Race Into Space Manual
Race Into Space Manual
Race Into Space Manual
Game Manual
Version 1.1
by Leon Baradat
Based on
Buzz Aldrin’s Race Into Space! Rules of Play
by Fritz Bronner
* by Fritz Bronner
This is a simulation of the 1960s US-Soviet Space Race, in which you take charge of your country’s space program as
Director (US) or Designer (USSR). You will purchase and develop space hardware, recruit and manage astronauts or
cosmonauts, and send missions into space. The ultimate goal is to be the first to complete a Moon landing and return your
people safely to Earth.
Race Into Space (RIS) is a port to modern operating systems of Buzz Aldrin’s Race Into Space (BARIS), a DOS game
originally released in 1993 on floppy disk, and a year later in an enhanced CD version. BARIS was developed by Fritz
Bronner based on his 1989 board game Liftoff!; Dr. Aldrin’s name and imagery have been removed because permission to
use them was limited to the old DOS game. RIS is available for Windows, Linux, and Mac, and includes some
improvements over the original game—which we feel have justified a rewrite of the manual. Those involved in this
project are volunteer enthusiasts, and we hope you enjoy this simulation. You might even find it educational.
This manual follows the release of RIS 1.1, and the manual’s version number is meant to mirror the version of RIS that it
was written for. There was no version 1.0 of this manual, therefore, and future releases of the game may bring about
updates of the manual with version numbers to match, at least if there are significant changes to mention.
This is a serious strategy game that requires planning ahead. There are different ways to get to the Moon; any of them can
be used, and each has its own advantages:
Gemini/Voskhod – a two-person capsule which requires a single-seat lander. Easiest to get started, but tricky to
use, and riskier than other approaches; Voskhod is especially dangerous.
Apollo/Soyuz – the historic approach. Fairly straightforward, but it can be challenging to afford early in the
Soyuz with Kicker-C – a Soyuz capsule docks with a special base, turning it into a direct-ascent type spacecraft.
This has some of the advantages of direct ascent without the extreme cost.
XMS-2/Lapot – a three-person minishuttle. Tough to get started but reliable (especially XMS-2), and not having
to replace spacecraft is a big help later in the game.
Jupiter/LK-700(formerly Kvartet) – a four-person direct ascent capsule. The simplest way to get to the Moon, but
startup costs are extremely steep.
One rule of thumb is that the latter two are so expensive to prototype and research that they’re usually not practical
options if your prestige is low when you’re ready to choose your approach to the Moon (that is, about the time you’re
flying Orbital missions with Mercury/Vostok). On the other hand, if you happen to receive a newscast right then saying
all hardware will be 50% off that turn, direct ascent and the minishuttles suddenly become very feasible.
One question to consider is whether to maintain a backup strategy. Some players prefer a traditional path, flying the one-
person capsule, then the two, then moving on to the three-person spacecraft for lunar missions. They then maintain
Gemini/Voskhod as a backup program, and switch over to it if their primary suffers a catastrophic failure. This strategy
can be very handy, though it’s only practical if you are planning to go to the Moon with Apollo/Soyuz or XMS-2/Lapot.
It is also more costly than going straight from Mercury/Vostok to what you plan to fly to the Moon, not least because the
backup capsule requires the more expensive single-seat lander.
The game can be played entirely with the keyboard or entirely with the mouse, though it’s easiest to use both.
Although RIS includes a number of improvements over the original BARIS, the look and feel and the gameplay should be
almost identical. For the most part, the changes in RIS make it easier to play and administer, as the original game had
some rough edges. Also a few of the names (of rockets, capsules, and ’nauts) have been changed for accuracy, partly to
improve the game’s educational value as a historical simulation of the Space Race. Information about the Soviet lunar
program was limited when BARIS was written, which required some educated guesses about the Soviet side. RIS has
been able to take advantage of what’s known today to use more historical names, which will be mentioned below where
Race Into Space and BARIS use their own definitions for the historically considered approaches to the Moon. So the
terms they use don’t all correspond to those used during the Space Race, but they work well in-game and their meaning is
clearer. You will see these terms mentioned in newscasts; just bear in mind that the newscast is referring to the historic
proposal, and has no bearing on your space program.
Direct Ascent is the same as the historic proposal.
Lunar-Orbital Rendezvous (LOR) is called the Historical Manned Lunar Landing in the game. It’s what happened on the
Apollo landings and what the Soviets were planning, where the capsule and LM would launch together on a single rocket and go
to the Moon together; the rendezvous in question takes place after the LM lifts off from the lunar surface. In RIS, LOR is a Joint
mission where the capsule and LM are launched on separate rockets, fly separately to the Moon, and rendezvous in lunar orbit
prior to landing.
Earth-Orbital Rendezvous (EOR) was a proposal by Wernher von Braun to use multiple smaller rockets to build a direct-ascent
type spacecraft in Earth orbit. The Soyuz Lunar Landing is based on a similar concept proposed early on in the USSR called L3-
1963, but was converted to a type of LOR mission (in game terms) for game balance purposes. In RIS, EOR is a Joint mission
where the capsule and LM are launched on separate rockets, rendezvous in Earth orbit, and fly together to the Moon.
by Fritz Bronner
The actual space race between the U.S. and USSR was extremely close. All of the major space hardware, including
alternative proposals, are available. This gives you the same flexibility as your real-life counterparts had.
Some modifications obviously had to be made for simplification of monetary units and budgets. A megabuck or MB was
designed as the universal monetary standard. This creates a quicker analysis of costs and budgets between countries.
As in the game, real life programs were man-rated after an extensive R&D phase and a flight testing program. After
several successful launches/flights a vehicle was given approval to carry humans. It is a very fine line between safety and
failure. Percentages were incorporated into the game as [an] aid to help the player evaluate this choice. The dilemma of
when a rocket or capsule is ready to carry humans is the player’s decision. Short cuts may be necessary as they were in
real life.
Most of the major rocket boosters are available for game play. For play balance some minor programs were deleted. The
lift capabilit[ies] of the various rockets were greatly simplified as a common unit weight. The Soviets had more powerful
rockets but their payloads were generally heavier, so any lift advantage was lost [ed. note: not entirely—rocketry is still one of
the Soviet player’s advantages]. Determining which rocket boosters are to be used for various payloads is the important
Capsule design features were also simplified. The Soviets brought the Soyuz capsule through three major design phases.
There were also many minor variants. The Gemini capsule was more advanced than the Voskhod, which had limited
maneuverability and couldn’t dock. The weight ratios of all of the spacecraft were altered for game play. Most of the
basic historical design features of spacecraft are included in the game.
All events are based on historical events that occurred in some fashion.
