Lecture 1 Introduction To Nonlinear Control Systems

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Control Engineering II

Thanh T. Tran, Ph.D.,

Global Production Engoneering and Management
Faculty of Engineering
Vietnemse-German University

Contact Information

• Name of the course: Control Engineering II (Lecture + Labs)

• Duration: September 23, 2020 – December 2, 2021

• Date: Every Thursday Afternoon (1.00 – 4.15 PM)

• Locations: ONLINE : https://vgu.webex.com/join/thanh.tt

• Instructor: Dr. Tran Trung Thanh

• Email: thanh.tt@vgu.edu.vn (preferred)

• Phone: +84.9.8527.1460 (some urgent situation)

• Office Hours: 2 – 4 pm, Wednesday @BD B9 A302

Student research & Thesis Support
Supervisor for your graduation thesis:
• Roll-to-roll (R2R) system design (Control)

• Aircraft flight control design (F-16, L-59)

• Industrial Automation Systems

• Smart farming with IoT (Machine Learning)

• Design and Control for an Industrial Robot

Student research & Thesis Support
Graduate Thesis

9/21/2021 Thanh Tran, GPEM 4

Control Engineering II

Introduction to the course: Studying Materials


Introduction to the course: Studying Materials
1. Jean-Jacques E. Slotine Weiping Li (1991). Applied Nonlinear Control. International
edition, Prentice Hall.
2. Leonid Reznik (1997). Fuzzy controllers. Newnes.

1. Dorf, R. C.; Bishop, R. H. (2008): Modern Control Systems. 11th Ed. Pearson
2. Fuzzy Control Systems Design and Analysis: A linear matrix inequality approach,
John Wiley & Sons, Inc, Kazuo Tanaka and Hua O. Wang
Some materials will be distributed at class or send via emails
Introduction to the course: Objectives

• Understand current developments, trends, and basic knowledge of control technology

• Understand basis, principles and methods for control design of nonlinear dynamic
systems. Know-how to apply feedback linearization and backstepping methods for
physical systems.
• Know-how to model, analyze, design and validate the stability and performance of a
nonlinear dynamic systems.
• Understand the basis, principles and methods for analysis and design of fuzzy
control, then implement conventional Advanced Analysis and Design methods and
state-space analysis method

Introduction to the course: Course Outline

Introduction to the course: Grading Policy and Lecture Style

• Assignments and exercises

Exercises incorporated in the lectures and Three assignments (Optional)
• Exams
Written exam of 90 or 120 minutes
• Evaluation and grading policy
Based on the written exam, assignments (Bonus), attendance (Bonus)
• Laboratories
The course includes 4 lab exercises on Control I (linear control system)
• Teaching methods & learning activities
- Lectures and exercises (PowerPoint and whiteboard + Marker)
Note: - Not all contents of the lecture are contained in PowerPoint files
- Many examples, concepts, explanations are presented via whiteboard
- Lab exercises (experiments with specific topics), Assignments

Lecture 1
Introduction to nonlinear control systems


1. Linear Control Review

2. Why is Nonlinear Control?

3. Some Concepts

4. Properties of Nonlinear Systems

5. Advanced Analysis and Design Methods

6. Research Trends

Linear Control Review
• Linear Control System
 Superposition Principle
 Open-loop vs. Close-loop
• Modeling of Control System (LTI)
 Transfer Function
 State Space
• Transient and Steady-state Response Analysis
 Routh’s Stability Criterion
• Control System Analysis and Design
 Root-Locus method
 Frequency-Response Method
• PID control
• Control System Analysis and Design in State Space
 Controllability, Observability
 Eigenvalues, Eigenvector
 Pole-placement method

1. Linear Control Review

2. Why is Nonlinear Control?
3. Some Concepts
4. Properties of Nonlinear Systems
5. Advanced Analysis and Design Methods
6. Research Trends

Why Nonlinear Control ?

1. Real-world systems are nonlinear and/or time-varying.

2. Linearization only valid for a small operational range.

3. Some models cannot be linearized (discontinuous nonlinearities).

4. Robust designs can sometimes be obtained by introducing nonlinearity.

5.Nonlinear feedback can sometimes give simpler controllers.

Why Nonlinear Control ?
• Nonlinear control is a mature subject with a variety of powerful methods and a
long history of successful industrial applications.

• Why so many researchers have recently showed an active interest in the

development and applications of nonlinear control methodologies ?
 Improvement of existing control systems
 Analysis of hard nonlinearities
 Dealing with model uncertainties
 Design simplicity

Why Nonlinear Control ?
Improvement of existing control systems
• Linear control methods rely on the key assumption of small range operation for the
linear model to be valid. When the required operation range is large, a linear
controller is likely to perform very poorly or to be unstable
• Nonlinear controllers may handle the nonlinearities in large range operation
• Ex: pendulum

Why Nonlinear Control ?

