Kondapur (V), Ghatkesar (M), Medchal (Dist) : Samskruti College of Engineering & Technology

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(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to JNTUH.)

Kondapur(V), Ghatkesar(M), Medchal(Dist)

Subject Name: Optical Communications

Prepared by (Faculty (s) Name): Mr. Ch. Mani Kumar, Assistant Professor, ECE

Year and Sem, Department: IV Year- II Sem, ECE

Unit-I: Overview of Optical Fiber Communication

Important points / Definitions: (Minimum 15 to 20 points covering complete topics in that unit)

1. Optical fiber communication systems are used in telecommunication networks and many
other more localized communication application areas. An optical fiber communication
system is similar in basic concept to any type of communication system.
2. The optical fiber communication system consists of information source, electrical transmit,
optical source, optical fiber cable, optical detector, electrical receive and destination.
3. Advantages of optical fiber communication system are enormous potential bandwidth, small
size and weight, electrical isolation, immunity to interference and crosstalk, signal security,
low transmission loss, ruggedness and flexibility, system reliability and ease of maintenance
and potential low cost.
4. When the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle the light is reflected back into
the originating dielectric medium this is called as total internal reflection. If the ray has an
angle of incidence(∅) at the interference which is greater than the critical angle(∅𝑐 ) is
reflected at the same angle i.e. angle of incidence(∅) to the same dielectric medium.
5. Acceptance angle(𝜃𝑎 ) is the maximum angle to the fiber axis at which the light enter into the
fiber, in order to propagate by total internal reflection with in the fiber core. The rays to be
transmitted with in the fiber core, by total internal reflection, they must be incident on the
fiber core within an acceptance cone defined by the conical half angle(𝜃𝑎 ).
6. Numerical aperture of the fiber is used to obtain a relation ship between the acceptance
angle(𝜃𝑎 ) and the refractive indices of the three media involved, they are core, cladding and
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Kondapur(V), Ghatkesar(M), Medchal(Dist)

air. If the refractive indices of air is 𝑛0 , the fiber core is 𝑛1 and cladding is 𝑛2 , then the
numerical aperture(NA) is defined as,

𝑁𝐴 = 𝑛0 sin 𝜃𝑎 = (𝑛12 − 𝑛22 )2

7. Skew rays are another category of rays exists in optical fiber cable which is transmitted
without passing through fiber axis, these rays follow a helical path through the fiber.
8. An optical fiber is a long cylindrical dielectric waveguide, usually of circular cross-section,
transparent to light over the operating wavelength.
9. The individual modes which are propagating in optical fiber will have effect of mixing of
energy travelling in one mode to another mode depending on waveguide irregularities such as
deviations of the from straightness, variations in the core diameter, irregularities at the core-
cladding interface and refractive index variations may change the propagation characteristics
of the fiber. This mode conversion i.e. mixing of energy travelling in one mode to another
mode is known as mode coupling.
10. The normalized frequency is a dimension less parameter and it is also called as V number, it
is value of the fiber. It is relation between three important design variables for the optical
fiber. They are the core radius ′𝑎′, the relative refractive index difference ′∆′ and the operating
wavelength ′𝜆′.
𝑉= 𝑎(𝑁𝐴)

2𝜋 1
𝑉= 𝑎𝑛1 (2Δ)2

11. The optical fiber having a core of constant refractive index 𝑛1 and cladding of a slightly lower
refractive index 𝑛2 is known as step index fiber. Step index fiber is classified in two major
types, they are multimode step index fiber and single mode step index fiber. The refractive
index profile is defined as

𝑛1 𝑟<𝑎 (𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒)
𝑛(𝑟) = {
𝑛2 𝑟 ≥ 𝑎 (𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔)

12. Graded index fiber have decreasing core index 𝑛(𝑟) with radial distance from a maximum
value of 𝑛1 at the axis to a constant value 𝑛2 beyond the core radius ′𝑎′ in the cladding.
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to JNTUH.)
Kondapur(V), Ghatkesar(M), Medchal(Dist)

Where 𝑛1 is refractive index of the fiber core and 𝑛2 is refractive index of the cladding. This
index variation is represented as

