Principles of Sociology, 1st SESSION
Principles of Sociology, 1st SESSION
Principles of Sociology, 1st SESSION
[Academic year 2018/19, FALL SEMESTER]
Lecturer: Dimitris Lallas
Contact information:
Office hours:
80 Patission Street - 2nd floor
Friday, 12:00-14:00
Course Contents
Session 1. Introduction to Sociology
Session 2. Founders of Sociology: The development of French, German, British and Italian
Session 3. Modern Sociological Theories: Functionalism, Conflict Theory, Symbolic
Session 4. Sociological Research Methods: Quantitative and qualitative research methods
Session 5. Culture, Social Structure and Socialization
Session 6. Stratification, Social Class and Inequalities
Session 7. Gender, Race and Ethnicity: Social discrimination, exclusion and inequalities
Session 8. Political Sociology: Forms of Government and Social Movements
Session 9. Sociology of Work: The social organization of work and the experience of
employment and unemployment
Session 10. Media, Popular Culture and Consumption
Session 11. Urban Sociology: Forms of urbanization in contemporary social world
Session 12. Sociology in a globalized world: Social, Cultural, Political, Ecological, Labour
Session 13. Oral presentations of group assignments.
Textbook and Reading
Main textbook:
A. Giddens & P.W. Sutton, Sociology, 7th edition, Polity Press,
Cambridge: 2013.
Social institutions
Social institutions are the “crystallized” social relations.
The reproduction of social relations and institutions presupposes the
solidification of beliefs and patterns of behavior.
Social Structure
The relations between social institutions articulate the social structure (relations
between established relations).
2) Knowledge scale
The common knowledge of our quotidian lives emanates from a quite confined field, that of
spaces in which we work, encounter our friends, dispose our free time, satisfy our
(sentimental, material) needs/desires.
Sociological Knowledge can give prominence to:
a) a variety of different conditions of social life, variant views, values and social practices
b) social frames of our ordinary life (wider social powers) that shape conditions of life, our
experience and behavior
c) net of interdependencies between personal biography and wider social procedures
(“Sociological imagination”, C.W. Mills)
The benefits of the art of thinking
1)Challenge of “personalized” way of perception and interpretation of social
phenomena, way that is typical for common sense.
2) Challenge of plausibility, obviousness, objectiveness of our modes of
thought and behavior.
3) Recognition of various modes of understanding, thought and action, of
different systems of value and ideas, other forms of social organization and
social life.
4) Broadening of our view on our life-world and designation of networks of
interdependencies that define the conditions of our social existence and
5) Challenge of stereotypical representations of other –culturally, socially,
sexually different– people.
6) Development of relationships that are based on mutual respect,
understanding and solidarity.
7) Strengthening of individual and collective emancipation from
arrangements, representations and opinions that enforce the already existing
relations of power, and experimentation towards a different than the present
social world.
The necessity of sociologist’s self-awareness
Sociologists have to be aware of the fact that their analyses and
interpretations concerning social life-worlds are open and
questionable, and not closed and final.
Sociological perspective must “focus on plurality of experiences and
forms of life”, and keep in mind that sociology “is part of the problem,
not the solution” (Z. Bauman).
Z. Bauman-T. May, Thinking sociologically, Blackwell, Oxford 2001.
A. Giddens & P.W. Sutton, Sociology, 7th edition, Polity Press, Cambridge
A. Giddens, Sociology: A brief but critical introduction, 1986.
A. Giddens, The Consequences of Modernity, Polity Press/Blackwell Publ.,
Oxford 1996.
S. Hall-B. Gieben, Formations of Modernity, Polity Press/Blackwell Publ.,
Oxford 1992.
M. Hughes-C. J. Kroehler, Sociology: The core, 7th edition, The McGraw-Hill
Companies, 2005.
C. W. Mills, Sociological Imagination, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2000
G. Ritzer, Modern Sociological Theory, 7th Edition, The McGraw-Hill
Companies, 2008.