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Code No: 151AH

B.Tech I Year I Semester Examinations, December - 2018
(Common to EEE, CSE, IT)
Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75

Note: This question paper contains two parts A and B.

Part A is compulsory which carries 25 marks. Answer all questions in Part A. Part B
consists of 5 Units. Answer any one full question from each unit. Each question carries
10 marks and may have a, b, c as sub questions.

(25 Marks)

1.a) Provide prefixes to the following words: [2]

i) lead ii) judge
b) Provide synonyms to the following words: [2]
i) skinny ii) admire
c) Provide meanings to the following suffixes: [2]
i) -cide ii) -logy
d) Provide meanings to the following words: [2]
i) amicable ii) ironical
e) Provide full forms to the following Abbreviations: [2]
i) NATO ii) WHO
f) Provide antonyms by using prefixes to the following words: [3]
i) capable ii) acceptable iii. connect
g) Provide antonyms to the following words: [3]
i) appreciate ii) definite iii) heavy
h) Correct the following sentences: [3]
i) He is coming to college regularly.
ii) John is working in TCS since 2001.
iii) Certainly , I complete the project by 2020.
i) Identify and delete the redundant words in the following sentences. [3]
i) She went to ATM machine to draw money.
ii) He has seen an anonymous stranger near his house.
iii) He is the younger of the two twins.
j) Use the following prepositions in your own sentences: [3]
i) across ii)before iii) along

(50 Marks)

2. Discuss C.V. Raman discovery of scattering of light. [10]

3. Give an account of C.V. Raman’s contribution to science. [10]

4. Write a detail note on the school of art and architecture in India. [10]
5. List out the places known for ancient architectures in southern India? [10]

6. Explain skimming and scanning method of reading. [10]

7. Describe your favorite location in your own words. [10]

8. Discuss the benefits of eating natural food. [10]

9. Discuss the health effects of refined grains in your diet. [10]

10. What are the elements of a good report? [10]

11. Write a report on college day celebrations in your college. [10]



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