O.J Suarez, J.J Olaya, M.F Suarez, S.E. Rodil
O.J Suarez, J.J Olaya, M.F Suarez, S.E. Rodil
O.J Suarez, J.J Olaya, M.F Suarez, S.E. Rodil
, 57, Nº 1 (2012)
In this work, the resistance to corrosion of chromium films obtained from trivalent chromium solutions of different compositions and the influence of solution
compounds on the coatings electrochemical behavior and the microstructure were studied. The chromium coatings were obtained from trivalent solutions in a
chloride-based bath with different complexing agents adding also sodium hypophosphite and aluminum chloride. UV-vis spectroscopy was carried out on all
solutions before and after plating to observe changes in the chromium complexes chemical state due to the plating process. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
and Energy Dispersive X-ray (EDX) were performed to examine the coatings surface morphology and composition; respectively. The coulometric method was
used for measuring coating thickness. Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was done using 3% NaCl as electrolyte and using a three-electrode cell with
a standard calomel electrode (SCE) as reference. Bright chromium films were obtained from all baths however, differences were observed concerning morphology,
thickness and corrosion resistance depending on the composition of the forming solution.
INTRODUCCION corrosion resistance to a set of factors such as: complexing, addition agents
and time exposition to a corrosive environment. The Minitab software
Chromium deposits obtained by electrolysis are of great importance in the was used for designing and analyzing the experiments; Variance analysis
field of decorative and industrial coatings; however, conventional hexavalent (ANOVA) was used for analyzing the experimental results. The experimental
chromium solutions raised serious drawbacks from an environmental and order was randomized to ensure against the effect of time-related variables
occupational health point of view [1]. Alternatively trivalent chromium and also to satisfy statistical requirements independence of the observations.
chemistry-based processes have been developed to reduce the problems Each experiment was carried out with two replicates, until experiments were
associated with hexavalent chromium. Such processes have not been fully completed according to the design layout.
implemented in an industrial environment because of their higher maintenance
costs and incomplete technological knowledge [2-3]. 2.2 Electroplating
Chromium metal cannot be directly obtained from a solution of Cr+3 All chemicals used were Sigma Aldrich reagent grade. Solutions were
sulfates or chlorides since they form stable and inert complexes with OH-, SO4- formulated with chromium chloride (CrCl3·6H2O) as chromium source in the
and Cl- ions and oxides during deposition which interfer with the cathodic quantities presented in Table 1; sodium formate (HCOONa) and sodium acetate
reaction. Chromium should then form a complex with a compound (ligand) that (CH3COONa·3H2O) were used as complexants in 1:1 molar concentration
can easily slide the Cr+3 ions and thus lead to its reduction to Cr0 [4-7]. The main regarding Cr in solution, 50g/L boric acid (H3BO3) was used as buffer and
complexing agents are: sodium hypophosphite and glycine, as well as other sodium hypophosphite (H2NaPO2·H2O) and aluminum chloride (AlCl3·6H2O)
chelating agents such carboxylic acids or salts, urea, thiourea, thiocyanates, as complexation and buffer assistant, respectively. Solutions were heated
dimethylformamide, hydracine or hydroxyl-aminophosphates [2-10]. to 60°C for three hours during complexation reaction as in [2], and pH was
Song and Chin [6] have used chromium chloride solutions, with sodium adjusted to 3.5 units with sodium hydroxide.
and ammonium formate and acetate as complexants, thereby obtaining
chromium coatings and it has been shown experimentally that complexing The coatings were deposited on a 2 x 2 cm2 mild steel (AISI 1008) flat
agents are actively involved in the Cr+3 reduction reactions. Surviliene et al [9] sample. Preparation for all specimens was as follow: Firstly, the surface was
and Boasong et al [10] have found that some elements present as compounds in mechanically polished using different grade emery paper up 600 (to simulate
the solutions such as oxygen, carbon and phosphorus are incorporated into the industrial conditions) and then manual and anodically degreased in sodium
coatings and thus modify their structure. hydroxide (5% w/v), after having been activated in sulfuric acid (5% w/v) for
Baral [8], Baosong [10] and Survilliene [9,11] have studied the effect 2 minutes and finally plated in a Watts nickel-plating bath to obtain 6 microns
of the operating conditions such as the pH, temperature, current density and Ni thickness. Nickel layer is used in industry as previous film before chromium
adding agents on the cathodic efficiency, morphology and structure of deposits, in decorative chromium coating because it provides a high bright surface [13].
