Various Methods of Retrofitting of R.C.C Structures and Masonry Structures-A Review
Various Methods of Retrofitting of R.C.C Structures and Masonry Structures-A Review
Various Methods of Retrofitting of R.C.C Structures and Masonry Structures-A Review
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3 authors:
Aditya Divyadarshi
KIIT University
All content following this page was uploaded by Aditya Divyadarshi on 13 October 2019.
International Conference on Innovations in Structural Engineering (IC-ISE-2017), Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. Page 127
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
(E-ISSN 2250–2459, UGC Approved List of Recommended Journal, Volume 7, Special Issue 2, December 2017)
The analysis was based on finite element modelling with The reinforced jacketing provided suitable cover to the
four numbers of 3-D Models for traditional masonry columns as well as jacketing helped in overcoming the
buildings to check the behaviour of wall under different problem of eccentric loading on loose pockets in old
techniques like a) Floor stiffening, b) Tie-rod on floors and columns.
c) Store masonry strengthening. Out of all three, retrofitting
using timber floor diaphragms, proved to be most suitable. III. CAUSES OF FAILURE IN URM WALLS & CONCRETE
Another researcher, Pattanaik[5] has described in his paper STRUCTURES
about polymer modified concrete. It is found to be a cost 1. Many age old buildings & even new buildings are not
effective method of repair and rehabilitation of old
being designed using Indian Standard Codes of
structures than that of FRPS and also provided sufficient
compressive, tensile and flexural strength to the retrofitted Practice for earthquake [9].
members by reducing the brittle nature of old structures. 2. Lack of training, knowledge and awareness of proper
Corte et al. [6] has described about a new technique of techniques used in constructions by workforce as well
retrofitting with buckling restrained brace (BRB) using as engineers [9] & [12].
steel casing and also the steel damper used in RC walls as 3. Poor construction practices and poor workmanship
the BRB. The use of BRB helped the RC walls to sustain in
due to lack of skilled workforce [9], [11], [10] & [12].
higher lateral load with minimum storey drift also the wall
could sustain the axial compression force of 1.76 times 4. Poor construction materials and their use in buildings
equivalent to the yield forces. Sarno & Manfredi [7] tried to [9], [11], [10] & [12].
put the attention of world on BRBs (Buckling restrained 5. Inadequacy in soil investigation and design of
braces) through their article, where they tested 2-sample foundation [11].
frames of 2-bay-2-storey. Out of which one was retrofitted 6. Inadequate attention to detailing of reinforcement
with BRBs (vertically and diagonally) and it was found that work [9] & [12].
the diagonal braces helps in reducing storey drift against
earthquake (pushover) load. The test was done on a school
building and it was adequate. Baciu et al. [8] presented
about six methods of retrofitting out of which two methods
were found very useful for repair of columns. These are as
listed: 1.Reinforced Concrete Jacketing on all four sides of As China and many other developed countries have
column and; 2. Full steel jacketing on all four sides of developed a code for retrofitting, developing countries
column with steel cage system. These two methods should adopt similar kind of code of practice. Percentage of
provides effective stiffness & strength to the column, cracks in the building, amount of surface damage to the
improves the durability but the methods are relatively of walls/columns/beam/slab, strength of the existing structure
high cost. Bhavar et al. [9] presented about concrete etc. segregates the buildings in four different categories
jacketing and steel jacketing for a hospital building that like: 1. Intact Building, 2. Basically intact building,
was to be retrofitted in Nasik, India. 3.Generically damaged building, and 4.Seriously damaged
building, has been discussed in Table 1. [10]
International Conference on Innovations in Structural Engineering (IC-ISE-2017), Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. Page 128
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
(E-ISSN 2250–2459, UGC Approved List of Recommended Journal, Volume 7, Special Issue 2, December 2017)
Building Categorization for Retrofitting on the basis of Damage Degree [10]
Sl. Building Type Damage Degree Building damage degree evaluation
1. R.C.C Intact buildings Any buildings satisfies below given two points:-
structure and 1. “Damage degrees” of the structures “decoration” and “facilities” fulfils the grade of “intact”.
Hybrid 2. One or two damage degrees of the decoration and facilities fulfils the grade of “basically intact” while others all
structures fulfils the grade of “intact”.
2. R.C.C Basically intact Any building that fulfils anyone of the following points:
structure and buildings 1. “Damage degrees” of the structures “decoration” and “facilities” fulfils the grade of “basically intact”.
Hybrid 2. One or two “damage degrees” of the “decoration” and “facilities” fulfils the grade of “generally damaged”,
structures while others all fulfils the grade of “basically intact”.
3. One “damage degree” of the structure (expect for footing, load carrying members or the roofs), and one of the
“decoration” or “facilities” fulfils the grade of “generally damaged”, which other all at least fulfils the grade of
“basically intact”.