Most of the astronauts and cosmonauts of that time period in history are included for game play. Their skills are strictly
subjective with an historical flavor for game play. They are not meant to reflect any real life individual’s strengths and
weaknesses. [ed. note: there was some attempt, however, at highlighting the extraordinary abilities of certain people, such as Aldrin
in docking and Leonov in EVA.]
All of the lunar approaches were seriously considered by the U.S. and USSR and they all are included in this game. Some
steps in these and other space missions were deleted or greatly simplified. For all of the space missions, most of the major
hurdles and challenges were retained in spirit if not accuracy.
Certain animated sequences and still images were altered and models were constructed to portray mission events more
dramatically and were not meant for historical interpretation. Some American space footage was used to reflect certain
Soviet sequences.
A great emphasis is given to the magnitude of this Cold War space race. The consequences were of national importance.
The end game was included to give the player the spirit of dramatically changing history. It was never intended for
When you start a new game, you begin at the In the middle are some preferences that affect both
Preferences screen. On either side here you can set sides:
the basic preferences for that side.
1 Music: on or off.
Player Name: maximum 12 characters long. 2 Astronaut Roster: edit the custom roster.
Country: either the US or USSR. 3 Sound: on or off.
Game Level: game difficulty level for that side. 4 Animation: missions will show as either movies or
Astronaut/Cosmonaut Selection: difficulty level for still photos.
managing spacepeople. 5 Model and Roster Type: Basic or Historical model,
Historical or Custom roster.
Select the country(ies) you wish to play and the features you want. The game defaults to single player, with the human
playing the US. New to RIS, selecting a side to be played by a human defaults it to Game Level 1, and selecting a side to
be played by computer defaults it to Level 3. You can change these values to suit you, of course. Selecting both sides to
be played by humans creates a two-player Hotseat game, the only multiplayer option that’s currently working in RIS.
Modem and Play by Email were offered in the CD version of BARIS, but are disabled in RIS. Modem never worked
anywhere but in native DOS (not even in DOSBox), and PBEM uses proprietary code that we don’t have rights to use.
Game Level
There are 3 levels of difficulty; level 1 is easiest for that side, and 3 the hardest. Setting your opponent at a higher level
handicaps them, which is why the game now defaults computer opponents to level 3. Missions receive additional
penalties at levels 2 and 3. Additionally, a human playing at level 2 or 3 can be fired if they do poorly enough.
Astronaut/Cosmonaut Selection
There are 3 levels of difficulty. Most of the difference is that at lower levels you see more information about your people.
Astronaut Roster
This lets you edit the custom roster; it can be changed at the start of every new game. You can change names and/or
skills; however, you can’t exceed your total number of skill points—in order to add points to a given skill, you must
subtract some from another, either from that person or from someone else. You can only save one custom roster.
Advanced Preferences
New to RIS is Advanced Preferences. The game doesn’t offer a fancy graphical screen for it, just a plain text file. The
file can be in different locations, but is usually in a user’s Documents folder (Windows) or Home folder (Linux or Mac).
Windows 7 and 8 users may find it in an exotic location such as C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program
Files (x86)\raceintospace. Alternatively, it may be in the folder where the game resides on your hard drive (e.g., Program
Files (x86) on Windows 7, /usr/games on Ubuntu). Wherever you find it, it will be named “config” (with no
extension). Open the config file with a plain text editor such as Notepad, gedit, or TextEdit.
Advanced Preferences is a mixed bag. Inside you’ll find a whole list of settings you can change. Warning: some are
technical or meant for developers; others are experimental or upsetting to game balance—in particular, nofail,
short_training, random_eq, eq_name_change, and atlasLunar. Each setting is preceded by an explanation; for
So, if you should wish to randomize the skills of your astronauts/cosmonauts in your next game, change the second line
from # random_nauts to random_nauts=1 (or higher). Be sure to remove the hash tag ( #) before random_nauts;
it makes the line a remark, so your setting will be ignored if the tag is still there.
The Advanced Preferences that will be of most interest to the average user (and which shouldn’t break the game) are as
follows. We have made several changes to gameplay to make RIS more realistic or less difficult. However we realize
that people may disagree with some of them, or might simply prefer to play the game as originally written. The last four
items in the list below allow you to toggle those changes on and off.
Turn Announcement
This identifies the turn and which country is about to play. Each turn is 6 months long and is assigned to a season, either
Spring or Fall. Each player receives an annual budget—so in the Spring you need to leave enough MBs to get you
through the Fall turn. The game starts in Spring 1957; if neither side has accomplished a successful Moon landing by
Spring 1977, the game will end with a defeat for both sides.
Network News
There are several newscasts which sound like they will affect your space program but which you can safely ignore. These
are carryovers from Liftoff! which were never fully implemented in BARIS. These are: the next mission has a 50%
chance of exploding on liftoff; you must fly Duration E before attempting a Moon landing; and any special task required
on your next mission, such as launching a spy satellite. Also, Eisenhower’s announcement that the space program will be
canceled after a couple manned flights reflects his historical lack of enthusiasm for space exploration, but will not affect
At the bottom of the screen, the name of the currently highlighted building is displayed (as above), along with the current
turn and, on the far right, how much money you have available for the remainder of the year.
Budget Office
On the left you see a graph displaying your and your opponent’s
prestige over the past two years, and another showing selectable
information on your expenditures in the four different
classifications of space hardware. On the right you see your
budget over the past two years next to an estimate of your
opponent’s, courtesy of the CIA/KGB.
Hardware Purchase
Technology transfer is a good and useful thing, but you certainly don’t have to take advantage of it. It will sometimes be
in your interest to skip programs or take alternate paths to your objective. You will get a feel for this over time.
The “Visit R&D Facility” button is a shortcut to your Research building. You can’t just purchase something and then put
it to use; you have to invest time and money to make it spaceworthy. See Research & Development for details.
Future Missions
To the right of this area are the milestone risk and safety risk indicators. If you’ve skipped a milestone (say, if you’re
scheduling an Orbital but haven’t yet flown a Suborbital), each step of that mission will suffer a -3 safety penalty; these
are cumulative, of course, as in the very premature lunar landing scheduled above. If you haven’t flown this type of
mission before in this game, even if you haven’t skipped anything, you’ll suffer a -1 penalty because there’s always a little
extra risk the first time you do something. The milestone risk bar summarizes the safety risk as either A-OK, CAUTION,
The bottom area shows the Earth, Moon, Mercury, and Venus. It will also display Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn when those
planets are available for flybys. On the left are up and down arrows you can use to scroll through the available missions
(or you can use the up and down keys on your keyboard). Between them is a button which will show the steps involved in
the currently selected mission, as shown above.
