Histamine and Antihistamines: Learning Objectives

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Histamine and Learning objectives

antihistamines After reading this article, you should be able to:
C describe the role of histamine in health and disease
Amr M Mahdy C describe the four classes of histamine receptors
Nigel R Webster C understand the current and future clinical application of

Histamine is one of the most extensively studied biological amines in histamine is involved in the regulation of sleep and wakefulness,
medicine. It stimulates smooth muscle contraction and gastric acid cognition, memory, and energy and endocrine homeostasis. It
secretion, increases vascular permeability, functions as a neurotrans- also modulates the release of several neurotransmitters through
mitter, and plays various roles in immunomodulation, allergy, inflam- presynaptic receptors located on histaminergic and non-
mation, haematopoiesis and cell proliferation. Histamine exerts its histaminergic neurones of the central and peripheral nervous
effects through four receptors, designated H1eH4. H1 and H2 recep- system.
tors are widely distributed, H3 receptors are mainly presynaptic, and Histamine also plays a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of
H4 receptors are mainly haematopoietic. H1 antihistamines are classi- allergic inflammation. In response to an antigen, reaginic anti-
fied as first- and second-generation compounds. First-generation bodies of the immunoglobulin (Ig)E type are generated. These
compounds lack specificity and cross the bloodebrain barrier causing antibodies bind to specific receptors expressed on the surface of
sedation. Second-generation compounds are less sedating and highly mast cells and basophils. The binding triggers a complex chain of
specific. H1 antihistamines have well-documented anti-allergic and intracellular reactions leading to exocytosis and release of his-
anti-inflammatory effects and are well established in the treatment of tamine along with tryptase, leukotrienes and prostaglandins as
a variety of allergic disorders. First-generation antihistamines are well as other mediators. Alternatively, histamine can be directly
also used in the treatment of vestibular disorders and can be used displaced and released from its storage granules upon exposure
as sedatives, sleeping aids and anti-emetics. H2 antihistamines are to certain organic bases, including drugs such as morphine
widely used in the treatment of gastric acid-related disorders; howev- and tubocurarine. Subsequent binding of histamine to central
er, proton pump inhibitors are becoming the drugs of first choice in and peripheral histamine receptors leads to immediate,
some of these disorders. H3 antihistamines are expected to be of po- concentration-dependent smooth muscle contraction in the res-
tential value in the treatment of some cognitive disorder. H4 antihista- piratory and gastrointestinal tracts, vasodilatation and sensory
mines could be of potential therapeutic benefit in the management of nerve stimulation. These actions of histamine manifest clinically
various immune and inflammatory disorders. as erythema, pruritus, nasal congestion, flushing, headache,
Keywords Antihistamines; histamine; histamine receptors hypotension, tachycardia and bronchoconstriction. Moreover, in
addition to its role in the early allergic response, histamine acts
Royal College of Anaesthetists CPD matrix: 1A02 as a stimulatory signal for the production of cytokines and the
expression of cell adhesion molecules and class II antigens,
thereby contributing to the late allergic response.
Histamine is formed by decarboxylation of the amino acid L-
Histamine, 2-(4-imidazole)-ethylamine, was chemically synthe- histidine in a reaction catalysed by the enzyme histidine
sized for the first time by Windaus and Vogt in 1907; however, it decarboxylase (HDC). Mast cells, basophils, enterochromaffin-
was not until 1910 that Henry Dale and Patrick Laidlaw charac- like cells of the gastric mucosa, and histaminergic neurones
terized its biological effects. Since that date histamine has synthesize considerable amounts of histamine and store the
become one of the most extensively studied biological amines in mediator in special storage granules inside the cells. Upon
medicine. appropriate stimulation, these cells can rapidly release relatively
In addition to its well-known three functions (smooth muscle large amounts of histamine and thereby efficiently activate
contraction, increased vascular permeability and stimulation of suitable effector mechanisms. Apart from these histamine-
gastric acid secretion), histamine plays various roles in immu- storing cell types, many other cells including epithelial cells
nomodulation, inflammation, regulation of cell proliferation and and lymphocytes can express HDC and synthesize histamine.
differentiation, haematopoiesis, embryonic development, regen- However, in these cells, histamine is immediately released and
eration and wound healing. Moreover, as a neurotransmitter, is not stored.
In humans, histamine is metabolized by histamine N-methyl-
transferase to N-methylhistamine, which can be further metabo-
lized to N-methyl-imidazole acetic acid by the enzyme
Amr M Mahdy FRCA MD is a Consultant Anaesthetist at Aberdeen monoamine oxidase. Alternatively, histamine can be metabolized
Royal Infirmary and an Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of
by diamine oxidase (DAO) to imidazole acetic acid, which can be
Aberdeen, UK. Conflict of interest: none declared.
further conjugated to form imidazole acetic acid ribose. In the gut
Nigel R Webster FRCP FRCS is a Professor of Anaesthesia and wall, DAO is responsible for metabolizing dietary histamine pre-
Intensive Care at the University of Aberdeen, UK. Conflict of interest: sent in considerable amounts in certain foods, preventing its
none declared.

