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1 Introduction
Over the last century, the anatomy of Latin script has been extensively studied by
typographers and type researchers. Since the last two decades non-Latin scripts
are getting more attention from the research community. 60 % or more of global
population is dependent on non-Latin scripts including Indic scripts. It is globally
used in education, politics, economics and cultural purposes. There are several
print media like newspaper, hoarding, and poster are regularly getting printed using
non-Latin scripts. Even non-Latin internet users are increasing day by day [1].
India is a multilingual country with various scripts. There are twenty-two offi-
cial languages and eleven scripts in India [2, 3]. Bengali script is one of the most
prominent Indic scripts used by 84 million Bengali speakers in India and 15 mil-
lion in Bangladesh. The Bengali script is evolved from ‘Siddham’ script which is
an offspring of ‘Brahmi’, the origin of all Indic scripts [4]. The letterforms of Indic
scripts including Bengali are more structural and compositional complex [5, 6].
All Indic scripts are very different from each other with respect to their shape, pro-
portion, height, width, stroke ratio and path of the stroke [5].
It is through the means of typefaces that any script can be printed or displayed
for the purpose of communication. Bengali typeface design has elaborate history
in print and publication over last 200 years [7]. Typeface design in Indic scripts
involves knowledge of calligraphy and composition of the script. Understanding
of the ‘script composition grammar’ of letterforms can certainly assist the type
designer to design any typeface with better legibility and readability [4, 5]. The
composition of Bengali script is not fully defined [8]. There is a scope for further
investigation and design considerations. This paper focuses on grid and anatomical
features of Bengali letterforms.
The enquiries on Bengali typeface anatomy are prepared based on two semiotic
methods namely Syntagmatic and Paradigmatic analysis. The structural formation
of a typeface is investigated using Syntagmatic analysis. The distinct shape of let-
ter-parts are named by new terminologies or taken from Latin or non-Latin scripts
based on appearance of the stroke characteristics. Most of the terminologies in
Latin letterforms are based on animal anatomy like eye, ear, shoulder, leg, tail etc.
[9]. Here, both plant and animal anatomical nomenclatures are used to identify let-
ter-parts like stem, shoot, bud, knot, shoulder, leg, tail etc. The font used here for
syntagmatic analysis is ‘Lohit Bengali’.
The comparative study of anatomical features across various typefaces is con-
ducted by using Paradigmatic analysis. The study is focused on the arrangement
of structural features that vary in different typefaces. SolaimanLipi, Lohit Bengali,
Vrinda and Rupali typeface are used for paradigmatic analysis. Further, catego-
rization of letters is investigated according to common character and common
The structural formation of a script is reliant on the tools used during the initial
development of the script. The arrangement of letter-strokes reflect mediums
like stone engraving, calligraphic brushing or Palm leaf lettering used to develop
the particular typeface [4, 6, 10]. Many of Indic scripts share common mediums,
though the ‘script composition grammar’ is different for each Indic scripts [3]. A
grammar of anatomy formulates the structure of letterforms that assists type design-
ers to design typefaces from a conception to its final letterform [5, 8]. The anatomy
of Latin script and few of the non-Latin scripts is already well established [9].
Anatomy of Bengali Letterforms: A Semiotic Study 239
aspect of Devanagari script [17]. The letters are grouped according to appearance
of common element of letterforms. Later, Naik [6] explains the grid system of
Devanagari script based on Bhagwat’s work [17].
The Bengali letterforms are sinuous. The positions of diacritics and juxtaposed let-
ters (also known as conjuncts) suggest that the structure of the letterforms is com-
plex. Ross [7] describes the basic grid lines and some of the anatomical features
such as bowl, kana, rounding or blob, stem, etc. of the Bengali script (refer Fig. 2).
Ross also identifies multi-tier grid system of the script in case of conjuncts.
The existing literature suggested that the structural grid lines are not fully defined
in Bengali. Only base character height is identified by Fiona Ross. There are pos-
sibilities to identify more grid lines that segregate a letter vertically for better
Anatomy of Bengali Letterforms: A Semiotic Study 241
The complexities of type design process and existing literatures indicate that
there is a need of fine-tuning in the basic letter-parts of letterforms. Ross identi-
fies only five features from five letters (as shown in Fig. 2). The research gap leads
to an investigation on nomenclature of different letter-parts of all Bengali letters
[8]. A standard anatomy helps to identify individual parts that lead to better under-
standing and improvement in field of type design.
