Core Network Design and Planning: Challenges and Technology Trend
Core Network Design and Planning: Challenges and Technology Trend
Core Network Design and Planning: Challenges and Technology Trend
Abstract: The next generation network architectures are inherently related to packet
transport and Ethernet technology. In this presentation authors will discuss various
technologies and review existing issues in packet aware networks based on optical
© 2008 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: (060.4250) Networks ; (060.4254) Networks, combinatorial network design (060.2330)
1. Introduction
The introduction of the NGN (Next Generation Network) has been accompanied with deployment of open
interfaces, while a horizontal separation of functions for different network layers (stratums)has been performed. The
materialization of the abstractive functions defined by the NGN standards and the optimization of their physical
distribution are being implemented as the part of this process.
Communication networks have always been fundamental basis of human activities. The networks became wide
spread, and everyday life and all economic activities can not be imagined without networking. As the results, the
capacity volume in network is growing constantly. In early days, traffics has been generated and terminated between
computers. From around year 2000, people began to use networks as a part of daily life with chatting together,
downloading music, and viewing videos. This change in contents of the networks gives huge impacts on both traffic
volume and requirements for quality and reliability of the traffic. The computers are tolerant to some traffic
disruptions since retransmission can repair the traffic loss, but any communication between people (voice, video)
does not tolerate any disturbance. Today’s carriers are facing big challenge to provide huge amount of traffic with
managed quality and reliability.
Volume and quality are not the only challenges for carriers. Considering the carrier revenue trend in general,
traffic volume is continuously growing while the carrier’s revenue shows almost constant or even decreased level
for fixed wire line services. Providing the growing traffic volume with managed quality itself is already difficult
challenge. The limited revenue makes it even more difficult. As the means to overcome this difficult situation, IP or
Ethernet technologies are expected to provide efficient networking with a reasonable cost. The way in which the
original Internet was build and introduced in carrier networks was not suitable for more demanding real time
services. The issues are related to scalability, stability, predictability, manageability, and so on. The examples of
these original technologies are STP protocols in Ethernet and simple IP routing in IP networks..
No service dependency!
adaptation at
the edge SONET/SDH SONET/SDH Accommodation
of future services
GbE All-Optical Network GbE with new edge
Future Service Future Service
All-optical core transmission link can provide an “end to end” path monitoring and path / link fault localization
using OTN standards [2][3], while adaptive shell can provide adaptive function for the various type of services.
However, there are some issues related to the interworking with L2 and L3 (layers). Discussion of the GMPLS and
ASON [4] are covering some of the issues, however, the total manageability of the network (OAM) had not been
resolved yet.
Core NW
Metro NW MPLS Core FR
e s FR
ic se
rv rv
se ic
r es
5. Summary
The issues mentioned above will be resolved with following approach, as shown in Fig 5:
As a conclusion, there is still some way to go towards widespread packet aware networks.
[1] Hirosaki, B.; Emura, K.; Hayano, S.; Tsutsumi, H.;Communications Magazine, IEEE Volume 41, Issue 9, Sept. 2003 page(s):65 – 71
[2] ITU-T Rec. G.872, “Architecture of Optical Transport Networks”
[3] ITU-T Rec. G.709, “Network Node Interface for the Optical Transport
[4] ITU-T Rec. G.8080/Y.1304: “Architecture Of The Automatically Switched Optical Network”
[5] IAB(Internet Architecture Board) held workshop, Routing and Addressing Workshop, 2006 Oct 18-19 held at Amsterdam, Netherlands, Workshop report(draft-iab-raws-report-02.txt )
[6] M. Cvijetic, S. Nakamura ” ROADM Expansion and its Cross-Layer Applications, Invited paper, Optics East, Boston , 2006