BDK3-04 - Torrock - S Bane (Bluff Hill - S Silver 2)
BDK3-04 - Torrock - S Bane (Bluff Hill - S Silver 2)
BDK3-04 - Torrock - S Bane (Bluff Hill - S Silver 2)
Torrock’s Bane
Bandit Kingdoms Regional Adventure
Version 1.0
by Jimmy B. Ellis
Reviewed by Jason Bulmahn
Torrock, a powerful ogre leader, continues to spread evil, death and ruin throughout the Bluff Hills region. Can you
bring an end to his rampage? An adventure for characters levels 3-13. Part two of the Bluff Hills Silver series.
Based on the original DUNGEONS & DRAGONS rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson and the new
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, Richard Baker, and Peter
This game product contains no Open Game Content. No portion of this work may be reproduced in any form without
permission of the author. To learn more about the Open Gaming License and the d20 system license, please visit
DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, D&D, GREYHAWK and RPGA are registered trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
LIVING GREYHAWK is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This scenario is intended for
tournament use only and may not be reproduced without approval of the RPGA Network.
This is an RPGA® Network scenario for the Dungeons & boxes. It’s strongly recommended that you paraphrase the
Dragons® game. A four-hour time block has been player text instead of reading it aloud. Some of this text is
allocated for each round of this scenario. The rest of the general and must be adapted to the specific situation or to
time is spent in preparation before game play, and actions of the player characters.
scoring after the game. The following guidelines are here
to help you with both the preparation and voting Scoring
segment of the game. Read this page carefully so that you After the players have completed the scenario or the time
know and can communicate to your players the special allotted to run the scenario has run out, the players and
aspects of playing an RPGA scenario. DM score the game. Complete the RPGA scoring grid
with names and RPGA numbers only, and the event
Preparation information at the top. RPGA no longer uses voting for
First you should print this scenario. This scenario was any reported results. Give the Scoring Packet to your
created to support double-sided printing, but printing it event coordinator.
single sided will work as well. There is enough room along
the inside margin to bind the adventure, if you desire.
Read this entire adventure at least once before you run
your game. Be sure to familiarize yourself with any special
rules, spells, or equipment presented in the adventure. It
may help to highlight particularly important passages.
When you run an RPGA D&D adventure we assume
that you have access to the following books: the Player’s
Handbook, the Dungeon Master’s Guide, and the Monster
Manual. We also assume that you have a set of dice (at least
one d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, and d20), some scrap paper, a
pencil, an RPGA scoring packet, and your sense of fun. It is
also a good idea to have a way to track movement during
combat. This can be as simple as a pad of graph paper and a
pencil, as handy as a vinyl grid map and chits, or as
elaborate as resin dungeon walls and miniatures.
Instruct the players either to prepare their characters
now, or wait until you read the introduction, depending on
the requirements of the scenario as described in the
Keep in mind that you must have at least three players
(not counting the DM), for the game session to be a
sanctioned RPGA event. As well, you cannot have more
than six players participating in the game.
Once you are ready to play, it is handy to instruct each
player to place a nametag in front of him or her. The tag
should have the player’s name at the bottom, and the
character’s name, race, and gender at the top. This makes it
easier for the players (and the DM) to keep track of who is
playing which character.
The players are free to use the game rules to learn
about equipment and weapons their characters are
carrying. That said, you as the DM can bar the use of even
core rulebooks during certain times of play. For example,
the players are not free to consult the Dungeon Master’s
Guide when confronted with a trap or hazard, or the
Monster Manual when confronted with a monster.
Some of the text in this scenario is written so that you
may present it as written to the players, while other text is
for your eyes only. Text for the players will be in gray
2 2 3 4 5
APL 4 [EL 6] If the characters defeat these forces, read the following:
Orc Soldier, Orc War3 (5): hp 22; see Appendix I.