Once you’ve selected the mission you want, click Continue or press Enter. To cancel instead, press RESET first.
If the mission uses a capsule or shuttle, you’ll be prompted to select the spacecraft you want to use. If it’s a manned
mission, you will also select crews for it. In BARIS, crews currently in Training (meaning they had been assembled that
turn) could not be assigned to a mission; they had to wait a turn first. In RIS this is no longer necessary, unless you set
no_c_training to zero in Advanced Preferences. Similarly, BARIS required you to assign both a primary and a backup
crew to every mission. RIS allows you to set only a primary if you wish, though you can make backup crews required
again by setting no_backup to zero in Advanced Preferences.
Dummy Tests
Once your hardware reaches Max R&D, it’s impossible to further improve it through research, yet you may not want to
risk lives with it yet. So it’s often advisable to fly it on real, but unmanned, missions. This puts the hardware through its
paces and increases its Safety by 1% per flight, so long as it performs successfully on at least one step of the mission.
Dummy tests don’t gain or lose you prestige, but they let you improve your hardware without risking lives.
In BARIS, dummy tests flown below Max R&D would give the player no advantage beyond a simple 1% Safety,
effectively discouraging aggressive testing. RIS avoids this phenomenon of “wasted dummy tests” by raising the Max
R&D by 1% per flight (so long as the hardware succeeds on at least one step), which can make it worthwhile to fly
dummy tests before research is complete. Catastrophic failures will reset the Max R&D to its original level to prevent
disrupting game balance. This behavior can be reset to the way BARIS worked by turning on succesRDMax in
Advanced Preferences.
In the recruitment screen, you will see the number of available positions, with each candidate’s name and skills. LM,
EVA, and Docking won’t be known until individuals begin their training, so those won’t show here. Candidate skills are
the following:
Capsule Pilot – This is added to all Capsule steps of a mission—generally, anything involving piloting,
navigation, or shipboard operations. This is easily the most important skill, as it is rolled against multiple
times during most missions.
L.M. Pilot – This is added to the LM steps of a mission—the actual testing of a lander, or flying it on lunar
landings; for direct ascent and C-Kicker landings, this comes into play on the lunar descent, landing, and
ascent steps.
E.V.A. – This is added to spacewalks and lunar EVA.
Docking – This is added to all manned docking attempts.
Endurance – Officially, this helps on duration and lunar missions, and/or reduces milestone penalties. However,
there is some question whether any of this was implemented in the game.
There is also a field for Service (where a candidate came from, e.g. which branch of the military), which was planned but
never implemented—but may be in future versions of the game.
Once the game has started, you can change only music, sound, and animation.
Time Capsule
Here you can save or load a game, or exit to the main menu.
Museum of Space
Director Ranking
This shows your prestige compared to your opponent’s, and how it has progressed over time. This graph can give you
some idea of how things are faring with your opponent—in particular, sudden sharp drops usually indicate catastrophic
failures, which can take pressure off you for a bit.
Space History
This shows a history of your space missions, one turn per screen. Each mission you’ve flown is displayed with its name,
an icon showing the type of spacecraft, and its mission patch. Clicking on it will show its Mission History screen which
gives more information about what it was and who, if anyone, was aboard. You can also replay the mission here if you
Mission Records
This gives the best and worst performances on various types of missions which are stored in previous completed games:
first man in space, first spacewalk, etc.—in other words, who set the record for such-and-such on this computer. Pressing
the CLEAR RECORD button will reset the records for that category.
Prestige Summary
This shows how much prestige each side has gained from performing various firsts, seconds, and so on in the current
game. This screen can help give you some idea where you are in the game, and tip you off to types of missions you have
already completed or which you still need to accomplish but which may have slipped your mind.
Hardware Efficiency
This will open to the Efficiency screen, which gives the success ratios of your various hardware programs. If you click on
the flag in the top left you will be taken to the Prestige Points screen, which shows the points gained by each hardware
program. In practice, these screens aren’t used much because they offer little information that would affect a player’s
decisions, though they do make an impressive display.
Astronaut/Cosmonaut History
This shows detailed information about each of your spacepeople. You can see their name and picture, what Group they
were recruited in, how long they’ve been with you, their skills and current location, and their mission history.
Someone who has flown at least once will have a pair of astronaut wings under their picture. If they have completed a
milestone mission or flown at least four space flights, you will also see a medal displayed.
Here you can get secret intelligence on your opponent, starting in Fall 1958. Of course, intelligence isn’t always accurate
—in fact, it’s wrong about half the time, give or take. Specifically, it’s 60% accurate at Game Level 1, 50% at Level 2,
and 40% at Level 3. Still, this can be of some use in guessing what your opponent is doing, especially if you’re
considering whether to play it safe or take a big chance on a particular prestige first.
This is where to go for intelligence briefings. Each year you’ll receive a report about what your opponent is doing:
developing a particular component, preparing a given mission, or and so forth. Again, it’s likely to be wrong half the
time, so view with some skepticism.
CIA/KGB Statistics
This shows the Safety ratings of your hardware, compared to estimates of your opponent’s known hardware, as gathered
from previous Library reports.
Capitol / Politburo
Once a year, your country’s leader reviews your performance. If you’re doing very well indeed, you’re likely to be
praised; otherwise you’ll be sullenly urged to do better, or even actively chastised. If you’re doing very poorly at level 1,
it will be suggested you retire. At higher levels you’ll be summarily fired, if you’re playing against the computer; if it’s a
multiplayer game retirement will remain just a suggestion.
Vehicle Assembly/
Integration Building
It is often a good idea to make this your first stop at the beginning of every turn, so you don’t accidentally spend all your
money on research when you need to buy parts for a launch.
Launch Pads
A, B, and C
Research &
When a piece of hardware is first prototyped (as in this example), it begins with a low Safety factor, often five or six
percent. If it starts out higher, you’ve just seen the effect of technology transfer—the item is a bit safer from the get-go
because some of its technology is reused from other components (Gemini will receive technology from Mercury, for
To increase the Safety of your hardware, decide how many engineers you want to assign to work on it this turn, press the
square with that number of figures in it, then hit the “ RESEARCH PROGRAM” button, which shows what the research will
cost you. That figure is, of course, the number of teams you selected multiplied by the R&D Cost Per Team figure above.
When you research this program, the computer will roll a six-sided die for each team you’ve assigned, and add all those
rolls to the current Safety Factor. Results vary, of course, but you can typically expect to receive around 15-20% from a
full five teams’ research.
