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WorkSafeBC (the Workers’ Compensation Board) is an independent provincial statutory agency governed
by a Board of Directors. It is funded by insurance premiums paid by registered employers and by
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protecting and maintaining the overall well-being of the workers’ compensation system.

WorkSafeBC was born out of a compromise between BC’s workers and employers in 1917 where workers
gave up the right to sue their employers or fellow workers for injuries on the job in return for a no-
fault insurance program fully paid for by employers. WorkSafeBC is committed to a safe and healthy
workplace, and to providing return-to-work rehabilitation and legislated compensation benefits to
workers injured as a result of their employment.

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© 2005, 2007 Workers’ Compensation Board of British Columbia. All rights reserved. The Workers’
Compensation Board of B.C. encourages the copying, reproduction, and distribution of this document
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without written permission of the Workers’ Compensation Board of B.C.

2007 edition

Library and Archives Canada Cataloguing in Publication Data

Main entry under title:
[Blaster’s handbook (Richmond, B.C.)]
Blaster’s handbook. -- [2005]-

ISSN 1715-2135 = Blaster’s handbook

1. Blasting - Safety measures. 2. Explosives - Safety measures. 3. Industrial safety -

British Columbia.
3. Industrial hygiene - British Columbia. I. Workers’ Compensation Board of British

T55.3.E96W32 363.11’96234527’09711 C2005-960130-2

WorkSafeBC wishes to express appreciation to the following organizations and their representatives,
who have generously contributed time and information to this manual.

Natural Resources Canada — Explosives Regulatory Division

Transport Canada
Dyno Nobel Canada
Maple Leaf Powder
Jerry Silva

Introduction............................................................................................... 1

Chapter 1: The Theory of Explosives......................................................... 3

General criteria for explosives...............................................................................................................7

Chapter 2: Classification of Explosives.................................................... 8

Black blasting powder............................................................................................................................8
Slurry/watergel explosives.....................................................................................................................9
Blasting agents.......................................................................................................................................9

Chapter 3: Initiating Devices and Accessories........................................11

Initiating devices................................................................................................................................. 11
Safety fuse assembly........................................................................................................................... 11
Shocktube assembly............................................................................................................................ 12
Standard electric detonator................................................................................................................. 12
Initiating accessories........................................................................................................................... 12
Detonating cords................................................................................................................................. 13
Boosters and primers........................................................................................................................... 13

Chapter 4: Priming the Charge................................................................ 15

Priming considerations........................................................................................................................ 15
Principles of priming........................................................................................................................... 15
Priming with a detonator.................................................................................................................... 16
Priming with detonating cord............................................................................................................. 17

Chapter 5: Disposal of Explosive Materials............................................. 19

Damage and deterioration................................................................................................................... 19
Disposal procedures............................................................................................................................ 20

Chapter 6: Legal and Jurisdictional Responsibilities............................. 21

Laws governing explosives.................................................................................................................. 21
Canadian laws and regulations........................................................................................................... 21
British Columbia laws and regulations............................................................................................... 22
Local laws............................................................................................................................................ 23
Civil law............................................................................................................................................... 23

Blasters' Handbook
- vii -
Chapter 7: Handling Explosive Materials................................................ 24
Factory/vendor/user numbers............................................................................................................. 24
Separation of explosive materials........................................................................................................ 25
Handling procedures........................................................................................................................... 25

Chapter 8: Transportation of Explosive Materials.................................. 27

Labels................................................................................................................................................... 27
Placarding............................................................................................................................................ 27
Transport containers............................................................................................................................ 28
Compatibility....................................................................................................................................... 28
Training and certification of drivers and helpers............................................................................... 29
Documentation.................................................................................................................................... 29
Emergency Response Assistance Plan (ERAP)................................................................................... 30
Reporting accidents............................................................................................................................. 31
Fire extinguishers................................................................................................................................ 31
Pre-loading inspection......................................................................................................................... 32
Loading and unloading....................................................................................................................... 32
Rules while in transit........................................................................................................................... 33

Chapter 9: Storage of Explosive Materials.............................................. 35

Storage requirements........................................................................................................................... 35
Magazine design and specifications.................................................................................................... 37
Magazine signage................................................................................................................................ 37
Magazine location................................................................................................................................ 38
Magazine protection............................................................................................................................ 41

Chapter 10: Explosive Materials at the Worksite.................................... 42

General requirements.......................................................................................................................... 42
Attendant............................................................................................................................................. 43
Container (day box)............................................................................................................................. 43

Chapter 11: Control of the Blasting Area................................................. 45

Blasting area........................................................................................................................................ 45
Blaster’s authority................................................................................................................................ 45
Assistants............................................................................................................................................ 46

Chapter 12: Drilling Precautions and Requirements............................... 47

Pre-drilling requirements.................................................................................................................... 47
Drilling restrictions............................................................................................................................. 47
Socket (old hole)................................................................................................................................... 47
Loaded hole......................................................................................................................................... 48

Blasters' Handbook
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Chapter 13: Priming and Placing Explosive Materials............................ 49
Priming................................................................................................................................................ 49
Loading................................................................................................................................................ 49
Pneumatic loading............................................................................................................................... 50
Tamping............................................................................................................................................... 51
Equipment........................................................................................................................................... 51

Chapter 14: Controlling Fly Material........................................................ 52

Types of fly material............................................................................................................................ 52
Causes of fly material.......................................................................................................................... 52
Control techniques.............................................................................................................................. 53

Chapter 15: Securing the Danger Area.................................................... 55

Danger area......................................................................................................................................... 55
Clearing the area................................................................................................................................. 55
Guarding charges................................................................................................................................ 56
Placing guards..................................................................................................................................... 56
Guard duties........................................................................................................................................ 57

Chapter 16: Firing the Blast..................................................................... 58

Warning signals................................................................................................................................... 58
Blasting signals.................................................................................................................................... 59
Blasting log.......................................................................................................................................... 60

Chapter 17: Returning to the Blast Site................................................... 63

Electrical blasting................................................................................................................................ 63
Air contaminants................................................................................................................................. 63
Examining the site............................................................................................................................... 63
Dangers................................................................................................................................................ 64
Loose material..................................................................................................................................... 64
Clean up............................................................................................................................................... 65

Chapter 18: Misfires................................................................................. 66

Types of misfires................................................................................................................................. 66
Causes of misfires............................................................................................................................... 66
Indicators of misfires........................................................................................................................... 67
Minimum waiting times...................................................................................................................... 68
Misfired charge.................................................................................................................................... 68
Burning charge.................................................................................................................................... 68
Personnel............................................................................................................................................. 69
Removal by hand................................................................................................................................. 69

Blasters' Handbook
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Metallic equipment.............................................................................................................................. 69
Identification, destruction, and removal............................................................................................. 70
Drilling to re-fire................................................................................................................................. 71

Chapter 19: Non-electric Initiation Systems........................................... 72

Safety fuse........................................................................................................................................... 72
Safety fuse assembly........................................................................................................................... 72
Fuse length.......................................................................................................................................... 73
Fuse handling...................................................................................................................................... 73
Detonator............................................................................................................................................. 73
Static shunt.......................................................................................................................................... 73
Igniter cord connector......................................................................................................................... 74
Igniting the safety fuse assembly........................................................................................................ 74
Acceptable lighting devices................................................................................................................. 74
Determining ignition........................................................................................................................... 76
Hazards and precautions..................................................................................................................... 77

Chapter 20: Detonating Systems............................................................. 78

Detonating cord system....................................................................................................................... 78
Detonating cord................................................................................................................................... 78
Storage and handling.......................................................................................................................... 80
Loading procedures............................................................................................................................. 80
Layout patterns.................................................................................................................................... 81
MS Connectors.................................................................................................................................... 82
Connecting charges............................................................................................................................. 84
Hooking-up procedure......................................................................................................................... 84
Connections......................................................................................................................................... 85
Initiation procedures........................................................................................................................... 86
Safety procedures................................................................................................................................ 87
Shocktube............................................................................................................................................ 88
Shocktube assembly............................................................................................................................ 88
Shocktube detonator............................................................................................................................ 89
Storage and handling.......................................................................................................................... 89
Priming and loading............................................................................................................................ 90
Shocktube patterns.............................................................................................................................. 91
Hooking up shocktube assemblies...................................................................................................... 93
Interconnected shocktube delay systems............................................................................................ 94
Initiation procedures........................................................................................................................... 96
Safety procedures................................................................................................................................ 97
“Bunch” blasting method.................................................................................................................... 97

Blasters' Handbook
Chapter 21: Electric Initiation Systems.................................................. 99
Principles of electrical theory.............................................................................................................. 99
Basics of standard electric initiation................................................................................................. 101
Power source...................................................................................................................................... 101
Components of electric initiation systems........................................................................................ 101
Testing a circuit................................................................................................................................. 105
Electrical hazards.............................................................................................................................. 105
Electrical storms................................................................................................................................ 106
Static electricity................................................................................................................................. 106
Stray current...................................................................................................................................... 107
Induced current................................................................................................................................. 107
Power transmission lines................................................................................................................... 108
Galvanic current................................................................................................................................ 108
Radio frequency energy..................................................................................................................... 109
Standard electric detonator............................................................................................................... 111
Leg wires........................................................................................................................................... 112
Detonator types................................................................................................................................. 112
Circuit configurations....................................................................................................................... 116
Power line blasting............................................................................................................................ 121
Power line calculations...................................................................................................................... 122
Blasting switch................................................................................................................................... 123

Appendices............................................................................................ 125
Appendix 1: Supplemental Resource References.............................................................................. 126
Appendix 2: Glossary of Blasting Terms........................................................................................... 127
Appendix 3: Simple Blast Design...................................................................................................... 148
Appendix 4: Electrical Calculations.................................................................................................. 152
Appendix 5: Obsolescent or Limited-Use Explosive Systems........................................................... 158
Appendix 6: Seismic Blasting............................................................................................................ 162

Blasters' Handbook
- xi -

lasting and explosives have long been a part of the industrial scene
in British Columbia. Over time, they have proven to be a valuable
tool used in road construction, fighting forest fires, clearing
snow build-up, and in the search for oil and gas reserves. Yet the use of
explosives has left a legacy of serious injury and death. As a consequence,
in 1951 the Workers’ Compensation Board was empowered to establish
a Blasting Certification Program to ensure that persons engaged in
blasting activities had the necessary skills and knowledge to safely handle

Today, any person who wants to conduct industrial blasting operations

(other than on a mine site) must be the holder of a valid blasting
certificate issued by WorkSafeBC.

This manual is designed to serve as a study guide for persons who

wish to be examined for a WorkSafeBC blasting certificate; it can
also be used as a reference for those already working in the industry.
Note that illustrations are for explanation only. For specific technical
reference, please refer to the product manufacturer's instructions.

Blasters' Handbook
Chapter 1: The Theory of Explosives

lasters are required to have an understanding of the basic theory
of explosives and the tools of the blasting trade, including the
characteristics, effects, and properties of commercial explosives
and the general criteria for selecting an explosive.

Consider the three characteristics that make an explosive unique:
• Method of initiation (what sets it off, or initiates the reaction)
• Composition (what it consists of)
• Detonation (what happens when it is initiated)

Method of initiation: An explosive is designed to be initiated by the

shock effect of a detonator or another explosive. Many products
are sensitive to heat, friction, and impact; therefore, they should
be protected from effects that could cause premature or accidental
Composition: An explosive is a chemical compound or mixture. An
example of a chemical mixture is the black blasting powder used in
safety fuse. Most other explosives are mixtures of chemical compounds.
Detonation: When an explosive is initiated, a rapid decomposition
(explosion) takes place, creating a shock wave with a rapid release of
high pressure gases capable of producing destructive effects.

Most commercial explosives are capable of producing gases with

temperatures ranging from 1600º C to 3800º C (3000º F to 7000º F) and
pressures ranging from 1,379,000 to 103,425,000 kilopascals (200,000 to
1,500,000 psi).

Method Explosive Detonation

of Initiation

Blasters' Handbook
Detonation of an explosive produces a shock wave and sudden release of
heat and gases with four common effects:
• Fragmentation of material
• Displacement of material
• Vibration of ground
• Concussion (air blast)

In certain applications, explosives are used to create specialized effects.

For example, a shaped charge (as in a perforator) is designed to cut or
penetrate metal or rock. A special welding technique uses the heat and
pressure of the explosive to bond metal pipes together. Some explosives
used in pyrotechnic work (special effects) create a flash effect.

Always refer to the
manufacturer’s Each commercial explosive has a unique combination of properties.
technical data sheets To determine whether or not it is suitable for a specific application, an
for proportions and understanding of its basic properties is necessary. Always refer to the
specifications. manufacturer’s technical data sheets for proportions and specifications.

Depending on the application, the selection of an explosive should be

determined by considering:
• Strength (Energy)
• Velocity of detonation (VOD)
• Density
• Water resistance
• Fumes
• Sensitivity

Strength (Energy)

Strength is the amount of energy produced by a unit weight or volume of

an explosive. It expresses the capacity of an explosive to perform work.

While strength may be a convenient yardstick for comparing various

products, there is no recognized standard for measuring strength.
The classic measurements based on nitroglycerine (NG) explosives
(dynamites) do not accurately reflect the relative energy output of non-
NG explosives. Therefore, strength alone may not be a reliable basis for

Blasters' Handbook
comparing explosive products. Many blasters compare explosives by the
amount of energy in a unit of weight or volume.

The energy produced by an explosive is ultimately determined under

actual blasting conditions. Several techniques can be used to obtain a
relative comparison and estimate of blast performance.

Velocity of detonation (VOD)

Velocity of detonation is the speed at which the detonation wave

travels through a column of explosives. Generally, the VOD increases
with a larger diameter, confinement, and temperature in the column.
Conversely, a decrease in any of these factors can cause the VOD to

The VOD of most commercial explosives ranges from 1,500 to 7,500 m

(5,000 to 25,000 ft) per second. The shock front will develop radial
fracturing in the surrounding material; and faster velocities can produce
greater shattering effect and fragmentation of material.

Reaction Zone Undisturbed Charge

Hot Expanding
Direction of
Shock Wave Initiation

Exploding Column of Explosives

In most applications, a VOD below 2,000 m (6,560 ft) per second may
not produce the desired results. In specialty applications, such as
secondary blasting (mud capping) and perforating (shape charges), the
higher VOD is necessary to produce the desired effect.


Density or “specific gravity” is a measurement of the weight/volume

ratio of an explosive. Water has a density of 1. Most explosive materials
have densities between 0.6 and 1.7.

Density must be considered when determining the most appropriate

borehole charge. Since higher-density products have more explosive in
a given volume, they have a greater potential for breakage.

Blasters' Handbook
Water resistance

Water resistance is the ability of an explosive to withstand exposure

to water without losing sensitivity or efficiency. The level of resistance
depends on the composition of the product, its packaging, and the
environmental conditions to which it is subjected.

While some manufacturers describe water resistance in general terms,

others identify a specific time period a product may be exposed to water
and still detonate. Such descriptions are guidelines only. Water resistance
can be significantly affected by water depth and movement, damaged
wrappings, and exposure to cold temperatures.

In confined areas,
such as underground Fumes are toxic gases from an explosive detonation. They include
workings, exposure to carbon monoxide and nitrous oxides. Carbon monoxide (a colourless,
fumes is minimized with odorless gas, lighter than air) tends to rise and has toxic properties.
low fume explosives Oxides of nitrogen have an orange/brown colour and tend to hover in the
and effective ventilation atmosphere. Both gases are poisonous.
In surface blasting operations, fumes quickly disperse to the atmosphere.
In confined areas, such as underground workings, exposure to fumes is
minimized with low fume explosives and effective ventilation systems.


Sensitivity is a measurement of the susceptibility of an explosive to

initiation by an external force such as a blasting cap, primer, or projectile
impact. It is also an indication of the ability of an explosive to propagate
detonation initiated by an external force.

Additional properties for consideration in particular applications are the

packaging of the explosive and their stability (during handling or long
term storage).

Blasters' Handbook
General criteria for explosives
Under normal use, explosive products should:
• Remain intact during the period of storage
• Not freeze or break down chemically (dissociate) under normal
• Be suitably packaged for the intended use
• Be safe to handle, transport, and store
• Remain sensitive and detonate readily when properly initiated
• Detonate properly on initiation
• Possess the following properties:
- Adequate strength for the intended use
- High velocity of detonation (except where shattering is to be
- Suitable density for the particular application
- Adequate water resistance
- Minimal fumes, particularly in confined areas

Blasters' Handbook
Chapter 2: Classification of Explosives

Black blasting powder

Black powder is a low explosive mixture of potassium nitrate, charcoal,
and sulphur. It has no water resistance, is sensitive to heat sources and
friction, and is highly flammable when dry. Upon initiation, it burns
rapidly (deflagrates) with no shock wave, producing a heaving rather
than shattering action.

Black powder is used in fireworks, special effect devices, and the (non-
shattering) production of marble and slate. In finer grades, it is the core of
safety fuse.

Dynamites and
Dynamites are explosives containing liquid nitrate esters. The most
other high-strength
common nitrate ester used is "NG," which is a mixture of nitroglycerine
explosives must be
treated with caution. and nitroglycol. This blend has low freezing properties, is mixed with
other ingredients to reduce its sensitivity, and produces a material
that can be packed into cartridges. Gelatinizing agents promote water
resistance, and antacids promote stability in storage.

Dynamites are cap sensitive and can be initiated by detonators or

detonating cord. Most dynamites develop a high VOD that produces a
shattering effect.

Dynamites and other high-strength explosives must be treated with

• Skin contact with NG or inhalation of NG vapours may cause a
“powder headache.”
• Exposure to moisture and temperatures in excess of 50° C (122° F)
cause the composition of dynamites to break down.
• Accumulations of NG are very sensitive to accidental initiation.
• Most dynamites can be easily ignited and produce intense heat.
• When the temperature exceeds 200° C (392° F), dynamite can explode.

All dynamites are in cartridge form, with a paper wrapper that prevents
contact with the NG and protects the dynamite from moisture and
contaminants. Cartridges are designed to maintain rigidity while being
loaded into drill holes and to compress readily when tamped. For
applications such as seismic and underwater blasting, cartridges made
of heavy paper or plastic tubing are used for greater water resistance and
protection from the elements.

Blasters' Handbook
Slurry/watergel explosives
Slurry/watergel explosives do not contain NG. Their explosive base is
ammonium nitrate (AN), an oxidizer. Mixed with fuels, metal particles,
and sensitizers, it forms an explosive designed to be initiated by a high-
strength detonator or a booster. Slurries use gelling agents to provide
water resistance. They have high density (1.1-1.5) and can be loaded into
wet holes. The high density types usually contain a solid sensitizer, such
as smokeless powder, and must be initiated using a booster.

The explosive in slurry/watergel products is suspended in a thickened

medium (gel) to protect it from external water. Although many slurry/
watergels have lower strengths and VODs than dynamites, they are stable,
fire resistant, and highly water resistant.

Emulsions are
An emulsion is a dispersion of minute droplets of oxidizer salt solution comparatively much
suspended in oil. The emulsion thus formed is protected against liquid safer to handle than
and oil separation by adding emulsifying agents. A bulking medium other high explosives.
is also added for density control, in the form of gas bubbles or micro
balloons. The more air that is added, the more sensitive but less powerful
the blend becomes. Emulsions may also contain solids such as aluminum
to enhance power.

Emulsions have varying consistencies, from pumpable liquid to stiff putty.

However, a grease-like consistency is the norm. Emulsions are also very

Emulsions are comparatively much safer to handle than other high

explosives. There is no possibility of getting NG headaches from
touching or smelling an emulsion. At low temperatures, emulsions may
lose sensitivity; consult manufacturers' data sheets for use and priming

Blasting agents
Blasting agents are composed of Ammonium Nitrate (AN) and contain
various other sensitizing fuels such as charcoal, fuel oil, molasses,
sawdust, or sugar. They are generally not cap-sensitive.

Blasters' Handbook
Blasting agents are relatively inexpensive and, due to their low
sensitivity, are stable and safer to store, transport, and use. Most are
not water resistant, and moisture exposure can result in poor rock
breakage or misfires. Improper on-site mixing can reduce the quality
and performance of the product.

A high energy primer is recommended to initiate blasting agents.

A high energy primer Improper initiation may result in excessive fumes, poor fragmentation,
must be used to and misfires.
initiate blasting
agents. Improper AN/FO, the most common blasting agent, is a mixture of dry
initiation may result in ammonium nitrate (AN) and fuel oil (FO) in a bulk weight ratio of
excessive fumes, poor 94% AN to 6% FO. Aluminum granules may be added to the mixture
fragmentation, and
for extra energy. To mix AN/FO, the written approval of the Chief
Inspector of Explosives (Explosives Act, Canada) is required.

Blasting agents are either dry (free-running) or slurry. Most dry types,
AN or AN/FO mixtures, have no water resistance; therefore, a plastic
liner (sock) may be required for wet holes. Dry, free-running products
are generally supplied in bulk, or packaged in bags with an oil and
water-resistant liner.

Blasting agents and slurry/watergels may be transported in a pumper

truck or packaged in various containers.

Blasters' Handbook
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Chapter 3: Initiating Devices and Accessories

Initiating devices
Detonators (blasting caps) produce a powerful shock wave capable of initiating
cap-sensitive explosive products. Explosives that are not cap-sensitive will
require a cast booster, or be primed with a cartridge of high explosive.

Detonators have a small aluminum shell, closed at one end, into which
is pressed a base charge of pentaerythritol tetranitrate (PETN). Except
for specialty products, all detonators manufactured in Canada are “high
strength” blasting caps.

Most detonators contain a priming charge of lead azide and/or lead

styphnate. Both are very sensitive to heat and, when ignited, will reliably
initiate the PETN.
Side View of a Safety Fuse Detonator

Space for Fuse

Base Primer Ignition

Charge Charge Mixture Shell

Safety fuse assembly

The safety fuse assembly consists of a factory assembled blasting cap
(detonator), a length of safety fuse, and an igniter cord connector (or other
terminating feature).

The igniter cord connector keeps the fuse end dry and allows easy
connection to the igniter cord. The connector can be copper or silver in
color with a slit in the end. Igniter cord is inserted into the slit and secured
by bending the tab to firmly grip the igniter cord. The slit distinguishes
the igniter cord connector from the detonator. The detonator is silver and
generally marked with the word “explosive.”



Igniter Cord

Igniter Cord

Blasters' Handbook
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Shocktube assembly
The shocktube assembly consists of a high strength blasting cap, factory-
crimped to a single “shock tube.” This hollow plastic tube is lined with a
finely powdered explosive composition.

The shock tube assembly is initiated by a starter device, an electric

or non-electric detonator, or detonating cord. The shock wave in the
shocktube is capable of detonating the blasting cap.

Detonating Cord Trunkline

Delay Element Base Charge

Heat Rubber Closure Plug Static Protection Initiating Charge

Seal Connector
Plain Shocktube Assembly Showing Detonator and Tubing

Standard electric detonator

Standard electric detonators are available with leg wires in a number of
common lengths, with delay times identified on a label attached to them.

Leg wires of electric detonators are “shorted out” with metal foil (a shunt)
to protect against premature detonation from stray currents. The shunt also
keeps the wire ends clean. Leg wires are folded to minimize kinking and
electromagnetic induction, and each bundle is secured with a paper band.
Loose Charge Anti-Static Groove

Base Plastic
Charge Cup Bridge Wire & Insulated Leg Wires
Primer Rubber Plug Assembly
Instantaneous Detonator

Initiating accessories
An initiating accessory is an explosive that assists in detonating a charge
by transmitting and/or reinforcing the shock wave from a detonator.
Initiating accessories include detonating cords and cast boosters. In
certain applications, they may be used as the main charge.

Blasters' Handbook
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Detonating cords
Detonating cord has a core of PETN enclosed in a flexible, plastic and textile
covering, which provides tensile strength and protection from moisture and
abrasion. It is initiated by an electric or non-electric detonator, and explodes
at over 6,705 m (22,000 ft) per second. It is capable of initiating other
sensitive explosives, including other detonating cords. Detonating cord is
available with several “strengths” and grades of protective wrapping.

Boosters and primers

Cast boosters and primers contain high explosive and are initiated by a
detonator or detonating cord. They explode with a very high VOD and are
use to detonate/initiate explosives in direct contact with them.


A booster is a manufactured unit of high explosive designed to initiate a

non-cap-sensitive charge by boosting/amplifying the shock wave from a
detonator or detonating cord.

A cast booster is a cylinder of Pentolite high explosive (a mixture of PETN

and TNT). Some boosters have a capwell for holding the detonator. Others
have a hollow core through which a detonating cord may be passed.

Tunnel Tunnel
Cap well

Cast Primer for Detonating Cord Cast Primer for Blasting Cap

Blasters' Handbook
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Cartridge primer or “primer”

A cartridge primer is a cartridge of high explosive, such as a stick of

dynamite, into which a detonator is placed. It may also refer to a cartridge
of high explosive firmly attached to a length of detonating cord, which is
in turn initiated by a detonator. Many blasters refer to a cartridge primer
simply as a “primer.”


Blasters' Handbook
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Chapter 4: Priming the Charge

riming a charge brings together — for the first time — the explosive
and its initiating device. Safe procedures for priming a charge are
determined by the conditions, the application, the explosives, and
the initiating device.

Priming considerations
To ensure detonation, the explosive charge must be adequately primed.
The velocity of detonation (VOD) of the initiating device must equal or
exceed the VOD of the explosives in the main charge. Do not under-
prime a charge. This may result in a misfire, improper breakage, and
excessive fumes.

Under normal conditions, most high explosives are reliably initiated by

a high strength detonator, or detonating cord. Modern dynamites have Any explosive
high sensitivity to initiation, even in cold temperatures. Slurry/watergel/ contaminated by
emulsion explosives tend to become insensitive in colder temperatures chemicals or water, or
and may require a “high strength” primer or booster to ensure proper otherwise deteriorated,
may be insensitive, and
must not be used.
Blasting agents have low sensitivity to initiation and require a high
strength primer for reliable detonation. If the blasting agent is dry
and properly mixed, a dynamite primer or slurry/watergel/emulsion
should be adequate. In wet holes, over 50 mm (2 in) diameter, or those
containing “deck charges,” a high strength pentolite booster is usually
required for each deck.

Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s recommendations when priming an

explosive charge.

Principles of priming
In the Regulation
The following principles apply to making up and placing a primer:
• Securely attach the detonator, or detonating cord, to the unit of Part 21.45 Priming
A primer must not
• Protect the detonator from abrasion, impact, and other harm. If the
be made up until
detonator is placed in the explosive, it should be completely embedded immediately before
in the centre of the booster or cartridge. placing the explosives.
• It must be possible to place the primer easily and safely, without
damage to the detonator, safety fuse, leg wire, tubing, or detonating

Blasters' Handbook
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• Position the primer so that the “business” (closed) end of the
detonator is oriented toward the main part of the charge. When
priming a small diameter hole with a safety fuse assembly, avoid
bending or kinking the fuse.

Priming with a detonator

The following procedures apply to making up cast boosters and cartridge
primers with a detonator.

Cast booster

• Use only:
- A detonator capable of reliably initiating the booster
- A booster with a “capwell” that allows the detonator to be easily
and completely inserted
• Thread the detonator through the “tunnel”
• Insert the detonator to the bottom of the capwell
• Ensure the detonator is securely fastened to the booster by:
- Taping any protruding cordline, leg wire, safety fuse, or tubing to
the booster, or
- Tying a half-hitch in the detonator leg wire

Cartridge primer

• Use only:
- A cartridge of good structural integrity, capable of being initiated
by the detonator
- A “punch” made of wood, plastic, or non-sparking metal such
as brass or copper, to form a hole so the detonator can be fully
inserted; the hole may be punched in the end or side of the
cartridge, but should not exit the other side
• Insert the detonator so it is completely buried with the “business”
(closed) end oriented toward the bulk of the cartridge; if priming with
a safety fuse assembly, avoid bending or kinking the fuse
• Ensure that the detonator is securely fastened to the cartridge by:
Do not tie a half-hitch in - Taping any protruding cordline, leg wire, safety fuse, or tubing to
shock tubing. the cartridge, or
- Tying a half-hitch in the leg wires around the middle of the
cartridge, if using an electric detonator

Blasters' Handbook
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2 3

Side View of a Detonator Affixed to a Cartridge

Priming with detonating cord

The following procedures apply to making up cast boosters and cartridge
primers using detonating cord.

