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Timestamp Score Nama Lengkap No Absen

6/6/2020 10:33:02 28 / 80 ADNAN FAUZI 1(satu)

6/6/2020 9:13:50 56 / 80 AJENG WAHYUNING M 2
6/6/2020 8:36:39 52 / 80 ANDRIAN HERA SANDY 3
6/6/2020 8:58:40 32 / 80 ARIA WAHYU NUGRAH 4
6/6/2020 9:04:25 32 / 80 EKA FEBIANTO 05
6/6/2020 9:23:17 54 / 80 ERVIN PRIANTO 6
6/6/2020 8:19:12 54 / 80 FAIZAL ADI NUGROHO 7
6/6/2020 8:49:14 52 / 80 FANDI HIDAYAH 8
6/6/2020 10:29:16 30 / 80 FERA NUR JULFIANA 9
6/6/2020 8:04:10 28 / 80 ISNAENI BEGYO WAHY 10
6/6/2020 9:09:29 52 / 80 JESIKA DAFA M 11
6/6/2020 9:41:18 50 / 80 M LUTFI FAJAR SIDIQ 12
6/6/2020 9:46:06 26 / 80 M ZOVAN VAHLEVI 12
6/6/2020 7:56:55 62 / 80 MUHAMMAD DAFFA'ZI 14
6/6/2020 9:04:13 30 / 80 NADHIA ARFIANI PUTRI 15
6/6/2020 9:20:03 38 / 80 RESTU MUHAMMAD FA 26
6/6/2020 7:38:02 32 / 80 RISKA MEILANI PUTRI 17
6/6/2020 8:58:27 58 / 80 RIZKY SAPUTRA 18
6/6/2020 10:13:00 34 / 80 ROLANDSYAH SUDEW 19
6/6/2020 10:53:56 70 / 80 SHAFAF AGIL MAULAN 20
6/6/2020 9:25:29 30 / 80 SYAHRUL HIDAYAT 21
6/6/2020 8:52:22 60 / 80 Talita zerlina azalia 22
6/6/2020 9:56:11 28 / 80 TEGAR LILO PRASETY 23
6/6/2020 8:22:02 70 / 80 WAHRI YULIANTO 24
6/6/2020 13:49:29 38 / 80 WAHYU RESTU WIJAY 25
6/6/2020 8:36:43 54 / 80 ASRINDA ALWITA WAN 1
6/6/2020 8:26:40 48 / 80 AYU PUSPITASARI 2
6/6/2020 8:27:46 24 / 80 BAGUS TRIYATAMA 3
6/6/2020 13:32:59 50 / 80 DAFFA YUANDA HAFIZ04
6/6/2020 7:30:37 36 / 80 DANANG PRAYOGO 5
6/6/2020 8:13:11 32 / 80 DIMAS CATUR PAMUN 6
6/6/2020 8:30:35 50 / 80 ERLAN DEFVANKA BAH 7
6/6/2020 9:55:26 30 / 80 FILYVIA MONTERA 8
6/6/2020 8:48:48 46 / 80 FIRMAN SYAH AVRILI 9
6/6/2020 8:04:57 48 / 80 Gita Cintya Rahmandani 10
6/6/2020 13:54:29 32 / 80 HILMY FATUROHMAN 10
6/6/2020 8:09:58 32 / 80 INDIT PAMULYAN 12
6/6/2020 8:47:43 42 / 80 IVAN ARDIANSYAH 13
6/6/2020 12:24:16 36 / 80 MUHAMAD ALDI PRAS 14
6/6/2020 10:08:20 52 / 80 MUHAMAD KHOLID ALF 15
6/6/2020 8:19:16 46 / 80 R.VITTO MAHENDRA P 16
6/6/2020 9:31:47 60 / 80 REIHAN FATTAH YOG 28
6/6/2020 9:15:16 48 / 80 Rino Mugi Wibowo 17
6/6/2020 8:53:12 56 / 80 RISKA OKTAVIA SARI 18
6/6/2020 8:32:39 18 / 80 RIZKY ALFARIz 19
6/6/2020 7:58:27 36 / 80 UJI LAKSONO 20
6/6/2020 7:40:47 40 / 80 WULANDARI ROIS RO 22
6/6/2020 8:10:47 28 / 80 YUSUF FATHONI 22
6/6/2020 8:33:44 36 / 80 AFIF FARHAN 1
6/6/2020 9:33:25 30 / 80 AGETTHA PUAN F.A 2
6/6/2020 9:05:00 66 / 80 ALFAN NIZAR ARIFIN 3
6/6/2020 9:19:55 56 / 80 AMANULLOH HASAN 4
6/6/2020 8:53:08 46 / 80 ANANDA ADAM PRATA 5
6/6/2020 8:07:46 62 / 80 ANDREA PARDOMUAN 6
6/6/2020 9:38:39 34 / 80 ANDREAN HANAFI 7
6/6/2020 8:54:02 62 / 80 DANIEL GIAN IMANUEL 8
6/6/2020 8:53:23 62 / 80 DWI ERYAN 9
6/6/2020 13:22:24 20 / 80 ERGI WIDIANTO 10
6/6/2020 8:11:41 44 / 80 FAUZI GIMNASTI 11
6/6/2020 8:52:41 52 / 80 FAUZIAH NISA NADA 12
6/6/2020 9:39:21 34 / 80 Klora alfianda 13
6/6/2020 8:48:58 32 / 80 LIDIA PERMANA PUTRI 14
6/6/2020 12:01:28 68 / 80 MAYLANI DWI NURNI'M 15
6/6/2020 7:24:24 20 / 80 NOVEL INDRA RAMAD 16
6/6/2020 12:39:27 70 / 80 Restu Mei Aditya 17
6/6/2020 9:09:00 32 / 80 SIGIT PRASETYO 18
6/6/2020 8:05:20 44 / 80 TAUFIK HIDAYAT 19
6/6/2020 10:01:03 60 / 80 THANDEUS FRANSISC 20
6/6/2020 8:48:07 32 / 80 WIKI HIDAYAH S 21
6/6/2020 9:11:52 68 / 80 Yogi Dwiki Sugandi 22
6/6/2020 9:08:12 32 / 80 AISYAH APRILLIA ADA 1
6/6/2020 9:33:29 20 / 80 Aloysius Arya Widyanto 2
6/6/2020 8:09:07 16 / 80 ARIS 3
6/6/2020 8:25:03 42 / 80 ELEN WAHYUNINGRUM 4
6/6/2020 8:35:03 32 / 80 FARIS PRADITA 05
6/6/2020 8:40:55 36 / 80 FITROHTUL SAHARANI 7
6/6/2020 8:43:20 34 / 80 ILHAM FAHMI 8
6/6/2020 7:58:24 48 / 80 M.OLGA NOITA PUTRA 11
6/6/2020 10:53:17 28 / 80 MACHMUD APRIYANTO 9
6/6/2020 7:12:52 12 / 80 Miftahul Huda Khoiru R 13
6/6/2020 8:29:48 24 / 80 Muhammad Aminudin 12
6/6/2020 13:59:27 60 / 80 MUHAMMAD FAJAR RU 10
6/6/2020 8:15:59 42 / 80 NOVA NUR EKARAHIM 14
6/6/2020 10:03:30 24 / 80 PUTRA APRIL ADANG 15
6/6/2020 7:26:46 14 / 80 PUTRI KHORI FEBIOLA 16
6/6/2020 8:51:48 28 / 80 QORIHUDARAMADHANI 17
6/6/2020 8:47:56 32 / 80 Raikhandra Putra Khusma 18