As you might expect, once you reach Max R&D, you cannot raise the Safety of a component by researching it. From this
point, the only way to improve it is to use it on an actual space mission. Each mission it flies will gain it 1% Safety,
provided it works successfully at least once on the mission. Once it reaches Max Safety, of course, its Safety Factor will
never increase. The one exception is a particular newscast which can raise the Max Safety on your hardware in the
Unmanned category.
You may notice that an item’s Maximum R&D sometimes changes. In RIS (but not BARIS), when a component gains
1% Safety on a mission, its Max R&D also goes up a point. This lets you benefit from dummy tests and other flights
before you’ve reached Max R&D, and it lets you research back to where you left off if the item is downrated by a
newscast. You can set this back to how it worked in BARIS by turning on succesRDMax in Advanced Preferences.
Moon / Luna
The Moon is shown up there to remind you of your objective. Clicking on it will show your current level of lunar
reconnaissance. You start the game at 55%, a rather simplified figure which reflects that a little over half of the Moon’s
surface is visible to Earth telescopes over the course of its orbit—so this is about how much of the Moon we had seen
before Luna 4 took the first pictures of the far side. Lunar recon will go up as you launch probe flybys and landings, and
manned lunar passes and orbitals.
Viewing Stand
The Viewing Stand shows some basic information on your previous missions, plus your newscasts. If you missed the
newscast by pressing a key too soon, or want to have a second look at it—or would like to see some of your prior
newscasts—this is where to go.
Mission Control
If one of your missions is riskier than you were prepared for, you also have the option to downgrade it to a simpler
mission type. This can be handy if, say, you had a Suborbital planned for last turn but the mission never flew—the
Orbital on the pad above would now suffer a milestone penalty from having skipped the Suborbital. So instead you can
downgrade it to a Suborbital and avoid the penalty. There may be several downgrade options; for instance, an Orbital
Duration EVA could be downgraded to Orbital Duration, Orbital EVA, Orbital, or Suborbital. Once you choose a mission
type and press the Assign button, however, you cannot change your mind. You could go back and downgrade some more
(say you downgraded from Orbital EVA to a simple Orbital—you could now downgrade further to a Suborbital), but you
cannot go back to the original mission without scrubbing and rescheduling, thereby putting it off for a turn.
When your missions launch, following your turn, you’ll watch them unfold—either as movies or still photos, as you
selected in Preferences. Dummy tests will show only the launch, but probes and manned missions play the whole thing
(except Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn probes, which take several turns to arrive). On either side of the movie you will see still
images of space hardware and other things space-related; at the bottom you will see the status box, which displays the die
rolls for each step of the mission. The colored bars represent your chances for success on that step; note that in the above
example, the first step (Launch) has a taller bar, which means the rocket is safer than the capsule. The green represents
what the computer rolled against your hardware; the dotted lines are markers for 25%, 50%, and 75%. The yellow caps at
the top of the second and third bars are safety added by crew skill, in this case Capsule Pilot.
A red bar means a failed roll, which
would be followed by a Step Failure
screen. Sometimes the problem is
repaired by the crew, especially if
your hardware was pretty safe to
begin with. But sometimes,
especially if it is under-researched,
crew status will not be OK and you’ll
suffer a catastrophic failure of some
Your brave heroes who die while in your space program (whether in the line of duty or in a random accident) will be laid
to rest here.
The Flagpole
Click on the flag (or press E) to end your turn. If you have missions scheduled for launch this season, you’ll be given one
last chance to review each mission and give a final go-ahead, or instead scrub the flight. This final confirmation screen
can be especially important when you have two missions scheduled and the first suffers a catastrophic failure: you will get
a final confirmation for the second flight, along with current Safety figures, and can cancel it if it’s suddenly become
unacceptably dangerous.
Basic Training
When assembling crews, pay special attention to how they get along. Click on each member of a team to see how he/she
gets along with the other members: as you might expect, green is good; red is bad. Those who don’t get along with their
crewmates will lose morale and retire sooner than their colleagues. Check all crew members, since compatibility isn’t
always mutual.
Also pay attention to each person’s role—the skills in yellow are those that will be used by that member of the team. In
any case though, you should always put your highest Capsule skill in the first seat, since that’s the most important to
keeping the crew out of danger. Also, anyone whose name shows in black or dark purple has announced retirement and
should not be assigned anywhere—they’ll just leave soon and break the crew anyway.
Anyone not assigned to a crew (for instance, Walker in the example above, who has flown a mission) will return to the
Astronaut Complex / Cosmonaut Center when you leave this screen.
Your spacepeople prefer being assigned to a compatible to languishing back at the Center / Complex. Space successes,
especially firsts, improve the morale of all your people. Failures and mission cancelations do the opposite; mission deaths
are especially damaging to morale. Your people also enjoy being assigned to a primary crew and are especially pleased to
fly missions.
Color Mood
Green Happy
Yellow Ok, could be better
Red Frustrated
Black Burned out, planning retirement
When someone is injured, either during a mission or in some other accident, they will come here and do their best to
recover so they can return to active duty. If so, they return to the Astronaut Center / Cosmonaut Complex; otherwise they
will retire from your space program.
Advanced Training
You may send some of your people to Advanced Training to improve their skills. There is one Advanced Training
building for each skill: Capsule, LM, EVA, Docking, and Endurance. Advanced Training takes 2 full years (4 turns), and
awards 2 points in the relevant skill. It puts trainees out of commission for that time and costs 3MB apiece, so it’s not
used very often.
RIS 1.1 makes several improvements to Advanced Training. It prevents someone from being sent there for anything in
which they’re already a 4. Anyone with a 3 in that skill will go directly to Advanced III, so they serve half the usual time
since they can only gain half the usual amount of skill. For everyone else, half the gain in skill (1 point) is awarded after 2
turns, so someone withdrawn from Advanced III or IV will still get half credit for their time spent there. Anyone
withdrawn from Advanced I or II will be eligible to go back later on (anyone who has gained some skill is prohibited from
returning), and withdrawing someone from Advanced I, II, or III can gain the player a partial refund of the money spent to
send them there.
L.M. Program
LM Points are not specific to the lander they were earned with. That is, if for some reason you have purchased both
landers (as above) and gained 3 LM points with one lander, you could use the other for the lunar landing with no LM
Direct ascent landings (Jupiter/LK-700) and Soyuz Lunar Landing (using the C-Kicker) do not require LM points, and in
fact it is not possible to gain them using those types of hardware.
Satellite Programs
Each side has a variety of space equipment that can be developed. Some may seem fairly obvious, but others will need
some explanation.
Explorer/Sputnik: A simple satellite, which can only be used for the Orbital Satellite mission. However, the Safety
rating of this device is what’s rolled against on the Hardware Power-On step of docking tests, so a high
Explorer/Sputnik Safety is important unless you’re flying direct ascent.