𝑟 𝛼 2
𝑛1 (1 − 2Δ ( ) ) 𝑟<𝑎 (𝑐𝑜𝑟𝑒)
𝑛(𝑟) = { 𝑎
𝑛1 (1 − 2Δ)2 = 𝑛2 𝑟≥𝑎 (𝑐𝑙𝑎𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔)

13. Single-mode fibers are used for the transmission of single mode, and the fiber must be
designed to allow propagation of only one mode and remaining all other modes are attenuated
by leakage or absorption. The advantage of the propagation of a single mode within an optical
fiber is that signal dispersion caused by the delay differences, between modes in a multimode
fiber is avoided.
14. Cutoff wavelength(𝜆𝑐 ) of mode operation in single-mode fiber is

2𝜋𝑎𝑛1 1
𝜆𝑐 = (2Δ)2

Where 𝑉𝑐 is the cutoff normalized frequency. 𝜆𝑐 is the wavelength above which a particular
optical fiber becomes single-mode fiber.
15. Mode-field diameter(MFD) is an important parameter for characterizing single-mode fiber
properties which takes into account the wavelength dependent field penetration into fiber
cladding. It is a better measuring parameter of the functional properties of single-mode fiber
than the core diameter.
16. Effective refractive index for single-mode fiber referred to as a phase index or normalized
phase change coefficient. It is denoted by 𝑛𝑒𝑓𝑓 , it is the ratio of the propagation constant of
the fundamental mode to that of the vacuum propagation constant.

𝑛𝑒𝑓𝑓 =

17. Optical fiber materials must have requirements like, possible to make long, thin, flexible
fibers from the material. The material must be transparent at a particular optical wavelength,
to guide the light efficiently in optical fiber. Glasses and plastic materials satisfy these
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Kondapur(V), Ghatkesar(M), Medchal(Dist)

18. Glass is made by fusing mixtures of metal oxides, sulfides or selenides. Oxide glass materials
are optically transparent, mostly used for manufacturing optical fibers. The most common
oxide glass material is silica(SiO 2), which has a refractive index 1.458 at 850nm.
19. Doping rare earth elements into passive glass materials like silica, tellurite and halide gives
the active glass fiber material having new optical and magnetic properties. These new
properties of material is used for amplification, attenuation and phase retardation on the light
passing through it.
20. Chalcogenide glasses generally comprise mixture of one or more of the elements like
Sulphur(S), Selenium(Se) and Tellurium(Te), together with one or more elements
Germanium(Ge), Silicon(Si), Arsenic(As) and Antimony(Sb), are capable of optical
transmission in both the mid-infrared and far-infrared regions.
21. Plastic optical fibers are high-speed, high bandwidth graded-index polymer optical
fibers(POF). The core of these fibers is made by polymethylmethacrylate or a per fluorinated
polymer. Therefore these fibers are called as PMMA POF(polymethylmethacrylate polymer
optical fibers) and PF POF(per fluorinated polymer optical fibers).

Short Questions (minimum 10 previous JNTUH Questions)

1. What are the various elements of an optical communication system? Explain each element in
2. Give the block diagram of digital optical communication system and explain the function of
each block?
3. Distinguish between optical fiber communication system and conventional communication
4. List out the advantages of optical fiber communication?
5. Define an optical fiber? What are the different types of optical fibers?
6. Explain about mode field diameter?
7. Explain about cut-off wavelength of single-mode fibers?
8. Write short notes on numerical aperture?
9. Explain about acceptance angle?
10. What are advantages of plastic optical fibers?
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to JNTUH.)
Kondapur(V), Ghatkesar(M), Medchal(Dist)

Long Questions (minimum 10 previous JNTUH Questions)

1. Write in detail about ray optics?

2. Define an optical fiber? Explain in detail different types of optical fibers giving neat
3. Compare fiber structure and numerical aperture in step index fiber and graded index fiber?
4. List the requirements that must be satisfied by materials used to manufacture optical fiber?
5. Write in detail about glass fiber?
6. Write in detail about plastic optical fiber?
7. Write in detail about total internal reflection?
8. Explain about modes and V number of cylindrical fibers?
9. Write in detail about effective refractive index?
10. Explain about ray theory transmission?

