Course Outline: Hardam Furigay Colleges Foundation, Inc

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“Build a Better Future”

Pedro Cuevas Street, Lamitan City, Basilan


Course Code : ENG 301

Course Credit : 3 Units
Prerequisite : NONE
Email Address :
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This course provides an overview of linguistics as a discipline, its development, levels of structure, and its
significance to English language teaching. The pre-service English teachers will recognize the general
structural aspect of language (i.e. phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, and pragmatics) and major
theories of linguistics in language acquisition, psycholinguistics, sociolinguistics and other related studies.
With this, the course will help future language teachers demonstrate linguistic content knowledge and
application across other languages and use English competently to facilitate teaching and learning in the

PRELIM MAJOR TASK: Written Examination and Reflection Paper on Linguistic Study,
1. Overview of Introduction to At the end of these weeks, the preservice teacher (PST) should be
Linguistics ( WEEK 1-3) able to:
1. Linguistics as the Science of
. Definitions of Language
according to Famous
3. Macro Skills of Language 4.
Views and Overview on
Theories in Language Study •
Behaviorist • Innatist/Nativist
• Cognitivist
. Communicative Competence
by D. Hymes
• Linguistic • Sociolinguistic •
Discourse • Strategic
6. Components of Grammar –
An Introduction • Phonetics and
• Morphology
• Syntax
• Semantics • Pragmatics
7. World Englishes – An
• World vs. Philippine vs.
Standard Englishes
• NESTs vs.Non-NESTS
8. Kachru’s Concentric Circles
MIDTERM MAJOR TASK: Written Examination
Phonetics and Phonology (4-7 At the end of these weeks, the preservice teacher (PST) should be
weeks) able to:
1. Phonetics vs. Phonology vs. a. differentiate linguistic terms in phonology (pronunciation vs.
Pronunciation vs. Articulation articulation, vowels vs. consonants, etc.);
2. Vowel vs. Consonant Sounds b. produce vowel, consonant, and diphthong sounds correctly and
(Segmentals) fluently;
3. Vowels and Diphthongs • c. identify vowel sounds according to placement in the tongue and
Front Vowels [i], [I], [eI], [ɛ], [æ] consonant sounds according to place, manner and voicing; d. produce
• Back Vowels [u], [U], [o], [ɔ] • sounds with proper effective voice elements; e. present a jazz chant or
Mid Vowels [a], [ə],[ᴧ], [Ɨ] • any similar speech presentation to practice and showcase knowledge
Diphthongs [aU], [aI], [oI] and understanding of segmentals and suprasegmentals; and f. create
4. Consonants • Place and a teaching-learning material (i.e. listening recording) for phonology
Manner of Articulation • Voice study
and Voiceless Consonants •
Bilabial [p], [b], [m], [w] •
Labiodental [f], [v] • Dental [θ],
[ð] • Alveolar [t], [d], [s], [z], [n],
[l] • Palatal ʃ], [Ʒ], [tʃ], [dƷ], [r], [j]
• Velar and Glottal [k], [g], [ŋ],
5. Suprasegmentals • Pitch and
Tone • Rate and Resonance •
Intonation and Emphasis •
Juncture • Enunciation •
Effective Voice and
Paralanguage Elements

PREFINAL MAJOR TASK: Written Examination

3. Morphology( Week 8-11) At the end of these weeks, the preservice teacher (PST) should be
1, Morphemes and Inflections • able to:
Free vs. Bound Morphemes a. differentiate linguistic terms in morphology (free vs. bound,
(Content Words vs. Affixes) • derivational vs. inflectional, etc.);
Derivational vs. Inflectional b. analyze morphologically word structures to identify thoughtful units
Morphemes • Lexical and of the language;
Grammatical Morphemes c. use context clues and vocabulary building techniques to identify and
1. Word Formation Processes • analyze English words; and
Prefixes, Suffixes, and Root d. create a teaching-learning material (i.e. story book dictionary) for
Words • Decodable and Sight morphology study.
Words • Context Clues and
Vocabulary Building •
Synonyms and Antonyms •
Definitions and Supporting
Details • Lexicography – The

4. Syntax (Week 12-15)

1. Eight Parts of Speech •
Nominals (Nouns and At the end of these weeks, the preservice teacher (PST) should be
Pronouns) • Verbs • Modifiers able to:
(Adjectives and Adverbs) • a. differentiate linguistic terms in syntax (the parts of speech, grammar
Prepositions, Conjunctions, and vs. syntax, etc.);
Interjections b. identify the parts of speech in individual units, phrases and clauses;
2. Phrases and Clauses c. review the grammatical rules for competent language learning;
3. Sentences • Subject and d. use syntactic rules in creating correct phrases, clauses, sentences,
Predicate • Kinds of Sentences and paragraphs; and
(According to Use, According to e. create a teaching-learning material (i.e. grammar worksheet) for
Purpose) • Sentence Patterns syntactic study.
4. Grammar Rules • Subject-
Verb Agreement
• Pronoun-Antecedent
FINAL MAJOR TASK: Written Examination
5. Semantics and Pragmatics At the end of these weeks, the preservice teacher (PST)
(Week 16-18) should be able to:
1. Word and Sentence Meaning a. differentiate linguistic terms in semantics and pragmatics
2. Connotative vs. Denotative (semantics vs. pragmatics, connotative vs. denotative, formal
Meaning vs. informal, etc.);
3. Figurative Language b. analyze language discourses based on meaning and use;
4. Idiomatic Expressions c. use semantic techniques to arrive at connotative and
5. Pragmatics and Language denotative; and meaning of words and sentences
Registers (Formal, Informal, d. create a teaching-learning material (i.e. funny comic strip)
Conversational, Colloquial, for semantic and pragmatic study.
Slang, etc.)

Criteria for Grading:

RS/TI x 35 + 65 = R
RS - Raw Score
TI - Number of Items or Highest Possible Score
R - Rating

Performance Criteria

Quizzes = 30%
Project /Requirements =30%
Examination = 40%

Scores Distribution

Prelim = 25%
Prefinal =25%



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