Cast booster

• Use only:
- Detonating cord capable of initiating the booster
- A booster with a tunnel through which to pass the detonating cord
• Pass the detonating cord completely through the tunnel
• Secure the detonating cord by:
- Knotting, to prevent it pulling back through the tunnel, or
- Taping the cord to the booster
• When detonating cord is used, the cord must be attached to the
trunkline only at the last, most practicable moment after all holes are

1 2 3

Side View of a Detonating Cord Affixed to a Booster

Blasters' Handbook
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Cartridge primer
In the Regulation
• Use only:
Part 21.53 Connecting - A detonating cord capable of initiating the cartridge
detonating cord - A cartridge of high explosive with the outer wrapping intact
- A wood, plastic, or non-sparking metal punch, to form a hole
(1) When detonating
cords are used, the completely through the cartridge; a second hole may be required
cords must only be to firmly secure the detonating cord
interconnected or • Pass the detonating cord completely through the hole
attached to trunk • Secure the detonating cord by:
cords at the last most - Knotting the cord to prevent it from pulling back through the hole,
practicable moment or
after all holes are
- Taping the end of the protruding cord to the side of the cartridge
• When detonating cord is used, the cord must be attached to the
(2) When detonating trunkline only at the last, most practicable moment after all holes are
cords are used to loaded.
prime a charge, the
cord must be cut from Cartridge
the supply reel before, Primer
or as soon as possible
after the charge is
placed. Knot

(3) Detonators or
detonator connectors Tape
must not be attached
to a detonating line
until everything is in Detonating Cord
readiness for the blast.

Blasters' Handbook
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Chapter 5: Disposal of Explosive Materials

ny person who owns or possesses explosive materials has a legal
responsibility to properly dispose of them. Surplus explosives and
detonators in good condition may be returned to a storage facility
or the supplier. Damaged or deteriorated explosives must be destroyed

Explosive materials must not be buried or abandoned. This contravenes

the OHS Regulation and is an offence under Section 20 of the Explosives In the Regulation
Act (Canada).
Part 21.39
Abandoned and buried explosives have caused many accidents. Some Abandoned explosives
may retain their explosive properties for years, even after exposure to
Explosive materials
cold temperatures and water. With the exception of some blasting agents, and accessories must
burying an explosive, or soaking it in water, will not safely dispose of it. not be abandoned,
but must be placed
Damaged or deteriorated explosive materials can be extremely in suitable storage
dangerous and must be disposed of by competent persons. Rather than or disposed of in
attempting to dispose of a large quantity or an unfamiliar type of accordance with
product, the blaster should secure the area and obtain the assistance the manufacturer’s
of the manufacturer’s representative or the Explosives Disposal Unit instructions.
(EDU) of the R.C.M.P.

Every blaster must:

• Recognize and know the causes of damage and deterioration
• Understand the dangers involved
• Understand safe procedures for disposing of the more common types
of explosives

Damage and deterioration

Damaged or
Damaged or deteriorated explosive materials and accessories must not deteriorated explosive
be used. Their use can result in accidental detonation, misfires, poor materials and
breakage, and excessive fumes. Damage is evident in broken or crushed accessories must not
packaging, outer wrappings of explosives, safety fuse, accessories, and be used.
detonator shells. Stained packaging and leaking liquid are other indicators.

Deterioration can result in an alteration of the composition or properties

of explosive material. Exposure to moisture and extreme temperatures
is the principle cause of deterioration. As well, fuels and solvents can
cause chemical breakdown. Some products deteriorate with age, but many
retain their composition and properties for several years when stored in a
dry, well-ventilated area.

Blasters' Handbook
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If the protective shell or wrapping is damaged or removed, and the product
comes in contact with water or chemicals, the deterioration process will
be greatly accelerated. Many explosives will become insensitive and
not perform as intended. However, detonators and nitroglycerine (NG)
explosives that have deteriorated are extremely dangerous to handle or use.

Disposal procedures
All damaged,
deteriorated explosive A stained explosive may be used only if:
materials must be • It can be safely handled, placed, and used
destroyed. • It is initiated with a fresh primer, and
• It will detonate reliably with the desired effects

Unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer, destruction of

damaged or deteriorated explosive materials must be in accordance
with the following procedures.


• Explosive products must be disposed of only by competent persons.

If a large quantity exists or there is a safety concern, contact a blaster
experienced in this type of work.
• Clearly identify all damaged or deteriorated products, and keep them
separate from serviceable explosive materials.
• The area in which deteriorated products are stored, handled, or
destroyed must be kept clear of hazards and unnecessary persons.
• Explosive materials must be handled with care to avoid impact and

Blasters' Handbook
- 20 -
Chapter 6: Legal and Jurisdictional Responsibilities

blaster is expected to know and comply with all laws governing
the handling, possession, storage, transportation, and use of A blaster is expected to
explosive materials. These are detailed in statutes, regulations, know and comply with
by-laws, and common law. A person who transports, stores, possesses, all laws governing the
handling, possession,
handles, uses, or destroys explosive materials has legal responsibilities.
storage, transportation,
Explosive materials fall under several jurisdictions, and some laws may and use of explosive
overlap. Compliance with one particular law does not relieve a person
from the obligation to comply with other laws and to remain current
with any changes in law that may take place.

Laws governing explosives

Following are the federal, provincial, local, and civil laws that govern
explosives and blasting.

Canadian laws and regulations

• Criminal Code of Canada
The Criminal Code of Canada is primarily concerned with criminal
activities. Severe penalties are prescribed for negligence and
improper possession of explosives. Section 79 states “Every one
who has an explosive substance in his possession or under his care
or control is under a legal duty to use reasonable care to prevent
bodily harm or death to persons or damage to property by that
explosive substance." Under Section 82, “Every person who, without
lawful excuse, the proof of which lies on the person, makes or has
in the possession or under the care or control of the person any
explosive substance is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years.”
• Explosives Act and Explosives Regulations
The Explosives Act and Explosives Regulations are concerned with
the classification, importation, manufacture, possession, sale, storage,
and transportation of explosives. Section 18 of the Explosives Act
prohibits trespassing in or about any magazine. Section 20 prescribes
severe penalties for anyone who abandons explosives or causes a
fire or explosion in or about an explosives magazine or vehicle. The
Explosives Act, Explosives Regulations, and Magazine Standards
are administered by the Explosives Regulatory Division of Natural
Resources Canada. Reports of theft, or enquiries regarding these laws

Blasters' Handbook
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and standards, should be directed to the local branch office. Up-to-
date information on the Explosives Act and Regulations can be found
• Transport of Dangerous Goods Act
• Aeronautics Act and Air Regulations, which govern the transportation
of explosives by aircraft in Canada
• Canada Shipping Act and Dangerous Goods Shipping Regulations,
which govern the transportation of explosives by ships in Canadian
• Railway Act and Regulations for the Transportation of Dangerous
Goods by Rail, which govern the transportation of explosives by
public railway in Canada

British Columbia laws and regulations

• Motor Vehicle Act
The Motor Vehicle Act applies to all motor vehicles operating on public
highways in British Columbia. Section 206 requires that any vehicle
transporting explosive materials “must be equipped with not less
than 2 fire extinguishers, filled and ready for immediate use, and
placed at a convenient point on the vehicle.” The Motor Vehicle Branch
administers the Act, and the local police enforce the requirements.
• Provincial Transport of Dangerous Goods Act
This Act invokes the Federal Transport of Dangerous Goods Act, and
applies to all intra-provincial explosives transportation. (See Chapter
8: Transportation of Explosive Materials.)
• Mines Act
The Mines Act governs the certification of blasters and storage,
transportation, and use of explosives on mining property in British
Columbia. The Act is administered by the Ministry of Energy, Mines
and Petroleum Resources.
• Workers Compensation Act
The Workers Compensation Act governs the certification of blasters
and the handling, storage, transportation, and use of explosives within
the inspectional jurisdiction of the Workers’ Compensation Board of
British Columbia. The Act and the Occupational Safety and Health
Regulation are administered by WorkSafeBC.

Blasters' Handbook
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Local laws
Several municipalities and districts in British Columbia have bylaws and
regulations that govern the handling, storage, transportation, and use of
explosives within their jurisdiction. To obtain a permit required by several
local jurisdictions, proof of blasting experience and insurance coverage is
often necessary.

Civil law
The person responsible
Civil law governs the relationship between individuals. Any personal for the explosive
injury or damage to property caused by explosive materials may result materials must
in a civil suit against the person (blaster) responsible. A fundamental take all reasonable
principle of civil law is duty of care. The person responsible for the precautions for the
explosive materials must take all reasonable precautions for the prevention of personal
injury or damage to
prevention of personal injury or damage to property. Precautions would
include adequate guarding and control of fly material. Where explosive
materials are involved, the principle of strict liability may be applied.
This principle places a greater onus on the person possessing or using
explosives, to ensure no personal injury or damage to property results.

Blasters' Handbook
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Chapter 7: Handling Explosive Materials

Factory/vendor/user numbers
The Explosive Regulations (Canada) require that the outer packaging of an
explosive material is permanently marked to identify ownership. On most
packaging, there is a printed strip, or an affixed label, used for recording

Ownership is identified alpha-numerically or numerically, as described in

the following chart:
Fxxx Factory number
Vxxx Vendor number
Uxxx User number

The first (left-hand) space of the identification area contains the “F” or
factory number of the manufacturer. The next space usually contains the
“V” or vendor number of the original seller of the explosive material.

Before releasing any explosives or detonators, the vendor marks the next
space with the appropriate identification number of the vendor or user
taking possession of the explosive materials. The “U” (user) and the
Purchase and Possession numbers identify a person who has purchased
explosives for their own use but cannot give away or sell the explosive

A person must be properly identified before taking possession of

explosive materials. If the vendor does not know the purchaser, then the
person must get clearance from the R.C.M.P. as to identity and character.
The identification number of the last vendor or user to possess the
explosive materials must be marked on the outer packaging.

If a case of explosives or detonators is opened, it is the responsibility

of the person opening the case to mark the inner cartons, packages, or
spools with the appropriate identification numbers.

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Separation of explosive materials
Explosives, detonators,
When explosive materials are handled, transported in a conveyance, and accessories must
stored in a magazine, or kept at a worksite, they must be kept separate be kept separate from
from other materials, including drill rods; metal tools; oily rags; and each other.
sources of contamination, heat, or impact. Explosives, detonators, and
accessories also must be kept separate from each other.

The terms explosives, detonators, and accessories must be clearly

understood. Accessories include products that do not explode but that
are commonly used to ignite a safety fuse. Most are highly flammable
and must be kept separate from both explosives and detonators.

Separation of explosives, detonators, and accessories is outlined in the

following chart.


Black powder Plain detonator Match
Blasting agent Electric detonator Igniter cord
Booster Detonating connector Hot wire lighter
Detonating cord Shocktube detonator Pull wire lighter
Dynamite Safety fuse assembly

Handling procedures
An explosive product must be handled in the manner specified by the
manufacturer. Special handling instructions are printed on the packaging
or contained in the product literature. The following apply to most
explosive materials:
• Handle detonators and detonating connectors separately from other
explosive materials
• Keep explosive materials a safe distance from flammable material or
open flame
• Do not drop, throw, or otherwise mishandle any explosive materials
• Do not permit any person to keep explosive materials in personal
• Except for dry free-running blasting agents, do not remove the
protective casing or wrapper from any explosive material

Blasters' Handbook
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• Stained, damaged, or deteriorated explosive material must be
In the Regulation examined by a blaster or other qualified person; if the defect is
Part 21.40 Ignition slight, it may be used but only with new explosive as a primer; if
sources prohibited unserviceable, it must be destroyed in a safe manner
• Do not abandon explosive material; unused materials must be
(1) Smoking is returned to a container or magazine, or destroyed in a safe manner
prohibited within • Explosives must not be handled during an electrical storm,
15 m (50 ft) of where particularly if thunder or lightning is present; evacuate the site and
explosives are stored,
keep all persons at a safe distance; post guards to prevent entry
being handled, or are
into the danger area during the storm
in loaded holes.

Blasters' Handbook
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Chapter 8: Transportation of Explosive Materials1

ransportation of explosive materials is governed by the
Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act (and the Explosives Act and
Regulations). Transportation of explosive materials on a worksite is
governed by WorkSafeBC's Occupational Safety and Health Regulation.
Further classification and description are given in the Explosives Act and

A conveyance transporting explosive materials must be in the exclusive

charge of and attended by a competent person. Often, the blaster
assumes or is assigned this responsibility, including operating the
conveyance. For this reason, a blaster must know the requirements for
transporting explosive materials and follow the requirements of the
Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act (TDG) and Regulations. The TDG
Act categorizes the term “dangerous goods” as being in one of nine
defined classes. Explosives are Class 1.

Labels are small hazard warning signs required to be displayed on one
side of any small means of containment (such as, plastic bags, fibre board
boxes) of explosives. TDG requirements are to mark the containers with
the shipping name and the UN number.

The latest TDG Act and
The Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act (TDG), the Motor Vehicle Act Regulations must be
(B.C.), and the Occupational Safety and Health Regulation require vehicles checked for current
transporting explosives to display the appropriate large hazard warning placarding rules.
placard. The Classification Codes, displayed on these placards, must show:
• The class and hazard division of the explosive being transported
• The compatibility letter of the explosive

There are special rules for placarding vehicles transporting mixed loads
of explosives with different hazard ratings and/or compatibility groupings
(such as, detonators and explosives). The latest TDG Act and Regulations
must be checked for current placarding rules. Typically, for allowable
mixed loads the appropriate placard to display is the explosives of the
lowest division on the vehicle.

1 Thanks to Transport Canada and Natural Resources Canada — Explosives Regulatory

Division for information provided in this chapter.

Blasters' Handbook
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Transport containers
Commercially packaged explosives must be in plastic bags and fibre board
boxes that comply with CGSB-43.151 (National Standard of Canada CAN/
CGSB-43.151-97, “Packing of Explosives (Class 1) for Transportation,”
December 1997, published by the Canadian General Standards Board).
United Nations specifications for containers as described in this standard
must be used. Typically, if the explosives are in their original packaging
from the manufacturer, then non-compliance is rare.

Many conveyances used to transport explosive materials are equipped

with fixed compartments or tanks for this purpose. Using an open
conveyance, or covering with a tarpaulin, is unacceptable. The part of the
conveyance where explosive materials are carried must be fully enclosed,
locked, and fire resistant.

A container or compartment must be constructed of or lined with

Explosive materials plywood, or similar material, to protect the explosives from abrasion
must be kept separate and contact with iron or steel surfaces. Explosive materials must be
from items such
kept separate from items such as drill rods, metal tools, oily rags, other
as drill rods, metal
combustibles, detonators, and other initiating devices.
tools, oily rags,
other combustibles, Explosives and detonators may be transported in the same vehicle
detonators, and other
provided they are effectively separated by a solid wood partition or a
initiating devices.
barrier of an approved laminate material at least 150 mm (6 in) thick. The
barrier must extend at least 150 mm (6 in) above the highest level to which
the explosive materials are packed.

Special precautions must be taken when the conveyance is equipped

with a radio transmitter. Electric detonators must be in a closed metal
container, electrically bonded to the conveyance, lined with wood or
other approved material such as rubber or felt. The leg wires must be
kept folded and shunted, and the radio transmitter must be switched off
whenever the container is open.

Explosives of the same compatibility grouping may be transported
together, provided there is no increase in the probability of an accident,
or the magnitude of the effects of such an accident. The Transport of
Dangerous Goods Regulations (Part 5.7) contains a compatibility chart
indicating which divisions of explosives may be transported together.

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Training and certification of drivers and helpers
Drivers and persons handling, offering for transport, and transporting
explosives must be in possession of a certificate issued by the employer,
stating the worker has received adequate training in assigned duties,
including knowledge of:
• Types of placards, labels, signs, numbers, and other safety marks;
what they mean; and when and where to display them
• A thorough knowledge of the control and emergency features for all
handling equipment used in the day-to-day activities of the job
• Safe practices on the loading, transport, and stowage of dangerous
• The proper selection and use of means of containment for dangerous
• Documentation for shipping dangerous goods
• Emergency response assistance planning
• Shipping names
• Reporting requirements

Self-employed individuals must also determine if they are adequately

trained and issue themselves a training certificate.

Employees who are not trained can handle, offer for transport, and
transport dangerous goods as long as they are doing so under the direct
supervision of a trained person. Training certificates are good for three
years, and copies of the training certificates must be kept by the employer.

Conveyances transporting explosives must carry a document detailing transporting explosives
the quantity and types of explosives being carried. The consignor is must carry a document
responsible for preparing the document, which must be legible and detailing the quantity
and types of explosives
indelibly printed with the following information:
being carried.
• Name/address of place of business of consignor (not a box number)
• Date document prepared or given to carrier
• Description of dangerous goods in following order:
- Shipping name (such as, EXPLOSIVE, BLASTING, TYPE A)
- UN Class and compatibility letter (such as, Class 1.1 D)
- UN number (such as, UNOO81)
- Packing Group (such as, P.G. II)

Blasters' Handbook
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• For each shipping name, the net explosive quantity in International
System of Units (such as in kg)
• Words “24 Hour Number” or abbreviation followed by telephone
number with area code for consignor or other competent person
who can provide technical information on explosives being carried
(must work during transport if not a 24-hour number)
• Emergency Response Assistance Plan reference number before or
after the letters “ERP” or “ERAP” and the telephone number to call
to immediately activate the plan

The document must be within reach of the driver or in pocket on

the driver’s door while the explosives are in transport, and must be
retained for a two-year period by the consignor and carrier.

Emergency Response Assistance Plan (ERAP)

An approved Emergency Response Assistance Plan is required by those
that offer for transport or import explosives, using the following rules:
• In the TDG Regulation, look up the UN number for each of
the explosive products intended to be transported together and
determine the quantity for which an ERAP is required (Schedule 1,
column 7).
• If the Net Explosive Quantity of all of the explosives (dangerous
good) is greater than the ERAP quantity for any of the specific
explosives, an ERAP is required for that load, and placarding is
• To register a plan, a complete summary of the plan must be
submitted to Transport Canada; contact TDG in New Westminster
at 604-666-8771 for more detailed explanations and the process for

An Emergency Response Assistance Plan application is submitted by

letter or electronic-mail ( The application must contain
specific information, including:
• A telephone number that will cause immediate activation of the
• A description of the emergency response capabilities, including the
number of qualified persons available to give technical advice over
the telephone
• The number of persons available to advise and assist at the scene

Blasters' Handbook
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• A list of specialized equipment that is available for use at the
emergency site
• The response actions capable of being taken
• A description of the transportation arrangements to bring the
equipment and personnel to the accident site
• The communication systems expected to be used there

Copies of any formal agreements with a third party for assistance to the
plan registrant are to be included in the application.

Submit to:
Chief, Response Operations (ASDB)
330 Sparks Street
Place de Ville, Tower C, 9th floor
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, K1A ON5

If approved by Transport Canada, the plan is given a number that must

appear on all shipping documents. A generic example of an ERAP can be If in doubt, report any
found on the TDG website at incident immediately.

Reporting accidents
In the event of an accidental release of explosives, an immediate verbal
report is required to be made to the local police and the Provincial
Emergency Program at 800-663-3456. The person that has possession of
the explosives must also make immediate reports to his or her employer,
to the consignor, and the owner of the road vehicle (or lessee or charterer).
Any loss, theft, accident, or incident involving explosives must also be In the Regulation
reported to the federal Chief Inspector of Explosives.
Part 21.31 Firefighting
Fire extinguishers
A conveyance transporting explosive materials in British Columbia (1) A conveyance
transporting explosives
must be equipped with at least 2 fire extinguishers. Each must be
must be equipped
fully charged, in working order, and readily available for use. The fire with at least 2 fire
extinguishers must be in separate locations on the conveyance, so that extinguishers, of a type
at least one is accessible in the event of fire. For less than 2000 kg capable of quickly
of explosives, the NFPA (National Fire Protection Association) extinguishing gasoline,
recommends each must have a rating of 4-A 70-B,C or greater. When oil, or electrical fires.
a conveyance is operated in freezing temperatures, the extinguishers
must be of a non-freezing type.

Blasters' Handbook
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The extinguishers are intended for putting out fires on or near
the conveyance. Do not attempt to extinguish burning explosive
materials — most create their own oxygen supply and are not readily
extinguished; also impact or shock may cause them to detonate. If the fire is
in proximity to explosives or detonators, remove everyone from the “danger
area” and keep it guarded until the fire burns out and the area has cooled.

Pre-loading inspection
Before loading explosive materials on a conveyance, an inspection must be
conducted to ensure:
• The conveyance is in good working order, with
- Brakes and steering apparatus functioning
- Electrical wiring insulated and secured
- Chassis and engine clean and free from oil and grease
• The conveyance is fully serviced and contains sufficient fuel
• The fuel tank and feed lines are in good condition
• The conveyance does not contain flammable materials such as paper,
rags, and fuel containers
• Fire extinguishers are fully charged, in working order, and readily
available for use
In the Regulation • Containers for explosive materials have:
- No exposed iron or steel on the inside
Part 21.22
- A lid with a suitable lock
Vehicle operation
- A secure location in or on the conveyance
(1) A vehicle being • Explosives are not to be carried on trailers
used to transport • Explosives are not carried on semi-trailer, unless the semi-trailer is
explosives must be equipped with power brakes operable from the tractor cab, and is
in sound mechanical attached by fifth wheel
condition, suitable • Tires are not worn smooth, re-grooved, or visibly defective
for, and capable of,
safely transporting Unless these pre-loading requirements are satisfied, the conveyance must
explosives. not to be used to transport explosive materials.

(2) Passengers, other

than those assigned Loading and unloading
to assist in handling
explosives, are A person engaged in transportation of explosive materials must have been
not permitted on a instructed in, and must observe, all safety precautions. While materials
vehicle transporting are being loaded or unloaded, the following precautions must be taken:
explosives. • Smoking or open flames are not permitted within 15 m (50 ft) of the

Blasters' Handbook
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conveyance, or any loading/unloading operation
• Turn the ignition OFF and apply the parking brake; if extreme cold
and wind conditions might reasonably cause difficulty in restarting
the engine, it may be left running
• Handle explosive materials in a safe orderly manner; an accidental
fall may cause detonation
• Do not drop, throw, or otherwise mishandle explosive materials
• Distribute the load evenly between the load-bearing axles of the
• Do not load in excess of 80% of the vehicle’s rated capacity,
commonly known as Gross Vehicle Weight (GVW), except as
permitted by the Explosives Regulations.

Rules while in transit

• The authorized operator must:
- Have a valid driver’s licence
- Be at least 18 years of age
- Have been instructed and proven competent in transportation of
explosive materials
- Possess documentation required by the Explosives Regulations
(Canada) and the TDG Regulations
• Only the driver and persons assigned to assist in handling
explosives are permitted on a vehicle transporting explosives
• A conveyance or mobile equipment containing explosive materials
must be attended by a competent person at all times
• Only refuel a conveyance carrying explosive materials when the
ignition is shut off, and in a location where danger to the safety of
workers or the public is minimized
• When operating a motor vehicle:
- Drive in a manner consistent with road, traffic, and weather
- Avoid populated areas whenever possible
- Do not drive in proximity to a fire unless safe to do so
• When approaching a railway crossing:
- With an automatic signal device, reduce the vehicle’s speed and
ensure that the crossing is safe before proceeding
- Without an automatic signal device, bring the vehicle to a
complete stop and proceed only when the way is clear

Blasters' Handbook
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• Before crossing any main highway, bring the vehicle to a complete
In the Regulation stop and proceed only when the way is clear and safe
Part 21.22 • When parked overnight, the vehicle:
Overnight parking - Must be attended by a competent person not under 18 years of
(1) When a vehicle - Must not be parked in an area likely to give rise to fire or
carrying or containing explosion, near habitation, or near a building containing
explosives is to be flammable materials
parked overnight, the
• If the conveyance breaks down:
premises in which the
- Make minor repairs or permit minor repairs only if they can be
vehicle will be parked
must not be used for done safely
any other purpose - Allow major repairs only when the explosive materials have
which may involve any been transferred to another vehicle or a place at least 300 m
substance likely to (985 ft) from any inhabited premises, and placed under proper
cause explosion or fire. security
- Notify the Chief Inspector of Explosives; it is recommended the
(2) Such premises
local police be contacted in the event of an accident, or break
must be away from
habitation and down, of a conveyance transporting explosive materials
buildings that contain • Report an accident involving the conveyance, or any suspected,
flammable materials. attempted, or actual theft of explosive materials:
- Immediately to the nearest police detachment
- In writing to the Chief Inspector of Explosives, stating:
➢ Place, date, and time
➢ The conveyance/magazine licence number
➢ The identification number, quantity, and type of explosive
materials involved
➢ Details of the accident or theft
• If a vehicle contains explosive materials in excess of 2000 kg
(4400 lb), the Explosives Regulations (Canada) impose additional
- The licenced driver must be 21 years of age or over
- The vehicle must be equipped with at least two (2) fire
extinguishers having a rating of 10 BC or greater
- A copy of the Explosives Transportation Permit must be carried
in the vehicle

Blasters' Handbook
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Chapter 9: Storage of Explosive Materials2

torage of explosive materials is governed by the Natural Resources
Canada — Explosives Regulations. These regulations, and the
Magazine Standards, stipulate requirements for magazines and
storage within them. Up-to-date information can be found at: www.nrcan.

“Keeping” or holding explosive materials at a jobsite during normal

working hours is governed by WorkSafeBC's Occupational Health and
Safety Regulation. These requirements are covered in Chapter 10.

Neither WorkSafeBC nor Natural Resources Canada regulations require

a certified blaster to be responsible for storage. Often a blaster assumes
or is assigned this responsibility. In this case, the blaster is expected to
know the basic requirements for storing explosive materials.

Storage requirements
Explosive materials
Explosive materials must be stored in a safe, secure facility to protect must be stored in a
them from theft, damage, and contamination. safe, secure facility
to protect them from
A licenced facility is a magazine for which a licence has been issued by theft, damage, and
the Explosives Branch of the Department of Energy, Mines & Resources contamination.
(Canada). There are two types of licenced facilities:
• A Licenced Vendor Magazine, from which a vendor is authorized to
sell or distribute explosive materials
• A Licenced User Magazine, usually under the control of a blaster, in
which a user is authorized to store explosive materials for use in a
blasting operation

The terms under which the licence is issued will specify the location,
maintenance, operation, safeguards, and permitted contents of the
magazine. These terms must be strictly adhered to, and the licensee must:
• Prohibit entry by unauthorized persons
• Prohibit iron or steel tools, matches, or flammable materials
• Keep the interior clean and free of grit
• Monitor the behaviour of persons in or near the facility
• Ensure magazine key security
• Monitor the facility to ensure explosives are secure
• Report theft to the Explosives Regulatory Division
• Upgrade security as required
2 Thanks to Transport Canada and Natural Resources Canada — Explosives Regulatory
Division for information provided in this chapter.

Blasters' Handbook
- 35 -
The operator of a licenced explosives storage facility is required to
maintain a record of the explosives stored. This record is known as the
“Magazine Log Book.” The operator must record information of any
explosive material that is received or issued, including:
• The strength and quantity of each type
• The brand name
• The cartridge size
• The date received and issued
• The name and address of the supplier
• The intended use of the material

Sample Magazine Log for Explosives

MAGAZINE NO.:___________________________________ EXPLOSIVE LIMIT: ________________________________

SUPPLIER:_ _______________________________________ ADDRESS:________________________________________

Brand Name, Strength Stock/Quantity

Date & Cartridge Size In Out Balance Use Signature

Blasters' Handbook
- 36 -
Sample Magazine Log for Detonators

MAGAZINE NO.:___________________________________ EXPLOSIVE LIMIT: ________________________________

SUPPLIER:_ _______________________________________ ADDRESS:________________________________________

Date Type _ __________________ Length _______________________ Use Signature


The magazine log must be kept up to date and retained for three years
from the date of the last entry.

