2013HW70753-EndSemReport-Sagar Agrawal

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SEWPZG628T – Dissertation Finance Transformation – TARDIS

TARDIS (Transparent Actuarial Reporting Database Insight – UNISURE)


Final Semester Dissertation Report


Sagar Agrawal


Dissertation work carried out at

Wipro Technologies, PUNE



November, 2017

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Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements of

M. Tech Software Engineering Degree Program


Sagar Agrawal


Under the Supervision of

Priyanka Katare, Technical Lead

Wipro Technologies, Pune



November, 2017

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Pilani (Rajasthan) India


First Semester 2017-2018

Dissertation Title : Finance Transformation

Name of Supervisor : Priyanka Katare

Name of Student : Sagar Agrawal

BITS ID of Student : 2013HW70753


This document is a Finance Transformation deliverable and represents the interface macro design
for the UNISURE, covering the movement and transformation of data from the UNISURE
source system extract through to the Persistent Actuarial Database (PAD) for Product Families
Unitized NP Pensions, Unitized WP Pensions and Term Assurance. It will serve as the major
source input into the development of off-shore Technical specification for the same functional

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I am highly indebted to Priyanka Katare for all the guidance and constant
supervision as well as for providing necessary information regarding the project &
also for the support in completing the project.

I would like to express my gratitude towards my examiners, Miss Sona Jain & Mr.
Naman Pandey for their kind co-operation and encouragement which help me in
completion of this project.

I would like to thank Wipro Technologies to provide me with the necessary

infrastructure to undertake and complete the project & BITS Pilani for providing
me with the platform to undertake the project and carry forward the vision.

My thanks and appreciations to my peers in helping me develop the project and

giving me such attention and time.

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Version History:

Version Status Date Author Summary of Changes

1.0 Draft 10/8/2017 Sagar Agrawal Initial Version
Layout changes and more
1.1 Draft 10/9/2017 Sagar Agrawal description added as per reviewer
Final term context added, review
1.2 Draft 19/11/2017 Sagar Agrawal
comments added.


Name Role Organization

Sona Jain Senior Project Engineer Wipro Technologies
Naman Pandey Senior Project Engineer Teradata

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1 Introduction........................................................................................................................................................11
1.1 Purpose.......................................................................................................................................................11
1.2 Business Background..................................................................................................................................12
1.3 Approach.....................................................................................................................................................13
1.4 Scope...........................................................................................................................................................15

2 High Level Macro Design..................................................................................................................................16

2.1 Assumptions................................................................................................................................................16
2.2 Design Decisions........................................................................................................................................17
2.1 High Level System Architecture..................................................................................................................20
2.2 ETL Architecture.........................................................................................................................................20
2.3 List of Figures.............................................................................................................................................24
2.4 Open Issues at Submission of This Draft....................................................................................................24
2.5 Environment Definition...............................................................................................................................25

3 Tools Used...........................................................................................................................................................26

4 Version Control Process....................................................................................................................................27

5 Archival Strategy...............................................................................................................................................28

6 Source System Dependency...............................................................................................................................29

7 Non-Functional Requirements..........................................................................................................................30

8 Source Specific macro design............................................................................................................................31

8.1 Data Flow Diagram....................................................................................................................................31
8.2 Pre and Post Processing Requirements......................................................................................................31

9 Source Data.........................................................................................................................................................32
9.1 Source Data Specification...........................................................................................................................32
9.2 Extract Process...........................................................................................................................................33
9.3 Staging Source Data...................................................................................................................................33
9.4 Source Data Dictionary..............................................................................................................................34
9.5 Identify the Movement Logic.......................................................................................................................37

10 PAD TO MPF generation for Unisure.............................................................................................................38

10.1 MPF generation Business Overview...........................................................................................................38
10.2 PAD TO MPF END TO END Architecture................................................................................................39
10.3 Detail Architecture and flow for PAD TO MPF.........................................................................................40
10.4 Inforce criterion for Unisure Source System..............................................................................................40

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10.5 Types of MPF file generated.......................................................................................................................41

10.6 ETL Architecture Closure look...................................................................................................................42

11 Error Handling...................................................................................................................................................46
11.1 Source to Staging........................................................................................................................................46
11.2 Staging to PAD...........................................................................................................................................48
11.3 PAD TO MPF Error Handling...................................................................................................................49
11.4 Error Notification Approach.......................................................................................................................50

12 Database Overview............................................................................................................................................51

13 Data mapping and business rules.....................................................................................................................52

14 References...........................................................................................................................................................53

15 Appendix.............................................................................................................................................................54

16 Plan of Work.......................................................................................................................................................55

17 Check List of Items............................................................................................................................................56

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1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
This document is a Finance Transformation deliverable and represents the interface macro
design for the UNISURE, covering the movement and transformation of data from the UNISURE
source system extract through to the Persistent Actuarial Database (PAD) for Product Families
Unitized NP Pensions, Unitized WP Pensions and Term Assurance. It will serve as the major
source input into the development of off-shore Technical specification for the same functional

This macro design is one of a number of Finance Transformation designs ultimately concerned
with the production of in-force and movement Model Point Files (MPFs) for consumption by
the Prophet application. For simplicity, the scope of this particular design is highlighted in
yellow in the diagram below:

P1L70 –Product
Families 1 to3

P1L70 – Product
Families 4 to 13


PAD Point Files
For Prophet



Other Sources
(manual policy

Figure 1

This design therefore covers the extraction, transformation and loading of data items from the
UNISURE extracts into the target PAD database. The data transformed and stored is that
required to fulfil the stated requirements of the Finance Transformation Prophet Enhancement
team for the valuation of Product Families Unitized NP Pensions, Unitized WP Pensions and
Term Assurance.

