Republic Vs Albios
Republic Vs Albios
Republic Vs Albios
The action to revoke the donation under this article must be brought within five
years from the time the decree of legal separation has become final.(107a)
The revocation of the donation must be recorded in the proper registry of property
where the property is located. This is to protect the parties against the rights of
innocent third persons.
The law further says that the revocation is not by operation of law. There must be an
action filed in court to that effect and the law prescribes a period of five years from
the time the decree of legal separation has come final. That means that the inaction of
the innocent spouse for five years is equivalent to a waiver of his rights to revoke the
donation as this is a right that can be waived whether impliedly or expressly and the
waiver is valid.
On the matter of the revocation of the designation in an insurance policy, the law
requires for its effectivity that a written notice be given to the insured.
Unlocking of Difficulties:
* LEGAL SEPARATION – judicially authorized separation from bed and board
— a mensa et thoro — but the spouses remain married. There are at least 10 grounds
under the Family Code by which legal separation can be effected (Article 55, Family
* DONATION – an act of liberality whereby a person disposes gratuitously of a thing
or right in favor of another, who accepts it (Article 725, Civil Code)
*BENEFICIARY – any person or entity (like a charity) who is
to receive assets or profits from an estate, a trust, an insurance policy or any instrumen
t in which there is distribution
* ALIENATION – the capacity for a piece of property or a property right to be sold
or otherwise transferred from one party to another
* LIEN – an encumbrance that attaches to a certain transaction or specific property
for the satisfaction of a debt or performance of an obligation or other duty that is
created by operation of law, e.g., by agreement of the parties in a contract, as in a
mortgage lien
* ENCUMBRANCE – a lien or claim on the title or possession of property which
thus burdens its use or sale, or transfer
Art. 65. If the spouses should reconcile, the corresponding joint manifestation under oath duly
signed by them shall be filed with the court in the same proceeding for legal separation.
This Article requires a joint manifestation under oath in case of reconciliation.