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE --:- 1 Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article in press as: Mahdy AM, Webster NR, Histamine and antihistamines, Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine (2017), http://

uptake into the circulation. However, the DAO pathway is not The histamine H3 receptor is found mainly in the central
active in the central nervous system. nervous system (basal ganglia, hippocampus and cortical areas),
but can also be found in the peripheral nervous system, airways,
Histamine receptors
the cardiovascular system, and the gastrointestinal tract. Acting
Histamine exerts its diverse biologic effects through four types of through presynaptic H3 receptor, histamine regulates its own
receptors; H1, H2, H3 and H4 receptors (Table 1). Additionally, release as well as the release of other neurotransmitters such as
low-affinity intracellular non-H1, -H2, -H3, or -H4 receptors, have noradrenaline, dopamine, serotonin, acetylcholine, and gamma-
been recently described in cell nuclei and microsomes, although amino-butyric acid. In the lower airways, H3 receptors are
biologic functions at these receptors is still somewhat unclear. located on postganglionic cholinergic nerves and defend against
The H1 receptor is widely distributed throughout the body, excess bronchoconstriction and in the upper airways, histamine
with well-documented expression in the CNS, smooth muscle, may play a role in nasal congestion through its activity at H3
sensory nerves, heart, adrenal medulla, and immune, endothe- receptors.
lial, and epithelial cells. The H1 receptor mediates most of the The H4 receptor has been detected in bone marrow, periph-
postsynaptic effects of histamine within the central nervous eral blood, spleen, thymus, lung, gastrointestinal tract, liver,
system. Moreover, through its activity at H1 receptors, histamine peripheral nerves, and central neurones. Nevertheless, cells that
stimulates smooth muscle contraction in the respiratory and clearly express functional H4 receptors are mainly haemato-
gastrointestinal tract, stimulates sensory nerves leading to pru- poietic and include: mast cells, eosinophils, basophils, dendritic
ritus and sneezing, and increase vascular permeability leading to cells, and T cells. H4 receptor activation induces calcium mobi-
oedema. Simultaneous activation of H1 and H2 receptor can also lization in mast cells and mediates mast cells migration towards
result in hypotension, tachycardia, flushing, and headache. histamine. Moreover the receptor plays a significant role in
The H2 receptor is also widely expressed and can be found in regulating dendritic and T-cell function.
gastric mucosal cells, heart, CNS, immune cells, and smooth In general terms, the four histamine receptors can be
muscles of the airway, vasculature, and uterus. H2 receptor described as heptahelical G-protein coupled receptors. They
activation stimulates hydrochloric acid secretion from the acid- transduce extracellular signals through various G proteins, which
secreting parietal cells of the gastric mucosa, leads to smooth function as mediators between the cell surface receptors and the
muscle relaxation in the vasculature and airways, increases intracellular second messenger systems.
cardiac rate and contractility, and mediates some of the immu- Histamine receptors exist in an equilibrium between two
nomodulatory effects of histamine. conformational states (Figure 1), active (R*) or inactive (R).

