2021-04-24 - Walter Pullen Lunar Lords and The Fractal
2021-04-24 - Walter Pullen Lunar Lords and The Fractal
2021-04-24 - Walter Pullen Lunar Lords and The Fractal
of Esoteric Astrology
Walter D. Pullen Saturday April 24, 2021
As Above So Below
Fractal: Composed of smaller
versions of itself, repeated.
“‘As above, so below’ is a
truism glibly repeated but little
realized.” (LOM p225)
7 Root Races World
Periods Rounds Chains
Schemes Solar
Multiple moons orbit planets,
orbit stars, orbit galaxies.
Planets: Mini Solar Systems
Ray 5 quote: “To understand
the whole it is necessary to
understand the parts. To
understand the parts, it is
necessary to understand the
whole. Such is the circle of
understanding.” - Ken Wilber
Increase depth: Mundane
astrology = Material only,
ignore Spirit.
Increase breadth or detail:
Sun sign astrology = Sun
only, but ignore planets.
Standard astrology = planets
only, but ignore moons.
Above: Jupiter and its four largest moons Moons provide more detailed
Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. and accurate astrology!
Moons: Alive or Dead?
“Another factor in computation which must also be considered is the effect of the various moons upon any
planetary scheme…” (TCF p794)
“In those far off times, antedating even Lemuria… the moon appeared to be a living vital entity. But I would have
you bear definitely in mind that today the moon is nothing more than a dead form.” (EA p13)
Some moons may be Logoic infused! Our Moon looks gray and colorless, compared to other moons.
Matter is just dense Spirit: “…the all-inclusiveness of the divine Life, for the lunar lords are aspects of that Life as
much as is the energy of the soul.” (EH p642)
Be aware of where the moon is: “At the times of the new moon and of the full moon, all members of all the
Ashrams meditate deeply in an invocative and evocative manner...” (DINA II p217)
“...the invocative cry of humanity and of the Hierarchy, jointly sounded at the time of the Full Moons of May and
June and particularly at the Wesak Festival, will be effective...” (ExH p388)
Moons: Expression in Form
“The Moon rules the form and it is the
will of God to manifest through the
medium of form.” (EA p263)
Moons like planet’s arms/legs, Ray 5
concrete detail.
M.O.O.N. = Manifesting Our Occult
Moons (more material) Planets
(consciousness) Stars (more
Spiritual) Black holes/galaxies
(Cosmic Divine)
Moon evolution: Redeem Moon chain
matter for planet. Overcome and evolve
(and use) lunar vehicles.
Planet evolution: Make planet sacred,
align with Monads in heart of Sun.
Solar Logos is entire solar system (not
just Sun) with planets as chakras.
Planetary Logos is mini solar system
(not just planet’s body).
Interpreting Moons
#1 Rule: Moons affect reading
of planet, what parts to
(de)emphasize. (Unlike
asteroids which orbit Sun.)
1: Moon’s meaning (mythology)
2: Moon’s positioning.
“The names of the planets are
not the result of arbitrary
choice, but the planets name
themselves.” (TWM, p438-439)
Pluto’s moon Charon: Boatman
to Hades. Charon is Pluto’s
guide to transformation, guru or
Path (but demanding like Path).
Planets channel Rays to Earth.
Moon between planet and Earth
acts as colored lens.
Moons orbit quickly! (Charon 7
days.) Wheels within wheels.
Planet centered positions. (Full
Moons viewed from planet.)
Jupiter’s Moons
Ganymede: Jupiter’s abundance. Larger than Mercury, largest moon in solar system,
magnetic field. Beautiful Ganymede made cupbearer to gods. Negative: Excess, being
“full of oneself”, unwanted attention. Esoteric: Hero/favored disciple (Arjuna/Ananda).
Callisto: Jupiter’s wisdom. Oldest and cratered surface, like night sky. Callisto
rejected by gods after abduction, turned into bear and hunted, until turned into Ursa
Major. Wisdom from age or experiences. Negative: Know-it-all, entitlement, zealotry.
Io: Jupiter’s creativity. Highly volcanic, densest in system. Io continually stung by
gadfly. Driven person, forging creative vision. Esoteric: Like exoteric Vulcan.
Europa: Jupiter’s enthusiasm. Oceans under ice, smoothest, possible ET life. Europa
seduced by cow. Energy of youth. Negative: Distractions. Esoteric: Bliss, life, Being.