Magazine design and specifications

The standards for magazine construction change regularly as security
requirements increase. Construction details and specifications can
be found in the Explosives Regulatory Division publication Storage
Standards for Industrial Explosives. Up-to-date information can be found

Magazine signage
A site where explosive materials are kept or stored must be suitably
identified by warning signs. They must be conspicuous, but should not
attract undue attention. An Explosives Inspector (Canada) may stipulate
the placement and wording of warning signs.

Blasters' Handbook
- 37 -
The normal access routes should be posted with signs displaying
wording similar to the following:


Signs should be placed at D7 distance from the magazine (see following

table), but may be closer if doing so would draw undue attention to the

Magazine location
A site where explosive
materials are kept or A site where explosive materials are kept or stored must be located a
stored must be located safe distance from any road, building, or place frequented by people.
a safe distance from The minimum distance a storage facility must be located from such
any building or place areas depends upon the quantity of explosive materials.
frequented by people.
Table 1: Quantity-Distance for Explosive Materials gives minimum
distances in metres, which may be adjusted at the discretion of an
Inspector of Explosives. It is recommended that greater distances be
selected whenever possible.

Locate the storage site at the base of a high bank or in a grove of trees.
This will:
• Hide it from view
• Reduce the likelihood of lightning strikes
• Protect buildings and people in the event of accidental explosion

Placing a container or magazine on the north or north-east side of a

tree will provide shade in the hot summer months.

Keep explosive materials a safe distance from electrical transmission

lines — at least the spacing between the poles or towers. For example,
if the distance between poles is 60 m (198 ft), explosive materials must
not come within 60 m (198 ft) of the lines.

Blasters' Handbook
- 38 -
Table 1: Quantity-Distance for Explosive Materials (TDG classes 1.1 and 1.5)

Net D2 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8
Explosive Distance Lightly Roads Factory Residence Highrise/
Qty (kg) between caps travelled and (metres) (metres) School/
& powder road streets Hospital
(metres) (metres) (metres) (metres)
50 10 30 180 45 270 400
60 10 32 45
70 10 33 46
80 11 35 48
90 11 36 50
100 12 36 53
120 12 40 55
140 13 42 60
160 14 44 63
180 14 46 65
200 15 47 65
250 16 51 70
300 17 54 75
350 17 57 80
400 18 59 83
450 19 62 88
500 20 64 90
600 21 68 95
700 22 72 100 400
800 23 75 105 415
900 24 78 108 430
1000 24 80 113 445
1200 26 86 120 475
1400 27 90 125 500
1600 29 94 130 520
1800 30 98 135 540
2000 31 105 180 140 270 560

Blasters' Handbook
- 39 -
Net D2 D4 D5 D6 D7 D8
Explosive Distance Lightly Roads Factory Residence Highrise/
Qty (kg) between caps travelled and (metres) (metres) School/
& powder road streets Hospital
(metres) (metres) (metres) (metres)
2500 33 110 185 153 275 610
3000 35 120 205 163 305 640
3500 37 125 220 170 330 680
4000 39 130 235 178 350 710
5000 42 140 255 190 380 760
6000 44 150 270 203 405 810
7000 46 155 285 213 425 850
8000 48 160 300 223 445 690
9000 50 170 310 235 465 930
10000 52 175 320 240 480 960
12000 55 185 340 255 510 1020
14000 58 195 360 270 540 1080
16000 61 205 375 280 560 1120
18000 63 210 390 295 590 1180
20000 66 220 405 305 610 1220
25000 71 235 435 325 650 1300
30000 75 250 460 345 690 1380
35000 79 265 485 365 730 1460
40000 83 275 510 380 760 1520
50000 89 295 550 410 820 1640
60000 94 315 580 435 870 1740
70000 99 330 610 460 920 1840
80000 105 345 640 480 960 1920
90000 110 360 670 500 1000 2000

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- 40 -
Magazine protection
Never attempt to
Explosive materials must be protected from fire and lightning. To extinguish burning
prevent fire, keep the area within 8 m (26 ft) of a storage area or facility explosive materials.
clear of dry grass and other combustible materials. Take precautions to
ensure matches, smoking, and naked flames are kept out of this area. If
a fire occurs near a storage facility, evacuate all personnel, and keep a
safe distance from the fire, as indicated in column D8 of Table 1. Never
attempt to extinguish burning explosive materials. On the approach of
and during a thunder storm, close all storage facilities and keep a safe
distance from explosive materials.

Blasters' Handbook
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Chapter 10: Explosive Materials at the Worksite

General requirements
Explosive materials
must be kept separate Explosive materials must be kept separate from flammable accessories
from flammable such as igniter cord, matches, and fuse lighters. They must be kept
accessories such as separate from detonators and detonating connectors until the last
igniter cord, matches, practicable moment before they are brought together for the blast.
and fuse lighters.
1. All explosive materials delivered to a worksite must be kept in a
safe location:
• At least 7.5 m (25 ft) from flammable material
• A safe distance from mobile equipment
• Protected from falling rocks and other unstable material
• In conformity with the minimum safe distances specified in
Table 1: Quantity-Distance for Explosive Materials.

2. At the worksite, explosive materials must be guarded by a

competent person or kept in a locked, secured container until
returned to a licenced magazine.

Explosive materials should be in a suitable container, even when

attended, to protect them from contamination, damage, or accidental

Explosives, particularly dynamites, should be kept in their original

containers with the plastic liner intact.

3. If explosive materials are kept on a conveyance or drilling rig, at

the worksite, they must be:
• Kept in locked containers, or
• Attended by a competent person

The container protects them from contamination, damage, or being

lost. After working hours all explosive materials must be returned
to a licenced magazine or stored in accordance with the Explosives
Act (Canada).

Blasters' Handbook
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Whenever explosive materials are attended by a competent person, that
person must:
• Be authorized by the employer, supervisor, or blaster
• Be mentally and physically capable of guarding the materials
• Maintain visual contact with and control access to the materials

Container (day box)

Day boxes must be
On a work site, containers for keeping explosive materials must be: kept locked when
• Fully enclosed unattended.
• Locked
• Secure
Most containers are metal or metal reinforced wooden boxes, with a door
or lid secured by a heavy duty padlock. Such containers are known as
“day boxes.”

Acceptable padlocks are listed in Storage Standards for Industrial

Explosives published by the Explosives Regulatory Division of Natural
Resources Canada.

An explosive materials container must be properly constructed,

maintained, and identified. The interior must have no exposed iron, steel,
or other hard, gritty material. It must be kept clean and dry, and the word
“EXPLOSIVES” must be conspicuously marked on the exterior.

In the Regulation
Part 21.16 Detonators

(2) At the loading site,

detonator products
must be stored
separately from other
explosives, and in
a crush resistant
box which is clearly
Typical “EXPLOSIVES” Day Box Container Typical “DETONATOR” Box

Blasters' Handbook
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At the loading site, detonators must be kept in a crush-resistant
portable container capable of protecting the detonators from damage.
The container is usually made of plywood with a hinged or sliding
lid marked with the word “DETONATORS.” Since it is attended by a
blaster or an assistant, a lock is not required.

Blasters' Handbook
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Chapter 11: Control of the Blasting Area

blasting operation involves “use” of explosive materials, which
includes preparing, placing, and firing a charge; handling a
misfire; and destroying explosive materials.

Every blasting operation must be conducted or directed by a certified

blaster who controls and is responsible for all aspects of the work. The
blaster’s authority covers all assistants, workers, and equipment in the
area surrounding the operation. This is known as the “blasting area.”

Blasting area
A blasting area extends at least 50 metres (165 ft) in all directions from
any place in which explosive materials are being prepared or placed, or
where an unexploded charge is known or believed to exist. This minimum
distance should be increased according to site conditions and the quantity
of explosives being used. Table 1: Quantity-Distance for Explosive
Materials should be used to determine the size of the blasting area.

Furthermore, if an activity or condition outside the blasting area

endangers any person engaged in the operation, the blaster must take
corrective action. The safety of every person within the blasting area is a
primary responsibility for blasters.

Note: The blasting area is an “administrative” area. When the blast is

fired, the actual danger area may be far greater. (See Chapter 16 for more
information on a blaster’s responsibility to secure the danger area.)

Blaster’s authority
In the Regulation
To avoid conflict when more than one certified blaster is involved in a
blasting operation, the employer is required to designate one blaster as the Part 21.5
“Blaster of Record,” who is responsible for conducting or directing the use Authority to blast
of explosive materials on that site. The blaster of record must have authority (2) All work within the
to safely conduct and direct activities within the blasting area. The employer blasting area must
and supervisors must support the blaster in exercising this authority. be done under the
authorization of the
Neither the employer nor a supervisor should interfere with the blaster designated blaster of
responsible for a blasting operation. However, if the employer believes record responsible for
that the blaster has failed to comply with any of the blasting requirements that area.
in the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation, manufacturer’s

Blasters' Handbook
- 45 -
recommendations, or recognized safe blasting practices, the employer
must immediately investigate the incident and may suspend the blaster
from performing the duties of a blaster.

The blaster conducting or directing an operation must have a valid

blaster’s certificate issued by WorkSafeBC. This specifies the type of
blasting the blaster is qualified to conduct or direct. The employer
is required to record and verify details of the blaster’s certification,
• Name and address
• Certificate number
• Certification codes
• All conditions/restrictions
• The expiry date

For more information on blaster certification, contact the nearest

WorkSafeBC office (see the list at the end of this book).

Most employers retain a copy of the blaster’s certificate. The original

must be kept by the blaster; and whenever the blaster conducts or
In the Regulation directs a blasting operation, the certificate must be readily available at
Part 21.5 the worksite, to be produced on request of an officer of WorkSafeBC.
Authority to blast
(3) A blaster may be
assisted by persons Only competent persons are permitted to assist a blaster, and then only if
who do not hold they have demonstrated a knowledge of safe work procedures. The blaster
blaster’s certificates,
is responsible for the assistant and any work done by the assistant.
but the blaster must
have authority over When an assistant is unfamiliar with a task, the blaster is expected to
the assistants and
provide training and exercise continuous visual supervision. An assistant
must exercise visual
supervision over them must not conduct a blasting operation unless the blaster directing the work
and be responsible is physically present in the blasting area.
for their work during
explosive loading, Whenever the blaster leaves the blasting area, the assistants must
priming, fixing or firing. guard the explosive materials and wait until the blaster returns before
continuing the operation.

Blasters' Handbook
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Chapter 12: Drilling Precautions and Requirements

blaster is expected to know and understand the precautions
and requirements for drilling where explosives are being used.
Drilling into rock or other hard materials is an activity that, if
unsupervised, could result in an accident.

Pre-drilling requirements
In the Regulation
Before drilling commences, the blaster must survey the site and
surrounding area to determine the stability of rock faces, and whether Part 21.42 Predrilling
the area has been blasted before. The muck pile may have to be excavated requirements
by machinery to stabilize the material and expose previous drill holes. Before drilling begins
The blaster must inspect for misfired holes or evidence of explosive
materials such as protruding wires or cartridges. Old drill holes (sockets) (a) in a previously
or remnants of drill holes should be examined and clearly marked for blasted area, the
identification during subsequent drilling operations. surface to be drilled
must be exposed and
Misfired holes or holes containing unexploded explosives are examined for misfired
dangerous and must be dealt with before other regular work can be explosives,
carried out. Disposal procedures for explosive materials are covered in
(b) faces or slopes
Chapter 5 and Chapter 18.
must be cleared of
loose material, or
Drilling restrictions otherwise stabilized to
prevent slides or falls of
Drilling into explosives can cause an explosion. When drilling operations rock, and
take place in an area where previous blasting has been carried out, the
requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Regulation must be (c) the location of
complied with. utility services must be
determined and clearly
Socket (old hole)
Although the driller may believe an old hole to be explosive free, this
requirement is intended to prevent any contact with explosives.

Blasters' Handbook
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Loaded hole
In the Regulation
In most operations, it is unnecessary to drill in proximity to loaded holes
Part 21.43 Drilling or to load near drilling operations.
Collapsing drill holes, or drilling and loading underwater, may require
Drilling must not take
place within a variance to the application of this Regulation. If granted, the blaster
must direct the angle and depth of the holes being drilled to ensure
(a) 15 cm (6 in) of any no contact is made with explosives in adjacent loaded holes. A tamping
part of a bootleg, or rod placed in the collar of the loaded hole may assist in determining
the correct angle for the new hole.
(b) 6 m (20 ft) of
any part of a hole
containing explosives,
unless prior written
permission has been
obtained from the

Blasters' Handbook
- 48 -
Chapter 13: Priming and Placing Explosive Materials

lasting operations involve making up and placing explosive
charges. Making up a charge with an initiating device is known as
“priming.” “Placing” a charge involves loading it into a bore hole
or otherwise positioning it to be detonated. A blaster is expected to know
the procedures, requirements, and restrictions for priming and placing
explosive charges, in any situation.

A primer with an
The procedures for making up primers are described in Chapter 4. The initiating device must
following is concerned solely with priming restrictions. not be made up until
immediately before the
A primer with an initiating device must not be made up until immediately charge is placed.
before the charge is placed. To ensure the safety of workers and others,
the period of time an initiating device is attached or connected to an
explosive should be minimized. In special applications, where it is
necessary to make up primers in advance, a variance must first be
obtained from WorkSafeBC.

Only a non-sparking tool should be used to make a hole in an explosive


Drilled holes must be examined to ensure they are clear of obstructions
that could hinder loading the explosive. In unstable ground, or
underwater, where drill holes may collapse, special techniques employing
tubular inserts are used to keep the holes open.

Techniques for removing mud and rocks from a hole include:

• Removing the obstruction using a “scraper” (copper rod with a
dished end)
• Blowing out the mud and rock with a blow pipe using compressed air
• Pushing the obstruction to the bottom of the hole with a tamping rod
or loading pole

Blasters' Handbook
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Copper Scraper Blow Pipe Loading Pole
Explosive materials
must not be loaded into A hole may be completely blocked, particularly if it intersects a slip or fault.
a hole that is hot from It may be necessary to redrill the hole, taking into consideration the drilling
drilling operations or a restrictions for adjacent loaded holes discussed in Chapter 12.
previous blast.
Explosive materials must not be loaded into a hole that is hot from drilling
operations or a previous blast. A “hot hole” with a temperature in excess
of 65° C (150° F) may cause many types of detonators and explosives to
detonate prematurely.
In the Regulation
Part 21.55 Pneumatic loading
Pneumatic loading
Pneumatic loading uses compressed air to place explosive materials into a
(1) Explosives may
drilled hole; it requires a pneumatic loading machine and a special hose.
only be loaded
pneumatically if the When pneumatically loading a blasting agent (such as, ammonium nitrate
procedures and
fuel oil — ANFO), use only semi-conductive hose designed for this purpose.
equipment used will
prevent buildup of This will drain static electricity (a cause of accidental detonation), which
static electricity or may be produced by the flow of the blasting agent through the hose.
hazards from stray
electric currents. During the loading operation, the pneumatic loading machine must be
effectively grounded by connecting it to a metal stake driven into the
(2) Prior written ground or rock surface. The grounding cable must not be attached to rails,
permission of the pipes, or other conductors, which could introduce stray electric charges
Board must be from distant sources such as lightning.
obtained before any
pneumatic loading is Electric detonators, and hole liners with any type of detonator, must not
carried out at a hole be placed in a hole prior to it being loaded pneumatically, unless written
which contains an permission has first been obtained from WorkSafeBC. Liners are usually
electric detonator. plastic and can contribute to the buildup of static electricity during loading.

Blasters' Handbook
- 50 -
Bore Hole Charger

Air In




For an effective blast, explosive materials may be compressed into a bore
hole with a tamping rod. This will ensure explosive continuity. Tamping
rods should be made of wood or plastic and have non-sparking metal
fittings. Devices made of iron or steel must not be used.

Successful tamping requires steady pressure. Excessive force or impact

could damage the explosive materials or cause premature detonation.
Undue pressure on a primer attached to a detonator can result in
accidental explosion. Undue pressure on a
primer attached to a
In an “up hole,” cartridges can be held in place by means of a plastic
detonator can result in
“shuttlecock,” inserted with the points gripping the sidewalls to prevent accidental explosion.
A primer cartridge
should not be tamped
Equipment directly.
Equipment and vehicles not required in the blasting operation must be
kept out of the blasting area. Mobile equipment is only permitted in
proximity to explosive materials when under the direct control of the
blaster in charge and only to assist the blaster in:
• Excavating
• Placing fill/stemming material
• Placing blasting mats

Blasters' Handbook
- 51 -
Chapter 14: Controlling Fly Material

ly material is the undesirable throw of debris from an explosion.
Fly material can cause High pressure gases are capable of propelling materials a
serious injury and considerable distance with great force. Fly material can cause
property damage. serious injury and property damage.

All blasting operations are capable of producing fly material. The blaster
should know the causes and the techniques necessary for controlling it;
the blaster is responsible for the protecting people and property from fly

Types of fly material

Fly material is any material (such as, gravel, brick, earth, metal, and wood)
disturbed by the blast, the most common of which is known as “fly rock.”

Causes of fly material

There are many causes of fly rock:
• Geological seams, planes, and cracks that cause the rock to break
• Geological cavities that collect an excessive amount of explosives
• Poor pattern design, with the burden and spacing too close
(i.e., excessive powder factor)
• Improper distribution of explosives in the rock
• Shallow or “crater” blasting without containment
• Explosives that have excessive strength or velocity of detonation
• Boreholes that have been overloaded
• Improper delay timing that does not provide adequate burden relief
• Collar priming, which can create greater throw than bottom (toe)
• Failure to use covering material, blast mats, or sand to contain the fly
• Inadequate or insufficient stemming

To summarize, fly rock can occur if:

• The rock is abnormal
• The drill pattern is inaccurate
• Excess explosives are loaded
• The sequence of initiation is improper
• Effective containment (such as blast mats) are not used

Blasters' Handbook
- 52 -
Control techniques
To effectively control fly material, the blaster must:
• Assess the material to be blasted. Do geological faults exist? Is the
material soft or brittle? An experienced blaster should be able to
reasonably determine the nature of the material.
• Determine the nature of the material to be drilled. Drilling the
material should reveal its nature and the location of any abnormalities
(e.g., slips, cavities). If there is doubt as to the effect of the explosives
on the material, a small test blast should be conducted first.
• Select the most appropriate drill pattern. This is usually determined
by the type of material (rock) and the diameter of the drill bit. The
blast design should have burden and spacing that is neither excessive
nor too tight. Drill hole alignments must be accurate.
• Choose the most suitable explosive for the conditions with an energy
factor that is adequate but not excessive. In the Regulation
• Properly load each hole. Should a cavity, fault, or slip exist, load
Part 21.66 Blaster’s
accordingly. Beware of cavities, and do not overload a hole.
• Ensure the hole is properly stemmed. The depth of stemming is
generally between 0.7 and 1.0 times the burden distance. Ideally, the (1) The blaster must
stemming material is well-graded, crushed rock. take precautions for the
• Choose the most suitable initiation system. Delay sequence blasting protection of persons
must allow for adequate burden relief. Generally, bottom (toe) priming and property, including
does not create as much “throw” as top (collar) initiation, and is not as proper loading and
stemming of holes, and
likely to result in a cutoff hole.
where necessary, the
• Where necessary, cover the blast with a layer of sand or other fill use of cover for the
material. In residential areas, cover material should be at least 1 m blast or other effective
(3 ft) in thickness. means of controlling
• When necessary, use blasting mats to contain fly material. the blast or resultant
• Mats can be constructed of logs, mesh, and rubber tires, leaving small flying material.
gaps to retain debris with a diameter in excess of 50 mm (2 in) but
allow the escape of explosive gases. Solid coverings (such as steel
plate) can be projected by the expanding gases and must not be used.
• Inspect blastmats before placement. Remove embedded rock or
possible fly material.

Blasters' Handbook
- 53 -
Blasting Mats

Covering a blast with fill material and blasting mats is at times

impractical. To protect property from damage, it may be more effective
to place a substantial guard or covering material directly over the object
requiring protection.

Blasters' Handbook
- 54 -
Chapter 15: Securing the Danger Area

he most critical period in a blasting operation is the time of the
blast, when there is the greatest potential for damage and serious

To prevent accidents from detonation of an explosive, the area surrounding

a blast must be under the control of a certified blaster, responsible for the
safety of persons who could be affected. Additionally, this danger area
must be guarded to prevent entry during the time of the blast.

Danger area
The blaster is
The “danger area” is an area centred on the explosion, in which a person responsible for
could suffer injury from the effects of the blast, including: establishing the limits
• Air blast (concussion) of the danger area.
• Fire
• Fly material
• Ground vibration
• A mud or snow slide

A danger area exists at the time of a blast, the size of which is determined
by the:
• Amount of explosives used
• Technique of blasting
• Type of material blasted

Clearing the area

During priming, placing, and connecting charges, only the blaster and
blaster’s assistant(s) should remain in the area. No other person is allowed
entry unless the blaster gives permission, and maintains control over that
person’s activities.

Before detonating a charge, the blaster must clear the danger area of
all persons. Where visibility is obstructed, the blaster must conduct a
thorough examination to ensure no one is present.

Before sounding the warning signals and firing the blast, the danger area
must be cleared by the blaster or blaster’s assistant. Sounding the warning
signal does not relieve the blaster of the responsibility to clear the area,
and to keep it clear during the blast.

Blasters' Handbook
- 55 -
Guarding charges
In the Regulation
An explosive charge must be guarded at all times by a competent person
Part 21.66 from the time it is placed until the time it is detonated. A person assigned to
Blaster’s responsibility
guard an explosive charge must be properly instructed in safety and security.
(3) The blaster must A guard must:
post workers who have • Protect the charge from damage or accidental detonation
the sole responsibility
• Prevent deliberate tampering with or theft of any part of an explosive
of guarding against
entry into the danger charge
area of the blast
It is usual practice for a member of the blasting crew to guard an
site, and the workers
must be instructed explosive charge until it is detonated. If it cannot be detonated in normal
as to their duties and working hours, it will be necessary to post a guard overnight.
The guard should be provided with suitable equipment, including
(4) Whistles, signs or lights and signs. If equipped with a radio, the guard must maintain a
other signals may not safe distance from any electric detonators.
be used in place of the
guards required by Placing guards
subsection (3).
The blaster is responsible for posting “guards” to prevent access to the
(5) Before sounding the danger area. Warning signs, barricades, or other obstructions cannot
warning signals, the
substitute for a guard. The guard must be posted in a safe location,
blaster must clear the
danger area and post usually outside the danger area.
guards as required
All access to the danger area must be effectively guarded. In a small
by subsections (2) to
(4), and must ensure operation where visibility is unobstructed and the initiation system is
that all persons have instantaneous (electric blasting), it may be possible for one person to
reached a place of guard the danger area.

Acceptable Not Acceptable

Blasters' Handbook
- 56 -
Where visibility is restricted, or the initiation system is non-
instantaneous, more than one guard will be required. If there is delay
between the initiation and detonation of the charge, as in safety fuse
blasting, there is a much greater need for effective guarding.

If the blast could pose a hazard to aircraft, special precautions must be

taken. It is recommended that a “Notice to Airmen” (NOTAM) warning
of the blasting operation be issued to pilots.

To request a NOTAM, contact the nearest flight service station at least

24 hours before the scheduled time of blasting. Do not assume the
NOTAM has been received and understood by all pilots in the area.

When blasting near a highway or populated area, it may be difficult

to control public access. The assistance of the local police may be
necessary to barricade streets or evacuate buildings.

Guards should be provided with appropriate equipment. For example,

the guard will require a flagger’s vest and a “STOP” paddle to control

Guard duties
Only competent persons should be assigned to guard a danger area.
They must be mature individuals capable of performing guard duties. Only competent
persons should be
The blaster is responsible for instructing all guards on their duties and assigned to guard a
responsibilities, including: danger area.
• The location of the guard post
• Warning devices and signals
• Preventing persons from entering the danger area
• Watching for fly material
• Preventing re-entry to the danger area until
- The all clear signal is given, or
- The guard is personally relieved by the blaster

Blasters' Handbook
- 57 -
Chapter 16: Firing the Blast

Before firing a charge, the blaster must:

The blaster must • Make a visual inspection of the blasting circuit or tie-in to ensure
ensure surplus all connections are secure and the blast can be safety detonated
explosives and
• Confirm that any surplus explosive materials have been removed to a
detonators have been
moved to a safe place. safe place
• Determine that adequate protective measures have been taken for the
safety of persons and protection of property
• Verify that the danger area is clear and the necessary guards are at
their posts

The purpose of visually inspecting the blasting circuit or tie-in is to ensure

all connections are properly made and intact, all the charges have been
connected, the circuit is undamaged, and the blast can be safely detonated.

All loaded holes in a blasting area must be detonated:

In the Regulation • In one blasting operation, or
• In a manner that minimizes the possibility of misfires, damage to
21.68 Firing all holes
other charges, or burying other charges
(1) Charges must
The blaster must ensure surplus explosives and detonators have been
be fired in logical
sequence. moved to a safe place. A container or magazine must be located outside
the danger area.
(2) If any detonation
could affect other When blasting in proximity to trees, precautions must be taken to prevent
charges placed broken tops and limbs, hangups, leaners, and other similar hazards.
nearby, all of the
Before sounding the warning signals, the blaster must make a final check
charges must be fired
in one operation. that the danger area is clear, and each guard is at his or her post.

Warning signals
Every person in the vicinity of a blast should understand the warning
signals. These warn that a blast is about to be fired.

Before any charge is fired, the blaster must:

• Ensure that every person in the danger area understands the warning
signals, or
• Post the signal code at conspicuous locations in the danger area

Devices for sounding warning signals must be:

• Distinct from other signal devices in the area, AND
• Audible throughout the danger area

Blasters' Handbook
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A compressed air horn, or a horn device attached to a compressor or air
hose, is commonly used. A standard car or truck horn is not distinct and In the Regulation
is therefore unacceptable as a warning signal device.
Part 21.69
Blasting signals
(1) The blaster must
ensure that an audible
signalling device, distinct
from other signalling
devices in the area, is
used to give the following
warning signals:

(a) preceding the blast,

12 short whistle signals
must be sounded at one
second intervals;
Compressed Air Horn
(b) two minutes must
The standard warning signal is 12 short signals at one-second intervals, elapse after the last
followed by a two-minute wait before detonating the explosive charge. warning signal before
Sounding the warning signals does not relieve the blaster of the initiating the blast;
responsibility to clear the danger area and keep it clear during the blast. (c) following the blast and
after the area has been
Blasting signals inspected and found
safe, one prolonged
• Before the blast, give twelve short signals at one-second intervals whistle signal of at least 5
seconds duration must be
• Wait two (2) minutes
sounded, to signify that
• Fire the blast permission is granted to
return to the blasting area.
During the time between the warning signals and the “all-clear” signal,
only the blaster responsible and persons authorized by the blaster may (2) Subsection (1)
enter or remain in the blast area. does not apply to
avalanche control, single
After a blast, it may be necessary for the blaster to clear dangers before underground headings,
the “all-clear” signal is sounded. buried seismic work
in isolated locations or
Following the blast and after the area has been inspected and found other circumstances
deemed appropriate by
safe, one prolonged whistle signal of at least 5 seconds duration must be
the Board, in which case
sounded to signal that permission is granted to return to the blasting area. the blaster must ensure
that alternative warning
Note: The standard warning signals are not required in underground procedures acceptable
work. Also, in avalanche control work, alternate closure and warning to the Board are used.
signals may be approved.