The Bengali script consists of twelve vowel, thirty five consonants, the numbers
and several punctuations. Apart from this, there are around five hundred con-
juncts and few ligatures which are used for writing the language. Bengali script
is an ‘Abugida’. Every consonant ends with syllable of an inherent vowel. There
is also a symbol ‘hasanta’ to quiet the sound of inherent vowel. Bengali is written
from left to right. There is no uppercase or lowercase. So, there is no reference
of x-height in Bengali script. There are four modifier signs such as Khanda-ta,
Anusvara, Visarga and Chandra-bindu, used for contextual purposes [7]. The basic
letterforms of Bengali are shown in Fig. 3.
Each vowel letter also has its own diacritic form and it is appeared with only
consonant to adapt new sound of inherent vowel. The appearance of diacritics
occur pre-glyph, post glyph, above-glyph and below-glyph with consonant. Some
diacritics appear in variant forms or as ligature with specific consonant and their
form is different than regular consonant-vowel forms [1, 7].
3.1 Grid
The grid system defines size and proportion of letters the grid model is an arrange-
ment of virtual lines that constructs a vertical proportion of the letterforms. The
grid model is prepared based on design practice to shape the Bengali letterforms
taking the reference of existing literature [4–7, 17]. As shown in Fig. 4 the grid is
mainly consists of 6 lines as
Table 1 (continued)
Terminology Borrowed from Description Letterforms
Wedge * A ‘V’ shaped angle at bottom
Loop Arabic [14], Latin [9] A round stroke with close counter
Nose * A junction of two curves
Dot or Bindu Latin [9], Devanagari [6] A Dot feature like in letter ‘j’
Terminal Latin [9] Stroke end of main letter part
The paradigmatic analysis has been done on the chosen typefaces Lohit Bengali
from RedHat Project, SolaimanLipi from OmniLab, Vrinda from Microsoft and
Rupali from Ekushy Bangla. These typefaces are selected on the basis of variation
of application context. Lohit Bengali is used for androids, Vrinda is used in PCs,
Solaimanlipi and Rupali used for digital displays.
Figure 7 is the detailed study of letter ‘A’ and ‘Ka’ where letter ‘Ka’ (upper row)
consists of Bowl and Stem. Only ‘Ka’ of Lohit typeface has Knot feature and rest
of all have Bud due to absence of Shoot from the Headline. The Terminal cuts are
distinct in each typefaces. The Aperture is also varying for each typefaces. Similarly
the letter ‘Ka’ in Fig. 7 (lower row) of three typefaces Lohit, SolaimanLipi and
Vrinda have Bud at the end of Arm. But in case of Rupali typeface, there is no Bud
feature at the end of Arm. Here the Arm visually becomes like a ‘Lobe’.
Anatomy of Bengali Letterforms: A Semiotic Study 245
There are two anatomical parameters, stroke thickness and stress on stroke path
are observed during analysis. These characteristics adopt from calligraphic
style to typographic form. Most of the typefaces developed from manuscripts
are high contrast. The thin to thick stroke significantly varies due to dominance
of calligraphic tools. Here only SolaimanLipi typeface has the stress parameter.
The stroke thickness and stress have significant role in letter legibility and the
discussion is beyond the scope of this paper.
The categorization has been done based on two parameters proposed by Mohanty
(1998)–(1) common character and (2) common structure [5]. The groups of letter are
prepared considering the appearance of common features or combination of features.
5 Conclusion
The study offers a grid system for Bengali and a range of nomenclatures to
identify different features that may help type designer to achieve rhythm and
unity during design of a typeface. The horizontal to vertical ratio of letters can
be achieved in practice by using the grid system [5]. The study proposes seven-
teen distinct features after analyzing only vowels and consonants over the five fea-
tures that identified by Fiona Ross. The features and their position and shape can
accompany to effective design of typeface that can solve the legibility and letter
confusion to recognition issues [15, 18]. The features can also be used in OCR
systems for detection of letters [19].
The study has been done only with vowels and consonants. The analysis of
diacritics and conjuncts may provide more insight of grid system and features.
The two semiotic analysis method have been used here to identify letter features.
Further, the role of syntagmatic and paradigmatic transformation (such as addi-
tion and deletion or substitution and transposition) and the affordance of the letter
shape can be discussed when a feature changes from one shape to another.
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