As the last of your foes fall, the harsh sound of a battle
APL 6 [EL 8] horn echoes in the air somewhere above you. Off in
Ogre Lieutenant, ogre Bbn2/Ftr2: hp 66; see the distance, you see a ten- foot tall blue skinned
Appendix I. humanoid flying in the air. Pointing in your
Orc Soldier, Orc War3 (5): hp 22; see Appendix I. direction he yells out a phase in Giant. Even if you
don’t speak Giant, his meaning is clear, “There they
are, get them!” As you hear the battle roar of scores of
APL 8 [EL 10]
orcs and ogres coming from the north, the humanoid
Ogre Lieutenant, ogre Bbn2/Ftr2 (4): hp 66; see
vanishes from sight. You judge that the horde could
Appendix I.
be upon you within minutes!
APL 10 [EL 12] Make it clear that an overwhelming number of
Ogre Lieutenant, ogre Bbn2/Ftr2 (8): hp 66; see opponents are heading towards the characters and their
Appendix I. only hope of survival is to flee southward. They have
time to grab weapons but no time for in-depth looting.
APL 12 [EL 14] At higher APLs occasional views of ogre mages or
Hill Giant Captain, hill giant Ftr4: hp 156; see wyverns flying through the sky should prevent
Appendix I. characters from attempting to use flight northward as an
Hill Giant Guard, hill giant Bbn2 (4): hp 137; see escape option.
Appendix I.
After a trying night of fleeing Torrock’s forces, the
Tactics: These opponents will take advantage of their pressure has let up a little. However, the gestures and
reach and huge weapons to strike and disarm opponents comments made as you were pursued left little doubt
without provoking attacks of opportunities. The giants of what your fate would be should these forces
and ogres both use huge weapons so they are +4 vs large overtake you. From what you observed during your
weapons and +8 vs medium weapons. flight, it appears that Senningford has been
Once a character is disarmed, they will use Bull rush completely cut off and that Torrock’s forces are
to propel characters away from their weapon and into as making a major push forward from the north and
many of their buddies threatened areas as possible. northeast. Torrock’s forces appear to be setting up
Movement out of these threatened areas will provoke camps to rest for the day and may resume their push
attacks of opportunity. southward come nightfall.
Treasure: There is no time to do a through loot but Allow the characters to choose in which direction they
characters can grab weapons and shields. wish to flee now. They can head to the south, in which
APL 4 case they will encounter a press gang of Major Blain’s
Three battleaxes (5gp ea.), three mty comp longbows men searching for recruits to join the army (go to
+4 (250gp ea.), three large shields (10gp ea.). Loot encounter 2) or west into the Fellreev were they will
value – 795gp. encounter the Fellreev Elves (go to encounter 3).
Greatclub (2.5gp), four battleaxes (5gp ea.), five mty
comp longbows +4 (250gp ea.), four large shields Encounter Two
(10gp ea.). Loot value – 1312.5 gp.
…and the Hard Place
Four great clubs (2.5gp ea.), four mty comp longbows Major Blain has been sending press gangs out to forcibly
(250gp ea.). Loot value – 1010gp. recruit people into his army. Those refusing to volunteer
APL 10 are executed. He has even sent patrols into the Fellreev
Eight great clubs (2.5gp ea.), eight myt comp to capture “volunteers” from the ranks of Fellreev elves
longbows (250gp ea.). Loot value – 2020gp. and the Defenders of Greenkeep.
The press gang is 900 feet away and will ride in and out of Provided the characters agree to come along, he’ll
sight behind hills and corpse of trees several times before continue.
reaching the characters. Give the characters a chance to
react before continuing. If the characters attempt to “Good, come with me. After you’ve had a chance to
avoid the press gang keep in mind that the wizard has a get some food and rest, I’ll talk with you about a
raven as a familiar, one of many flying in the area special task I think you might be uniquely qualifies
(spotting and identifying one raven as the wizard’s for. By the way, if some of you have any trouble with
familiar is extremely difficult DC 35), and has been the powers that be, just know that out here in the
watching the party for some time now. If the characters front lines we overlook this kind of thing.”
attempt to flee, the press gang will give chase and attempt
to capture them. If the characters stand their ground If the party has questions the sergeant can, depending on
continue. what they ask impart the following information:
As the group rides forward you can see insignias If the characters attempt to flee from their
identifying them as members of Xavendra’s personal responsibility they will be considered deserters. The
forces. Some of you may even recall the particular penalty for desertion is death by one of many
symbol on their left breast. While most of this group different creative and painful methods devised by
stops about 30 feet away, one man with a sergeant the clerics of Iuz.
insignia on his shoulders rides up to you. Speaking By completing this task you will be doing a great
gruffly he states, “Don’t you know there’s a war going services to the people of the area. Save many lives
on? What is your business here?” and end much pain and suffering.