Fill in the Blanks / Choose the Best: (Minimum 10 to 15 with Answers)

1. Acceptance angle is the maximum angle to the fiber axis at which the light enter into the
2. Mode-field diameter(MFD) is an important parameter for characterizing single-mode fiber
3. When the angle of incidence is greater than the critical angle the light is reflected back into
the originating dielectric medium this is called as total internal reflection.
4. The optical fiber having a core of constant refractive index 𝑛1 and cladding of a slightly lower
refractive index 𝑛2 is known as step index fiber.
5. Graded index fiber have decreasing core index 𝑛(𝑟).
6. Mixing of energy travelling in one mode to another mode is known as mode coupling.
7. The normalized frequency is a dimension less parameter and it is also called as V number.
8. Glass is made by fusing mixtures of metal oxides, sulfides or selenides.
9. Skew rays are another category of rays exists in optical fiber cable which is transmitted
without passing through fiber axis.
10. Skew rays follow a helical path through the fiber.
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to JNTUH.)
Kondapur(V), Ghatkesar(M), Medchal(Dist)

Unit-II: Signal Distortion in Optical Fibers

Important points / Definitions: (Minimum 15 to 20 points covering complete topics in that unit)

1. An optical signal weakens from attenuation mechanisms and increases due to distortion
effects as it travels along a fiber. These two factors will cause neighboring pulses to overlap.
After certain overlap occurs, the receiver can no longer distinguish the individual adjacent
pulses and errors arise when interpreting the received signal. This is called signal distortion in
optical fibers.
2. Signal attenuation is also known as fiber loss or signal loss is one of the most important
properties of an optical fiber. The basic attenuation mechanism in a fiber are absorption,
scattering and radiative losses of the optical energy.
3. Absorption is caused by atomic defects in the glass composition, extrinsic absorption is by
impurity atoms in the glass material. Whereas intrinsic absorption is by the basic constituent
atoms of the fiber material.
4. Optical fibers that can be used in the E-band are known as “low-water-peak” or “full-
spectrum fibers”.
5. Scattering losses in glass material is due to microscopic variations in the material density,
from compositional fluctuations and from structural inhomogeneities or defects occurring
during fiber manufacture.
6. Radiative losses occur when an optical fiber undergoes a bend of finite radius of curvature.
There are two types of bends, they are macroscopic bends, having radii large when compared
with fiber diameter and random microscopic bends of the fiber axis, when the fibers are
incorporated into cables.
7. The core and cladding have different refractive indices, differ in composition and having
different attenuation coefficients, denoted by 𝛼1 and 𝛼2 respectively.
8. Information-carrying capacity of a fiber link can be determined by examining the deformation
of short light pulses propagating along the fiber.
9. As signal propagates along the fiber, each spectral component can be assumed to travel
independently and to undergo a time delay or group delay per unit length 𝑔⁄𝐿 in the direction
of the propagation given by
𝜏𝑔 1 1 𝑑𝛽 𝜆2 𝑑𝛽
= = =−
𝐿 𝑉𝑔 𝑐 𝑑𝑘 2𝜋𝑐 𝑑𝜆
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Kondapur(V), Ghatkesar(M), Medchal(Dist)

Here, 𝐿 is the distance traveled by the pulse, 𝛽 is the propagation constant along the fiber
10. Material dispersion is due to the variations of the refractive index of the core material as a
function of wavelength. It is also called as chromatic dispersion.
11. Waveguide dispersion arises because the fraction of light power propagating in the cladding
travels faster than the light confined to the core, since the index is lower in cladding.
12. A varying birefringence along its length will cause each polarization mode to travel at a
slightly different velocity. The resulting difference in propagation times ∆𝜏𝑃𝑀𝐷 between the
two orthogonal polarization modes will result in pulse spreading. This is called as
polarization-mode dispersion(PMD).
13. The differential time delay ∆𝜏𝑃𝑀𝐷 between the polarization components during propagation
of the pulse over a distance 𝐿 is