Histamine receptor subtypes along with their selective agonists, inverse agonists/antagonists, G-protein coupling and
signal transduction
Receptor H1 H2 H3 H4

G-protein Gq/11 Gs Gi/o Gi/o

Signal C Phospholipase C activation / C Adenylate cyclase activa- C Adenylate cyclase inhibi- C Adenylate cyclase inhibi-
transduction [ IP3 and DAG / tion / tion / tion /
[ Intracellular Ca and protein kinase [ cAMP / Y cAMP Y cAMP
C activation Protein kinase A activation C MAPK pathway activation C MAPK pathway activation
C Phospholipase A2 activation / C Phospholipase A2 activa-
[ Arachidonic acid tion /
C NOS activation [ Arachidonic acid
C Phospholipase D activation C Inhibition of Na/H exchanger

C Y Intracellular Ca
Selective Histaprodifen Amthamine Alpha-Methyl-histamine Clobenopropit (partial
agonists Dimaprit Imetit agonist)
Impromidine Immepip Imetit
Antagonists/ Chlorphenamine Cimetidine Thioperamide JNJ-7777120
inverse Promethazine Ranitidine Pitolisant (ABT-288) VUF-6002
agonists Loratidine Famotidine MK-0249
(examples) Fexofenidine Nizatidine JNJ-17216498

IP3, inositol triphosphate; DAG, diacylglycerol; NOS, nitric oxide synthase; cAMP, cyclic adenosine monophosphate; MAPK, mitogen-activated protein kinase.

Table 1

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE --:- 2 Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article in press as: Mahdy AM, Webster NR, Histamine and antihistamines, Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine (2017), http://

The two-state model of histamine receptors

a b Agonist
Resting state

R R* R R*

c d Agonist
Inverse agonist
True antagonist

R R* R R*

(a) In the resting state, a balance exists between the active receptors R* and the
inactive receptors R; (b) Agonists bind to the active state shifting the equilibrium
towards R*; (c) Inverse agonists bind to the inactive state shifting the equilibrium
towards R; (d) True antagonists bind to both active and inactive receptors
interfering with agonist binding but with no effect on R/R* equilibrium.

Figure 1

Moreover, they all have constitutive activity, which is defined as As mentioned earlier, the vast majority of H1 antihistamines
the ability to trigger downstream events even in the absence of exert their antihistaminic action by acting as inverse agonists at
ligand binding (receptors changing from R to R* in the absence of the H1 receptors; binding to and stabilizing the inactive state of
a ligand). Based on this two-state model, ligands at the histamine the H1 receptor and reducing the intrinsic activity of the receptor
receptors can be classified into agonists (bind to the active state even in the absence of an agonist.
and shift the equilibrium towards R*), true antagonists (bind to Based on their pharmacological structure, H1 antihistamines
both active and inactive state interfering with agonist binding but are traditionally classified into six groups: ethanolamines, ethylene
with no effect on equilibrium or intrinsic receptor activity), and diamines, alkylamines, piperazines, piperidines, and phenothia-
inverse agonists (bind to the inactive state shifting the equilib- zines. This classification is, however, of limited clinical relevance,
rium towards R, and reduce the intrinsic activity of the receptor and currently H1 antihistamines are classified as ‘first generation’,
in the absence of an agonist). also known as ‘sedating antihistamines’, and ‘second generation’,
Most currently known antihistamines have been reclassified which are relatively non-sedating (Table 2). The terms ‘third-
as inverse agonists and the term histamine antagonists is only generation’ and ‘new-generation’ antihistamines are sometimes
reserved for those compounds that function as true antagonists. used to describe some newly produced antihistamines that are
In the following paragraphs the term antihistamines is used to selective isomers or active metabolites of older second-generation
describe drugs with inverse agonist or antagonist activity at a antihistamines. However, there is currently no consensus on such
given histamine receptor. terminology, and for the purpose of this review these newer agents
will still be considered as second-generation antihistamines.
H1 antihistamines First-generation H1 antihistamines such as alimemazine,
chlorphenamine, clemastine, cyproheptadine, hydroxyzine, and
In 1937, the first H1 antihistamine (thymo-ethyl-diethylamine) promethazine are non-selective in binding to the H1 receptor.
was synthesized. However, because of weak activity and high Most of these drugs have weak antimuscarinic anticholinergic
toxicity, this compound was not used in clinical practice. Clini- effects, some have alpha-adrenergic blocking effects (prom-
cally useful H1 antihistamines such as phenbenzamine, pyril- ethazine), and others can inhibit both histamine and 5-
amine, and diphenhydramine were introduced in the 1940s. hydroxytryptamine activity (cyproheptadine). Owing to their
Currently, H1 antihistamines constitute the second most lipophilicity, relatively low molecular weight, and lack of
commonly used class of medications after antibiotics, with more recognition by the P-glycoprotein efflux pump, first-generation
than 40 varieties of H1 antihistamines used in clinical practice H1 antihistamines readily penetrate the non-fenestrated capil-
worldwide. laries of the central nervous system (CNS; bloodebrain barrier)

