Need and Demand of Education For Social

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Need and demand of Education for Social and Cultural Development of

Society in Pakistan

Need and demand of Education for Social and Cultural Development of
Society in Pakistan

Table of Contents




Need and demand of Education for Social and Cultural Development of
Society in Pakistan


The relationship between education and development of the society is absolute and indubious.
On one side, improving the education, and on the other side, educated people are effective means
for the development of the society. No doubt the social, economic, political, and cultural
development of the society will be difficult if not impossible without the presence of educated
people. In order to understand and explain the role of education in the development of the
society, functions of education are described in terms of economic, political, social, cultural,
agricultural and health aspects. Thus, this paper first examines the importance and role of
education in the development of the society from the perspective of experts, and then, discusses
the place of education in the development of the society. To understand the relationship between
education and society in a healthy way and to explain the highly dynamic structure of education
is not a routine process that affects every level of society as a social institution, political
authority needs to be imposed that to build a prosperous society that education and knowledge
are provision.
Keywords: Education, human capital, skill and specialty, society, Social, relationship between
Education and Society, Social Development.

Need and demand of Education for Social and Cultural Development of
Society in Pakistan

Education is the process of learning and teaching knowledge and skills. This process started with
the creation of man on earth, developed gradually, and today it is one of the cornerstones in the
progression of societies (Gibson, 2006, p. 160). Human beings are to educate and to be educated.
The primary aim of education is to sustain individual and societal improvement. This process
contains both tangible and moral dimensions. Educational programs and policies play a pivotal
role in these social and individual progress. Social progress clearly indicates a general
development in the community in terms of economic, social and cultural aspects. In sociological
terminology, social development is used for a concept displaying all positive developments in the
social construct. To put it differently, this is to state a society which is considered to be
progressing and changing from a fairly less decent situation to a favorably better conditions with
respect to economic, social and political issues. The main difference between the living and the
non-living is that the former always renews itself. One of the mechanisms which provides and
maintain this renewal is education. Education is one of the basic and primary human rights; it is a
fundamental component of social and economic development and if well planned, it can lead to a
great social and economic output, especially in developing countries (Psacharopoulos &
Woodhall, 1985, p. 132). It should be considered that development is no more in the realm of
economy in the global village and it consists of all the social, cultural, political, and economic
aspects. Moreover, an important principle closely related to the subject of the study is that plans
should be prepared based on educating the individuals in every society; since the key element in
the development of every society is the people of the society and they must benefit from
education, knowledge and different skills. It is mandated in the Constitution of Pakistan to
provide free and compulsory education to all children between the ages of 5-16 years and
enhance adult literacy. With the 18th constitutional amendment the concurrent list which
comprised of 47 subjects was abolished and these subjects, including education, were transferred
to federating units as a move towards provincial autonomy.

Education is key to the socio-economic development of a country. It plays a vital role in

building human capabilities and accelerates economic growth through knowledge, skills

Need and demand of Education for Social and Cultural Development of
Society in Pakistan

and creative strength of a society. The positive outcomes of education include reduction in
poverty and inequality, improvement in health status and good governance in implementation of
socio-economic policies. The multifaceted impact of education makes it an essential element for
policy framework. Developing countries, where majority of the world’s population resides,
need to redesign educational policies for promoting productivity in different sectors of the
economy by developing highly skilled manpower and addressing their development needs
for rapid industrialization.


The pursuit of education is one of the most crucial aspect of life. Education is what empowers us.
It gives us the knowledge of the world and allows us to experience life in all its wonderful
colors. One cannot truly enjoy living without knowing the wonders surrounding, to just live is
not actually living and only enlightenment makes one feel alive.

Education is what differentiates man from animals. It teaches us how to socialize and most
importantly it humanizes us. It is due to our learning that we are able to engage and interact with
our environment. All the rich resources found in the nature would be of no use to the humanity if
there was no enlightenment on how to utilize them.


When it comes to developing countries, their future is very much dependent on the
education of their coming generations. Education of the nation determines the roles they
may play for the strength and progress of their country. Priority of all developing
countries is to improve their educational resources. Providing enough educational
opportunities to the nation is foremost requirement of these countries. It is only with
education any country can have productive workforce and fruitful individuals that
contribute in its growth.

Need and demand of Education for Social and Cultural Development of
Society in Pakistan


Children are the future of any country. When the children get proper education, they
grow up to be responsible and productive citizens. Children are like seeds that need to be
nurtured with quality education. Education for children is a necessity in this ever growing
world. Getting education is the birth right of every child. We humans are more receptive
to learning in our growing years. What we learn as children remains with us for
importance of education in life. All the knowledge we gain in our developmental stages
that builds a foundation of what we learn in our later years. Good education can lead to a
strong mind set and healthy cognitive make up. Thus, the education that is to be provided
to children has to be carefully monitored.


