Digital Health Heaven Hell

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heaven or
How technology can drive or
derail the quest for efficient,
high quality healthcare

KPMG International
Mark Britnell Richard Bakalar, M.D. Ash Shehata
Chairman and Partner Managing Director Partner

Mark is Chairman and Partner A specialist in health information In a career spanning more than
of the Global Health Practice technology, Richard seeks to unlock 25 years, Ash has worked for
at KPMG. Since 2009, he has the power of data within electronic some of the world’s leading IT and
worked in over 60 countries, health records and other systems consulting firms, using technology
helping governments, public and in order to improve patient care. He to drive improvements such
private sector organizations with has extensive clinical, operational as telemedicine, e-commerce,
operations, strategy and policy. and technical knowledge and membership systems, customer
He has a pioneering and inspiring experience, including eHealth, service and healthcare management.
global vision for healthcare in both telehealth and telemedicine.
As Senior Executive Director
the developed and developing world
Richard spent 20 years in clinical Healthcare for Americas with
and has written extensively on what
medicine, initially in the US Navy, Cisco, he led the development
works around the world (
where he pioneered the use of and deployment of telemedicine
telemedicine. solutions with key clients and
Mark has dedicated his professional government agencies.
After the Navy he joined IBM as
life to healthcare and has led
Chief Medical Officer, carrying out Prior to this, Ash was Vice President
organizations at local, regional,
research and clinical consulting, as Health Solutions for Wellpoint,
national and global levels. He
well as software and infrastructure supporting over 32 million members
was the CEO of high-performing
improvements, setting the direction in enterprise applications. He also
University Hospitals in Birmingham
for clinical healthcare IT solutions. held senior positions with KGT
and master-minded the largest new
Richard then worked for Microsoft, Global Technologies, IBM and
hospital build in the NHS. He also
developing and delivering innovative Accenture.
ran the NHS from Oxford to the Isle
health IT solutions to hospitals,
of Wight before joining the NHS Ash also worked with The University
health systems and communities.
Management Board as a Director- of Cincinnati Medical Center in the
General. He developed High Quality Richard is the former President US, where he managed a US$250
Care for All with Lord Darzi and of the American Telemedicine million annual budget for several
published his first book ‘In Search Association (ATA) from 2006-07 and departments.
of the Perfect Health System’ in is a member of the Telemedicine
He has a Master in Hospital and
October 2015. @markbritnell and e-Health journal editorial
Health Administration, an MBA and
board & ATA College of Fellows.
a Bachelor’s in Psychology, all from
He has a BA from Rice University,
Xavier University in Cincinnati.
Houston, and gained his Doctorate
in medicine from the Uniformed
Services University of the Health
Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland.

This report is a collaboration between KPMG International and The Nuffield Trust. Our sincere thanks to co-authors
Nigel Edwards, Candace Imison, Sophie Castle-Clarke and Robert Watson of The Nuffield Trust.

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Table of contents
Executive digest 02
The current digital healthcare landscape 06
Why has it been so difficult to successfully deploy
information technology in healthcare? 08
Seven opportunities to drive improvement 11
Decision support and standardized workflows 12
Engaged patients 14
More proactive and targeted care 16
Better coordinated care 18
Improved access to specialist expertise 20
Improved resource management 22
Continuous cycles of learning and improvement 24
The way ahead for technology in healthcare 26
The path to a successful health IT transformation: How KPMG can help 29
Authors and contributors 30
Interviewees 33

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Executive digest
I think we’re about to come to Around the world there is an Looking to those that have transformed
the next era of medicine  acceptance that health services are at the way care is delivered — and
least a decade behind other industries realized genuine efficiency and quality
…as much as 30 percent of
in the use of information technology gains as a result — it is clear that
what we do today we will do to increase productivity and quality. success isn’t achieved by replacing
differently …how we evaluate Unfortunately, where healthcare analogue processes with digital ones.
patients, how we follow up often has stood out is in problematic, It’s about rethinking the purpose of
on patients, how we bring overspent and underwhelming IT services, re-engineering how they
the expertise in between implementations — from the UK’s are delivered and capitalizing on
National Programme for IT (NPfIT), opportunities afforded by data to
clinicians, how we manage
to the USA’s, to adapt and learn. Where technological
patients in a hospital, how we developers like Google, who saw interventions have failed, technology
think about even the role of their innovations fail to take off. has simply been layered on top of
the hospital. Paradoxically, even “successful” existing structures and work patterns,
implementations have sometimes creating additional workload for
— Robert Pearl made efficient care delivery more healthcare professionals.
Kaiser Permanente, US difficult, rather than less, with recent
This report aims to cut through both
surveys of US physicians showing
the narrow ambitions of ‘doing the
electronic health records (EHRs)
same things, but digitally’ and the
among the principal causes of
often fanciful predictions of many
professional frustration.
reports about technology’s potential
The approach of most healthcare to transform healthcare. We have
providers to extracting productivity examined the real-life stories of
improvements through technology so success and failure around the world
far has focused on back office efficiency to find out what really works in
and improving simple transactions, while realizing productivity gains in health,
leaving the vast majority of patient- how organizations can get this right
facing activity unchanged. While the (or wrong), and how the delivery of
hotel, transport, retail, communications healthcare is realistically going to
and banking industries are almost change in the years to come.
unrecognizable from 15 years ago,
We have identified seven evidence-
the promise of ‘digitally-transformed’
based big opportunities, and seven
healthcare has remained over the horizon
practical lessons to capitalize on them.
for most systems.

2 Digital health: heaven or hell?

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Seven big wins for technology to improve productivity

Using decision support and standardized
workflows is a key step in realizing
improvements. Systematizing care this way
can reduce variation and improve the
Rewriting the relationship with patients and
accuracy of decision making.
caregivers by providing tools for patient
engagement and self-management.
‘Self-service’ options can create more
meaningful participation of users, more
satisfying outcomes, and reduce the

workload of paid staff.

Reducing costs through more proactive and

targeted care, which allows providers to
intervene earlier to keep people well,

supported by powerful analytics.

Attacking the costs and harms of fragmented

and duplicative services by coordinating
care and supporting providers to collaborate

more effectively.

Reducing referrals and readmissions by

improving the ability of providers to get
things right first time through easier access

to specialist expertise and advice.

Improving resource management by using

technology to plan staff rosters, patient flow,
match capacity to demand and improve


Creating continuous cycles of learning and

improvement through a combination of
analytics, improvement science and
organizational development.

Digital health: heaven or hell? 3

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
It’s imperative to remember Seven lessons on realizing these opportunities
that technology is an We have found that substantial gains in terms of productivity and health
enabler — the focus needs outcomes are possible — and have been demonstrated — from specific areas of
to be less on implementing health IT. As the history of frequent disappointment and failure shows, however,
the system and more on digital technologies will not deliver these improvements on their own. Through
implementing the changes in interviews, analysis, and KPMG’s own experience achieving digital transformation
with healthcare providers around the world, we have identified seven key lessons
the business enabled by that
from those that have successfully realized the benefits and overcome
system. the setbacks.
— Liam Walsh 1. Transformation first: Transformation 5. Multiple iterations and continuous
KPMG in the US comes from new ways of working learning: Even with careful design
not the technology itself. You need a there may need to be a number of
transformation program supported by iterations in the design of systems.
technology not the other way round. This is a continuous process and
This is the fundamental lesson that there may be several cycles — some
underpins everything else. quite painful — before systems
reach a tipping point where all of this
2. People problems not technology
investment starts to pay off.
problems: The majority of the issues
faced along the transformation 6. Support interoperability: The
journey are people problems, not inability to share and combine data
technology problems. These require between different systems is a
sophisticated leadership and change major rate-limiting step to realizing
management capabilities. the full benefit of technology in
healthcare. A coordinated approach
3. System design: There has been
to minimum interoperability
insufficient attention to the design
standards would help accelerate
of systems. Technologies need to
healthcare providers’ digital journey.
solve problems recognized by people
who are going to use them, be they 7. Sound information governance
patients or professionals. This requires and data security procedures: Data
a deep understanding of the work as sharing requires strong information
well as the needs of the worker. governance and security, particularly
in the face of a growing threat from
4. Invest in analytics: Far too
cyber-attacks. Action is required
often providers make significant
at a national and local level to help
investments in digital systems but
organizations hold and share
overlook the capabilities to use the
data safely.
data collected — hence the payback
is never seen.

4 Digital health: heaven or hell?

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
The future of healthcare: digital heaven or hell?
Some will look at the years ahead —— A lot less time will be spent by staff
and see a glorious nirvana in which on administrative tasks and routine
the messy and inefficient services of communication, as automation,
today are transformed into predictive, voice recognition and natural
coordinated and personalized care. language processing become more
Others will see a dystopia of doctors commonplace
becoming slaves to algorithms and
—— New roles and competencies will
patients drowning in a sea of data and
be added to the managerial cadre
additional expectations.
as the shift to digital healthcare
Both are possible, but a look at continues — most importantly
what leading providers have already advanced analytic capabilities
achieved — described in this report —
—— Organizational and professional
should be cause for optimism. We
boundaries will be far less visible, as
conclude with our own vision of how
integrated information technology
healthcare is likely to change in the next
systems dissolve many of the
10 years, including that:
current divides between primary,
—— Computing will be much more secondary and tertiary care.
ubiquitous, but much less visible

Questions explored in this study:

—— Why has it been so difficult to successfully deploy information technology

in healthcare?
—— What is the current digital healthcare landscape, and how will it evolve?
—— What are the biggest opportunities for technology to improve productivity
and the practical lessons for achieving success?