6/6/2020 8:03:21 32 / 80 RIZKY ADHIE YOSO P 19
6/6/2020 8:32:02 30 / 80 RIZQI IQBAL HANAFI 20
6/6/2020 7:44:06 70 / 80 SYIFALITA HIDAWANI 21
6/6/2020 8:01:44 38 / 80 TISTA ANDRIANI L 22
6/6/2020 8:47:19 44 / 80 YOGI AGASAPUTRA 23
6/6/2020 9:25:50 30 / 80 Zaenal abidin 25
6/6/2020 9:39:04 54 / 80 ADITYA RESA PRIANT 01
6/6/2020 10:01:28 32 / 80 ALDO ALVIAN ABDI PR 2
6/6/2020 10:35:36 60 / 80 ANUGRAH PRASTIKA Y 3
6/6/2020 9:57:00 34 / 80 BAYU TRI FATKUROHM 4
6/6/2020 8:29:57 60 / 80 DEVANGGA BAGUS AR 5
6/6/2020 10:53:07 50 / 80 DIVA KURNIA NUR SA 6
6/6/2020 8:54:06 6 / 80 EKO ADI YUWANTO 7
6/6/2020 9:28:40 56 / 80 FAIZAL FAIS AULIA F 8
6/6/2020 9:24:59 36 / 80 FENDI PRABOWO 9
6/6/2020 9:47:01 28 / 80 FERI KURNIAWAN 10
6/6/2020 10:52:19 52 / 80 FERNANDA ADI NUGR 11
6/6/2020 9:01:24 54 / 80 MAFTUH A'IN NURHAFI 12
6/6/2020 8:56:43 58 / 80 Muhammad Abyan Dzak 13
6/6/2020 11:33:19 32 / 80 NIRWANA SETYA PAMB 14
6/6/2020 9:30:51 38 / 80 NURACHARTO ADHI A 15
6/6/2020 10:35:37 54 / 80 RANGGI PRIANTORO 17
6/6/2020 12:03:31 42 / 80 RIAN SUTANTO 19
6/6/2020 10:16:17 44 / 80 RIKO BAYU SAPUTRA 19
6/6/2020 9:25:39 44 / 80 Rizki satria 21
6/6/2020 7:44:38 22 / 80 SUBHAN RAHMATUL JA 22
6/6/2020 9:30:26 52 / 80 TEGAR DIMAS BAYU S 24
6/6/2020 9:00:46 40 / 80 YUDI FA'AN ALWI 25
6/6/2020 10:25:07 42 / 80 YUHANES KRESNA ADI 26
6/6/2020 8:22:03 14 / 80 AHMAD FATUROHMAN 1
6/6/2020 8:28:00 36 / 80 AHMAD FAUZAN AZIDQ 2
6/6/2020 7:59:55 40 / 80 ARFAN FAIZAL PAMUN 3
6/6/2020 8:55:29 42 / 80 ARIF SANTOSA 04
6/6/2020 9:29:46 40 / 80 AZIZ SUKMA PURUHIT 5
6/6/2020 9:26:01 44 / 80 DAFFA PRIANDITA 6
6/6/2020 7:24:32 14 / 80 DANI RUDI IRAWAN 7
6/6/2020 8:22:52 62 / 80 DEBRI VANS PRATAMA 8
6/6/2020 8:34:51 44 / 80 DIAZ GAIZKA PUTRA 09
6/6/2020 8:47:11 38 / 80 DIKA RIYANSAH 10
6/6/2020 9:00:56 52 / 80 DIMAS ADHITYA 11
6/6/2020 8:43:02 40 / 80 FADILAH SAPUTRA 12
6/6/2020 8:39:26 40 / 80 GALANG RAMADHAN W 13
6/6/2020 9:02:03 54 / 80 KAKHA AGNIANSYAH 14
6/6/2020 8:34:06 14 / 80 MOHAMMAD ZAKY MUS 15
6/6/2020 8:51:09 38 / 80 MUHAMAD RAFLI FAUZ 16
6/6/2020 9:16:43 34 / 80 MUHAMMAD DWI LUQ 17
6/6/2020 8:43:05 44 / 80 PRATAMA TEGAR PAM 18
6/6/2020 8:41:56 40 / 80 PRIO WICAKSONO 19
6/6/2020 8:23:11 30 / 80 RISKI ADI SAPUTRA 20
6/6/2020 7:48:32 28 / 80 RULLY HASBI DODY R 21
6/6/2020 9:11:46 38 / 80 SAFRIL FIRMANSYAH 22
6/6/2020 8:41:36 50 / 80 TAUFIK HIDAYAT 23
6/6/2020 8:28:18 52 / 80 VICKY BAGUS ARDIAN 24
6/6/2020 10:32:13 50 / 80 WIKO KARTA MANGGA 25
6/6/2020 9:26:51 52 / 80 YUSUF ANDY DARMAW 26
6/6/2020 10:15:57 18 / 80 AGUM ALAMSYAH 01
6/6/2020 11:20:39 36 / 80 ALEXANDER JUNIOR T02
6/6/2020 8:17:06 14 / 80 ANANDA CAHYO LATIF03
6/6/2020 8:52:48 14 / 80 Cahyo widjiarto s 4
6/6/2020 8:52:57 30 / 80 DANANJAYA AGIL SAP 5
6/6/2020 7:34:13 40 / 80 DEKA NANDA PRATAM 6
6/6/2020 8:29:20 58 / 80 Ekwaereel Vesyah 7
6/6/2020 7:53:15 24 / 80 FARIE NUR RIDHA 8
6/6/2020 9:32:15 70 / 80 GALUH BAGAS PRAMU 9
6/6/2020 10:05:39 18 / 80 Gevara geblian a 10
6/6/2020 9:15:52 48 / 80 IRSYAD ADAM ARDIAN 11
6/6/2020 8:07:39 28 / 80 JABO AKVIN KUSYAGU 12
6/6/2020 10:33:30 70 / 80 KRISNANDO MURYANT 13
6/6/2020 11:17:25 22 / 80 LILIK SUGENG RIYADI 14
6/6/2020 9:43:35 42 / 80 Lukman jordantara Lukman Jordantara
6/6/2020 8:19:16 30 / 80 M. Azzriel i.s 17
6/6/2020 9:06:32 54 / 80 M. Rifqy Bilzaki 16
6/6/2020 12:10:46 24 / 80 MUHAMMAD IRHAM FA 18
6/6/2020 7:55:09 16 / 80 Mustofa KA 19
6/6/2020 10:46:18 30 / 80 Rendy M Arifin 20
6/6/2020 8:55:01 24 / 80 SAGAF ADNAN MAULA 21
6/6/2020 7:20:57 32 / 80 TEGUH PUJA NUGRAHA 22
6/6/2020 9:43:23 20 / 80 TirtaAnanda 23
6/6/2020 9:32:17 12 / 80 TONI SETIAWAN 24
6/6/2020 10:24:09 48 / 80 Willy Marsela 25
6/6/2020 11:24:38 14 / 80 ZAKIYUL FUAD DESTI 26
6/6/2020 14:39:47 32 / 80 PRIMA BRUILIAN LINT 16
6/6/2020 14:45:02 30 / 80 FERNANDO HARIS TRI 6
6/6/2020 14:46:51 28 / 80 YUGO WIRAWANT 24
6/6/2020 15:42:32 50 / 80 RISMA MAULANA 20
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aksanakan PAT Online sesuai Pakta Integritas di atas?