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The onward transformation of UNISURE data into Model Point Files (MPFs) for consumption by
Prophet will be covered within a separate macro design.

1.2 Business Background

CUSTOMER has outlined a strategic intent to significantly grow and develop its business. This in
turn means that CUSTOMER Finance must change, if it is to provide the right level of service
and support along the agreed dimensions.

To meet this challenge, CUSTOMER is planning to transform its Finance function and the way it
serves its customers. The Finance Transformation programme has been established to address
this need through delivering the following outcomes.

 Deliver a significant reduction in reporting cycle times;

 Develop deep capability in business partnering and strategic business insight;

 Re-engineer processes to create clearer accountability, reduce duplication and drive

efficiency and effectiveness improvements;

 Significantly simplify very complex data feeds and so reduce complexity in Prophet
modelling and reducing reconciliation effort; and

 Restructure the organization to facilitate service quality improvement and cost

reductions and create an inspirational finance leadership team that actively engages
with its people, prioritizes people development and customer service.

The PAD forms a key foundation of the Solution Architecture developed to support these
programmed outcomes, providing:

 A single source of data for in-scope actuarial valuation and reporting

 Data transformations which are documented, agreed and visible to the business via
Informatica’ s Meta Data Manager tool

 A logical and physical data model as a representation of business requirements as

opposed to disparate source data structures

Below are the product families to which Unisure data goes as modal point files.

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Figure 2

1.3 Approach
This macro design has been generated from the following primary inputs:

1 – The UNISURE source extracts specification.

2 – The specification of required signed off business logic based on stakeholder engagement
with the Finance Data Team and consequent validation with the reporting teams

3 – The representation of that business logic in ETL mappings, applied using the following
design principles to the physical and logical models of the PAD and its data transformations:

Principle Explanation Where Applied

The PAD is a model Only required data will be maintained in the PAD, not all
of business available source data. The PAD represents a model of PAD PDM
requirements expressed business requirements.

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Principle Explanation Where Applied

If policy level data is computed (e.g. aggregations,
Transformed source selection, etc.,) from the transactional records (cash flows, PAD PDM,
data will be stored in movements, history, etc.,), the transformation will be Source to PAD
the PAD performed in the inbound ETL and the computed value ETL
will be stored in the PAD.

Source extract data will be held in the inbound staging

area for the minimum period based on business
Historic source data requirements. Typically this will be a maximum of 2
will not be months (where month to month deltas are required in Source extract
preserved in the order to infer movements). staging
PAD The PAD will build history and will preserve historic
positions. This is not the same as storing historic source

All specific Prophet-

All the Prophet Related transformations/adjustments will
be performed between PAD and outbound staging.
On occasions where a DataMart and Prophet wish to PAD to Prophet
ustments will be
receive the same computed value we should store both ETL
performed between
the data before and after transformation (increasing
PAD and outbound
storage, but improving data lineage etc.)
MPF staging
Frequently changing
The use of lookup tables allowing soft-coded business PAD PDM
mappings should be
rules will make the system easier to maintain. (reference
soft-coded using
data),Source to
reference data Exceptions to this rule may be made where there is a PAD ETL,PAD to
lookup tables where performance consideration. Prophet ETL

4 – Specific design activities in accordance with the principles listed above to determine a) the
physical PAD model, and b) whether a particular piece of logic should be applied between
source extract and PAD or between PAD and MPF. The scope of this design excludes PAD to
MPF data transformations for now. It would be included in other few weeks.

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1.4 Scope
1.4.1 In-Scope
 Consume the UNISURE source extract and populate the PAD according to stated
requirements and agreed business rules. The stated requirements are explicitly taken
from Prophet IFAD for Unitized NP Pensions, Unitized WP Pensions and Term Assurance.

 Application of scheduling in line with the Generic OMD macro design

 Application of errors and controls processing in line with the Errors and Controls macro

 Movements capture for Non New business and Non Incremental business.

1.4.2 Out of Scope

The following out of scope items are within the scope of separate Finance Transformation
Technology Delivery designs, however out of scope of this document for now. It would be
covered in next few weeks.

 Any Model Point File data production (In force and Movement MPF, GMPF, XMPF).

 The production of any Data marts or the consumption of any Prophet results

 The supply of Assumptions data to the Prophet Application

 Any interaction with Prophet Automation (the processes which control the interface
between the PAD and Prophet)

 Code Release and Version Control mechanisms and processes

 Any storing/archiving of source extracts once these files have been read into the PAD
staging tables

 Reporting of controls data, trend analysis and reconciliation. This design supports the
storage of that data and the subsequent macro design will incorporate the reporting

Movements capture for new business and incremental business.