obtaining a response variable dependence in all cases. Deionized water was used for rinsing the samples between all steps. Watts
Other authors have reported the effect of reaction conditions during nickel-plating bath was used with a saccharine and thiourea brightener system;
Cr+3 complexation in previous works [2-3], as well as the effect of sodium complete Ni bath compositions are listed in Table 2. Ni plating conditions were
formate and acetate present in the solution on the chromium film morphology 4.5 pH, 55°C temperature, 3 A/dm2 cathode current density and electrolytic
and corrosion resistance. In this work sodium hypophosphite and aluminum INCO nickel was used as anode. Ni and Cr were plated in separate cells but
chloride were added to the basic formate and formate plus acetate baths to using the same design, the scheme used during plating is showed in Fig 1,
study the electrochemical behavior of the chromium films. Electrochemical the area ratio and distance between cathode and anode was 1:2 and 1.5cm
impedance spectroscopy (EIS) was used to study the electrochemical behavior respectively, this for providing better primary current distribution [14].
of the chromium coatings. The coating morphology and composition were
studied by Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Energy dispersive X-ray The samples were coated with Cr immediately after nickel plating.
(EDX) and films thickness was measured by the coulometric method [12] Chromium plating was done at 8 A/dm2 constant cathode current during 2
which also allow us to calculate the cathode efficiency. minutes and using graphite as the anode. UV-vis measurements were made
before and after Cr plating to dilute solutions (1:20 in water) in a UNICAM
EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS UV300 between 300 and 800nm to observe changes in the Cr complexes due
to the electrolytic process.
2.1 Experimental design
The underlying goal of this study was to correlate chromium coating
Table 2. Watts bath composition for nickel plating. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Compound Concentration /(g L-1)
NiSO4 ·6H2O 250 1.1 UV-visible spectra
NiCl2 ·7H2O 60 The UV-vis spectra was used for determining the role of the compounds
in the Cr bath solution. Figure 2(a) shows the UV-vis spectra for the Cr baths
H2BO3 40
before plating. Two peaks can be seen, corresponding to trivalent chromium
C12H25NaO4S 1 complexes; these appeared between 416-428 nm and 578-582 nm. Such peaks
(NH2)2CS 0.25 were close to those reported in [8, 15-16] for trivalent Cr complexes with
C7H4NNaO3S·2H2O 1 organic ligands; small shifts between peaks were observed between all solution
formulations due to the different complexes formed. Figure 2(b) shows the
Figure 1. Nickel and chromium plating scheme. UV-vis spectra for the Cr baths after plating, where two peaks corresponding
to trivalent chromium appeared in similar wavelengths as before plating.
However, a change in the region near 366-368 nm is clearly observed. This
could have been caused by Cr(III) to Cr(VI) oxidation which has a strong
absorbance (close to 362nm) [17]. Such oxidation can occur in the graphite
anode as a parallel reaction. When hypophosphite is present it acts as Cr (VI)
reducer, meaning that the shift is less evident for plating solutions containing
hypophosphite than for solutions without a reducer agent.
2.4 Thickness measurements.
Chromium films thickness was measured by the coulometric method using
the same three-electrode cell used for corrosion measurements; but for this
case the solution was 100 g/L sodium sulfate and the anode current density was
0.1 A/dm2 as in [12]. Dissolved mass was calculated assuming only oxidation
reaction on the electrode as in Equation 1. On the other hand, the cathode
efficiency during plating was calculated as the stripped/deposition charge ratio.
Cr → Cr+6 + 6e- Ec 1.