Blasters' Handbook
- 59 -
Blasting log
Blasters must keep
a record of preblast Blasters must keep a record of preblast loading data and of the
loading data and of the examination of the site after the blast. This blasting log should not be
examination of the site confused with the magazine log book.
after the blast.
The blaster is required to record certain information in the blasting log.
Before the blast is detonated, the blaster must record:
• Date and time of the blast
• Number, depth, and placement of charges
• Location of the blast site (identify the location of the blast site
as accurately as possible; give the distance to the nearest public
dwelling or area)
• Material blasted (describe the type of rock or other material blasted)
• Type and size of explosives used in the blast
• Type of detonators used in the blast
• Delays (describe and show the delay sequence)
• Electrical devices (describe the circuit and record the results of
electrical calculations and measurements; identify the device
(machine) used to initiate the E.B. Caps
• Loading pattern (show the loading pattern, with the burden and
spacing between holes, and any nearby structures or roadways;
show the delay design and the expected direction of rock movement
• All misfires, undetonated explosives, and other hazards (loose rock),
as well as the action taken to correct unsafe conditions
• The resistance calculations for each electrical series and circuit
• The precautions taken to contain fly material
• The placement of danger area guards

After detonating the blast, the blaster must record the result of the
post-blast inspection for misfires and other dangers. Providing the
required information is recorded in an organized manner, any format
for reporting may be adopted. Some blasters use a diary; others use
blast record sheets provided by the employer.

The blasting log must be readily available at the blast site, and must be
produced for inspection upon request of an officer of WorkSafeBC. It must
be retained by the employer for at least five years following completion of
blasting operations at a worksite.

Blasters' Handbook
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Blasters and helpers training to become blasters must maintain a personal blasting log containing pre-blast
loading details and results of post blast site inspections. See OHS G21.4(4).

Blasters' Handbook
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Blasters' Handbook
- 62 -
Chapter 17: Returning to the Blast Site

fter firing a charge, the blaster is responsible for examining the
site and clearing dangers caused by the blast. Precautions must The all-clear signal is
be taken before anyone, including the blaster, returns to the blast not sounded until the
site. The blaster and persons authorized by the blaster are the only ones area has been made
allowed to enter the blast area prior to the all-clear signal.

The blaster conducts a thorough inspection of the site to identify and control
any dangers. The all-clear signal is not sounded until the area has been made
safe. Any of the following precautions may be necessary following a blast.

Electrical blasting
If a blast has been fired electrically, the firing cables must be disconnected
from the blasting machine and the lead wires short-circuited. This is to prevent
current passing through the circuit, which may still contain a “live” detonator.

Air contaminants
Air contaminants (dust and fumes) must be reduced to a safe level.
Permissible concentrations for dusts and fumes are specified in the
Occupational Safety and Health Regulation. As a general rule, no one
should return to a blast site if dust or fumes are present.

In surface blasting, dust and fumes rapidly disperse into the atmosphere.
In confined areas, they are a more serious problem. Atmospheric tests must
be made following a blast, and the space ventilated before workers are
permitted to enter. For more information on identifying confined spaces
in the workplace and how to prepare and implement a confined space
entry program, please see WorkSafeBC's Occupational Health and Safety
Regulation, Part 9 Confined Spaces.

Examining the site

The blaster must carefully examine the site for un-detonated explosive
materials and other dangers. Equipment operators and others entering the
site should be taught to recognize loose wires and un-detonated explosive
materials. They must understand a misfire may be handled only by, or
under the direction of, a blaster.

The blaster must not leave the blasting site until attending to any un-
detonated explosive materials or other dangers caused by the blast.

Blasters' Handbook
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In underground workings, it is common practice to blast at the end of
a shift in order to allow dust and fumes to clear before the next shift
commences work.

Smoke from the muck
pile may indicate All dangers must be identified and controlled before other work is
burning explosive resumed in the area. The location of a misfire should be identified by a
materials that could wooden plug, coloured flag, spray paint, or other effective means.
explode at any
moment. Control measures can include:
• Roping off the area surrounding the danger
• Keeping metal tools and equipment away from misfires
• Bracing or supporting loose material that may fall or move

Loose material
Any unstable material that could cause injury or property damage is
commonly referred to as “loose material” or “loose.” Examples include:
• Broken tree limbs
• Overhanging rocks
• Unstable boulders

Approximately 30 percent of blasting-related fatalities in British

Columbia has been caused by loose material following a blast.
Additionally, many serious injuries and property damage have resulted.

Loose material on a slope or face must be scaled, trimmed, or otherwise

stabilized. It is safer and more effective to remove loose material using
machinery, such as front end loaders or hydraulic excavators, thus
minimizing risk of injury to workers.

Hand scaling is done using a metal scaling bar. The nature of the
material can be determined from striking the surface with the end of
the bar. A sharp (hard) sound indicates solid rock. A hollow (thud)
sound indicates unstable material.

See Parts 20.96 - 20.101 for regulations on scaling.

Blasters' Handbook
- 64 -
When hand scaling:
• Wear a safety belt or harness attached to a securely anchored lifeline
• Wear protective footwear and hard hat
• Use a scaling bar in good condition and of suitable length
• Begin scaling from a safe location, from the top down
• Stand on a solid surface and maintain balance
• Watch for holes containing explosive materials
• Do not scale above any misfire hole or un-detonated explosive materials
• Do not scale where anyone may be endangered by falling rock

After the area is inspected by the blaster and deemed clear of explosive
hazards, sound a five-second all-clear signal.

Clean up
Before leaving the
Boxes, cartons, and liners that have contained explosive materials must blast site, take a few
be collected and destroyed in a safe manner. They must be handled with minutes to clean up
care to prevent undue impact or exposure to excessive heat. Check that empty powder boxes,
detonators, explosives, or other dangerous substances are separated from expendable blasting
other waste material and destroyed in the manner discussed in Chapter 5. wire, burned safety
fuse, used tubing, and
Explosives packaging may not be re-used for any other purpose. Before other waste materials.
disposal, it should be thoroughly inspected for any leftover explosive or
residue. Preferably, boxes and bags should be burned. Where this is not
allowed, they may be placed in landfill, using the following procedures:
• Packaging must be rendered unusable by flattening boxes or slitting
• The material should be bundled so that no reference to explosives
(e.g., name, TDG diamond) is visible.

Blasters' Handbook
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Chapter 18: Misfires

isfire” means any part of an explosive charge that, after
A hangfire CAN initiation, fails to completely detonate. Any misfire is
DETONATE ON ITS potentially dangerous. When preparing the blast, every
OWN at any time! precaution should be taken to minimize the risk of a misfire.

Regardless of precautions taken, misfires can still occur. Therefore,

a blaster is expected to know the causes of misfires, recognize their
indicators, and understand safe procedures for handling them.

Types of misfires
There are two categories of misfires:
• Hangfires
• General misfires

A hangfire is an unplanned delay in the detonation of an explosive

charge, which can occur in any part of the system that is contaminated,
damaged, or otherwise defective.

General misfires include any blast or hole that does not fire or any blast
that does not detonate as expected.

Causes of misfires
All misfires are
dangerous — treat Common causes of misfires include:
them with extreme Explosive:
caution! • Deteriorated
• Cold or frozen
• Improperly mixed (AN/FO)
• Deteriorated
• Damaged
Safety fuse:
• Powder core is moist or contaminated
• Fuse is cut, kinked, or otherwise damaged
• Fuse is not properly ignited
• Low quality of fuse or assembly

Blasters' Handbook
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• Detonator has become detached from charge
• Charge units are separated by gravel or other material
• Too much space between individual charge units
• Inadequate or no stemming
Initiation system:
• Incorrect use of initiation system
• Damage to initiation system
• Improper use of delay detonators or detonating connectors
Electrical initiation:
• Blasting wire damaged or inadequate
• Blasting wire shorted out, improperly connected, or imperfectly joined
• Current leakage in blasting circuit
• Blasting machine damaged or defective
• Blasting machine improperly used
• Application of insufficient or excessive electrical current
Other reasons:
• Explosive materials exposed to high temperatures
• Inadequate priming of the charge
• Failure to examine the blasting circuit or tie-in
• Charge or part of charge “dead pressed” by the detonation of an
adjacent charge
• Charge or part of charge “cut off” due to excessive ground movement
(such as, fracture, fault, joint)

Indicators of misfires
The indicators of a misfire depend on the explosive and the initiation
system. Common indicators include: The indicators of a
Noise: misfire depend on
the explosive and the
• Upon initiation, is there any noise?
initiation system.
• Is the "noise" as expected?
Explosive materials:
• Are explosives, detonating cords, or detonators scattered about the
blast site (e.g., cartridges, detonating cord, shock tubing)?
• Are explosive materials protruding from a hole?

Blasters' Handbook
- 67 -
Muck pile:
The Occupational • Is the muck pile the size, location, and shape expected?
Health and Safety • Are there “oversize” boulders in the muck pile?
Regulation requires
• Is smoke rising from the muck pile? (may indicate burning explosives)
that the blaster follow
manufacturers’ Other indicators:
recommendations. • Did the explosive charge have the expected effect?
If the manufacturer • Is there an excessive amount of fly material?
recommends longer • Does the rock face have humps or cavities?
waiting times, the • Were there orange/yellow tinted fumes? (could indicate nitrous oxides,
blaster is obligated a product of improper detonation)
to follow that
recommendation. These indicators should cause a blaster to suspect a misfire.

Minimum waiting times

When a misfire is known or suspected, no person is allowed to return to the
blast site until the expiration of an appropriate minimum waiting period.

Misfired charge
In the Regulation
The following waiting times are appropriate for misfired charges:
Part 21.36 General • 10 minutes after firing a blast using an electric detonator, or
Explosive materials • 30 minutes from the expected detonation of a safety fuse charge or the
must be stored, waiting time as recommended by the manufacturer.
transported, handled
With the exception of safety fuse, the minimum waiting time for all
and used in the manner
recommended by the initiation systems is at least 10 minutes after firing the blast.
Safety fuse has greater delay potential. It may burn more slowly for a number
of reasons, including moist powder, damaged fuse, and high altitude.

Burning charge

If a charge is known or suspected to be burning, the waiting period is

at least 60 minutes. Smoke originating from a blast hole may indicate
burning explosive materials.

Blasters' Handbook
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Burning explosive materials are highly sensitive and can detonate on their
own at any moment. Keep everyone away from a burning charge for the In the Regulation
minimum waiting time (one hour after last visible smoke), and longer if
Part 21.73 Misfires
(1) When a blast
Make no attempt to extinguish burning explosive materials. initiated by electrical
methods cannot
Personnel be verified to have
completely detonated,
Keep the number of persons in the blasting area to a minimum; only or is suspected to have
the blaster and those required to assist are allowed in the blasting area. misfired, the blaster
must disconnect the
Helpers should be experienced workers selected from the blasting crew.
firing lines from the
Until all dangers are eliminated or controlled, treat the blasting area as a blasting machine, and
“danger area” and post guards to prevent others from entering. wait at least 10 minutes
before permitting
anyone to enter the
Removal by hand danger area.

The blaster must have as much broken material as possible removed by (2) When a blast
hand before metallic tools or equipment are used. Sparks from metal initiated by a safety
equipment and tools can cause accidental detonation. fuse cannot be verified
to have completely
detonated, or is
Metallic equipment suspected to have
Do not use metallic equipment to remove broken material unless: misfired, the blaster
must wait at least
• A blaster directs the use of the equipment
30 minutes after the
• The illumination of the area is adequate estimated time of
• Precautions are taken to prevent injury in the event of accidental detonation before
detonation permitting anyone to
enter the danger area.
When using an excavating machine or a bulldozer, all persons — except for
the blaster and the operator — should be removed from the area. Adequate
safeguards must be provided to protect the blaster and the operator in the
event of an accidental detonation.

Specific misfire procedures should be developed for the explosive

materials being used. Advice can be obtained from the manufacturer or
manufacturer’s representative.

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Identification, destruction, and removal
When a misfired charge is located, blasters must adhere to the
Occupational Health and Safety Regulation.

A hole containing a misfired charge, commonly known as a “mishole,”
must be identified by a wooden marker or by:
• Spray painting the collar of the hole
• Stuffing a coloured rag in the open end of the hole
• Placing a plastic cone in or near the collar of the hole, or
• Tying coloured “survey” flagging to a stake near the collar of the hole

In the Regulation Once a misfired charge has been located and identified, it must be
destroyed before other work commences. Misfired charges are usually
Part 21.77
destroyed by detonation, using a fresh primer. Misfires should be
Marking and
Detonating treated like any other blast: warning signals should be sounded and
the danger area guarded. Blasters should never attempt to relight a
(1) Each misfired length of safety fuse; if shortened, it could cause premature detonation,
charge must be clearly or if damaged, could result in a hangfire.
marked and the area
cordoned off. Removal
NO ONE is permitted to remove, relight, or disturb a fuse, detonator,
(2) No attempt must
part of a charge, or a misfired charge, except under the following
be made to remove an
unexploded charge circumstances:
and no other work may • A blasting agent may be blown out with air, water, or a combination of
take place within the both. Use ONLY water in a hole containing an electric detonator. Use a
blasting area, until the fresh primer to blast the old primer.
misfired charge has • It may be necessary to remove stemming material from a loaded hole
been successfully in order to re-prime the charge. Stemming may be removed by:
detonated by rewiring
- A non-sparking (wooden) spoon or similar device
or repriming with a
fresh primer. - Pressurized water, or air and water, but not air alone

Stemming material must be removed carefully. Do not disturb or remove

any part of the explosive charge. Once the misfired charge is uncovered,
place a fresh charge near it, re-stem if necessary, and fire the shot in the
usual manner.

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Drilling to re-fire
Drilling an additional hole to re-fire is permitted, but only if:
• The angle of the misfired hole is accurately determined
• The blaster who placed the misfired charge directs the angle and
depth of the hole being drilled
• The hole being drilled is at least 600 mm (2 ft) from any part of the
misfired charge

If any of the above requirements cannot be met, the misfired hole must be
treated as a loaded hole and drilled in accordance with the procedures in
Chapter 12.

The purpose of the additional hole and charge is to remove the

overburden and expose the misfired charge so that it can be blasted
with a fresh primer. Since the additional charge must be at least 60 mm
(2 ft) from the misfired charge, it is unlikely propagation will occur.

Blasters' Handbook
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Chapter 19: Non-electric Initiation Systems

Safety fuse
Safety fuse has a special black powder core in a spirally wrapped
cover of textiles and waterproof materials. The cover protects against
contamination and abrasive damage, and allows the fuse to convey flame
to the detonator at a uniform speed.
Centre Fuse Plastic Cotton
Threads Powder Sleeve Yarn

Jute & Synthetic Asphalt

Yarn Coating Finishing Wax

Safety Fuse

The burning speed of safety fuse is 131 seconds per metre (40 seconds per
ft) at sea level, with an allowable variation of plus or minus 10 percent.

The burning speed may be affected by:

• Excessive tamping, which compresses the powder granules and
causes the fuse to burn faster
• High altitude, which exerts less external pressure on the powder
granules and causes the fuse to burn slower
• Moisture, which when absorbed by the powder causes the fuse to
burn slower
• Chemicals, oil, and solvents, which can destroy the outer cover and
contaminate the powder, causing the fuse to burn slower (hangfire) or
fail to burn (misfire)
• Kinks and bends, which can cause the fuse to burn faster, but
In the Regulation
are more likely to make it burn slower (hangfire) or fail to burn
Part 21.57 (misfire)
Lighting safety fuse
If the specified burning speed is to be maintained, it must be stored in a
(2) When multiple cool, dry, well-ventilated magazine. Rotate stock by using old fuse first.
safety fuses are to be
lit, a suitable safety
Safety fuse assembly
fuse lighting device
must be used to ensure A safety fuse assembly is comprised of a length of safety fuse with a
that a minimum 90 cm
detonator attached to one end, and usually has an igniter cord connector
(3 ft) fuse length safety
on the other end.
factor is maintained.

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Fuse length
The shortest manufactured safety fuse assembly is 1 m (3.3 ft) long. In
some applications, it may be necessary to “trim” a fuse assembly by
removing the igniter cord connector or a section of fuse.

If several fuses are to be ignited by means other than igniter cord

Damaged or
(for example using a hot wire lighter), minimum fuse length must be
deteriorated fuse must
increased accordingly. Allow sufficient time to light all the fuses and
not be used; it can
walk — not run — to a safe place, with at least 30 seconds to spare. result in a hangfire or a
Fuse handling
Handle safety fuse carefully. Avoid bending, pinching, or twisting it.

The detonator (blasting cap) is an initiating device capable of detonating
most explosives. It has an aluminum shell approximately 6 mm (1/4 in) in
diameter and 48 mm (1 7/8 in) long, with a composite charge pressed into
the base end.

The composite charge comprises a priming charge and a high explosive.

The priming charge is heat/flame sensitive and composed of lead
azide and lead styphnate. The high explosive is PETN (pentaerythritol

The flame spit from the safety fuse ignites the priming charge, which
in turn detonates the PETN compressed into the base of the shell.

Static shunt
All detonators used in manufactured safety fuse assemblies contain a
“static shunt.” A metal staple is embedded in the detonator, touching
the shell and penetrating through the fuse to the powder core. The
staple drains off static electricity preventing premature detonation.

The static shunt does not guarantee total immunity from static and
other electrical hazards. Therefore, a fuse assembly should not be used
if excessive amounts of static or other extraneous electricity is known
or suspected to be present.

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Igniter cord connector
The igniter cord connector is a metal tube containing a pressed ignition
composition. This connector keeps the fuse end clean and dry, and readily
ignites under most conditions.

The copper alloy metal tubing is similar to a detonator shell, except for a
slot in the base end designed to hold the igniter cord in contact with the
ignition composition. Once the igniter cord is inserted, the flap at the base
of the connector is pressed down to secure the connection.

When a lighting device other than igniter cord is used, the flap may be broken
off to expose the ignition composition. This composition has excellent resistance
to moisture. It can be exposed to water (less than 48 hours) and remain easy to
ignite. However, the cooling effect of water may reduce its ignition capability.

Unless damaged or deteriorated (or unless the assembly is to be ignited by

a pull wire lighter), an igniter cord connector should not be detached from
an assembly.

Igniting the safety fuse assembly

Do not apply excessive
force or twist the fuse. Igniting a safety fuse assembly is a critical operation. Difficulties in
Serious damage or lighting one assembly while others are burning have resulted in accidents
premature ignition and serious injury. Therefore, the safety fuse and the lighting device must
could result. be in good condition.

Safety fuse is easy to ignite, providing the lighting device has an intense
(hot) flame and the fuse end is clean and dry. An igniter cord connector
makes lighting the fuse much easier.

If an igniter cord connector or a fuse end is moist or contaminated,

approximately 25 mm (1 in) must be cut from the end before an attempt is
made to ignite it. This is known as “trimming” the fuse. In no case should
a fuse assembly be trimmed to less than 90 cm (3 ft).

Acceptable lighting devices

A safety fuse assembly must only be ignited using a device acceptable
to WorkSafeBC. Smoldering or open flame devices such as cigarettes,
cigarette lighters, and propane torches are not acceptable for lighting a
fuse assembly. Such devices are unreliable and could endanger persons in

Blasters' Handbook
- 74 -
the blasting area. Furthermore, smoldering materials and open flames are
prohibited in a blasting area.

Four devices are acceptable for lighting fuse assemblies:

1. Safety match:
Safety matches are permitted if not more than one fuse assembly is
to be ignited in one operation. Safety matches produce a flame of
medium intensity and short duration.

2. Fusee match:
Fusee matches have an enlarged tip and are more reliable than a safety
match. A fusee match can be used to ignite 2 or 3 assemblies if they are Make sure the inside of
the pull wire lighter and
clean, dry, and in close proximity. However, other devices are more reliable.
the exposed end of the
When lighting safety fuse or an igniter cord connector with a safety fuse are clean and dry.
or fusee match, keep hands and fingers away from the fuse end. Upon
ignition, it produces a jet of flame (“ignition spit”) capable of causing a
painful burn.

3. Pull wire lighter:

A pull wire lighter is a flame-producing device used with a single
fuse assembly. It is effective where high winds could hamper other
methods of ignition.

To prepare the assembly, remove the igniter cord connector from the
end of the fuse, making a square cut. Make sure the inside of the pull
wire lighter and the exposed end of the fuse are clean and dry.

To attach the pull wire lighter, gently insert the fuse about 50 mm
(2 in) into the open end of the tube. Internal teeth will hold it in place.
Do not apply excessive force or twist the fuse. Serious damage or
premature ignition could result.

Pull Wire Lighter and Box

Hot Wire Lighter and Box

Blasters' Handbook
- 75 -
To activate, hold the tube securely and firmly pull the handle. This
will produce an internal flame jet and ignite the fuse.

4. Hot Wire Lighter:

A hot wire lighter is a stiff wire coated with an incendiary composition
that burns with great intensity without flaming. It resembles a
fireworks sparkler, and can be ignited with a safety match. When lit, it
is held against the igniter cord connector or the exposed end of the fuse

Hot wire lighters are available in three lengths with different burning
times and lighting capabilities.

Table 2: Hot Wire Lighters

Hot Wire Lighter Length Approximate Not Recommended for

Burning Time Igniting More than

178 mm 7 in 60 seconds 10 assemblies

228 mm 9 in 90 seconds 15 assemblies
305 mm 12 in 120 seconds 20 assemblies

1. Recommended quantities refer to fuse assemblies with clean, dry
ends, located in close proximity to each other.
2. Since moisture and other contaminants may affect the burning time,
a hot wire lighter must not be used as a timing device.

Determining ignition
A blaster must be able
to determine that a fuse A blaster must be able to determine that a fuse is actually burning.
is actually burning. Three simple checks can be made.
• Did an “ignition spit” occur? (This is the flame jet that shoots out
the end of a fuse when it is ignited). An igniter cord connector will
also “spit.”
• Does a steady stream of smoke rise from the fuse? (Additionally, a
hissing sound may be heard.)
• Is the fuse hot? As a last resort, gently touch the fuse. It will be very
hot if the powder core is actually burning. Also, at the point where the
fuse is burning internally, the fuse will become very flexible and limp.

Blasters' Handbook
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Ignition Spit from
End of Fuse

As the fuse burns, the outer covering darkens. Remember the powder core in
the fuse burns ahead of discoloration on the outer covering, or heat.

As soon as a blaster knows or suspects that a fuse is burning, everyone must

leave the area and go to a safe place before the first charge detonates.

Hazards and precautions

To guard against
The principal causes of premature detonation are abuse and exposure to premature detonation,
heat. Impact or shock can compress the explosive charge in the blasting detonators should
cap to the extent that it will detonate. Temperatures in excess of 66° C be kept in a crush-
(150° F) can ignite the sensitive detonator. resistant container until
ready for use.
Accidental detonation may also result from improper ignition techniques
and mishandling.

Do not mishandle detonators, tamper with them, or expose them to heat

sources. The human body can generate temperatures that will affect the
sensitive compositions in a detonator. Therefore, do not carry them in
clothing, and avoid holding one in the closed palm of the hand.

Care must be taken when handling fuse-lighting devices. Mishandling

could impair their efficiency or cause them to ignite prematurely. When Do not keep or
lighting fuses, keep the device away from detonators or heat sensitive store igniter cord
explosives. with explosives or
Several blasters who did not realize the fuse was burning, or who delayed
too long after lighting the first fuse, have been seriously injured or killed.
When more than one fuse assembly is ignited, everyone must vacate the
blast site well in advance (at least two minutes) of the expected detonation
of the first charge.

Returning to the blast site too soon has resulted in numerous accidents.
Should a misfire be known or suspected, wait the prescribed amount of
time (see Chapter 18).

Blasters' Handbook
- 77 -
Chapter 20: Detonating Systems

Detonating cord system

Detonating cord is a flexible linear explosive used to initiate other
explosives directly, or with a booster/primer. In applications such as forest
fire control, welding, perimeter or pre-shear blasting, it is used as the
main explosive charge.

Detonating cord
Detonating cord has a core of high velocity explosive contained in a
plastic sheath, wrapped in various combinations of textiles, plastic, and
wax coverings.

Explosive Inner Plastic Textile Wax

Core Braid Sleeve Countering Finish

Sectional View of Typical Detonating Cord

The core explosive is usually PETN (pentaerythritol tetranitrate). When

initiated by a “high strength” detonator, these cords explode with a
velocity of over 6,705 m (22,000 ft) per second.

Detonating cord has several layers of covering material. Typically,

an inner braid, a plastic sleeve, a textile covering, and a wax finish
protect the core from abrasion, moisture, and damaging substances. The
flexibility allows most cords to be readily tied together and used in a
wide variety of applications.

Detonating cord has good storage properties and is relatively safe to

handle. Under proper conditions, it is not affected by temperature
extremes and has low sensitivity to premature or accidental initiation
• Friction
• Heat
• Static electricity
• Impact

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It is not immune from contact with machinery, rock falls, or lightning
strikes. Since all explosives can be detonated, detonating cord must be
treated with respect.

Depending on its usage, or location in a blasting circuit, detonating

cord is often referred to as:
• Downline — the length of cord located in the blast hole
• Pigtail — the exposed portion of downline at the collar of the hole
• Trunkline — the length of cord to which the downlines (pigtails)
• Branchline — the trunkline serving each row of holes; branchlines are
attached to a main trunkline
• Cross-tie — a connection between branchlines that provide an alternate
path of detonation


Cross Tie Pigtail


Detonating Cord Circuit

There are several types of detonating cord, each with different strength
core explosive and/or quality of outer covering. Explosive strength is
usually expressed in terms of grams (grains) of PETN per linear metre
(foot) of cord or gm/m (gr/ft). Tensile strength is based on the durability
of the outer covering.

The multiple plastic and textile covering offers exceptional protection

from contact with loading hoses, fuel oil, and hot solutions used in
bulk slurry/watergel formulations. The higher initiating energy ensures
optimum initiation of cast primer compositions, while flexibility and knot-
tying properties are maintained throughout extreme ranges of weather
and temperatures.

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Storage and handling
Detonating cords and
detonating connectors Detonating cords are kept or stored with explosives. Detonating connectors
contain powerful that contain sensitive “primary” explosives must be kept or stored with
explosives. They must detonators, and not with detonating cord or other explosive materials.
be properly stored and
handled with respect. Protect detonating cords and connectors from damage, heat, impact,
and other abuse. Damaged cord could result in a misfire. Damage to a
detonating connector could result in accidental detonation or a misfire.

Each reel of detonating cord must be treated with respect. It should not
be thrown or allowed to come in contact with tools, rocks, or other sharp

Detonating cord can be damaged by:

• Scraping action on metal and rock surfaces
• Contact with bulk loading hoses
• Being driven over by vehicles
• Shovels used to place stemming
• Coarse or jagged stemming material
• Frozen chunks of stemming

Cut detonating cord with a knife or cord cutter. Ensure the cutting edge
is sharp and clean. A cord cutter should have a single cutting blade acting
against a brass plate or non-metallic surface.

After cutting detonating cord, the cord ends should be sealed with tape or
a plastic sleeve. Not only will this keep the explosive clean and dry, but
the PETN (white powder) will not spill from the cord.

All cutting tools should be cleaned to remove any PETN on the metal
surfaces or moving parts. PETN with grit or metal may result in accidental

Loading procedures
Detonating cord is used in many operations as a means of initiating
explosives in a borehole. The following procedures should be adhered to
when loading a hole with detonating cord:
• Attach the detonating cord to the first cartridge or primer loaded into
the hole.
• Use a stand, or hold the reel with a rod through the axial hole, to allow

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the detonating cord to run smoothly from the reel.
• Lower — do not drop — the primer to the bottom of the hole.
• Ensure the primer is at the desired position in the hole, preferably the
bottom (toe).
• Cut the detonating cord from the supply reel before, or as soon as
possible after, the charge is placed; keep the reel a safe distance from
the loaded hole.
• Allow 900 mm (3 ft) or more of extra detonating cord to compensate
for the charge slumping in the hole, and for making later surface
• Hold the detonating cord taut to one side of the hole so it is not damaged
by, and does not interfere with, loading and stemming the hole.
• Secure the exposed end of the cord to prevent it being kicked or pulled in
by the explosives slumping in the hole; it may be fastened to a rock or a
wooden dowel. Be sure to leave enough slack to allow for some slumping.