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2 High Level Macro Design

2.1 Assumptions

Assumption Justification
The UNISURE source extract, ICMS Commissions Consistent with Solution Architecture
and Asset share factors extract files would be expectations
produced on monthly basis and will be pushed to
a location on the Unix file system from where it
can be read by Informatica and the GOMD
scheduling tool
The UNISURE extracts will be in Fixed Width ASCII Specified in the UNISURE Source extract
format specifications
Multiple extracts will be provided. Specified in the UNISURE extract
Business rules for MPF variables which were not These variables are defaulted to maintain the
present in Unisure would be defaulted during the consistency of MPF variables across Product
MPF generation, so not being covered as a part families.
of loading into PAD
The movements provided on the contract engine Confirmed with FT BD team (Harj Cheema)
extract are understood to represent a super-set
of Finance Transformation requirements. These
will be grouped and filtered as required between
PAD and MPF to derive the movements in which
Prophet is interested.
As a part of DFR requirements, Headers and Based on the communication from Customer
footers will be included in Unisure Inforce and DFR team.
Movement extracts from September – 2009
onwards and accordingly the Pre and Post DFR
files shall be loaded into STG.
There is a potential chance of the occurrence of Based on the communication from
duplicates records in the inforce files due to the CUSTOMER team.
structure of inforce IFAD and these shall be
considered as genuine duplicates and shall be
processed to the stage tables

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2.2 Design Decisions

Design Decision Justification

All the data sets created from the UNISURE source Reusability of Dataset’s data created,
extracts will be staged in intermediate tables Simplifying the data flow
between Inbound and PAD
Due to the various migrations onto the Unisure
systems, though the input file structure is mostly
confirmed, the level of transformations and grain Consistent by the Business Requirement
of processing the data and generating the model
points is different across the various product

To accommodate these differences within the

Unisure source and conform it across the different
contract engines with the PAD database and
Outbound design, the inbound design would store
data within PAD at two grains - one catering the
grain of Policy Number, Increment Reference and
Coverage Reference combination and another
grain catering the Policy level data. All the
measure/dimensions will be populated across
PAD with both these grains, these of course are
aggregates for policy level grain. The outbound
design, would perform a discriminatory selection
depending on the product reference and
transform the agreement data into the model

The grain where a particular policy can be

invested using multiple premium types would be
accommodate on the policy - fund relationship,
which indicate the current position of investments
depending on the premium type.

Cases where the input files behaves differently

across the sub tranches (like Indemnity
Proportion, % LAUTRO Initial Commission Rate,
etc., are selected from different columns of the
source file depending on the product references)

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Design Decision Justification

this will be conformed with in the inbound.
Movements would be captured only from the Driven based on the discussions with
weekly movement extracts and no specific Unisure Stack team
derivations would be made to populate the
movements in the activity agreement relationship
table. The target activity code and activity
effective date would be populated solely based on
the source movement type and movement
effective date coming from the weekly movement
The initial load to the PAD table Agreement To make sure that all the policies would be
Activity Relationship would be done from the available in the table before capturing the
Inforce snapshot and the load to this table from changes for all the policies
the subsequent months would happen from the
weekly movement extracts.
SCD Logical Deletes month-on-month: Approach 2 was preferred because of its less
We have a requirement for month-on-month number of updates on the PAD table where
logical deletes while loading data into PAD. A few the data will be in huge volumes.
such scenarios are: Also, for inserts into the temporary table we
 Unexpected off's like a policy or a have the flexibility to use Bulk Load option
component/element of a policy of Informatica.
disappearing from the extracts
 Benefit/Life/Reassurance details on the
policy not populated in the subsequent
 Changes to Fund investments of a policy;
Investments removed or switches between
the funds, etc.
As these are logical deletes from the source
system, they aren’t communicated through to
PAD. Therefore, our ETL would’ve no information
regarding the same.

Now, all the inbound data from the source month-

on-month is a complete snapshot of data as
compared to the previous month. Therefore,
identifying new records and updated records
would be easier as compared to identifying the

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Design Decision Justification

deletes per PAD table/entities.

The following 2 approaches were considered for

Approach 1:
Updating all the records from the source for the
current month/load while loading the target PAD
tables for identifying the residual records &
concluding them as deletes.

Approach 2:
A slim long temporary table will be created to
store all the surrogate keys for the data
corresponding to the current run/month and later
a table-minus-table is computed between the PAD
table and this temporary table to infer the logical
deletes from the source.
This temporary table would be partitioned based
on the mapping identifier and source to facilitate
a partition truncate once the logical deletes have
been made.

A decision was taken to implement Approach 2.

Change Data Capture (CDC) will not be used This is because if CDC is implemented, We
across the work streams (P1L70, Unisure, would not be in a position to identify
Paymaster and Administrator). records which need to be logically closed in
the PAD tables. The approach for closing the
records in the PAD tables is explained in the
SCD logical deletes design decision.

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1.1 High Level System Architecture

2.3 ETL Architecture

The ETL architecture covering the scope of this design. For clarity and simplicity, the key
elements are represented below:

ETL Architecture Flow




Target Files
UNISURE Source Files (139 MPF’s)
Inbound Staging Intermediate Tables
(Fixed width ASCII) PAD Outbound Staging
on Informatica
to store UNISURE
UNIX server data sets

ETL – Using Informatica 8.6 ETL1

DB - Oracle 10g database
Normal Data Flow
Unprocessed Data Flow
Operational Batch Reference Data
Operational Batch Data Flow Unprocessed Data Lookup Data
Data (GOMD) Files
Lookup Data Flow
Out of scope for
this document


Figure 3

The description of the above components and process flow is given below.

