Bsa-Acctg 9
Bsa-Acctg 9
Bsa-Acctg 9
Veto Rights 9. This refers to the right to overturn the decisions reached by
the board of directors.
Implements Internal Control 10. It is one of the functions of the CFO which covers
Effective administration of cash flow and overhead expenses, establishing Credit policies for
customer and working with major vendors to attain more favorable Payment terms.
True ___1. One of the assumptions of the structural frame is that organizations work best
when rationality prevails over personal agendas and extraneous pressure.
False ___2. The essence of lateral coordination is that higher levels control the work of
subordinates through authority, rules and policies, and planning and control systems.
True ___3. Rules, policies, standards and standard operating procedures limit individual
discretion and help ensure that behavior is predictable and consistent.
False ___4. The structural perspective emphasizes dealing with organizational issues by
changing people through training, rotation, promotion and dismissal.
False ___5. Organizational growth spawns informality and simplicity.
False ___6. During restructuring, the five components of Mintzberg’s model of structural
possibilities indicate that top management has the most influence on the final outcome.
True ___7. As the complexity of the role structure of an organization grows, it needs more
sophisticated coordination strategies.
False ___8. In a machine bureaucracy, the bulk of the work is done in quasi-autonomous
False ___9. More complicated projects generally require structure with clearly defined roles
elementary forms of interdependence and coordination by plan or command
False ___10. Although it is a noble idea, no research evidence exists that supports the
notion of investing in employees and responding to their needs.
False ___11. Because profit sharing plans have had a positive impact on performance that
been quickly adopted by the majority of companies.
False ___12. The primary reason that change initiatives fail is that managers’ intentioned
True ___14. It is naïve and romantic to hope that organizational politics can be eliminated.
False __ 15. Political activity is more visible and dominant under conditions of homogeneity
than diversity.
True ___ 16. Conflict encourages new ideas and approaches to problems, stimulating