Layout patterns
Detonating cord is often used to initiate a blast pattern containing one
or more rows of loaded holes. The following diagrams illustrate typical
layouts of trunkline for single and multiple row patterns.

Single row pattern

In a single row pattern, the downline (pigtails) in each row of loaded

holes are connected to a single trunkline.

Detonating Cord
Cartridge Primer
Point of Initiation

Clove Hitch, Double

Half Hitch or Double
Wrap Half Hitch
Single Row Pattern

In the preceding diagram, the “O” represents a loaded hole, and the solid
line a length of detonating cord. The connections are kept at right angles
to, or in the general direction of, the path of detonation.

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Multiple row patterns

In multiple row patterns, downlines in each row of holes are connected to

a branchline. The branchlines are then attached to the trunkline, and one
or more cross-ties are inserted to provide at least two paths of initiation.

When cross-ties are used, all connections must be at right angles to

prevent a cut-off from the alternate path of initiation. Since a cross-
tie provides a second path, the detonation wave may originate from
opposite directions.

In the following diagram, three branchlines are connected to a main

trunkline. There is a cross-tie between the branchlines to provide a
second path of detonation. In multiple row patterns, a cross-tie should
be used to connect the ends of the branchlines.

In the diagram on
the right, there are
no delays to provide
“relief” between rows
of holes. Delays are
obtained between
holes, or rows of holes,
using detonating Point of Path of Detonation
connectors. Initiation

Multiple Row Patterns

MS Connectors
MS Connectors can be used with detonating cord to provide millisecond
MS Connectors can be
used with detonating delay intervals along a line of propagation. They consist of a length
cord to provide of shock tubing with an identical delay detonator on each end. Each
millisecond delay detonator is contained inside a connector block to which the ends of the
intervals along a line of trunkline are attached. Each delay detonator fires in one direction only,
propagation. although the assembly itself is bi-directional. It is more reliable than a
single element connector, and delay times are more precise.

In operation, the detonation wave from the incoming cord bypasses

and renders redundant the delay device in the first connector block,
simultaneously initiating the shock tube. An explosive signal is transmitted
by the shock tube to the delay device in the second connector block. The

Blasters' Handbook
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signal is arrested for a number of milliseconds, then the receptor detonator
fires to initiate the outgoing detonating cord.

MS Connectors are factory assembled, sealed units available in a range of

(millisecond) delays, colour coded accordingly. They are suitable for use
with detonating cords.

MS Connectors

The following diagram illustrates a typical blast pattern using detonating

connectors to achieve the desired delay between holes with approximately
the same burden.

Point of Path of Detonation


Typical Blast Pattern Using Detonating Connectors

Note: “x” represents a detonating connector. The use of delays in

the circuit allow the front (and centre) portions to detonate first and
provide “relief” for the holes to follow.

For advice on detonating cord patterns, contact the manufacturer or

manufacturer’s representative.

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Connecting charges
Charges should not be
interconnected until the Connecting or joining charges together includes hooking up detonating cord
last possible moment. and wiring up electrical detonators. Charges should not be interconnected
until the last possible moment. However, interconnecting charges within the
hole at the time of loading, as in deck loading, is permitted.

Except for interconnecting charges in the same hole, an explosive charge

must not be connected to another charge, nor attached to a trunkline until
immediately before the intended time of detonation.

Charges should be interconnected in an orderly, systematic fashion,

beginning at the end of the circuit and working toward the point of
initiation. Connections should be neat and the surrounding area kept tidy.

Hooking-up procedure
• Do not interconnect detonating cord:
- Until all holes are loaded
- Immediately before the intended time of detonation
• An accidental detonation will affect all interconnected charges;
therefore, avoid hooking up until the last possible moment
• Begin connections from the furthest part of the circuit and work
toward the point of initiation
• Keep connections tight and secure; avoid in-hole connections; if
Ensure the inner cores this is not possible, make a tight knot and secure the ends with
of both detonating electrician’s tape
cords are dry; a • Remove excess cord from the pigtails after tying-in — this prevents
wet core may fail to
cutting off the trunkline; destroy cut-off ends in a safe manner
(place them in the last hole of a blast pattern)
• Keep connections 90° or less to the path of detonation — acute angles
can cause a cut-off, or the detonation wave will bypass a detonating
connector; this is more likely in underwater blasting operations
• If a blasting pattern contains a cross-tie, keep all connections at right angles
• Ensure there are no loops, sharp angles, or kinks that direct the cord
back toward the oncoming detonation path
• Ensure the circuit has no excessive slack and the cord is undamaged
• A multiple row blast using trunkline must have cross-ties between
the rows:
- To provide at least two paths of initiation
- At intervals not exceeding 30 m (98 ft)

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• Cross-ties protect against cut-offs from fly material and ground
movement; they should be spaced at closer intervals if the burden and
spacing are small, or the ground broken
• Keep the blast site clean so the detonating cord layout is readily visible
• Detonators must not be connected to the detonating cord until the
circuit is checked and everything is ready for the blast

Detonating cords are spliced or connected together using knots, plastic
connectors, or tape. A reel of detonating cord may contain a factory splice
(an overlap connection secured by a string tie). This splice must not be used
in a blasting circuit. When a splice is encountered, the string should be
removed and a connection made using a standard knot.


Knotted connections are popular. The flexibility and wax surface of most
detonating cords make knot tying easy and reliable under most conditions
and temperatures.

Common knots include:

• The “square” or “reef” knot — recommended for joining lengths of
detonating cord; ends should be secured (with electrician’s tape)
or trimmed (not too short!) so they do not lie across trunklines or
downlines and cause cut-offs
• The “double half-hitch” — a popular connection between downlines and
trunklines; pull the knot tight so the lines are in positive contact
• The “clove-hitch” and “double wrap half-hitch” — used for connecting
trunklines to downlines, or to connect cross-ties and safety lines in a
required configuration

Clove-hitch Double Half-hitch Double Wrap Half-hitch Square or Reef Knot

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Plastic connector

A plastic connector may be used to connect downlines to trunklines. It

is useful under extreme conditions or long exposure prior to blasting.
It does not contain explosive and should not be confused with a plastic
detonating connector.

Plastic Connector


Two lengths of detonating cord may be connected by overlapping the ends

at least 100 mm (4 in), and taping them together with electrician’s tape.

Taping Overlapped Ends Together

Tape connections are sometimes used to connect “pigtail” detonating

connectors to a trunkline. This is not recommended, however, as the
connection has poor tensile strength, particularly in cold temperatures. A
knot secured with tape is preferable.

Initiation procedures
Detonating cord is
designed to be initiated Detonating cord is designed to be initiated by a “high strength” detonator.
by a “high strength” Also, one type of detonating cord may be initiated by another type of
detonator. detonating cord (except for low coreloads 18 gr/ft). Other explosives are
considered unreliable for initiating detonating cord.

At least one manufacturer recommends, and many blasters use, two (2)
detonators at each initiation point. This is known as “double priming.”
The second detonator is good insurance and should be used whenever the
blast is critical and the charge not easily recovered.

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Detonators to initiate detonating cord should be attached as follows:
• Bend approximately 200 mm (8 in) of the initiating end of the
detonating cord into a loop; place the detonator in the loop with the
base end pointing in the direction the shock wave will travel.
• With the detonator(s) held tightly in position, secure them in place
with electrician’s tape; keep the base end of each detonator in contact
with the cord.
• Leave approximately 6 mm (1/4 in) of the base end exposed, to check
for misfires without disturbing the connection.
• If electric detonator(s) are used, connect them in a single series
circuit and thoroughly tape all connections.

Safety procedures
When using detonating cord or detonating connectors:
• Select the appropriate detonating cord for the job; if in doubt, consult
the manufacturer or supplier
• Keep and store:
- Detonating cord with explosives
- Detonating connectors with detonators
• Keep cord supply reels in the shipping case before and after use
• Use a hand-held rod or a stand when removing cord from a reel
• Cut the cord from the reel before, or as soon as possible after,
loading a hole; move the reel to a safe location — an accidental
detonation within a hole could detonate the reel on the surface
• After loading and cutting the downline from the reel, secure the
pigtail to a wooden dowel or other anchor if there is any possibility of
the pigtail slipping into the hole
• Avoid abrasion to the cord from hole collars, casino pipes, or other
sharp edges
• Avoid in-hole connections
• Use proper knots, and ensure they are tight and secure
• Ensure connections are at right angles; if a cross-tie is used, keep all Unused explosives,
connections at right angles detonators, and
detonating connectors
• To ensure initiation, use two detonators at each ignition point
must be returned to
• Attach detonators with the base end contacting the cord pointed in the the storage magazine
intended direction of propagation (toward the main part of the charge) or destroyed in a safe
• Collect all scrap pieces of cord and destroy by connecting them to the manner.
end or back row of the blasting circuit

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Shocktube is a hollow plastic tube lined with finely powdered explosive
composition, which when properly initiated propagates a shock wave at
a velocity of approximately 2,000 m (6560 ft) per second, or 2 m (6.6 ft
per ms). This energy reacts through the primary charge (and any delay
element) in the detonator causing the PETN to explode.

Lateral energy is contained within the tube, which remains intact and
has no effect on an explosive in contact with it. This feature allows the
shocktube assembly to be used with any explosive, regardless of its

The plastic shock tubing stiffens at lower temperatures but will not
shatter or crack unless it has surface nicks or abrasions. Under conditions
of careful handling and loading, shocktube assemblies have been used in
temperatures as low as -40° C (-40° F).

Shocktube Reinforcing Textiles

Outer Plastic Jacket

Shocktube Initiation Systems

Shocktube initiation systems introduce a variety of timing options.

(For more information on MS Connectors, see page 82).

Shocktube assembly
Never remove the heat
seal or cut the tubing to The shocktube assembly is a sealed unit, available in a range of tubing
shorten an assembly. lengths. The shock tubing is securely crimped to the detonator, and the
other end is closed with a heat seal.

No person should hold shocktube tubing or be in close proximity when

it is initiated; a flaw in the manufacture or damage to the tubing could
cause serious injury.

Follow the manufacturer’s instructions concerning the correct trunkline

and connection configuration for each type of assembly. Do not use lower
strength detonating cord; it may fail to initiate the tubing.

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Detonating Cord Trunkline
Delay Element Base Charge

Heat Rubber Closure Plug Static Protection Initiating Charge

Seal Connector
Sectional View of a Shocktube Assembly

Shocktube detonator
The detonator has an aluminum shell approximately 7.5 mm (1/3 in)
diameter, and between 58 and 84 mm (2 1/8 and 3 1/4 in) long, depending
on the delay period. A composite charge of heat sensitive (lead azide) and
high explosive (PETN) is pressed into the base end. The shell may also
contain a millisecond (ms) delay element.

The shock wave from the shocktube tubing enters the shell and reacts
through the delay element, igniting the primary charge, which in turn
detonates the base charge of PETN.

Shocktube detonators are either short or long delay types, each having
different periods and average delay intervals.

Storage and handling

Shocktube must be
Shocktube must be kept sealed, dry, and uncontaminated. If cut, nicked, kept sealed, dry, and
or otherwise damaged, it may not function properly. With the exception uncontaminated. If cut,
of the heat seal, it has good resistance to moisture and fuel oil. The tubing nicked, or otherwise
and detonator are impervious to moisture, but fuel oil can penetrate the damaged, it may not
plastic tubing. Prolonged exposure to AN/FO mixtures can result in failure function properly.
to initiate or propagate. It must not be exposed to AN/FO mixtures or
other oil-containing explosives in a loaded hole for more than a few days.

Shocktube assemblies must be properly stored and treated with care.

Do not throw them or allow them to contact tools, rocks, or other sharp/
jagged objects.

Since the detonator contains sensitive explosive, all shocktube

assemblies must be stored with detonators, not with detonating cord
or other explosive materials. Detonating cord must be stored with
explosives, separate from assemblies or other detonating devices.

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Assemblies must be protected from high temperatures and damaging
substances. Temperatures in excess of 75° C (167° F) can cause the tubing
to soften.

Damage to shocktube can occur as a result of the following:

• Scraping action on metal and rock surfaces

• Contact with bulk loading hoses
• Being driven over by vehicles
• Shovels used to place stemming
• Coarse or jagged stemming material
• Frozen chunks of stemming material

Never cut shocktube unless preparing a leading line connection.

Moisture can enter the explosive lining and render it insensitive. Also,
a blow-out may occur through the open end and prevent the detonation
wave from reaching the detonator. Never tug on shocktube. If it breaks,
there is a slight chance that it may initiate ("snap, slap and shoot") and
fire the borehole.

Priming and loading

The shocktube assembly contains a “high strength” detonator capable
of initiating many types of explosives. To reliably initiate insensitive
explosives, a high-strength booster may be required.

Under normal conditions, plain tubing may be appropriate. However,

under adverse conditions, reinforced tubing may be required.

When loading a hole with a shocktube assembly:

• Use sufficient tubing to allow a 900 mm (3 ft) pigtail at the collar of the hole
• Lower — do not drop — the primer into the hole
• Do not use the shocktube as a lowering line on a heavy primer — the
Do not use the weight of a primer will damage or stretch the tubing and cause a
shocktube as a failure; use a special lowering rope with a self-releasing hook
lowering line. • Ensure the primer is in the desired position in the hole, preferably the
bottom (toe)
• Hold the shocktube taut to one side of the hole during loading and
stemming; this will prevent damage to and displacement of the detonator
• Ensure the tubing does not tangle around the bulk loading hose, and
that the primer does not “float” up on a slurry/watergel column

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When loading is complete, at least 600 mm (2 ft) of shocktube should protrude
from the collar of the hole to facilitate later surface connections. If necessary,
secure the tubing to prevent it being kicked in or pulled in by the explosives
slumping in the hole; leave sufficient slack to allow for some slumping.

Use care in stemming the hole. Avoid frozen chunks and excessively coarse
jagged material. Also avoid contacting the tubing with shovels or other tools.

Connector Detonating Cord Trunkline

Shocktube Explosive
Assembly Column

Cast Booster Detonator

Side View of Typical Loaded Hole

Shocktube patterns
In a blast consisting of many holes, it is desirable to allow the holes closest
to the free face to fire first, and the holes at the back of the blast to fire Shocktube assemblies
after some delay. By doing this, the holes fired first allow some “relief” of and trunkline may
be used in single or
the burden, allowing the back holes to become more ef­ficient.
multiple row blast
The back hole will not move without “relief” and will tend to blow patterns.
upward. The following are generally accepted as points of good design for
large blasts:
• The delay time between holes in a row should be between 1 and
2 milliseconds per foot of spacing
• The delay time between rows should not normally be less than
2 milliseconds per foot of row-to-row burden, and not more than
6 milliseconds per foot of burden

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Shocktube assemblies and trunkline may be used in single or multiple
row blast patterns as illustrated below.

Single row pattern

In a single row pattern, the shocktube (pigtails) in the row of loaded holes
are connected to one trunkline.

Point of Initiation

Shocktube Downline

Detonating Cord Trunkline


Diagram 1

In Diagram 1, the “O” represents a loaded hole, and the lines represent
shocktube and trunkline. The shocktube protrudes from the holes, and
the trunkline connects the assemblies in a circuit.

Keep all connections at right angles to, or in the general direction of,
the path of detonation.

Multiple row pattern

In multiple row patterns, the shocktube in each row of holes is connected

to a branchline. Branchlines are attached to the trunkline, and one or
more cross-ties are inserted to provide at least two detonation paths.

Whenever a cross-tie is used in a circuit, the detonation wave may

originate from opposite directions. All connections must be at right
angles to prevent a cut-off from the alternate detonation path.

In the following diagram, three branchlines are connected to the

trunkline. There are two cross-ties between the branchlines to provide a
second detonation path. It is recommended the ends of the branchlines
are connected to one cross-tie.

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Point of Initiation
Path of Detonation

Diagram 2

In Diagrams 1 and 2, in-hole delays provided by the shocktube detonators

are the only method of delaying the sequence of initiation in the blasting Advice or information
circuit. on the shocktube
systems may be
Shocktube assemblies may be used in conjunction with a surface delay obtained from the
system provided by detonating connectors. manufacturer or
Hooking up shocktube assemblies
When hooking up shocktube assemblies in a circuit:
• Follow the manufacturer’s directions for using the connector
• Do not interconnect shocktube or detonating cord until:
- All holes are loaded and stemmed
- Immediately before the intended time of detonation
• Accidental detonation will initiate all interconnected charges
• Begin connections at the back of the circuit and work toward the point
of initiation
• All connections must be made where the explosive core of both cords
is dry; wet connections may fail to propagate
• Keep connections tight and clean; loose, dirty connections can result
in cut-offs
• Use assemblies with the appropriate length of tubing (spliced tubing
will not propagate)
• Keep the trunkline clear of explosives; it could initiate prematurely
• Do not cut (trim) the shocktube
• Keep all connections at right angles to, or in the direction of, the
path of detonation
• If there is more than one path of detonation, such as when a cross-tie
is used, keep all connections at right angles to avoid cut-offs
• Ensure there is no damage to the tubing or trunkline and no excessive
slack in the circuit

Blasters' Handbook
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• A multiple row circuit using trunkline must have cross-ties between
Detonators must the rows:
not be attached to - To provide no less than 2 paths of initiation, and
the shocktube or - At intervals not exceeding 30 m (98 ft)
trunkline until the
• Cross-ties afford protection against cut-offs from fly material and
circuit is checked and
everything is ready for ground movement; at least one cross-tie should interconnect the ends
the blast. of the branchlines
• Keep the blast site clean and tidy, with the shocktube and trunklines
clear and readily visible
• To minimize looping and tubing cut-offs from the trunkline, locate
connections within 300 mm (12 in) of the collar of the hole
• If dynamite or cap-sensitive slurry/watergel explosives are loaded
into the hole, make sure the trunkline is not in proximity to these
• As a final check, examine all circuits to ensure the trunkline is at least
150 mm (6 in) from tubing below the connector. If in contact or close
proximity, it could sever or damage the tubing.

Interconnected shocktube delay systems

There are a variety of shocktube assemblies available. Some have single-
delays, while others have dual-delays.

Single-delay assembly

This assembly comes with a pre-determined length of shock tubing. There

is a heat seal at one end, and the other end has a high-strength detonator
contained within a removable “bunch block” (or other plastic fitting
capable of holding multiple cords of shocktubes in close contact with the

Outgoing Line

Incoming Line

Bunch Block Shock Tube


Blasters' Handbook
- 94 -
With such a system, a number of assemblies can be interconnected or
“daisy-chained” to achieve a delay blast, as in the following illustration.
100ms Jumper

5 (125 ms) 6 (150 ms) 5 (225 ms) 6 (250 ms)

8 (300 ms)
7 (175 ms) 7 (275 ms)

"Piggy Back" Layout Using a 100ms "Jumper"

The above layout might represent a ditch or trench cut. With five different
delays (100, 125, 150, 175, and 200 ms), an infinite range of delays is
attained along the line of cut.

The following pattern illustrates another application of the single-delay

230 ms Delay in Each Loop 50 ms Cord Delays

Example Detonating Cord Layout Using In-Hole Delays and Cord Relays

In the above pattern, shocktube delays of 230 ms are used down each
hole. On the surface, a detonating cord layout is used to initiate the
downlines. However, detonating cord delays are inserted at 10 places in
the circuit. The end effect is that the four (4) rows fire at 50 ms intervals.
After 200 ms, all rows except the last row of detonating cord have fired.
(Also, in each row the corner holes fire 50 ms after the rest of the row.)
Similar initiation systems of this design are marketed under a variety of
trade names.

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Dual-delay shocktube assembly

There are a number of alternatives available if blasters want to use a

single assembly to accomplish complex delay patterns. The dual-delay
shocktube assembly consists of a high-strength detonator on one end, a
pre-determined length of shocktube, and a low-strength delay detonator
contained within a quick-connect plastic housing.

Delay assemblies can be used for the downhole portion of the shot as well
as on the surface trunklines. In this way, the circuit on the surface layout
is made up of relatively noiseless shocktube and much quieter and less
violent low-strength caps.

Connection Device
with Low-Strength Cap

Standard Cap

Leads to
Other Caps

Dual-Delay Shocktube Assembly

In the following example, there are two inventory items. In this case,
17 ms and 350 ms assemblies are used to achieve an infinite number of
delays in the blast. By “daisy-chaining” the assemblies, the blast can be
expanded to any size. Not only can the delays be timed along a row, but
the individual rows can also be delayed.
Initiation Surface Delays
(17 ms)
Direction of Initiation

Hole 1 Hole 2 Hole 4

Hole 3
Downhole HS
Detonator (350 ms)

Initiation procedures
Shocktube and trunkline are designed to be initiated by a “high strength”
detonator. Any other explosive is considered unreliable.

Blasters' Handbook
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Safety procedures
Do not use damaged
When using the shocktube system of initiation: tubing, as it will not
• Select the proper assembly and trunkline for the job initiate or propagate.
• Avoid abrasion to the shocktube from sharp or jagged objects
• Do not use damaged tubing, as it will not initiate or propagate
• Do not cut or attempt to splice tubes
• If necessary, secure the tubing to prevent it being kicked in or
pulled in by the explosives slumping in the hole
• Do not interconnect the assemblies until the last possible moment
• Ensure the trunkline is not damaged or in proximity to a sensitive Do not interconnect the
explosive assemblies until the
• Make proper connections (ensure that they are tight and clean, and last possible moment.
are at right angles to, or in the general direction of, the detonation
• If there is more than one detonation path (when cross-ties are used),
keep all connections at right angles to avoid cut-offs
• Where necessary, use two detonators at each initiation point
• Attach each detonator with the base end contacting the cord, and
pointed in the direction of the desired detonation path
• Collect all scrap cord and destroy, by connecting the bunches to the
end or back row of the blasting circuit
• Return all unused shocktube assemblies, detonating cord, and
explosive materials to a safe location

“Bunch” blasting method

The “bunch” blasting method, used primarily in underground
operations for horizontal and upholes, involves gathering and
connecting a number of shocktubes to the trunkline with several wraps
of detonating cord.

The following procedures should be followed when connecting plain

shocktube assemblies together in the “bunch” blasting method:
• Gather together no more than 20 shocktubes from neighbouring holes
• Form the tubes into a “bunch” with the tubes parallel to each other
• Squeeze the “bunch” of tubes together, and bind them with
electrician’s tape in two locations about 200 mm (8 in) apart
• Midway between the tapes, make three (3) complete tight wraps of
appropriate detonating cord, and secure it with one or more clove-
hitch type loops

Blasters' Handbook
- 97 -
Bunch Blasting

The following precautions should be kept in mind when using the

“bunch” blasting method:
• Make sure the shocktubes are long enough to allow them to be
bunched together without stretching the tubing.
• Bunch together no more than 20 shocktubes from holes in proximity
to each other.
Bunch together • Ensure that the tubes are clean, particularly at the point of connection.
no more than 20 • Do not remove the connector or cut the tubing.
shocktubes from holes • An unlimited number of “bunches” can be initiated with a single
in proximity to each trunkline; where more than one “bunch” is employed, use suitable
other. cross-ties between the bunches to provide at least two (2) detonation
• As a final check, examine the circuits to ensure the trunkline is at
least 150 mm (6 in) from the tubing below the point where the triple
wrap of cord is attached.

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Chapter 21: Electric Initiation Systems

lectric initiation systems employ detonators designed to be initiated
by electrical current. This section deals with the principles of
electrical theory and the components and method of standard
electric blasting. Note: exploding bridgewire, Magnadet systems, and
electronic detonators are referenced in Appendix 5.

Principles of electrical theory

Before using electric initiation systems, a blaster must understand basic
electrical theory.

Electricity is a form of energy that occurs in two forms, dynamic (current)

and static (charge). Dynamic electricity involves the flow of electrons
along a conductor; this flow is known as current, which is measured in
amperes (amps).

The current will flow more easily along a good conductor (copper wire)
than a poor conductor (dry wood); the difficulty encountered by the flow
of current is known as resistance, which is measured in ohms.

Current moves because of a difference of potential within the circuit; this

is known as electromotive force, which is measured in volts. A volt is the
amount of electromotive force necessary to move one ampere of current
across one ohm of resistance. The following analogy can be used to
demonstrate this relationship.

Water tank analogy

A tank contains water. Water flows from a 25 mm (1 in) diameter pipe at

the bottom of the tank. The force of gravity causes the water to flow from
the pipe, but the flow rate is restricted by the size of the pipe.

Force (pressure)



Side View of Tank of Water

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In this analogy, the flow of water represents current, the size (diameter) of
the pipe represents resistance, and the gravitational pressure represents
electromotive force.

An increase in current means more water flows through the pipe. A larger
pipe will allow this to happen because it offers less resistance. Conversely,
a smaller pipe offers more resistance. The greater the height of water in
the tank, the greater the gravitational pressure, which is the force behind
the water.

Just as water flows inside a pipe, electric current flows within the solid
In blasting operations, portion of a conductor. A conductor is any material capable of carrying
the most commonly this flow.
used conductor is
copper wire. Electricity travels at the speed of light, 300,000 kilometres (186,000 miles)
per second. It therefore passes through an electric blasting circuit in a
fraction of a second, and initiation of detonator bridgewires is virtually
instantaneous. The current is either alternating (AC) or direct (DC),
depending on the power source. Most blasting machines produce direct

The composition of a conductor determines its resistance to the flow of

electrical current. Copper is a good conductor, offering little resistance;
iron offers somewhat more resistance. For a comparison of copper and
iron wire, see Table 7: Resistance of Copper Blasting Wire in Appendix 4.

The diameter (thickness) of a conductor also affects its resistance.

As diameter is increased, resistance is decreased. Wire thickness is
expressed in gauge or AWG (American Wire Gauge). Thicker wire has
a low AWG number, and thin wire a high AWG number. Wires used for
blasting range from 8 AWG to 22 AWG. Leg wires on electric detonators
are usually 20 or 22 gauge and firing cable may be as thick as 8 gauge.

Length also affects conductor resistance. As length is increased, the

current has a greater distance to travel, hence greater resistance.
Resistance increases with each unit of length. Resistance of wire is
usually stated in units of 305 metres (1000 feet). See Table 8: Resistance of
Standard Electric Detonators in Appendix 4.

The condition of a conductor can affect its resistance. Contamination,

deterioration, or damage will usually increase resistance.

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Basics of standard electric initiation
All standard electric initiation systems use similar components, rely on
electricity for initiation, and can be affected by electrical hazards.

They offer advantages over other methods:

• They are easy to prepare and interconnect
• The circuit can be tested
• Instantaneous initiation reduces cutoffs
• Delay elements allow sequential blasting
• The blast can be initiated from a safe location

They have one disadvantage: unwanted electricity can enter the circuit
and damage the detonator, or cause accidental detonation.

All electric detonators have protection from extraneous electricity, some

more than others. If electrical hazards are ascertained and appropriate During electrical
precautions taken, there is little danger in using an electrical initiation storms, electric
detonators must not be

Components of electric initiation systems

The components of all electric initiation systems are similar in design and
construction. Each consists of a power source, an electric detonator, and
blasting wire. A testing instrument is used to verify the continuity of each

Power source
A blasting machine is designed to produce an electrical current. A blasting
switch is designed to control the flow of current from a power source.

Electric detonator
Electric detonators are
For more information on electric detonators, please see Chapter 3. to be initiated ONLY by
blasting machines and
Blasting wire blasting switches.
Blasting wire refers to the conductors that transmit electrical current
within a blasting circuit. Blasting wire includes:
• Leg wires, usually 22 gauge copper or iron wires that project from an
electric detonator; they are coated with tin and an insulating layer of

Blasters' Handbook
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• Connecting wire, a light (18-22 gauge) single strand or double strand
of copper wire, with an insulating layer of plastic, usually red or
yellow; it is used to connect individual detonators together, and to
connect the circuit to the lead wire or firing cable
• Lead wire, a medium (12-16 gauge) copper wire with an insulating
layer of plastic, usually yellow; it may be simplex (a single wire) or
duplex (two wires separately insulated in a common plastic covering);
it is used to connect a detonator or series of detonators to a firing
cable or blasting machine
• Firing cable, a heavy (8-12 gauge) copper wire, usually insulated duplex
wires in a strong outer black or white cover; it may extend from the
power source to the blasting area, and is connected to the blasting
circuit by means of an expendable wire (14 gauge or heavier)

Bare sections of blasting wire, particularly connections, must be

Blasting wire must prevented from contacting the ground or conductive material by elevating
be kept away from them, or insulating with electrician’s tape.
power lines and other
conductors that may Connections between lengths of wire in a circuit must be secure and offer
induce current into the little resistance to the current flow. Sections of wire to be joined must be
circuit. clean and bare.