What make our body dirtI must take some rest, toMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtYou should lie down andWhat is your number? Could you speak to Mr. A
What is the cause of the I must take some rest, toMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why is our body dirty? You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What is the cause of the You should lie down andHow much is your numbeCould I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtI must take some rest, toMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why do you think of our You should lie down andWhat is your number? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtI must take some rest, toMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtI must take some rest, toMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtI must take some rest, toMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtI must take some rest, toMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What is the cause of the I must take some rest, toMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtI must take some rest, toMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtI must take some rest, toMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why do you think of our You can see the doctor tMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You can see the doctor tWhat is your number? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtYou should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtYou should lie down andWhat is your number? Can I take a message fr
Why do you think of our You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why do you think of our You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What is the cause of the I will take you to the hospMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtYou should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andWhat is your number? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why is our body dirty? You can see the doctor tMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtYou should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You can see the doctor tMay I have your number Could you speak to Mr. A
What do you think about You must sing What is your number? Would you like to call hi
What do you think about You should lie down andWhat is your number? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about I will take you to the hospMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtYou should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtYou should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why is our body dirty? You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about I must take some rest, toMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtI must take some rest, toWhat is your number? Would you like to call hi
What make our body dirtYou must sing May I have your number Would you like to call hi
Why do you think of our You should lie down andHow much is your numbeCould I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about I must take some rest, toWhere is your phone? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtYou should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtYou should lie down andMay I have your number Can I take a message fr
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could you speak to Mr. A
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtYou should lie down andMay I have your number Could you speak to Mr. A
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why is our body dirty? You should lie down andHow do you know my nuCould I speak to Mr. Azi
Why is our body dirty? You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtYou must sing May I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtI must take some rest, toMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andWhere is your phone? Would you like to call hi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why is our body dirty? I must take some rest, toMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtYou should lie down andWhere is your phone? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtYou should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about I must take some rest, toWhat is your number? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why is our body dirty? You can see the doctor tWhere is your phone? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What is the cause of the I must take some rest, toWhat is your number? Would you like to call hi
What do you think about You should lie down andWhat is your number? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about I must take some rest, toWhat is your number? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andWhat is your number? Could I help you?
What do you think about I must take some rest, toMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andWhat is your number? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtI must take some rest, toMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What is the cause of the I must take some rest, toMay I have your number Could you speak to Mr. A
What do you think about I must take some rest, toWhat is your number? Could you speak to Mr. A
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What is the cause of the You should lie down andWhat is your number? Could you speak to Mr. A
What is the cause of the I will take you to the hospMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtI will take you to the hospWhat is your number? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What is the cause of the You must sing May I have your number Can I take a message fr
What make our body dirtI must take some rest, toMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about I must take some rest, toWhat is your number? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why do you think of our You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You can see the doctor tMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What is the cause of the You should lie down andWhat is your number? Could you speak to Mr. A
Why do you think of our You should lie down andMay I have your number Would you like to call hi
What do you think about I must take some rest, toMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What is the cause of the I must take some rest, toMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why is our body dirty? You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why is our body dirty? You should lie down andWhat is your number? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtI will take you to the hospWhere is your phone? Could you speak to Mr. A
Why do you think of our I must take some rest, toMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtI must take some rest, toMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtI must take some rest, toMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why is our body dirty? You should lie down andWhat is your number? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about I must take some rest, toMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtI must take some rest, toMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtI must take some rest, toHow do you know my nuCould I speak to Mr. Azi
Why is our body dirty? You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why is our body dirty? You should lie down andWhere is your phone? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why is our body dirty? You should lie down andWhat is your number? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why do you think of our I must take some rest, toMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why is our body dirty? You can see the doctor tWhat is your number? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why is our body dirty? You should lie down andWhat is your number? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What is the cause of the You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andWhere is your phone? Could you speak to Mr. A
What is the cause of the I will take you to the hospWhere is your phone? Can I take a message fr
What is the cause of the You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why do you think of our You should lie down andWhat is your number? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why do you think of our You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What is the cause of the You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andHow much is your numbeCould you speak to Mr. A
What is the cause of the I will take you to the hospWhere is your phone? Can I take a message fr
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why do you think of our You should lie down andWhat is your number? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why do you think of our You should lie down andWhat is your number? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why do you think of our You should lie down andWhat is your number? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why do you think of our You should lie down andWhat is your number? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why is our body dirty? You can see the doctor tWhat is your number? Could you speak to Mr. A
Why do you think of our You must sing What is your number? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about I must take some rest, toWhat is your number? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why do you think of our You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why do you think of our You should lie down andWhat is your number? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtYou should lie down andWhat is your number? Could you speak to Mr. A
What do you think about You can see the doctor tWhat is your number? Can I take a message fr
What do you think about You should lie down andWhere is your phone? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What is the cause of the You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtYou can see the doctor tHow much is your numbeCould I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You must sing May I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why is our body dirty? You should lie down andHow do you know my nuCan I take a message fr
What do you think about You can see the doctor tWhere is your phone? Can I take a message fr
What is the cause of the You should lie down andWhat is your number? Could you speak to Mr. A
What do you think about You can see the doctor tHow much is your numbeCould I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What is the cause of the You must sing May I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You can see the doctor tMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why is our body dirty? I will take you to the hospMay I have your number Could I help you?
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You can see the doctor tWhat is your number? Would you like to call hi
Why is our body dirty? You must sing May I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You should lie down andWhat is your number? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What do you think about You must sing May I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What is the cause of the You must sing May I have your number Could you speak to Mr. A
Why do you think of our You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I help you?
What is the cause of the I will take you to the hospHow much is your numbeCould you speak to Mr. A
What do you think about I must take some rest, toHow much is your numbeCould I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtI will take you to the hospWhere is your phone? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why is our body dirty? You can see the doctor tWhat is your number? Can I take a message fr
What is the cause of the You should lie down andMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
What make our body dirtYou must sing What is your number? Could you speak to Mr. A
What make our body dirtI must take some rest, toMay I have your number Could I speak to Mr. Azi
Why is our body dirty? You should lie down andHow much is your numbeWould you like to call hi
What is the cause of the You should lie down andHow much is your numbeWould you like to call hi
Why is our body dirty? You should lie down andWhat is your number? Could I speak to Mr. Azi
The purpose of th If the staff can’t attend We read 06.30p.m………..
Can you come? To invite someone to com Send a message a day be A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message on meetA half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be A half past six in the eve
Can you come? To invite someone to com Send a message a day be A half past seven in the
Wait a moment, please To invite the staff to la Send a message a day be A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to la Send a message a day be A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite someone to pr Send a message on meetA half past seven in the
Can you come? To invite someone to com Send a message a day be A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be A half past seven in the
Can you come? To invite someone to com Send a message a day be A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be A half past seven in the
May I have your name? To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be A half past seven in the
Can you come? To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be A half past seven in the
Can you come? To invite someone to com Send a message a day be A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Call the secretary A half past seven in the
Can you come? To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be A half past six in the eve
Can you come? To invite someone to com Send a message a day be A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to la Send a message a day be A half past six in the eve
Can you come? To invite someone to pr Send a message a day be A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be A half past seven in the
Can you hold the line? To attend the annual mee Send a message a day be A half past six in the mor
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to la Send a message a day be A half past seven in the
Wait a moment, please To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be A half past six in the mor
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To attend the annual mee Call the secretary A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be A half past six in the mor
Can you come? To attend the annual mee Send a message a day be A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to la Send a message a day be A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message on meetA half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be A half past six in the eve
Wait a moment, please To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To attend the annual mee Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Can you hold the line? To attend the annual mee Send a message a day be
A half past six in the mor
Can you hold the line? To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To attend the annual mee Write a letter A half past six in the eve
