Phil-Iri Report Rationale
Phil-Iri Report Rationale
Phil-Iri Report Rationale
The Department of Education (DepEd) supports Every Child a Reader
Program, which aims to make every Filipino child a reader and a writer at
his/her grade level. Thus, the DepEd through the Bureau of Learning
Delivery-Teaching and Learning Division (BLD-TLD) continue to administer
the Revised Philippine Informal Reading Inventory (Phil-IRI) assessment to
learners in public elementary schools nationwide.
One of it’s objective it to use the Phil-IRI data to serve as one of the
bases in planning, designing/redesigning the reading instruction of the
teachers and the school’s reading programs or activities to improve the
overall school’s reading performance.
• Increase the reading levels of Grade 7 Students from frustration to
independent level.
• Develop a habit of reading among parents and students at home.
• Conduct reading marathon.
Materials/Resources/Persons Involved:
• School Head
• Teachers
• Students
• Parents
• Books
• Coupon bond long
• Computer and Printer
• Time
The Filipino teachers served as the reading coordinators who conducted
remedial reading to those identified students who had reading difficulties
based on the Phil-IRI Pretest.
In reading marathon, the students recorded their reading progress using the
reading passports. The students read 20 stories in 5 books assign to them.