HRM Unit 03b

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Human Resource Management 2021-04-13

HCMC University of Technology & Education

Faculty of Foreign Languages

Unit 3
Lecturer: Tin T. Dang, PhD
Talent Management

1 Talent management process

2 Basics of job analysis

3 Collecting job analysis information 2 Job analysis

Concept – Info Types – Uses – Process
4 Writing job descriptions & specifications

5 Competencies models

2. Job analysis: Uses 2. Job analysis: Process

recruitment and selection Knowing where to collect info
1 Identify sources of info
to understand the job
EEO compliance 2 Review background Info
Interviewing the employee
JOB 3 Select rep. positions
supporting performance appraisal
4 Actually analyze the job Analyzing position
5 Verify job analysis info
Analyzing position
6 Develop desc & spec

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Human Resource Management 2021-04-13

2. Job analysis: Process 2. Job analysis: Process

1 Identify sources of info Consulting the job’s context by 1 Identify sources of info Selecting a sample of positions
studying the org chart & process chart to focus on
2 Review background Info 2 Review background Info
Division of the job in the
Looking at all the jobs
3 Select rep. positions organization 3 Select rep. positions

4 Actually analyze the job Workflow of the job 4 Actually analyze the job Identifying important jobs

5 Verify job analysis info 5 Verify job analysis info

Existing job descriptions Identifying key areas
6 Develop desc & spec
6 Develop desc & spec

2. Job analysis: Process 2. Job analysis: Process

1 Identify sources of info Working directly with the job to 1 Identify sources of info Checking with the worker performing
be analyzed the job & his immediate supervisor
2 Review background Info Greeting each job holder & 2 Review background Info
explaining the job analysis Confirming the
3 Select rep. positions process 3 Select rep. positions accuracy of info
Spending about 15 mins
4 Actually analyze the job interviewing the employee for 4 Actually analyze the job Confirming the
a summary of the job completeness of info
5 Verify job analysis info Identifying the broad 5 Verify job analysis info
responsibility & specific tasks
Gaining acceptance of
6 Develop desc & spec of the job 6 Develop desc & spec workers & their sup.
9 10

2. Job analysis: Process 2. Job analysis

Job description
1 Identify sources of info
Duties, activities, and
2 Review background Info responsibilities Look at the simplified version of an online sale
3 Select rep. positions Working conditions flowchart in the next slide and improve it, reflecting
4 Actually analyze the job better the complexity of the online sale process.
Job specification
5 Verify job analysis info

6 Develop desc & spec

Personal qualities, traits, OVER
7 mins
skills, & background
11 12

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Human Resource Management 2021-04-13

2. Job analysis 2. Job analysis

Email confirmation
sent to customer
Order details
Location of the
product checked
Use the workflow chart that you have just developed
Order Order
Payment and design a job in that flow. Write the description and
placed cancellation NO
online emailed
processed specification for it. Explain your design.
7 mins
Product delivered Delivery initiated
13 14

2. Job analysis 2. Job analysis: Business reengineering

Discussion Business reengineering
Use your understanding of the insurance service and Redesigning business processes, usually by
design a flowchart of an insurance claim job. How combining steps so that small multifunction teams,
many jobs should be in your flow chart? Explain the often using information technology, do the jobs
efficiency of your chart to your friends. formerly done by a sequence of departments
7 mins
15 16

2. Job analysis: Business reengineering 2. Job analysis: Job redesigning

Business reengineering steps Job assigning workers additional same-level
enlargement activities
Identify a business process to be redesigned

Measure the performance of the existing processes Job moving workers systematically from one
rotation job to another
Identify opportunities to improve these processes

Redesign and implement a new way of doing the work increasing opportunities to experience
enrichment feelings of responsibility, achievement,
Assign ownership of formerly separate tasks to an individual with the support of IT recognition, & motivation
17 18

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Human Resource Management 2021-04-13

2. Job analysis

Work in pair or group of three and identify the pros and
Collecting info
cons job enlargement, job rotation & job enrichment.
Which approach would you use if your employees in a
3 for job analysis
Guidelines – Methods – Uses
retail company are not committed to work?
7 mins

3. Collecting job analysis info 3. Collecting job analysis info

General guidelines interviews diary/log

▪ Include HR manager, the worker, & the supervisor
▪ Ensure the clarity of the questions & the process questionnaires METHOD
▪ Use several job analysis methods.
observation online analysis
21 22

3. Collecting job analysis info 3. Collecting job analysis info

Interviews Typical questions

▪ Ranging from unstructured to structured format ▪ What is the job being performed?
▪ Including individual interviews, group interviews, ▪ What are the major duties of your position?
and/or (knowledgeable) supervisor interviews ▪ What physical locations do you work in?
▪ Explaining clearly the purpose of the interviews. ▪ What are the education, experience, skill
23 24

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3. Collecting job analysis info 3. Collecting job analysis info

PROS INTERVIEWS CONS Interview guidelines
▪ Simple & quick ▪ Being seen as a pay-related
practice ▪ Establish rapport with the interviewee
▪ Identifying important activities
that occur occasionally ▪ Use a structured guide that lists questions
▪ Exaggerating some
▪ Discovering informal contacts responsibilities while ▪ Make sure you don’t overlook crucial but
not on the org. chart minimizing others infrequently performed activities
▪ Identifying frustrations that ▪ Review the info with the worker’s supervisor and
▪ Distorting information
might otherwise go unnoticed the worker
25 26