Digital health: heaven or hell? 5

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
The current digital
healthcare landscape
There is a new and rapidly changing The diversity of different tools and how as professional-facing and organization-
healthcare landscape globally, where they interact can be hard to comprehend. facing depending on their primary user
digital technologies are becoming Figure 1 provides a high-level overview and value in enhancing individual patient
increasingly normalized into the everyday of the future digital landscape. Patient- care or improving care systems. The
delivery of healthcare. Alongside facing technologies are at the center, electronic health record straddles the
changes within hospitals and clinics, reflecting the impact that this new system as a whole, reflecting the pivotal
there is a growing consumer-based ecosystem of self-monitoring and role it plays in any digital strategy. It is the
movement. This creates both top-down decision support will have on their foundation upon which many of the other
and bottom-up momentum for change. experience and quality of care. Other applications are built.
technologies are broadly categorized

6 Digital health: heaven or hell?

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Navigating this new landscape is nothing is not a sustainable option. and adapting many of these innovations
challenging for organizations and their This report aims to help healthcare at an ever-growing speed and increased
leaders and there are many pitfalls. There organizations grasp the biggest scale at a lower unit cost. This raises
is no doubt, however, that technological opportunities to significantly improve the possibility of a global convergence
transformation will be one of the major outcomes, experience and efficiency. of digital healthcare capabilities, with
differentiators between successful nimble systems ‘leapfrogging’ the
While the design and development of
and unsuccessful providers over the established infrastructure and delivery
digital healthcare technologies is still
next decade. The pressures of cost and models of richer nations.
predominantly taking place in western
expectations of quality mean that doing
nations, emerging markets are adopting

Figure 1: An overview of the digital healthcare landscape

Patient flow Business
management process

Vital signs E-learning

monitoring tools

Online Wearables
communities devices
and apps
E-rostering Patient
support and Patient Professional-to- outcomes/
professional registeries

Patient-to- Mobile
professional working

Predictive Standardized
analytics/ Shared EHRs,
real-time data workflows
risk statification

Source: KPMG International

Digital health: heaven or hell? 7

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Why has it been so difficult to
successfully deploy information
technology in healthcare?
The history of technology, as From the UK’s scaled-back ‘NPfIT’, to often after 2 or more years — but
it enters industries, is that ObamaCare’s bug-stricken exchanges, weathering this ‘digital dip’ was an
to Australia’s underwhelming uptake important hurdle that has led to many
people say, ‘This is going
of national personal health records, transformation strategies being scaled
to transform everything in the recent history of health IT has back or even abandoned.
2 years.’ And then you put it not always been smooth. Examples
in and… nothing happens. of spiralling costs, slow take-up and A case in point is electronic health records
And people say, ‘Why didn’t elusive productivity gains are found in (EHRs). These are an essential foundation
it work the way we expected virtually every health system around the to any digital strategy, but rarely do they
world. Why has healthcare delivery been produce any immediate benefits to the
it to?... . And then, lo and
so resistant to digital transformation, frontline. In reality, most organizations
behold, after a period of 10 and when big investments have been see an initial phase of added inefficiencies
years, it begins working. made why have strategies so often before the tools that work off the EHR
— Robert Wachter failed to pay off? (patient flow management, e-prescribing,
UCSF School of Medicine Examining the stories behind setbacks automated alerts and data transfer) are
at local and national levels, perhaps developed, implemented and get to
the most important lesson of all is that work. The unexpected pain of the initial
becoming a digitally enabled healthcare EHR implementation has caused many
provider isn’t about replacing analogue providers to get stuck in the dip — unable
or paper processes with digital ones. to roll back to previous systems, but
Where implementations have failed, unwilling to invest further to get the
technology has often simply been benefits.
layered on top of existing structures
and work patterns, creating additional Robert Wachter, in his recent book
workload for healthcare professionals. The Digital Doctor, notes that poorly
The technologies that have released the designed systems have led to significant
greatest immediate benefits have been increases in time spent on data entry
carefully designed to make people’s and multiple unhelpful alerts — with
jobs or the patient’s interaction easier, some research showing nearly half
with considerable investment in both of emergency physicians’ time spent
the design of the tool and the redesign on data entry. A 2013 RAND survey
of ways of working. of physicians across the US found
A pattern that appeared time and widespread dissatisfaction with EMR
again in the stories examined was systems, concluding that although most
great expectations of new technology approved of the EMRs “in concept”, in
clashing against an initial period of reality they were among the principal
frustration and reduced productivity. causes of professional frustration and
Benefits would eventually materialize — dissatisfaction.

8 Digital health: heaven or hell?

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Examining the widespread failures problems and needs of the people Happy users is the golden
to derive the full value from digital who are going to use them, be they criteria for the success
technologies in healthcare, and what patients or professionals. Successful
of HIT implementation.
separates the stories of success, we implementations take great pains to
have distilled seven important lessons understand the complex interplay Users should be effectively
about how to achieve real benefits from of the ‘thoughtflow’ (how clinical engaged throughout the
a digital strategy: decisions are made), the “workflow” project cycle. Talk to them,
(how they are acted on) and any work with them to get what
1. Transformation first: new information technology. The they want, realize and have
Transformation comes from misalignment of one or more of
new ways of working not the
them check whether it’s what
these three factors explains a large
technology itself. Organizations proportion of the failed or challenged they want. Then repeat.
need a transformation program health IT implementations in — Dr Kim Liu
supported by technology not recent history. Achieving alignment
the other way round. This is the
KPMG in China
requires meaningful involvement of
fundamental lesson that underpins staff and a dedicated effort to secure
everything else. continued buy-in. Too often the
2. People problems, not technology users of these systems are treated
problems: While digital systems as passive recipients of change
often become the lightning rod and new systems are ill-suited for
for criticism in a change program, the complex, high-risk operating
in reality many of the problems environments of frontline services.3
encountered in these stories are 4. Invest in analytics: Improving
people-based, rather than technology- productivity requires extensive
based. Overcoming these issues redesign of work processes, the
requires organizations to invest at use of predictive models to allocate
least as much into the programs resources, anticipate demand and
of organizational development as intervene earlier and the ability to
they do into the technology. Clinical learn and adapt. None of this is
and administrative leaders need achievable without analytical skills
to have a deep knowledge of both being loaned or acquired by the
technological and frontline care organization and, ideally, new tools
systems, and be able to reimagine being made available to clinicians
how work is done. Clinical champions in real time. Successful providers
can help with this.1,2 In the US, it is have made significant investment
now increasingly common to have in developing their own analytical
Chief Medical/Nursing Information and software development capacity.
Officers — often at Board level. This enables them to generate the
These ‘hybrid’ professionals offer a learning and insight from the data
valuable combination of technological collected within clinical and non-
skills and understanding of clinical clinical systems.
workflows and culture, and are in 5. Multiple iterations and continuous
strong demand. learning: Implementing technology
3. System design: There has been is an on-going transformational
insufficient attention to the design change program. Even with careful
of health IT systems historically. design there may need to be a
New investments need to solve the number of iterations in design.

Boonstra A, Versluis A, Vos J (2014) Implementing electronic health records in hospitals: a systematic literature review. BMC Health Services
Research 2014, 14:370
Broderick A, Lindeman D (2013) Scaling telehealth programs: lessons from early adopters.New York: The Commonwealth Fund, 2013
Cresswell K et al. (2013) Ten key considerations for the successful implementation and adoption of large-scale health information technology.
J Am Med Inform Assoc 2013; 20(e1): e9–e13

Digital health: heaven or hell? 9

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Thought flow impacts the This is a continuous process and there is no consensus on whether a
decision-making process, there may be several cycles — some single system is better than multiple
quite painful — before systems systems linked through middleware,
that is, it either enhances
reach a tipping point where all of this it will be important to ensure you
or makes it worse through investment starts to pay off. Stories have weighed up the benefits of both.
the way we display digital of failure often show a tendency As Kaiser Permanente have found
information on a computer to overestimate short-term gains “horizontal integration trumps vertical
monitor or on a mobile and focus on reducing the costs maximization”.
device, so the concept of transactions rather than major 7. Sound information governance
changes in workflow, automation
of presenting the right and data security procedures:
and process redesign. Above A KPMG survey of 223 healthcare
information, to the right all, commitment to an on-going payers and providers found
person, at the right time is journey — rather than a big bang — 81 percent have been compromised
very important. is at the heart of success. by cyber-attacks in the past
— Richard Bakalar 6. Support interoperability: To 2 years — and only half felt they were
support coordinated care and realize adequately prepared to withstand
KPMG in the US
the benefits set out in this report, attacks.4 Sound information
it is essential to facilitate data governance procedures are essential
contextual sharing across multiple to ensure confidential patient data is
settings. There are also a number used safely and effectively. Robust
of things organizations can do to and transparent IG mechanisms are
aid interoperability. First, while also instrumental in giving patients
customizing EHRs is important to the confidence to willingly share their
productivity, over-customization may protected health data across care
inhibit data sharing even when the settings — a hurdle that has created
same system is in use across multiple significant setbacks for England’s
network providers. Secondly, while system.5

Bell, G. and Ebert, M. (2015) ‘Health Care and Cyber Security: Increasing Threats Require Increased Capabilities’ KPMG.
Triggle, N (2014) How did it go so wrong? BBC News

10 Digital health: heaven or hell?

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Seven opportunities
to drive improvement
Looking at the highest performing and most digitally enabled healthcare providers around the
world, as well as ‘frugally’ innovative organizations in emerging economies, seven opportunities to
drive improvements in productivity and quality of care stand out.
We explore each of these opportunities in turn, citing the evidence that exists, the potential scale of
benefit, and some implementation lessons specific to each.