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE --:- 3 Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article in press as: Mahdy AM, Webster NR, Histamine and antihistamines, Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine (2017), http://

Comparison between first- and second-generation H1 antihistamines

First generation Second generation

Receptor selectivity Inverse agonists at H1 receptors Highly selective for H1 receptors

Weak antimuscarinic
a-Anti-adrenergic (promethazine)
Anti-serotonergic (cyproheptadine)
Central H1 occupation High occupancy 0e30% occupancy
Examples Alimemazine Acrivastine
Chlorphenamine Bilastine
Clemastine Cetirizine
Cyproheptadine Levocetirizine (isomer of cetirizine)
Hydroxyzine Loratadine
Promethazine Desloratadine (metabolite of loratadine)
Cyclizine Mizolastine
Cinnarizine Fexofenadine (metabolite of terfenadine)
Clinical uses Allergic rhinitis Allergic rhinitis
Atopic dermatitis Atopic dermatitis
Acute and chronic urticaria Acute and chronic urticaria
Insect bites and stings Insect bites and stings
Anaphylaxis (intravenous chlorphenamine) Seasonal asthma with allergic rhinitis
URT infection (no evidence) URT infection (no evidence)
Sedative premedication (promethazine)
Vertigo and motion sickness (cinnarizine)
Treatment/prevention of PONV (cyclizine)
Side-effects CNS depression (somnolence, impaired Minimal or no CNS depression
cognitive and psychomotor performance); Minimal or no anticholinergic effects
other CNS effects (seizures, dyskinesia, Polymorphic ventricular tachycardias with
dystonia, hallucinations) torsade de pointes and ventricular fibrillation
Anticholinergic effects (dry mouth, blurred (astemizole and terfenadine; both not in
vision, urine retention) clinical use)
Drugs of abuse
Drugs of suicide and infants’ homicide
Weight gain (cyproheptadine)

CNS, central nervous system; URT, upper respiratory tract; PONV, postoperative nausea and vomiting.

Table 2

and bind to central H1 receptors, interfering with the actions of All H1 antihistamines are of potential value in the management
histamine on these receptors. of seasonal (intermittent) and perennial (persistent) allergic
Second-generation H1 antihistamines such as cetirizine, rhinitis in which they relieve nasal and conjunctival itching,
desloratadine, fexofenadine, levocetirizine, loratadine and miz- sneezing and rhinorrhoea and improve the quality of life. They are
olastine have significantly less affinity for muscarinic cholin- also useful in the treatment of acute and chronic urticaria as they
ergic, alpha-adrenergic and 5-hydroxytryptaminergic receptors provide symptomatic relief of itching and reduce the number, size
and penetrate poorly into the CNS because of their low lipid and duration of individual hives. However, the evidence for using
solubility, relatively high molecular weight and affinity for the P- first-generation drugs in the treatment of these disorders remains
glycoprotein efflux pump. Their propensity to occupy central surprisingly small by current standards and most available evi-
nervous system H1 receptors varies from none for fexofenadine dence is derived from large randomized, controlled trials using
to 30% for cetirizine. second-generation drugs. Moreover, first-generation H1 antihis-
H1 antihistamines, both first and second generation, have tamines have an unsatisfactory benefit-to-risk ratio owing to their
well-documented anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects. sedating effects, and although generally less expensive than
They exert these effects through their inverse agonist activity at second-generation drugs, when costs attributed to their adverse
peripheral H1 receptors and through other non-receptor- effects are considered, the difference may be less than expected.
mediated mechanisms (e.g. inhibition of mast cell and basophil Second-generation H1 antihistamines should, therefore, be the
histamine release and inhibition of inflammatory cell activation). preferred choice in the treatment of these disorders because of their
They are currently well established as first- or second-line lack of sedative, cognitive and psychomotor performance-
treatments for a variety of allergic disorders. impairing and antimuscarinic anticholinergic adverse effects.

