13122019itc MS21
13122019itc MS21
13122019itc MS21
ITE&C Department - Guidelines to departments for developing G2C, G2G and G2B services by
APOnline - Orders - Issued.
O R D E R:-
APOnline Ltd., was set up as a Joint Venture between AP Technology Services and TATA
Consultancy Services Limited, to improve the efficiency and productivity of operations of all
departments in addition to being citizen centric to cater to the growing IT needs of all departments
2. In the G.Os read above, detailed guidelines were issued and their validity extended from time
to time for development of applications, services and websites and their hosting. In the GO.Ms.
10th read above, Government issued amendment order such that, APOnline Ltd.,
(http://www.aponline.gov.in) operates to provide an electronic Service Delivery to citizens offered
by the Government, as per Electronic Service Delivery Rules 2011 of Andhra Pradesh Information
3. In the GO 18th read above, for the improvement on Guidelines to departments for developing
G2C, G2G and G2B services, Maintenance, implementation & Transcription/ Subscription based
charges on APOnline, Government has issued orders on certain guidelines to fulfil the parameters
as given below
ii. Handing over of Source Code:- The source code of the project needs to be handed
over to the department owning the project with proper comments and details. The
source code should be marked and delivered for various stages of project during
development as well as support. The source code should also be delivered
periodically to the requesting department during support phase also with proper
comments, date in standard formats.
iii. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) :- It is to be noted that the IPR of any software
development, support and customization done for various projects for any department
for Government of Andhra Pradesh shall be exclusively with the Government of AP
iv. Effort Estimation: -The effort estimations for software development, support and
customization being followed for any project should follow standard estimation
procedures. The estimation procedure should be able to differentiate between new
development, support (or maintenance) and customization of existing module or
project. The estimation process should be from best of models defined in the industry
and currently prevailing using the standard approaches like Empirical, Heuristic and
Analytical methods. Suggested estimation models are PUTNAM, Delphi technique,
COCOMO2, Function Point analysis, Bottom-up/Top-down approach. It can also be
a combination of above models as required and based on project needs. This should
be supported by detailed Work Breakdown Structure etc...
vi. All APOnline Projects to be vetted by Committee: - Those projects the MOU
being signed by APOnline with other departments should be intimated to the office
of ESD / APTS. The projects being executed shall be vetted by the APTS, Officer
concerned or any committee nominated by the Principal Secretary/ Secretary ITE&C.
vii. The above parameters such as Proper Documentation of the project, Submission of
source code, IPR with the department concerned, proper effort estimation to arrive at
project cost, separate costing for customization with reusability need to be rigorously
followed by the APOnline and reports to be submitted regularly or as and when
viii. In addition to the above parameters, APOnline may also enters into MOU with
various departments that have separate requirements and need vendor support to
execute such projects. Such projects / services being developed for departments and
offered to citizen are served through APOnline Centres exclusively, but need to be
integrated with MeeSeva/Central portal also so as to serve the citizens across the state
without any access limitations or monopoly.
4. The committee also observed that the share holding of Government of AP as on date is unclear
after AP Reorganisation act is implemented. The reconstitution of the JV is still under examination
by the government. After deliberations the committee has made the below observations and
recommendations: -
b) Fixation of prices:
i. On-site: Team working on the particular project will be deployed at the client
or department side using the infrastructure provided by the client or department. The
department continuously coordinates with the team and the project is developed and
maintained. The cost in these cases shall be 10% less when compared to the Off-site
ii. Off-site: Team working on the project will be working from APOnline office
with remote interaction with the department. The GO rates are for the off-site team
c) All government departments utilising the services of APOnline are to follow the guidelines
issued in this GO and ensure such project IPR is owned by the respective department.
ITE&C department may periodically review the enforcement of these guidelines by the
5. Government after careful examination, with a view to enable Government departments to utilize
the services of APONLINE LIMITED, in a speedy and convenient manner, hereby approves the
above recommendations of the committee as mentioned at para 4 above, duly fulfilling the
parameters mentioned at para 3 above and prescribing the manpower charges as below: -
6. The cut-off date for all the existing contracts/work orders as per the old GOs shall end on
30.09.2019. The new rates mentioned in this GO shall come into effect for all ongoing and new
projects from 01.10.2019 onwards and shall be valid upto 30-6-2020.
All Departments in the Secretariat
All Heads of Departments
All District Collectors
M/s APONLINE Limited, K Business Spaces, 2nd Floor, Mahanadu Road, Vijayawada 520007
Copy to:
The PS to Chief Secretary