Youth of any country holds the key to its future. The youngsters need to understand the
value of getting education. An individual can only live a complete life with education. You can
experience all that is there in the world if you have education. It is needed that when our
youth is in its student life they should be made understood that what they are learning is the
building block to their future. It is a duty of every student to take the education very seriously
and not to compromise on the hard work and dedication towards this cause.


In any society, its social culture is dependent upon the education of the members. Being
educated places a person on a higher rank in the society. People give respect to those who
are well educated. It is only through education that any society can be reformed and made
civilized. In modern day world a good and healthy functioning society is an educated
society. Any society needs well educated and well aware people to shed the stereotypical
norms and the unjustified traditions of the ancient times for better development of the
people towards necessary advancements.

Need and demand of Education for Social and Cultural Development of
Society in Pakistan

From all that has been said above it can be concluded that education is very important.
All the world pursues education. Each and every individual needs education to live life to
the fullest. To better interact with our surroundings and to make the most of our life span,
education is essential. You pick any of the articles on education and the only thing they
all point towards is that education makes the most important thing a human needs. Being
illiterate deprives you of the beauty the world enfolds in each and every little thing.
Sadly. The world still is yet to recognize how much education changes one’s life. The
importance of education in life is so much that it changes the life of a person entirely.
Being educated makes you productive individual. Literacy helps you engage with fellow
humans and the workings of the world to allow you to experience it in a better way.

Need and demand of Education for Social and Cultural Development of
Society in Pakistan

Role of Technology in Education for Enhancing Economic Growth in


Technology has found its way into every aspect of our culture today. It's in medicine, it's in
social work, and no even more than it used to be, it's in our education systems1. Teachers are
continually being encouraged to take technology classes so that their students can benefit from
their knowledge. In Education, technology plays are role in the classroom, in assistive
technology products, and software that is brought into the school. So what exactly is the role of
technology in education? Technology is making it possible for teachers to reach more students,
allowing students the time they need to succeed, and providing our future workforce with
competent, knowledgeable employees. It is so true that technology is embedded in our culture,
and that we are immersed and dependent on it, as well. Technology changes so rapidly and has
such a pervasive impact that it is actually determining our culture. Children and adolescents are
prime users and beneficiaries. Administrators and educators need to keep pace with life outside
the classroom in order to integrate and access the wonderful learning opportunities the Internet,
iPods, cell phones, podcasting, and even social networking sites and video game play offer.
Today's youth spend half their leisure time in front of screens - it is a huge part of their life.
Teaching in a didactic/lecture format no longer works, and it is not utilizing the power of
technological advances. Teachers need to invite students to learn by using what they know best-
technology gadgets. Spending on science & technology in the Pakistan is far below the global
average. According to reputable organizations such as UNESCO and the World Bank data on
science spending in most OIC (Organization of the Islamic

Conference) countries including Pakistan is average annual spending on R&D as 0.34% of GDP,
much lower than the global average over the same period of 2.36%. Therefore countries in the
Islamic world including Pakistan are finding it hard to improve the current status of science &
technology education in the country. Pakistan continues to fall behind not only the developed
countries in the West but also emerging nations in East Asia like Taiwan and South Korea. In the
past decade, Taiwan and South Korea have shown a ground breaking performance in science and
technology coupled with rapid economic growth.

Need and demand of Education for Social and Cultural Development of
Society in Pakistan

Need and demand of Education for Social and Cultural Development of
Society in Pakistan

Advantages to having technology in Education:

There has been substantial evidence around the world that technology has become one of the
most important and vital components to the success of a child's education. Here are some of the
advantages that technology helps provide for children today:

1. Meeting Students’ Targets:

Technology has been proven to help students achieve in reading, writing, and arithmetic. Each
year teachers are instructed and challenged to meet AYP's (Adequate Yearly Progress).
Technology gives educators one more tool to help them reach those goals. Students become
engaged and can often times facilitate parent involvement at home.

2. Strengthen Professional Career:

Not only does technology benefit students in the education system, it also benefits the educator.
There are so many opportunities for teachers to learn and acquire new skills over the internet,
keep up with credentials and in return help them improve their teaching abilities.

3. Fulfilling Demands:

Technology, more specifically with assistive technology special needs students, and student with
disabilities have been able to achieve in areas and ways that would not have been possible.
Technology creates individualized learning environments for students and really can play a
major role in special needs ones.

4. Learning Rights at any Stage:

Technology has also made it possible for those who didn't finish college or high school to get
back into things without having to even leave the comfort of their own home. And technology
has made it possible for continued education; those wanting to reach a little higher and gain more
knowledge in something new or old. Technology brings the learning right to your students;
wherever they may be.

