more specific inspection vibration signal is clearly displayed as peaks in the frequency
tasks, with many different disciplines overlapping or compli- spectrum at the frequencies where the repetition takes place.
menting others. Thus the best technique(s), for any one ap- This allows for faults, which usually generate specific charac-
plication, should be decided by an expert eddy current test- teristic frequency responses, to be detected early, diagnosed
ing, electrical resistance testing, flux leakage testing, mag- accurately, and trended overtime as the condition deterio-
netic testing, penetrant testing, radiographic testing, reso- rates. However, the disadvantage of frequency-domain anal-
nant testing, thermographic testing, ultrasonic testing, and ysis is that a significant amount of information (transients,
visual testing are some of the different NDT techniques. nonrepetitive signal components) may be lost during the
transformation process. This information is nonretrievable
5. VIBRATION SIGNATURE ANALYSIS unless a permanent record of the raw vibration signal has
been made. The various methods of frequency-domain vi-
The word signature has been coined to designate signal pat- bration signature analysis are bandpass analysis, shock pulse
terns which characterize the state or condition of a system (spike energy), enveloped spectrum, signature spectrum, and
from which they are acquired. Signatures are extensively used cascades (waterfall plots).
as a diagnostic tool for mechanical system. In many cases,
some kind of signal processing is undertaken on those sig- 5.3. The quefrency domain
nals in order to enhance or extract specific features of such
vibration signatures. It is very important to consider the type The quefrency is the abscissa for the cepstrum which is de-
and range of transducers used as pickup for capturing vibra- fined as the spectrum of the logarithm of the power spec-
tion signal. Signature-based diagnostic makes extensive use trum. It is used to highlight periodicities that occur in the
of signal processing techniques involving one or more meth- spectrum in the same manner as the spectrum is used to
ods to deal with the problem of improvement in the signal to highlight periodic components occurring in the time domain
noise ratio. [16]. One of the ways the expert system detects bearing tones
Vibration-based monitoring techniques have been widely is by looking at the spectrum of a spectrum. This process
used for detection and diagnosis of bearing defects for several is called cepstrum analysis, “cepstrum” being a play on the
decades. These methods have traditionally been applied, sep- word “spectrum.”
6 International Journal of Rotating Machinery
6. FAULT DETECTION FROM VIBRATION ANALYSIS Table 2: Some typical faults and defects that can be detected with
vibration analysis.
Item Fault
Renwick and Babson [1] demonstrate that the predictive
maintenance using vibration analysis has achieved meaning- Tooth messing faults,
ful results in successfully diagnosis machinery problems. The Gears misalignment,
benefits of such programs include not only evident-cost ben- cracked and/or worm teeth,
efits such as reducing machinery downtime and production eccentric gear
losses, but also the more subtle long-term cost benefits which Unbalance
can result from accurate maintenance scheduling.
Bent shaft
source identification and fault detection from vibration
signals associated with items which involve rotational mo- Misalignment
tion such as gears, rotors and shafts, rolling element bearings, Eccentric journals
journal bearings, flexible couplings, and electrical machines Rotors and shaft Loose components
depend upon several factors: (i) the rotational speed of the Rubs
items, (ii) the background noise and/or vibration level, (iii) Critical speed
the location of the monitoring transducer, (iv) the load shar-
Cracked shaft
ing characteristics of the item, and (v) the dynamic interac-
tion between the item and other items in contact with it. Blade loss
The main causes of mechanical vibration are unbalance, Blade resonance
misalignment, looseness and distortion, defective bearings, Pitting of race and ball/roller
gearing and coupling in accuracies, critical speeds, various Rolling element bearings Spalling
form of resonance, bad drive belts, reciprocating forces, aero-
Other rolling elements defect
dynamic or hydrodynamic forces, oil whirl, friction whirl,
Oil whirl
rotor/stator misalignments, bent rotor shafts, defective rotor
Journal bearing Oval or barreled journal
bars, and so on. Some of the most common faults that can be
detected using vibration analysis are summarized in Table 2 Journal/bearing rub
[17]. Misalignment
Flexible coupling
Weqerich et al. developed a nonparametric modeling Unbalance
technique by smart signal and demonstrate the use of this Unbalanced magnetic pulls
approach for detecting faults in rotating machinery via ex-
Broken/damaged rotor bars
tracted features from vibration signals [18]. Lei et al. [19]
present damage diagnosis approach using time series analysis Air gap geometry variations
Electrical machines
of vibration signals for structural health monitoring bench- Structural and foundation faults
mark problem. Structural resonance
Sohn and Farrar [20] have presented a procedure for Piping resonance
damage detection and localization within a mechanical sys-
Vortex shedding
tem solely based on the time series analysis of vibration data.