3. Collecting job analysis info 3. Collecting job analysis info

▪ Getting workers fill out questionnaires to describe
Design a set of 7 questions for a structured interview
their job duties and responsibilities
to conduct a job analysis of a customer support
▪ A structured questionnaire may include an inventory
position in an electronic devices retailer such as of hundreds of specific duties or tasks
thegioididong. ▪ An unstructured questionnaire may include only a
9 mins simple question, asking the workers to describe the
major duties of their jobs. 28

3. Collecting job analysis info 3. Collecting job analysis info

29 30

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Human Resource Management 2021-04-13

3. Collecting job analysis info 3. Collecting job analysis info

A better approach for job analysis is a combination of
both interview and questionnaire methods. What
method should be conducted prior to the other? Give
specific scenarios to justify your responses.
5 mins
31 32

3. Collecting job analysis info 3. Collecting job analysis info

▪ Useful if jobs consist of observable physical activities
If you have a choice of taking two methods among the
▪ Not appropriate when the job entails a lot of mental
activities or the important activities three for a job analysis, what would you choose? Give
▪ Not useful if the important activities are not engaged by specific scenarios to justify your responses.
the observed worker
▪ Unable to understand the realities if observed behaviors
are deliberately changed. OVER
9 mins
33 34

3. Collecting job analysis info 3. Collecting job analysis info

Participant Diary/Logs Quantitative analysis

▪ Daily listings made by workers of every activity ▪ Useful for comparing duties and responsibilities
in which they engage along with the time each among jobs
activity takes ▪ Ratings in the analysis are useful for pay
▪ Use of pocket dictating machines and pagers. decisions.

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Human Resource Management 2021-04-13

3. Collecting job analysis info 3. Collecting job analysis info

Having decision-making/social respon.
Analysis Synthesizing, Analyzing,
Position Performing skilled activities Questionnaire
Data & Copying
Analysis Quantitative
Questionnaire Tools
Quantitative Being physically active US Department
Mentoring, Supervising,
Tools of Labor People & Persuading
US Department Procedure
of Labor Operating vehicles / equipment
Procedure Manipulating, Driving, &
Things Handling
Processing information
37 38

3. Collecting job analysis info 3. Collecting job analysis info

Data People Things
0 Synthesizing 0 Mentoring 0 Setting up Online analysis
1 Coordinating 1 Negotiating 1 Precision working ▪ Distributing standardized job analysis questionnaires
2 Analyzing 2 Instructing 2 Operating/controlling online
3 Compiling 3 Supervising 3 Driving/operating ▪ Setting up very clear instructions and testing the
4 Computing 4 Diverting 4 Manipulating
▪ Using very structured questionnaires.
5 Copying 5 Persuading 5 Tending
6 Comparing 6 Speaking/signaling 6 Feeding/offbearing 39 40

4. Writing job descriptions

Job identification
Writing job descriptions Job summary

4 & specifications JOB

Responsibilities and duties
Authority of incumbent
Standards of performance
Working conditions
Job specification 42

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Human Resource Management 2021-04-13

4. Writing job descriptions 4. Writing job descriptions

Job identification Job summary

▪ Job title ◼ Date ▪ Summarizing the essence of the job
▪ Authorized approval ▪ Including only its major functions or activities
▪ Location: Facility/division & department ▪ Stating the expected quality of the duties such as
efficiently, attentively, and conscientiously
▪ Salary and/or pay scale
43 44

4. Writing job descriptions 4. Writing job descriptions

Discussion Relationships

Go to vietnamworks and CareerBuilder websites, and ▪ Optional

look for two job summaries of the marketing director ▪ Showing the jobholder’s relationships with others
position. What kind of information is included in each inside and outside the organization
summary? To what extent do they differ?
9 mins
45 46

4. Writing job descriptions 4. Writing job descriptions

Responsibilities & Duties Standards of performance

▪ Listing each of the job’s major duties separately ▪ Listing the standards the company expects the
employee to achieve for each of the job
▪ Describing each duty in a few sentences
description’s main duties and responsibilities
▪ List the job’s working conditions, such as noise
level or hazardous conditions
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Human Resource Management 2021-04-13

4. Writing job descriptions 4. Writing job descriptions

previous service
relevant training
previous job performance Go online and find a job ad for an intern in a sales
Job department and another ad for a sales team leader or
Specifications physical traits
supervisor. What are the differences in the job
Untrained specification requirement?
Personnel interests
9 mins
sensory skills 49 50

4. Writing job descriptions

Job-Requirements Matrix

main job
importance time spent
skills, ability 5 Competencies models

what how why how long

5. Competencies models 5. Competencies models

Competencies Duties
Rationales recruiting
research design
▪ Including knowledge, skills, and experience knowledge
▪ Replacing the duty-based job des. especially when HR Manager critical thinking
the starting and ending point of a job is blur training
Job skills
▪ Improving the organization by developing evaluating
competencies. reasoning abilities
paying 54

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Human Resource Management 2021-04-13

5. Competencies models
Name and a brief Project Management: Creating
description of the accurate and effective project
competency schedules

Description of
the observable
Continuously manage project risks
and dependencies by making timely
Statement behaviors decisions More discussions are on the LMS!
Tin T. Dang, PhD
Proficiency levels Identify, Develop, Anticipate

Developed by Tin T. Dang, PhD Page 10

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