Equipment Design: Mechanical Aspects Prof. Shabina Khanam Department of Chemical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology - Roorkee Design of Shell
Equipment Design: Mechanical Aspects Prof. Shabina Khanam Department of Chemical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology - Roorkee Design of Shell
Equipment Design: Mechanical Aspects Prof. Shabina Khanam Department of Chemical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology - Roorkee Design of Shell
Lecture 05
Design of Shell
Welcome to the fifth lecture of week 1 and in this lecture we will discuss design of shell. Now if
you remember the fourth lecture of week 1 there we have discussed about some of the
terminologies which will be used in design of pressure vessel and those terminologies we will use
in this particular lecture. So let us start the design of shell. Till now you must have the idea that
whatever equipment we are going to design those are related to pressure vessels
And you must have remembered also that the pressure vessel will be designed in different
components. We will design different components separately and then we will combine these
components together to complete the design of pressure vessel. So first of all we will discuss what
are the components and then we will start design of these components one by one.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:25)
Now if you focus on this particular slide, here I am having this pressure vessel which is horizontally
placed, and you see this is the shell and these are the heads and here we have the support and these
are inlet, outlet nozzles. So it is horizontally placed. Another schematic I am having is the pressure
vessel, which is placed horizontally okay. And it has different components which are written over
So here we will start design from the shell, and then we will cover heads and then nozzle, and then
compensation that is related to the opening, which is placed in shell as well as head, and then
finally we will discuss about the support to be placed in this pressure vessel. So here I am having
different components. So first of all let us start discussion on design of shell, and as far as design
of shell is concerned we will start design of cylindrical as well as spherical shells.
(Refer Slide Time: 02:36)
So in most of the practical cases the wall thickness of the process equipment. Now you must have
the idea that what we are going to compute in designing, that is the thickness of different
components. So here we will speak about design of wall thickness of shell okay. So in most of
the practical cases, wall thickness of the process equipment is not so small that assumption of
uniform stress distribution is justified.
Now if you remember the membrane stresses, where we have derived expression for computation
of thickness for thin vessel, there we have considered very small thickness of the metal sheet or of
the shell and that gives the uniform distribution of stress from inner surface to outer surface
because that thickness is very small, and in that case we have considered only two stresses, hoop
stress as well as longitudinal stress.
However, when I am having thick vessel, where thickness is significant in that case radial stress
also matters along with hoop stress as well as longitudinal stress. So when I am having thick
walled vessel, in that case whatever expression we have derived for membrane stresses those
expression will not be applicable. So to design the thick walled vessel we will use different
analysis and that analysis is known as Lame’s analysis, as it is mentioned over here okay.
So here I am having the thick-walled vessel, this is the total thickness of the vessel where if I am
considering stress at this point as well as at this point, stress will vary from inner surface to outer
surface and that we need to consider in designing okay. And the cross sectional image of this
cylinder is shown in this figure, where if you see inside this we have the pressure which we call as
internal pressure, so in this case internal pressure as well as external pressure both are working
(Refer Slide Time: 05:12)
So as far as derivation is concerned, we will consider the cross sectional image, which we have
just discussed and which is also shown over here where both pressures are acting where internal
pressure as well as external pressure will act. Internal pressure if you consider in this image, it
will try to expand this periphery, however, outer pressure or external pressure will try to squeeze
this outer periphery. So both pressures are acting and this condition would be the extreme
condition which can ever occur in a pressure vessel design and therefore we are starting design
from this stage only.
Now to derive the expression for thickness of thick walled vessel, in this image we will consider
a small section and around this small section we will make the balances. So this section I have
shown over here, where if I consider inner part there stress is σr in radial direction and at outer side
we have the stress 𝜎𝑟 + 𝑑𝜎𝑟 . This σθ as well as this σθ will be considered as hoop stress.
And this particular section is making an angle with the centre and that will be nothing but dθ okay.
And this image we have reproduced over here for better understanding where 𝜎𝑟 , 𝜎𝑟 + 𝑑𝜎𝑟 all
parameters are shown and here we have the angle Δθ. And please consider d instead of Δ for
derivation purpose. So once I am having this d theta, this hoop stress is acting σθ in this direction
and when I am considering straight line, so this angle must be . And in the similar line the
Now what happens when I make the force balance? Force in this direction will be balanced by
force in this direction. So in this direction force will be due to σr as well as the vertical component
of σθ will also act as it is shown over here. Let us see it is σθ. So vertical component of this will
be σθ, 𝑠𝑖𝑛 okay. And the same stress will also applicable in this direction also okay.