Need and demand of Education for Social and Cultural Development of
Society in Pakistan

5. Market Value:

And last, but certainly not least, technology has served students well because it has provided
them with the skill and knowledge they need to enter the workforce.

Education, Social Change and Modernization:

Education has been accepted as one major agency of socialization, and teachers and educational
institutions as socializing agents. In describing education as an instrument of social change, three
things are important: the agents of change, the content of change, and the social background of
those who are sought to be changed, i.e. students. Educational institutions under the control of
different cultural groups reflect the values of those groups which support and control education.
In this situation, teachers Impart specific values, aspirations and to the children. Social
reformers, who were educated emphasized values like removal of caste restrictions, equality of
women, doing away with social evil social customs and practices, voice in the governance of the
country, establishing democratic institutions and so on. They, thus, wanted to teach liberal
philosophy through education for changing society. In other words they regarded education as a
flame or light of knowledge which dispelled the darkness of ignorance.

According to the sociological perspective, education does not arise in response of the individual

needs of the individual, but it arises out of the needs of the society of which the individual is a

member1. The educational system of any society is related to its total social system. It is a sub

system performing certain functions for the on-going social system. The goals and needs of the

total social system get reflected in the functions it lays down for educational system and the form

in which it structures it to fulfill those functions.

In a static society, the main function of the educational system is to transmit the cultural heritage

to the new generations. But in a changing society, these keep on changing from generation to

generation and the educational system in such a society must not only transmit the cultural

Need and demand of Education for Social and Cultural Development of
Society in Pakistan

heritage, but also aid in preparing the young for adjustment to any changes in them that may

have occurred or are likely to occur in future. In contemporary societies, “The proportion of

change that is either planned or issues from the secondary consequences of deliberate

innovations is much higher than in former times.” This is more so in societies that has newly

become independent and are in a developing stage. Consequently, in such modern complex

societies, education is called upon to perform an additional function of becoming

Thus, the relationship between educational system and society is mutual; sometimes the society

influences changes in educational system and at other times the educational system influences

changes in the society.

Education of Women:
The National Policy on Education, 1986 also laid emphasis on education for attaining women’s
equality which will foster the development of new values. The strategies proposed are:
encouraging educational institutions to take up active programmers to further women’s
development removal of women’s illiteracy, removing obstacles inhibiting their access to
elementary education, and pursuing policy of non-discrimination to eliminate sex stereotyping in
vocational, technical and professional courses.

Importance of Social Institutions of Society:

Pakistan is not progressing is due to our weak social institutions. Social institution can play an
important role in making any country stronger. If the country has weak institutions than it will be
very hard for the nation to survive without any problems and difficulties. Instead of strong
institutions, we have strong Persons. The only way Pakistan can progress is my making its
institutions strong by converting it truly into welfare state. Strong institutions means end of
corruption, rule of law all problems mentioned below are by product of weak institutions. While
the progressing countries have only one thing in common they all have strong institutions. They
prefer merit instead of personal satisfaction which ultimately results in frustration among People.

Need and demand of Education for Social and Cultural Development of
Society in Pakistan

1. Poverty

2. Illiteracy

3. Corruption

3. Terrorism/sectarianism

4. Foreign debt

5. Restoration/promotion of democracy results in Weak Institutions

6. Water crisis

7. Lack of leadership

8. Population explosion

9. Pollution

10. Provincial disharmony

All these problems are the result of weak social institutions when family institution will be
weaker than it will produce the disorganized members of society and then they will cannot give
their best in other social institutions of Pakistan. When one institution will be affected than the
chain of disorganized society will keep moving and in every aspect of society weakness will
occurs and will result in destabilizing of country.

Social institutions and its importance are not known by everyone. But really what actually social
institution is.

Main Problems of Education in Pakistan:

The issues lead to the comprehension of the problems which are faced in the development of
education system and promotion of literacy. Following are the problems in education in Pakistan:

Need and demand of Education for Social and Cultural Development of
Society in Pakistan

 Funds
the allocation of funds for education is very low. It is only 1.5 to 2.0 percent of the total
GDP. It should be around 7% of the total GDP.
 Untrained Teachers
The teachers in government schools are not well trained. People who do not get job in
any other sector, they try their luck in educational system. They are not professionally
trained teachers so they are unable to train a nation.
 Poverty
Poverty is also another factor that restricts the parents to send their children to public or
private schools. So, they prefer to send their children to madrassas where education is
totally free.
  Lack of Proper Planning 
Pakistan is a signatory to MDGs and EFA goals. However it seems that it will not be
able to achieve these international commitments because of financial management issues
and constraints to achieve the MDGs and EFA goals.
 Gender gap
Major factors that hinder enrolment rates of girls include poverty, cultural constraints,
illiteracy of parents and parental concerns about safety and mobility of their daughters.
Society’s emphasis on girl’s modesty, protection and early marriages may limit family’s
willingness to send them to school. Enrolment of rural girls is 45% lower than that of
urban girls; while for boys the difference is 10% only, showing that gender gap is an
important factor.