1 Decision support and standardized workflows

2 Patient engagement and self-management

3 More proactive and targeted care

4 Better coordinated care

5 Improved access to specialist expertise

6 Improved resource management

7 Continuous cycles of learning and improvement

Digital health: heaven or hell? 11

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Decision support and
standardized workflows
You come in with a stroke, A major problem in all health systems is Decision support tools
the admitting physician with that care often falls short of evidence- including physician order entry
one click of the computer based good practice. For example,
studies have estimated that diagnostic CDSS are often combined with
now creates the entire computerized physician (or provider)
error exists in 10–15 percent of cases
workflow from everything order entry systems (CPOE), through
and a study of prescribing errors found
from the [real logic] to the 52 errors per 100 admissions.6,7
which medications, tests and
laboratory to the diet to procedures are ordered.
the physical therapy and Technologies which aid clinical decision
When replacing hand-written,
making and workflow offer substantial
medication. physically conveyed systems,
opportunities to reduce variation in integrated CPOE and CDSS systems
— Robert Pearl care while improving the accuracy and can offer significant time savings and
Kaiser Permanente, US speed of decision making. In the future safety gains. The literature suggests a
this support will not only come from number of valuable benefits:
access to clinical guidance and prompts
—— Between 23 and 92 percent reduction
but the automated interpretation of
in laboratory turn-around-times10
clinical data, including genomics.
—— 48 percent reduction in medication
There is strong evidence that decision errors11
support tools can improve the quality
of clinical decision making and —— Reduced need for ancillary staff12
some evidence it can lower costs.8, Decision support is not just for doctors,
However, clinical decision support it can provide a powerful resource for
systems (CDSS) also bring challenges other staff, particularly in settings where
and may be met with suspicion by they may not have easy access to other
clinical staff who fear erosion of clinical staff and patients.
their autonomy. CDSS range from
very passive electronic aids, such as Standardized workflows and
hyperlinks to guidelines, to extremely ‘one-click flows’
pro-active one-click flow mechanisms.
CDSS can be further developed to build
It is likely that over the coming years
protocols into customized workflows,
there will be a gradual trend of moving effectively standardizing an entire care
from advice for specific, discrete pathway. Clinicians treating patients
clinical scenarios to much broader- on this pathway therefore have
looking, proactive advice to health unambiguous processes to follow and
workers. tasks to complete, ensuring consistently

Berner ES, Graber ML (2008). Overconfidence as a cause of diagnostic error in medicine. Am J Med;121(5 Suppl): S2–23.
Lewis PJ, Dornan T, Taylor D, et al. Prevalence, incidence and nature of prescribing errors in hospital inpatients. Drug Saf. 2009;32(5): 379–389.
Jaspers, M. W. M., M. Smeulers, et al. (2011). Effects of clinical decision-support systems on practitioner performance and patient outcomes: a
synthesis of high-quality systematic review findings. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 18(3): 327–334.
Fillmore C L, (2013) Systematic review of clinical decision support interventions with potential for inpatient cost reduction. BMC Med Inform
Decis Mak. 2013; 13: 135.

12 Digital health: heaven or hell?

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
high standards of care. While this sits are obvious, “one-click flows” can be Don’t rush into an automated
at the very proactive end of the very difficult to implement. The process technological solution: When
spectrum, clinicians should still deviate must be agreed across multiple teams, Intermountain thinks about standardizing
where needed to meet individual and even organizations, and followed up clinical workflows, they work on paper
patient needs. Indeed, at Intermountain with a significant nurse training effort. first. This gives them a chance to see
Healthcare, where standardized clinical
how it works in practice and consider
workflows have been developed, Specific lessons improvements — before integrating it
clinicians are encouraged to tailor the
pathway to individual patients, improving Avoiding alert fatigue: Some hospitals into the technology.
system learning. average 20,000 physician alerts per
Use protocols as a tool for learning:
month. Where there are a large number
Standardized workflows can be taken a No protocol will ever be right for every
of alerts, they may be over-ridden
step further through “one-click flows” patient. Clinicians will need to adapt
and ignored by clinicians.13 There are
or “one-click ordering”. Information is and use their own judgement. One
a number of ways to address this
pushed to a “workflow engine” to initiate unexpected hazard might be over-
problem, including reducing the number
the process which then sets in motion all compliance: Intermountain experienced
of alerts, making essential alerts stand
the tasks and processes required for that problems where clinicians were too
out from others (through sound and
specific workflow. ready to adopt the default prescribing
colors) and requiring a response from
While the productivity and care clinicians to a particular alert (such as choice, leading to inappropriate care in
coordination benefits of such a system answering a question). some cases.

Intermountain’s approach to standardizing clinical workflows

Step 1: Choose a high priority clinical process and lay out an evidence-based, best-practice guideline for that process. It doesn’t
have to be perfect at this stage.
Step 2: Integrate it into clinical workflows via the EHR laying out the clinical pathway for a condition once a clear diagnosis
has been made.
Step 3: Capture data on where clinicians vary from protocol; short and long-term clinical outcomes; cost; and patient
satisfaction. Intermountain put a lot of resource into analyzing this data and learning from it.
Step 4: Tell clinicians that no protocol perfectly fits any patient, so they need to ensure they adjust the protocol based on
patient need. The idea is to hold on to variation across patients and limit variation across clinicians.
Step 5: Build in a feedback loop to constantly improve the processes.

Niazkhani, Zahra, et al. “The impact of computerized provider order entry systems on inpatient clinical workflow: a literature review.” Journal of
the American Medical Informatics Association 16.4 (2009): 539–549.
Radley, D.C. et al. (2013) Reduction in medication errors in hospitals due to adoption of computerized provider order entry systems. J Am Med
Inform Assoc 1;20(3): 470–6.
Stone, William M., et al. “Impact of a computerized physician order-entry system.” Journal of the American College of Surgeons 208.5 (2009):
Roshanov PS, Fernandes N, Wilczynski JM, et al. (2013) Features of effective computerised clinical decision support systems: meta-regression
of 162 randomised trials. BMJ, 346 f657.

Digital health: heaven or hell? 13

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Engaged patients
Engage patients at an early Technology is rewriting the relationship e-consultations with their doctor.
stage of their lives when they between patients, their caregivers and Evaluation of their pilot showed
the health system. Tools for patient 60 percent of the eConsults (which
are well or may be at risk for
empowerment, education and self- typically last less than 3 minutes) were
a chronic condition and we management are providing more resolved remotely. Nine months after
can start helping them get meaningful opportunities for patients to implementation, consultations at one
into patterns of behavior that manage their own health and care, with walk-in center dropped from 30,000 to
are going to put them on a the potential to reduce transaction costs 18,000, saving them £360,000 p/a and
path to minimize or delay the in the short term, and treatment in the allowing them to close the facility.
longer term.
onset of chronic conditions
in the future. That’s where Patient Health Networks
Patient portals and access to
the huge savings are going An increasingly important source of
the clinical record advice and information is online patient
to be in the long term. That’s
Many healthcare providers, particularly networks that leverage the insight and
where the major productivity
in the US, have created Patient experience of patients themselves.
improvements will be as well. PatientsLikeMe is perhaps the most
Portals. These give patients access
— Richard Bakalar to their medical information such as well-known network, with over 350,000
discharge summaries, medications, members covering 2500 conditions. It
KPMG in the US
immunizations and lab results. More allows patients to search for information
advanced portals now enable patients and advice about their condition
to develop and track their personal care (provided by other patients), connect
plans, request prescription renewals, with peers and track their symptoms
schedule appointments, access their to discuss with their healthcare team.
health education library and exchange The data collected is proving a valuable
secure messages with their provider. tool for research, with over 60 published
studies now generated from the
While productivity savings have not network.
yet been evidenced, the experience
of movements like OpenNotes in the
US has been positive so far. Patients
Wearables and apps
with direct access to their providers’ There has been a recent explosion
clinical notes report that they have a in apps and health-sensing wearable
better understanding of their health, technology. However, it is unclear what
can better self-manage and adhere to impact these will have on population
treatment. Medical errors have been health and the types of interactions
shown to be spotted earlier too. people will have with healthcare
providers. Devices such as FitBit
In the UK, leading NHS general
smartwatch collects a huge amount of
practice organization The Hurley Group
personal health data, and patient portals
implemented a ‘WebGP’ system for
such as Patients Know Best (see page
patients to access pharmacy advice,
20) are starting to allow this to be
out-of-hours services, complete
integrated in the EHR.
administrative transactions and have