So as far as balancing is concerned, we will consider the force balance. Now the force in upward
direction that should be 𝜎𝑟 + 𝑑𝜎𝑟 . If you consider this is the total stress and this should be the
acting area. So acting area would be r because this is the r okay and here I am having this dr okay.
So (𝑟 + 𝑑𝑟)𝑑𝜃 that would be this curve, and then L we can consider as unity, so we have
considered 1 as length, that is the unit length we are considering over here. So the force over here
is (𝜎𝑟 + 𝑑𝜎𝑟 ) ∗ (𝑟 + 𝑑𝑟)𝑑𝜃 ∗ 1 okay.
And that would be balanced by force due to this and force due to this as well as due to this okay.
So that will be – σr and its acting area would be r, this 𝑟 ∗ 𝑑𝜃 ∗ 1 and that would be equal to this
particular component of σθ and that would be 2 because both side it is acting. So 2𝜎𝜃 ∗ 𝑑𝑟, dr is
basically this distance into 1, that would be the length. So 𝑑𝑟 ∗ 1 would be the acting area for this
component into 𝑠𝑖𝑛 . So in this way we make the force balance in this particular section of the
previous equation, we can get 𝑟𝑑𝜎𝑟 + 𝜎𝑟 𝑑𝑟 = 𝜎𝜃 𝑑𝑟 . So this would be the equation after
resolving the previous equation. Again, we can rearrange this, in this form, and then further we
can rearrange this as 𝜎𝜃 − 𝜎𝑟 = 𝑟 . So that I will consider as equation 1.
Now what happens when I am considering stress in longitudinal direction? that stress would be
uniform throughout. Because whatever thickness will be there in longitudinal direction stress
throughout the thickness will be uniform, and therefore because stress is uniform we can consider
strain should also be uniform. Now if you remember the expression of triaxial system, which we
have discussed in lecture 2 of week 1, that expression we will use over here to define stress and
strain relationship in this system.
And that equation is given as it is mentioned over here. Where 𝜀2 = 𝐸 (𝜎𝐿 − 𝜇(𝜎𝑟 + 𝜎𝜃 ))
and that will be equal to constant. Now as we have discussed that longitudinal stress will be
constant and accordingly strain in that direction will also be constant. So in this equation if you
see ε2 constant, E is constant, σL is constant, and µ is constant. So only variable I am having is
𝜎𝑟 + 𝜎𝜃 okay.
So further I can rearrange this in this form, 𝜎𝑟 + 𝜎𝜃 equal to constant and that we can equate to 2A
for derivation purpose, and this I have mentioned as equation 2. So here I am having equation 1
as well as equation 2.
(Refer Slide Time: 11:42)
Now substituting in equation 1 for σθ we can remove 1 of the variable from equation 1 as well as
equation 2. So we can substitute σθ in equation 1, and after substituting we can have expression
like this.
And when we multiply both side to this equation by r and rearranging we can have this equation
where this is σr and σr r added. So 2𝜎r 𝑟 + 𝑟 2 − 2𝐴𝑟 = 0. Now what this equation shows.
Further if I consider this equation in this form, where 𝑑𝑟 (𝜎𝑟 𝑟 2 − 𝐴𝑟 2 ) and that should be equal to
0. If I consider this particular equation and if I derive this, I will get this equation okay.
So here I am having equation in derivative form and then we will integrate this derivative
expression and we can find that 𝜎𝑟 𝑟 2 − 𝐴𝑟 2 that should be equal to constant and that I have
replaced with –B for derivation purpose. So here I am having σr, we can extract σr from this
equation and we can rewrite like this. And here I am having another equation for σθ which is equal
to 𝐴 + 𝑟 2 . So if you consider these two equations are basically called as Lame’s equations.
So for further analysis we will use these Lame’s equations. And if you consider here I am having
two constants A as well as B. Now putting conditions of actual system we can have, we can
calculate, we can derive the expression of A as well as B.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:38)
Now what would be the condition? If you consider the cross-sectional image of the thick walled
vessel, where internal and external both pressures are acting. So that would be the object for which
we need to derive the equation. So I will extract conditions from that image only.