Generic OMD is an CUSTOMER scheduling tool. As part of GOMD, a PERL script is the basic
driver to invoke and execute each ETL job throughout the process as explained in the OMD
Macro design document.

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OMD Operational Meta Data table will contain data about batch identifiers, for instance: source
system name, received date of the source file, processed date and statuses of each processing
state (such as Pre-PAD Data Stage successful, Loaded to PAD, Post-PAD Data Stage Successful,
and MPF created). The data into this table inserted/updated by PERL script only. There will not
be any direct interface to this table from Informatica mapping.

e.g.: PAD is associated with a Batch Identifier, enabling roll back to be handled by the Batch
Identifier when a session fails abruptly. It is expected that a particular ETL job should be re-
started on failure. More details can be found in the OMD Macro Design Document.

Error handling and controls data structures and processes are represented in the Errors and
Controls macro design. The source specific implementation of that generic design is contained
in Section 11 of this document.


These files will be loaded into respective lookup database tables using ETL-1.

Reference data is stored in multiple database tables. These tables will be looked up and
required reference values will be retrieved during the processes ETL-3 and ETL-4 which loads
data into PAD and outbound staging tables respectively.

It consists of Informatica mapping/s which reads the data from reference files/tables and loads
into respective lookup database tables.

CUSTOMER Valuation system on monthly basis will generate UNISURE extract files. The ETL
source will be the UNISURE source extract files which are generated by this valuation system.
The same files will be copied onto Informatica UNIX server at specified location from where the
Informatica service reads and processes the source data.

ICMS Commission system would be generating the extract on monthly basis. The same would
be copied onto Informatica server on the Unix environment at specified location and then
picked up by the Informatica service to processes it.

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Asset Share Factors data would be used for referencing the Fund, Asset Share and Unit Price

ETL-2 consists of Informatica mappings which read the data from source UNISURE files and
loads into inbound staging table. During the process if any source record violates the business
or database constraint rule, that record will be populated into unprocessed data table using the
process described in the Error Handling Macro Design.

Inbound staging table has similar structure to the source data, with the addition of meta data
fields (e.g. Extract Date, Source File Name, Batch Identifier).

Where required, Inbound Staging will contain the data from the current and prior extract (i.e.
two consequent months of data), allowing movements to be detected via the delta between
two extracts, where movement events or transactions are not provided on the source extract.
The stage table will be partitioned in order to enable historical data to be easily deleted (via
truncating the partition) when no longer required.

ETL -3 consists of Informatica mappings which reads the data from inbound staging table and
loads into Intermediate tables specific to UNISURE. These intermediate tables will contain the
Data sets derived from the UNISURE inbound staging data.

ETL -4 consists of Informatica mappings which reads the data from inbound staging table and
loads into PAD table. During the process if any record violates the business or database
constraint rule that record will be populated into unprocessed data table according to the Error
Handling Macro Design.

PAD (Persistent Actuarial Database) consists of multiple database tables with predefined

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The following stages are explicitly out of scope for this design:

ETL-5 consists of Informatica mappings which read the data from the PAD and loads into
outbound staging table. More details are provided as a part of PAD-MPF Macro.


Data will be staged in the outbound staging before creating the MPF files. More details are
provided as a part of PAD-MPF Macro.

ETL-6 consists of mappings that will create the MPF files. More details are provided as a part of
PAD-MPF Macro.

The target is Model Point ASCII CSV files with column and business header information. More
details are provided as a part of PAD-MPF Macro.


Post-Prophet, a series of ETL processes will consume Prophet Results, PAD data and other data
sources to fulfil the ultimate business reporting requirements via the Data Marts. These
processes will be specified within the Data Mart ETL macro designs.

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2.4 List of Figures

Figure Description
Figure 1 Holistic view of UNISURE in Finance Transformation Solution
Figure 2 ETL Architecture flow
Figure 3 Data flow from Source to PAD
Figure 4 Data flow from Source to PAD with usage of tools at every stage
Figure 5 Modal point file generation for Unisure Source System
Figure 6 PAD to MPF E2E Architecture
Figure 7 Detail Architecture & flow of PAD to MPF
Figure 8 Types of generated MPFs
Figure 9 Closure ETL Architecture for PAD to Pre POL stage
Figure 10 Data Flow from POL to Grain stage
Figure 11 Data Flow from Grain to Outbound tables on split logic
Figure 12 MPF generation from Outbound Staging tables

2.5 Open Issues at Submission of This Draft

Issue Planned Resolution

The full volume Post DFR files for The communication is already sent to CUSTOMER DFR
Inforce and Movement extracts have teams requesting for the files
not yet been received and this might
impact the testing of the POST DFR

2.6 Environment Definition

Tools Version Function

AIX 5.3 Operating System

Oracle 10g Database

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Informatica 9.1, 10.1 ETL tools to perform all the Extract Transform
and Load functions

GOMD CUSTOMER tool used for scheduling in the

Finance Transformation Programme.

