Stats Notes Books
Stats Notes Books
Stats Notes Books
The classic book about the (accidental and deliberate) abuse of statistics is:
¥ How to Lie with Statistics, Darrell Huff. Penguin Books, London. 1991.
(first published as How to Lie with Statistics, Darrell Huff and Irving
Geis, Victor Gollancz, 1954)
This deals with both numerical and graphical ways in which statistics confuse,
mislead and generally tell lies! It's also worth getting for Mel Calman's cartoons.
Of course, if you are producing graphs and want to do it well, then there is no
better place to go than Tufte:
¥ The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, E.R. Tufte. Graphics
Press, New York. 1983. (don't miss the 4,340Êlb chicken on page 73)
¥ Envisioning Information, E.R. Tufte. Graphics Press, New York. 1990.
cover story
Several hardback books I looked at put useful tables of formulae or statistical
values on the inside front and back covers. Very useful for a book you buy
yourself, but of course totally useless if the book is purchased by a library and
has various labels stuck on its covers. Oh when will publishers realise that
libraries need somewhere to put their labels!
finding things
I wondered how well various statistics books functioned as how-to-do-it guides,
either as a reference or as a revision aid for students. As a test case I tried to look
up regression in each assuming I wanted to work out the line of best fit through
some data points. To make things easy I assumed I knew enough that it was the
'regression' equation I was after Ð I didn't try looking up line (just as well, the
few I looked at the word didn't appear).
First thing. In none of the books I looked at was there any indication in the
index of the defining location within the book. The closest I found was in.
a = Y Ðb X
where Y and X are the arithmetic means of the Yi and Xi values
Eq.11.1 Y' = a + bYX where b Y = r Y
a = Y Ð bY X
On the inside front cover I find the definition of ' X ' and of 's', and, let's say, I
remember that 'sY' and 'sY' are applications of the same formula as 's' with values
of Y and X respectively. But what is 'r'? A few lines above there is a definition
of 'rp', which has nothing to do with it! (I know this, does the typical reader?)
I turn to the index and after a few false starts find equation 11.2 which is the
formula for bY. (Incidentally 11.1 is just Y' = a + b YX.) This also has the ellusive
'r' but also an explanation:
At last I'm on to something. I look up 'correlation' in the index. This has some
main entries and lots of sub-entries. The main entries are no good and rather
than scanning all the subentries, I look back at the text around equation 11.2.
Just below, in the midst of the text I read 'multiply the resulting value by the
Pearson correlation between X and Y (r)' Ð at last!! I look up 'Pearson correlation'
and get there.
Note that this doesn't mean that Diekhoff is particularly bad, in fact overall it
looks pretty good (even mentions squared dollars!), it's just that books in general
tend to have pretty poor indices and statistics books are no exception.
Unfortunately this makes them pretty useless when you want to use them as a
how-to-do-it reference.
book list
Here is the complete list of books that I've considered. A preponderance of
Prentice Hall titles for the reasons I gave earlier! Do tell me about other books
you find useful, especially those that address conceptual understanding.
¥ How to Lie with Statistics, Darrell Huff. Penguin Books, London. 1991.
(first published as How to Lie with Statistics, Darrell Huff and Irving
Geis, Victor Gollancz, 1954) (124 pages)
¥ I've been meaning to get my own copy of this for years and eventually did ready for
this tutorial. Well worth it!
¥ The Visual Display of Quantitative Information, E.R. Tufte. Graphics
Press, New York. 1983.
¥ The classic book of graphical representation of data. Don't miss the 4,340Êlb chicken on
page 73.
¥ Envisioning Information, E.R. Tufte. Graphics Press, New York. 1990.
¥ Second book by Tufte. Also well worth reading. Both are a visual delight!
¥ Statistics without Tears, Derek Rowntree. Penguin Books.
¥ Going on third party recommendation here, will try to get hold of a copy soon.
¥ Statistics for the Terrified, Gerald Kranzler and Janet Moursund.
Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. 1995. (164 pages)
¥ Interesting to note how this book addresses its aims: (i)Êshort chapters (ii) Êlots of
examples (iii)Êpersonal language (iv)Êdoesn't attempt to give reasons for formulae.
¥ÊIÊliked chapter 7 'introduction to inferential statistics' which gives concepts first.
¥ÊThere are one or two minor problems (see 'who's afraid of ...' section above). ¥ÊAlso
interesting to note that the appendix on 'overcoming math anxiety' is mainly about
general techniques to deal with debilitating anxiety, but doesn't take the chance to make
the solutions specific for mathematics. It seems we all have trouble when too close to our
own areas of expertise.
¥ Statistical Tables, F.D.J. Dunstan, A.B.J. Nix and J.F. Reynolds. R.N.D
Publications, Cardiff. ISBN 0-9506719-0-8. 1979. (67 pages)
¥ Elementary Statistical Tables, Henry R. Neave. Allen & Unwin, London.