Where if r = ri, σr would be –Pi. Now why it is – Pi because direction of σr as well as pressure are
opposite to each other and further I am having when r = ro, σr will be equal to –Po, that is external
pressure. So putting these conditions in Lame’s equation we can write equation for internal
pressure as well as external pressure like this.
(Refer Slide Time: 14:35)
And further we can resolve this equation to find out the expressions for B as well as A, as these
are mentioned over here okay. So these A and B expression I will further use in equations, which
we have considered as Lame’s equation and then we will go for final expressions. So let us do
that. Putting A and B in Lame’s equation I can find out the expression for σr as well as σθ okay.
So these two equations we can derive while putting the values of A and B. Now if you consider
these two equations, where both pressures, internal as well as external pressures are acting
simultaneously. However, when we operate the system that system may be internal pressure
operation or external pressure operation, but here we will design the expression for internal
pressure condition.
So when I am considering internal pressure condition, it means external pressure condition would
be 0, so in that case Po would be 0, where that Po = 0 we will put in this equation and then we
further resolve the equation.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:58)
So when I am considering internal pressure only, external pressure would be equal to 0 as I have
already mentioned. So putting Po = 0 and Pi will be equal to P, we can have expression for σr as
well as σθ okay.
Now if I focus on these two here, I have only one pressure that is internal pressure. And what is
the variable, variable is this r in both cases, okay. Now if you consider expression for σr as well
as σθ, which will give the maximum possible value. Obviously when we compare these two
expressions, σθ will give the maximum possible value and that value would be maximum when
this r will be equal to ri okay. I hope you are getting it.
So here I have to maximize the stress, which can be generated in the system okay. So σθ would be
maximum when r equal to ri and that would be the maximum possible stress in the system, and
that stress we can replace with the allowable stress value because at that value we will design the
system okay. So that σθ if you see (𝜎𝜃 )𝑟=𝑟𝑖 that we can replace with f and that would be equal to
𝑃 (𝑟𝑖2 +𝑟02 )
(𝑟02 −𝑟𝑖2 )
This expression we have obtained by placing r = ri and that we can equate to allowable stress okay.
What is allowable stress, that we have discussed in terminology in lecture 4 of week 1. And further
if you consider the terminology lecture, there we have discussed another term, which is weld joint
efficiency factor, and what was that. When we make any welding joint in a metal sheet, strength
of that joint will be weaker in comparison to the regular sheet.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:20)
Therefore, as far as allowable stress is concerned, that we have considered for regular material. So
that must be multiplied by J factor to get the actual stress okay. Therefore, f * J we have considered
over here and right hand expression will be seen as we have discussed in last slide. And further
resolving this we can extract pressure and that can be shown as a function of allowable stress J and
Now what we need to find from this equation is the thickness of the shell. So if I consider t is the
minimum wall thickness required for shell, so ro we can replace with ri + t and the whole expression
we can rewrite like this and we can further rearrange this expression, and then further resolving it
we can have this particular equation, where P can be defined in terms of 𝑓𝐽𝑡 and radius. So this
expression we can further rearrange in this form, where P will be equal to 𝑓𝐽𝑡 by this whole
(Refer Slide Time: 19:15)
So this would be the basic equation for design of shell when internal pressure is acting. And this
equation is also used as a basic equation in code, which is IS: 2825 okay. So further representing
this equation in terms of diameter instead of radius, so we can have equation like this where P in
terms of diameter is shown. Now as we have discussed that this equation will be used as a base
for design of shell when internal pressure is acting.
So here we will apply the limitation of IS: 2825, and if you remember there is the limitation where
𝐷𝑖 𝐷
should be less than or equal to 1.5. So this is the limitation of IS: 2825, where 𝐷𝑜 should be less
𝐷𝑜 𝑖
than equal to 1.5. So this is the expression for this less than 1.5. After resolving this, we can
have expression of 𝐷 would be equal to 0.25. How this 0.25 has come because this Do we have
replaced with Di + 2t, and after resolving it, we can have 𝐷 as 0.25.