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3 Tools Used

Informatica Power Centre- ETL tool

Perl script
Shell Script
Database Toad Oracle application
GOMD job scheduler
PVCS- Version maintenance used for documentation

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4 Version Control Process

The control of specific code releases, and the management of the Informatica repository, is out
of scope of this design. As Release Management activities, they will be specified elsewhere.

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5 Archival Strategy

Archiving breakdown will include:

 File storage (Source file staging, MPF staging)

 Database staging areas

 PAD.

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6 Source System Dependency

Not applicable for UNISURE system.

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7 Non-Functional Requirements

All Non-functional requirements are captured in Requisite Pro. They include response times,
data storage, tracking of data, data lineage, access levels and security etc.

In addition to the documents referenced above, the following ‘Issue Resolution’ requirement
was captured during the design review:

"In the event that reference data used to load a given source system data feed into the PAD is
found to be corrupt, incorrect or incomplete then it must be possible to re-supply or amend the
reference data and re-run the staging to PAD mapping to resolve the errors.  In practice, this
would mean:  

Policies that had previously been written to the Unprocessed Data table being successfully
loaded to the PAD
Policies that had previously been loaded to the PAD being written to the Unprocessed Data
Policies that had previously been written to the PAD being again written to the PAD but with
changed data values 

The re-running of Staging to PAD processes will first require the manual deletion of inserted
records on the basis of batch identifier, and the re-setting of record end dates and current flags
for those records which have been updated. This is expected to be a manual BAU process,
though the necessary SQL statements are expected to be provided to aid testing.

Any PAD batch activities which are dependent on the successful load of this source system feed
(e.g. MPF production) should not commence until users confirm that the data loaded to the
PAD for the given source system is of sufficient quality (i.e. that the Unprocessed Data has been
examined and any reprocessing of the kind described above has taken place). This requirement
should be handled by the creation of GOMD meta data and the configuration of GOMD for
Finance Transformation."

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8 Source Specific macro design

8.1 Data Flow Diagram

The diagram represented below gives the flow of data from the Source to PAD.

Figure 4

8.2 Pre and Post Processing Requirements

Not applicable for UNISURE

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9 Source Data
9.1 Source Data Specification
The UNISURE source data is transmitted in fixed width ASCII files. Data is split across 3 extracts,
each containing multiple files.

The 3 extracts are listed below:

Interface Name Description

The extract will transmit the below 3 files on a monthly basis
shapes(3 files) Note:- ICMS is descoped because Unisure is dealing with Existing Business
whereas ICMS is dealing with New Business
For future enhancement, We are just loading data up to Stage
The extract will transmit the below 20 files on a monthly basis
Unisure to NUWJL.FTP.UN.MHLY.FILE09.CRExxxxx.DEL500
valuation inforce NUWJL.FTP.UN.MHLY.FILE10.CRExxxxx.DEL500
interface(20 NUWJL.FTP.UN.MHLY.FILE11.CRExxxxx.DEL500

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The extract will transmit the below 3 files on a monthly basis

Asset share
factors and W/P
fund ID's(5 files)

The Inforce and Movement files come in two sets, one set without headers and footers until
August – 2009 and would be termed as Pre-DFR files the files that arrive after August -2009 will
have headers and footers and would be termed as POST DFR files and the files would be
processed by two different ETL processes.

9.2 Extract Process

Once all the data files are available on the ETL server, the files will be connected to the
Informatica source components and then processed further.

9.3 Staging Source Data

Input data will be staged within a dedicated set of database inbound staging tables within the
Persistent Actuarial Data store staging schema.  The staging tables will need to be able to store
at least two entire versions of the source data in order to allow change data capture and
movement detection.

The metadata stored in the staging tables facilitates the identification of the source file and
batch identifier from which the policy got loaded.

Using Transformation logic (based on assumptions made out of available UNISURE SAS code,
and validated by CUSTOMER) the 3 UNISURE source extract files provided in section 13.1 of this
document will be merged and 10 data sets will be created. These data sets will be stored in
intermediate tables for further processing to PAD.

The Inbound stating tables are





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The Intermediate tables are










In the process of loading the data from inbound staging to intermediate tables the data is split
and grouped which is discussed in detail in the Data Mapping sheet in section 15.

9.4 Source Data Dictionary

The below mentioned provides the source data dictionary. This data dictionary is created from
the UNISURE source layouts.

Variable Source Name
polref Policy number *
inrref Increment reference *

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covref Coverage reference *

prdref Product ref
prdref Product ref
prdvr_no Product version no.
schemeno Scheme number
prefix Prefix
territ Territory
p_lcon Life contingency
currdta Policy currency date
currdta Policy currency date
currdta Policy currency date
surname1 Surname
dob1a DoB
sex1 Sex
smkr1 Smoker
distchan Distribution channel
agt_type Agent type
agid Agent code
element Element Type
serps_t SERPS Type
bencomda Benefit Start Date
bencomda Benefit Start Date
benamt1 Benefit amount
matdta Maturity Date
alloc Allocation Type
premtype Premium Type
premstat Premium Status
freq Premium Frequency
premium Premium Amount
premium Premium Amount
prmcsdta Premium Ceasing Date
prmindex Premium Indexation
indemnyt Indemnity Indicator
i_enhanc Initial Commission Enhancement Rate
incomrte Initial Commission Enhancement Rate
r_enhanc Renewal Commission Enhancement Rate
eiloc EILOC code
fund_bc Fund Based Commission Rate
purch_da Purchase date
cal_yr Calendar year of unit purchase
polfeew #N/A
commrate Commission Rate