Ranger/Cosmos: A flyby probe, which can be sent past the Moon or any of the planets out to Saturn. So Voyager 2 isn’t
an option in this game, but with two probes you can recreate Pioneer 10 and 11. You will need at least a Titan to push
a probe out of Earth’s gravity well; a boosted Atlas/R-7 cannot do the job, unless atlasLunar is turned on in
Advanced Preferences. Flyby probes are the easiest way to increase your lunar reconnaissance.
Surveyor/Luna: A lunar landing probe. Unlike Ranger/Cosmos it can’t go to other planets, just the Moon, so Viking
and Venera aren’t an option here. If your lander misses the Moon, however, it may at least act as a lunar flyby probe,
giving you some photo recon. A probe landing will gain you plenty of prestige and lunar recon, but takes time and
money to develop. In practice, the lunar landing probe is often more trouble than it’s worth, and can usually be
Launch Vehicles
Atlas/R-7: Light-duty rocket; can’t send anything beyond Earth orbit, even with boosters (unless you have atlasLunar
turned on in Advanced Preferences). The R-7 was known as the A-Series in BARIS and early versions of RIS.
Titan/Proton: Medium-duty rocket; the minimum for sending anything to the Moon or beyond (unless atlasLunar is
turned on in Advanced Preferences). Can be used to launch Joint lunar landings—LOR, EOR, and the Soyuz Lunar
Saturn V / N1: Heavy-duty rocket, known historically as “Moon rockets”. The minimum for launching Single lunar
landings. The N1 was called N-1 in BARIS and early versions of RIS.
Nova/UR-700: “Mega”-duty rocket, required for direct ascent. While they can lift other payloads, they’re seldom used
for that purpose because they’re so expensive. They are so powerful, in fact, that they never need to be boosted, and
are the only rockets in the game that can’t be. The UR-700 was called Vulkon in BARIS and early versions of RIS
(historically, it would have been an enlarged version of the Proton, whose designation is UR-500).
Boosters: Added to rockets (except Nova/UR-700) to let them lift heavier payloads; they cannot be used by themselves.
They make launches a bit riskier but less expensive, and may allow you to put off buying a larger rocket until you can
afford it.
Manned Spacecraft
Mercury/Vostok: One-person capsule; very simple, limited to suborbital, orbital, EVA, and Duration B. Cannot perform
docking or lunar missions.
Gemini/Voskhod: Two-person capsule; the most basic lunar-capable craft. In order to go to the Moon, Gemini/Voskhod
will require a Kicker-A or B.
Apollo/Soyuz: Three-person capsule, very lunar-capable. Includes built-in Kicker-B and docking module.
XMS-2/Lapot: Three-person reusable minishuttle; lunar-capable. Like Gemini/Voskhod, it requires a Kicker-A or B to
go to the Moon.
Jupiter/LK-700: Four-person direct ascent capsule. It can accomplish the lunar landing on its own with no other
components (except rockets and EVA suits). A player who wishes to fly direct ascent does not need kickers, docking
modules, or lunar modules. The LK-700 was called Kvartet in BARIS and early versions of RIS.
Eagle/LKM: Two-person lunar lander. Can be used with Apollo/Soyuz or XMS-2/Lapot. The LKM was called Duet in
BARIS and early versions of RIS.
Cricket/LK: One-person lunar lander; required for (and mostly used by) Gemini/Voskhod, but can also be used by
Apollo/Soyuz and XMS-2/Lapot. Also might be necessary if you are maintaining a primary and backup lunar
program (e.g., Apollo plus Gemini). It may seem counterintuitive that this would cost more than the larger
Eagle/LKM, but it requires more automated systems and backups to compensate for the lack of a second pilot. The
LK was called L-3 in BARIS and early versions of RIS.
Kicker-A: Used to push a Gemini/Voskhod or XMS-2/Lapot, or a solo LM, out of orbit toward the Moon. Can push
only one major component (capsule/shuttle or lunar lander), so can be used only on lunar passes, orbitals, and LOR
landings and LM tests.
Kicker-B: Used to push a Gemini/Voskhod or XMS-2/Lapot, and/or a solo LM, out of orbit toward the Moon. Can push
one or two major components (capsule/shuttle and/or lunar lander), so can be used on LOR, EOR, or Historical
landings, as well as lunar passes, orbitals, and LM tests.
Kicker-C: Soviet-only technology. Used to land a Soyuz capsule on the Moon and lift it off for return to Earth;
essentially a replacement for a lunar lander. It can only be used with a Soyuz capsule and is needed for the Soyuz
Lunar Landing (and nothing else), which is always a Joint mission. A player intending to fly the Soyuz Lunar
Landing should not need the N1, does not need a lunar lander, or Kicker-A or B, and does not have to perform LM
EVA Suit: Required for spacewalks and moonwalks. They are different from pressure suits and are not needed on
simple orbitals or other missions where the crew stays inside the spacecraft.
Docking Module: Required for missions that include docking, except Apollo/Soyuz lunar landings and LM tests. In
order to test them you will have to develop Explorer/Sputnik, whose Safety Factor is rolled against for the DM’s
Hardware Power-On step. Docking modules are the only component whose Safety you cannot improve with research;
they must be tested in space in order to get better: a successful test will yield 10% Safety, a failure 5%. Note that LM
tests double as (rather costly) docking tests. A docking module will remain functional in space for a year, so a DM
which has been used on a docking test may be used again the following season: to take advantage of that, select a
Manned Orbital Docking (Orbit) mission.
Space exploration was something completely new in the 1950s and early 60s. Space could be filled with a host of dangers
to human beings and living things generally—and some of those hazards turned out to be real. Rushing ahead heedless of
such possibilities would have been foolhardy, possibly even catastrophic. We sent probes up above the atmosphere to see
what was there (and discovered the Van Allen Belt). Then we sent animals into space: generally, the US used primates
and the Soviets used dogs. Finally we sent humans up, briefly at first, and for longer periods as we learned more about
how the body reacts to weightlessness for extended periods. We learned, for instance, that early fears of an astronaut
losing control of their reasoning were unfounded; however we also discovered unexpected effects such as space sickness
and gradual loss of bone and muscle mass, which had to be taken into account on longer voyages.
Before the US sent anyone into orbit it tossed a couple astronauts into space on suborbital missions (the Soviets were
more impatient and skipped that one, as you can in the game). Both sides performed a number of simple orbitals before
attempting long durations or spacewalks. Duration, EVA, and docking were all well under its belt before the US ventured
beyond Earth orbit, and the Soviets never did—though they did send animals around the Moon. Race Into Space tries to
model the importance of incremental progress by assigning extra risk to missions which skip major steps, called
milestones. Skipping steps is still a valid strategy in some cases, but should not be done lightly. Each milestone skipped
carries a 3% penalty on each step of the mission, so if you skip two milestones for a given mission, each step will be 6%
riskier. Of course if it succeeds, you’ll get credit for those milestones and won’t be penalized for them again.