Now what happens when this 𝐷 0.25 we will put, so this whole expression will become 1.2 okay.
𝑡 𝑡
And that would be the maximum possible value of 𝐷 . If I am considering minimum value of 𝐷
𝑖 𝑖
that value would be 0. And if I put 0 over here, the whole expression will give the value as 1. So
this whole expression vary from 1 to 1.2. So for derivation purpose we have considered this
particular expression as 1 because when we are considering 0.25, it means that would be the
maximum possible value, which should not exceed. So therefore instead of 1.2 we have taken
value of this expression as 1.
(Refer Slide Time: 21:45)
So this would be the final equation for pressure, where P is the internal pressure and that 𝐷𝑜 −𝑡
because here the whole expression I have replaced with 1. So this would be the final equation and
from this we can extract the term t, which is the minimum thickness that should be equal to 2𝑓𝐽−𝑃
and further it can be written as So when I am considering outer diameter I have to take plus
over here, when I am considering inner diameter I need to take minus over here.
So this expression is basically the minimum thickness of the vessel. Why I am calling this
minimum thickness because at least this thickness should be provided to withstand the pressure P,
therefore, it is called as minimum thickness.
(Refer Slide Time: 22:45)
So here I am having the expression of internal pressure and cylindrical shell, and as per IS: 2825-
1969, the expression given is this, like 𝑃 = and if I need to extract t from here, the expression
𝐷𝑜 −𝑡
should be .
Now how this 200 has come. Because when you see the nomenclature for this, here t is in mm
and p is the design pressure in kgf/cm2 and allowable stress that is f value is given as kgf/mm2. So
due to these difference in units, pressure is shown in kgf/cm2 and f is shown in kgf/mm2. Due to
this we are having this 200 factor and J is the joint efficiency factor, which we have discussed in
lecture 4.
So these expressions are basically given in IS: 2825-1969. However, in books you can find the
expression 2 f J instead of 200 f J. So in books you can have this expression, where we have only
factor 2 because there pressure as well as allowable stress both are shown in same unit that is in
N/m2, and thickness we can compute in m and other parameters are also shown over here.
So due to this difference in units, we can have different expressions in code as well as in book.
And difference is only for the factor, where in code 200 is available and in books 2 is available,
that is the only difference.
(Refer Slide Time: 24:44)
Further if I am considering internal pressure and spherical shell as per IS: 2825, here instead of
200 I have 400 because acting area for pressure will be different, so due to this this 400 appears.
Further P and f will have different units and therefore this 400 is there.
Otherwise in books you can find 4 instead of 400 because pressure and allowable stress both are
shown in same units. So in this way you can derive the expression for thickness of cylindrical as
well as spherical vessel when internal pressure is acting okay. And we have already discussed that
this t is the minimum possible thickness which should be provided to withstand pressure P. So
that thickness is the minimum possible thickness that will be maintained throughout the operation
of the plant, of the vessel okay.
Now what happens, if you remember the terminology lecture which is lecture 4 of week 1, there
we have discussed another parameter which is corrosion allowance. Corrosion allowance is used
because there are so many ways through which there are deposition or the material will extract
from the metal sheet, all that wastage occur. So to account that we will have corrosion allowance.
So that corrosion allowance will be added to minimum possible thickness because as time passes
only that thickness which we have provided as corrosion allowance that would be affected. Rest
of the thickness will remain as it is to carry out the process in regular manner. So minimum
thickness plus corrosion allowance we will add to get the thickness of vessel. Now what happens,
after that, there are sheets available in the market, which have standard thickness. So whatever
thickness are available above to that.