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comforpc Commission Foregone Percent

polfee Policy Fee *
wvrprem Policy Fee Waiver *
al_rate1 Allocation Rate 1
al_rate2 Allocation Rate 2
al_rate3 Allocation Rate 3
al_rate4 Allocation Rate 4
al_per1 Allocation Period 1
al_per2 Allocation Period 2
al_per3 Allocation Period 3
al_per4 Allocation Period 4
basetafc Base TAFC
pclautro % of Lautro
commtype Commission Type
afcsign Total AFC Sign
age_adj Age Adjustment Rating
Weighted Explicit External Fund Manager Charge
eefmc (EEFMC)
sunits #N/A
fbcend_da FBC End date
fbcfreq FBC Frequency
fbcstrt_da FBC Start date
occlass Occupation class
termfact Term Factor Rate
indemi Indemnify Indicator
comshape Commission Shape
chgdur Charge Duration
agepay Age / Payment Factor
prntschm Parent Scheme Reference
baseterm Secondary Base TAFC
secondaf Secondary Charge Start Date
elec_result Wagner Voting Status
r Wagner election id
agtyp Original Agreement Type Code
agtyp Original Agreement Type Code
apwfreq #N/A
apwamnt #N/A
apwdate #N/A

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9.5 Identify the Movement Logic

Movements will be captured by comparing the current extract against the previous extract,
rather than from source-supplied transactions. Staging at any point of time will hold one month
of history extract to allow comparison of two sequential extracts.

The Activity table (WH_PAD_ACTVTY) will hold all the data related to movements for a
particular policy. The data mapping sheet for the target WH_PAD_ACTVTY table contains details
of how to populate this table.

PAD to MPF processing is common for all the Source Systems in TARDIS. Aviva uses an actuarial
engine Prophet, which consumes Model Point Files as its input.

PAD to MPF deals with the generation of these Prophet–ready Model Point Files (MPFs) from
PAD data.

Two kinds of MPFs are generated every month: Inforce and Movement.

The inforce and movement MPFs differ only in terms of the PAD extraction criterion. The
transformation logic applied is the same.

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10 PAD TO MPF generation for Unisure

PAD to MPF processing is common for all the Source Systems in TARDIS. Organization uses an
actuarial engine Prophet, which consumes Model Point Files as its input.

PAD to MPF deals with the generation of these Prophet–ready Model Point Files (MPFs) from
PAD data.

Two kinds of MPFs are generated every month: Inforce and Movement.

The inforce and movement MPFs differ only in terms of the PAD extraction criterion. The
transformation logic applied is the same.

Figure 5

10.1 MPF generation Business Overview

Figure5 explains different types of policies which hold data for all the Source
Systems in common.

For Unisure, data is held in Unitized NP Pensions, Unitized WP Pensions, Term


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10.2 PAD TO MPF END TO END Architecture

Figure 6

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10.3 Detail Architecture and flow for PAD TO MPF

Figure 7

10.4 Inforce criterion for Unisure Source System

Based upon source specific business conditions, agreements in PAD are evaluated for “Inforce
status” and processed for actuarial valuation.

Agreement should have active status (no termination reason code).

All Unitized agreements (invested in Unitized product) should have at least one fund
investment or have annual premium greater than zero (for conventional agreements). All
agreements should have at least one life attached.

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10.5 Types of MPF file generated

There are two types of MPFs generated for Unisure Source System i.e. Inforce and Movement.

Figure 8

Based upon source specific business conditions, agreements in PAD are evaluated for “Inforce
status” and processed for actuarial valuation.

Agreement should have active status (no termination reason code).

All Unitized agreements (invested in Unitized product) should have at least one fund
investment or have annual premium greater than zero (for conventional agreements). All aAs
shown in fig. above,

• Policy marked as (1) would be present in Inforce MPF because it started in the month of

• December 2009 which is standard period of start of policy and there are no transactions
in it till date which means it holds the snapshot of the data in policy till date from the beginning.

• Policy marked as (2) would be present in Movement MPF because it lapsed in the
middle before the end date.

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• Policy marked as (3) would be present in Inforce as well as Movement as it started after
the month of December 2009 in which case it would be considered in the next Financial Year
i.e. 2010. Also, in Movement it would be marked as “New Business”.

• Policy marked as (4) would be similar to the marked as (3). 31

• Policy marked as (5) would be present only in Movement MPF as it started after the
financial year 2009 and also terminated before the end time.

10.6 ETL Architecture Closure look

Figure 9

Figure shows flow for PAD to Pre POL Stage loading of data. Where Pre POL stage is junction tables.

Junction tables are join of few PAD tables based on some specific conditions.

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Figure 10

Figure shows data load from POL stages to GRAIN ATTR table depending upon business conditions.

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Figure 11

Figure shows loading of Data in Outbound Tables using Split Logic.

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Figure 12

Figure shows the last step to generate MPFs from OB staging tables.