∆𝜏𝑃𝑀𝐷 = | − |
𝑣𝑔𝑥 𝑣𝑔𝑦

Where 𝑣𝑔𝑥 and 𝑣𝑔𝑦 are the group velocities of the two orthogonal polarization modes.
14. Intermodal dispersion is also known as modal delay appears only in multimode fibers. This
signal distortion is a result of each mode having a different value of the group velocity at a
single frequency.
15. The maximum pulse broadening arising from the modal delay is the difference between the
travel time 𝑇𝑚𝑎𝑥 of the longest ray congruence paths(the highest-order mode) and the travel
time 𝑇𝑚𝑖𝑛 of the shortest ray congruence paths(the fundamental mode). This broadening is
simply obtained from ray tracing and for a fiber of length 𝐿 is given by

𝑛1 𝐿 𝐿𝑛12
∆𝑇 = 𝑇𝑚𝑎𝑥 − 𝑇𝑚𝑖𝑛 = ( − 𝐿) = ∆
𝑐 sin 𝜑 𝑐𝑛2

Where sin 𝜑 = 𝑛1 and ∆ is the index difference.

16. Optical fiber connectors are used from simple single-channel fiber-to-fiber connectors in a
benign location to multichannel connectors used in harsh military field environments.
17. Low coupling losses, interchangeability, ease of assembly, low environmental sensitivity,
low-cost and reliable construction and ease of connection are some of the principal
requirements of a good connector.
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Kondapur(V), Ghatkesar(M), Medchal(Dist)

18. Connectors are available in designs that screw-on, twist-on, or snap into place. The most
commonly used connectors are the twist-on and snap-on design. The basic coupling
mechanism used in this connectors belong to either the butt-joint or the expanded-beam
19. There are two types of butt-joint alignment designs used in both multimode and single-mode
fiber mechanisms. They are the straight-sleeve and the tapered-sleeve or biconical
20. The amount of power reflected from the connector to connector interface. This is called as
connector return loss. This can affect the optical frequency response, the line width and the
internal noise of the laser, which results in degradation of system performance.

Short Questions (minimum 10 previous JNTUH Questions)

1. What are the basic attenuation mechanisms in the optical fiber communication?
2. Explain about bending losses?
3. Explain about scattering losses?
4. Explain about absorption losses?
5. Explain about signal distortion in optical fiber?
6. Explain about modal birefringence?
7. Write short notes on pulse broadening?
8. Explain group delay or time delay in fiber optics?
9. Write short notes on fiber optic connectors?
10. Explain about single-mode fiber connectors?

Long Questions (minimum 10 previous JNTUH Questions)

1. Explain in brief on what factors attenuation mechanism depends in the fiber optic
2. Explain in detail about signal distortion and attenuation in optical fiber?
3. Explain about fiber optic connectors and types of connectors in detail?
4. Explain briefly about core and cladding losses in optical fibers?
5. Explain about material dispersion?
6. Explain about wave-guide dispersion?
7. Explain briefly about information capacity determination?
(Approved by AICTE, New Delhi & Affiliated to JNTUH.)
Kondapur(V), Ghatkesar(M), Medchal(Dist)

8. Explain in detail about polarization mode dispersion?

9. Explain about intermodal dispersion?
10. What is optical fiber connector? Explain in detail about different fiber connectors?

Fill in the Blanks / Choose the Best: (Minimum 10 to 15 with Answers)

1. Signal attenuation is also known as fiber loss or signal loss.

2. Intermodal dispersion is also known as modal delay.
3. Intermodal dispersion appears only in multimode fibers.
4. Extrinsic absorption is by impurity atoms in the glass material.
5. Intrinsic absorption is by the basic constituent atoms of the fiber material.
6. Optical fibers that can be used in the E-band are known as low-water-peak or full-spectrum
7. Information-carrying capacity of a fiber link can be determined by examining the deformation
of short light pulses propagating along the fiber.
8. A varying birefringence along its length will cause each polarization mode to travel at a
slightly different velocity.
9. Material dispersion is also called as chromatic dispersion.
10. Radiative losses occur when an optical fiber undergoes a bend of finite radius of curvature.

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