Wait a moment, please To invite the staff to la Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Can you come? To invite the staff to co Write a letter A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to la Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Wait a moment, please To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To attend the annual mee Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Can you come? To invite someone to com Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to la Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To attend the annual mee Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Can you come? To invite the staff to co Write a letter A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To attend the annual mee Call the secretary A half past six in the eve
Can you come? To invite someone to com Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Can you come? To invite someone to com Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite someone to com Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to la Send a message a day be
A half past six in the mor
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Can you come? To invite someone to com Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite someone to pr Send a message a day be A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To attend the annual mee Send a message a day be
A half past six in the mor
Can you come? To invite someone to com Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To invite someone to com Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Wait a moment, please To invite the staff to la Call the secretary A half past six in the eve
Wait a moment, please To invite someone to pr Call the secretary A half past six in the eve
Wait a moment, please To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the mor
Would you like to leave To invite someone to com Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
May I have your name? To invite the staff to co Leave a note A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To invite someone to com Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Leave a note A half past six in the eve
Can you come? To invite someone to com Call the secretary A half past six in the mor
Can you come? To invite someone to pr Write a letter A half past six in the mor
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to la Send a message on meetA half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the mor
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message on meetA half past six in the mor
Can you hold the line? To invite someone to pr Write a letter A half past six in the mor
Wait a moment, please To invite the staff to co Call the secretary A half past six in the mor
Can you come? To invite someone to com Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite someone to com Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Wait a moment, please To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Can you come? To invite the staff to la Call the secretary A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the mor
Can you come? To attend the annual mee Send a message on meetA half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Can you come? To invite someone to com Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Can you come? To invite someone to com Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite someone to com Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Wait a moment, please To invite the staff to la Send a message on meetA half past six in the mor
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Can you come? To invite someone to com Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Can you come? To invite someone to com Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the mor
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Can you come? To invite someone to com Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Can you come? To invite the staff to co Send a message on meetA half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Can you hold the line? To invite someone to pr Leave a note A half past six in the mor
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Wait a moment, please To invite the staff to la Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the mor
May I have your name? To invite someone to com Call the secretary A half past six in the mor
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the mor
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to la Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Wait a moment, please To attend the annual mee Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to la Call the secretary A half past six in the mor
May I have your name? To invite someone to com Call the secretary A half past six in the mor
Would you like to leave To attend the annual mee Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the mor
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the mor
Would you like to leave To invite someone to com Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the mor
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the mor
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To invite someone to pr Write a letter At Seven in the evening
Would you like to leave To invite someone to com Send a message on meetA half past six in the mor
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Can you come? To invite the staff to la Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the mor
Wait a moment, please To attend the annual mee Send a message a day be
A half past six in the mor
Wait a moment, please To attend the annual mee Send a message a day be
At Seven in the evening
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Leave a note A half past six in the mor
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite someone to com Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To invite someone to com Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To invite someone to com Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
May I have your name? To invite the staff to la Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to la Call the secretary A half past seven in the
Can you hold the line? To invite the staff to la Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Can you come? To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Call the secretary A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the mor
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To attend the annual mee Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
May I have your name? To attend the annual mee Call the secretary A half past six in the mor
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to la Call the secretary A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Can you hold the line? To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to la Call the secretary A half past seven in the
Can you come? To invite the staff to co Call the secretary A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to la Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To attend the annual mee Call the secretary A half past seven in the
May I have your name? To attend the annual mee Call the secretary A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to la Call the secretary A half past seven in the
Would you like to leave To invite someone to pr Send a message a day be A half past six in the eve
May I have your name? To attend the annual mee Send a message a day be
A half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To invite someone to pr Send a message a day be A half past seven in the
Wait a moment, please To invite the staff to co Call the secretary A half past six in the mor
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Can you hold the line? To invite someone to pr Send a message on meetA half past six in the mor
Can you come? To invite someone to com Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
Wait a moment, please To invite the staff to co Send a message on meetA half past six in the eve
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message on meetA half past six in the mor
Would you like to leave To invite the staff to co Send a message a day be
A half past seven in the
30p.m……….. I’m just writing to let y Why does Mike live in L But on the bright side it
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondCorner
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondDark
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
Oh sorry Mike Because he doesn’t workShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because he doesn’t workShiny
It seems nice to go with John Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because he likes in Lon Shiny
I’m sorry, I can’t John Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because he is bored in Shiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because his family lives Shiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondDark
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because he likes in Lon Boring
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
Forgive me John Because of a job in LondDark
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because he likes in Lon Boring
It seems nice to go with John Because of a job in LondDark
I’m sorry, I can’t John Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondDark
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t John Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because his family lives narrow
I’m sorry, I can’t John Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t John Because he is bored in Shiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondDark
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondDark
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with John Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with John’s family Because he is bored in Boring
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
Next time I think Mike Because he is bored in Boring
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
Oh sorry Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with John Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t John Because of a job in LondCorner
Next time I think John Because he doesn’t workCorner
Next time I think Mike Because he likes in Lon Shiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t John Because of a job in LondCorner
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in Londnarrow
I’m sorry, I can’t John Because of a job in LondCorner
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in Londnarrow
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondDark
It seems nice to go with Mike Because he is bored in Boring
It seems nice to go with Mike’s family Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondDark
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because he is bored in Boring
It seems nice to go with John’s family Because of a job in LondBoring
I’m sorry, I can’t John Because of a job in LondDark
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t John Because of a job in LondCorner
Next time I think Mike Because of a job in LondDark
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t John Because of a job in LondDark
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondDark
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t John’s family Because his family lives Boring
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because his family lives Shiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with John’s family Because he is bored in Corner
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
Forgive me John Because he is bored in Shiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike’s family Because of a job in LondDark
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike’s family Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t John’s family Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike’s family Because of a job in LondDark
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
Next time I think Mike Because he doesn’t workShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in Londnarrow
Oh sorry John Because he is bored in narrow
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t John Because of a job in LondCorner
I’m sorry, I can’t John Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
Next time I think John Because of a job in LondDark
Next time I think Mike Because he is bored in Dark
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondBoring
It seems nice to go with John Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
Oh sorry Mike Because his family lives Boring
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because he doesn’t worknarrow
Oh sorry John’s family Because he is bored in Boring
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondCorner
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because he doesn’t workBoring
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
Forgive me John Because of a job in LondCorner
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with John’s family Because of a job in Londnarrow
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
Forgive me Mike’s family Because he is bored in Boring
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondDark
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondCorner
Oh sorry Mike Because of a job in Londnarrow
Forgive me John Because of a job in Londnarrow
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
Forgive me John’s family Because of a job in LondShiny
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondDark
Oh sorry John and Mike Because he likes in Lon Dark
Forgive me John and Mike Because of a job in LondBoring
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
Forgive me John Because he is bored in Dark
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
It seems nice to go with Mike Because of a job in LondDark
I’m sorry, I can’t John’s family Because his family lives Dark
I’m sorry, I can’t Mike Because of a job in LondShiny
The salutation of the le The purpose of the text The next step after you aThen, a light should app
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu come
Dear John, To explain how to use thelet you know the camera come
Keep in touch To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed ancome
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu come
Dear John, To explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu show
Dear John, To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
Dear John, To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u let you know the camera come
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu come
Dear John, To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed ancome
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed ancome
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu come
Keep in touch To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu come
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu come
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu come
All the best To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu come
Dear John, To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu come
All the best To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu come
Dear John, To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed ancome