(Refer Slide Time: 27:08)
Above to that means t plus corrosion allowance, above to that whatever value is available that we
will consider as standard thickness, and that value you can see from table B1 and here we have
standard thickness of steel plates. So let us say I am having the value 6.2 for minimum thickness
as well as corrosion allowance, so I will consider 7 as standard thickness. This table B1 is available
in book B. C. Bhattacharya and you can refer this appendix B in that book. So in that way we will
(Refer Slide Time: 27:37)
Now in this slide we will discuss the internal pressure failure. How that internal pressure failure
will occur, that can be understood as vessel failing after stresses in part or a large portion exceeds
the material strength. Whatever stresses are generated, if that exceeds the strength of the material
then that failure will occur. So as far as internal pressure failure is considered, in that case bursting
of the vessel will occur okay. As we have shown in this image, that you can imagine that thickness
is so much but still failure will occur because stress will exceed the strength of the material
And that can be defined as damaging stress of the material. Till now we have derived the
expression for thickness of cylindrical as well as spherical pressure vessel. And considering that
we will solve a few examples, but before that I want to demonstrate that how code IS: 2825-1969
will be used. And I assume that this code will not be available to you, so that code I will provide
to you so that you can use it, but now we will discuss that how it should be used.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:00)
So if you see here, this is basically the code IS: 2825, which is made for code for unfired pressure
vessel and which is given by Bureau of Indian Standards as we have discussed that these standards
are given by governmental bodies, so in India that is Bureau of Indian Standards okay. So this is
basically the code, where we are having IS: 2825-1969. And if you see the content of this code,
here I am having section 1, section 2, and section 3, and as far as this particular course is concerned,
we will only focus on section 1, which is on generals, materials, and design.
(Refer Slide Time: 29:44)
For design, section 1 should be considered. Therefore we are focusing in this only, where design
are given like cylindrical as well as spherical shells, and then we have different section that we
will discuss when times comes.
(Refer Slide Time: 30:16)
So if you consider this, here value of J are defined and if you remember this particular diagram,
we have already discussed in lecture 4, and here we have table 1.1, which also we have discussed
in lecture 4.
(Refer Slide Time: 30:30)
So in this way you can use this. There are so many parameters which are given over here okay.
(Refer Slide Time: 31:00)
And if you see here I am having the expression for cylindrical shell and for spherical shell instead
of 2 here 200 is available and instead of 4 we have 400 over here. And why this 200 and 400, that
we have already discussed in this lecture only, okay. So in this way you can use this expressions.
(Refer Slide Time: 31:40)
Now how you need to see the value of J, that you can refer table 1.1, which we have just seen.
And then f value you can see from here. If you consider, here I am having appendices okay. And
when we see these appendices, appendix 1 will be on allowable stress value for ferrous and
nonferrous material. And screenshot of that I have also shown in lecture 4, while discussing
allowable stress.
So this is I think you can resemble this table from there. There we have shown different materials
and allowable stress. And along with this we have mechanical properties of that particular material
also in this table. So in this way you can use different values in expression of thickness. Now we
will solve a few examples to demonstrate how the thickness of cylindrical as well as spherical
vessel will be computed.
(Refer Slide Time: 32:20)
So let us focus on example 1. Where a process vessel is to be designed for maximum operating
pressure absolute, you see here absolute is given, which is 501 kN/m2. And understanding between
purchaser and manufacturer indicates that vessel should be over designed considering 6% extra to
maximum working pressure. So usually we consider 5% extra, but here as it is required by the
customer that 6% extra is required, so we will design accordingly.
So vessel has outer diameter of 1.5 m. It is made up of the material IS: 2000-1962 grade 2A and
its design temperature is 435. Corrosion allowance of 2 mm is given. Now here we need to design
the vessel for class 1 or class 2 of Indian Standard specification, where single welded butt joint
with backing strip is used. So this information is given to extract the value of j for class 1 as well
as for class 2. What we need to find is, we need to compute the standard plate thicknesses to
fabricate the vessel for cylindrical as well as spherical vessels.
(Refer Slide Time: 33:44)
So let us focus on the solution of this. In this example, we are given maximum working pressure
in absolute. However, if you see in expression of t we consider pressure in gauge. Now why we
are considering in gauge. Because when we have equated external pressure to 0 okay.
What is the meaning of that? It means that when external pressure is 0, it means external pressure
is 0 in gauge. In that case, outer pressure should always be atmospheric pressure and internal
pressure would be higher than that okay. So when I am considering Po = 0, it means that I have
accounted in gauge. So whatever Pi = P I have considered that should also be taken in gauge.
Therefore in expression of t, whatever pressures are given that should be taken in gauge okay. So
here maximum operating pressure in absolute is given 501, so first of all we will convert this into
gauge, while deducting atmospheric pressure from the absolute so here we have 501 – 101.325, so
399.675 kN/m2 is the maximum working gauge pressure internal.
