SEO Strategy Template
SEO Strategy Template
SEO Strategy Template
E.g. Middle-class U.S. E.g. gas E.g. Track and improve gas
males aged 24-55 with mileage calculator mileage for a muscle car
classic muscle cars
Tip: If you’re stuck, HubSpot’s Make My Persona Tool can help you define your audience.
Next, do keyword research to find specific keywords based on each topic. Think of your
topics as the hub of a wheel, and the keywords as spokes radiating off of that wheel.
Note their search volume, competition, and business relevance (aka c
ommercial intent).
(See also: Our K
eyword Research Template.)
E.g. Muscle E.g. Gas E.g. 1,200 E.g. Low E.g. Somewhat
cars’ gas mileage of searches/mo. relevant
mileage muscle cars
E.g. Gas mileage of muscle E.g. Gas mileage tool with E.g. Interactive tool that
cars efficiency tips displays gas mileage and
horsepower of a given car
(make, model and year),
plus lists modifications
people can make to
improve its efficiency
E.g. Gas mileage tool with efficiency tips E.g. Resource pages, Link roundups,
Skyscraper Technique
E.g. Increase sales of E.g. Sales of straight-pipe E.g. 30% growth YoY
straight-pipe exhaust kits exhaust kits from organic
search traffic, Organic
That’s it for this SEO strategy template. I hope it helps! Remember, you can find 20+
other marketing templates here, including a highly tactical SEO marketing plan.
Brian Dean