At Farm 3

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Bu Monik – Bimbel-Les Privat

Lesson 7 Bahasa Inggris Kelas 2 Nama : ____________________

At the farm
A. numbers
1. one = Satu 11. eleven = sebelas
2. two = dua 12. twelve = dua belas
3. three = tiga 13. thirteen = tiga belas
4. four = empat 14. fifteen = empat belas
5. five = lima 15. fourteen = lima belas
6. six = enam 16. sixteen = enam belas
7. seven = tujuh 17. sevemteen = tujuh belas
8. eight = delapan 18. eighteen = delapan belas
9. nine = sembilan 19. nineteen = sembilan belas
10. ten = sepuluh 20. twenty = dua puluh

B. Animal = binatang C. Kosa kata

1. Gajah = Elephant 1. Children = anak - anak

2. Singa = Lion 2. Farm = peternakan
3. Monyet = Monkey 3. Farm boy = anak gembala laki - laki
4. Unta = Camel 4. Farm girl = anak gembala perempuan
5. Burung = Bird 5. Flute = seruling
6. ikan = fish 6. Pond = kolam
7. ayam = chiken 7. Barn = kandang
8. Harimau = Tiger 8. Storehouse = gudang
9. Ular = Snake 9. Tree = pohon
10. Burung Merak = Peacock 10. Field = lapangan
11. Domba = Lamb/sheep 11. House = rumah
12. kerbau = buffalo 12. Garden = kebun
13. Beruang = Bear 13. Color = warna
14. Bebek = duck 14. Feed = memberi makan
15. Kuda = Horse 15. Catch = menangkap
16. Bee = lebah 16. How many= berapa banyak
17. butterfly = kupu –kupu 17. There = ada
18. both = keduanya

Translate !

1. A : Berapa banyak ikan di kolam ?

B : Ada sebelas ikan di kolam

A: How many ................................................?

B : There are ..................................................................

2. A : Berapa banyak kupu – kupu di taman ?

B : Ada enam kupu – kupu di taman

A: .......................... ................................................?

B : ....................................................................................

3. A : How many ducks in the farm ?

B : There are twenty ducks in the farm.

A: .......................... ................................................?

B : ....................................................................................
4. A : How many bees on the tree ?
B : There are nine bees in the tree.

A: .......................... ................................................?

B : ....................................................................................

5. ada 13 anak gembala perempuan : .........................................................................

6. ada 19 kuda di kandang : ..............................................................................................

7. tidak ada seekor domba di lapangan : ..........................................................................

8. There is not a buffalo in the farm : ...........................................................................

9. There is seven cats in the house : ..............................................................................

10. There are two girls farm in the farm : ........................................................................

Isilah !

1. There ...........................(is/ are) a cow in front of the house.

2. There ...........................(is/are ) two cats in the house.

3. ................... ..........are five ducks in the pond.

4. There are ......................( one / four ) butterflies in the garden

5. There is .......................( one / six ) fishis in the pond.

6. There is a ..................................(bird/birds) up on the tree.

7. There are ten ............................( butterfly / butterflies) in the garden .

8. How many cats are there ?

There are ........................ ( enam kucing )

9. How many ...................are there ?

There are seven lambs.

10 .........................cows are there ?

There are eight cows.

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