Analysis of hard nonlinearities

One of the assumptions of linear control is that the system model is indeed
linearizable. However, in control systems, there are many nonlinearities whose
discontinuous nature does not allow linear approximation.
Ex: Coulomb friction, gears (backlash) …

𝐹𝐹𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓𝑓 = −𝜇𝜇. 𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠𝑠(𝑥𝑥)

Why Nonlinear Control ?
Dealing with model uncertainties
• In designing linear controllers, it is usually necessary to assume that the
parameters of the system model are reasonably well known. However in many
control problems involve uncertainties in the model parameters.
• Nonlinearities can be intentionally introduced into the control part of a control
system so that model uncertainties can be tolerated.
• Two classes of nonlinear controllers for this purpose are robust controllers and
adaptive controllers.
• Ex: parameter variations

Why Nonlinear Control ?
Dealing with model uncertainties
Ex: parameter variations

One of your research

topics for publication

F-16 fighter
F-16 Fighting Falcon
Why Nonlinear Control ?
Design simplicity
Good nonlinear control designs may be simpler and more intuitive than their linear
Ex: 𝑥𝑥=
̇ Ax + Bu
𝑥𝑥̇ = f(x) + g(x)u


1. Linear Control Review

2. Why is Nonlinear Control?
3. Some Concepts
4. Properties of Nonlinear Systems
5. Advanced Analysis and Design Methods
6. Research Trends

Some Concepts

• Nonlinear control theory is the area of control theory which deals with systems
that are nonlinear, time-variant, or both
• Nonlinear systems: a nonlinear system is a system in which the change of the
output is not proportional to the change of the input.
• Nonlinear dynamic systems are usually described by Nonlinear Ordinary
Deferential Equations (ODEs)
• Nonlinear control systems
• Nonlinear (dynamical) equations are difficult to solve, nonlinear systems are
commonly approximated by linear equations (linearization)

Some Concepts

Some Concepts

Some Concepts

Some Concepts
A general form of nonlinear control/Dynamic systems

• x is the state of the system,
• u is the control input,
• w is a disturbance,
• f is a nonlinear function

Some Concepts
Example : Write a state equations, output equations, disturbances,


Case 2: Forced System

Case 1: Unforced
(Autonomous) System

Whiteboard and marker


1. Linear Control Review

2. Why is Nonlinear Control?
3. Some Concepts
4. Properties of Nonlinear Systems
5. Advanced Analysis and Design Methods
6. Research Trends

Properties of Nonlinear Systems
• Do not follow the principle of superposition (linearity and homogeneity).
--- > the change of the output is not proportional to the change of the input
• Finite escape time
---- > time response goes to infinity in a finite time
• Multiple isolated equilibrium points (Ex. Pendulum)
• Limit cycles
• Subharmonic, harmonic, or almost-periodic oscillations
• Chaos
• Multiple modes of behavior


1. Linear Control Review

2. Why is Nonlinear Control?
3. Some Concepts
4. Properties of Nonlinear Systems
5. Advanced Analysis and Design Methods
6. Research Trends

Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems

Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems
Several well-developed techniques for analyzing nonlinear systems:
 Describing function method
 Phase plane method
 Lyapunov stability analysis
 Singular perturbation method
 Popov criterion
 Center manifold theorem
 Small-gain theorem
 Passivity analysis

Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems

Control design techniques for nonlinear systems

 Linear design techniques for each region (Gain Scheduling)

 Feedback linearization

 Lyapunov redesign (Control-Lyapunov function; recursive design,


 Sliding mode control

 Neural networks, …

Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems
Control design techniques for nonlinear systems
 Linear design techniques for each region (Gain Scheduling)

Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems
Feedback linearization
• Algebraically transform the dynamics of the nonlinear system into a linear one and
• Apply linear control techniques to stabilize the transformed system

Nonlinear Dynamic System

Common Methods: Pole-Placement, LQR,…

Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems
Lyapunov redesign (Control-Lyapunov function; Backstepping)

Developed circa 1990 by Petar V. Kokotovic for

designing stabilizing control 38
Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems
Sliding mode control (SMC)
• Sliding mode control (SMC) is a well-known and powerful tool for robust control of
nonlinear systems.
• Put briefly, SMC entails the construction of a surface on which, by dentition, the error
asymptotically approaches zero (in a 'sliding mode'), paired the formulation of
dynamics that guarantee approach to this surface
• A two part controller design
 Phase 1. Design of a sliding surface (S(e) -- > 0 then e(t) --- > 0)
 Phase 2. Selection of a control law

Analysis and Design of Nonlinear Control Systems



1. Linear Control Review

2. Why is Nonlinear Control?
3. Some Concepts
4. Properties of Nonlinear Systems
5. Advanced Analysis and Design Methods
6. Research Trends

Research Trends in Control
1. Substantially increase research aimed at the integration of control, computer
science, communications, and networking.
2. Substantially increase research in control at higher levels of decision making,
moving toward enterprise level systems.
3. Explore high-risk, long-range applications of control to areas such as
nanotechnology, quantum mechanics, electromagnetics, biology, and
environmental science.
4. Maintain support for theory and interaction with mathematics, broadly


1. Jean-Jacques E. Slotine Weiping Li (1991). Applied Nonlinear Control. International edition, Prentice Hall.
2. Katsuhiko Ogata (2010). Discrete-Time Control Systems. 2nd Edition, Phi-Learning Private, New Delhi.
3. Leonid Reznik (1997). Fuzzy controllers. Newnes.
4. Dorf, R. C.; Bishop, R. H. (2008): Modern Control Systems. 11th Ed. Pearson Education.
5. Kazuo Tanaka and Hua O. Wang. Fuzzy Control Systems Design and Analysis: A linear matrix inequality
approach, John Wiley & Sons, Inc,.
6. ZhitaoLiu, DeqingHuang, YifanXing, ChuankeZhang, ZhengguangWu, and XiaofuJi, “New Trends in
Nonlinear Control Systems and Applications” Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2015, Article ID
637632, 2 pages.
7. Richard M. Murray, “Panel on Future Directions in Control, Dynamics, and Systems”, California Institute
of Technology, Future Directions in Control Workshop: 26-27 April 2002.


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