Similar gauge wires can be joined with the Loop-Twist or Western Union
connection. The Loop-Twist is very effective for light (18-22) gauge wire,
and the Western Union is used with heavier (8-14) gauge wire. When
joining appreciably different gauge wires, the Straight Wrap connection is
most effective.

Loop-Twist Connection

Straight Wrap Connection

Western Union Connection

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- 102 -
Testing equipment
In the Regulation
Instruments specifically designed and manufactured for testing electric
detonators and blasting circuits are acceptable. Part 21.63
Testing circuits
Such galvanometers, ohmmeters, multimeters and voltameters will
have the word “Blaster’s” or “Blasting” on their label. They have a Each electrical
special power cell and/or internal resistors to limit current output to circuit must be tested
before firing using an
a maximum of 25 milliamps (0.025 amps), less than one tenth of the
instrument acceptable
minimum current required to initiate a standard electric detonator.
to the Board, and the
Testing equipment must be maintained in good condition. Avoid exposure measured resistance
must be recorded in
to cold temperatures as the power cell will become weak and produce an
the blasting log.
unreliable reading.

Instrument readings will be inaccurate if the needle does not deflect

to zero (“0”) when its terminals are shorted. Either it is damaged, not
properly calibrated (adjusted), or the power cell is weak and needs

All testing instruments are designed to verify the continuity of a blasting

circuit. Continuity (meaning there is no break in the circuit) is determined
by measuring the resistance.

In addition to continuity, multimeters and voltameters are designed to

test for current leakage and stray current. Current leakage occurs when a
bare wire contacts the ground or another conductor. Stray current is the
presence of extraneous current in the blasting circuit.

The testing capability of common types of test equipment is outlined below.

Table 5: Capability of Testing Equipment

Test equipment Continuity Current Leakage Stray Current

Blasting Galvanometer Yes No No

Blasting Ohmmeter Yes No No

Blasting Multimeter Yes Yes Yes

Blasting Voltameter Yes Yes* Yes*

* limited testing capability

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• Blasting galvanometer and ohmmeter:
The galvanometer, a special type of ohmmeter, is designed for testing
continuity. It is commonly known as a “galvo” or “tester.”

Other versions are available. Digital galvanometers produce a numeric

display of the resistance. Some manufacturers call their instrument a
“blasting ohmmeter.” All galvanometers and blasting ohmmeters have
a special power cell and/or internal resistors and two bare terminals.

• Blasting multimeter and voltameter:

These are precision instruments designed to measure ohms, volts, and
amperes (stray current). They have a special power cell and/or internal
resistors and a switch to select the appropriate scale of measurement.

Both can be used as a galvanometer (to measure resistance and

test blasting circuits), as a voltmeter (to measure voltage and stray
current), and to measure the voltage output from a blasting machine
or powerline.

Most are capable of measuring alternating current (AC) and direct

current (DC).

Only a competent
technician may adjust
or repair instruments Blasting Multimeter
used to test electric
detonators or circuits. The power cell must be replaced with a type recommended by the

Blasters' Handbook
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Testing a circuit
To test a circuit, press the bare ends of the blasting wire to the terminals
of the testing instrument. Then compare the reading with the calculated
value; this determines the continuity of the circuit.

Measurement Indication

Within 10% of expected value Circuit okay

No measurement Open circuit or faulty tester

High resistance Poor or loose connection

Low resistance Short, current leakage or caps

missing from circuit

Electrical hazards
The minimum firing current necessary to initiate a standard electric
detonator is 250 milliamps (0.25 amps). Blasting operations using Precautions must
standard detonators should not be conducted in areas where extraneous be taken to prevent
accidental detonation
current exceeds 50 milliamps (0.05 amps).
of an electric detonator.
Extraneous electricity is undesirable electrical energy that can enter a
blasting circuit and cause premature detonation of a detonator.

For a description of equipment and procedures used to test for

extraneous electricity at a blast site; and for further advice and
assistance, contact the manufacturer or manufacturer’s representative.

A blaster conducting or directing an electrical blasting operation must be

able to recognize the following causes of extraneous energy:
• Electrical storms
• Static electricity
• Stray current
• Induced current
• Power transmission lines
• Galvanic current
• Radio frequency energy

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Electrical storms
Electrical storms can generate two hazardous conditions: lightning and
static electricity.

Lightning produces approximately 20,000 amps. The electrical energy

is capable of travelling great distances through the ground or a
conductor, and can cause premature initiation of an electric detonator.
If thunder and lightning are present or expected, suspend the blasting
operation and keep everybody away from the site until the storm has

Static electricity
Static generated by an electrical storm can accumulate on people,
vehicles, or other insulated conductors. It can discharge to ground
through the leg wires of an electric detonator, causing it to explode.
Instruments are available for detecting the presence of static. In the
field, an AM radio tuned to a weak station will produce crackles if
static is present. Static is also generated by unfavorable atmospheric
conditions, mechanical friction, and pneumatic loading operations.

Atmospheric static can be created by dust storms, snow storms, and

low humidity. A Canadian Forces study revealed that under cold, dry
conditions the outer surface of a nylon arctic suit held 200 volts, the
removal of gloves produced 500 volts, and the removal of a jacket created
5000 volts.

When handling electric detonators in cold, dry conditions, do not wear

synthetic clothing. “Ground” yourself whenever possible to discharge
static; and do not unravel detonator leg wires by throwing them into the

Keep the detonator leg wires shunted; and for additional protection, the
ends of the leg wires should be in direct contact with the shell of the
detonator until it is ready to be used.

Mechanical equipment Mechanical static can build up on an insulated conductor. Once

can generate static interconnecting of detonators has begun, equipment should not be
and must be grounded operated.
away from the blasting

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Pneumatic loading produces static charges that, if permitted to collect, are
capable of initiating an electric detonator. Ground the loading machine
and use only semi-conductive hose with approved couplings. Do not place
an electric detonator, or liner with any type of detonator, into a hole that
is to be loaded pneumatically, unless prior approval has been obtained
from WorkSafeBC.

Stray current
Stray current usually refers to electrical discharge from an energized
power line. Machinery with faulty grounding or worn wires may be
another source of stray current.

Electricity flows to ground via the easiest possible route. If stray

current enters a blasting circuit, it could cause accidental detonation.

Stray current is measured using a blasting multimeter connected to a

metal stake driven into the ground, and to any metal conductor in the
blasting area. The multimeter will indicate if stray current is present.

Should it be necessary to blast near power transmission lines:

• De-energize the power line
• Check for stray current, or
• Use a non-electric initiation system

Induced current
To reduce the potential
Induced current is produced by alternating electromagnetic fields of induced current,
around energized power lines, transformers, and switches. A minimize the size of
multimeter can detect induced current. loops in a blasting
A detonator can explode if its leg wires touch a conductor and
discharge induced currents, or complete an induction loop.

To reduce the potential of induced current, minimize the size of loops

in a blasting circuit. Note that bus wires in parallel circuits form a
closed loop capable of intercepting induced currents.

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Maximum Lower Minimum

Position of Blasting Circuit in Relation to Energized Power Lines

Power transmission lines

Should a wire contact
a power line, do not Magnetic fields form concentric circles around high-voltage lines.
touch or attempt to Maximum pickup of induced current results when the line and the
remove it until the loop lie in one plane. Minimum current pickup results when the loop is
power line has been perpendicular to the high-voltage line.
In addition to generating induced and stray currents, power transmission
lines hold a greater danger. Blasting wire in contact with an energized
power line poses the danger of electrocution to anyone in the area.

When blasting near power lines, take precautions to prevent wire from
being blown across an energized line. Minimize the length of wire in a
circuit. Keep blasting wire away from — not parallel to — the power lines;
and stake or otherwise secure the wire.

Galvanic current
Galvanic current capable of initiating an elecric detonator is produced
when two dissimilar metals (for example, copper and steel) are immersed
in an electrolyte (salt water). Alkaline mud in a borehole may react
on metallic objects to produce a current that could cause premature

This is one reason for keeping metal tools and equipment out of the area
when an electric initiation system is being used.

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Radio frequency energy
In the Regulation
Radio frequency (RF) energy results from electromagnetic fields
produced by RF transmitters, including UHF and VHF television, AM Part 21.61 Radio
frequency precautions
and FM radio, CB and mobile radio, microwave transmissions, and
radar. The intensity of RF energy potentially induced in an electric (1) During electrical
blasting circuit depends on radiated power, distance away, frequency, blasting, minimum
and wiring layout. distances from
radio frequency
In recent times, RF sources have increased as more and more portable transmitters as
RF devices enter the workplace. Although output of such devices is detailed in Institute of
very low, the threat to safe blasting operations is still present. Examples Makers of Explosives,
include: Safety Guide for the
• Handheld cellular phones and wireless devices Prevention of Radio
• Warehousing and inventory management systems Frequency Radiation
Hazards in the Use of
• Wireless computer LAN systems
Commercial Electric
• Remote equipment control systems Detonators (Blasting
• Keyless vehicle entry systems Caps) Safety Library
• Handheld 2-way radios Publication No. 20,
• Portable radios in vehicles or equipment 1988 as amended from
time to time, must be
Electrical blasting circuits are not permitted within the minimum maintained.
distances specified in a standard acceptable to WorkSafeBC. An
acceptable standard is SLP 20 of the Institute of Makers of Explosives (2) If the minimum
(IME). distance has not
otherwise been
Electrical blasting is not permitted within these minimum distances determined, electrical
unless: blasting circuits are not
• The exact type, frequency, and output power of the RF energy permitted within
transmitter has been identified from manufacturer specifications
(a) 100 m (330 ft) of
• The distance from the blasting circuit to the transmitter is outside the a CB or other mobile
minimum distance specified in a standard acceptable to WorkSafeBC or portable radio
frequency transmitter,
RF safety precautions and
It is unlikely that RF energy will cause accidental initiation of an (b) 1 000 m (3,300 ft) of
electric detonator. But in a strong RF field, the leg wires may act as an AM, FM, TV, or other
an antenna and absorb sufficient RF energy to initiate a detonator. fixed radio frequency
Shunting or short circuiting a blasting circuit offers little protection if transmitter.
the configuration and orientation of the leg wires are aligned with the
RF energy source.

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When considering using standard or seismic electric detonators:
• Inspect the area for RF energy transmitters prior to starting a
blasting operation
• Ensure RF energy transmissions are outside the minimum distances
specified in the regulations and standards (tables) acceptable to
• Keep mobile transmitters away from the blasting area; post warning
signs and, if necessary, have a flag person instruct operators to keep
radio transmitters switched off
• Avoid large loops in the blasting wire by running wires parallel to
each other and close together
• If a loop is unavoidable, keep it small and oriented at right angles to
the transmitting antenna
• Keep blasting wire on or near the ground, with bare connections
insulated or sufficiently elevated to prevent current leakage
• Keep blasting wire out of the beam from directional devices such as
radar and microwave relay stations

General safety precautions

Take precautions to
prevent accidental • Electric detonators carried in a radio-equipped conveyance must
detonation of electric be placed in a closed metal container, electrically bonded to the
detonators from any conveyance, and lined with wood or other material such as rubber or
source of electricity. felt. Leg wires must be kept folded and shunted. Radio transmitters in
proximity to the container must be switched off whenever it is open.
• Keep electric detonators short-circuited until wired into the blasting
circuit. The shunt may be removed temporarily to test the detonator.
• Hold the detonator leg wires to the side of the hole during loading,
tamping, or stemming.
• Ensure wire used in a blasting circuit is capable of transmitting the
required current.
• Protect bare connections in a blasting circuit from contact with
conductive material and the ground.
• Except for testing, keep each series of electric detonators short-
circuited until the time of detonation.
• Before firing any electrical blasting circuit, use a blasting
galvanometer or multimeter (of a design acceptable to WorkSafeBC)
to test the resistance of each series and the complete circuit.
• Do not fire any electrical blast unless the test reading corresponds to
the calculated resistance for each series and the complete circuit.

Blasters' Handbook
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• Use a blasting machine in good condition, of a type acceptable to
• Do not use a dry or wet cell storage battery, such as a flashlight or
a truck battery, to fire an electric detonator.
• Test the blasting machine, using methods specified by the
manufacturer, on a regular basis and before any blast requiring the
maximum output of the machine.
• Keep the blasting machine isolated from and disconnected from the
blasting circuit until the blast is ready to be fired.
• Do not exceed the firing capacity (rated capacity) of the blasting

Standard electric detonator

The standard electric detonator (blasting cap) is an initiating device
capable of detonating most high explosives. It has an aluminum shell
approximately 6 mm (1/4 in) in diameter, varying in length from
33 mm (1 1/4 in) for an instantaneous detonator to 100 mm (4 in) for a
detonator with a long delay period.

Pressed into the base end of the shell is a composite charge of heat-
sensitive lead styphnate, the primary charge, and a high explosive,
PETN (pentaerythritol tetranitrate).

Two insulated leg wires enter the shell through a rubber plug, which
holds them in position and forms a water-resistant seal.

The leg wires terminate in a “bridgewire” embedded in an ignition

charge. When a minimum amount of current is passed through this
filament, it becomes very hot, igniting the primary charge, which
detonates the base charge of PETN.

Anti-Static Groove

Base Plastic
Charge Cup Bridge Wire & Insulated Leg Wires
Primer Rubber Plug Assembly

Standard Electric Detonator

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- 111 -
Electric detonators have a “static short” built in for protection against
static charges. Each leg wire has a triangular compression slightly
ahead of the second crimp known as the “anti-static groove.”

The static short is designed to drain off static charges from the leg wires
to the anti-static groove before they enter the bridgewire and cause

Leg wires
Leg wire is a solid metal conductor, usually made of copper — a good
conductor of electricity. Iron wire is used in operations where foreign
materials are removed from blasted rock by magnetic separation.

The wire is coated with a layer of tin and covered with flexible plastic
insulation, resistant to abrasion. Standard electric detonators are
available with 22 gauge leg wires in a number of common lengths.

Detonator types
Instantaneous detonators contain no delay element. Application of
the electrical current and initiation of the detonator are virtually

Short period (SP) delay detonators have delay elements, measured in

milliseconds (ms) between the ignition charge and the base charge.

Short period detonators are commonly used in surface blasting

operations. When used properly, they offer the following advantages:
• Minimize cutoff holes
• Reduce vibration and concussion
• Improve fragmentation
• Produce predictable amounts and throw of muck
• Reduce backbreak and overbreak

Long period (LP) delay detonators have a slow delay element between
the ignition charge and the base charge. Delay periods are available
with an average of 500 ms (0.5 sec) between each period. They are used
in underground and surface operations where greater delay times are
necessary to permit relief for firing the next charge.

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Standard Electric Delay Detonator


All standard electric detonators have a metal foil “shunt” on the ends of
the leg wires, which joins them together. This keeps them clean and forms Do not remove
a short circuit capable of protecting the detonator from stray current. the shunt until the
detonator is connected
Once removed, it may be difficult to replace. The detonator can also into the blasting circuit.
be shunted (short circuited) by twisting the bare ends of the leg wires

Electronic detonator

There are several electronic detonating systems being used and tested
in the explosives industry today. These electronic systems offer timing
accuracy not previously achieved.

The other detonating systems in use today (electric detonators,

detonating cord relays, shock tube assemblies, etc.) rely on a
pyrotechnic delay element. These pyrotechnic elements cannot be
manufactured to achieve the precision timing that is sometimes
required for large, critical blasts. The phenomenon known as “cap
scatter” sometimes results in an overlap of the actual firing of different
periods. The electronic detonator relies on electronic circuitry for
timing; thus the timing of these detonators is very precise.

Blasters' Handbook
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There is also considerable difference in the equipment, blasting machines,
connectors, and procedures that would be employed to hook up and
fire the blast. Standard electric or non-electric donating systems can be
fired using generic blasting machines. However, electronic systems must
use blasting machines and accessories designed specifically for each
manufacturer’s detonators.

There are two basic categories of electronic detonator systems:

• Factory programmed systems
• Field programmed systems

Factory programmed systems use a “fixed” delay. Generally, the holes are
loaded and hooked up in the same way as a standard electric or shock-
tube system. Although the detonators, the wiring, and the procedures
may appear to be similar to standard electric blasting, the user must
always consult the manufacturer for specific procedures.

Field programmed systems offer great flexibility. With these systems, the
blaster is able to program the delay in each detonator. The programming
may take place before the detonators are loaded, after the detonators are
loaded, or immediately prior to firing.

The blasting machines, the equipment, and the detonators are all
The blaster should unique to a specific manufacturer. The blaster should never mix the
never mix the components of one system with the components of another system.
components of one
Above all, the procedures for design, hook up, and firing are specific to
system with the
the system being used.
components of another
Blasting machines

A blasting machine is a current-producing device used to initiate an

electrical blast. Most blasting machines are small and portable. There are
two types of blasting machines: generator and capacitor discharge — both
will produce electrical energy with sufficient amperage and voltage to
“fire” the number and type of detonators for which it is rated.
• Generator: A rackbar or twist spindle rotates the armature of a
small generator that, upon reaching full capacity, automatically
releases the current.
• Capacitor discharge: By depressing a button or a switch, a high
voltage charge from a dry cell battery builds up on a bank of
condensers. A glow light indicates full charge. When the firing
button is pressed, the current discharges from the capacitor.

Blasters' Handbook
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Capacitor discharge machines are also available in multi-circuit
models, where each series can be wired separately and fired with
very precise electronic delay between circuits. These are known as
sequential blasting machines.

50-shot 10-shot 200-shot 50-shot

Push-down Twist Condenser Condenser

A blasting machine must have its firing capacity clearly marked on it.
All machines designed and manufactured specifically for firing electric Do not attempt to fire a
detonators are acceptable to WorkSafeBC. The label must indicate the blast when the power
maximum number of electric detonators that can be initiated in a single requirements of the
series, a series-in-parallel, or a parallel circuit; this is known as the electrical blasting
circuit exceed the rated
“rated capacity” of the blasting machine.
capacity of the blasting
The rated capacity of most blasting machines is only valid for certain types machine.
of electric detonators, and for detonators and blasting wire of a specific
resistance. In all cases, the manufacturer’s specifications must be adhered to.

Blasting machines must be maintained in good condition. Do not make

repairs or adjust them at the work site. They should be serviced only
by competent technicians, and the power cell of a condenser discharge
blasting machine must be replaced with a type recommended by the

Precautions must be taken to prevent a premature blast. Keep the

machine in a safe, secure location until immediately before use.

When connecting the circuit to a “push-down” machine, the rackbar must

be in the “down” position, requiring a deliberate up and down movement
to fire the blast.

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A dry (flashlight) or wet (car) battery must not be used. The power
output from such batteries is unreliable, and a misfire could result. They
have exposed terminals; and should the firing cables inadvertently touch
them, an accidental (premature) detonation will occur.

Circuit configurations
A standard electric detonating system uses one or more standard electric
detonators wired into single series circuit and series-in-parallel series circuit.

Single series circuit

A single series circuit has one or more electric detonator(s) connected into
one series. The total number of detonators in a single series circuit must
not exceed the rated capacity of the blasting machine.

The following diagrams illustrate typical single series circuits having 1, 5,

and 10 detonators respectively. In the diagrams, “0” represents an electric
detonator, and they are joined together by lines representing blasting wire.

Diagram 1 Diagram 2 Diagram 3

Various Single Series

A single series circuit may be interconnected (wired up) in patterns

other than those indicated. However, it must include every detonator and
should be laid out in a tidy configuration.

Single series calculations

The resistance for each series, and the complete circuit, must be
calculated. To do so, blasters must know:
• The number and type of detonators
• The length and type of blasting wire

All calculations should follow a simple format. To calculate the resistance

for a single series circuit, refer to the proper resistance table (see
Appendix 4) for:
• The type of detonator

Blasters' Handbook
- 116 -
• The type of leg wire (copper or iron)
• The length of leg wire

1. Determine the resistance of each detonator connected into the single

2. Add the resistance of all the detonators in the series.
3. If all detonators have the same type and length of leg wires, multiply
the resistance of one detonator by the total number in the circuit.
4. Determine the resistance of all blasting wire used in the circuit.
5. Duplex wire has two (2) separate wires in a protective covering.
Double the given length of duplex wire to obtain the total length of
lead wire in the blasting circuit (for example, 500 feet of duplex wire =
1000 feet of wire)
6. Total resistance = the resistance of all detonators plus the resistance of
all blasting wire.

Tables for electric resistance of wire and detonators are found in

Appendix 4. Examples of single series electrical calculations are also
found in Appendix 4.

Testing the circuit

The blast must not be
Each series and the complete circuit must be tested with a galvanometer or fired unless the test
blasting multimeter. Once all the detonators are connected into a series, test readings coincide
the series before connecting the blasting wire. Some blasters prefer to test with the calculated
the blasting wire separately before connecting it to the circuit. For a single resistance for each
series, it is only necessary to test the completed circuit. series and the
complete circuit.
The testing device must itself be tested prior to use. Touch a short
length of wire to both terminals, and the galvanometer should indicate
a resistance reading between 0 and 1 ohm. A high reading, or no
movement of the needle from infinity (∞), indicates the galvanometer is Test the complete
damaged, out of adjustment, or the power cell must be replaced. circuit by touching
• Re-check the testing device (as described above). the bared ends of
• Re-check the calculations. the blasting wire to
• Re-check the blasting circuit. the terminals of the
galvanometer or
If the test reading does not coincide with the calculated value, do not blasting multimeter.
attempt to fire the circuit until the problem has been corrected. The reading should be
within 10 percent of the
A testing instrument connected to a blasting circuit will indicate the calculated value for the
possible source of the problem. complete circuit.

Blasters' Handbook
- 117 -
Measurement Probable Cause
No measurement Open (broken) circuit
High resistance Poor or loose connection
Low resistance Short, current leakage or caps missing from circuit

A detonator or section of blasting wire is tested by touching the bare

wire ends to the terminals of the testing instrument. Each detonator or
section of blasting wire may be tested individually. It is unnecessary to
disconnect individual detonators from a circuit, as the instrument only
measures the resistance in the portion of the circuit between its terminals.

When a circuit contains numerous detonators, it may be easier to locate a

fault using the following procedure.

Attach a length of blasting wire to an open end of the circuit. Hold the
end of this wire to a terminal on the galvanometer, and then touch the
other terminal to bare connections throughout the circuit. This allows
the circuit to be divided into smaller areas until the fault is located.
After correcting a fault, test the series and circuit again. There could
be more faults.
6 5 4 3 2 1


Using a Galvanometer to Locate a Fault in a Blasting Circuit

Series-in-parallel circuit
Because electricity
takes the path of A series-in-parallel circuit may be thought of as two or more single series
least resistance, circuits joined together into one circuit. The resistance (in ohms) of each
each series must series in the circuit MUST be balanced.
have approximately
the same resistance; Many blasters balance their series by placing the same number of
otherwise, a hangfire or detonators in each one. Often, extra detonators are added to balance
misfire may occur. one series with the others.

Blasters' Handbook
- 118 -
The number of series in a series-in-parallel circuit is only limited by the
rated capacity of the power source. Two series-in-parallel, or “double”
series, are quite common.

The following diagrams illustrate typical circuits having two, three,

and four series-in-parallel. Each series contains four detonators.

Diagram 1 Diagram 2 Diagram 3

Series-in-parallel calculations

The resistance for each series and the complete circuit must be
calculated. Calculations must include the:
• Number and type of detonators in each series
• Number of series
• Length and type of blasting wire

To calculate the resistance of a series-in-parallel circuit, follow the

procedures for a single series circuit. There is, however, one significant

Each series provides a separate path for the electrical current; thus,
the resistance of the circuit decreases as more series are connected
to it. When the series are balanced, the total resistance of a series-
in-parallel circuit equals the resistance of one series divided by the
number of series in the circuit.

This is explained in the following example. Assume there are a number

of series of electric detonators, with each series having a resistance of
12 ohms. As more series are connected into the series-in-parallel circuit,
the total resistance of that circuit is reduced in the manner indicated.

Blasters' Handbook
- 119 -
A series with higher Number of Series in the Circuit Total Resistance of the Circuit
resistance could
experience hangfires 1 series 12.0 ohms
or misfires because of 2 series 6.0 ohms
insufficient current. 3 series 4.0 ohms
4 series 3.0 ohms
5 series 2.4 ohms
6 series 2.0 ohms

It is important to keep the resistance of each series balanced. If not,

more electrical current will flow through the series with the least

Unbalanced series make it difficult to calculate and test the resistance

of the complete circuit with conventional techniques and equipment.


Calculations for a series-in-parallel circuit should be performed as

1. Determine the resistance (ohms) of each detonator.
2. Calculate the resistance of all detonators connected in a single
3. Calculate the resistance of all detonators that are connected into
the series-in-parallel circuit. (To calculate the resistance of a series-
in-parallel circuit, divide the resistance of one series by the total
number of series in the circuit.)
4. Determine the resistance of all blasting wire used in the circuit.
5. Calculate the total resistance of the complete circuit (total resistance
= the sum of steps 3 and 4).
Note: Examples of series-in-parallel calculations are shown in Appendix 4.

Testing the circuit

With a galvanometer or blasting multimeter, test each series

individually before connecting it into a series-in-parallel circuit. Unless
each is tested, the final circuit test may fail to reveal faults in a series.

Record the test reading for each series. Because many instruments are
not completely accurate, identical readings may be impossible, but they
should be within 10 percent of each other.

Blasters' Handbook
- 120 -
The greater the difference in resistance between series in a circuit,
the greater the likelihood of a hangfire or misfire. This is particularly Do not attempt to fire a
true if the blasting machine is weak or the circuit is close to the rated blast if the difference
in resistance readings
capacity of the machine.
between series
If the test reading does not agree with the calculated value, locate and exceeds 10 percent.
correct the problem before connecting into the circuit.

After all series are connected, a test reading of the complete circuit
is unlikely to reveal a problem within a particular series. A faulty
connection or break in one series may not be detected by a test of the
complete circuit. It is therefore necessary to visually check any series-
in-parallel circuit before firing the blast.

Power line blasting

Power line blasting uses a high voltage power source to initiate an
electrical blast. This can be an electrical generator (not a blasting
machine) or a power line.

Firing from a power line is more complex than using a blasting

machine, which has built-in safeguards; and if well maintained, the
blaster need only keep the circuit within the “rated capacity” of the

For power line blasting, the necessary amperage and voltage must
be calculated. In addition to using an acceptable blasting switch,
precautions must be taken to prevent unwanted current entering the
circuit, causing premature detonation.

A minimum of 1.5 amps
Power line current is usually alternating current. A minimum of is required for each
1.5 amps (or 2.0 amps AC) is required for each series of standard series in a circuit.
electric detonators, in a series or series-in-parallel circuit.


The power source must have the necessary voltage to reliably initiate
all detonators in a circuit. To calculate this voltage, apply Ohm’s
Law. Ohm’s Law states, “voltage equals current (amps) multiplied by
resistance (ohms)” and is expressed as:

Blasters' Handbook
- 121 -
For simplicity, in this manual the formula is expressed as:

V = Voltage (in volts)
I = Current (in amperes)
R = Resistance (in ohms)

Once the total resistance (ohms) and total required current (amps) have
been determined, multiply them to calculate the voltage. Then verify
that the power source can reliably initiate the blasting circuit.

Ohm’s Law triangle

The Ohm’s Law triangle is a memory aid for Ohm’s Law.

