Narsimham.V.V.L.: Principal and Professor
Narsimham.V.V.L.: Principal and Professor
Narsimham.V.V.L.: Principal and Professor
He is the Present Principal & Professor at ICFAI School of Architecture (ISArch) and also was Founder
Principal Consultant of ‘Narsimham Associates’ a Design Consultancy firm established in July 1992 at
Hyderabad, India. The firm is mainly engaged in Design Consultancy Services for the past 25 Years in
Building Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Interior Architecture, Ecological planning and
Environmental design fields respectively.
Varied types of PROJECTS have been completed close to 250 plus in the last 3 decades.They are of
Typical types such as 1) Urban Landscape Design. 2) Highways-Infra. 3) Gated Housing.
4) Institutional. 5) Software. 6) Tall Apartment Condominiums. 7) City Parks. 8) Villas. 9) Plotted.
10) Farm Houses. 11) Industrial. 12) Recreational. 13) Convention Centers. 14) Sky Gardens. In all
Types of Projects involved is A).CIVIL WORKS about Billions of Sq.Ft Built-up areas, about millions of
Sq.Mts of Paved surfaces in terms of Carriage ways, pedestrian ways, pools, fabrications, services
networks like electrical, water supply etc. B). SOFT WORKS: about Lakhs of Trees, Shrubs, Ground
covers, Vines and about Millions of Sq.Mts of Lawn areas etc.
He is a Visiting Professor, Jury and Examiner for the last 30 Years at various Schools of Architecture in
Telangana and Andhra Pradesh States and outside for both Under Graduate and Post Graduate
courses. He had won many Design Awards in India and overseas. He was recently an International
JURY for JK AYA Architects Awards for SAARC Countries plus. He was a TedX Speaker recently in
He was the CHAIRMAN for THE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS (IIA) of Telangana and Andhra
Pradesh State Chapters for the Term 2012-2015 where Architect Members were nearly 1000. He
received IIA’s prestigious OUTSTANDING MEMBER OF INDIA -2013 AWARD at National Convention
Chennai in Dec2013. He is presently CHAIRMAN for ISOLA (Indian Society of Landscape Architects)
2018-2021 term for Hyderabad Chapter.
At National level accomplished few popular Landmark Landscape projects in New Delhi viz
1).Papankala (a new city now called Dwaraka) 1990,
2).Ansal’s Plaza India’s first Mall in South Delhi 1991, and
3).Prime Minister’s National Highways Golden Quadrangle NH-1 G.T.Road in 2000.
Chairman of IIA-2012-15 Architects Telangana and Andhra Pradesh State Chapters, India.
Chairman 2018-21 Indian Society Of Landscape Architects, (ISOLA) Hyderabad Chapter, India.
Life Fellow Member of The Indian Institute of Architects Mumbai (IIA), India.
Life Fellow Member of Indian Society of Landscape Architects (ISOLA), India.
Life Fellow Member of Indian Society of Lighting Engineers (ISLE), India.
Life Member of International Federation of Landscape Architects (IFLA), Belgium.
Life Associate Member of Council of Architecture New Delhi (COA), India.
Life Associate Member of Institute of Indian Interior Designers Mumbai (IIID), India.
Life Associate Member of Indian Plumbing Association New Delhi (IPA), India.
Life Associate Member of Fire and Security Association of India Chennai (FSAI), India.
Life Ind.Member of Indian Green Building Council Hyderabad (IGBC), India.
Executive Committee Member 2016-19 of IPA Hyderabad Chapter, India.
Had won many Cash Awards by winning First Positions in Design Competitions such as
A] International Awards:
1) ‘Khalifa Park’ Govt Award for Best Design for Seaside Recreation Park in Bahrain costing Rs.100
Crores in 2007.
B] National Awards:
1) Shilpaaramam- Govt of India National Award Ministry of HRD with Cash Prize for Best Crafts Village
Design in Hyderabad 1995 & 2002,
2) Public Gardens Redesign – Govt National Award with Cash Prize for Best Design-India at
Hyderabad in 2002,
3) Outstanding Member- National Award from The Indian Institute of Architects (IIA)-2013.
4) ‘Hyd Metro Rail Ltd’- Govt National Award with Cash Prize for Best Design at Hyd in 2014.
C] State Awards:
1) Alankrita – Govt State Award for Best Design Resort at Hyderabad in 2003.
2) MCR Rock Garden- Govt State Award with Cash Prize for Best Design at Hyd in 1999,
3) Gun Park Redesign – Govt State Award for Best Design at Hyderabad in 2003,
4) Safilguda Lake Park – Govt State Award for Best Design at Hyderabad in 2003.
5) Prajay Virgin County – Govt State Award for Best Design Leadership 2012.