Dear John, To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anshow
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
Keep in touch To explain the ways to u manage the zoom controlsurface
Dear John, To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anshow
All the best To explain the ways to u let you know the camera turn
i on
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u manage the zoom controlturn on
Dear John, To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u manage the zoom controlturn on
Dear John, To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anshow
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anturn on
Keep in touch To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
Keep in touch To explain the ways to u let you know the camera turn
i on
Dear John, To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anturn on
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
Dear John, To explain the ways to u manage the zoom controlmiss
Keep in touch To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anshow
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u press shutter all the way miss
All the best To explain the ways to u press shutter all the way come
Dear John, To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed ancome
Keep in touch To explain the ways to u let you know the camera surface
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu come
All the best To explain the ways to u manage the zoom controlcome
Keep in touch To explain the ways to u press shutter all the way come
Dear John, To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
Dear John, To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anshow
Dear John, To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anshow
Keep in touch To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
Dear John, To explain the ways to mamanage the zoom controlcome
Dear John, To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anshow
Keep in touch To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to tulet you know the camera missi
All the best To explain the ways to u manage the zoom controlshow
All the best To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed ancome
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu come
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu come
Dear John, To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
All the best To explain the ways to mapress shutter all the way turn on
Dear John, To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu come
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed ansurface
Keep in touch To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu come
Dear John, To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu turn on
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to let you know the camera show i
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to Handle the camera and tu miss
All the best To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed ancome
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu turn on
All the best To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anturn on
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu turn on
All the best To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anturn on
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu come
Keep in touch To explain the ways to u let you know the camera surface
Dear John, To explain the ways to u manage the zoom controlshow
Dear John, To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anshow
Keep in touch To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to manage the zoom controlturn on
All the best To explain the ways to tumanage the zoom controlturn on
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u manage the zoom controlcome
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu come
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu turn on
Keep in touch To explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu show
Dear John, To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
Keep in touch To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
Keep in touch To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu show
Keep in touch To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu come
Dear John, To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed ancome
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu come
Keep in touch To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anshow
Dear John, To explain the ways to u press shutter all the way come
All the best To explain the ways to mapress shutter all the way come
Keep in touch To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anturn on
Dear John, To explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu come
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu come
Dear John, To explain the ways to u press shutter all the way come
Keep in touch To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
Keep in touch To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anshow
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu come
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu come
Dear John, To explain the ways to u press shutter all the way come
Dear John, To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed ancome
Dear John, To explain the ways to u press shutter all the way come
All the best To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed ancome
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u let you know the camera showi
Dear John, To explain the ways to u press shutter all the way come
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed ancome
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed ancome
Dear John, To explain how to use thehold the shutter speed anshow
All the best To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed ancome
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anshow
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anshow
All the best To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anturn on
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anturn on
Dear John, To explain how to use thehold the shutter speed anshow
Keep in touch To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed ansurface
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u manage the zoom controlshow
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anshow
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anshow
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anshow
All the best To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed ancome
Dear John, To explain the ways to u let you know the camera come
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u let you know the camera come
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu turn on
Keep in touch To explain the ways to u let you know the camera miss
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anshow
Dear John, To explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu show
Dear John, To explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu turn on
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anturn on
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed ansurface
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anshow
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anshow
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anshow
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u manage the zoom controlmiss
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u let you know the camera come
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to ma let you know the camera show
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to ma let you know the camera turn
i on
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anshow
All the best To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anturn on
Dear John, To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to u press shutter all the way show
Dear John, To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
Keep in touch To explain the ways to Handle the camera and tu show
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anturn on
As you know, I went for aTo explain the ways to tumanage the zoom controlcome
Dear John, To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
Dear John, To explain the ways to tuHandle the camera and tu miss
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u let you know the camera come
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu turn on
Keep in touch To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anmiss
Keep in touch To explain the ways to manage the zoom controlcome
Keep in touch To explain the ways to Handle the camera and tu come
All the best To explain the ways to u hold the shutter speed anturn on
Dear John, To explain the ways to Handle the camera and tu turn on
All the best To explain the ways to u let you know the camera miss
Keep in touch To explain how to use thelet you know the camera show
All the best To explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu come
Keep in touch To explain the ways to u press shutter all the way turn on
Keep in touch To explain the ways to let you know the camera miss i
I’m just writing to let y To explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu come
Dear John, To explain the ways to u Handle the camera and tu come
Dear John, To explain the ways to u let you know the camera surface
Dear John, To explain the ways to u press shutter all the way come
18.When do the Venus e“….it is covered the sur “….most people don’t seI will give him chocola
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He meet me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He meet me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He meet me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He came to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event is saw by mosHe meets me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These event is seen by He met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He meets me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He meets me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events were seenHe come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He meets me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events were seenHe met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He came to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events were seenHe meet me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events were seenHe meet me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He meet me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He came to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These event is seen by He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He meet me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He came to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He meet me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events were seenHe met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These event is seen by He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He came to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He meet me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He meet me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events were seenHe come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He meets me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event is saw by mosHe meets me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He meets me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He meet me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These event is seen by He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He meet me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He meets me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He meets me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These event is seen by He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He meets me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He meet me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He meets me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He meets me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He meets me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He came to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events were seenHe meet me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He meet me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He meet me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events were seenHe came to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events were seenHe meets me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events were seenHe come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These event is seen by He meet me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He meets me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events were seenHe meet me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These event is seen by He came to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He meets me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events were seenHe come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events were seenHe came to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He meet me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These event is seen by He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He came to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He meet me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He meet me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event is saw by mosHe come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He met me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He meets me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event is saw by mosHe come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon These events are not se He meet me
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He come to my house
When the position of the The surface of the Moon This event was not seen He come to my house
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If we studied hard, They would have had a What is the kind of the t These sentences are
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Analytical exposition textThe flower head is actual
We would get a high scoThey had saved much mFactual report text To grow well, sunflowers
We will get a high score They worked hard Biography text To grow well, sunflowers
We will get a high score They had saved much mAnalytical exposition textThe flower head is actual
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Analytical exposition textThe flower head is actual
We would get a high scoThey worked hard Factual report text The flower head is actual
We will get a high score They had much money Analytical exposition textTo grow well, sunflowers
We will get a high score They had much money Factual report text To grow well, sunflowers
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Factual report text The flower head is actual
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Analytical exposition textThe flower head is actual
We would get a high scoThey had saved much mProcedure text They grow best in fertile,
We will get a high score They had saved much mFactual report text To grow well, sunflowers