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11 Error Handling

Generic Error Handling for all the source systems is described in the Component Macro Design
for Process Optimization and Governance (Controls-Error Handling) Macro Design Document.
The tables below list provide information about the specific check that should be performed
within the Unisure feed into the PAD. For checks which may result in a complete stop to the
data load the “Error Code” column provides the specific error code which should be returned to
indicate the issue that occurred.

11.1 Source to Staging

Error Control / Error Check Design Decision

E1001 Has extract arrived All of the source files should be received according to the
schedule defined in section 11 of this document.
The SLA table should be updated to reflect these
If any of the files have not been received according to the
defined schedule then an e-mail should be sent to the
support team (the e-mail address and message content
should be parameterised to provide flexibility for future
E1002 Has file been received As defined by the control framework upon receipt of the
before? source files a binary comparison of each file against those
processed in the previous month should be performed. In the
event that the files identically match the previous file the
batch should terminate, returning the error code and an e-
mail should be sent to the support team (the e-mail address
and message content should be parameterised to provide
flexibility for future change).
The Unisure Inforce source extract would be consisting of 20
different files split based on the product types, all of the same
format and combined weekly movement extracts
This comparison would be done on the Inforce extracts on a
monthly basis and on the weekly extracts on a weekly basis
E1003 File names are as The file names for the 20 Unisure extracts would be in the

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Error Control / Error Check Design Decision


following format
xxxxxxxxx would specify the actual name of the extract file.
The file names for the 3 Commission extracts would be in the
following format
xxxxxxxx would specify the actual name of the extract file
In the event that any of the files do not match the defined
format then the batch should terminate, returning the error
code and an e-mail should be sent to the support team (the e-
mail address and message content should be parameterised
to provide flexibility for future change).
E1004 Is file structure as In the event that any of the data does not conform to the
expected? structure defined by the Valuation Inforce extract
specification and Valuation Movement extract specification
then the batch should terminate, returning the error code
and an e-mail should be sent to the support team (the e-mail
address and message content should be parameterised to
provide flexibility for future change).
E1007 Is header and footer As of now the Unisure extracts does not consist of header and
found? footer, but if the headers and footers were included at a later
point of time, this particular control should be handled in the
following manner.
Each collection of files should be checked to ensure that they
include both a header and footer record conforming to the
Unisure layout structures.
In the event that either the header or footer cannot be found
then the batch should terminate, returning the error code
and an e-mail should be sent to the support team (the e-mail
address and message content should be parameterised to
provide flexibility for future change).
E1008 Number of records As of now the Unisure extracts does not consist of a footer,
but if the footers were included at a later point of time, this
particular control should be handled in the following manner.
The trailer record contains the number of records that should
be present for each record type. These record counts should

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Error Control / Error Check Design Decision


be compared against the number of records found in the file.

If any of the record counts do not match then the file is
corrupt and therefore the batch should terminate, returning
the error code and an e-mail should be sent to the support
team (the e-mail address and message content should be
parameterised to provide flexibility for future change).
E1009 Timestamp The Unisure POST DFR extracts consist of header, this
particular control should be handled in the following manner.
The header record contains timestamp information within the
“Date Of Extract” field. This should be checked to ensure that
this is as expected (after the last working day of the previous
month such as 29/9/2007).
If the timestamp is not correct then the file is corrupt and
therefore the batch should terminate, returning the error
code and an e-mail should be sent to the support team (the e-
mail address and message content should be parameterised
to provide flexibility for future change).
E1010 Other unhandled error In the event that any unhandled error occurs then the batch
should terminate, returning the error code and an e-mail
should be sent to the PAD support team (the e-mail address
and message content should be parameterised to provide
flexibility for future change).
Load success If the load process is successful then the batch should
complete successfully and the staging to PAD batch should be

11.2 Staging to PAD

Error Control / Error Check Design Decision

Exceptions A number of key fields are required in order to populate the

Unisure data into the PAD either due to the potential
corruption of the PAD, or the inability to value the business.
The following fields must be populated with valid data in

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Error Control / Error Check Design Decision


order for the data to be loaded into the PAD:

 Policy Number
 Increment Reference
 Coverage Reference
 Premium Type
If any of these fields is found to contain invalid data then the
record should be excluded from the load and should instead
be added to the unprocessed data table with a record status
of excluded, and the Error Description which indicates the
field and value that caused the exclusion. In addition all
associated records for the same policy should also be added
to the unprocessed data table.
Processing should then continue for subsequent records.
Data item validation Any fields which contain invalid data, but which are not
mandatory (see exceptions above) should be defaulted
within the PAD, and a record should be added to the non-
fatal error table containing type, record identifier, invalid
field and the invalid value.
For each field the details of how to detect invalid data is
included within the “Data mapping and Business Rules”
section of this document. It also provides details of the
default value, or the reference table from which the default
value can be obtained.
Load success If the load process is successful then the batch should
complete successfully allowing batches which are dependent
on this load to commence (e.g. MPF production)
Lookup Failure If there is a lookup failure on dimension master or key lookup
then populate with the key for unknown and populate the
record in non-fatal errors table.

