History of Arnis
History of Arnis
History of Arnis
BSN 2-1
History of Arnis
The Philippines is an island nation rich in both culture and history. The Filipino martial art of
Arnis/Kali/Escrima has contributed to both the history and diversity of the Philippines. It is a martial art
characterized by the use of “swinging and twirling movements, accompanied by striking, thrusting and parrying
techniques for defense and offense.” Having been handed down from generation to generation for centuries, the
discipline hones the skill, speed, accuracy and agility of its practitioners.
Arnis was developed by the indigenous populations of the Philippines, who used an assorted range of
weaponry for combat and self-defense. Encompassing both simple impact and edged weapons, arnis traditionally
involved rattan, swords, daggers and spears.
Pre-Spanish Era
The History of Arnis dates back before the colonization of the Spaniards, during those periods it was called Kali
and the techniques of the art is focused on bladed weapons fighting. Kali was widely practiced throughout the
archipelago; both nobleman and commoners were enthusiast and practitioners of the said art. Also during those
days Kali is being taught in a school like training grounds, which was called Bothoan along with military tactics,
Alibata (Native Alphabet), and herbal medicines.
It also has other influences, as traders and settlers travelling through the Malay Region brought the silat
as well as Arab, Indian, and Chinese martial arts. A few of the people still localized Chinese combat methods called
the kuntaw.
Moreover, it has been theorized that Arnis/Kali/Eskrima may have Indian roots and came to the
Philippines through the people who traveled through Malaysia and Indonesia to the Philippines. Silambam, a stick-
staff-based, ancient, Indian martial art influenced numerous martial arts in Asia such as silat. Arnis may share
ancestry with the said systems – several Arnis movements resemble the short stick (kaji or kali) and other weapon-
based combat styles techniques of silambam.
Spanish Era
When the Spanish colonizers first came to the Philippines, they observed
weapons-based combat arts practiced by the Filipino natives, which are likely not related
to the modern-day Arnis. The earliest written records of the Philippines and the Filipino
life and culture were documented by the first Spanish explorers.
A few early expeditions fought tribesmen armed with knives and sticks. In 1521,
the Portuguese explorer, Ferdinand Magellan, was slain in Cebu at the legendary “Battle
of Mactan” by the Datu Lapu-Lapu’s forces. Several Arnisadors claim that these natives
killed the explorer in a sword fight, but historical evidence does not prove so.
When the Spanish eventually returned and successfully conquered parts of the Philippines, the traditions
of arnis were preserved, despite its prohibition, in the forms of ritual dance, performance and mock battles.
While earlier Filipino martial arts were influenced by Spanish colonization, the modern forms have been affected
by the country’s contact with both the United States and Japan after gaining independence in 1898.
In 1873, the fighting system was renamed “Arnis” derived from the word Arnes which means colorful
trapping on defensive armors used on the Moro-Moro plays. Some of the heroes of the Philippine revolution were
also practitioners of Arnis namely Andres Bonifacio, the spouses Diego and Gabriela Silang, and the young
General Gregorio Del Pilar. The National Hero Jose Rizal was also reported to practice the fighting system. As well
as the founder of Aglipayan Church Rev. Gregorio Aglipay was also recorded as a practitioner of the art.
One prominent feature of Arnis that may point to Spanish influence is Espada y
Daga (sword and dagger) method, which is a term utilized in fencing. The Filipino version
of the Espada y daga is quite different from the European rapier and dagger styles; the
stances are not the same as weapons utilized in are normally shorter that European-made
Following the Spanish colonization in the Philippines, a decree was established that
banned the common people from carrying weapons such as the Kampilan and Kris.
Regardless, the practitioners constantly found ways to keep and maintain the system alive,
using rattan-made sticks rather than actual swords. Several arts were passed down from
generation to generation.
Occasionally, the arts took the form of rituals or choreographed dances like the Sakuting stick dance.
Furthermore, as a result, an intricate and unique stick-based style evolved in the Luzon and Visayas regions.
Mindanao, on the other hand, retained exclusive blade-oriented methods because the Spaniards and even
Americans never entirely conquered the southern regions of the Philippines.
Modern Era