Similarly, the game assigned a 5% penalty for each duration level skipped: for instance, if you had just completed a
manned Orbital (Duration A) and planned a Duration D for next turn (skipping B & C), that mission would suffer 10% per
step. Duration penalties would be cumulative with any milestone penalties, of course. However, duration penalties never
worked right; BARIS suffered from a “Duration B Bug” which assigned a penalty to your first Duration mission whether
you had skipped a level or not (typically this would be Duration B, hence the name). The problem worsened in RIS, often
assigning a penalty to every Duration mission. Since the developers had trouble tracking down this bug, the duration
penalty system has been disabled until it can be fixed.
Humanity’s first step into space would likely be to put a simple satellite into orbit around the Earth. Historically this was
an accomplishment of enormous importance, and in the game it makes an ideal first step on the way to the Moon.
Strategically, Sputnik put the US on notice that the Soviets could drop a bomb anywhere in the world, which was new and
shocking at the time. Consequently this is worth a lot of points as a prestige first.
Typically a country’s first manned space mission will be a suborbital flight, which tests out the spacecraft to see how it
and its pilot perform in the harsh environment of outer space—while avoiding some of the risks of a full orbital mission.
There is no chance of failure to deorbit, for instance, and the heat of reentry is less than that for an orbital. Putting a
human being into space for the first time, even if only for a few minutes, is still a big deal—and counts as a Manned
Space Mission prestige first.
Putting someone into orbit is also a major achievement. The spacecraft’s systems are put to more thorough tests and the
effects of microgravity on the human body are studied in more detail than can be done in a suborbital. It is possible,
though riskier, to skip the suborbital and go straight to an orbital mission, combining the two prestige firsts, as the Soviets
did on Vostok 1. The manned orbital also paves the way for more demanding and complex missions, such as duration,
spacewalks, and docking tests.
Sending a probe past the Moon is an important step toward sending people out there. It allows your program to study the
surface features and gives humanity’s first look at the far side, plus this will typically be the first man-made object to
permanently leave Earth.
Lunar recon represents your ability to find a safe landing spot once your people (or probes) approach the lunar surface;
what looks smooth from a distance could turn out to be a very rough site. A failed photo recon step can result in a last-
minute abort to your landing, or worse. Lunar recon starts at 55%, and increases 5% with every probe flyby, manned
lunar pass or orbital, or failed probe landing (so long as the probe manages a lunar de-orbit burn). Successful probe
landings raise your reconnaissance by 15%.
Before you can even consider walking on the Moon, it’s important to establish that human beings can perform outside a
spacecraft at all. EVA is an important achievement in its own right, and is a (near literal) first step for mankind.
Docking will be required for any lunar landing except direct ascent. Rendezvous and docking are much more complicated
in space than they are on the ground, and there was a great deal of skepticism that it could be mastered in time for a Moon
landing in the 1960s. It wasn’t easy for either side, and the game models that by requiring multiple tests of the docking
module—many of which fail, especially early on. Docking modules begin with a 40% Safety which increases only with
testing: 5% for failed dockings, 10% for successes.
Once you’ve performed a simple Earth orbital, it’s time to consider longer flights, to see how humans perform in space
over long periods. Certainly they’ll have to be able to go for 8-12 days, as lunar orbitals and landings are Duration D
missions. Longer duration isn’t necessary (good news for those flying the minishuttles!), but earns the player extra
prestige. Duration levels are as follows:
Days Duration Prestige Comments
1-2 A -- Any space mission will be at least Duration A
3-5 B 3 Maximum for Mercury/Vostok
6-7 C 5 Duration level for manned lunar pass
8-12 D 1 Maximum for XMS-2/Lapot; Duration level for lunar orbital and landing
13-16 E 5 Maximum for Gemini/Voskhod
17-20 F 7 Maximum for Apollo/Soyuz and Jupiter/LK-700
Note: Duration is the only mission type to give the same number of points for prestige seconds as for firsts.
Of course, since the duration penalty system is disabled in RIS 1.1, it is not necessary to fly duration missions. However
it will be necessary to fly your spacecraft multiple times in order for it to approach Max Safety (to make it safe enough to
fly to the Moon), so it’s usually worth the player’s while to use duration missions for this purpose, since those garner extra
If you have fewer than 3 points, your lunar landings will face a penalty on the LM steps of the mission. Each LM step
will be penalized 3% per missing point, so if you performed no tests, you would face a 9% penalty; if you performed one
Earth-orbital test, you’d be docked 6% on those steps. Direct ascent capsules do not require LM tests; neither do Soyuz
Lunar Landings (which use a Kicker-C in place of an LM). In fact you cannot perform LM tests with direct ascent
capsules, or with C-Kickers.
by Fritz Bronner
Kennedy’s challenge of landing men on the Moon and returning safely to the Earth is the ultimate goal of winning the
space race. It is especially challenging, when starting with a meager budget and [a] fledgling space program.
As Director or Designer you need to make decisions on short term goals in order to achieve the long terms and only then
should lunar missions be attempted. Possible short term goals could be, an orbital satellite or sending a man in space.
You must decide whether the risks of skipping milestone steps are worthwhile in order to complete your goals. There are
a lot of different directions to choose from, [so] just keep the overall picture in mind.
Success breeds confidence and more support, meaning funding and growth. Failure can only mean setbacks and should
be avoided. Loss of life should be avoided at all costs!
Determine which types of hardware you are going to develop in your space program. Program and R&D costs must be
evaluated carefully. A program’s payload weight should be compared to various rocket program lift capabilities.
Compare the safety factors of various programs. Programs that are inexpensive are generally not as reliable. The
advantage is a quick way into space. The disadvantage is without numerous dummy tests, a catastrophe isn’t far away.
Buying expensive programs too early can trap you into a long R&D phase and your opponent ends up further ahead with
more funds and better high-tech hardware.
The trick is to buy only the programs that you currently need in order to complete your current objective. Streamline your
short term goals so that some of the hardware you’re using now can be used in the later stages. Even if some hardware is
not designed for certain missions, use that hardware for other important tasks. Timing is crucial when determining to
purchase new programs. If you purchase expensive high tech programs too early, a depleted budget limits the number of
space missions with your inventory.
