Roe Restorative - 1

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The key takeaways are proper preparation of the clinical area, following cross-infection control guidelines, and importance of flushing waterlines properly.

The procedure being carried out is a restoration procedure on the lower left tooth number 6.

The steps involved in preparing the clinical area are turning on equipment, donning PPE, cleaning surfaces, applying covers, preparing instruments and materials, and setting up the patient records.

Range: Restorative procedure

Patient type: adult

Date of Activity: Monday, 10 August 2015, 10:15 PM
The Practical Experience Record Sheet is a true representation of my
own involvement in the task described.
1. Clinical area details:

Guidance Notes:
Students should state the procedure to be carried out.
Students should detail the clinical area, the equipment switched on, and the preparation of
the area for the procedure.
Students should state the particular instruments and materials (where relevant) set out, as
well as the relevant patient records
PATIENT INFORMATION: Sex: Male Age: 22 year old - NHS patient; Medical/Social
History form up to date and signed; Health: Good. Patient consent: Gained, plan signed.

TREATMENT INFORMATION:  Restoration procedure on Lower Left 6 occlusal surface



First think in the morning is place a clean uniform and footwear. Hand wash following the
correct sequence by NHS .
Make sure my hair is been tied back. I wear the correct P.P.E (Gloves, Mask,Goggles)


- Lights
- Chair
- Dental unit & light
- Computer (Sign in with the dentist)
- Ligh cure
- Amalgamator
- X-ray machine
- Autoclaves (type B and N/S)
- R.O water machine
- Compressor
- Pouching machine
- Ultrasonic Machine
- R.O Machine
- Water Distiller (if necessary)
- Assistina handpiece cleaning machine

- Dentist chair dental bottle is filled with purified water (RO machine) and flush water lines
for 2 minutes.
- Work surfaces wiped with alcohol free disinfectant and a microfiber cloth and applied
disposable covers.
- Surgery zoned into clean and dirty areas with a decontamination room adjoined.
- Put water and disinfectant solution into dirty instrument container and keep in dirty zone of
the surgery away from clean zone.
- All surfaces in decontamination room are wiped with disinfectant and wipes and microfibre
- The ultrasonic machine is filled up with clean water and correct amount of ultrasonic
cleaner (30ml/litre of water), then I switch the machine on for 7 minutes at 30 degrees
- Both autoclaves (type B and N/S) are clean and wipe the inside and door seal; after drained
all the dirty water I fill the water tanks with purified water from distiller water machine.
- Is placed the helix device and strip in vacuum autoclave and press "B" cycle then start
- Is placed sterilizer class 6 strip into "N" cycle non-vacuum autoclave and press 134 degrees
- Remove items from cold sterilizer bath, rinse and dry.
- I check day list already printed from the reception, and ensure there are enough exam and
treatment instruments/trays set up for the day.
- Check if all lab work has been collected from dentist box.
- Dentist and myself follow the 13 steps for hand washing done by NHS, placed new PPE
(gloves, mask and my safety glasses).

LIST OF INSTRUMENTS set up on dentist side:

- Mouth mirror
- Right angle probe
- College tweezers
- Excavator
- Burnisher
- Flat plastic
- Carver
- Plugger
- Slow/fast speed hand pieces
- 3 in 1 metal tip (air, water syringe)
- Topical Anesthetic
- Anaesthetic  long needle and syringe
- Cartrige: 2 % Lidocaine 1:100,000
- Articulate paper
- Cotton wool rolls


-  Patient Bib, googles and bib holder
-  Mouthwash in a disposable cup and tissues
- Fast suction tube
- Saliva ejector
- Spittoon funnel
- Cotton wool rolls
- Phosphoric Acid Etch Gel Syringe 37%
- OptiBond and a disposable Micro-brush
- Composite shade A2 cartridge and composite gun
- Light cure
- Needle Stick Protector
2. Details of how clinical area managed after procedure:

Guidance Notes:
Students should explain how instruments, sharps, equipment, surfaces were decontaminated
and sterilised after the procedure.
Students should give details of all relevant waste disposal techniques used.

- Remove all PPE from dentist and myself.

- Take the dirty tray from dentist side and move along to my dirty zone .