14 Digital health: heaven or hell?

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
To date there has been a real focus There also remain security concerns It’s fairly soon that it’ll be
on apps and devices to promote around the use of mobile technology, absolutely feasible to monitor
wellness such as step and calorie particularly in unregulated markets.
people almost at a critical care
counters, sleep and heart rate trackers A 2015 systematic assessment of
as well as those focused on a single 79 apps certified as clinically safe and level within their own homes.
disease, rather than tools for complex trustworthy by the UK NHS Health Apps — Richard Ashby
costly patients. One interviewee Library found that 66 percent of apps
Metro South, Australia
said developers shy away from those sending identifying information over the
types of apps because “they’re too internet did not use encryption.14
complicated, too unappealing, the ROI
is too unclear, the time to pay off is Specific lessons One size does not fit all. The
too long [and] they need to know too sooner we can accept this
much about these patients in order Ensure patient-facing technology is
to develop these applications.” (David easy to use: When designing patient as truth, the better we will
Blumenthal, Commonwealth Fund). portals or other patient tools it is essential become at creating and rolling
to ensure they are both easy to use and out meaningful programs that
Given this market failure, there is a appealing to patients — or risk low uptake.
question about how far the healthcare
optimally engage patients in
sector should stimulate innovation to For health apps and wearables, think their own care.
fill the gap. There is clearly a potential carefully about how to turn the data
into useful (and useable) information: — Aaron Berk
role for this data in health promotion,
self-management and behavioral Transferring data from patient devices KPMG in Canada
modification, but the current focus on into EHRs will only pay dividends with
devices or biosensors — rather than the significant investments in analytical
information they produce — is a major capability. Benefit is most likely when
barrier to meaningful applications. targeted at and designed for specific

Online consultations in Denmark

Since 2009 general practitioners in Denmark have been required to offer their
patients consultations by email. In 2013, the number of email consultations
was 4 million — equivalent to 11.2 percent of all primary care consultations
in the country. Patients report benefits of being able to quickly access their
GP, not being constrained by time of day and finding it easier to discuss
embarrassing issues. GPs appreciate the benefits of being able to answer
straightforward questions quicker, although some express concerns around
loss of personal contact and misunderstandings that may come about through
written communication.

Huckvale, K., Tomás Prieto, J., Tilney, M., Benghozi, P-J., and Car, J. (2015) Unaddressed privacy risks in accredited health and wellness apps: a
cross-sectional systematic assessment. BMC Medicine 2015, 13:214

Digital health: heaven or hell? 15

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
More proactive and
targeted care
Pretty soon instead of the There is enormous potential to reduce can generate risk scores identifying those
patient seeking the hospital, cost by early intervention through more at higher risk of avoidable readmissions.
proactive and targeted care. Powerful Northern Arizona Healthcare in the US,
it will be the hospital seeking
analytics can be used to spot early for example, has found that sending risk
the patient. warning signs in patients in community scores to discharge planning nurses
— Jagruti Bhatia and hospital settings and avoid significant reduced emergency readmissions by
number of deaths and admissions. 45 percent.
KPMG in India
Patient data can be used to predict
Use of analytics can extend beyond
clinical risk, enabling providers to target
simple readmission prevention, however,
resources where they are needed most
and may have a role in predicting those
and target problems that would benefit
in the community who are likely to use
from early intervention.
healthcare services in the near future.
This is an area where the deployment of So-called ‘case finding’ tools are well-
technology can rapidly deliver significant established but have been held back in
improvements in outcomes and the past by having to rely on limited, out
savings. It should be a high priority for of date and poor quality data. Systems
investment — particularly in a hospital of the future will draw not just on
setting. And as genomic information electronic clinical data (which is much
begins to become routinely captured cheaper to harvest) but data from home
as part of clinical examinations, the monitoring equipment and even — in
importance of analysis of this kind will some markets — personal data held by
only become greater. retailers or telecoms companies.

Predictive analytics Monitoring of vital signs and

Analysis of electronic datasets has the early identification of those
potential to more accurately predict at risk
healthcare demands in the future. Remote monitoring technology offers
Computer-based algorithms, drawing on significant potential for reducing avoidable
patients’ clinical and demographic data,

Predictive algorithms for readmission (Clalit, Israel)

Clalit is Israel’s largest not-for-profit insurer and provider serving 3.8 million
people. It has developed an algorithm for predicting patient readmission which
is used for patients admitted to any of its 27 hospitals. In practice this means
that clinicians have access to a list of all their patients that have been discharged
from any hospital in the country on a daily basis, ranked according to their
calculated risk of readmission. They are then able to undertake a process that is
already hard-wired into the EHR — phoning the patient, asking them about risk
factors and whether they have the drugs and support they need. A study found
a 4 percent drop in a 30-day readmission for high-risk patients as a result.15

Shadmi, E, Flaks-Manov, N, Hoshen,M., Goldman, O., Bitterman, H., Balicer, R. (2015) Predicting 30-Day Readmissions With Preadmission
Electronic Health Record Data Med Care 2015;53: 283–289)

16 Digital health: heaven or hell?

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
use of health resources and targeting administrative burden in trying to marry Since there is a large
staff time cost-effectively at those most separate paper and electronic systems. category of people who
in need. A number of proprietary systems This suggests that to maximize the
deteriorate over 2 or 3 days,
have demonstrated promising results benefits of vital signs monitoring,
in homes and hospitals — for example, it should be implemented across with a pattern you can pick
VitalPAC in the UK (see below). the whole hospital. up… behaviors that are
exacerbating the problem
In the US, Cerner have developed a Think carefully about the data
system to identify the early symptoms that should be used for predictive or symptoms. If you collect
of sepsis — a leading cause of analytics: Analyses of predictive those in a systematic way…
avoidable harm that is often missed. models for case finding have found Then you can intervene.
By continuously monitoring key clinical that drawing on a higher number of
indicators for potentially septic patterns, detailed data sets improves accuracy.16 — Adam Darkins
Cerner estimates its system could Systems that use real-time clinical and Medtronic
reduce in-hospital patient mortality population-based data sources are
by 24 percent and length of stay by likely to be more medically useful for
21 percent, saving US$5,882 per time sensitive interventions than those
treated patient. drawing from retrospective data sets.
Make the most of unstructured data:
Specific lessons The vast majority of healthcare data
Implement vital signs monitoring is unstructured (such as doctors and
solutions at scale: A number of nurses notes) and it will be essential
hospitals have tried to implement to find ways to make best use of it.
vital signs solutions in one or two This may mean finding technological
wards rather than across the hospital solutions to convert it into structured
as a whole. They found this led to data, such as natural language
duplication of work and an increased processing and text mining.

Vital signs monitoring in practice: VitalPAC, UK

VitalPAC is a technology solution for hospitals with a range of products allowing

for electronic monitoring of patients, including  VitalPAC Nurse which identifies
patients at risk through early warning scores,  VitalPAC Doctor which gives
mobile access to real-time patient information to improve handovers and task
prioritization, and and infection control tool,  VitalPAC IPC.
Trialled in UK hospitals, VitalPAC has reported significant improvements in
outcomes including: 15 percent reduction in mortality; 70 percent reduction in
cardiac arrests; 50 percent reduction in unplanned transfers to ITU, 90 percent
reduction in norovirus outbreaks and a reduced overall length of stay. The
company claims the system has a return on investment of between four and six
times. (

Billings J, Georghiou T, Blunt I, et al. (2013) Choosing a model to predict hospital admission: an observational study of new variants of
predictive models for case finding. BMJ Open; 3:e003352

Digital health: heaven or hell? 17

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Better coordinated care
A lot of patients are on A growing proportion of patients are in of patients and their situation. This
multiple care pathways contact with a multiplicity of different shared perspective can support multi-
professionals and agencies with no disciplinary teams working together and
and yet they are not really
clearly defined person leading care. improve their clinical decision making.
receiving a personalized care Without effective coordination there This may be particularly important in
pathway that’s being delivered is a significant risk of duplication or cases where lifestyle and environmental
by a consistent care team. It’s neglect, and the experience of care factors play a significant role in a patient’s
pockets of care. will be poor. Across many industries overall health status.
digital technologies have been used
— Neil Williams If all healthcare professionals have
to successfully streamline and better
access to all patient information in real
Medicom Innovation coordinate complex services — the
time there is significant potential to
Partner same is increasingly true in healthcare.
expedite necessary care and to reduce
Shared health and social care records waste in the system, such as the
can be linked to give a 360-degree view duplication of tests.