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE --:- 4 Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article in press as: Mahdy AM, Webster NR, Histamine and antihistamines, Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine (2017), http://

H1 antihistamines are also used in the management of atopic reports of fixed-drug eruptions, exacerbations of existing urti-
dermatitis both for relief of itching and for their glucocorticoid- caria and hepatitis after cetirizine or loratadine ingestion.
sparing effects; however, the evidence in support of their effi- Two early second-generation H1 antihistamines, astemizole
cacy is considerably weaker than it is in allergic rhinitis and and terfenadine, which are no longer approved, block the rapid
urticaria. They are also administered to treat local allergic re- component of delayed rectifier potassium current (IKr). As a
actions to insect bites and stings. result, these two agents potentially prolong the QT interval and
H1 antihistamines, usually in combination with a deconges- may lead to cardiac arrhythmias, including polymorphic ven-
tant, are widely used to relieve symptoms in upper respiratory tricular tachycardias with torsade de pointes and ventricular
tract infections, otitis media and sinusitis. However, the pub- fibrillation. New second-generation H1 antihistamines such as
lished evidence does not support this practice and it is currently cetirizine, desloratadine, fexofenadine and loratadine have
thought that the beneficial effects sometimes reported with first- 1:1000 of the potency in blocking the IKr current and are free of
generation drugs are due at least in part to their sedating and potential cardiac toxicity in therapeutic and supra-therapeutic
antimuscarinic effects. Similarly, current evidence does not doses. The weight of evidence to date suggests that the poten-
support the use of H1 antihistamines in persistent asthma. tial of second-generation H1 antihistamines to cause ventricular
However, in patients with allergic rhinitis and asthma, the use of arrhythmias is not a class effect.
second-generation H1 antihistamines has been shown to relieve
H2 antihistamines
co-existing mild seasonal asthma symptoms, reduce beta-2
adrenergic agonist requirements and improve pulmonary In the 1960s, it became clear that ‘traditional antihistamines’ do
function. not antagonize the stimulatory effect of histamine on gastric acid
First-generation H1 antihistamines such as chlorphenamine secretion, which lead to the assumption that histamine mediates
and promethazine are used intravenously for the management of its effect through two receptor subtypes designated H1 and H2
anaphylaxis when hypotension is unresponsive to epinephrine. receptors. This hypothesis became generally accepted and the
Since most second-generation H1 antihistamines have low search for H2-specific antihistamines soon began. In 1969, bur-
aqueous solubility, they are not available in formulations for imamide, the first H2 antihistamine was discovered; however it
injection and hence cannot be used in such circumstances. was insufficiently potent for oral administration. Further modi-
Owing to their ability to cross the bloodebrain barrier, first- fication of burimamide led to the development of metiamide,
generation H1 antihistamines such as promethazine are used as which was an effective agent; however, it was not suitable for
non-prescription sleeping aids; promethazine is commonly used clinical practice because of its bone marrow toxicity and neph-
as a sedative premedication in children; and cinnarizine, prom- rotoxicity. Further investigations into the activity and toxicity of
ethazine and cyclizine, are used for the prevention and treatment similar compounds led to the discovery of cimetidine, which was
of symptoms of vertigo and motion sickness. Moreover, cyclizine the first clinically useful H2 antihistamine. This was followed by
has a well-established role in the prevention and management of ranitidine, famotidine and nizatidine.
postoperative nausea and vomiting. The anti-emetic effect of Like H1 antihistamines, H2 antihistamines are inverse ago-
these drugs stems from their antimuscarinic properties and from nists and not true H2 antagonists, as was previously thought.
their ability to block the histaminergic signal from the vestibular They exert their antihistaminic effects by binding to, and stabi-
nucleus to the vomiting centre in the medulla. lizing, the inactive state of the H2 receptor. Moreover, in the
A wide variety of adverse effects has been attributed to first- absence of histamine, these drugs can inhibit the constitutive
generation H1 antihistamines. They readily penetrate the blood activity of H2 receptors.
ebrain barrier and hence have the potential to cause CNS H2 antihistamines inhibit the chronotropic, inotropic and
depression, which usually manifests as somnolence and delayed vasodilatory effects of histamine, and, of particular
impaired cognitive and psychomotor performance. Their use can therapeutic importance, suppress basal and stimulated acid
also lead to a variety of other adverse CNS effects, including secretion by parietal cells. They accomplish the latter effect
seizures, dyskinesia, dystonia and hallucinations. First- through their inverse agonist activity at the H2 receptors of the
generation H1 antihistamines have also been associated with parietal cells, thus opposing the effects of histamine released by
fatalities in accidental or intentional overdose, and are potential the enterochromaffin-like cells of the stomach. Moreover, these
agents of suicide and of infants’ homicide. Moreover, some first- compounds attenuate the stimulatory effects of gastrin and
generation H1 antihistamines are drugs of abuse leading to acetylcholine on gastric acid production.
euphoria and hallucinations. First-generation H1 antihistamines The four H2 antihistamines are currently available over the
commonly cause antimuscarinic anticholinergic effects such as counter in relatively low doses, and have become extremely pop-
dry mouth, blurred vision and dysfunctional urine voiding. ular in relieving the symptoms of gastro-oesophageal reflux disease
Gastrointestinal upset, jaundice and pancytopenias have also (heart burn). As prescription medications, H2 antihistamines alone
been reported. Cyproheptadine causes appetite stimulation and are not generally effective for more severe grades of gastro-
inappropriate weight gain secondary to anti-serotonin effects. oesophageal reflux disease; however, they are still recommended
Second-generation H1 antihistamines are considerably less and used widely for patients with mild or infrequent symptoms, and
likely than first-generation drugs to cause adverse effects. In also, in combination with proton pump inhibitors for patients with
manufacturers’ recommended doses, the second-generation H1 persistent nocturnal symptoms. They are also used in the treatment
antihistamines impair CNS function significantly less than the of functional dyspepsia, but caution should be exerted as the reg-
first-generation H1 antihistamines. Moreover, they lack any ular use of these medications in uninvestigated dyspepsia can mask
anticholinergic antimuscarinic effects. There are occasional the symptoms of gastric malignancy in elderly patients.