Sahinkaya et al. [21] have worked on fault detection and tol-
erance in synchronous vibration control of rotor magnetic
bearing system. A simple and effective algorithm has been Plenge et al. [25] developed optical inspection techniques for
developed to build fault detection and tolerances capabili- vibration analysis and defect indication in railway.
ties into the open-loop adaptive control of the synchronous Vibration signals from gearboxes and roller bearings
vibration of flexible rotors supported or equipped with mag- share many common characteristics. First, the signals are
netic bearings. usually noisy. This is because the accelerometers for sig-
Lebold et al. [22] have presented review of vibration- nals collection are mounted on the outer surface of gearbox.
analysis methods for gearbox diagnostics and prognostics. The signals obtained from these accelerometers include vi-
This review listed some of the most traditional features used brations from meshing gears, bearings, and the equipment’s
for machinery diagnostics and presented some of the signal many other parts. Second, symptoms from faulty bearings
processing parameters that impact their sensitivity. are very similar to those from faulty gears. For example, pe-
Verma and Balan [23] present a fundamental study on riodic impulses may indicate either cracked teeth of gears or
the vibration behavior of electrical machine stators using damaged races or rollers of roller bearings. Such periodic im-
an experimental model analysis and suggested that vibra- pulses, however, cannot be detected easily with the frequency
tion level even at resonance can be reduced by designing the spectrum because of the heavy noise distributed in the low-
electromagnetic forces to have circumferential mode associ- frequency area [4].
ated with corresponding resonance. Ocak and Loparo [24] Lin et al. [4] have obtained excellent results for mechani-
present algorithms for estimating the running speed and the cal fault detection based on the wavelet denoising technique.
bearing-key frequencies of an induction motor using vibra- The method has performed excellently when used to denoise
tion data that can be used for failure detection and diagnosis. mechanical vibration signals with a low signal-to-noise ratio.
Pratesh Jayaswal et al. 7
7. REB FAILURE AND ITS VIBRATION ANALYSIS buried in wide band response and noisy signals. Thirdly, sig-
nature appears to be very different with the same type of de-
Each of the rolling element bearings used in industries con- fect at different stages of damage, severity. Finally, operating
sists of two rings, one inner and the other outer. A set of speed and loads of the shaft greatly affect the way and the
balls or rolling elements placed in raceways rotate inside amount a machine vibrates.
these rings. Even when properly applied and maintained, the Several researchers worked on the subject of rolling el-
bearing will still be subjected to one cause of failure, fatigue ement bearing defect detection and diagnosis through vi-
of bearing material. Fatigue is the result of shear stresses bration analysis. Time domain, frequency domain, time-
cyclically applied immediately below the load-carrying sur- frequency domain based on short time Fourier transform
faces and is observed as spalling away of surface metal. How- (STFT) and wavelet transform and advanced signal process-
ever, material fatigue is not the only cause of spalling. There ing techniques have been implemented and tested. Time-
are causes of premature spalling. So, although the observer domain analysis focuses on dealing directly with the time-
can identify spalling, he must be able to discern between domain waveform of vibration signals. The indices RMS,
spalling produced at the normal end of bearing’s useful life peak value, and crest factor are often used to quantify the
and that triggered by causes found in the three major clas- time signal. The statistical parameters such as kurtosis and
sifications of premature spalling as lubrication, mechanical skewness values are robust to varying bearing operating con-
damage, and material defects. Most bearing failures can be dition and are good indicators of incipient defects. The dis-
attributed to one or more of the following causes as de- advantage, however, is that as the defect spreads across the
fective bearing seats on shafts and in housings, misalign- bearing surfaces the values of these parameters drop back to
ment, faulty mounting practice, incorrect shaft and hous- normal [28].