We would have gotten a They worked hard Analytical exposition textThe flower head is actual
We will get a high score They had saved much mFactual report text To grow well, sunflowers
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Analytical exposition textThe flower head is actual
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Factual report text The flower head is actual
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Analytical exposition textThe flower head is actual
We would have gotten a They had saved much mFactual report text To grow well, sunflowers
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Procedure text The flower head is actual
We would get a high scoThey had saved much mFactual report text To grow well, sunflowers
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Analytical exposition textThe flower head is actual
We would get a high scoThey had saved much mExplanation text To grow well, sunflowers
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Analytical exposition textThe benefit to the plant i
We would get a high scoThey had saved much mFactual report text To grow well, sunflowers
We will get a high score They had much money Explanation text The flower head is actual
We will have a good rankThey saved much moneyExplanation text To grow well, sunflowers
We would have gotten a They worked hard Factual report text To grow well, sunflowers
We will have a good rankThey had saved much mExplanation text The sunflowers are annua
We will get a high score They worked hard Explanation text The flower head is actual
We will get a high score They had saved much mExplanation text The sunflowers are annua
We would have gotten a They worked hard Explanation text The benefit to the plant i
We would have gotten a They had saved much mAnalytical exposition textTo grow well, sunflowers
We would have gotten a They worked hard Explanation text The sunflowers are annua
We would have gotten a They had saved much mFactual report text To grow well, sunflowers
We would have gotten a They worked hard Analytical exposition textTo grow well, sunflowers
We would have gotten a They worked hard Biography text The benefit to the plant i
We would have gotten a They saved much moneyExplanation text The flower head is actual
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Analytical exposition textTo grow well, sunflowers
We will get a high score They saved much moneyBiography text They grow best in fertile,
We would have gotten a They worked hard Analytical exposition textTo grow well, sunflowers
We would have gotten a They worked hard Explanation text To grow well, sunflowers
We will get a high score They worked hard Explanation text To grow well, sunflowers
We will get a high score They had much money Analytical exposition textTo grow well, sunflowers
We would have gotten a They had saved much mFactual report text To grow well, sunflowers
We would get a high scoThey had much money Explanation text They grow best in fertile,
We will have a good rankThey had much money Analytical exposition textTo grow well, sunflowers
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Factual report text The sunflowers are annua
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Analytical exposition textThe benefit to the plant i
We will get a high score They had much money Explanation text To grow well, sunflowers
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Explanation text The sunflowers are annua
We would get a high scoThey had saved much mBiography text To grow well, sunflowers
We will get a high score They had saved much mExplanation text To grow well, sunflowers
We would get a high scoThey had much money Analytical exposition textTo grow well, sunflowers
We would have gotten a They had saved much mExplanation text To grow well, sunflowers
We would get a high scoThey worked hard Analytical exposition textThe flower head is actual
We would have gotten a They had saved much mFactual report text To grow well, sunflowers
We would have gotten a They had saved much mExplanation text To grow well, sunflowers
We will get a bad score They worked hard Explanation text They grow best in fertile,
We will get a high score They had much money Explanation text To grow well, sunflowers
We would have gotten a They worked hard Factual report text To grow well, sunflowers
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Factual report text The flower head is actual
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Biography text They grow best in fertile,
We would get a high scoThey had saved much mFactual report text To grow well, sunflowers
We will have a good rankThey had saved much mAnalytical exposition textThey grow best in fertile,
We would get a high scoThey had saved much mFactual report text To grow well, sunflowers
We will have a good rankThey had used much moBiography text The flower head is actual
We will get a high score They worked hard Procedure text To grow well, sunflowers
We would have gotten a They had saved much mExplanation text To grow well, sunflowers
We will get a high score They worked hard Analytical exposition textThe flower head is actual
We would get a high scoThey had saved much mFactual report text To grow well, sunflowers
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Analytical exposition textThe flower head is actual
We would get a high scoThey worked hard Biography text They grow best in fertile,
We will have a good rankThey saved much moneyProcedure text The sunflowers are annua
We will get a high score They worked hard Explanation text They grow best in fertile,
We will have a good rankThey had used much moAnalytical exposition textThe flower head is actual
We will get a high score They worked hard Procedure text To grow well, sunflowers
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Analytical exposition textThe flower head is actual
We will get a high score They worked hard Procedure text To grow well, sunflowers
We will get a high score They worked hard Analytical exposition textThe flower head is actual
We will get a bad score They saved much moneyAnalytical exposition textThe benefit to the plant i
We will get a high score They had saved much mFactual report text They grow best in fertile,
We will get a high score They had saved much mAnalytical exposition textTo grow well, sunflowers
We would have gotten a They had much money Analytical exposition textTo grow well, sunflowers
We would have gotten a They worked hard Explanation text The benefit to the plant i
We will get a bad score They had used much moExplanation text They grow best in fertile,
We will get a high score They saved much moneyAnalytical exposition textThe sunflowers are annua
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Analytical exposition textThe flower head is actual
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Analytical exposition textThe flower head is actual
We would have gotten a They worked hard Analytical exposition textThe sunflowers are annua
We would get a high scoThey had saved much mFactual report text To grow well, sunflowers
We will get a high score They worked hard Explanation text The flower head is actual
We would get a high scoThey had much money Analytical exposition textTo grow well, sunflowers
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Biography text The sunflowers are annua
We will have a good rankThey had much money Analytical exposition textTo grow well, sunflowers
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Analytical exposition textThe flower head is actual
We will get a high score They had much money Explanation text To grow well, sunflowers
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Analytical exposition textThe flower head is actual
We would get a high scoThey had saved much mExplanation text The benefit to the plant i
We will get a bad score They had much money Biography text To grow well, sunflowers
We would have gotten a They saved much moneyAnalytical exposition textTo grow well, sunflowers
We will get a high score They had saved much mAnalytical exposition textTo grow well, sunflowers
We will have a good rankThey had saved much mAnalytical exposition textThe flower head is actual
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Analytical exposition textThe flower head is actual
We would have gotten a They had much money Analytical exposition textTo grow well, sunflowers
We will have a good rankThey had much money Analytical exposition textTo grow well, sunflowers
We will get a high score They had much money Factual report text To grow well, sunflowers
We will get a high score They worked hard Analytical exposition textThe flower head is actual
We will get a high score They had saved much mAnalytical exposition textThe flower head is actual
We will get a bad score They had much money Analytical exposition textTo grow well, sunflowers
We will get a bad score They had much money Analytical exposition textTo grow well, sunflowers
We will get a bad score They worked hard Analytical exposition textTo grow well, sunflowers
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Analytical exposition textThey grow best in fertile,
We would get a high scoThey had used much moExplanation text To grow well, sunflowers
We will get a bad score They had much money Analytical exposition textTo grow well, sunflowers
We will have a good rankThey had much money Analytical exposition textTo grow well, sunflowers
We will get a high score They worked hard Explanation text To grow well, sunflowers
We would have gotten a They had used much moFactual report text The benefit to the plant i
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Explanation text The benefit to the plant i
We will get a high score They worked hard Analytical exposition textThe sunflowers are annua
We will get a high score They worked hard Analytical exposition textThe sunflowers are annua
We will get a high score They had saved much mAnalytical exposition textThe sunflowers are annua
We will get a high score They had saved much mAnalytical exposition textTo grow well, sunflowers
We would have gotten a They had used much moFactual report text The benefit to the plant i
We would have gotten a They had saved much mExplanation text To grow well, sunflowers
We will get a high score They worked hard Analytical exposition textThe sunflowers are annua
We will get a high score They worked hard Analytical exposition textThe sunflowers are annua
We will have a good rankThey had much money Explanation text To grow well, sunflowers
We will get a high score They worked hard Analytical exposition textThe sunflowers are annua
We will get a high score They worked hard Analytical exposition textThe sunflowers are annua
We will get a high score They had used much moExplanation text To grow well, sunflowers
We would have gotten a They had much money Analytical exposition textThey grow best in fertile,
We will have a good rankThey had saved much mAnalytical exposition textTo grow well, sunflowers
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Analytical exposition textThe flower head is actual
We would get a high scoThey saved much moneyAnalytical exposition textThe benefit to the plant i
We will get a high score They worked hard Analytical exposition textThe flower head is actual
We would get a high scoThey worked hard Analytical exposition textThe flower head is actual
We would get a high scoThey had saved much mAnalytical exposition textThe benefit to the plant i
We will get a bad score They worked hard Analytical exposition textThe sunflowers are annua
We would have gotten a They had saved much mBiography text To grow well, sunflowers
We will have a good rankThey had much money Explanation text To grow well, sunflowers
We will have a good rankThey had much money Explanation text To grow well, sunflowers
We will have a good rankThey had much money Explanation text To grow well, sunflowers
We will get a high score They saved much moneyAnalytical exposition textTo grow well, sunflowers
We will get a high score They worked hard Biography text The benefit to the plant i
We would get a high scoThey saved much moneyProcedure text They grow best in fertile,
We would get a high scoThey worked hard Explanation text The benefit to the plant i
We will get a high score They worked hard Procedure text The sunflowers are annua
We will get a high score They worked hard Analytical exposition textTo grow well, sunflowers
We would get a high scoThey had used much moBiography text The benefit to the plant i
We would get a high scoThey worked hard Biography text The sunflowers are annua
We would get a high scoThey had saved much mFactual report text To grow well, sunflowers
We will get a high score They had saved much mBiography text The sunflowers are annua
We will get a high score They worked hard Factual report text The flower head is actual
We will have a good rankThey had much money Explanation text The flower head is actual
We would get a high scoThey had saved much mFactual report text To grow well, sunflowers
We will get a bad score They had used much moFactual report text They grow best in fertile,
We would get a high scoThey worked hard Procedure text The benefit to the plant i
We will get a high score They worked hard Biography text The sunflowers are annua
We will get a high score They worked hard Explanation text To grow well, sunflowers
We will get a high score They had saved much mAnalytical exposition textThe sunflowers are annua
We will get a high score They had much money Analytical exposition textThe flower head is actual
We will get a high score They had much money Procedure text The sunflowers are annua
We will get a high score They had used much moAnalytical exposition textThe benefit to the plant i
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Analytical exposition textThey grow best in fertile,
We will get a high score They had used much moExplanation text To grow well, sunflowers
We will get a bad score They had much money Explanation text The flower head is actual
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Procedure text The benefit to the plant i
We will have a good rankThey saved much moneyExplanation text They grow best in fertile,
We will have a good rankThey worked hard Analytical exposition textThe flower head is actual
We will get a high score They worked hard Explanation text The sunflowers are annua
We would get a high scoThey had used much moProcedure text The flower head is actual
We will get a bad score They had much money Analytical exposition textTo grow well, sunflowers
How is the flower head oThe flower head is actualWhich city is called sunf How did heart attack ha
large Big Kansas obesity potentially rises
large Cute Kansas Due to the overweight, th
tiny Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
tiny Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Huge Kansas cause diabetes and other
large Small Kansas obesity potentially rises
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Australia Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
medium Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
tiny Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Holland obesity potentially rises
large Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
tiny Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
medium Small Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas cause diabetes and other
large Small Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Small Kansas Due to the overweight, th