Supporting integrated care for patients with diabetes:

Western Diabetes Institute and ClickMedix, US

The Western Diabetes Institute is an “integrated practice unit” in California

which co-locates multiple services needed by patients with diabetes.
Partnering with ClickMedix, they are using a range of cross-specialty services
including patient engagement tools and self-assessments, tele-consultation
with a network of specialists, and real-time outcome monitoring. By sharing
reports and care plans between the patient and multiple providers they have
significantly improved glycaemic control levels, as well making treatment
planning quicker and more cost-effective.
ClickMedix suggest that physicians are able to consult with 4–10 times
more patients with their system, while at the same time there has been a
50–90 percent reduction in hospital visits for patients with multiple chronic

18 Digital health: heaven or hell?

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
In the UK, Nervecentre allows inpatient the referring team is able to see the We are currently seeing a lot
teams to seek specialist advice from status and outcome of the referral. of technology to standardize
other specialties by sending an instant
One radical way of ensuring all relevant and improve care at the
message to the relevant specialist, who
then receives the referral details along
professionals have immediate access to hospital level. The next stage
integrated clinical data is by putting the is to see that same thinking
with all the patient information, their
entire record in the hands of the patient.
up-to-date observations and results applied to the system level,
This approach has been adopted by
and location in the hospital. Referred
Patients Know Best (see below), which where chronic diseases
patients are automatically added to the are necessitating a totally
functions as a ‘patient portal’ allowing
list of the receiving team (allowing easy
patients to own, store and control new way of working in the
integration into their ward rounds) and
access to their clinical notes. community.
— Alberto De Negri
Patients Know Best (PKB) KPMG in Italy
Originally designed for patients with complex, rare or multiple conditions,
PKB allows patients and their caregivers to create an account to which all their
clinical information from multiple providers (e.g. laboratory results, GP notes,
outpatient clinic letters) can be uploaded. Available in 14 languages, the system
allows any healthcare professional authorized by the patient to log in and see
the complete record. In addition, PKB has a library of self-help material including
videos and links which can further aid in self-management, as well as providing
instant messaging services for patients to interact directly with their clinical
team and the option for online consultations via videoconferencing.
As CEO Dr Mohammad Al-Ubaydli says, “the best way to achieve integration
is to give power to the patient. After all, they’re the only ones involved in every
appointment and interaction”.

Specific lessons and advice across healthcare teams,

which often enrich and improve clinical
Don’t crowd out informal exchanges decision making in complex cases.
between clinicians: Automated Health professionals need to create
systems that share clinical results or physical or virtual opportunities for
opinions digitally can discourage the provider-to-provider collaboration.
informal human exchange of views

Digital health: heaven or hell? 19

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Improved access to
specialist expertise
In many hospitals 60 percent Telemedicine services remove enabling house calls to be requested via
of the real estate and at least geographical barriers between mobile devices.
underserved patients and their medical
as much of the car parking Telehealth applications can be particularly
specialist, improving quality, access
requirement is for outpatient and, potentially, reducing cost of care.
helpful in large sparsely populated areas
visits. Why put the patient, by enabling a small number of clinicians
Patients can now connect to clinicians via
to cover a large geography. In the future,
the carer, the payer and the mobile devices, secure email or via web
it might even allow teams of healthcare
planet to so much trouble? portal platforms. While some systems
professionals to act internationally on a
have created supply-induced demand,
— Malcolm Lowe-Lauri larger scale, although patient safety, legal
others have shown a reduction in the
protection and information confidentiality
KPMG in Australia medical specialists’ workload through
present significant regulatory barriers to
the effective use of email to reduce the
this expansion.
number of unnecessary face-to-face
consultations and clinical tests.17
Some centers have introduced ‘hotlines’
or email addresses for GPs to seek e-ICUs or tele-ICUs are intensive care
specialist advice. Using ‘hunt group’ units that receive clinical support from a
technology means a single gateway can remote critical care team through patient
direct the GP to multiple specialists, surveillance and monitoring, as well as
locating one that is available with the right remote video collaboration. Tele-ICUs
expertise. Video conferencing, sharing of are generally associated with a number
the patient record or using pre-defined, of benefits including reduced mortality
bookable appointments might improve and ICU length of stay and reduced staff
interactions further. Such approaches turnover (a 56 percent reduction in one
have the potential to reduce referrals, and center, saving over US$1 million
in the long term educate GPs to improve per year).18, 19, 20
their care. Onsite clinical staff reluctance to engage
More radically, in the US, a range of with the remote e-ICU consultants is likely
developers are attempting to disrupt to have a significant negative impact on
traditional geographical patterns of clinical benefit and cost-effectiveness,
healthcare delivery. Services such as however. One study found that hospital
Spruce, HealthTap and Doctor on Demand costs increased with an e-ICU.21 This may
offer instant, 24-hour access to remote be because healthcare professionals find
appointments through smartphones, the remote team threatening, or do not
while apps like MedZed and Heal are feel they need additional clinical input.

Caffery L J, Smith A C. (2010) A literature review of email-based telemedicine. Stud Health Technol Inform. 2010;161:20–34
Goran, S., (2010) A Second Set of Eyes: An Introduction to Tele-ICU Crit Care Nurse August 2010 vol. 30 no. 4 46–55
Kumar et al., (2013) Tele-ICU: Efficacy and Cost-effectiveness approach of remotely managing the critical care. The Open Medical Informatics
Journal, 6, 24–29
Lilly CM, Cody S, Zhao H, Landry K, Baker SP, McIlwaine J, Chandler MW, Irwin RS (2011) Hospital mortality, length of stay, and preventable
complications among critically ill patients before and after tele-ICU reengineering of critical care processes. JAMA. 2011 Jun 1;305(21): 2175–83
Morrison JL, et al. (2010) Clinical and economic outcomes of the electronic intensive care unit: results from two community hospitals Crit Care
Med. 2010; 38(1):2–8

20 Digital health: heaven or hell?

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Specific lessons referral procedures, staff engagement and could increase costs by US$709 million
training, and reassuring patients about nationally across the US, although this
Patient-to-professional telehealth can safety and appropriate use. was offset when email and real-time
cost more than it saves: There is mixed interactions were both used.24 This
evidence on the cost-effectiveness of Identify appropriate cases for
means it is important for generalists to
patient-to-professional telehealth.22, 23 professional-to-professional telehealth:
try to identify cases for professional-to-
To realize the value of these systems, One study found “failed teleconsults”,
professional telehealth, which are likely to
close attention should be paid to patient whereby a face-to-face consultation is
be resolved without specialist follow up.
selection, duplication of services and required despite the teleconsultation,

Kaiser Permanente Telemedicine, US

Kaiser Permanente (KP), the largest not-for-profit health provider in the US, have developed a number of different telehealth
systems for remote consultations. These include integrated video appointments and CDU-to-CDU telemedicine across
different hospitals to spread demand during busy periods.
In 2012, nearly 50 percent of contacts between KP’s patients and primary care providers took place over the phone or secure
email, and they estimate that as many as 30 percent of full consultations could soon happen digitally. Certain programs have
seen rapid quality improvements, such as their telestroke service, which through rapid assessment of patients via video
conference has increased the proportion of people receiving thrombolysis from 14 percent to 84 percent, and those given it
within 60 minutes from 16 percent to 52 percent.26

Abiye Safe Motherhood Project, Nigeria

In Ondo state in Nigeria, mobile phones are used to remotely monitor pregnant women and link them to specialist advice.
Community health workers (CHWs) were appointed to act as intermediaries between pregnant women and Abiye maternity
health centers. To facilitate quick and effective communication between the women and CHWs, mobile phones were
distributed free of charge to pregnant women across the state for them to call for advice if needed. The project showed a
47 percent reduction in maternal mortality and 26 percent reduction in child mortality, and is subsequently being scaled up.

Torre-Díez I, et al (2014) Cost-Utility and Cost-Effectiveness Studies of Telemedicine, Electronic, and Mobile Health Systems in the Literature:
A Systematic Review. Telemed J E Health 21(2):81–5
Mistry, H (2012) Systematic review of studies of the cost-effectiveness of telemedicine and telecare: changes in the economic evidence over
twenty years. Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare 2012; 18 (1): 1–6
Cusack, C.M., Pan, E., Hook, J.M., et al., (2007) The Value of Provider-to-Provider Telehealth Technologies. Charlestown: Centre for Information
Technology Leadership
Cruickshank J and Paxman, J (2013) 2020 Health Yorkshire & the Humber Telehealth Hub project evaluation. London: 2020 Health
Zhou YY, Kanter MH, Wang JJ and Garrido T (2013) ‘Improved quality at Kaiser Permanente through e-mail between physicians and patients’,
Health Affairs 29(7), 1370–5.

