TECHENTREP (4) - P2 - Connecting Solutions To The Problem

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Connecting Solutions to the Problem

Calvin Karl R. Garganta, CIE, Assoc. ASEAN Eng., CLSSYB

Technology Matching
It is a person-centered resource used to foster user
engagement and guide a person-provider team in the
selection of the most appropriate assistive technology or
"support solution" for that individual's functional gain
and life quality.

Calvin Karl R. Garganta, CIE, AAE, CLSSYB

Calvin Karl R. Garganta, CIE, AAE, CLSSYB
Two-sided vs. One-sided Ventures
One-Sided Ventures:
• Sale of Physical Product
• Seller: Pascual Labs
• Buyer: Patients
• Product: Ascof Lagundi
• Software as a service / Subscription
• Seller: Dropbox
• Buyer: Users
• Product: Cloud Storage
• Hardware as a service / Rental
• Seller: Combinado Kitchens
• Buyer: Chefs / Caterers
• Product: Kitchen Equipment / Facility
Calvin Karl R. Garganta, CIE, AAE, CLSSYB
Two-sided vs. One-sided Ventures
Two-Sided Ventures:
• Buyers look for products and contact sellers
• Buyers can browse postings and contact sellers for free.
• Sellers post product information
• Sellers pay for special services.
• Advertisement-driven free mobile apps
• App users use the app services but watch the
• No download costs or subscription fees.
• Advertisers post product information on the app.
• Advertisers pay the app developer fees based on the number of
times the ad is viewed.

Calvin Karl R. Garganta, CIE, AAE, CLSSYB

Venture Proposal Brainstorming
From the set of your Generated Ideas, brain write
your ideas from your brainstorming activity:

Description Initial Value Why would Proposed Proposed TRL of

Customer Proposition your initial Know Who Know How KnowHow
Segment customer Relative to
segment pay Value
for the Proposition
product /

Calvin Karl R. Garganta, CIE, AAE, CLSSYB

Venture Proposal Ranking
After generating your Venture Proposal
Brainstorming table, you will now rank your Venture
Proposals using the Venture Proposal Ranking below:
Size of market: Know How:which TRL: Which one is Customer Impact:
Which one has the one has the biggest the most advanced Which one may
biggest set of initial advantage over the in terms of state of increase revenues
customers? closest competing development? or decrease costs
products or existing for the customer
solutions? the most?

Calvin Karl R. Garganta, CIE, AAE, CLSSYB

Highest Ranked Proposal
From the Venture Proposal Ranking, you can now identify
your Highest Ranked Proposal. Fill in the table again:

Description Initial Value Why would Proposed Proposed TRL of

Customer Proposition your initial Know Who Know How KnowHow
Segment customer Relative to
segment pay Value
for the Proposition
product /

Calvin Karl R. Garganta, CIE, AAE, CLSSYB

Continuing A Previous Venture:
Advancing the TRL
TRL Evaluation Supporting Information Details
Has a design or design What are the core feature(s) of the design?
been presented?
Has a proof of What was the core feature(s) demonstrated?
concept been
Have field testing Specify the industry or pilot test partner.
been done? What were the preliminary field
performance results?
Were the customers Specify the industry or pilot test partner.
satisfied with the field What were the key satisfactory filed
test results? performance results?
Have scale-up pilot Specify the industry or pilot test partner.
tests been done? Specify the manufacturing partner. What was
the volume/size of the scale up production?
Calvin Karl R. Garganta, CIE, AAE, CLSSYB
To achieve the next TRL, which of the ff. are needed?
Yes / Details (if yes) Can be provided by
No Know Who Y/N? If no,
propose alternate
Do you need end-user testing? Specific scale (ex: no of
patients, land area of
farms or no. of sites
Do you need regulatory clearance?
Do you need to source raw materials?
Do you need to produce testing Specify Volume
Do you need to distribution / delivery,
installation, system integration or
maintenance support services?
Do you need test equipment or access to What test equipment
testing facilities to verify specifications? and facilities do you

Calvin Karl R. Garganta, CIE, AAE, CLSSYB

Problem Awareness

• Customer has problem

• Customer has problem and understands they have a problem.

• Customer actively searching for a solution.

• Customer has idea what solution looks like.
• Customer may have improvised solution.
Vision • Customer may be prepared to pay for better solution.

Calvin Karl R. Garganta, CIE, AAE, CLSSYB

One Day Market Validation
• is the process of determining whether your product is of
interest to a given target market.
• Market validation involves a series of with people in your
Know-Who venture board, and often takes place before
executing your idea or concept.

Calvin Karl R. Garganta, CIE, AAE, CLSSYB

One Day Validation
• Name / Company / Role
• Verify the Problem
• What’s the hardest part about the problem?
• Can you tell us about the last time it happened?
• What, if anything, have you done to solve the problem?
• Problem Awareness (Latent, Active, Vision)
• What are your issues with the solutions you’ve tried?
• What role would you play in choosing / implementing the
solution? Know Who types.
• What do you think of our proposed solution?
• What do you think of the MVP? (from the previous venture)
• What resources / support would you be able to provide to
advance the tech development?