ing fit, inadequate lubrication, ineffective sealing, and vi- The frequency domain, spectrum of the vibration signal
bration, while the bearing is not rotating, passage of elec- reveals frequency characteristics of vibration. If the frequen-
tric current through the bearing [2]. As one of the most cies of the impulse occurrence are close to one of the bear-
essential parts in rotating machinery rolling element bear- ing characteristic frequencies, such as ball pass inner race
ings are often subjected to high stress and operate under se- frequency, ball pass outer race frequency, ball spin frequen-
vere conditions, Their integrity becomes an issue particu- cies, it may indicate a defect related fault in the bearing. Fast
larly in key machinery. A machine could be seriously jeopar- Fourier transform is used in conventional frequency-domain
dized, if defects occur to those rolling element bearing during signature analysis techniques for conversion of time-domain
service [5]. A new approach for the categorization of bear- signal in frequency-domain signal. Other frequency-domain
ing faults was introduced by Stack et al. [26]. A common techniques are generally used are the calculation of power
way in which bearing faults are often classified according to spectral density, bandpass analysis, envelope analysis. The
the location of the fault (an inner race/outer race/ball/cage effectiveness of bandpass-analysis method relies on a suit-
fault). In this research, bearing faults were grouped into able choice of narrow-band frequencies around the selected
one of two categories, as single point defects and general- resonance. In envelope analysis, signals are filtered through
ized roughness. The single point defects are defined as vis- bandpass filter and filtered signal is demodulated with the
ible defects that appear on the raceways, rolling elements, or help of full-wave rectification or via Hilbert transform and
cage. then spectrum analyzed. The passband and envelope anal-
A single point defect produces one of the four charac- ysis techniques are useful to detect rolling element bearing
teristics fault frequencies depending on which surface of the faults when signals are noisy due to severity of fault or due to
bearing contains the fault. In spite of the name, a bearing associated noise from other sources as shaft misalignment,
can possess multiple single point defects. The other group of unbalance, and looseness.
bearing faults, generalized roughness, refers to an unhealthy The fast Fourier transform has drawback, when signal is
bearing whose damage is not apparent to the unaided eye. nonstationary or noisy, even in FFT, time information is lost.
Example of this failure mode includes deformation or warp- Many researchers have used short-time Fourier transform
ing of the rolling elements or raceways and overall surface (STFT) to overcome the time information problem but low-
roughness due to heating, contaminated lubricant, or elec- resolution problem exists in STFT. The wavelets transform is
tric discharge machining. The effects produced by this failure currently used to overcome both the time information and
mode are difficult to predict, and there are no characteristics low resolution problems. A major advantage of the wavelets
fault frequencies with this type of fault. transform is that this method can exhibit the local features
In rolling element bearing failure analysis, the low- of the signals and give account of how energy is distributed
frequency phenomenon is the impact caused by a defect of over frequencies changes from one instant to the next.
a bearing. The high-frequency carrier is a combination of The confidence of bearing fault diagnosis can be im-
the natural frequencies of the associated rolling element or proved by using a range of failure indicators including per-
even of the machine [27]. There are a number of factors that formance indices, oil analysis, thermography, and motor cur-
contribute to the complexity of the bearing signature. First, rent readings in conjunction with vibration analysis. These
variation of bearing geometry and assembly make it impos- indicators are generally assimilated and analyzed by human
sible to precisely determine bearing characteristics frequen- expert but a computational expert system, based on neural
cies. Secondly, locations of bearing defects cause different be- network, fuzzy logic, and rule based logic, as well as hy-
havior in the transient response of the signal, which is easily brid techniques containing elements of all three methods,
8 International Journal of Rotating Machinery
is being used and continually improved in order to automate Shikari and Sadiwala worked on automation in
the process. condition-based maintenance using vibration analysis
The neural network technology provides an attractive [32]. In this work, importance of intelligent system in CBM
complement to traditional vibration analysis because of the is focused. Dyke [33] describes an example of the applica-
potential of neural networks to operate in real-time mode tion of the DLI engineering ExpertAlert expert automated
and to handle data that may be distorted or noisy [29]. Neu- diagnostics system to successful diagnosis of machine tool
ral networks have proven the ability in the area of nonlinear spindle bearing problems. Sima [34] proposes a strictly
pattern classification and can correctly identify the different neural expert system architecture that enables the creation of
causes of bearing vibration [30]. The fuzzy logic has proven the knowledge base automatically by learning from example
ability in mimicking human decisions, and the bearing fault inferences. Bandyopadhya et al. [35] have developed an
diagnosis problem has typically been solved by an experi- expert system for real-time condition monitoring using
enced engineer. The fuzzy logic is promising for automation vibration analysis for turbine bearing. Poyhonen et al. [36]
in the area of bearing vibration diagnosis, if the input data have applied support vector classification to fault diagnostics
is well processed [31]. The advantages of the fuzzy logic ap- of an electrical machine.
