Calypso's Front Office: - Tools For Trading

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Calypso’s Front Office

- Tools for Trading

The Front Office Solution offers a
collection of tools designed to facilitate
trading, analysis and monitoring of all
aspects in regard to the market.
Front Office
Tools for Trading

Collect trades by
Trade criteria for cross asset
Blotter perspective

Apply workflow
actions to bulk
Portfolio view of trades trades from a single
for perspective window
Front Office
Tools for Trading
Work within a portfolio
You can..

•Filter bond trades by currency and

maturity date in the Ad Hoc Search
•Select the desired trades and add them
to a workspace
•Price the trades with a market data feed
•Modify the bond’s yield
•Jump to a risk analysis by selecting On
Demand Analysis. Load the trades and
see the effect on the grouped trades.
Front Office
Tools for Trading

View market
data Market
with real-time Data

What if pricing

Risk Management Single view from

multiple windows
Front Office
Tools for Trading
You can…

•Book an FX trade in the

Pricing Sheet
•Open the Market Data
Manager using the menu
option and view the market
data set
•Alter the closing price and
apply the changes.
•Add the trade to a Trade Blotter workspace
by pressing the Hypo Trade button for
portfolio effect.
Front Office
Tools for Trading

On Demand Analysis analysis

Predefine analysis
Analysis speed buttons or run on-the-fly
for other windows
Front Office
Run a complete analysis on a position
Tools for Trading

•Define analysis speed buttons in

the Trade Blotter for sensitivity
On Demand Analysis •Add access permissions only
allowing certain traders to use the
Run the analysis next to the Trade
Blotter to view sensitivity in a
Front Office
Tools for Trading

Price and book trades

with multiple strategies
Pricing Sheet

Add hypothetical trades

to a position for hedging
Set pricing and environment details information
to use for pricing details
Front Office
Tools for Trading
Book FX Option trades with the Pricing Sheet
•Define a Vanilla trade
•Add a Butterfly strategy
•Book a trade across different
strategies for P&L analysis
•Modify details for each leg
•Price and book a
hypothetical trade to the
Trade Blotter to see the effect
on selected portfolio
See Calypso’s product documentation
for more details

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