Digital health: heaven or hell? 21

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Improved resource
We should be tracking all There are significant opportunities to flexibly. This means that they should not
materials… tracking the improve productivity by bringing to bear simply constitute electronic versions of
the tools widely used in other sectors paper rosters, but should be used as a
time of our procedures and
for improved resource management to tool to redesign workforce deployment.
automating our scheduling… plan staff rosters, patient flow, and match When linked to clinical record systems,
The more analysis we have capacity to demand. e-rostering can incorporate task
on that… the more clinicians management and allocate clinical tasks
can make efficient decisions E-rostering and mobile to staff in real time.
which will then improve their working Active support for mobile working can
productivity. Tracking and management of staff time also reap significant productivity gains.
through e-rostering solutions can be used Remote access to records, via tablets
— Joel Haspel and other mobile devices, can transform
to ensure that the workforce is employed
GE Healthcare Finnamore the way that staff in the community can
where it is needed most, enabling quality
and efficiency improvements. Well deliver care. Instead of having to travel
implemented systems can avoid under- to a base twice a day to pick up and
or over-staffing, reduce the reliance on return heavy notes, a case list can be
locum or agency staff, and provide less downloaded at home. Apps can include
stressful working patterns. CDSS and in-built protocols, facilitating
efficient care which is compliant with
E-rostering solutions should be used best practice; as well as working in both
to match skills in the workforce with online and offline mode to facilitate
patient need, and deploy resources mobile working.

MIA Maternity (Isosec and Imperial College

Healthcare NHS Trust, UK)

MIA Maternity is an app designed for community midwifes, introduced by

Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust (ICHT) in 2015. It enables midwifes to
enter all data directly into an iPad, which automatically syncs with the hospital
database. Instead of having to travel to the hospital at the start of each day,
the midwife can download a case-list from home and the app will suggest an
order of cases based on geographical location. The app works in offline and
online mode; when online it will push and pull data from the central hospital
server, ensuring all patient information is up-to-date and available to other
members of the maternity team.
MIA Maternity has improved patient care, with quicker data entry leading to
more time spent on patient contact, improved continuity and handover as all
team members have up-to-date notes readily available and compliance with
best-practice guidelines aided by prompts and in-built protocols. In addition to
improved staff satisfaction the app also has direct cost-savings: saving
5 hours per midwife per week, equivalent to £500,000 across a department
of 50 midwives — an ROI of around 6 months.

22 Digital health: heaven or hell?

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
We’ve found [wearable person-
United Hospital, US
to-person communicators] to
be particularly beneficial. In
Centralized patient-flow systems have saved United Hospital US$5 million ward situations the average
annually through reduced expenditure and fewer income penalties arising from
time for a nurse to find
the A&E department being on divert. The initiative centralized the management
of patient flow within the hospital with the support of an electronic flow system another nurse has gone from
and integrated with the main hospital electronic record system. The combined 3 minutes to 20 seconds, and
system enables staff throughout the hospital to see and update real-time that’s saved huge amounts
patient status information and location. of time multiplied out across
By having a comprehensive, real-time view of the location, need and treatment the wards where it’s been
of every patient in the hospital, not one from hours earlier, staff can more rapidly implemented.
and effectively resolve blockages or care needs. At the back end of the system
data-mining capabilities enable workflow and capacity usage to be improved — Richard Ashby
over time, driving further savings. Metro South, Australia

Managing patient flow Specific lessons

In the US, patient tracking systems are “Bring your own device”: A number
being used to track not just the status of of organizations have found that giving
rooms, equipment, patients and waiting ward nurses a mobile device such as
times but the location of all the people a tablet or mobile phone and allowing
managing care via a “command center”. them to take it home, customize it and
This approach was advocated by a number use it for personal tasks has ensured
of those we interviewed. Ultimately, they higher uptake of the technology. Not only
argued, this line of sight should go across this, but they found that nurses were
the system and include GPs, ambulance checking their rounds on the way to work
and community services. and familiarizing themselves with the
handover notes.
Involving end-users in developing patient
flow software is essential to ensure it Capacity to work offline: In moving to
meets clinical and administrative needs mobile working, benefits can be gained
and is easy to use.27 Some providers from applications that can work offline,
have encountered significant resistance enabling mobile workers to carry out
to what can be perceived as ‘big brother tasks where Wi-Fi is not available —
healthcare’, but by being flexible to staff and to upload their notes to the clinical
input about how systems work, concerns system once a signal is restored.
have been overcome in some providers.

Poulos CJ, Gazibarich BM, Eagar K. (2007) Supporting work practices, improving patient flow and monitoring performance using a clinical
information management system.Aust Health Rev. Apr;31 Suppl 1: S79–85

Digital health: heaven or hell? 23

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Continuous cycles of learning
and improvement
Once you are starting to use Feeding the learning from clinical and place throughout the report: using
data in a systematic way, non-clinical data back into existing patient flow technology to identify
processes is essential to fully realizing where patients wait in the system and
there are numerous ways
the benefits of digital technology. We re-designing services; collecting data
in which this supports your have already highlighted numerous to understand where variation in care
on-going benchmarking and examples of how this continuous cycle occurs and why, and using data to
performance improvement. of improvement and learning can take predict and target at-risk groups.
You can’t improve what you
don’t measure.
Intermountain, US
— Ran Balicer
Clalit Research Institute
Israel A core part of Intermountain’s digital strategy is system learning and improvement
from the data they collect. Leaders at Intermountain choose the data they collect
carefully, keeping in mind the estimate that each data item collected costs a dollar
per patient.
Data analysts are fundamental to this process. Intermountain’s Institute for
Health Care Delivery Research employs 17 statisticians at Masters level or
higher to analyze registry data and produce routine reports on care delivery
performance. The intention is to make performance transparent to the
clinical teams at an individual patient level and at a process level. According
to Brent James, Intermountain has carried out three formal evaluations to
understand if these data analysts could be replaced by a business intelligence
system. However, they have always found that analysts are the preferable
option given that they offer considerably more flexibility than a technological
solution. Intermountain embed their analysts in clinical teams and believe
they represent very good value for money, often costing less than a nurse but
offering insight that could save their salary many times over.
Intermountain have already taken out 10 percent of their costs in the last 3 years.
They believe that these systems will enable them to reduce the cost of care by
50 percent — both through reductions in waste and non-value adding activity and
improvements in clinical outcomes. [Source: BJ Interview]

The use of data can also help drive to (e.g. nursing home, their own home
improved care pathways and ensure with nursing support, or a hospice).
that patients receive optimal care.
We are also starting to see significant
For example, Advocate Healthcare in
investment in artificial intelligence,
Chicago estimate that they are saving
with the best known example being
US$200 million a year from an algorithm
Watson. This is some distance from
that offers recommendations to
mainstream adoption but signals a
physicians and patients about what level
direction of travel.
of care someone should be discharged

24 Digital health: heaven or hell?

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
The skills required to enable
IBM Watson digital healthcare — big
data, user experience,
Watson is a supercomputer built by IBM, which is able to process and cybersecurity — are in
understand data in a novel way to answer complex questions put to it by limited supply and have not
the user. It is able to extract meaning from free text enabling it to store data
historically been core to
from any written source. It has a wide range of applications across multiple
industries, including healthcare. healthcare. But accessing
these capabilities — whether
Watson is being trained by oncology experts at Memorial Sloane Kettering
in-house or externally — will
(MSK) so that it might be able to inform decision making in cancer care. The idea
is that Watson will be able to analyze the patient’s medical record to identify be the ultimate arbiter of
key characteristics that might influence outcomes. It can then identify potential progress.
evidence-based treatment options, rank treatment options and present these
— Liam Walsh
to the user with supporting evidence from a wide range of sources. This can
allow clinicians to match individual patient characteristics to the vast and KPMG in the US
complex research and knowledge base and provide tailored and evidence-
based treatments.
Definitive outcomes for its use in cancer care are awaited as Watson is still
undergoing training and testing at MSK. However, results presented at the 2014
American Society of Clinical Oncology meeting demonstrate that Watson is
able to choose the preferred treatment option with 89–100 percent precision,
depending on cancer type.28

Specific lessons engagement and consultation.

Organizations need to be entirely
Gain patient consent for use of transparent about how they will use
data beyond direct care: England’s patient data and think carefully about
scaled-back program has how they will gain informed consent
highlighted the sensitivities around for data analysis, articulating clearly
using patient data for reasons intended benefits of using data in
beyond direct care without adequate this way.

Epstein AS, Zauderer MG, Gucalp A, Seidman AD, Caroline A, Fu J, et al. (2014) Next steps for IBM Watson Oncology: Scalability to additional
malignancies. Journal of Clinical Oncology.