V = volts
I = amps
R = ohms


Place a finger over one symbol; then multiply or divide the remaining
symbols according to their relative position in the triangle. For example,
cover V and it equals I multiplied by R. Cover I and it equals V divided
by R.

So, V = I x R and I=V


Power line calculations

Electrical calculations for series and series-in-parallel circuits should be
performed as follows:
1. Determine the resistance (ohms) of each detonator (use the proper
resistance table).
2. Calculate the resistance of all detonators connected into each series.

Blasters' Handbook
- 122 -
3. If there is more than one series, calculate the equivalent resistance of
the series-in-parallel (resistance of one series divided by the number
of series).
4. Determine the resistance of all blasting wire in the circuit.
5. Calculate the total resistance of the circuit.
Total resistance = the sum of steps 2 and 4 for single series OR
sum of steps 3 and 4 for series-in-parallel
6. Determine the minimum current (amps) needed to fire the blast.
A minimum 1.5 amps is required for each series of standard
electric detonators in a single series or series-in-parallel circuit.
7. Calculate the voltage required to detonate the blast.

Examples of power line blasting calculations are shown in Appendix 4.

Testing of power line blasting circuits is as previously described under
Single series circuits and Series-in-parallel circuits.

Blasting switch
An electrical blast must not be fired from a power line or electrical
generator unless the flow of current is controlled by a blasting switch
acceptable to WorkSafeBC. A typical blasting switch comprises three
units: a fuse box, a firing box, and a short circuiting box. It may also
consist of several independent switches.
• The fuse box is a metal box containing fuses and a main switch.
It is grounded to protect the operator and minimize the effects of
lightning. This box should be kept locked in the “off” position.
• The fuses are to protect the power source from overload if a short
circuit occurs at the time of firing. The main switch controls the
flow of electricity from the power lines to the firing box.
• The firing box is made of wood or other nonconductive material. It
has a pilot light (to indicate the presence of current) and a firing
switch (handle). Some boxes have a voltameter and a gravity switch
that will automatically short-circuit and isolate the blasting circuit.
• The cable from the firing box should not be connected to the fuse box
until immediately prior to firing the blast. The cable from the
• The short circuiting box consists of an insulated panel with one or more firing box should not be
switches to control and protect the individual blasting circuits. These connected to the fuse
box until immediately
switches, which should be kept locked in the short-circuited position
prior to firing the blast.
until the blast is ready to be fired, are usually the double-throw, non-
fused type.

Blasters' Handbook
- 123 -
1. FUSE BOX Power Mains 2. FIRING BOX Wooden
Metal Case
Plug-in Pilot Lamp
Main (double pole) Connector to
Switch Fuse Box Firing Switch
Shorting (double pole)
Bar Fuses
Receptacle for Shorting Bar
Ground Short Cable from To Short
Firing Box Circuiting Box


Cable from Firing Box
Shorting Wooden Box
Bar when
Switch is Switch (double pole)
in the Off Firing Line to Face

Elements of a Typical Blasting Switch

Blasting switches are to be kept insulated from the ground or any other
Unlike the fuse box, source of stray current.
the firing box and short
circuit box must not be During an electrical blasting operation, the blasting switch must be
grounded. kept inaccessible to all persons except the blaster. It must also be
isolated from the circuit until the blast is ready to be fired.

Blasters' Handbook
- 124 -
Appendix 1: Supplemental Resource References

Explosives Act
The Explosives Act and Regulations are subject to revision, and blasters
must always be aware of the latest requirements. Up-to-date information
is available on the Natural Resources Canada web site

Explosives information
Vendors are the best source of up-to-date information on explosives. Many
vendors maintain web sites that have current and detailed information.
Some sites are:

Explosives safety
General and safety information on explosives can be obtained through
the Institute of Makers of Explosives web site

Explosives tools and equipment

Companies supplying blasting tools and equipment frequently have web
sites, for example and

International Society of Explosives Engineers and blasting handbooks

Handbooks on explosives and blasting can be obtained through the
International Society of Explosives Engineers. Their web site and the
“Blaster’s Library” can be accessed at The Western
Chapter of ISEE can be accessed at

Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations

The Transportation of Dangerous Goods Act and Regulations are subject to
revision, and blasters must always be aware of the latest requirements.
Up-to-date information is available on the Transport Canada website

Blasters' Handbook
- 126 -
Appendix 2: Glossary of Blasting Terms

Air Blast The airborne shock wave from a blast

Amex A factory mixed blasting agent containing AN prills,

oil, and an orange dye

Amp A unit of electrical current; produced by 1 volt flowing

through a resistance of 1 ohm; also known as “ampere”

AN Ammonium Nitrate; the oxidizer in a nitrate mixture


An/fo Ammonium Nitrate/Fuel Oil; a blasting agent, blended

at the loading site under the provisions of a permit or
licence issued by the Explosives Branch (Canada)

Ansi American National Standards Institute

Anti-static The indentation (groove) in the shell of a detonator at

Groove the open end; serves to drain static electricity from the
“static short”

Assembly A detonator attached to a length of safety fuse or non-

electric shock tubing

Assistant A person who assists the blaster in preparing, placing,

and firing a charge or in handling a misfire; also
known as a helper

Attended By The physical presence of a competent person in visual

contact with and with control over explosive materials

Awg American Wire Gauge; a standard for measuring the

diameter (gauge) of wire

Backbreak The area of breakage occurring behind the last row of

blast holes

Base Charge The main explosive charge in the base of a detonator;

usually consists of PETN

Black Blasting See Gunpowder


Blasters' Handbook
- 127 -
Blast A method of bonding, loosening, moving, or shattering
materials using explosives through detonation of a
charge; creating a detonation wave and gas pressure

Blast Hole A hole loaded with an explosive charge

Blast Site A site where a blast has occurred; may also refer to a
site where a blast is about to occur

Blaster The person who conducts or directs a blasting

operation; the holder of a valid blaster’s certificate
issued by WorkSafeBC

Blasting Non-explosive devices and materials used in a blasting

Accessories operation, including but not limited to blasting
machines, crimpers, galvanometers, lead wire, loading
poles, and tamping rods

Blasting Agent An explosive that meets prescribed criteria for

insensitivity to initiation (meaning insensitive to
a high strength detonator); includes many nitrate
mixture explosives

Blasting Area An area extending at least 50 metres (165 ft) in

all directions from any place in which explosive
materials are being prepared or placed, or in which an
unexploded charge is known or believed to exist

Blasting Cap A common term for a plain detonator

Blasting Circuit The circuit, consisting of blasting wire, used to fire one
or more electric detonators (see Blasting Wire)

Blasting Log The written record of loading details and examination

of the site after a blast

Blasting An electrical or electromechanical device that produces

Machine current from a generator or condenser discharge
device; used to initiate an electric detonator; also
known as an “exploder”

Blasting Mat An interconnected device to cover a blast and control fly

material; usually made of woven wire cable, posts, or tires

Blasters' Handbook
- 128 -
Blasting A testing instrument containing a special power cell
Multimeter and resistors to control current output; measures
resistance in ohms and current in volts and millivolts

Blasting Includes preparing, placing, and firing a charge;

Operation handling a misfire; and destroying any explosive

Blasting Switch A device used to control the flow of electricity from a

power source to the blasting circuit

Blasting Wire Lengths of wire that conduct electrical current through

a blasting circuit; may be bare or insulated; the term
includes bus wire, connecting wire, firing cable, and
lead wire

Blow Pipe A hollow pipe used to direct compressed air into a bore
hole to clean it out prior to placing the charge; may
also be used (with water) to remove stemming after a
misfire, for the purpose of refiring; not to be used to
remove detonators or explosives

Booster An added explosive to intensify the reaction of a detonator

or detonating cord; used to initiate explosives that are
insensitive to normal initiation

Bootleg A common term for the socket of a blasted hole

Bore Hole A drilled hole that does not yet contain explosive

Bottom Prime The act of placing the primer at or near the bottom of a
blast hole

Branchline A length of detonating cord or tubing used to connect

downlines (pigtails) in a row of loaded holes; usually
attached to a main trunkline

Bridgewire A wire filament imbedded in an electric detonator to

which the leg wires connect

Bulk Loading The act of loading AN/FO, slurry, or emulsion by

means of a mix or pump truck

Blasters' Handbook
- 129 -
Burden The volume of material blasted by a charge; the
distance between the blast hole and the nearest free
face; also known as “burden distance”

Bus Wire Blasting wire used to connect electric detonators into

parallel or series-in-parallel circuits; usually bare
copper wire (14 gauge)

Cb Citizen’s Band

Cap A blasting cap; common term for detonator

Cap Box A box for keeping detonators; see Detonator Box

Cap-sensitive An explosive material that will detonate when the

material is unconfined

Capwell A pre-formed cavity in a cartridge or booster designed

to accept a detonator

Cartridge A rigid or semi-rigid unit of high explosive

manufactured and wrapped to a predetermined length
and diameter; also known as a “stick” or “sausage”

Cast Booster A preformed high explosive (such as pentolite) used

to initiate non-cap-sensitive explosives; not really a
primer until it is armed with a detonator or other
initiating device

Charge Explosive materials that have been prepared, placed,

and are ready for detonation; may not contain a primer

Collar The open end of a bore hole; also refers to the

unloaded portion of a blast hole

Collar Distance The distance from the top of the explosive column
to the collar of the blast hole; usually filled with
stemming material

Collar Prime The act of placing the primer at or near the opening of
a blast hole

Blasters' Handbook
- 130 -
Column Charge A continuous column of explosives in a blast hole; also,
a continuous section of low energy explosives placed
above a section of high energy explosive in the toe of a
hole (“toe load”)

Competent Adequately qualified and capable of performing

assigned duties; one who by reason of training,
instruction, and experience is able to safely perform
assigned work with no or minimal supervision

Capacitor A blasting machine that uses batteries or generator

Discharge to energize one or more capacitors; the stored energy
Blasting from which can be released into a blasting circuit

Conductor Any material that allows a continuous current to flow

through it when a voltage is applied; a wire, cable,
or other form of metal installed for the purpose of
conveying electric current

Connecting Blasting wire used to connect electric detonators into

Wire a blasting circuit; usually insulated copper wire (18 to
20 gauge)

Connector A plastic device used to attach a detonating cord or

tubing to trunkline

Container A fully enclosed, locked, secure receptacle designed

and used for temporarily keeping or transporting
explosive materials

Continuity The integrity of a blasting circuit; a measure of

whether a circuit is complete (unbroken) or not

Conveyance Includes an aircraft, watercraft, or motor vehicle used

to transport explosive materials

Core Load The explosive core of detonating cord; grams per metre
(grains per foot) of PETN in the cord

Crimp The circular depression at the open end of a detonator

that secures the safety fuse or leg wires in place

Blasters' Handbook
- 131 -
Crimper A special, non-sparking tool for cutting safety fuse
and for attaching a plain detonator or igniter cord
connector to a fuse

Cross-tie A length of detonating used to provide an alternate

detonation path in the circuit; serves to prevent a cut-off

Current The flow of electricity in a blasting circuit; measured

in amps (amperes)

Cut-off A type of misfire; usually refers to damage to or

isolation of explosive materials (charge) resulting from
ground movement

Danger Any matter, thing, condition, or situation that could

inherently cause injury or illness to a person exposed

Danger Area Any area in which there may be a danger to any

person from fly material or other condition resulting
from a blast

Day Box An unlicensed magazine (constructed to Type 6

specifications), not used for overnight storage; a form
of container

Dc Direct Current; the flow of electrical energy in one


Dead Press The desensitization of an explosive due to increased

critical density caused by pressurization; compression
of a blasting agent in a blast hole, resulting from
shock waves produced by an adjacent detonation;
may require a booster to ensure initiation

Deck Charges Separately primed charges in a common hole; usually

separated by a spacer or stemming material

Decking A method of loading in which a spacer or stemming

material is placed between deck charges in a blast hole

Blasters' Handbook
- 132 -
Deflagration The propagating thermal decomposition of an
explosive at a subsonic velocity less than 915 m
(3000 ft) per second); a reaction that occurs in a low
explosive; distinct from detonation

Delay Blasting The practice of using a delay element device

(detonator or detonating connector) to delay the
detonation of an individual or group of charges; see
Sequential Blasting

Delay Element In a delay detonator, a composition that produces

the predetermined time delay between initiation and

Delay Tag A tag, band, or marker attached to a delay element

detonator that identifies the nominal firing time

Density The mass of an explosive per unit of volume; usually

expressed in grams per cubic centimetre or pounds per
cubic foot

Deterioration The chemical breakdown of an explosive

Detonating An explosive core of PETN contained in a flexible

Cord waterproof covering; initiated by a detonator; explodes
at over 6705 m (22,000 ft) per second; initiates most
explosives in contact with it

Detonation A supersonic explosive reaction that propagates a shock

wave through the explosive, accompanied by a chemical
reaction that furnishes energy to sustain the shock wave
propagation in a stable manner; refers to the explosion
that occurs in a high explosive; distinct from deflagration

Detonation The initial shock (shattering) wave that results from the
Wave detonation of a detonator or charge; the effect is known
as brisance; the speed of detonation is referred to as VOD

Detonator A blasting cap used to initiate detonation in an

explosive; a small metal tube containing a sensitive
primary charge and PETN; includes electric and non-
electric blasting caps

Blasters' Handbook
- 133 -
Detonator Box A crush-resistant container used for protecting
detonators at a loading site; also known as “cap box”

Double Prime The procedure of attaching two detonators to a

primer or a detonating cord; offers protection against
a misfired charge

Down Hole A vertical or near vertical hole that is drilled (and

loaded) from above

Downline A length of detonating cord or plastic tubing, in a blast

hole, that transmits energy from the trunkline to the

Duplex Wire Two separate lengths of blasting wire contained in a

common protective covering; distinct from simplex wire

Dynamite A type of high explosive containing NG

Electric A detonator designed to be initiated by an electric

Detonator current

Electrical An atmospheric disturbance of intense electrical

Storm activity that increases danger during blasting
activities; includes lightning

Electrolyte A non-metallic electrical conductor through which a

current is carried by the movement of ions between
the electrodes

Emulsion An explosive produced through the interaction of

a dissolved oxidizer and fuel in the presence of a
chemical emulsifier; water resistant

Exploder A common term for a blasting machine

Explosion A rapid chemical reaction producing high temperatures

and (usually) a shock wave and large volume of gases

Eod Explosive Ordinance Disposal; a branch of the military

concerned with disposal of explosive materials

Blasters' Handbook
- 134 -
Explosive A chemical compound or mixture, the primary or
common purpose of which is to function by explosion;
initiated by fire, friction, concussion, percussion, or
detonation; produces a sudden release of gases having
a pressure capable of destructive effects; usually refers
to commercial explosives and includes a blasting agent

Explosive Includes explosives, blasting agents, and detonators


Extraneous Any unwanted electrical energy that may enter a blasting

Electricty circuit or detonator; can result in premature detonation;
sources include galvanic action, induced and stray
current, lightning, radio frequency, and static electricity

Face A (rock) surface that has been drilled, loaded, or

blasted; usually refers to a vertical surface

Fault An abnormality in the material to be blasted;

including cavities, joints, planes, seams, and slips;
usually requires a special loading technique for a blast
to have the desired effect

Fines Drill cuttings (residue) from a bore hole; undersize

material of little value produced by a blasting/crushing

Firing The act of setting off (detonating) a charge

Firing Cable A blasting wire, often permanent, extending from a

blasting machine to the circuit of electric detonators;
usually 12 or 14 gauge copper wire

Firing Line A common term for blasting wire; sometimes used in

place of "Firing Cable"

Flammable Includes any fuel, paper, rag, or other similar material

Material that is readily combustible and may cause or spread
fire or explosion

Flash Over Propagation between charges or between loaded blast


Blasters' Handbook
- 135 -
Fly Material Material that is thrown (projected) by the force of a
blast; includes dirt, ice, metal, rock, and wood; may be
dangerous and is generally undesirable

Flyrock A type of fly material

Fracturing Breaking or cracking of material (rock)

Fragmentation The extent to which material (muck) is broken or

reduced in size; an estimation of average diameter

Fuel Oil The fuel used in AN/FO; usually No. 2 diesel fuel

Fumes The noxious or poisonous gases from detonation of

an explosive; includes carbon monoxide and oxides of

Fuse A common term for safety fuse

Fuse Lighter A pyrotechnic device for rapid and dependable ignition

of safety fuse

Fusee A safety match with an enlarged head; used to ignite a

safety fuse assembly

Galvanic The action of an electrolyte on dissimilar metals; a

Action battery-like reaction; produces electric current

Galvanometer An instrument used to measure the resistance of

blasting wire, electric detonators, and blasting circuit.
Galvanometers, ohmmeters, multimeters or noltmeters
must have the words “Blaster” or “Blasting” on their label

Gauge A measurement of the diameter (thickness) of a wire

Gelatin An explosive that has a gelatinous consistency;

generally contains NG and nitrocotton

Generator A blasting machine operated by vigorously pushing

Blasting down a rack bar or twisting a handle

Blasters' Handbook
- 136 -
Grain A measurement of weight; there are 15,400 grains in a
kilogram and 7,000 grains in a pound

Ground An electrical connection to earth

Ground Shaking of the ground caused by the shock waves from

Vibration a blast

Guard A person posted for the purpose of guarding a blast

Guarding The act of preventing entry to a danger area; also

refers to protecting explosive materials or charges from
tampering or theft

Gunpowder A low explosive consisting of sulphur, carbon, and

potassium or sodium nitrate; used in safety fuse; also
known as black powder or blasting powder

Gvw Gross Vehicle Weight; the rated capacity of a vehicle

Hangfire A type of misfire; an undesirable delay in the detonation

of a detonator or explosive; generally resulting from
arcing, or damage to safety fuse, detonating cord, or
detonator; may involve burning (smoldering) of the fuse,
detonator, or explosive; a very dangerous condition as it
could detonate at any moment

Helper A common term for assistant; may also refer to a type

of “relief” hole in a cut

High An explosive in which detonation will occur; develops

Explosive high gas pressures and a significant detonation wave

High Strength Refers to any detonator having 0.78 gm (12 gr) or more
of PETN, or the equivalent energy output

Hook-up The procedure of interconnecting detonating cord or

detonators in preparation for firing a blast; referred to
as “wire up” in electrical blasting operations

Hot Wire A sparkler device used to ignite one or more safety

Lighter fuse assembly; also known as “fuse lighter”

Blasters' Handbook
- 137 -
Hydrostatic Water pressure; specifically, the pressure on explosive
Head materials that results from water above it in a hole

Ignite The act of setting fire to safety fuse or any flammable


Igniter Cord A small diameter wire coated with incendiary

composition that burns intensely; used to ignite a
series of safety fuse assemblies; attached to an igniter
cord connector; available in fast, medium, and slow
burning speeds

Igniter Cord A metal tube containing incendiary composition;

Connector crimped to one end of a safety fuse assembly; with a
clip to hold the igniter cord in position

Ime Institute of Makers of Explosives; a safety association

concerned with safety in respect to manufacturing,
transporting, storing, handling, and using commercial
explosive materials

Initiate The act of detonating an explosive or an initiator


Lead Azide A type of primary explosive in a detonator

Lead Styphnate A type of primary explosive in a detonator

Lead Wire Blasting wire extending from the power source to the
electric detonators; usually 12 or 14 gauge insulated
copper wire

Leg Wire Insulated wire attached to the bridgewire of an electric

detonator; usually 20 or 22 gauge copper or iron wire;
the bare ends are “shorted out” by means of a shunt

Limiting Cord A rule for calculating the maximum length of igniter

Distance cord; equals the length of fuse inside the hole multiplied
by the speed factor of the igniter cord being used

Blasters' Handbook
- 138 -
Liner A plastic “sock” used in a blast hole to protect the
explosive (usually a blasting agent) from moisture and
other contamination

Loading The act of placing explosive materials into a blast hole

Loading A device for pneumatically loading nitrate mixture

Machine explosives

Loading Pole A pole made of non-sparking material; used to place

explosive materials in a blast hole; may also be used to
check depth of the hole, clean the hole before loading,
and tamp explosives in the hole

Loose Unstable material (rock) likely to collapse or fall; can

result from the shock waves of a blast; evident in
backbreak and conditions

Low Explosive An explosive capable of deflagration and low gas

pressure; includes gunpowder

LP Long Period; a category of delay in a detonator

Magazine A structure used to store either detonators or

explosives; a building or other structure meeting the
regulations and standards pursuant to the Explosives
Act (Canada); may be either licenced or unlicenced;
distinct from Suitable Receptacle

Maximum The maximum current (amperage) recommended

Firing Current by the manufacturer for effective performance of an
electric detonator

Misfire A charge or part of a charge that, upon initiation,

failed to completely detonate; causes include arcing,
cut-off, and damaged or deteriorated explosive
materials; a dangerous condition

Mishole A hole containing explosive materials that failed to

completely detonate

Blasters' Handbook
- 139 -
MHz MegaHertz; a unit of frequency equal to 1,000,000
cycles per second

Ms Millisecond; a thousandth of a second

Ms Connector See Detonating Connector

Muck Broken material (rock) resulting from a blast

Mud Capping A method of secondary blasting or boulder breaking; a

charge is placed on a boulder and covered with material
(mud, sand) to confine the gases; also called plaster

NG Nitroglycerin; a clear, oily explosive used as a

sensitizer in dynamite; very sensitive in its liquid form

Non-sparking A device or material that will not readily produce a

spark when struck against a hard surface

Notam Notice To Airmen; a notice issued by Transport Canada

to aircraft pilots

Ohm A unit of electrical resistance

Ohm’s Law E=IR; voltage equals current (amps) multiplied by

resistance (ohms); used to calculate the voltage
required to fire an electric blasting circuit

Overbreak Excessive breakage of rock beyond the desired

excavation limit

Overbreak A method of firing perimeter blast holes so as to avoid

Control backshatter; intended to preserve a smooth, stable face;
techniques include cushion blasting, line drilling, and

Overburden Material (dirt, gravel, shale) lying on top of a deposit of

useful material

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Oxidizer An ingredient in an explosive that supplies oxygen,
which combines with the fuel to form gaseous or solid
products of detonation; AN is a common oxidizer

Parallel Circuit A circuit in which the leg wires from each electric
detonator in a circuit are connected to bus wires on
opposite sides of the blasting circuit

Pattern A dimensional plan of bore holes; a description of the

location of holes in relation to each other and a free
face; usually includes burden and spacing dimensions

Pentolite An explosive consisting of PETN and TNT; commonly

found in a booster

Petn Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate; a white crystalline powder

of high explosive used as the core load in detonating
cord and the base charge of a detonator

Piggy-back An initiation technique where one shock tube assembly

is used to initiate another or several other shock tube
assemblies; the connection is made with a plastic
“bunch block” device

Pig Tail The length of detonating cord or plastic tubing that

protrudes from a loaded hole; the outer portion of a
downline; also refers to the length of detonating cord
attached to a pigtail detonating connector

Pneumatic Placing an explosive, usually a blasting agent, using

Loading compressed air

Powder General term for any commercial explosive

Powder Factor The amount of explosive used per unit of material;

usually expressed as kilos per cubic metre (lbs/cubic
yard) or the tons of material per kg (lb) of explosives;
also known as “loading factor”

Powder A type of headache induced by exposure to NG;

Headache blood vessels dilate (expand) and allow an excess of
blood to press on nerves in the head

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Powder Punch A non-sparking instrument used to punch a hole in a
cartridge; usually made from a 6 mm (1/4 in) diameter
brass or copper rod, pointed and fitted with a handle

Premature The detonation of a detonator or explosive prior to the

Detonation intended time; usually accidental and dangerous

Pre-shear A form of overbreak control where the perimeter

(outside) holes in the blast pattern are detonated before
the other holes, also known as “pre-splitting”

Prill A cellular, spherical particle of AN; formed by spraying

a concentrated AN solution against a stream of air

Primacord A heavy reinforced detonating cord

Primary An explosive or explosive mixture that is sensitive to

Explosive flame, friction, impact, and sparks; used in a detonator
to initiate the base charge

Primer An explosive to which a detonator or other initiating

device (detonating cord) has been attached; specifically,
the cartridge or booster containing a detonator

Propagation Detonation of explosives by the shock wave from a

nearby charge; also known as “sympathetic detonation”

PSI Pounds per square inch

Pull Wire A flame-producing device used to ignite a safety fuse

Lighter assembly; consisting of a hollow tube lined with an
incendiary substance, and an external handle attached
to a wire

Quantity A table listing the minimum distance quantities of

Distance an explosive may be kept or stored in relation to
Table established areas or locations

Rated Capacity The maximum quantity of electric detonators that may

be initiated by a blasting machine, as specified by the
manufacturer; also refers to the GVW of a vehicle

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Rcmp Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Rdx Research Development Explosive; Cyclotrimethylene-

trinitramine; an explosive substance

Relay A common term for detonating connector

Remnant Any remaining portion of a blasted hole, including scar

markings on the blasted material

Resistance The difficulty an electric current (ampere) has flowing

through an electrical circuit; measured in ohms

Rf Radio Frequency energy

Round A pattern that includes a cut; used to blast a face that

is not “free” or open

Safety Fuse A core of special gunpowder tightly wrapped in

a spirally formed cover of various textiles and
waterproof materials; burns at approximately
130 seconds per metre (40 seconds per ft) at sea level;
a component of a safety fuse assembly, and a reliable
means of transporting a flame to ignite a detonator

Safety Fuse A non-electric detonator attached to a length of safety

Assembly fuse; may have an igniter cord connector attached to
the other end of the fuse; also known as a “capped
fuse” or “fuse-cap assembly”

Safety Match A match that only ignites when struck against a

specially prepared surface; may be used to ignite a
single safety fuse assembly

Scaling The act of removing loose material; usually

accomplished with machinery or a scaling bar

Scaling Bar A device used for scaling; a metal (steel or aluminum)

bar having pointed and chisel ends

Scraper A non-sparking device for removing loose materials

(rocks) from a bore hole prior to loading; commonly a
12 mm (1/2 in) copper rod with a dished end

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Secondary The use of explosives to reduce oversize material;
Blasting includes mudcapping

Seismic A high strength, instantaneous electric detonator used

Detonator to initiate a seismic “in-hole” charge

Sequential A method of firing holes in rotation (sequence) to

Blasting reduce burden and provide many separate blasts;
usually the holes with least resistance are blasted
progressively; also known as “rotational firing”

Series Circuit A series of electric detonators with the leg wires

connected so that the electrical current follows a single
path through the entire blasting circuit

Series-in- Two or more (balanced) series of electric detonators

Parallel Circuit connected into a parallel blasting circuit

Sfa Safety Fuse Assembly

Shaped Charge An explosive with a formed cavity specifically

designed to produce a high velocity cutting or piercing
jet of product reaction; usually lined with metal to
create a jet of molten liner material

Shelf Life The recommended length of time that an explosive

can be stored without losing its efficient performance

Shock Tube Hollow plastic tubing that transmits a shock wave

Shock Wave A pressure pulse that propagates at supersonic speeds

Shot See Blast

Shot Hole The remains of a blast hole after detonation; a seismic

term used to describe a bore hole, a blast hole and/or a
hole that was blasted

Shooter See Blaster

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Shunt A metal (aluminum or brass) clip or foil used to short
out an electric detonator by interconnecting the leg
wires; also refers to the act of shorting out leg wires by
twisting them together

Shuttlecock A plastic device to keep cartridges in a blast hole;

resembles a shuttlecock used in badminton; also
known as a “birdie”

Simplex Wire A single blasting wire usually contained in a protective

plastic covering; distinct from duplex wire

Slider A common term for a sliding booster

Slip-on Booster A type of booster designed to slip on or over a detonator

Slurry An explosive consisting of oxidizing salts (AN,

sodium nitrate, calcium nitrate), fuels (aluminum,
oil), and sensitizers dispersed or dissolved in a water
resistant gel; some slurries are cap-sensitive, while
others are not and require a high strength primer in
order to initiate; also known as “watergel”

Socket The remaining portion of a blast hole that did not

break to its full depth; may contain some undetonated
explosives; also referred to as “bootleg” or “butt”

Sp Short Period; a type of delay in a detonator

Spacer A piece of material, usually clay or wood, placed between

cartridges or charges in a blast hole; used to “string out”
the explosives for better economy and reduce adverse
effects (such as backbreak and fly material)

Spacing The distance between blast holes having approximately

the same burden; usually refers to the average distance
between holes in the same row

Spit The flame jet produced by a safety fuse at the moment

of ignition; also refers to the flame jet that occurs at
the notches of a spitter

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Springing A blasting technique for opening up a pocket at the
bottom of a blast hole; successive charges are loaded
and blasted; used to remove stumps; also known as
“bulled hole” or “stumping”

Static Electrical energy stored on a person or object; may

discharge to a detonator and cause accidental detonation

Static Short The triangular compression in the leg wires of an

electric detonator; located near the anti-static groove;
serves to drain off static electricity

Stemming Inert material placed in the portion between the top

of the explosive column and the collar of a blast hole;
usually drill fines, pea gravel, or sand; intended to
confine the explosive gases for an effective blast

Strength A measurement of the energy produced by a volume

or unit weight of an explosive; used to express the
capacity of an explosive to perform work

Subdrilling Drilling a bore hole below the desired elevation to

ensure adequate breakage; also referred to as “subgrade”

Suitable An unlicenced, substantially constructed box or

Receptacle container with a lid secured by a lock; used for storage
of no more than 100 detonators or 10 kilograms (22 lbs)
of explosives (of which not more than 5 kg (11 lbs) may
be a dynamite)

Tamp Compressing an explosive (cartridge), or stemming

material, in a blast hole; usually with a tamping rod

Tamping Rod A non-sparking device for compressing an explosive

or stemming material in a blast hole; usually made
of wood or semi-conductive plastic; also known as a
“loading stick”

Tester Common term for an instrument to measure

resistance in an electrical blasting circuit; see
Blasting Multimeter and Galvanometer

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Thermalite A common brand of igniter cord

Throw The movement of muck during a blast; specifically the

direction of movement; airborne muck is known as fly

Tie-in A common term for “hook-up” or “wire up”

Tnt Trinitrotoluene; a powerful, highly water-resistant

explosive; a sensitizer for slurries and an ingredient in

Trim To remove (cut off) a section of detonating cord, safety

fuse, or tubing

Toe The unbroken lower part of a face that has been

blasted but did not break off or shear loose

Trunkline A length of detonating cord, or plastic tubing, used in

a circuit to connect downlines (pig tails); may connect
several branchlines

Tubing The hollow plastic pipe used in the shock tube

initiation systems

Ulc Underwriters Laboratories of Canada; a recognized

standard for fire extinguishers; based on the ABC
classification, with A for paper/wood fires, B for
gas/oil, and C for electrical fires

V.O.D. Velocity of Detonation; the speed at which the

detonation wave travels through a column of

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Appendix 3: Simple Blast Design

here are sophisticated formulas and methods that can be used in
blast design. These formulas use the variables of rock density, drill
hole diameter, and explosives density to arrive at a drill pattern.
The drill pattern establishes the distribution of energy into the rock. The
method outlined here offers a much simplified method of designing a
bench blast.