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE --:- 5 Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article in press as: Mahdy AM, Webster NR, Histamine and antihistamines, Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine (2017), http://

H2 antihistamines can also be used to promote healing of non- serotonin, norepinephrine and gamma-amino-butyric acid. These
steroidal anti-inflammatory drug-associated ulcers, and have effects could be of potential benefit in the treatment of sleep
been used in high doses in ZollingereEllison syndrome; how- disorders, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, dementias,
ever, proton pump inhibitors are currently the first option in schizophrenia, and Alzheimer’s disease. Moreover, the periph-
treating such conditions. eral actions of H3 antihistamine might prove to be of value in
In Helicobacter pylori-induced ulcers, maintenance treatment relieving nasal congestion in patients with allergic rhinitis. One
with low-dose H2 antihistamines has largely been replaced by of the most advanced H3 antihistamines in clinical development
eradication regimens involving the use of proton pump in- is the nonimidazole-based inverse agonist pitolisant (formerly
hibitors, clarithromycin and either amoxicillin or metronidazole. known as tripolisant; BF2.649). Pitolisant has been granted
These eradication regimens are usually effective in healing ulcers orphan drug status by the European Medicine agency for the
caused by H. pylori and treatment is seldom required for more treatment of excessive diurnal sleepiness in patients with nar-
than 4 weeks. However, in high-risk patients (e.g. those with a colepsy, Parkinson’s disease, and obstructive sleep apnoea/
history of complications, frequent recurrences, ulcers testing hypopnoea. Several H3 antihistamine compounds are still un-
negative for H. pylori, refractory giant ulcers, or severely fibrosed dergoing phase I and phase II clinical trials.
ulcers), maintenance therapy with H2 blockers or proton pump Compounds with an agonist activity at the H3 receptor are
inhibitors is still indicated. also being developed. These compounds can increase histamine
H2 antihistamines are also used prophylactically to reduce the and dopamine release and might be useful in the management of
incidence of stress-related gastrointestinal bleeding (stress- insomnia, migraine and schizophrenia.
induced ulcers) in intensive care patients, to reduce the frequency
of bleeding from gastroduodenal erosions in hepatic coma, and to H4 antihistamines
reduce the risk of acid aspiration in obstetric patients. They are The H4 receptor is the newest member of the histamine receptor
also sometimes administered as a premedication before elective family and, in contrast to other histamine receptors, it has a
surgery to reduce the risk of acid aspiration; however, there is distinct expression profile on mast cells, eosinophils, dendritic
currently no evidence to support the latter practice. cells and T lymphocytes.
H2 antihistamines can also be used, off label, in combination The H4 receptor plays a significant role in modulating a range
with an H1 antihistamine in patients with acute and chronic of physiological functions of immune cells, including chemo-
urticaria that is refractory to treatment with an H1 antihistamine taxis, cytokine release and adhesion molecule expression.
alone. Moreover, they can also be administered concomitantly Moreover, the use of H4 antihistamines in animal models of
with an H1 antihistamine in patients with anaphylaxis whose colitis, asthma and pruritus has already produced some prom-