 Cost of education
The economic cost is higher in private schools, but these are located in richer settlements
only. The paradox is that private schools are better but not everywhere and government
schools ensure equitable access but do not provide quality education.

Need and demand of Education for Social and Cultural Development of
Society in Pakistan

 War on Terror 
Pakistan’s engagement in war against terrorism also affected the promotion of literacy
campaign. The militants targeted schools and students; several educational institutions
were blown up, teachers and students were killed in Balochistan, KPK and FATA. This
may have to contribute not as much as other factors, but this remains an important factor
  Funds for Education
Pakistan spends 2.4% GDP on education. At national level, 89% education expenditure
comprises of current expenses such as teachers’ salaries, while only 11% comprises of
development expenditure which is not sufficient to raise quality of education.

Solution of the problems:

Estimating the value of education, the Government should take solid steps on this issue.
Implementation instead of projecting policies should be focused on.

It may not be possible for the government at the moment to implement uniform education system
in the country, but a uniform curriculum can be introduced in educational institutes of the
country. This will provide equal opportunity to the students of rural areas to compete with
students of urban areas in the job market.

Since majority of Pakistani population resides in rural areas and the access to education is a
major problem for them, it seems feasible that a balanced approach for formal and informal
education be adopted. Government as well as non-government sector should work together to
promote education in rural areas.

The government should take measures to get school buildings vacated which are occupied by
feudal lords of Sindh, Balochistan and Punjab. Efforts should be made to ensure that proper
education is provided in those schools.

Need and demand of Education for Social and Cultural Development of
Society in Pakistan

The federal government is paying attention to the vocational and technical training, but it is
important to make the already existing vocational and technical training centres more efficient so
that skilled youth could be produced.

Since education is a provincial subject, the provincial education secretariats need to be

strengthened. Special policy planning units should be established in provinces’ education
departments for implementation of educational policies and formulation of new policies
whenever needed. The provincial education departments need to work out financial resources
required for realizing the compliance of Article 25-A.

Federal Government should play a supportive role vis-à-vis the provinces for the early
compliance of the constitutional obligation laid down in Article 25-A. Special grants can be
provided to the provinces where the literacy rate is low.


 Technical education should be made a part of secondary education. Classes for carpentry,
electrical, and other technical education must be included in the curriculum.
 Providing economic incentives to the students may encourage the parents to send their
children to school and may help in reducing the dropout ratio.
 Local government system is helpful in promoting education and literacy in the country.
In local government system the funds for education would be spent on a need basis by
the locality.
 Corruption in education departments is one of the factors for the poor literacy in the
country. An effective monitoring system is needed in education departments.
 For any system to work it is imperative that relevant structures are developed.
Legislation and structure should be framed to plan for the promotion of education in the
 Unemployment of educated men and women is a major concern for Pakistan. There
should be career counselling of the pupils in schools so that they have an understanding
of job market and they can develop their skills accordingly.

Need and demand of Education for Social and Cultural Development of
Society in Pakistan

 Counselling of parents is required, so that they can choose a career for their child which
is market friendly.

Education is Important in an ideological state, without which nobody can progress towards
development both in personal terms as well as a nation state. Education provides the base for
both social and economic development. The poor quality of educational system may be one of
the most important reasons of downfall.

In Pakistan, the quality of education is on the decline because the government not uplifting the
quality and quantity of education. Without teachers' transformation a nation cannot transform the
education system for improving the quality of education. In this regard, a series of education
reforms in the area of teacher education were introduced in the public sector but their vision
seemed to be narrow, hence, they failed to make any substantial impact on the quality of teachers
and teaching process.

Eventually, it further affected the quality of education being offered in schools. Education
system of Pakistan is facing new challenges. It has yet to be developed at par with other
developing countries in the region.

Education is the basic right of every child and a very important aspect for progress of any nation.
Schooling plays the role of a foundation for any child and if the foundation is solid, the child will
be able to become a strong and confident human being. If a country wants to grow and lessen
poverty, providing education to every single person is the only key to success. No matter which
gender, all children deserve proper education.

Everybody wants to have a good life and that comes with hard work and devotion. No matter
what financial circumstances, it is important for everyone to get proper education or else there is
a greater chance they won’t be able to get the life they wished for. Education opens the doors to
many possibilities and parents and children need to understand that if they wish to prosper in life.

Need and demand of Education for Social and Cultural Development of
Society in Pakistan



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