Digital health: heaven or hell? 25

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
The way ahead for
technology in healthcare
Seeing evidence of triumph We started this work with a question — The areas where digital tools are most
and disaster, many will ask what are the opportunities to use likely to help are:
technology to improve the productivity of
of health IT investment ‘are —— Reducing duplication and rework
the health system and the workforce in
the gains worth the risk?’. particular. We found all the complexities —— Removing unjustified variation from
The answer is unmistakable: that might be expected and a huge scope standards and increasing reliability
staying with the status quo for investment in this area to destroy value
—— Tools for identifying deteriorating
is more risky and hazardous as well as create it.
patients, those at risk of infection
still. Technology is already A second question is why is it that the or predicting the probability of an
transforming healthcare health sector has failed to gain the extended stay or readmission
delivery models, and this productivity improvements found in
—— Improving communication and hand-
will only accelerate over the other industries. There are undoubtedly
offs between professionals
opportunities to streamline the work of
next 10 years. So the choice
clinicians and to use technology to lift —— Removing administrative tasks from
is simple: embrace it, or be the burden of administrative and low clinical staff
left behind. value tasks. However, doing this in a way
—— Scheduling and improving flow
that liberates productive time is difficult.
— Wah Yeow Tan
The really big benefits come from more —— Inventory and procurement
KPMG in Singapore fundamental redesign of the way the
—— Rostering, mobile working and staff
system delivers care, how clinicians think
and how far patients can participate.
There are grounds for optimism but many —— Patient self-service for administrative
reports in this area fail to confront the tasks such as booking, etc.
difficulties or the scale of change that will
Redesign of the whole pathway. Doing
be required.
the current work more efficiently, with
fewer errors and in ways that are easier
The next 5 years and more convenient for staff would get
There are several sources of productivity many organizations a long way. Additional
improvement that will form part of plans opportunities come from the redesign of
for the next 5–10 years and digital tools complete pathways within organizations
can help with all of these in different ways. and beyond their traditional boundaries.
There are three main areas for change Reduced variation, the ability to ensure
with progressively higher levels of risk, the most appropriate level of care is
cultural change and potential disruption of provided and appropriate staffing mix
current operating and business models. to demand offer the potential for very
substantial savings and improvements
Operational improvement. Although in the effectiveness of the workforce.
there is a lot of interest in new models of There are also opportunities for patient
care, the most significant improvements involvement with some tasks being
in productivity over the next few years are transferred to patients and benefits from
likely to come from the combined impact improved self-care.
of large numbers of small changes.

26 Digital health: heaven or hell?

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Population health management. The 2. The more disruptive models require
third shift is a move from pathways to extensive data sharing and secondary
populations and a change of focus from use, as well as adaptions to staff roles.
the effective management of the patient 3. The tendency to focus on the
through the pathway to maintaining the technology and not the problem it
health of populations over time. This is intended to solve. The more the
requires a mind-set shift in providers and a improvements in efficiency and
focus on early intervention and targeting, productivity are driven by a shift to
enabling patient self-management, value and population-based models of
shared decision making and measuring care the bigger the challenge in terms
outcomes and value rather than counting of changing the mind-set and practice.
activities. To do this systems will need
to become more adept at using digital What does this mean?
tools to: So what might technology mean for the
way we deliver services in 10–20 years
—— Link care episodes time? You could interpret what we have
—— Build better data and analytics written as describing a future in which
including using predictive models healthcare will transform from the messy,
which take into account behavioral inefficient world it is today, with much
factors as well as med history that is clinically uncertain and variable, to a
glorious nirvana of streamlined efficiency,
—— Create systems to provide feedback, clinical certainty and consistency and
learning and improvement patients who are so effective at managing
—— Drawing on personal data from their own health and care they barely
outside of the health sector, such need to trouble the doctor. The sceptics
as that currently held by retailers, may see a much bleaker world where
telecoms companies and app clinicians are tied to computers trying to
developers. interpret a sea of data while patients are
overburdened with self-management
This is likely to be most disruptive, tasks and anxiety about health generated
requiring significant shifts in models by obsessional monitoring and difficult to
of care, and the management of three interpret probabilistic predictions about
key risks: their genetic risk factors.
1. The non-linear return on investment — As with all disruptive forces, the outcome
there is a risk that the tipping point is of health IT on healthcare is inherently
not reached where there is a critical uncertain. Given that health warning, our
mass of investment in technology, best assessment of what the future may
changed care processes, analytics and hold, is as follows.
new workforce models.

Digital health: heaven or hell? 27

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Technology alone rarely Firstly, information and communications workforce with its greatest opportunity
makes recognizable change. technology will be omnipresent but and challenge. All staff will need to
much less visible. No more carts with develop and extend their skills with
Replacing an old system with
PCs on the ward. Medical technology will patient, performance and population
an identical digital process only become more and more intelligent. Data health data, while new professional
creates more work for users. will be held remotely in the cloud allowing roles in the area of clinical and medical
professionals to use hand-held devices informatics are likely to emerge. Many
— Jin Yong Jeon
that give them access to everything have talked about how this new access to
KPMG in Korea they need. Some have described the clinical decision tools will enable all staff
smartphone as the new stethoscope, to work to the top of their license. This
the difference being that the patient has may well be true, but it may also present
one too. opportunities to work beyond the scope
set by current professional boundaries.
Technology is driving a fundamentally
different relationship between patient Managerial staff will also require new
and professional. This requires new skills analytical skills in order to maximize the
for both. Professionals will develop new benefits from the newfound intelligence
coaching skills in order to “activate” and about their organization and how it
engage people in their care, adaptable to is operating. They will also require
the wide range of patient capabilities that sophisticated organization development
will persist. competencies in order to take staff on the
transformation journey that technology
Technology is also driving a very different
can facilitate.
relationship between professionals. It
supports medicine as a team rather than More prosaic and often neglected in
individual pursuit. This too will require this sort of analysis is the ability of these
new ways of working. As the traditional systems to just make people’s lives easier
barriers between primary, secondary, by automating administrative tasks,
community, social and mental health improving communication and helping
care are broken down so will some of them do their work more effectively
the traditional roles and services. For and efficiently. In addition to disrupting,
example, the current hospital outpatient transforming and getting the benefits
model looks increasingly anachronistic in a of big data, wearables and all the other
world where consultants can offer advice exciting new developments we should
to professionals and patients remotely. still aim for less duplication, searching
Multi-skilled staff with a range of core for missing information and fewer of the
therapeutic skills are likely to become an multiple causes of waste that get in the
increasingly core part of the workforce. way of patients, clinicians and other staff
and try to make their working lives better
The management of the potential sea
than when we started.
of data presents the healthcare and its

28 Digital health: heaven or hell?

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
The path to a successful
health IT transformation:
How KPMG can help
The journey to digital transformation in healthcare is a challenging one, with KPMG is a trusted
numerous moving parts. Each of these parts must transition in a purposeful, advisor to payers,
coordinated way to new clinical delivery models, all while ensuring that the services
providers, governments
continue to function during the transition.
in their journey to digital
Services we provide to clients to help with these challenges include: transformation
Organizational alignment: This can be patient privacy/confidentiality (HIPAA)
related to business objectives, strategy compliance, represent some of the
and planning, and internal education/ most challenging tasks reported by
change management. The latter is clients. These are critical decisions
particularly important, as getting project as they impact the success and
leaders to align on financial ROIs and efficiency of clinical documentation and
clinical outcomes is critical to long-term administration, eVisit video collaboration,
success. patient engagement, and performance
management reporting functions.
Governance and regulatory guidance:
It is imperative to have strategic planning Performance management and
and operational support which include reporting: Measurement, tracking,
patient-centered governance protocols analysis and reporting on quality,
and policies in place across care settings. productivity and efficiency are
Virtual care projects should be coupled indispensable when sustaining and
with an analysis of regulatory and growing a modern health system.
reimbursement compliance issues, both Financial, clinical and operational
as they stand in the present and with key performance indicators must be
an eye to further developments in the validated, maintained and integrated
near- and longer-term. into an ongoing enterprise continuous
improvement program.
Maturity assessment and
re-design: Our process comprises Data and analytics: KPMG’s data and
an organizational assessment of the analytic (D&A) capability is seen as
current state, determination of business a means to enhance proficiency and
objectives, and establishment of a quality in healthcare. Many healthcare
future-state strategy, target operating organizations are exposed to an array
model and transition roadmap. It is of new risks pertaining to compliance
essential that the systems that are regulations, fraud, inefficiency,
implemented with change management ineffectiveness and errors resulting in
in mind and are standardized with financial loss and reputational damage.
scalable and aligned infrastructures, Our expertise in data and analytics
data flows and workflow. improves client’s ability to identify
essential anomalies when reviewing
Integrated system platform selection
business processes and allows a detailed
and configuration: Choosing and
understanding of an organization’s
configuring health IT platforms,
operational and financial standing.
and ensuring network security and

Digital health: heaven or hell? 29

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Authors and contributors
Alberto De Negri, KPMG in Italy
Alberto is a project leader and business developer of advisory services in healthcare and the public sector.
His experience includes being a project leader in many advisory projects for regional health authorities,
local health authorities, hospitals, including project leader of the national project “the bricks of the National
Health Service”, for the development of shared methodologies and classifications across the Italian NHS
and project leader for the design of the Italian national health information system. Alberto has developed
regional plans to redesign the network of services and cut costs.

Malcom Lowe-Lauri, KPMG in Australia

Malcolm has been at the forefront of the NHS’s modernization efforts, having helped several UK healthcare
authorities deliver change and improve performance, successfully working with multiple stakeholder
groups. In a 30-year career with the NHS, Malcolm’s early successes include rationalizing laboratory
services, consolidating clinical and support services and meeting ambitious national waiting list targets at
a number of London hospital authorities. A prominent national and international figure, he has chaired the
UK CEO’s Research Forum and was a member of the NHS Future Forum, advising the UK government on
health legislation. Malcolm has a BA from Oxford University, an MsC from the University of London and is
an Honorary Fellow of King’s College London.