11.3 PAD TO MPF Error Handling

Error Code Control / Error Check Design Decision

E5001 Exceptions Unknown product family or MPF name after

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E5003 Exceptions Null Check on MPF variable at various stages

of transformation

11.4 Error Notification Approach

As defined by the Generic Error Handling framework the following notification approaches will
be used:

 Fatal errors should result in termination of the process with an error code returned to
indicate the type of error, and an e-mail transmitted to alert the support teams.

 Non-fatal errors where the data should not be processed should result in the data being
logged to the unprocessed data table and a message logged to the non-fatal errors

 Non-fatal errors where the data should be processed should result in a message logged
to the non-fatal errors table.

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12 Database Overview

A fully comprehensive overview of the database is covered in the Physical Design Model (PDM)
document. The following are the list of the tables that are applicable for the source to PAD
macro design of UNISURE.

Table Name Description

WH_PAD_AGRMNT_ACTVTY_RLTNSHP Activity Agreement Relationship
WH_PAD_FNCL_PRDCT_HLDG_AGRMNT Financial Product Holding Agreement
WH_PAD_KY_LKP Key Lookup
WH_PAD_RLTNSHP_MSTR Relationship Master
WH_PAD_FND_AGRMNT_RLTNSHP Fund Agreement Relationship
WH_DATE Generic date dimension
WH_PAD_LDG Load details
WH_PAD_AST_SHR_FCTR Asset Share Factors
WH_PAD_AST_SHR_MVMNT Asset Share Factors for movements

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13 Data mapping and business rules

This section will have a mapping sheet which will provide the following mappings

 Staging Table Mapping

 Agreement Table Mapping

 Party Table Mapping

 Person Table Mapping

 Financial Product Holding Agreement Table Mapping

 Financial Product Holding Agreement Supplementary Table Mapping

 Agreement Activity Table Mapping

 Relationship Master Table Mappings

 Asset Share Factors Table Mapping

 Loading Table Mapping

In the mappings, Extract Date is the last day of the month for which extract is provided. For
example for January 2017’s extract date is 31/01/2017, for February 2017 it is 28/02/2017.

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14 References
1. Roger S. Pressman, Software Engineering – A Practitioners approach, McGraw-Hill International,
6th Edition, 2005.
2. Len Bass, Paul Clements, Rick Kazman, Software Architecture in Practice, Pearson Education, 2nd
Edition, 2005
3. Harry S. Singh, “Data Warehousing – concepts, Technologies, Implementations, and
Management “, Prentice Hall PTR, New Jersey.
4. Douglas Hackney, “Understanding and Implementing successful DataMart, Addison-
Wesley Developers Press”.
5. http://www.dw-institute.com
6. http://www.datawarehouse.org

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15 Appendix

Term Description

UNISURE Data related to Pensions

PAD PAD = Persistent Actuarial Data Store. Synonymous with “ODS”
MPF Model Point File
A data file with a defined structure that is used to load required data into
the Prophet tool
ETL Extract Transform Load
The process of extracting data from external sources, transforming it to fit
business needs and ultimately loading it into the end target.
Contract Engine A contract engine is a system that is used to generate and store contracts.
I.e. a policy, pension scheme, pension scheme category etc.
Prophet Prophet is a modelling tool used by the Actuarial Community. Inputs
include Model Point Files containing policy information taken from the
contract engines/databases.
Prophet calculates liabilities. It analyses at all cash flows on each policy, for
each month, up to 40 years in the future.
Prophet comprises two elements:
• An automation tool which runs Prophet Models as soon as all required
data is available.
• An Actuarial tool which performs deterministic valuations of individual
policy / benefits (individual model points) or summarised (grouped)
models.  This creates two types of results – a record for each input model
point for a fixed time period and a summary for multiple time periods.
Staging A staging area is used as a place to store temporary data for import.
GOMD Generic OMD is an CUSTOMER scheduling tool
Database A computer application whose sole purpose is to store, retrieves, and modifies
data in
A highly structured way

Data Mart A logical and physical subset of the data warehouse’s presentation area.

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16 Plan of Work

of Specific Deliverable in terms
Tasks to be done Duration Status
task of project
1 2.5 IFAD’s, Solution design Completed

2 Analysis & Design 2.5 Design Doc & Mapping sheets Completed

Test case and plan

3 1 Test cases Completed
3 Build & Unit testing 3 Unit tested code & UTC Completed
Acceptance test results and
4 System Testing 4 Completed
Quality test results
Deployment & Implementation plan &
5 1 Completed
Implementation Deliverable code
6 Documentation 2 SOP’s & SHS, User manuals Completed

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17 Check List of Items

Need to Check Y/N
1 Is the Cover page in proper format? Y
2 Is the Title page in proper format? Y
3 Is the Certificate from the Supervisor in proper format?  Has it been signed? Y
4 Is Abstract included in the Report? Is it properly written? Y
5 Does the Table of Contents’ page include chapter page numbers? Y
6 Is Introduction included in the report? Is it properly written? Y
7 Are the Pages numbered properly? Y
8 Are the Figures numbered properly? Y
9 Are the Tables numbered properly? Y
10 Are the Captions for the Figures and Tables proper? Y
11 Are the Appendices numbered? Y
12 Does the Report have Conclusions/ Recommendations of the work? Y
13 Are References/ Bibliography given in the Report?              Y
14 Have the References been cited in the Report? Y
15 Is the citation of References/ Bibliography in proper format? Y

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