One reliable formula for estimating blast design is based upon calculating
the burden distance then proportioning other dimensions based upon the

[ ( )
B = 2 x SGe + 1.5 De

B = burden distance in feet
SGe = specific gravity of the explosive column
SGr = specific gravity of the rock
De = explosive diameter in inches

This formula can be simplified to produce a RATIO of burden distance

to hole diameter. The following table shows such a ratio.

Table 6: Ratio of Hole Diameter to Burden Distance

Specific Gravity Specific Gravity of Explosive

of Rock 0.85 1.00 1.15 1.3 1.45
2.00 28 30 32 34 35
2.10 28 29 31 33 35
2.20 27 29 31 32 34
2.30 27 28 30 32 33
2.40 27 28 30 31 33
2.50 26 28 29 30 29
2.60 26 27 29 30 31
2.70 26 27 28 30 31
2.80 25 27 28 29 30
2.90 25 26 28 29 30
3.00 25 26 27 28 30

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Table 7: Specific Gravity of Rocks

Basalt 2.8 – 3.0 Limestone 2.4 – 2.9

Diabase 2.6 – 3.0 Marble 2.1 – 2.9
Diorite 2.8 – 3.0 Micaschist 2.5 – 2.9
Dolomite 2.8 – 2.9 Quartzite 2.0 – 2.8
Gneiss 2.6 – 2.9 Sandstone 2.0 – 2.8
Granite 2.6 – 2.9 Shale 2.4 – 2.8
Hermatite 4.5 – 5.3 Slate 2.4 – 2.8

B = Burden J = Subdrilling H = Hole Depth

T = Stemming L = Ledge Height S = Spacing
Basic Geometry of a Bench Blast

Burden distance

The burden distance is based upon the hole diameter, explosive diameter,
the specific gravity of the rock, and the specific gravity of the explosive.

Stemming (T)

Stemming is required to confine the explosive gases, thus increasing

rock movement and preventing flyrock. In a well-confined, well-
designed blast, the stemming would be 0.7 times the burden distance
(minimum requirements).

T = 0.7 x B

The stemming material is important to the blast design. Ideally,

stemming material should be crushed rock with an average size of
1/20th of the drill hole diameter.

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Subdrilling distance

Subdrilling is required to ensure the blast breaks to grade. In most

cases, an adequate subdrilling distance can be approximated by

J = 0.3 x B (Range 0.2 - 0.5)

Hole-to-hole spacing

The spacing should be set at 1 - 2 times the burden.

Ratio of bench height to burden distance

For good fragmentation, minimal ground vibration, and limited flyrock,

the ratio of burden to spacing should be ≥3.

Example calculation

A 6-metre high (19.6 ft) bench is to be drilled with 50 mm (2 inch) hole.

The rock is granite, and the explosive to be used is dynamite with a
density of 1.45. Calculate the layout dimensions.

From Table 7 of specific gravities, granite has a specific gravity of 2.7.

Using Table 6, the intersection of 1.45 for dynamite and 2.7 for granite
yields a ratio of hole diameter to burden distance of 31.

Thus the burden is set at:

B = 31 x 50 mm = 1550 mm (or 1.55 metres)

Stemming is set at:

T = 0.7 x 1.55 = 1.08 m

Subdrilling is set at:

J = 0.3 x 1.55 = 0.46 m

Spacing is set at:

S = 1.55 x 2 = 3.1 m

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Example of Imperial calculations

Note that the ratio method is effective for metric or imperial measurements.

B = 31 x 2 inches = 62 inches = 5.17 feet

T = 0.7 x 5.17 = 3.62 ft
J = 0.3 x 5.17 = 1.55 ft
S = 5.17 x 2 = 10.34 ft

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Appendix 4: Electrical Calculations

Electric tables
The following condensed tables are provided to illustrate the procedures
for calculating resistance.

Table 7: Resistance of Copper Blasting Wire

Gauge Ohms per 305 Metres (1000 ft)

4 0.248
6 0.395
8 0.628
10 0.999
12 1.588
14 2.525
16 4.016
18 6.385
20 10.150
22 16.140
23 20.360

Table 8: Resistance of Standard Electric Detonators

Length of leg wire

Copper Wire Ohms Iron Wire Ohms
Metres Feet
2 6.6 1.40 2.70
3 9.8 1.55 3.60
4 13.1 1.70 4.40
5 16.4 1.85 5.40
6 19.7 1.95 6.00
7 23.0 2.15 6.90
9 29.5 2.20 ----
12 39.4 2.25 ----
15 49.2 2.35 ----
20 65.6 2.80 ----
25 82.0 3.20 ----
30 98.4 3.35 ----

Note: Be sure to check the manufacturer’s specific resistances for the caps
you are using.

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These resistances represent nominal values from detonator resistance
range specifications and apply only to standard electric detonators.
Ensure that resistance tables used are correct for the detonators and wire
being used.

Table 9: Resistance of Connecting Wire

Type Thickness Ohms per 305 Metre (1000 feet)

Copper 0.762 mm 0.030 in 11.5
0.724 mm 0.0285 in 12.7
0.533 mm 0.021 in 23.5
Iron 0.584 mm 0.023 in 124.0

Single series calculations

Example calculation #1

Situation: A blaster is required to blast a single series circuit containing

two (2) standard electric detonators having 6 m (19.7 ft) copper leg
wires and 305 m (1000 ft) of duplex 16 gauge lead wire.

Question: What is the total resistance of this circuit?

Resistance of one (1) electric detonator = 1.95 ohms

Resistance of two (2) detonators (2 x 1.95) = 3.90 ohms

Resistance of blasting line (1000 x 2 x 4.016) = 8.032 ohms


Total resistance of the circuit (3.90 + 8.032) = 11.932 ohms

NOTE: It is permissible to “round off” the numbers to one decimal place;

therefore the total calculated resistance of this circuit may be expressed as
11.9 ohms.

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Example calculation #2

Situation: A blaster is required to blast a single series circuit containing

thirty (30) standard electric detonators having 4 m (13.1 ft) iron leg
wires and 229 m (750 ft) of duplex 12 gauge lead wire.

Question: What is the total resistance of this circuit?

Resistance of one (1) electric detonator = 4.40 ohms

Resistance of thirty (30) detonators (30 x 4.40) = 132.00 ohms

Resistance of blasting line (750 x 2 x 1.588) = 2.38 ohms


Total resistance of the circuit (132 + 2.38) = 134.38 ohms

NOTE: By “rounding off” the numbers to one decimal place, the

calculated value of this circuit may be stated as 134.4 ohms.

Series-in-parallel calculations

Example calculation #1

Situation: A blaster is required to blast a series-in-parallel circuit

containing, in two (2) series, a total of 20 standard electric detonators,
each having 3 m (9.8 ft) copper leg wires and 76 m (250 ft) of duplex
14 gauge lead wire.

Question: What is the total resistance of this circuit?

Resistance of one (1) electric detonator = 1.55 ohms

Resistance of one (1) series of 10 detonators = (10 x 1.55) = 15.50 ohms

Balance the circuit by placing 10 detonators in each series.

Resistance of two (2) series in parallel = (15.50/2) = 7.75 ohms

Divide the resistance of one (1) series by the number of series in the circuit.

Resistance of blasting wire = (250 x 2 x 2.525) = 1.26 ohms


Total resistance of circuit (7.75 + 1.26) = 9.01 ohms

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Example calculation #2

Situation: A blaster is required to blast a series-in-parallel circuit

containing, in three (3) series, 75 electric detonators having 2 m (6.6 ft)
iron leg wires and 457 m (1500 ft) of duplex 12 gauge copper lead wire.

Question: What is the total resistance of this circuit?

Resistance of one (1) electric detonator = 2.70 ohms

Resistance of one (1) series of 25 detonators (25 x 2.70) = 67.50 ohms

Resistance of three (3) series-in-parallel (67.50 ÷ 3) = 22.50 ohms

Resistance of blasting wire (1500 x 2 x 1.588) = 4.76 ohms

Total resistance of circuit (22.50 + 4.76) = 27.26 ohms

Example calculation #3

Situation: A blaster is required to blast a series-in-parallel circuit

containing, in four (4) series, a total of 200 detonators having 4 m
(13.1 ft) copper leg wires, and 76 m (250 ft) of simplex 15 gauge copper
connecting wire plus 305 m (1000 ft) of 8 gauge duplex copper firing

Question: What is the total resistance of this circuit?

Resistance of one (1) electric detonator = 1.70 ohms

Resistance of one (1) series of 50 detonators (50 x 1.70) = 85.00 ohms

Resistance of four (4) series-in-parallel (85.00/4) = 21.25 ohms

Resistance of lead wire (250 x 1 x 2.525) = 0.63 ohms


Resistance of firing cable (1000 x 2 x .628) = 1.256 ohms


Total resistance of circuit (21.25 + 0.63 + 1.256) = 23.14 ohms

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Power line blasting calculations

Example calculation #1: single series blast

Both amperage and voltage calculations are required for power line

Situation: A blaster is required to blast, in a single series, 50 standard

electric detonators having 6 m (19.7 ft) copper leg wires. The blasting
wire is 153 m (500 ft) of duplex 14 gauge copper lead wire.

Questions: 1. What is the total resistance of this circuit?

2. How much current (amperage) is required?
3. How much voltage is required?

Resistance of one (1) electric detonator = 1.95 ohms

(see Table 8)

Resistance of 50 detonators (50 x 1.95) = 97.50 ohms

Resistance of blasting wire (500 x 2 x 2.525) = 2.525 ohms

1000 (see Table 9)

Total resistance of circuit (97.50 + 2.525) = 100.025 ohms

Total current required for one (1) series (1 x 1.5) = 1.5 amps

Total voltage required for circuit

= 1.5 x 100.025 = 150.0375 volts

Note: a power source producing in excess of 150 volts and 1.5 amps is
required to fire this circuit.

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Example calculation #2: series-in parallel blast

Situation: A blaster is required to blast in four (4) series, 160 standard

electric detonators having 2 m (6.6 ft) copper leg wires. The blasting wire
is 153 m (500 ft) of simplex 16 gauge copper connecting wire plus 305 m
(1000 ft) of duplex 12 gauge copper firing cable.

Questions: 1. What is the total resistance of this circuit?

2. How much current (amperage) is required?
3. How much voltage is required?

Resistance of one (1) electric detonator = 1.40 ohms

Resistance of each series of 40 detonators (40 x 1.40) = 56.00 ohms

Resistance of four (4) series-in-parallel (56.0/4) = 14.00 ohms

Resistance of lead wire (500 x 1 x 4.016) = 2.01 ohms


Resistance of firing cable (1000 x 2 x 1.588) = 3.18 ohms


Total resistance of circuit (14.00 + 2.01 + 3.18) = 19.19 ohms

Total amperage required for four (4) series (4 x 1.5) = 6.0 amps

Total voltage required for the circuit V=I x R

6.0 x 19.19 = 115.14 volts

NOTE: a power source producing in excess of 115.1 volts and 6 amps is

required to fire this circuit.

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Appendix 5: Obsolescent or Limited-Use Explosive Systems

Low energy detonating cord systems

Before the advent of the shock tube system in the early 1970s, a number
of low energy detonating cord systems were used with ANFO and other
non-cap-sensitive explosives to bottom initiate blast holes without side-
initiating the explosive column.

These detonating cords were very low energy, usually containing 1 kg of

explosive per 1000 metres of cord. (Typically, most detonating cords have an
explosive load of between 5 and 22 kg of PETN per 1000 metres.)

These cords have been marketed under various trade names. “Anoline”
and “Cordline” have been used in British Columbia, and their
characteristics are as follows:
• Units are factory-assembled with detonator, pre-defined length of
cord, and quick-connect
• Available in standard and “reinforced” configuration for higher tensile
• Available with downline high-strength detonators of various delays
• Supplied with a quick-connect plastic fitting for attaching to
detonating cord trunkline

Gas-initiated system

These systems use what is best described as a “piping” layout consisting

of small diameter plastic tubing and plastic fittings. A downhole delay
detonator is used. The system is connected in a series using the tubing,
fittings, and detonator.

When the system is connected, it is filled with inert gas and tested for
continuity. Once the system is tested, it is prepared for firing by charging
the system with a combustible gas. At any time before firing, the system
can be purged and re-filled with inert gas thus rendering it “safe.”

The advantages of the system are:

• Except for the downhole detonators, the system is safe until it is
charged for firing
• The system can be tested prior to firing
• It can be “dis-armed” if required

This system has been marketed under the names “Hercudet” and “Iredet.”
The system has mostly been replaced by shock tube systems but still may
be in use in large open pit mines.

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The “Magnadet” system is an electrical initiation method employing

features that are highly resistant to electrical hazards. It consists of
a high-strength detonator with attached closed-circuit leg wires and
connector. The detonator unit remains a closed-circuit and is thus
highly resistant to:
• Static electricity
• Galvanic action
• Radio frequencies
• Stray currents
• Induction

The detonators are connected to a firing line that produces an alternating

current at a frequency of 15,000 Hz or more. The connector works as a
miniature transformer that converts the firing pulse into a current that
fires the detonator. Because of the uniqueness of the firing pulse and the
“tuned” nature of the connector transformer and circuit, the system is
highly resistant to all electric sources except the firing source.

The pulse of energy is unique; thus, the system is highly resistant.

Exploding bridgewire system

The EBW detonator is a special type of initiating device, less sensitive

than conventional detonators as it does not contain a primer charge.
When a high energy electrical pulse from a firing system is applied to
the gold bridgewire, it explodes and initiates the base charge of high

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Its unique construction contributes to its safety features. The manufacturer
states an EBW detonator will not detonate when exposed to:
• Electro-static discharges
• Radio frequency energy
• Stray current
• Low voltage current
• High temperatures

Seismic Recorder
or other
Electrical Recording Firing Module
Triggering Device
Up to 30 m (100´ )
of Twin Lead

Coated Multi-Conductor
Hook-Up Wire with Shield EBW Detonator Taped
Firing System
Control Unit to Main Blasting Charge
or Detonating Cord
EBW Deployment Method

There are several models of EBW firing systems. All feature a control
unit and a firing module. This permits remote arming and firing,
keeping the operator well away from the high voltage.

The FS-9 Firing System comprises two parts: the control unit and the
firing module.

Control unit
The control unit is a sealed metal case containing rechargeable nickel
cadmium batteries, energized by an internal charger connected to a
standard 110 volt AC, 60 cycle outlet. A test lamp indicates when the
batteries are adequately charged.

The control unit has a safeguard in the form of a “shorting plug.” Until
this plug is mated to the “Safety Interlock” connection, it is impossible
to arm the firing module.

Unless the firing is aborted, the output voltage will arm the firing module
and initiate the blasting circuit within a few seconds. To abort the firing,
release one or both of the “Hold-to-Arm” and “Hold-to-Fire” switches.

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Firing module
The firing module is a sealed metal box housing a voltage conversion
system that increases the input voltage of between 32 and 40 volts to
approximately 3,000 volts. When this level is reached, an automatic trigger
system discharges the energy into the blasting circuit.

Blasting wire
Blasting wire for an EBW circuit consists of hook-up wire and lead wire:
• Hook-up wire used between the control unit and the firing module is
duplex (twin conductor) copper wire. Each wire is insulated and must
be 20 gauge or larger.
• Lead wire used between the firing module and an EBW detonator
is duplex insulated copper wire 20 gauge or larger. It must not
exceed 30 m (100 ft) or be less than 3 m (10 ft) in length. The twin
wires must be molded together to maintain minimum current

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Appendix 6: Seismic Blasting

In seismic blasting, the explosive charge set in the ground produces a

shock wave that travels through the surrounding strata to the surface.
Sensitive electronic instruments record the shock waves in order to
ascertain the geological formation of the area.


Electric detonators used for “in-hole” seismic blasting are instantaneous,

with no delay element and no significant time lag between the bridge wire
breaking and detonation. This is essential for accurate seismic recordings.

Seismic electric detonators should have:

• The ability to undergo extreme temperature changes without loss of
• Good static resistance
• An anti-static groove
• An insulating shunt at the ends of the leg wires
• Good resistance against high water pressure (hydrostatic heads)
• Aluminum alloy shells to resist corrosion
• Flexible leg wire insulation even in cold temperatures (plastic)
• No significant time lag between the bridge wire breaking and
• High strength for reliable initiation of the charge

Seismic electric detonators have aluminum alloy shells approximately

7 mm (3/8 in) diameter and 50 mm (2 in) long. A heat sensitive
primary charge (lead styphnate), and high explosive (pentaerythritol
tetranitrate) PETN is pressed into the base end. All are “high strength”
to cope with external water pressures (hydrostatic heads) often
encountered in loaded holes.

Two insulated leg wires enter the shell through a rubber plug that holds
them in position and forms a water-resistant seal. The leg wires connect to
a “bridgewire” embedded in the primary charge. When an electric current
is passed through the filament, it becomes hot, igniting the primary
charge, which detonates the base charge of PETN.

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Leg wires

Seismic detonator leg wires are made of copper coated with a thin
layer of tin and covered with plastic insulation, which is flexible and
resistant to abrasion. Most have 20 gauge leg wires and come in various
lengths ranging from 1 metre (3.3 ft) to 45 m (150 ft); leg wires as
long as 122 m (400 ft) are available. The leg wires distinguish seismic
detonators from other electric detonators. They are usually longer
and each has a distinct colour. Seismic detonators are electrically
incompatible with other electric detonators and must not be connected
in the same circuit. Seismic detonators from different manufacturers
should never be used in the same circuit.

Blasting machine

Condenser discharge blasting machines are commonly used in seismic

work. They employ capacitors to “step up” the voltage to the required level
before discharging it into the circuit. Seismic recording equipment often
has a built-in blasting machine with special devices to test the circuit,
discharge, and limit the time of current application.

After connecting the blasting circuit to the equipment, the blaster tests for
circuit continuity with the built-in galvanometer. Then, after checking that
final precautions have been taken, the blaster will discharge the blasting
machine by means of a radio-tone.

It is critical that the blaster understands and adheres to the

manufacturer’s instructions for maintaining and testing a blasting
machine. In extremely cold temperatures, many blasting machines
may malfunction. Unless specifically designed to operate in cold
temperatures, the machine should be kept warm at all times.

When charging the machine, continue pressing the charge button after
the ready light shines until the whine produced reaches a steady note.
In cold temperatures, the “last little bit” of voltage may be necessary to
properly fire the circuit.

Resistance calculations

The resistance of each seismic detonator, each series of detonators, and

the complete circuit must be determined.

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Testing the circuit

Tests of seismic detonators, series of detonators, or the complete circuit

are to be done using a testing device acceptable to WorkSafeBC. These
include a blasting galvanometer and blasting multimeter. In this manual,
the use of the term “galvanometer” includes any acceptable testing device.

Unless a downline of detonating cord is used to initiate an “in-hole”

seismic charge, every seismic detonator must be tested for continuity
immediately after it is placed in the hole. Stemming material must not
to be placed in a loaded hole until the circuit continuity of at least one
(1) seismic detonator is verified and recorded in the blasting log.

After stemming material is placed in a loaded hole, it may be extremely

difficult or impossible to detonate the charge should there be a fault in
the circuit. A downline of detonating cord will allow the charge to be
primed and fired from the surface. Most seismic operations do not use
detonating cord because it can interfere with seismic readings.

Whether or not detonating cord is used, each series of seismic detonators

and the complete circuit must be tested. An electrical blast must not be
fired unless the test reading agrees with the calculated resistance for that
series and the complete circuit.

When all the seismic detonators have been connected into a series, it
should be tested before being connected to the firing cable, and the firing
cable should be tested separately before the circuit is completed.


Testing procedures (single series) are explained in Chapter 22.

Firing calculations

In addition to resistance calculations, any candidate who wishes to qualify

as a “shooter” must be capable of doing firing calculations to determine
amperage and voltage requirements.


A seismic electric detonator requires a certain minimum amperage for

proper initiation. Ohm’s Law and power calculations are explained in
Chapter 22.

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Firing current

Although “Ohm’s Law” calculations cover the basic principles,

consideration must also be given to the duration of the firing current.

The manufacturer will state the recommended firing current for each
seismic detonator in amperes of direct current (DC). It is assumed the
current will be applied for the length of time necessary to initiate all
detonators in the circuit, usually 1 ms (0.001 sec).

The output current from a conventional blasting machine tends to

decrease over time. It is therefore incapable of maintaining a constant
(steady) firing current for the necessary time period. It is important to
determine the amount of electrical energy that can be delivered by a
blasting machine to the circuit over a time span of 1 ms.

Before using a blasting machine to fire a circuit containing seismic

detonators, ascertain its firing capacity. This capacity, calculated by the
manufacturer, manufacturer’s representative, or another qualified person,
must be affixed to the blasting machine.

Safety precautions

Safety precautions should be taken when using electric detonators for

seismic blasting.
• Keep the leg wires short-circuited until they are wired in to the circuit.
The “shunt” may be removed temporarily to test the detonator.
• Keep explosives and detonators in separate containers, or a safe
distance apart, until the hole has been drilled.
• Do not assemble a primer (charge) until the hole is ready for loading.
• Discontinue operations during dust, snow, or electrical storms. Static
build-up can go unnoticed.
• Do not wear clothing made of synthetic materials in proximity to, or
while handling, a seismic detonator.
• In cold temperatures, avoid excessive friction and contact with
synthetic material such as plastic. When possible, ground yourself
to discharge static.
• Do not throw detonator leg wires through the air or drag them along
the ground.
• Do not drop explosives into a hole.

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• Do not lower a charge into a hole by means of the detonator leg
wires. Use a loading pole, lowering hook, or other device acceptable
to WorkSafeBC.
• Do not allow the leg wires to slide through your hand. Lower the
charge slowly into the hole.
• Avoid “in-hole” connections to leg wires. If unavoidable, make sure
the connection is secure and insulated with tape or other effective
means. Splices should be staggered (at separate locations) to avoid
• Where leg wires could suffer damage from severe field conditions:
- Prime the charge with at least 2 detonators, or
- Use a downline of detonating cord to fire the charge
• If a primed charge is damaged and cannot be detonated, place an
additional primed charge in the hole to detonate the original charge.
• Do not place stemming material in a loaded hole until the circuit
continuity of at least one (1) detonator is verified and recorded in the
blasting log. This does not apply if detonating cord is used to initiate
the charge.
• Do not leave a loaded hole unguarded unless:
- The hole is in an isolated area
- The leg wires are shunted and suitably covered
- The location of the hole is recorded in the blasting log
• Do not leave a seismic charge in a hole beyond the period
recommended by the manufacturer. In no instance is this to exceed
30 days.
• Do not mix one brand of seismic detonator with another brand, or any
other type of electric detonator.
• Use an appropriate blasting machine, in accordance with the
manufacturer’s specifications.

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WorkSafeBC offices
Visit our web site at

Abbotsford North Vancouver

2774 Trethewey Street V2T 3R1 400 – 224 Esplanade W. V7M 1A4
Phone 604 276-3100 Phone 604 276-3100
1 800 292-2219 1 888 875-6999
Fax 604 556-2077 Fax 604 232-1558

Burnaby Prince George

450 – 6450 Roberts Street V5G 4E1 1066 Vancouver Street V2L 5M4
Phone 604 276-3100 Phone 250 561-3700
1 888 621-7233 1 800 663-6623
Fax 604 232-5950 Fax 250 561-3710

Coquitlam Surrey
104 – 3020 Lincoln Avenue V3B 6B4 100 – 5500 152 Street V3S 5J9
Phone 604 276-3100 Phone 604 276-3100
1 888 967-5377 1 888 621-7233
Fax 604 232-1946 Fax 604 232-7077

Courtenay Terrace
801 30th Street V9N 8G6 4450 Lakelse Avenue V8G 1P2
Phone 250 334-8765 Phone 250 615-6605
1 800 663-7921 1 800 663-3871
Fax 250 334-8757 Fax 250 615-6633

Kamloops Victoria
321 Battle Street V2C 6P1 4514 Chatterton Way V8X 5H2
Phone 250 371-6003 Phone 250 881-3418
1 800 663-3935 1 800 663-7593
Fax 250 371-6031 Fax 250 881-3482

Kelowna Head Office / Richmond

110 – 2045 Enterprise Way V1Y 9T5 Prevention Information Line:
Phone 250 717-4313 Phone 604 276-3100
1 888 922-4466 1 888 621-7233 (621-SAFE)
Fax 250 717-4380 Administration:
Nanaimo 6951 Westminster Highway
4980 Wills Road V9T 6C6 Phone 604 273-2266
Phone 250 751-8040 Mailing Address:
1 800 663-7382 PO Box 5350 Stn Terminal
Fax 250 751-8046 Vancouver BC V6B 5L5
Nelson After Hours
524 Kootenay Street V1L 6B4 Health & Safety Emergency
Phone 250 352-2824 604 273-7711
1 800 663-4962 1 866 922-4357 (WCB-HELP)
Fax 250 352-1816
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