3. R.C.C Generally Any buildings that fulfils anyone of the following qualification can be rated as the generally damaged buildings:-
structure and damaged 1. “Damage degrees” of the “decoration” and “facilities” fulfils the grade of “seriously damaged”, while others all
Hybrid buildings fulfils the grade of “generally damaged”.
structures 2. One or two “damaged degrees” of the “decoration” and “facilities” fulfils the grade of “seriously damaged”
while others all fulfils the grade of “generally damaged”.
3. One “damage degree” of the structure (except for foundation, load bearing members or the roofs), and of the
“decoration” or “facilities” fulfils the grade of “seriously damaged” while others at-least all fulfils the grade of
“generally damaged”.
4. R.C.C Seriously The following things must be fulfilled:-
structure and damaged 1. “Damage degree” of the structure, “decoration” and “facilities” fulfils the grade of “seriously damaged”.
Hybrid 2.A few of the “damaged degrees” of the “decoration” and “facilities” fulfils the grade of “generally damaged”,
structures while others all fulfils the grade all fulfils the grade of “seriously damaged”.
V. CASE-STUDY ON RETROFITTING In a case study by Shah et al. [2], here a single storey
building was tested first without being retrofitted and
observations were recorded and again that building was
In a case-study done by Shah et al. [2], had performed an retrofitted using ferro-cement overlay and tested and data
experimental investigation were walls are retrofitted using were recorded. The cracks patterns were shows as per the
Ferro-cement overlay and the lateral load is applied on failure of the building under loading in fig.-1. Crack pattern
retrofitted wall using two hydraulic jacks with a swivel at of the sample at a storey drift of 073% as per fig.2 and
each end, and using the load cell capacity 498kN each. The discussed in Table:-2.
hydraulic jacks were connected to slab and with every
application of load, the displacement was recorded using
LVDTs. As per the result of test, the walls were at all the
four corners, now due to the application of load, the in-
plane walls suffered more damage than that of out-of-plane
walls. The lateral loads were mainly resistant by in-plane
walls but the out-of-plane walls might govern the seismic
behaviour for other configuration. After retrofitting it was
found that there was increase in lateral stiffness, later load
capacity and deformation capacity too but at the same time
ductility factor decreases. But the small decrease in
ductility can be managed at the lateral load capacity etc. (a) (b)
increases. Moreover, their technique of retrofitting is found Fig. 1(a): filling cracks with cement mortar; (b) wrapping with wire
economical than “GFRP”. mesh [2].
International Conference on Innovations in Structural Engineering (IC-ISE-2017), Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. Page 129
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
(E-ISSN 2250–2459, UGC Approved List of Recommended Journal, Volume 7, Special Issue 2, December 2017)
Table 2:
Discussion of crack patterns and failures modes.[2]
Drift Damage Description
Hair Line cracks was
observed at bottom of
0.093 Stepped Shear
(P1, P2 and P5) and also
Spreading of existing
cracks and hairline cracks
0.16 Shear Cracks
were seen below sill level
of P4
International Conference on Innovations in Structural Engineering (IC-ISE-2017), Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. Page 130
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
(E-ISSN 2250–2459, UGC Approved List of Recommended Journal, Volume 7, Special Issue 2, December 2017)
In a case study by Pattanaik [5] on Polymer modified
concrete. The result shows that within 3 days it is gaining
its 60% of compressive strength, which is appreciable.
Table: 3 describes about the material properties used.
Polymer modified concrete is available in the form of dry
powder. Now-a-days micro concrete is preferred over
normal concrete because of its excellent moisture resistance
and good durability. Table: 4 have shown a study on micro
concretes and data of its compressive strength with
water/powder ratio of 0.15.
Table 3: Fig. 3: Building arrangement with BRBs before test.
Properties of polymers [5]
In the study, it was found that the retrofitted with BRBs
and the retrofitted frame provided more stiffness, strength,
Properties of modified ductility with good dissipation of energy [6], [7]. It has also
resign cementitious
mortar/ concrete cementitious
been found that providing diagonal braces to the frame
Comp. strength helped in more dissipation of energy and worked as a
50 - 100 30 - 60 20 - 50 damper to the building. Fig. 3 represents arrangement of
building with BRBs before test.
10 – 15 5 - 10 2-5
Young’s As many of the buildings have already been constructed
10 – 20 15 - 25 20 - 30
Modulus(GPa) in different parts of the world ignoring the proper design
criteria or processes of construction, it may not be possible
Thermal expansion
Coefficient (per
(10-20) *10-6 10 *10-6 to reconstruct the building again by demolishing it. Thus, it
*10-6 is advised to adopt Retrofitting Technologies to overcome
these problems. Few methods on Retrofitting of R.C.C and
Masonry structures are described below:
Compressive strength. [5] 1. R.C.C. STRUCTURES:
Days Micro concrete-1 Micro concrete- 2 Specified 1.1 Buckling Restrained Braces (BRBs):
1 20.5 21 10 Buckling restrained brace (BRBs) is a structural brace
3 36 32 30 used in walls/frames of buildings to restrain the cyclic
7 50 46 40
lateral loading like earthquake load. It is a good method of
retrofitting. Many researchers have been recommended on
28 64 54.5 50
BRBs and these are the mostly used steel dampers as
Case-study:-3 shown in fig. 4. The BRBs are connected to the frame of
building in three ways welded connection, bolted
In two of the case-studies done by two different group connection, pinned connection.
of Author’s Corte [6] and Sarno & Manfredi [7], were
discussed in different papers, have presented an
experiments on the walls of the building, where few sample
frame were taken out of which some are un-retrofitted and
some are retrofitted with Buckling restrained brace (BRBs),
as shown in fig.3.