If you are successful in completing this task there is
The symbol on the soldiers will be recognized as Major a significant financial reward. (100 gold pieces per
Blaine’s crest if the PC’s have played Torrock’s Lair or APL total for the party, not for each character.)
succeed at a Knowledge: Local – Bandit Kingdoms check If you are successful in this task, the Government of
(DC 15). Lady Xavendra will owe you a debt of gratitude and
If the characters tell them of Torrock’s forces may be able to grant a pardon for past minor
heading south the sergeant will tell them: transgression (i.e. revoke Wanted!! status).
“Well, you’re lucky to be alive. As a matter of fact it’s At this point the characters can choose to go willingly
my lucky day as well. I’ve been looking for smart with the press gang or they can attempt to resist.
skilled fighters such as yourselves. Major Blain has This encounter can have one of several different
need of your services. Will you come along willingly outcomes:
or do you need to be persuaded?” He rests his hand
meaningfully upon his weapon. The characters could successfully resist the press
gang and then flee westward into the Fellreev. An
Provided the characters agree to come with him he’ll outcome titled Heck No, We Won’t Go.
continue. The characters could agree to join Major Blain’s
forces and accept a special assignment. An outcome
“Good, after you’ve had a chance to get some food and titled You’re In The Army Now.
rest, I’ll talk with you about a special task I think you The character could unsuccessfully resist the press
might be uniquely qualified for. By the way, if some gang, be captured, and accused of desertion. An
of you have any trouble with the powers that be, just outcome titled You Really Put Your Foot In It This
know that out here in the front lines we overlook this Time.
kind of thing.”
Give the characters a couple of minutes to discuss their If any of the characters are being hunted read the
situation. Secretly roll Spot and Listen checks (DC 15, following:
but make sure that at least one character is successful).
Success indicates that they either heard someone walk up “In addition it has come to my attention that some of
to their tent and stand quietly listening at the door or you have managed to get yourselves in trouble with
they spotted the shadow of two feet underneath the tent the powers that be. While you’re serving in
flap. One of the two clerics is standing outside their tent Xavendra’s army you will be immune to arrest and
trying to listen in on any conversations. If confronted he prosecution for those offences. Accomplish your
will be rude and arrogant and will continue to stand mission and the Major may be able to clear your
outside of their tent. This event is used to create an record entirely.
appropriate atmosphere so don’t spend too much time on Any questions?”
A short time later some men will bring by some Give characters a chance to answer any questions. Aramil
plates of food and a half hour after that Sergeant Darton will only answer question pertaining to the mission itself.
will return with Sergeant Aramil. Characters who played He does not know what the PC’s will encounter once
Torrock’s Lair will recognize Sergeant Aramil as their they enter the rear exit. He does know that occasional
liaison during that adventure and Sergeant Aramil will patrols have been spotted entering or leaving through the
recognize them. Sergeant Darton will inform the exit. When the characters finish asking questions,
characters that Sergeant Aramil is in charge of special continue.
operations and will be the individual working with them
from here on out. He will wish everyone a good evening “Good, get some rest. You’ll be leaving to get into
and leave. position tomorrow morning.”
As stated previously, Sergeant Aramil is a double
agent working for Fort Hendricks and Major Blain. He Latter that night characters on watch will hear someone
knows the following information about the characters. whisper through the tent flap, “May I come in?” A
haggard-looking man quietly enters the tent.
If they played Torrock’s Lair he knows the name that Provided the characters agree to allow him to, the
they went by and what their skills were. man will enter. If the characters on watch haven’t
He knows if they are hunted and why. already awakened the rest of the party he will suggest
He knows if a character is a member of the that they do so. Once they are awake he will address the
Defenders of Greenkeep, the Fanlareshen Elves, or party.