J. Chil. Chem. Soc., 57, Nº 1 (2012)
1.2 Composition and surface morphology. The figure 5, shows SEM images in the zone where chromium was stripped
EDX analysis was performed on the Cr films obtained from the different by coulometric method, it can be observed composition differences between
solutions shown in table 1, nickel coating was also analyzed as control, and upper chromium and nickel film and also there can be seen as chromium was
results are shown in the table 3. The elements presents were: iron from the covering completely and uniformely the nickel surface.
substrate and nickel and sulfur from the previous Ni layer (sulfur appeared
due to the incorporation in the coating from the brighteners used in the
solution). Chromium and oxygen were also detected and correspond to the
Cr film composition, it can be seen because in nickel coating no oxygen was
found, thus ruling out the possibility that the latter corresponds to a native
oxide film. The quantity of Cr detected by EDX correlated with the film
thickness, the variation observed between Cr deposited from each solution
mean that any chemical system would modify the Cr reduction process and
thus cathode efficiency during plating. The greatest amount of chromium was
detected when only formate was used as the complexing agent; the addition of
acetate, hypophosphite and aluminum to the formulation leads to a reduction
in chromium content. It can be seen that oxygen was incorporated into all
samples, perhaps in the form of an oxide or hydroxide due to the pH increase Figure 5. SEM images of chromium in striped zone after coulometric
in the cathode during the electrode reaction. Phosphorus was also incorporated measurement at 15 KX and inclination of 45°: a) formate complex (Cl-For);
to the coatings when hypophosphite was added to the solution, as found by b) formate plus acetate complex (Cl-For+Ac). Insert EDX spectra for different
XPS analysis in [9-11]. On the other hand, aluminum was not detected by EDX zones obtained in Cl-For solution.
measurements in coatings obtained from solutions containing AlCl3.
3.3 Thickness and cathode efficiency
Table 3. EDX analysis of chromium films obtained from different solution The thicknesses of the chromium coatings measured by the coulometric
compositions. method are shown in Table 4. A good correlation between the amount of Cr
Element (w%) detected by EDX and the electrochemical measurement was observed. The
Treatment data showed that the thickness was very low for films obtained from the
Cr O P Ni S Fe
0 Nickel (control) -- -- -- 96.6 0.85 2.5 solutions containing hypophosphite or aluminum chloride, as seen in EDX
measurements. It can also be seen that increased thickness was obtained only
1 Cl/For 22.88 10.95 -- 64.05 0.58 1.55 when sodium formate was used as the complexant and, in for this case, the
2 Cl/For+Ac 10.5 7.24 -- 79.13 0.66 2.47 efficiency values calculated were close to those obtained for trivalent [6,8,10]
3 Cl/For+P 8.27 7.92 0.7 78.9 0.93 3.28 and hexavalent chromium [13,18]. The low efficiencies in this process can be
explained for the parallel reactions as hydrogen reduction or other solution
4 Cl/For+Ac+P 4.04 3.98 0.65 86.63 1.16 3.54
compounds reduction. The figure 5, shows SEM images in the zone where
5 Cl/For+Al 2.35 2.64 -- 92.08 0.46 2.47 chromium was stripped by coulometric method, there can be seen to chromium
6 Cl/For+Ac +Al 2.47 3.28 -- 90.86 0.32 3.06 coating was completely removed during anodic process and also a little attack
in nickel was done.
The morphology of the chromium coatings with different complexing
agents are shown in Figure 3. It can be observed that the chromium films Table 4. Coulometric results indicating the chromium film thickness.
completely covered the substrate but for the coatings using only formate as
complexant showed a porous surface. The presence of acetate produced a Treatment Thickness (m) Cathode efficiency (%)
smooth surface; meaning that acetate probably acted as a brightener in this 1 Cl-For 0.199 ± 0.10 8.28
solution system. The surfaces of Cr coatings obtained in the presence of
2 Cl-For/Ac 0.122 ± 0.10 5.11
sodium hypophosphite and aluminum chloride are shown in Figure 4; both
resulted in a more uniform and smooth surface. No large grains were observed 3 Cl/For+P 0.048 ± 0.02 2.02
in all experiments probably due to the small thickness of the coatings. 4 Cl/For+Ac+P 0.025 ± 0.01 1.06
5 Cl/For+Al 0.032 ± 0.01 1.35
6 Cl/For+Ac+Al 0.030 ± 0.01 1.28
J. Chil. Chem. Soc., 57, Nº 1 (2012)
J. Chil. Chem. Soc., 57, Nº 1 (2012)
Fig 8. a) Equivalent circuit used to fit corrosion resistance parameters in EIS tests. b) physical equivalent.
J. Chil. Chem. Soc., 57, Nº 1 (2012)