The Strange Woman
The Strange Woman
The Strange Woman
Wisdom Lit.
Dr. Brown
A. An adulterous woman -
- proverbs 30:20 - “Such is the way of an adulterous woman…”
- Proverbs 6:26 - “and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life.”
- Proverbs 7:19 - “For the goodman is not at home, he is gone a long journey”
B. A narrow pit
- proverbs 23:27 - “For a whore is a deep ditch”
C. Simple
- Proverbs 9:13 - “she is simple, and knoweth nothing.”
D. An odious women
- Proverbs 30:23 - “or an odious woman when she is married;”
E. An evil woman
- Proverbs 6:24 - “To keep thee from the evil woman”
A. In the streets
- Proverbs 7:12a - “Now is she without, now in the streets”
B. At every corner
- Proverbs 7:12b - “and lieth in wait at every corner.”
C. She is beautiful
- Proverbs 6:25 - “Lust not after her beauty in thine heart; neither let her take
thee with her eyelids.”
D. At the door of her house
- Proverbs 9:14 - “For she sitteth at the door of her house”
A. Anyone her crosses her path will be put to death (spiritually and possibly physically)
- proverbs 2:18 - “For her house inclineth unto death, and her paths unto the
B. None can go back to their original path of life
- proverbs 2:19 - “None that go unto her return again, neither take they hold of
the paths of life.”
C. Whoever goes after her will be doomed reap his consequences
- Proverbs 7:22 - “He goeth after her straightway, as an ox goeth to the slaughter,
or as a fool to the correction of the stocks”
D. Many have died by her hands
- Proverbs 7:26 - “For she hath cast down many wounded: yea, many strong men
have been slain by her.” Her house is the way to hell, going down to the
chambers of death.
E. Whoever involves themselves with her are doomed to punishment
- Proverbs 7:27 - “Her house is the way to hell, going down to the chambers of
F. You destroy yourself
- Proverbs 6:32 - “But whoso committeth adultery with a woman lacketh
understanding: he that doeth it destroyeth his own soul.”
G. You dishonor yourself in a way that is irreversible
- Proverbs 6:33 - “ A wound and dishonour shall he get; and his reproach shall not
be wiped away.”
H. He shall die and go astray
- Proverbs 5:23 - “He shall die without instruction; and in the greatness of his folly
he shall go astray.”
I. Her visitors are in the depths of hell - Proverbs 9:18 - “But he knoweth not that the dead
are there; and that her guests are in the depths of hell.”
J. You heart will become corrupt
- Proverbs 23:33 - “Thine eyes shall behold strange women, and thine heart shall
utter perverse things.”
Keil, C. F., & Delitzsch, F. (1996). Commentary on the Old Testament: Proverbs,
Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon (Vol. 10). Peabody, MA: Hendrickson.
Maurice, S. D., Exell, J. S., & Deems, E. M. (1950). The pulpit commentary (Vol. 9). Grand
Rapids, MI: Wm. B. Eerdmans Pub.