tiny Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Small Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
tiny Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
small Small Kansas Due to the overweight, th
small Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
small Cute Australia obesity potentially rises
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
tiny Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
small Cute Kansas Due to the overweight, th
tiny Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
medium Small Australia obesity potentially rises
large Big Kansas cause diabetes and other
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Holland Due to the overweight, th
tiny Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
small Big Africa obesity potentially rises
large Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
tiny Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
tiny Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
tiny Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
tiny Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
medium Small Australia obesity potentially rises
tiny Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
long Big Australia Due to the overweight, th
large Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Small Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Small Kansas obesity potentially rises
tiny Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas obesity potentially rises
medium Huge Holland obesity potentially rises
tiny Huge Australia obesity potentially rises
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas obesity potentially rises
medium Cute Kansas change the amount of sug
large Big Kansas obesity potentially rises
large Big Kansas change the amount of sug
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
small Small Africa cause diabetes and other
small Cute Holland Due to the overweight, th
large Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
medium Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
small Small Kansas Due to the overweight, th
small Small Africa obesity potentially rises
long Pretty Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas obesity potentially rises
tiny Small Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Cute Kansas Due to the overweight, th
medium Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
small Huge Africa Due to the overweight, th
tiny Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
tiny Big Australia Due to the overweight, th
large Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas cause diabetes and other
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
long Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
medium Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
long Big Singapore Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
tiny Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
medium Huge Holland Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
medium Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
tiny Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
small Big Holland change the amount of sug
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
tiny Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
medium Huge Kansas obesity potentially rises
large Big Kansas obesity potentially rises
small Big Holland change the amount of sug
tiny Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
tiny Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Small Kansas Due to the overweight, th
tiny Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
tiny Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
small Small Kansas Due to the overweight, th
medium Big Holland Due to the overweight, th
large Small Holland Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas obesity potentially rises
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
tiny Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas change the amount of sug
long Big Kansas obesity potentially rises
tiny Big Kansas obesity potentially rises
large Big Kansas obesity potentially rises
large Small Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Small Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Small Kansas Due to the overweight, th
long Cute Australia Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas change the amount of sug
medium Cute Australia Due to the overweight, th
tiny Small Australia Due to the overweight, th
large Small Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
medium Big Kansas obesity potentially rises
large Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
long Huge Kansas change the amount of sug
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
medium Small Kansas obesity potentially rises
large Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
long Huge Holland cause diabetes and other
large Big Kansas obesity potentially rises
small Cute Kansas obesity potentially rises
large Huge Kansas Due to the overweight, th
long Cute Kansas Due to the overweight, th
small Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
large Small Kansas Due to the overweight, th
small Big Africa Due to the overweight, th
small Small Singapore change the amount of sug
tiny Huge Holland change the amount of sug
long Cute Kansas obesity potentially rises
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
tiny Small Australia Due to the overweight, th
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
tiny Cute Kansas change the amount of sug
tiny Small Australia cause diabetes and other
large Big Kansas Due to the overweight, th
What is the writer purpose
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To give information aboutGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To persuade the reader Thesis,
n events and conclIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eDecreases Biography text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information abouThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information abouThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To persuade the reader Thesis,
n arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eDecreases Biography text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eBring down Biography text
To give information abouMaterials and steps Increases Analytical exposition text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eIncreases Analytical exposition text
To persuade the reader thThesis, events and conclBring down Biography text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eIncreases Analytical exposition text
To persuade the reader General
n statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information abouGeneral statement and eIncreases Analytical exposition text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information abouThesis, events and conclIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Analytical exposition text
To give information abouThesis, arguments and cIncreases News item
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cBring down Biography text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eBring down Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Analytical exposition text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cDecreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, events and conclIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To persuade the reader tThesis, events and conclBring down Biography text
To give information abouThesis, background and Increases Explanation text
To give information abouThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To persuade the reader General
n statement and eDecreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information abouGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information abouGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To persuade the reader Thesis,
n events and conclBring down Explanation text
To give information abouThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To persuade the reader tThesis, arguments and cLowen Biography text
To give information abouGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, events and conclIncreases Explanation text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Factual Report text
To give information abouThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information abouThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information abouThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To persuade the reader th
Thesis, events and conclIncreases Biography text
To give information abouThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information abouThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, events and conclLowen Explanation text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information abouGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To persuade the reader th
General statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To persuade the reader th
Thesis, arguments and cDecreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information abouGeneral statement and ePull Biography text
To give information abouThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To persuade the reader th
General statement and eIncreases News item
To persuade the reader th
Materials and steps Bring down Factual Report text
To give information abouMaterials and steps Lowen Analytical exposition text
To give information abouGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutMaterials and steps Increases News item
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, events and conclIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To persuade the reader th
General statement and ePull Analytical exposition text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cBring down Explanation text
To give information abouThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information abouThesis, arguments and cPull Biography text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eBring down Biography text
To persuade the reader tThesis, events and conclLowen Analytical exposition text
To give information aboutThesis, events and conclIncreases Biography text
To give information abouGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To persuade the reader th
General statement and eBring down Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information abouThesis, arguments and cPull Biography text
To give information abouThesis, arguments and cPull Biography text
To give information abouThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information abouThesis, background and Increases Biography text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information abouThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information abouMaterials and steps Increases Analytical exposition text
To persuade the reader th
Thesis, arguments and cIncreases Explanation text
To give information aboutThesis, background and Bring down Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Analytical exposition text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and ePull Analytical exposition text
To give information abouThesis, background and Increases Biography text
To give information abouThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, events and conclIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To persuade the reader th
Thesis, events and conclBring down Biography text
To give information abouThesis, background and Increases Biography text
To give information abouThesis, events and conclLowen Analytical exposition text
To give information abouThesis, background and Increases Analytical exposition text
To give information abouGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To persuade the reader tThesis, events and conclBring down Biography text
To give information abouThesis, background and Increases Biography text
To give information aboutMaterials and steps Increases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cDecreases Explanation text
To give information aboutThesis, events and conclBring down Biography text
To give information abouGeneral statement and eIncreases Explanation text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Explanation text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Explanation text
To give information abouThesis, arguments and cBring down Biography text
To give information abouThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, events and conclBring down Biography text
To give information abouThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Explanation text
To give information aboutThesis, events and conclIncreases Explanation text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Explanation text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Explanation text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information abouThesis, events and conclBring down Explanation text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information abouGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Analytical exposition text
To persuade the reader th
Materials and steps Bring down Biography text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eDecreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Explanation text
To give information abouGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, events and conclIncreases Factual Report text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information abouMaterials and steps Lowen Biography text
To give information abouThesis, events and conclIncreases News item
To persuade the reader th
Materials and steps Increases Explanation text
To persuade the reader Thesis,
n background and Bring down Factual Report text
To give information abouThesis, background and Increases Explanation text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, background and Bring down Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cDecreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, background and Decreases Analytical exposition text
To give information abouThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To persuade the reader Thesis,
n arguments and cBring down Analytical exposition text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information abouThesis, events and conclBring down Biography text
To give information abouThesis, events and conclIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cIncreases Explanation text
To persuade the reader Thesis,
n arguments and cIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cDecreases Analytical exposition text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cDecreases Analytical exposition text
To persuade the reader Thesis,
n background and Increases Explanation text
To persuade the reader Materials
n and steps Bring down Explanation text
To persuade the reader Materials
n and steps Pull Biography text
To persuade the reader Thesis,
n events and conclDecreases News item
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eBring down Factual Report text
To give information abouGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information aboutThesis, arguments and cBring down Analytical exposition text
To give information aboutGeneral statement and eIncreases Biography text
To give information abouThesis, background and Increases Biography text
What is original name of How is his figure? How was life’s journey o What was his job?