International Conference on Innovations in Structural Engineering (IC-ISE-2017), Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. Page 131
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
(E-ISSN 2250–2459, UGC Approved List of Recommended Journal, Volume 7, Special Issue 2, December 2017)
International Conference on Innovations in Structural Engineering (IC-ISE-2017), Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. Page 132
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
(E-ISSN 2250–2459, UGC Approved List of Recommended Journal, Volume 7, Special Issue 2, December 2017)
Basically then flexibilizers are polyamide, Polymer modified concrete are generally modified using
butadieneacrylonitrile rubber etc. and epoxy curing agent latex such as styrene-butadiene, acrylic latex, etc as per
types comprises of ethylene-diamine, diethanoltriamine. fig.8 (a). This micro-concrete is used in areas where
This flexibilizers and plasticizers are included because accessing is difficult and compaction is near to impossible.
curing epoxy resin only is weak and breakable under Researchers have proven that polymer modified concrete
impact, thus these agents improve plasticity, ductility, gains 60% of its strength in just 3 days of casting. [5]
shock strength, etc. In this method steel plates are fixed to Repair methodology: [5]
concrete in tension region and that increases the tensile i. The structure to be retrofitted should be supported
along with flexural strength of the old structure and they well and the damaged part of concrete should be
are retrofitted. There are several advantages of these removed out. Then the exposed surface should be
retrofitted methods:- cleaned thoroughly.
1) Because of fast hardening of adhesive, it has short ii. The old reinforcements should be rubbed out and rust
construction period. portion are to be removed, if the diameter after
2) It is simple, fast and suitable construction for fire cleaning rust is not appropriate then new or extra
protection workshop. reinforcement need to be placed.
3) As the strength of adhesives are higher than concrete, iii. Shear reinforcement to be placed in hole of 14mm
the attachments to the original members can work diameter and 75mm deep at every 500 mm c/c.
jointly with no stress concentration in concrete. [10]
International Conference on Innovations in Structural Engineering (IC-ISE-2017), Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. Page 133
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
(E-ISSN 2250–2459, UGC Approved List of Recommended Journal, Volume 7, Special Issue 2, December 2017)
vi. Micro-concrete to be used must be mixed with v. To ensure strengthening of the URM walls, use
appropriate water -powder ratio. Mixing should be expansive cement [10].
carried out for 3 to 5 minutes. Sometimes aggregates
2.2. Additional Ring Beam:-
are also added if the depth of concreting is more than
100mm but size of aggregates should not be more Additional Ring beam is a method of retrofitting brick
than 12mm. masonry walls where ring beam acts as a tie beam provided
vii. Remove the shuttering after 24 hours for columns but externally to hold the structure, as shown in fig. 10. The
for beam it should be there for 3 days. sectional dimension is 180mm x 120mm depth and width
viii. After all, curing need to be done regularly as per the respectively with reinforcement size as 4 numbers of
standard concrete practices. 8mm/10mm/12mm diameter rebar. These ring beams
should be closed by any means. If there is any opening,
Though FRP is used for retrofitting and found suitable
measure should be taken to close it. In case of providing
too but polymer modified concrete is mainly used for
ring beams with masonry walls, surface of the wall should
economic reasons. [5]
be cleaned and anchor bolts is to be provided for proper
2. Masonry structures connections between ring beams & walls.
2.1. Retrofitting with Buttress columns:
Buttress column is very commonly used method of
masonry wall retrofitting shown in fig. 9. It not only
increases the load carrying capacity of wall by increasing
wall thickness and wall sectional area but also reduce the
effective height of the wall.
International Conference on Innovations in Structural Engineering (IC-ISE-2017), Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. Page 134
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
(E-ISSN 2250–2459, UGC Approved List of Recommended Journal, Volume 7, Special Issue 2, December 2017)
The angle section is welded with batten plates and later
cement mortar cover is applied to protect rolled angles, In
order to get good bearing capacity from this technique, the
edge of the rolled angle section must be anchored well into
the floor as well as into the foundation too.
Section 1-1
Fig: 11 Retrofitted by Steel Rolled Angle Section [10].
International Conference on Innovations in Structural Engineering (IC-ISE-2017), Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. Page 135
International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering
(E-ISSN 2250–2459, UGC Approved List of Recommended Journal, Volume 7, Special Issue 2, December 2017)
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International Conference on Innovations in Structural Engineering (IC-ISE-2017), Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. Page 136