Frank O’Donnell, KPMG in Ireland

Frank is the sector lead for Health and Public Sector at KPMG in Ireland. He is currently leading a series of
engagements across the area of health reform with a significant focus on Health IT, Health Data, Electronic
Health Records and Health Identifiers. He is an experienced consultant across the health and public sector
area with a focus on technology-enabled change and innovation and he has worked in health, education,
economic development and local government.

Paul Tan, KPMG in Singapore

Paul is currently a Director with KPMG Management Consulting for the health sector. He has 18 years
of Healthcare Industry Solutions experience, working with major healthcare providers and public health
agencies in the region. In his last role, his focus was on solutions including cloud, mobility, telehealth, care
coordination, analytics and cognitive computing to address the healthcare industry’s business requirements
and transformation.
He has worked with various solutions areas including Clinic Management System, Business Process
Outsourcing, Managed Care & TPA Claims Management, HIS/ERP, EMR, EHR, Care Coordination, Digital
Hospital, Telehealth, Analytics and Public Health Solution. Paul has extensive experience in healthcare IT
strategy and solutions, vendor selection and developing business case in heath IT adoption.

30 Digital health: heaven or hell?

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
  an, KPMG in Singapore
Wah Yeow T
Wah Yeow is the Deputy Managing Partner of KPMG in Singapore, and leads the firm’s National Markets
sector (Singapore government departments, government agencies and government-linked companies).
He also heads KPMG’s Asia Pacific Healthcare practice. Wah Yeow has been with KPMG since 1984 and
was admitted into the partnership in 1995. Wah Yeow has more than 20 years of experience in auditing
and advisory work for private, public and government-owned companies. He has held various leadership
positions with KPMG in Singapore and at Asia Pacific region including Head of Management Consulting and
Head of Infrastructure, Government & Healthcare. He has also been involved in advisory work, including
running strategy workshops, costing of services, and policy reviews, with several of the ministries and
government organizations.

Liam Walsh, KPMG in the US

Liam is a Principal and the US Healthcare and Life Sciences Advisory Industry Leader. He has extensive
experience in solution areas such as Strategy and Governance, Strategic Sourcing, Global Process Re-
engineering, Merger Integration, Business Unit Divestitures, and New Company Launch. His technology
experience includes ERP, CRM, SFA, Business Intelligence, Collaboration and Knowledge Management
solutions. Liam focuses on leveraging emerging technologies and best business practices to develop
pragmatic strategies focused on generating business value.

Jenny Yao, KPMG in China

Jenny Yao has over 20 years of international management experience in healthcare industry. Her areas of
expertise include hospital management, quality improvement, project management, risk management,
service transformation, training programs, system redesign and market-entry strategy.
Before joining KPMG, Jenny was an Associate Director of Operations at Brighton and Sussex University
Hospitals NHS Trust, UK. Jenny was involved in setting up a new hospital in Shandong Province, China
before doing her MBA at Imperial College London.

Special thanks to our KPMG member firm partners and subject matter expert contributors

— Ralph Fargnoli, KPMG in the US — Kim Liu, KPMG in China — John Pilla, KPMG in Australia
— Paul Henderson, KPMG in the UK — Robin Mann, KPMG in Australia — Jonty Roland, KPMG in the UK
— Alan Hughes, KPMG in the UK — Kyungsoo Park, KPMG in Korea — David Steyer, KPMG in the US
— Jin Yong Jeon, KPMG in Korea — Haggit Philo, KPMG in Israel

Digital health: heaven or hell? 31

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Evidence to support this study was gathered through an extensive search of the
existing literature on health technology’s impact on productivity and quality of care.
This was supplemented by 36 interviews with leaders of healthcare organizations
who have been actively pursuing a digital strategy over many years, as well leading
technology suppliers. These covered the US, India, Australia, Israel, Botswana,
Nigeria, South Africa and the UK (see Interviewees). The literature and interviews
were used to identify major opportunities for technology to improve healthcare, in
addition to lessons for its successful deployment collected by KPMG’s healthcare
leaders from their own extensive experience of health IT implementations.

The Nuffield Trust

The Nuffield Trust is an authoritative and independent source of evidence-based
research and policy analysis for improving healthcare in the UK. Our vision is to
help provide the objective research and analysis that boosts the quality of health
policy and practice, and ultimately improves the health and healthcare of people
in the UK.
We aim to help provide the evidence base for better healthcare through:
— conducting cutting edge research and influential analysis
— informing and generating debate
— supporting leaders
— examining international best practice.

32 Digital health: heaven or hell?

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Name Title Organization Country
Adam Darkins Vice President for Medical Affairs and Enterprise Medtronic Inc US
Technology Development
Alok Khare Vice President JIL Information Technology Ltd India
Amanda Basset Director of Workforce Insight Allocate Software UK
Amy Garcia Chief Nursing Officer for Nursing Workforce Cerner US
Brent James Executive Director Intermountain Institute for Health Care US
Delivery Research
Brian Clay Chief Medical Information Officer University of California San Diego (UCSD) US
Bruce Darrow Chief Medical Information Officer Mount Sinai Medical Centre US
David Blumenthal President The Commonwealth Fund UK
David Furniss Vice President, Propositions and Frameworks, BT Global Services UK
Global Government and Health
Efrat Shadmi Lecturer University of Haifa Israel
Elaine O’Brien Clinical Strategist Cerner US
Eric Alper Chief Medical Information Officer Lifespan US
Eric Poon Chief Medical Information Officer Duke University US
Gareth Thomas Clinical Director for Innovation Salford Royal NHS Trust UK
Girish Kulkarni Chief Medical Informatics Officer Cytecare Hospitals India
Harpreet Sood Senior Fellow to the Chair and Chief Executive’s NHS England UK
Jai P. Dwivedi Chief Information Officer Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute India
Joel Haspel Partner GE Healthcare, Healthcare Finnamore UK
John Deverill Managing Partner GE Healthcare, Healthcare Finnamore UK
Jonathan Lewis Chief Executive Officer Bromley Healthcare UK
Jonathan P. Weiner Professof of Health Policy and Management and John Hopkins University US
Health Informatics
Kagiso Ndlovu Health Informatics Program Manager Botswana-UPenn Partnership Botswana
Kelly Limonte Healthcare Industry Manager Microsoft UK UK
Ladi Awosika Chief Executive Officer Total Health Trust Nigeria
Martyn Partridge Professor of Respiratory Medicine and Patient Imperial College, London UK
Centred Care
Neil Williams Head of Connected Health Medicom Innovation Partner UK
Mandie Sunderland Chief Nurse Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust UK
Owen Heckrath Technical Advisor Health Information Systems Program South Africa
Ran Balicer Director Clalit Research Institute Israel
Richard Ashby Chief Executive Officer Metro South Health Australia
Robert Pearl Chief Executive Officer The Permanente Medical Group US
Robert Wachter Professor and Interim Chair of the Department University of California San Francisco US
of Medicine (UCSF)
Simon Wallace Clinical Consultant Total Mobile UK
Theresa Cullen Chief Medical Information Officer Veterans Health Administration US
Will Cavendish Director General of Innovation, Growth and NHS England UK
Anonymous Anonymous Technology company UK
Anonymous Anonymous Technology company UK

Digital health: heaven or hell? 33

© 2016 KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”). KPMG International provides no client services and is a Swiss entity with which the independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated.
Contacts for healthcare services
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T: +44 20 7694 2014 E: E: E:
E: Denmark Malaysia South Korea
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T: +244 227 280 102 E: E: E:
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Volker Penter Anna van Poucke Sweden
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T: +61 2 9335 8233 Hong Kong New Zealand E:
E: Marcello de Guisa Richard Catto Switzerland
Austria T: +85 22 685 7337 T: +64 4 816 4851 Michael Herzog
Klaus Schatz E: E: T: +41 44 249 31 53
T: +43 732 6938 2437 Hungary Nigeria E:
E: Peter Kiss Kunle Elebute
T: +3618877384 T: +23 41 280 9267 Taiwan
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E: E:
Emmanuel De Moyer T: +88 628 101 6666
T: +32 2 708 4486 Iceland Norway E:
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E: E: US
Central/Eastern Europe
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Miroslaw Proppe
Haggit Philo Victoria Samsonova T: +1 312 665 2073
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T: +972 3 684 8000 T: +74 95 937 4444 E:
E: E:
China Vietnam and Cambodia
Italy Saudi Arabia Cong Ai Nguyen
Jenny Yao Khalid Yasin
Alberto De Negri T: +84 83 821 9266
T: +86 108 508 7074 T: +96 611 874 8500
T: +39 02 6764 3606 E:
E: E:
Chile Japan Singapore
Santiago Barba Keiichi Ohwari Wah Yeow Tan
T: +562 2 798 1507 T: +81 3 5218 6451 T: +65 641 18338
E: E: E:

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Publication name: Digital health: heaven or hell?
Publication number: 133148-G

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