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer polite, arrogant and nobl really characterized the Police
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer simple and noble –heart really characterized the pPolice
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer polite, simple and noble really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer polite, simple and noble really characterized the Teacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer polite, simple and noble really characterized the Teacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer polite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer polite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer polite, simple and noble really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer polite, arrogant and nobl really characterized the Teacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer polite, simple and noble really characterized the Teacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer polite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer polite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SuryadiSoerypolite, simple and noble really characterized the Teacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer simple and noble –heart really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer polite, simple and noble really characterized the Teacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer polite, simple and noble really characterized the Teacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer polite, simple and noble really characterized the Teacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer polite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer impolite, simple and nob really characterized the Teacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer polite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer polite, simple and noble really characterized the Teacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer polite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer polite, simple and noble really characterized the Teacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer polite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer impolite, simple and nob really characterized the Teacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer polite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer polite, simple and noble really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer impolite, simple and nob really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer polite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SuryadiSoerysimple and noble –heart really characterized the sDoctor
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer polite, arrogant and nobl really characterized the Doctor
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer polite, simple and noble really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer simple and noble –heart really characterized the journalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer impolite, simple and nob really characterized the Teacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer polite, simple and noble really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer simple and noble –heart really characterized the rDoctor
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer impolite, simple and nob really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer polite, simple and noble really characterized the pjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer impolite, simple and nob really characterized the Teacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer polite, simple and noble really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the journalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
simple and noble –heart really characterized the rjournalist
Raden Mas Soewardi simple and noble –heart really characterized the presenter
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the sDoctor
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the Teacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the sDoctor
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SyahrudySoeangry, calm and polite really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the Teacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
impolite, simple and nob really characterized the rTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the Teacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the Teacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
impolite, simple and nob really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the sDoctor
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, arrogant and nobl really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the pDoctor
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
impolite, simple and nob really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SyahrudySoepolite, simple and noble really characterized the pjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
impolite, simple and nob really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the pjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the Teacher
Raden Mas SyahrudySoeangry, calm and polite really characterized the Doctor
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
impolite, simple and nob really characterized the Doctor
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoersimple and noble –heart really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, arrogant and nobl really characterized the Doctor
Raden Mas Soewardi angry, calm and polite really characterized the spresenter
Raden Mas SoewardiSoersimple and noble –heart really characterized the sDoctor
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the Teacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerimpolite, simple and nob really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the Teacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the sDoctor
Raden Mas SoewardiSoersimple and noble –heart really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the rjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerangry, calm and polite really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the Teacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoersimple and noble –heart really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the Teacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoersimple and noble –heart really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoersimple and noble –heart really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SyahrudySoeangry, calm and polite really characterized the sPolice
Raden Mas SoewardiSoersimple and noble –heart really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the pTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the Teacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoersimple and noble –heart really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the Teacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, arrogant and nobl really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoersimple and noble –heart really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, arrogant and nobl really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the Teacher
Raden Mas SyahrudySoepolite, arrogant and nobl really characterized the rDoctor
Raden Mas SoewardiSoersimple and noble –heart really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SuryadiSoeryimpolite, simple and nob really characterized the rDoctor
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the sDoctor
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerimpolite, simple and nob really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerimpolite, simple and nob really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoersimple and noble –heart really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SuryadiSoeryimpolite, simple and nob really characterized the rDoctor
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerimpolite, simple and nob really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerimpolite, simple and nob really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerimpolite, simple and nob really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerimpolite, simple and nob really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoersimple and noble –heart really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SuryadiSoerypolite, arrogant and nobl really characterized the presenter
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerimpolite, simple and nob really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerimpolite, simple and nob really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, arrogant and nobl really characterized the spresenter
Raden Mas SoewardiSoersimple and noble –heart really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerimpolite, simple and nob really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerimpolite, simple and nob really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SuryadiSoerysimple and noble –heart really characterized the presenter
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SuryadiSoerypolite, arrogant and nobl really characterized the rpresenter
Raden Mas SyahrudySoeangry, calm and polite really characterized the rpresenter
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the pDoctor
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerimpolite, simple and nob really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerimpolite, simple and nob really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoersimple and noble –heart really characterized the presenter
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas Soewardi polite, arrogant and nobl really characterized the rpresenter
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoersimple and noble –heart really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SuryadiSoerysimple and noble –heart really characterized the sTeacher
Raden Mas SuryadiSoerysimple and noble –heart really characterized the sPolice
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerpolite, simple and noble really characterized the pDoctor
Raden Mas SoewardiSoerimpolite, simple and nob really characterized the rpresenter
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
simple and noble –heart really characterized the spresenter
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, arrogant and nobl really characterized the Teacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
simple and noble –heart really characterized the Doctor
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
simple and noble –heart really characterized the journalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the rDoctor
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, simple and noble really characterized the Teacher
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
polite, arrogant and nobl really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
simple and noble –heart really characterized the sjournalist
Raden Mas SoewardiSoer
simple and noble –heart really characterized the sjournalist
How were his writings? He gave the example of a
When did he establish the School Grounds Students?
so capable of uplifting patDeny In nineteen twenty four
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
so capable of uplifting patCare In nineteen twenty two
so capable of uplifting patCare In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
so capable of uplifting patObey In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty four
so capable of uplifting patCare In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
so capable of uplifting patCare In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
so capable of uplifting patCare In nineteen twenty four
so capable of uplifting patCare In nineteen twenty two
so capable of uplifting patCare In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very usual, sharp, and soMaintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
so capable of uplifting patCare In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
so capable of uplifting patCare In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
so capable of uplifting patCare In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Not care In nineteen twenty three
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty four
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Obey In nineteen twenty two
very usual, sharp, and soObey In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
so capable of uplifting patDeny In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very usual, sharp, and soNot care In nineteen twenty four
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Not care In nineteen twenty two
so capable of uplifting patMaintain In nineteen twenty two
so capable of uplifting patCare In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Obey In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very usual, sharp, and soCare In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very sharp and communic Deny In nineteen twenty five
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
so capable of uplifting patCare In nineteen twenty two
so capable of uplifting patCare In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very usual, sharp, and soMaintain In nineteen twenty five
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
so capable of uplifting patCare In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
so capable of uplifting patCare In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very usual, sharp, and soDeny In nineteen twenty five
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
so capable of uplifting patCare In nineteen twenty two
very usual, sharp, and soNot care In nineteen twenty two
very usual, sharp, and soMaintain In nineteen twenty three
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Obey In nineteen twenty two
very sharp and communic Obey In nineteen twenty three
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
so capable of uplifting patCare In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
so capable of uplifting patCare In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very sharp and communic Maintain In nineteen twenty three
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
very usual, sharp, and soCare In nineteen twenty two
so capable of uplifting patCare In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
so capable of uplifting patCare In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
very sharp and communic Deny In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty five
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
so capable of uplifting patMaintain In nineteen twenty four
very usual, sharp, and soCare In nineteen twenty two
very usual, sharp, and soCare In nineteen twenty two
very usual, sharp, and soMaintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
so capable of uplifting patMaintain In nineteen twenty four
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very usual, sharp, and soCare In nineteen twenty two
very usual, sharp, and soCare In nineteen twenty two
very usual, sharp, and soMaintain In nineteen twenty two
very usual, sharp, and soCare In nineteen twenty two
very usual, sharp, and soCare In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very sharp and communic Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very sharp and communic Care In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very usual, sharp, and soCare In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very usual, sharp, and soCare In nineteen twenty two
very usual, sharp, and soMaintain In nineteen twenty two
very usual, sharp, and soCare In nineteen twenty two
very usual, sharp, and soMaintain In nineteen twenty two
very usual, sharp, and soNot care In nineteen twenty two
very usual, sharp, and soMaintain In nineteen twenty two
so capable of uplifting patDeny In nineteen twenty five
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty three
very usual, sharp, and soCare In nineteen twenty three
very usual, sharp, and soMaintain In nineteen twenty four
so capable of uplifting patNot care In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty three
very communicative, sharp Deny In nineteen twenty two
very usual, sharp, and soCare In nineteen twenty five
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Obey In nineteen twenty six
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very sharp and communic Deny In nineteen twenty four
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
very usual, sharp, and soObey In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty three
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty three
so capable of uplifting patNot care In nineteen twenty two
very usual, sharp, and soMaintain In nineteen twenty two
very sharp and communic Maintain In nineteen twenty two
very usual, sharp, and soMaintain In nineteen twenty four
very sharp and communic Care In nineteen twenty three
very communicative, sharp Obey In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty three
so capable of uplifting patCare In nineteen twenty two
very usual, sharp, and soCare In nineteen twenty two
very communicative, sharp Care In nineteen twenty four
very communicative, sharp Maintain In nineteen twenty four
unds Students?

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