Ela 9 Long Range Plan

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ELA 9 Long Year/Semester: Fall Semester, 2021

Range Plan Teacher: Tanner Abel

Topic Dates Major Objectives Material and Resources Evaluation Plan

Short Stories Aug GLO: 1, 2, 3 - All Summer in a Day by Ray Bradbury Formative:
(Plot Structure) 30th- SLO: - The Sniper by Liam O’Flaherty - Writing prompts
Sept 1.1 Discover and - To Build a Fire by Jack London and exercises.
24th Explore - The Stolen Party by Liliana Heker - Group
1.2 Clarify and Discussions and
Extend Writings
2.2 Respond to - Exit Slips
Texts - Writing
2.4 Create form/grammar
Original Text exercises
3.1 Plan and Summative:
Focus - Plot structure
3.4 Share and project
Review - Book Jacket
- Write a Short
Story Project
- Personal/Critical
Poetry Sept GLO: 1, 2, 4 - “The Rat Ode” by Elizabeth Acevedo Formative:
27th – SLO: - “I Lost My Talk” by Rita Joe - Writing Prompts
Oct 1.2 Clarify and - “The Rose That Grew from Concrete” by Tupac Shakur and Exercises.
15th Extend - “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” by William Wordsworth - Group
2.1 Use - “Sonnet 18” by William Shakespeare Discussions and
Strategies and Cues - “Dreams” by Langston Hughes Writings
2.2 Respond to - “Touchscreen” by Marshall Davis Jones - Exit Slips
Texts - “59” by Harry Baker Summative:
2.3 Understand o “Paper People” by Harry Baker - Poetic Devices
Forms, o “Sunshine Kid” by Harry Baker Identification
Elements, and o https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxGWGohIXiw - Analyzing Song
Techniques - “Lines For Winter” by Mark Strand Lyrics
4.1 Enhance and - “Eating Poetry” by Mark Strand Assessment
Improve - “Scratch and Dent Dreams” by Eric Darby - Poetry Creation
4.2 Attend to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JfTa4B7wQ_8 and Alternative
Conventions Media
- Figurative
Language Mini-
- Personal/Critical
Writing Essays Oct GLO: 2, 3, and 4 - Touching Spirit Bear by Ben Mikaelsen Formative:
(Novel Study) 18th – SLO: - Writing Prompts
Nov 2.1 Use and Exercises.
12th - Group
Strategies and Cues
Discussions and
2.2 Respond to Writings
Texts - Exit Slips
2.4 Create Summative:
Original Text - Reading
3.1 Plan and Comprehension
Focus Quizzes
- Reading Logs
3.3 Organize,
- Research and
Record and Evaluate Citation
3.4 Share and Conventions
Review Practice
4.1 Enhance and - Critical Essay
4.2 Attend to
4.3 Present and
Reading Nov GLO: 1, 2, and 3 - Released Grade 9 Provincial Achievement Tests by Alberta Formative:
Comprehensio 15th – SLO: Education - Writing Prompts
n Dec 1.2 Clarify and - There Will Come Soft Rains by Ray Bradbury and Comprehension
1st Extend - “This is a Photograph of Me” by Margaret Atwood Exercises
2.1 Use - Group Discussions
Strategies and and Writings
Cues - Exit Slips
2.2 Respond to - Reading
Texts Comprehension
2.3 Understand Practice.
Forms, Summative:
Elements, and - Reading
Techniques Comprehension
3.2 Select and Quizzes
Process - There Will Come
3.3 Organize, Soft Rains Analysis
Record and questions
Evaluate - Released Provincial
3.4 Share and Achievement Test
Review Questions
Film Study Dec GLO: 3, 4, and 5 - The Count of Monte Cristo (2002) Formative:
2nd – SLO: - Writing Prompts
Dec 3.1 Plan and and Exercises.
17th Focus - Group Discussions
3.2 Select and and Writings
Process - Exit Slips
3.4 Share and Summative:
Review - Personal/Critical
4.1 Enhance and Responses
Improve - Movie Poster
4.2 Attend to Project
Conventions - Identifying Theme
4.3 Present and through Plot
Share Analysis
5.1 Respect Assessment
Others and - Alternative Media
Strengthen Recreation Group
Community Project
5.2 Work within
a Group

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