To the Moon
There are twenty [ed. note: actually, 21] different ways to send ’nauts to the moon. It’s worthwhile to decide early on which
of these approaches you prefer. If obstacles arise that are too difficult or could delay a mission or become to[o] costly, be
flexible and adapt. Always have contingency plans for short term goals and going to the moon. If one program fails,
there are alternative ways of completing the same goal.
Each of the twenty[-one] approaches to the moon can be successful. Depending on your planning, mission success and
available funding, at certain times some approaches become more advantageous. With proper wits, and a little luck,
forging your own path can be just as successful. Immediately jumping into the more advanced manned programs, such as
the three-man capsule, mini-shuttle, or the four-man module, will take several years to develop with very little space flight
activity in the interim. Balancing these programs with [some successful minor prestige] programs (planetary satellites,
EVAs and space duration with smaller capsules) can assist reaching victory. Otherwise your budget can remain static and
leave you behind in the race.
Sometimes, you’re going to have some tough choices when it involves cutting safety in order to beat your opponent.
Caution is always recommended. Let the other country take the risks. Even if they get ahead early on, it is likely that
they will trip-up at some point. If they are remarkably lucky for eight or ten years (this would be rare), only at the very
end should you resort to last gap measures. Take big risks on unmanned missions, [which] can garner some prestige
Be sure to build up your space endurance and docking skills in Earth orbit before attempting any ambitious lunar
missions. With careful planning, docking, LM tests and duration can all [be] achieved within several years. But only on a
good foundation of proper R&D and numerous dummy tests.
History is a good example of what to follow. Target the easy prestige milestones first. Try for first satellite or a manned
sub-orbital or orbital. Notice how many times the Americans and Soviets performed dummy tests on their programs
before launching men into space. It’s not necessary to follow every step though; be creative.
by Fritz Bronner
As designer, I have debated the issue of realism for several years. In this game there are images of rocket explosions,
funerals, and other unpleasant events. This footage is real and the flesh and blood of people were involved. It includes
not only national heroes, but families and friends who have lost their loved ones. Death is indiscriminate toward
nationality as the Americans and Soviets mourned their losses equally. This simulation is meant to be historical. It is not
about war, its glorification, or nameless statistics.
My whole intention with this game is to educate children and adults about man’s early exploration of space. The public in
general is unaware of who participated in this adventure as a generation has separated current times from the Apollo
decade. Very few can name the first two men who walked on the moon and even fewer know how many Soviets and
women have walked on her. It is amazing that the public has such little knowledge of man’s greatest technological
achievement: landing men on the moon. So many names of those involved are forgotten. Even those who tragically lost
their lives are nothing but a void.
The space program is a high risk business. A great emphasis is made on minimizing these risks, but catastrophic
accidents can happen. For the near future, going into space will never be routine like riding in an airliner. In this
simulation, the player is held responsible and accountable for the loss of life. Safety is strongly encouraged and the player
who ignores this is punished. If this is to be a realistic simulation, the possibility of catastrophic failure must be included
without sugar-coating the issue.
There are too many slick graphic games that display death with no consequences. In this simulation, film footage of
catastrophic events is not meant to take advantage of or harm the relatives and survivors of these events. The intention is
to educate [about] the sacrifices that these individuals made. This footage exists, and is part of history. If in any way it
can inform and teach people what really happened, then I feel it is worth it. The other choice is to let the film collect dust
and history be forgotten by all.
Many speak of the trauma for the children and adults who viewed the Challenger disaster. Yes, it was very disturbing, but
they recovered and moved on as did NASA. They had to. If they did not, then there was no purpose in the lives that were
lost. Out of the ashes of death, a new life will emerge.
On Jan. 27, 1967, a ten-year old Cub Scout toured NASA and saw America’s proud new spacecraft, Apollo 1. Within the
hour, Grissom, Chaffe[e] and White were dead. The boy cried, the nation mourned, and an investigation found the cause.
Out of the ashes a new standard emerged[:] a resolve for even greater safety. Within eighteen months the Apollo
spacecraft flew and shortly after, men walked on another world. The boy also found a purpose. Life goes on and
mankind learns from its mistakes.
Getting Started
A game of RIS progresses through three main stages. First is the introduction: launching a satellite and flying single-
person missions in a bare-bones spacecraft. Second is preparation, where you fly the most missions: getting your
spacecraft close to Max Safety so it can handle lunar flights, building up duration, flying EVAs, testing docking and LMs
(when applicable), and gathering lunar recon. Third is the conclusion, the final stretch: flying your lunar missions.
Here follows a quick and dirty getting-started guide to RIS, detailing the first phase. If you’d like something a bit more
thorough, you can download the RIS Tutorial from the Files section of Race Into Space’s Sourceforge site.
When you start the game, leave it at human player for the US and computer for the USSR. You can change the player
names if you like. Leave yourself at Game Level 1 and the computer at Level 3. You might want to handicap the
computer a bit further by also setting it to Cosmonaut level 3.
First turn: Go to Research & Development. Visit the Purchasing Facility, and purchase the Atlas rocket and Explorer
satellite. Visit the R&D building and have each researched by 5 teams. End turn.
Second turn: Go to Research & Development. Research the Atlas with 5 teams, then go to Unmanned and put as many
teams as you can afford on the Explorer (usually 3). Now go back to the spaceport and open the Administration building,
then select Future Missions. Click on Assign Future Mission for Pad A. Press the up arrow once, which will select the
Orbital Satellite mission, and press Continue. End turn.
Third turn: You have money again! Go to Vehicle Assembly and Assign the mission. Go to Research & Development
and research Explorer and Atlas as much as you can. Go to Purchasing and buy the Mercury capsule, and research it as
much as you can. Schedule another Orbital Satellite mission. End turn.
Fourth turn: Assemble and assign the satellite. Research Explorer and Atlas until they’re at Max R&D. Research
Mercury as much as you can. End turn.
Fifth turn: Research Mercury as much as you can. Go to the Administration building, and click on Astronaut
Recruiting. Select all the candidates with Capsule skills of 2 or higher. Go to Administration, Future Missions, and open
Pad A. Press the up arrow three times to select Unmanned Suborbital. Select the Mercury capsule. End turn.
Sixth turn: Assemble and assign the Unmanned Suborbital. Go to Mission Control and Assign it there as well.
Research Mercury as much as you can. Go to Basic Training and withdraw two people early. Go to the Astronaut
Complex and send them to the Mercury program. Click the Facility Transfer button, then hit the Mercury button, which
will take you to that program. Assign each of your astronauts to a crew. Now go back to Future Missions and schedule a
Manned Suborbital. Select the Mercury capsule, and assign a Primary and a Backup crew. End turn.