Fort Hendricks.
“Good evening, I’m Traflgar the Transmogrifier” he
Looking each of you in the eye, Sergeant Aramil says quietly. “ I need your help. It has come to my
addresses the party. “As I’m sure you know, Torrock attention that you will be entering Torrock’s lair
as been raiding villages and caravans in the area and soon. If you happen to find any documentation
killing or enslaving the people. In spite of all our linking Torrock to any forces within the government
efforts his forces have continued to grow and he has I would very much appreciate it if you could get them
been expanding his territory. This needs to be to me. In addition, Torrock has my spellbooks. If you
stopped at all cost. can recover them for me, I will be willing to let you
The Major will soon mount a frontal assault on copy some of the ones that you need for your own
Torrock’s base camp. It is a heavily fortified position studies. Are you willing to do this?”
and the assault is most likely doomed to failure.
However, the attack is merely a cover so that you can If the party questions him about what he wants with the
successfully accomplish your mission. We know of a information. He will inform them that he has taken
back way into Torrock’s camp. With the majority of
Inform characters who played Torrock’s Lair that they “(Character’s names) I remember you from when we
recognize him. He was their liaison with Major Blain worked together before. Do you still have that
during that scenario. medal?”
If any of the characters are being hunted read the If the characters refuse the special assignment the
following: adventure ends here. Have the players mark off an
additional four time units on their AR’s as their
“In addition it has come to my attention that some of characters spend the next month digging latrines.
you have managed to get yourselves in trouble with Latter that night characters on watch will hear
the powers that be. While you’re serving with me you someone whisper through the tent flap, “May I come in?”
will be immune to arrest and prosecution for those A haggard-looking man quietly enters the tent.
offences. Accomplish the mission and the Major may Provided the characters agree to allow him to, the
be able to clear your record entirely.” man will enter. If the characters on watch haven’t
“If what I propose is not something your willing already awakened the rest of the party he will suggest
to do, let me know and you’ll spend the next couple that they do so. Once they are awake he will address the
of months doing nice safe jobs for the army like party.
washing potatoes, digging latrines or waiting on the
clerics. “Good evening, I’m Traflgar the Transmogrifier” he
“As I’m sure you know, Torrock has been raiding says quietly. “ I need your help. It has come to my
villages and caravans in the area and killing or attention that you will be entering Torrock’s lair
enslaving the people. In spite of all our efforts his soon. If you happen to find any documentation
forces have continued to grow and he has been linking Torrock to any forces within the government
expanding his territory. This needs to be stopped at I would very much appreciate it if you could get them
all cost. to me. In addition, Torrock has my spellbooks. If you
The Major will soon mount a frontal assault on can retrieve them and bring them to me, I will let you
Torrock’s base camp. It is a heavily fortified position copy those you need for your studies. Are you willing
and the assault is most likely doomed to failure. to do this?”
However, the attack is merely a cover so that you can
successfully accomplish your mission. We know of a If the party questions him about what he wants with the
back way into Torrock’s camp. With the majority of information. He will inform them that he has taken
Torrock’s forces fighting the Major’s forces, a group great risk just coming to talk with them tonight and can’t
of skilled operative, you, will be able to sneak in risk telling them any more then he already has.
through the back and attack Torrock as he directs his Provided the party agrees to give him any
forces from the rear. documentation they find, he continues:
By the way, it might interest you to know that
there is a bounty placed on Torrock’s head. I’d rather “Great. Complete this one task for me and I’ll be sure
see you collect it than someone else. to return the favor with interest at some point in the
Any questions?” future.” He then backs out of the tent and disappears
into the night.
Give characters a chance to answer any questions. Aramil
will only answer question pertaining to the mission itself. Move on to Encounter 4: Leap of Faith.
