List of C Basic Programs
List of C Basic Programs
List of C Basic Programs
String Programs
1. Program to convert string from upper case to lower case
2. Program to convert string from lower case to upper case
3. Sort a set of strings in ascending alphabetical order
4. Find length of a string without using strlen()
5. String concatenation without using strcat
6. Reverse a String using recursion
Array Programs
1. Program to sort array in ascending order
2. Find largest element of given array
3. C program to find sum of array elements
4. C Program to find number of elements in an array
Sorting programs
1. Bubble sort program in C
2. Insertion sort program in C
3. Selection sort program in C
4. Quicksort program in C
C Pointer programs
1. C program to find the largest of three numbers using Pointers
2. C program to count vowels and consonants in a String using pointer
3. C program to print String using Pointer
4. C program to swap two numbers using pointers
5. C program to create initialize and access a pointer variable
Programs on calculation
1. Find the value of nPr for given value of n & r
2. Find the value of nCr for given value of n & r
3. C Program to multiply two floating numbers
4. C Program to find out Quotient and Remainder
5. C Program to find average of two numbers