MGN578 Ca 3

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Group Discussion - Case based

Mittal School of Business (MSOB)
Faculty of Marketing

Course Code: MGN578 Name of the faculty member: Dr. Sheetal

Class: MBA Term: 1 Section: Q2050
Max. Marks: 30 Date of Allotment: 1st September 2020
S. N. Objectives of Guidelines Evaluation Expected
Academic Parameters Outcomes
1 To develop • Students in a group of 6-8 each will be 1. Strategic To develop team
team work, allotted a case study1 related to solutions work, analytical
analytical and International aspects of business. and discussion
discussion skills • Individual students will prepare report 2. Critical skills among
among students. that will be submitted for evaluation in Analysis students.
the UMS.
• Students are expected to include the 3. Collaborative
critical analysis / Efforts
solution/recommendations of the case
assigned by the faculty in the report. 4. Functionality
1. Students should not waste time while 5. Group
preparing and discussing the case summary. Discussion
Instead, they shall directly discuss the case
issues after briefing the case situation for a
2. Each student must submit hard copy of
case analysis to the faculty. Submission will
be followed by Group discussion in the class
as scheduled by the faculty member.
3. Students will be evaluated on:
Identification of the Main Issues/Problems: 2
Marks, Analysis of the issues: 5 Marks,
Comments on effective solutions/strategies
10 Marks, Links to course reading and
additional research: 3 Marks and 10 marks for
group discussion. (Guidelines and rubrics

Soft copy of case study will be provided to respective groups and you need to collaborate with each other.

Parameters Marks Excellent Good (60% Fair (40% to Poor (0 to
(80%-100%) to 80%) 60%) 40%)

Identification of the 2 Identifies & Identifies and Identifies and Identifies and
Main understands Understands Understands understands
Issues/Problems all of the main most of the some of the few of the
issues in the main issues in issues in the case issues in case
case study the case study study study

Analysis of the Issues 5 Insightful and Thorough analysis Superficial Incomplete

thorough of most of the analysis of analysis of
analysis of all the issues some of the the issues
issues issues in the
Comments on 10 Well Appropriate, well Superficial Little or no action
effective documented, Thought out and/or suggested, and/or
solutions/strategies Reasoned and comments about inappropriate inappropriate
(The solution may be pedagogically solutions, or solutions to solutions to all of
in the case already or appropriate proposals for some of the the issues in the
proposed by you) comments on solutions, to issues case study
solutions, or most of the in the case study
proposals issues in the case
for solutions, to study
issues in the case

Links to Course 3 Excellent Good research and Limited research Incomplete

Readings and research into Documented and research and
Additional Research the issues links to the Documented Links to any
with clearly material read links to any readings
documented readings
links to
II Group Discussion

Marks Parameters
8-10 1. Student is a proactive participant showing a balance between listening, initiating, and
focusing discussion.
2. Displays a proactive use of the whole range of discussion skills to keep discussion going
and to involve everyone in the group.
3. Understands the purpose of the discussion and keeps the discussion focused and on topic.
Applies logics, knowledge, confidence, showing leadership and sensitivity.
6-8 1. Student is an active participant showing a balance between listening, initiating, and
focusing discussion.
2. Demonstrates all the elements of discussion skills but uses them less frequently and with
less Confidence than the above level.
3. Keeps the discussion going but more as a supporter than a leader. Tries to involve
everyone in the group.
4. Demonstrates logic and knowledge but lacks the confidence to pursue them so that the
group takes longer than necessary to reach consensus.
5. Demonstrates a positive approach but is more focused on getting done than on having a
positive discussion.
4-6 1. Student is an active listener but defers easily to others and tends not pursue personal point
of view, lacking confidence.
2. Limits discussion skills to asking questions, summarizing and staying on topic.
3. Rarely demonstrates analysis skills and logics because doesn’t understand the
purpose of the discussion, and as a result, offers little evidence to support any point of view.
2-4 1.Student shows effort and is willing to be involved in the discussion but lacks the skills to
get involved.
2. Asks clarifying questions as the main discussion skill.
3. Passively tries to find resources e.g. flipping through notes.
4. Lacks participation, logics resulting in little evidence with which to assess
0-2 1. Student demonstrates no participation or effort.
2. Participates only when prompted by the teacher. Only responds to others and
initiates nothing.
3. Provides limited responses that are often off topic.
4. Participates minimally so that it is impossible to assess analysis skills or
understanding of the issues.


Serial Registration Name Roll Number Group Case

No Number
1 12000052 JAY VADARIYA RQ2050A01 Group 1 Amazon in 2020
2 12000082 Harsimar Setia RQ2050A02
3 12000493 DHAVAL GORFAD RQ2050A05
4 12000583 Kehkashan Bedi RQ2050A06
5 12001552 Gokul K RQ2050A07
6 12002541 Hadwinmano Nadar RQ2050A15
7 12001679 Aman Asati RQ2050A09 Group 2 OBISOFT :
Negotiating in China
8 12001821 Masthan Shaik RQ2050A11
9 12002872 ARCHANA KUMARI RQ2050A17
10 12002942 Pooja Chauhan RQ2050A18
11 12003030 Unmesha Nyayapaty RQ2050A19
12 12003107 Vidushi Vashisth RQ2050A20
13 12011689 Ansari Farhan Saeed RQ2050A24 Group 3 Play it safe at home,
14 12012432 Bhardwaj Rajat Mukesh RQ2050A25 or take a risk at
15 12003313 Ritika Rawat RQ2050B29
16 12003503 Motamarri Guneswara Gupta RQ2050B30
18 12004219 Saai Ganesh Velan N V RQ2050B35
19 12004863 Nilesh Kumar RQ2050B36 Group 4 Motorola India: On
20 12006191 Rajesh Sharma RQ2050B40 Razor Thin Ice

21 12006337 Nyige Abdallah RQ2050B41

22 12006653 Abhishek Das RQ2050B42
23 12008493 Mukul Maurya RQ2050B45
24 12009174 Karanvir Singh RQ2050B47
25 12009183 Shruti sood RQ2050B48 Group 5 Tata
26 12009777 Deepak Kumar Gupta RQ2050B49 Communications'
acquisition of TYCO
27 12010024 Rajesh V RQ2050B50 Global Network (B)
28 12011539 Mujawar Fatimah Matin RQ2050B51
29 12012339 Raghav Sharma RQ2050B53
30 12012780 KM Rupali Pandey RQ2050B54
31 12000068 Simbungu Muloy Eunice RQ2050B55 Group 6 The Walt Disney
32 12002421 Gudimalla Nikhil RQ2050A13 Company: 21st
century fox
33 12005760 Manpreet Singh RQ2050B39 Acquisition and
34 12001632 Amal Augustine RQ2050A08 digital distribution
35 12000102 Sreeza Debnath RQ2050A04
36 12002193 varun kumar RQ2050A12 Group 7 XIAOMI: Entering
37 12001794 Sakshi Agrawal RQ2050A10
38 12003622 Dresthi Paliwal RQ2050B32
39 12005145 Chitranshee Kasbi RQ2050B37
40 12008715 Manish Rana Magar RQ2050B46
41 12011483 Aashima Bakshi RQ2050A23
42 12000086 Ashish Narhari Supare RQ2050A03 Group 8 Yushan Bicycles:
43 12002485 Md Ujale RQ2050A14 Learning to Ride
44 12011439 Tarandeep Singh Nijhawan RQ2050A22
45 12012545 MEGHA KUMARI RQ2050A26
46 12005395 Bhavarpreet Kaur RQ2050B38
47 12013610 Kritika Upadhyay RQ2050B56

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