The Communique Released
The Communique Released
The Communique Released
Group of 20.
"We reaffirmed that our overriding objective is to improve the living standards of all our
citizens through strong economic and jobs growth. We expressed our solidarity with the
Japanese people after the tragic events, our readiness to provide any needed cooperation,
and our confidence in the resilience of the Japanese economy and financial sector.
The global recovery is broadening and becoming more self-sustained, with increasingly
robust private demand growth. But downside risks still remain. We agreed to remain
vigilant and to take the actions required to strengthen the recovery and reduce risks.
To strengthen the international monetary system, we agreed to focus our work, in the short
term, on assessing developments in global liquidity, a country specific analysis regarding
drivers of reserve accumulation, a strengthened coordination to avoid disorderly
movements and persistent exchange rates misalignments, a criteria-based path to broaden
the composition of the SDR, an improved toolkit to strengthen the global financial safety
nets, enhanced cooperation between the IMF and regional financial arrangements, the
development of local capital markets and domestic currency borrowing, coherent
conclusions for the management of capital flows drawing on country experiences. We also
agreed on the need to strengthen further the effectiveness and coherence of bilateral and
multilateral IMF surveillance, particularly on financial sector coverage, fiscal, monetary
and exchange rate policies.
We welcome the entry into force and the activation of the expanded and more flexible New
Arrangements to Borrow (NAB). We will work to complete the steps required to
implement the 2010 quota and governance reform by the Annual Meetings of 2012.
We welcomed the preliminary proposals of the FSB to strengthen its capacity, resources
and governance including representativeness and asked the FSB to put forward formal
proposals at its July meeting for review at our next meeting. We took stock of progress
made to determine a cohort of global SIFIs and confirmed that the FSB will make
recommendations on a multi-pronged framework with more intensive supervisory
oversight, effective resolution capacities and higher loss absorbency capacity. We look
forward to public consultations on SIFI recommendations and request a macroeconomic
impact study by FSB and BCBS, in cooperation with BIS and IMF, to be reviewed at our
next meeting. We welcomed the FSB work on the scope of shadow banking and look
forward to the recommendations that the FSB will prepare for our next meeting on the
regulation and oversight of the shadow banking system. We committed to set high,
internationally consistent, coordinated and non-discriminatory requirements in our
legislations and regulations implementing FSB recommendations on OTC derivatives
markets and stressed the need to avoid overlapping regulations. We urge all jurisdictions
to fully implement the FSB principles and standards on compensation. We call on the FSB
to undertake ongoing monitoring in this area and will assess the results of the 2nd peer
review on compensation practices by our next meeting. We will review at our next meeting
progress made by the IASB and FASB towards completing their convergence project by
the end of 2011 and look forward to the outcome of the ongoing IASB governance review
process. We welcomed ongoing work of OECD and FSB and other relevant international
organizations to develop common principles on consumer protection in financial services.
1.Our aim is to promote external sustainability and ensure that G20 members pursue the
full range of policies required to reduce excessive imbalances and maintain current account
imbalances at sustainable levels.
2.In February we agreed on a set of indicators that will allow us to focus through an
integrated 2-step process on those persistently large imbalances that require policy action.
These indicators are (i) public debt and fiscal deficits; and private savings rate and private
debt (ii) and the external imbalance composed of the trade balance and net investment
income flows and transfers, whilst taking due consideration of exchange rate, fiscal,
monetary and other policies.
3.To complete the first step, we have agreed today on indicative guidelines against which
each of these indicators will be assessed. While not policy targets, these guidelines establish
reference values for each available indicator allowing for identification of countries for the
second step in-depth assessment. Four approaches will be used:
2 – A statistical approach which benchmarks G20 countries on the basis of their national
historical trends.
4.Statistical approaches are based on the 1990 to 2004 period, as this is the period that
preceded the large build up in external imbalances. Reference values drawn from 1990-
2010 were also provided as a complement. In all four approaches, forecast figures over the
2013-15 period are compared to the values suggested by the guidelines to determine
whether or not an in depth assessment should be undertaken. Those countries identified by
at least two of the four approaches as having persistently large imbalances will be assessed
in-depth to determine in a second step the nature and root causes of their imbalances and
to identify impediments to adjustment. In carrying out this assessment, we will take due
account of the exchange rate and monetary policy frameworks of members. For members
of the euro area with its governance framework, this assessment will involve the
appropriate authorities. National circumstances will also be taken into account. In the
second step assessment, the independent IMF analysis will rely on IMF forecast data, while
countries' own assessments can use national data.
5.For the identification of countries that will move into the second stage, the selection rules
for G20 countries accounting for more than 5% of G20 GDP (on market exchange rates or
PPP exchange rates) will reflect the greater potential for spillover effects from larger