He does not know what the PC’s will encounter once
they enter the rear exit. He does know that occasional
patrols have been spotted entering or leaving through the Encounter Three
exit. When the characters finish asking questions,
Fellreev Meeting
Entering beneath the shade of the Fellreev is almost
like entering a different world. Behind you are the
battles and cares of the Bluff Hills; ahead of you are
Translated this means, “What are you doing in our forest? There is a flurry of activity in the area. A young elf
This is Navine, a Druid and representative of the boy runs into your tent. “You, come quickly. Some
Fanlareshen Elves. While she speaks and understands men here to see you, yes.” He gestures for you to
Common perfectly, she has chosen not to stoop to using follow him.
this lesser tongue. Besides people are much more likely He leads you to another tent with a unknown
to let secrets slip if they think you can’t understand what banner hanging over the entryway. Inside a group of
they’re saying. Navine is not alone. Surrounding the Fanlareshen Elves and stern haggard faced men are
party is a group of ten elven Rangers, three other Druids engaged in conversation. They fall silent as you
in animal form, and all their animal companions. The enter. One of the men, a haggard-looking human in
Rangers can be spotted with a successful spot check (DC blue robes, addresses the party.
25). If none of the party members can speak Elven, then Looking each of you in the eye, he smiles. “So
one of the Rangers will stoop to speaking in common and you’re what all the fuss is about. Good afternoon, I’m
come forward and act as translator. Traflgar the Transmogrifier. Please have a seat.” He
With Torrock sending raiding parties into the gestures at some stools that have been set out.
Fellreev and Major Blain sending press gangs into the “I’m glad you’re here. I’m looking for some
Fellreev things are really tense right now. It will require people to perform a special mission for me and I
a successful diplomacy check (DC 28) by a character think you might be just the people I need.
(assistance from the rest of the party is helpful) to As you probably know, Torrock as been raiding
convince the elves that the party can be trusted. Please villages and caravans in the area and killing or
do not make this simply a matter of dice rolling. Make enslaving the people. In addition to raiding the Bluff
the characters roleplay. Hills area he is now making raids into the Fellreev.
Modifiers that will affect this check: This group of concerned citizen here would very
much like to see Torrock dead.
Half-orc in the party: –5 per half-orc However, that is only part of the problem. Major
Rude behavior: -1 to -10 Blain has been very busy forcibly recruiting the
Polite consolatory behavior: +1 to +10 people, human and elves, of the Fellreev into his
Members of the party are Elves: +2 per Elf army. Some of these people here feel that joining an
No one speaks Elven: –10 army loyal to the Old One violates certain oaths they
A character is a member of Fanlareshen Elves meta- have taken. However, if Torrock were dead Major
org: +10 Blain would no longer be inducting people into his
Characters have favors with the Fanlareshen Elves army and this problem also would be solved.
meta-org: +5 per favor I’m in a position to know that Major Blain will
Character is a member of the Defenders of soon mount a frontal assault on Torrock’s base camp.
Greenkeep meta-org +5 It is a heavily fortified position and it seems unlikely
Characters have favors with the Defenders of that the Major will be successful in killing Torrock.
Greenkeep meta-org: +5 per favor However, I know of a back way into Torrock’s camp.
Character is a member of Fort Hendricks meta-org: With the majority of Torrock’s forces fighting the
+5 Major’s forces, a group of skilled operatives, such as
Characters have favors with Fort Hendricks: +5 per you, should be able to sneak in through the back and
favor attack Torrock as he directs his forces from the rear.
As you leave this chamber fifty feet down the tunnel APL 12 [EL 15]
you can see the dim light of near dawn. As you get Torrock/Fronuex, ogre shaped Babau Rog6: hp 127,
closer to the exit you can hear the sounds of battle see Appendix IV.
coming from outside. What do you do? Hill Giant Guard, hill giant Bbn2: hp 137, see
Appendix I.
Encounter Five Ogre Mage (2): hp 43; see Monster Manual.