proach include the possibility to change the linguistic rules Zhenya et al. proposed a multilayer feed forward
into decisions by copying the procedure and thinking of a network-based machine state identification method. They
human analyzer. The rules that include uncertainty and in- represent certain fuzzy relationship between the fault symp-
accuracy are changed into numbers describing the severity or toms and causes, with highly nonlinearity between the input
the probability of fault. The rules and membership functions and the output of the network [37]. The rolling element bear-
can be tuned to find the good sensitivity of the diagnostic ing signals are investigated accordingly to the principle that
system. the wavelet can extract the signal envelope by Jun and Liao. A
wavelet-based self-information extracting envelope method
8. ADVANCED SIGNAL PROCESSING TECHNIQUES was applied, application of the method demonstrates that the
IN VIBRATION ANALYSIS method is effective to extract the rolling bearing signal enve-
lope and is useful to analysis the bearing faults [27].
With the development of soft computing techniques such as Four approaches based on bispectral and wavelet analy-
artificial neural network (ANN) and fuzzy logic, there is a sis of vibration signals are investigated as signal processing
growing interest in applying these approaches to the differ- techniques for application of a number of induction motor
ent areas of engineering. These systems gained popularity rolling element bearing faults by Yang et al. [38]. A general
over other methods, as they are model free estimators capable methodology for machinery fault diagnosis through a pat-
of synthesizing nonlinear and noisy systems. The fuzzy logic tern recognition technique is developed by Sun et al. [28],
was developed as a mean for representing, manipulating, and this involves data acquisition, feature extraction, mapping for
utilizing uncertain information (information that is usually feature fusion, and piecewise-linear classification and diag-
expressed in linguistic terms). The recent surge of interest is nosis. They conclude, to increase the sensitivity and reliabil-
in merging or combining NN and fuzzy logic system into a ity of pattern recognition, one is encouraged to include as
functional system to overcome their individual weaknesses. many feature parameters as possible without concern the re-
Wavelet analysis is an emerging field of mathematics that dundancy or numerical singularities.
has provided new tool and algorithms for the type of prob- Satish and Sharma [39] demonstrate a novel and cost-
lems encountered in process monitoring. Wavelet transform effective approach for diagnosis and prognosis of bearing
(WT) is a mathematical approach that decomposes a time- faults in small and medium-size induction motor. In this
domain signal into different frequency groups. Wavelet algo- work, a fuzzy back-propagation network was developed by
rithms process data at different scales and resolutions combining neural network with fuzzy logic to identify the
The monitoring and diagnosis of machinery is a well- present condition of the bearing and to estimate the remain-
established discipline, but much progress remains to be made ing life of the motor.
in automating diagnosis as well as developing low-cost re- Fan and Zuo [40] proposed an effective method to extract
liable technologies which can be applied cost-effectively in modulating signal and to detect the early gear fault. In this
the majority of production environment. Developments in new fault detection method, combination of Hilbert trans-
microtechnology and artificial intelligence have driven the form and wavelet-packet transform were used. Both simu-
trends toward more extensive onboard diagnostics. Recent lated signals and real vibration signals collected from a gear-
systems have relied on artificial intelligence techniques to box dynamics simulator were used to verify the proposed
strengthen the robustness of diagnostics systems. Four arti- method
ficial techniques have been widely applied as expert system, Duraisamy et al. [41] have described a comparative study
neural networks, fuzzy logic, and model-based systems [9]. of membership functions for design of fuzzy logic fault diag-
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common in fault diagnosis and condition monitoring. For Intelligent systems cover a wide range of techniques re-
example, fuzzy logic and neural networks have been used in lated to hard science such as modeling and control theory,
modeling and decision making in diagnostics schemes. Neu- and soft science such as the artificial intelligence. Intelligent
ral networks-based classifications are used in diagnosis of systems, including neural networks, fuzzy logic, and wavelet
rolling element bearings. techniques, utilize the concepts of biological systems and
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