Seventh turn: Assemble and assign the Manned Suborbital. Assign it also in Mission Control. Finish researching
Mercury. Click on Misc and purchase EVA Suits, and give them five teams’ research. Withdraw two more people from
Basic Training, assign them to Mercury crews, and schedule a manned Orbital mission with those crews. End turn.
Now watch your first manned mission take flight, and hope all goes well. This should give you a basic idea of how the
game works. Remember that Mercury can only fly Orbital, EVA, and Duration B missions, so you’ll need something
more sophisticated very soon; you’ll want to start your next program in a turn or two. You’ll probably want to stick with
Gemini or Apollo for your first game. Good luck!
The game’s middle phase has two segments, roughly speaking. Usually around 1964-66 you will find yourself balancing
docking and lunar flybys; around 1966-69 you should be balancing docking and LM tests. Time slips by quickly during
the preparation phase, and by the time you make it to the conclusion phase you should be strongly feeling the pressure to
reach the Moon ASAP. The pacing of a direct ascent program will differ from what’s described here, but should still fall
into the same basic three-phase process.
Random Rolls
Race Into Space relies heavily on die rolls to determine success or failure. This is intended to make the game fair because
—in principle—random rolls should even out over time. However, randomness doesn’t really work that way in practice;
while they do tend to even out eventually, in a smaller sample size (say, within a game), random results often aren’t an
even mixture like you’d expect—instead they have seemingly long runs of good and bad luck. Statisticians expect this,
because in fact random results tend to look non-random; a human will want to even results out or ascribe meaning to
them, but truly random rolls come in stretches of good and bad runs. This is a roundabout way of warning you that your
experience in RIS will often be uneven: you’ll have games where you can do no wrong and most of the die rolls go your
way, followed by others where every attempt to get ahead seems to end in catastrophic failure as if the computer were
simply refusing to let you succeed. Try not to get too discouraged, as this is simply how random events work; when
playing against the computer it may be worthwhile sometimes to simply abandon a game and start over. Other times you
may find that a run of bad luck ends abruptly and you make a comeback victory high-fiving on return from the Moon.
Hardware Artwork
Note: The Intelligence screens move some hardware around (e.g., LMs show under Unmanned) to avoid crowding the displays.
Saturn V
Capsule (and Minishuttle)
includes boosters
US EVA suit
Soviet EVA suit
US Docking Module
Soviet Docking Module
US Strap-on Booster
Soviet Booster Stage
US Kicker-A
Soviet Kicker-A
US Kicker-B
Soviet Kicker-B
Soviet Kicker-C
Quick Reference
Mission Abbreviations
D = Docking E = EVA L = LM Test JT = Joint
O = Docking (Orbit) X = Duration U = Unmanned 2E = 2 EVAs
Historical Model
Program Cost Unit R&D Weight Payload Lift Max R&D Max Safety
Explorer 6 1 1 200 n/a 95% 98%
Sputnik 6 1 1 400 n/a 95% 98%
Ranger 24 5 3 700 n/a 90% 93%
Cosmos 20 3 3 1000 n/a 88% 93%
Surveyor 30 7 4 1200 n/a 85% 88%
Luna 26 6 4 1500 n/a 85% 88%
Atlas 26 3 2 n/a 500 87% 98%
R-7 20 3 2 n/a 800 85% 98%
Titan 60 12 4 n/a 1200 91% 98%
Proton 60 12 4 n/a 1900 90% 98%
Saturn V 90 18 6 n/a 3500 95% 98%
N1 84 18 7 n/a 3900 93% 98%
Nova 150 30 8 n/a 4800 94% 98%
UR-700 150 30 8 n/a 5500 94% 98%
B. Strap-On 18 4 2 n/a 800 85% 98%
B. Stage 15 4 2 n/a 1200 87% 98%
Mercury 20 3 1 500 n/a 82% 92%
Vostok 18 3 1 700 n/a 76% 92%
Gemini 30 7 2 1200 n/a 86% 94%
Voskhod 24 6 2 1400 n/a 80% 92%
Apollo 40 14 5 1700 n/a 89% 94%
Soyuz 36 12 5 1900 n/a 85% 94%
XMS-2 55 30 7 1400 n/a 91% 94%
Lapot 65 30 7 1800 n/a 87% 94%
Jupiter 65 30 8 4600 n/a 89% 94%
LK-700 60 30 9 5300 n/a 89% 94%
Eagle 30 8 2 1500 n/a 90% 94%
LKM 35 8 2 1700 n/a 91% 94%
Cricket 42 9 4 1100 n/a 89% 94%
LK 48 9 4 1500 n/a 90% 93%
US Kicker-A 12 3 1 300 n/a 92% 97%
Soviet Kicker-A 12 3 1 500 n/a 91% 95%
US Kicker-B 18 6 2 700 n/a 94% 97%
Soviet Kicker-B 18 6 2 700 n/a 91% 95%
Sov Kicker-C 40 20 4 3000 n/a 90% 94%
US EVA Suit 18 -- 1 n/a n/a 91% 94%
Soviet EVA Suit 18 -- 1 n/a n/a 91% 94%
US DM 18 3 n/a 300 n/a n/a 93%
Soviet DM 15 2 n/a 300 n/a n/a 94%
Basic Model
Program Cost Unit R&D Weight Payload Lift Max R&D Max Safety
Explorer/Sputnik 6 1 1 300 n/a 95% 98%
Ranger/Cosmos 24 4 3 700 n/a 90% 93%
Surveyor/Luna 30 6 4 1200 n/a 85% 88%
Atlas/R-7 24 3 2 n/a 600 84% 98%
Titan/Proton 60 12 4 n/a 1500 90% 98%
Saturn V / N1 84 18 6 n/a 3200 95% 98%
Nova/UR-700 150 30 8 n/a 4800 95% 98%
Boosters 12 3 2 n/a 1000 85% 98%
Mercury/Vostok 18 2 1 500 n/a 80% 90%
Gemini/Voskhod 24 6 2 1200 n/a 84% 94%
Apollo/Soyuz 36 12 5 1600 n/a 87% 94%
XMS-2/Lapot 60 30 7 1500 n/a 91% 94%
Jupiter/LK-700 60 30 8 4300 n/a 89% 94%
Eagle/LKM 30 8 2 1500 n/a 90% 94%
Cricket/LK 42 8 4 1000 n/a 90% 94%
Kicker-A 12 3 1 300 n/a 94% 97%
Kicker-B 18 6 2 600 n/a 94% 96%
Soviet Kicker-C 40 20 4 2500 n/a 90% 95%
EVA Suit 18 -- 1 n/a n/a 91% 94%
DM 18 2 n/a 300 n/a n/a 93%