Calvin Karl R. Garganta, CIE, AAE, CLSSYB

One-day Validation Tips
• You are responsible for doing one-day validation on the venture proposal that
you posted.
• Two-sided ventures need validation on both sides
• Use the Know Who and self-profile lists to get contacts. Ask for referrals if you
don't direct contacts.
• Family members and friends will be biased. Avoid or get additional validation
from additional Know Who (you can ask your family of friends to refer you).
• You are more likely to get a response from a warm call (when you are
introduced by a common acquiaintance) than a cold call.
• Use email rather than Facebook. It's more formal and older contacts are more
likely to be checking their email than their Facebook messages.

Calvin Karl R. Garganta, CIE, AAE, CLSSYB

One-day Validation Tips
• In your initial request, go straight to point. Use the value proposition from your
venture proposal in your email. my first line would b "Would you be interested
in <value proposition>?”
• Confirm the problem first.
• Focus on feedback and understanding customer needs, not o selling your
• Probe for related or more important needs/problems
• Check availability for follow-up meeting next week
• Success criteria: Confirmation of the problem, availability for follow validation

• Bring a buddy along for moral support

• Unless a patent for your technology has already been filed, do n disclose how
your technology works but only the results or benefit. When in doubt, ask your
Calvin Karl R. Garganta, CIE, AAE, CLSSYB
Common Validation Issues And How
To Fix Them
No Know How, or no specific name in Know How
• If you are involved in the R&D for this technology, list yourself
(and your affiliation) as the contact.
• Check out the Know How and Individual Profile board for
classmates and other people who might have the expertise to
help us develop the technical solution and/or address
technical issues for this venture.

Calvin Karl R. Garganta, CIE, AAE, CLSSYB

Common Validation Issues And How
To Fix Them
No Know Who, or no specific name in Know Who
• Check out the KnowWho board and Individual Profile board
for your classmates' contacts.
• If your classmate worked in a company which might be your
possible customer, ask your classmate (via FB group) to
nominate a contact.

Calvin Karl R. Garganta, CIE, AAE, CLSSYB

Common Validation Issues And How
To Fix Them
Vague initial customer, non-revenue customer
• Your Know Who needs to be a customer, i.e. the one who will
pay for your product, not just a beneficiary or an end user
• Ex: App that does <xxx> but will be supported by ads
• You also need to identify a potential advertiser/sponsor as Know Who
• Ex: Service where you give out financial incentives to users
• You also need to identify a potential sponsor as Know Who

Calvin Karl R. Garganta, CIE, AAE, CLSSYB

Common Validation Issues And How
To Fix Them
Know Who doesn't match target customer
• Check out the Know Who board and Individual Profile board
for your classmates’ contacts.
• If your classmate worked in a company which might be your possible
customer, ask your classmate (via online group) to nominate a contact.

Calvin Karl R. Garganta, CIE, AAE, CLSSYB

Common Validation Issues And How
To Fix Them
Wrong TRL or technology may not be feasible
• Your Know How contact needs to be accessible (instead of just
somebody in a paper/article abroad that you googled)
• The TRL level should be based on the accomplishment Know
How. Do not base it on the work of researchers abroad that
you do not have contact with.
• Talk to a professor or search the Individual Profile board for a
classmate who can help you connect your proposal to ongoing
or past R&D

Calvin Karl R. Garganta, CIE, AAE, CLSSYB

Common Validation Issues And How
To Fix Them
Missing science
• Proposed solution might not be technically feasible.
• Find a research paper that demonstrates the scientific
principle on which your proposed solution is based.

Calvin Karl R. Garganta, CIE, AAE, CLSSYB

Common Validation Issues And How
To Fix Them
Missing half of the market
• Example proposed venture: parking lot availability
• Proposed Know Who: driver
• You also need to identify a parking lot owner/manager as Know Who
• Example proposed venture: Recycling of waste
• You need to identify a company that produces the needed waste
material in significant quantities.
• You also need to identify a company that will pay for and use your
recycled outputs

Calvin Karl R. Garganta, CIE, AAE, CLSSYB

Common Validation Issues And How
To Fix Them
I only have a vague proposal; I don't know where to start
• Post it anyway so I can give you guide questions
• Identify a specific customer from your Know Who or a
classmate's Know Who
• Describe a day in the life of that customer
• Imagine solving your customer's problem manually
• How would you automate your manual solution?
• What tools/technology will be useful in the manual solution?
• Ask a student who is part of an R&D lab (or who has an
ongoing thesis) to let you sit-in on their group meeting.

Calvin Karl R. Garganta, CIE, AAE, CLSSYB

Common Validation Issues And How
To Fix Them
I have a proposal but I'm worried I can't do its one-day
• One step at a time, let's identify the opportunity first
• If you're afraid of rejection,
• Do the rejection therapy exercise
• Review the Know Who tips

Calvin Karl R. Garganta, CIE, AAE, CLSSYB

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