Saturn’s Moons
Titan: Saturn’s past. Largest, liquid
hydrocarbon oceans. Titans old rulers of world.
Past, national/racial/economic situations and
environment, karma, physical matter.
Rhea: Saturn’s family. Minor atmosphere,
maybe rings. Gave Kronos stone instead of
Zeus. Family/group/work bonds and
obligations, tough love.
Iapetus: Saturn’s limitation. Irregular shape
and orbit, many blemishes. Sons had many
vices and moral failings. Limitation (physical or
mental), pessimism and depression, things
unevolved or need to be fixed or worked upon.
Dione: Saturn’s respect. Significant, high
density, minor atmosphere, probably water
ocean. Consort or wife of Zeus before Hera,
had real life cults and worshipping. Respect (to
others our ourselves), seen as lacking.
Tethys: Saturn’s solitude. Quiet Titan with few
myths, why Ursa Major never sets. Solitude,
self-isolation, self-reliance parts.
Enceladus: Saturn’s manifestation. Bright,
oceans beneath surface, geysers. Giant, born
from the blood of Uranus. Manifestation, hard
work, and the process of building things.
Mimas: Saturn’s discipline. Cracked and
cratered, including “Death Star” crater. Giant
fought against and eventually slain by gods.
Discipline, persistence, focus, not giving up.
Hyperion: Saturn’s timing. Irregularly shaped,
difficult to predict rotation. Watchful, observant
Titan, first to know movements of heavens, and
teach it to others. Astrologer and sage! Proper
timing, patience, and observation.
The Planetary Aura
3D sphere relative to planet.
Positioning of moon: How
ABCDEF: (A)bove/(B)elow,
(C)lose/(D)istant, (E)xtend
ahead/(F)ollow behind
Planetary Moon Aspects
Spread out.
1: Aspects
from Earth
(tight orbs!)
2: Aspects
from planet
(New Moons)
3: Aspects
Saturn’s Rings
More than just moons in the planetary
Rings are moons that weren’t able to
hold themselves together. Like
microcosmic planetary asteroid belt.
Below rings (“Grower”): Submit to
discipline, learn, aspire.
Above rings (“Builder”): Apply
discipline, use, manifest.
Rings edge on (“Edger”): Balanced,
intense since in Saturn’s rotation plane.
Above/below like Solstice/New or Full
Moon, edge on like Equinox/Half Moon.
29.5 year cycle, similar to 29.5 day
Moon cycle. Both material, challenging.
The Seven Dwarf Planets
Dwarf planets have moons too!
Eris 98% as large as Pluto, 27% denser, fully outside Neptune = Just as significant.
"...the significance of the other planetary bodies (of great number) within the solar
ring-pass-not. The entire solar sphere is full of such bodies, characterized by the
same features as are the seven and the ten, and each of them in some degree has
an effect upon the whole. There are more than 115 of such bodies to be reckoned
with, and all are at varying stages of vibratory impulse. They have definite orbits, they
turn upon their axis, they draw their 'life' and substance from the sun... This fact will
be demonstrated towards the close of the century..." (TCF p793-794)
Name Ray Origin Keywords Moons Glyph
Eris 3 Greek goddess of discord Scheming, chaos 1
Haumea 2 Hawaiian goddess of creation Mothering, oneness 2
Makemake 1 Easter Is. creator god of humanity Fathering, directing 1
Gonggong 4 Chinese god of water Rebellion, integration 1
Quaoar 7 Native American god of creation Ritual creation, law 1
Sedna 6 Inuit goddess of the sea Trauma, acceptance 0
Orcus 5 Roman god of punishing dead Reviewing, karma 1
The “Cosmic Labyrinth”
Observation & analysis: Ray
sequence of Dwarfs in size
order: 3214765
Classic Labyrinth: Circuit
sequence 3214765
Dwarfs sacred or non-
sacred? On periphery, but
closer to other stars.
Energetic “address” or
“welcome mat” from our solar
system to other systems?
Music tones: EDCFBAG
Energetic pathway for how
Chohans can follow “path”
beyond the “ring pass not” of
the solar system?
Message in the heavens! ♥
Astrolog 7.20
New release this month!
Show planetary moons,
Saturn’s rings (first and only).
Also Seven Dwarfs.
Astrolog’s icon: Rings and
moons since 1993.
Astrolog is free. Download and
use these features yourself:
http://www.astrolog.org Above: Pluto and its five moons Charon, Styx, Nix, Kerberos, and Hydra.
End of Presentation
Celestial blessings!