- Dispose suction tips, articulating paper, cotton wool rolls, paper tray, disposable cup and
tissues into the clinical waste bin.

- The sharp needle and local cartridge into the sharps box using the safety device (Needle
Stick Protector ).

- Dentist and myself  follow the NHS 13 steps hand-washing and replace a clean PPE.

- All the surfaces wiped with non-alcohol disinfectant and microfiber cloth.

- All the dirty instruments are placed into a lockable box with disinfectant liquid and water
and took them to the decontamination room for cleaning and sterilizing them.

- I scrub the instruments under water (water must be under 45 degrees).

- Whilst all instruments are placed into ultrasonic bath machine for 7 minutes to 30 degrees),
the handpieces are placed into assistina for 30 seconds and then directly onto the autoclave

- Once completed, rinse under water, check with magnifying glass for any debris that may
have not been removed if still dirty I must repeat the cycle.

- Dry all instruments with a lint free cloth and pouch if using vacuum autoclave, if not, I
place the instruments into a tray (spaced out properly) and place into autoclave (non vaccum,
type "S"/"B") on correct cycle (134 degrees, 2.2 bars hold: 3mins man)

- Check sterilization by the autoclaves has worked. Once removed from autoclave leave to
cool down and stamp any pouched instruments with the date (1 year storage) and place onto
correct trays to be used for the rest of the day.

3. Reflective Account:

Guidance Notes:
Students should identify their strengths and weaknesses during the procedure and describe
any action they would take to address weaknesses in the future, if required.
STRENGTHS: All instruments and materials for the treatment were set up in order of use, all
equipment check and working well.

WEAKNESSES: I didn't flush water lines for long enough.

Surgery Preparation:
Student turned on all equipment required for the procedure: competent
Student donned appropriate PPE (gloves, mask, eye protection,
appropriate clinical dress):
Student cleaned work surface using viricidal disinfectant or detergent
Student flushed through all water lines: competent
Student applied disposable covers to required areas of the dental
surgery e.g. light handles, control panel etc:
Student made all required patient records and radiographs available: competent
Identify the planned procedure and confirm with the clinician: competent
Student prepared all instruments, materials and equipment required
for the procedure in their order of use:

Clearing Away:
Student removed all sharps safely from the clinical area: competent
Student disposed of all sharps appropriately: competent
Student disposed of clinical waste appropriately:
Student disposed of special waste appropriately: competent
Student transferred dirty instruments to the decontamination zone
Student carried out effective instrument decontamination procedures: competent
Student carried out effective decontamination procedures on the
surgery equipment e.g. work surface, dental chair, spittoon dental competent
chair, spittoon:
Student carried out procedure with consideration for the patient’s
condition e.g. latex allergy:

Student demonstrated professionalism throughout the procedure: competent
Student demonstrated effective team working throughout the
Student demonstrated effective clinical decision making throughout
the procedure:
Student managed themselves and the clinical environment in line
with current standards and guidelines:
4. Witness Feedback

This Section should be completed by the GDC (or other) registrant who witnessed the
activity of the student and is assessing their competence. Constructive feedback will help the
student to develop their performance in the workplace.
Witness Assessment of Competency:
carolina  has  understood the  procedure  and  why  it  is  good  to  setup  carrectly
she  has  understood the  practice  policies  on  cross-infection  control .
She  is  grasping  and  getting  faster  at  different  restorative  procedures  and with  time 
and  experience  will get faster
I confirm that the performance of the student demonstrated
I confirm
competence as indicated in the table above
5. Tutor Feedback

This section should be completed by the GDC registrant who is assessing all sections of the
completed PER and is normally based at the Training Centre. Constructive feedback will
help the student to develop their performance in the workplace.
Tutor Feedback to Student:
You have considered your role and written a detailed account of this procedure Carolina,
You need to improve your abilities in reflection highlighting areas for weakness is excellent -
we need to know also that you can highlight how to improve this weakness

Set a timer or ask the dentist to perform this role prior to starting treatment

***Waterlines are flushed to prevent  Proteinous build up and cross contamination it is not a
weakness this is a failing!! Make sure you don't allow this to happen again

Some nice comments to support your student during their training 
Tutor Judgement: satisfactory
Sampled by Internal

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