The random madness of the thunderstorm and the The following are class features of the frenzied
unpredictability of the slaadi come together in the soul berserker prestige class.
of the frenzied berserker. Unlike most other Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Frenzied
characters, she does not fight to achieve some heroic berserkers gain no weapon or armor proficiencies.
goal or defeat a loathsome villain. Those are mere Frenzy (Ex): Beginning at 1st level, the frenzied
excuses – it is the thrill of combat that draws her. For berserker can enter a frenzy during combat. While
the frenzied berserker, the insanity of battle is much frenzied, she gains a +6 bonus to Strength and a single
like an addictive drug – she must constantly seek out extra attack each round at her highest bonus. (This
more conflict to feed her craving for battle. latter effect is not cumulative with haste.) However,
Along the wild borderlands and in the evil she also suffers a –4 penalty to AC and takes 2 points of
kingdoms of the world, frenzied berserkers often lead subdual damage per round. A frenzy lasts for a number
warbands that include a variety of character types – and of rounds equal to 3 + the frenzied berserker’s
even other frenzied berserkers. Some such groups turn Constitution modifier. To end the frenzy before its
to banditry and brigandage; others serve as specialized duration expires, the character may attempt a Will save
mercenaries. Whatever their origin, such warbands (DC 20) once per round as a free action. Success ends
naturally gravitate towards situations of instability and the frenzy immediately; failure means it continues.
conflict, because wars and civil strife are their bread The effects of frenzy stack with those from rage.
and butter. Indeed, the coming of a frenzied berserker At first level, the character can enter a frenzy once
is the most obvious herald of troubled times. per day. Thereafter, she gains one additional use of the
The frenzied berserker’s path is unsuited for most ability for every two frenzied berserker levels she
adventurers – a fact for which the peace-lovers of the acquires. The character can enter a frenzy as a free
world can be thankful. Because of their traditional love action. Even though this takes no time, she can do it
for battle, orc and half-orc barbarians are the ones who only during her action, not in response to another’s
most frequently adopt this prestige class, though action. In addition, if she suffers damage from an
human and dwarf barbarians also find it appealing. It attack, spell, trap, or any other source, she
might seem that elves would be good candidates automatically enters a frenzy at the start of her next
because of their chaotic nature, but the elven aesthetic action, as long as she still has at least one daily usage of
and love of grace are at odds with the frenzied the ability left. To avoid entering the frenzy in
berserker’s devaluation of the self. Spellcasting response to damage, the character must make a
characters and monks almost never become frenzied successful Will save (DC 10 + points of damage
berserkers. suffered since her last action) at the start of her next
Hit Die: d12 action.
While frenzied, the character cannot use skills or
Requirements abilities that require patience or concentration (such as
To become a frenzied berserker, a character must fulfill Move Silently), nor can she cast spells, drink potions,
the following criteria. activate magic items, or read scrolls. She can use any
Alignment: Any nonlawful. feat she has except Expertise, item creation feats,
Base Attack Bonus: +6 metamagic feats, and Skill Focus in a skill that requires
Feats: Cleave, Destructive Rage, Intimidating patience or concentration.
Rage, Power Attack. During a frenzy, the frenzied berserker must
attack those she perceives as foes to the best of her
Class Skills ability. Should she run out of enemies before her
The frenzied berserker’s class skills (and the key frenzy expires, her rampage continues. She must then
ability for each skill) are Climb (Str), Intimidate (Cha), attack the nearest creature (determine randomly if
Jump (Str), Ride (Dex), and Swim (Str). See Chapter 4 several potential foes are equidistant) and fight that
of the Player’s Handbook for skill descriptions. opponent without regard to friendship, innocence, or
Skill points at Each Level: 2 + Int modifier. health (the target’s or her own).
When a frenzy ends, the frenzied berserker is
Class Features fatigued (-2 penalty to Strength and Dexterity, unable
You are to infiltrate the tribe of ogres guarding the Perdition Silver Mine. Find out the locations of the
mine, what forces are guarding it and report back to me.
Patchwall 5, 590 cy
I have not received a progress report from you in sometime. You are to respond immediately and
inform me on the progress of your mission.
Readying 2, 591 cy
Reports indicate that forces claiming loyalty to you have been attacking my forces, caravans, and
towns. You are to cease these activities immediately. Return and report at once. If you do not have an
extraordinary explanation for your actions, expect to spend a long painful time entertaining my guest