hypotension is unresponsive to epinephrine. In the latter case, ising results. It is therefore hoped that H4 antihistamines will be
H1 antihistamine should be given first, as rapid intravenous of therapeutic benefit in the management of various immune and
administration of cimetidine or ranitidine alone may exacerbate inflammatory disorders in the future. Moreover, some recent
the hypotension and induce cardiac dysrhythmias. evidence supports a novel role of the histamine H4 receptor in
H2 antihistamines have a good safety record and are generally cancer progression representing a promising molecular target
well tolerated. Side-effects include diarrhoea and gastrointestinal and avenue for cancer drug development.
disturbances, altered liver function tests, headache, dizziness, Alcaftadine is a new antihistamine with combined antagonist
rash and tiredness. Rare side-effects include acute pancreatitis, activity at histamine H1, H2, and H4 receptors. It significantly
bradycardia, AV block, confusion, depression and hallucinations, reduces itching, eosinophil recruitment and redness after expo-
particularly in the elderly. Hypersensitivity reactions, including sure to an allergen. Alcaftadine was recently approved by the
fever, arthralgia, myalgia and anaphylaxis, and blood disorders, FDA for the prevention of itching associated with allergic
including agranulocytosis, leucopenia, pancytopenia and throm- conjunctivitis. A
bocytopenia, have also been reported. Additionally, gynaeco-
mastia, loss of libido and impotence have been reported in patients
receiving cimetidine. Cimetidine is also a well-known inhibitor of FURTHER READING
the cytochrome P450 enzymes and therefore has the capacity to Bernstein JA. Antihistamines. In: Grammer Leslie C, Greenberger Paul
reduce the metabolism of drugs that are metabolized by these A, eds. Patterson’s allergic diseases. 7th edn. Lippincott Williams
enzymes if given concomitantly. This is particularly relevant in and Wilkins, 2009; 561e73.
patients receiving warfarin, phenytoin and theophylline, and British Medical Association and the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of
hence cimetidine should be avoided in this group of patients. Great Britain. British national formulary. London: BMJ Publishing
Group & RPS Publishing, 2014.
Golightly LK, Greos LS. Second-generation antihistamines: actions
H3 antihistamines
and efficacy in the management of allergic disorders. Drugs 2005;
The successful cloning and functional expression of the histamine 65: 341e84.
H3 receptor in the late 1990s facilitated the efforts of several Schwartz JC. The histamine H3 receptor: from discovery to clinical
pharmaceutical companies in developing a host of potential drugs trials with pitolisant. Br J Pharmacol 2011; 163: 713e21.
that can therapeutically modulate the function of this receptor. Simons FER. Advances in H1-antihistamines. N Engl J Med 2004; 351:
In animal models, H3 antihistamines counteract the effects of 2203e18.
histamine on presynaptic H3 receptors, and enhance the release Zampeli E, Tiligada E. The role of histamine H4 receptor in immune and
of several neurotransmitters including histamine, dopamine, inflammatory disorders. Br J Pharmacol 2009; 157: 24e33.

ANAESTHESIA AND INTENSIVE CARE MEDICINE --:- 6 Ó 2017 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Please cite this article in press as: Mahdy AM, Webster NR, Histamine and antihistamines, Anaesthesia and intensive care medicine (2017), http://

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