This Study Resource Was: Rappler'S Pia Ranada Questions Harry Roque On Being Barred From Entering Malacañang - Youtube
This Study Resource Was: Rappler'S Pia Ranada Questions Harry Roque On Being Barred From Entering Malacañang - Youtube
This Study Resource Was: Rappler'S Pia Ranada Questions Harry Roque On Being Barred From Entering Malacañang - Youtube
Directions: This is a three-part test, which measures your knowledge on and skills in explaining the
nature, elements, and function of verbal and non-verbal communication in various and multicultural
contexts and how cultural and global issues affect communication (Course Learning Outcome [CLO] 1)
and analyzing real-life cases on communication breakdown in different situations and propose
solutions to avoid it (CLO 2).
It is important that you understand each part of the test because it has specific requirements and
corresponding points. Further, it is essential that you apply all the lessons and principles you have
learned from our discussion and your accomplished tasks on communication in addressing the
problem in each item.
Part A requires a video recording- ensure both your audio and video are clear. You may use subtitle
when necessary. For B and C, type your responses in the given box.
The standard for assessing your final work is the 7Cs; hence, it is essential to observe the writing
process approach. The ones who obtain the highest score get the perfect score.
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A. Here’s a link to a video clip on Rappler's Pia Ranada questions Harry Roque on being barred from
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entering Malacañang - YouTube. Watch it and evaluate their communication situation based on the
principles we discussed. Then, record a one-minute video of yourself presenting your evaluation.
Your presentation must follow the format below. Submit your video as an MP4 file for easy access with
b. Describe briefly what the communication situation is all about including elements present. (3
c. Present your evaluation based on the principles you have learned in class. (6 points)
d. Briefly discuss your strategies when you encounter the same situation. (4 points)
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B. Identify the cause of communication breakdown in each of the situations below and give one way
to fix it. Choose only five items (3 points for each number; a total of 15 points).
1. Art is having a bad day, and he feels frustrated for some reason. During a group discussion in
one of his classes, he keeps insisting on his personal opinions.
What cause the communication breakdown in this situation is Art’s emotions which lead him
to pontificate his personal views. Having said that, he should learn not to let it overwhelm and
influence how he should communicate to his groupmates.
2. Don attends a meeting, and he thinks that his boss is boring. He starts to daydream and when
his boss suddenly asks him about his thoughts on the proposal, he just stares at him blankly.
In this case, Inattention and multitasking caused the communication breakdown. Don just
attended a meeting but his presence is not there at all and started doing something out of the fix this, Don should learn how to focus and actively listen in spite of the circumstances.
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3. Jig joins a basic animation study group in the school’s activity area. Suddenly, a student from
another table plays a very loud song on his laptop. Jig and his friends could barely concentrate
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on the discussion and decide to call off the session.
In this situation, Noise is what caused the communication breakdown. Jig and his friends
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should talk to the student to lessen the volume so they could focus on the discussion.
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4. Sue conducts a social experiment with street vendors and sweepers in Divisoria; however, she
asks them interview questions in the English language, and they find it hard to understand her.
Here, the cause is Language barrier. To prevent miscommunications, Sue would have to adjust
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5. Gwen and Arthur avoid talking to each other because of religious differences. Gwen resolves
that Arthur cannot be her friend, Arthurs thinks the same. Why is this so?
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The communication barrier present in this case is the differences of beliefs between the two
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given that they both have different religion. Every religion has its own credence and the best
way to prevent miscommunication here is to be open in accepting and learning the
differences of both parties.
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C. Here’s a link to What are the top 10 job skills for the future? | World Economic Forum
( article by Kate Whiting. Open the link and digest the information. Then,
communicate to me by writing a letter.
Below is your template. The items enclosed with asterisks (*) should be changed as instructed.
Type the first major part after “First,”. (30 points)
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Dear Dr. Sipacio,
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I am Kyla Nichole, a Bachelor of Science major in Accountancy from the National University-
Manila, Philippines.
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First, I would like to take this opportunity to express my gratitude and appreciation for the
time you spent reading my letter. Thank you.
Technology has become the center of today’s industrial civilization as well as economy. It
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becomes our companion that alleviate our lives and elevate all things. The drastic change of it
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allows us to unleash our potentials and discover new skills that we will be needing soon. But
with the present of pandemic and learning indoors is our only choice, the question is “what
specific skills should we learn enable to counterpart the fast-paced technology literacy?”.
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Subsequently reading the article “the top 10 job skills of tomorrow-and how long will it take
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to learn them” written by Kate whining, Problem solving, and self-management type of skill
would be the skills we need to acquire for us to be fit for the needed jobs of tomorrow. The
skills forementioned could assist us in assuring and securing our future despite the radical
advancing of technology. Since pandemic is still present up to now, many of us work and
develop our skill through varieties of online resources. We have plenty of time in our hands to
assess our very own skills and enhance it gradually. One of that skills is communication skill.
Improving our skills in communicating would help us out succeed individually and
professionally. Constantly improving it would be useful in the workplace as it promotes
teamwork and betterment.
All things considered, I still have questions to ask for. As we all know, there is what we
called “digital divide” in which there’s a great gap between nations in accessing modern ICT (1)
how would they address this underlying circumstance?. As a student and a future practioner (2)
will learning and mastering these new skill set will somehow lessen the unemployment rate in
succeeding years?.
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Kyla Nichole
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