Design pressure should be computed as 6% extra, so 1.06 * 399.675 and that should be equal to
423.6555 kN/m2 and we need to convert that into kgf/cm2 because in this unit it will be used in
expression provided in code. So that value comes as 4.32 kgf/cm2. Outer diameter is given as 1.5
and material I have been given is IS: 2000-1962 grade 2A, and its design temperature should be
435. So this information is provided to extract the value of allowable stress.
(Refer Slide Time: 36:00)
So let us see the table of allowable stress. Here I am having the table of allowable stress. And IS:
2000-1962 grade 2A, this is the material. And 435 is the design temperature. So you see here, up
to 450 we can use value 4.3 kgf/mm2 okay. Therefore, f I have taken as 4.3 kgf/mm2.
(Refer Slide Time: 36:27)
Now here we are designing spherical vessel where for class 1, we have to extract the value of J
from table 1.1 from code. So let us focus on this.
(Refer Slide Time: 36:39)
Here I am having table 1.1, where joint efficiency factors are already mentioned, but we need to
find that corresponding to single welded butt joint with backing strip.
(Refer Slide Time: 36:55)
So when we further see this table, in second page of this table we have 0.4, where type of joints
are mentioned, and here you see for class 1 single welded butt joint with backing strip is there and
J I can take as 0.9 okay. And similarly for class 2 we can have value of J as 0.8 okay. So for class
I am having 0.9, for class 2 I can take value as 0.8.
And considering the values of J, allowable stress, pressure and outer diameter, we can find out
minimum thickness using this expression and it comes as 4.17 that is the minimum possible
thickness. We will add corrosion allowance into this and that should be equal to 6.17. Now once
I am having the value 6.17, the next value available in table B1 is 7, so 7 I can take as standard
In the similar line, for class 2 minimum thickness is observed as 4.69, adding corrosion allowance
we can have 6.69, and further 7 we can take as standard thickness of spherical vessel for class 2.
(Refer Slide Time: 38:10)
And similarly for cylindrical vessel for class 1 J value will remain 0.9 in this case and 0.8 in this
case for class 2. So for class 1 we have minimum thickness as 8.3256, adding corrosion allowance
we can have 10.3456. And then t standard I can take as 11, as it is next value, then 10.3256. And
similarly for class 2, I can find standard thickness as 12 mm. So in this way we can calculate the
thickness of cylindrical as well as spherical vessel okay.
So minimum thickness, thickness with corrosion allowance and standard thickness. These three
thickness we need to find for any system. And further we will discuss example 2 for better
(Refer Slide Time: 39:10)
And in this example, manufacturer has four different materials to construct the pressure vessel
having 2 m diameter and 4 m length, as diameter and length are defined, we can consider this as a
cylindrical shell. Materials are IS: 2002-1962 grade 2B. This is another material, this is another
material and fourth material is this. So all these four materials are used to construct the pressure
The maximum operating pressure absolute and design temperature are given as 450 kN/m2 and
475oC. Corrosion allowance of 3 mm are considered. In this problem, we need to design a
cylindrical vessel where j factor is given as 0.8 and if manufacturer is having 5 ton material of
each category, calculate the saving of material in shell for each design. Density for each material
we have considered as constant and that is 8000 kg/m3.
So in that case what we need to find is the saving in each material and how I can find that saving,
once I will calculate the minimum thickness, thickness with corrosion allowance, and standard
thickness. Considering that standard thickness, we will calculate how much material is used to
prepare the shell. And then that material will be compared with 5 ton, which is given in the
problem for each category of the material. So let us start the solution of this problem.
(Refer Slide Time: 40:49)
So here maximum operating pressure 450 is given. We will first convert that into gauge and then
we can consider 5% extra. Why 5% extra because here I do not have any guideline from the
customer, so I will take at least 5% extra pressure as design pressure okay. So here design pressure
comes as this. Now IS: 2002-1962 grade 2B is the material okay.
(Refer Slide Time: 41:20)
And here in allowable stress table, if you see this is the material, where 475 is the design
temperature, so corresponding to this, 3.6 kgf/mm2 can be taken as allowable stress. So that is
given over here. Considering this expression, we can find minimum thickness, J factor I already
know as 0.8, other parameter we have already extracted from table or formulae and then adding 3
mm to this as corrosion allowance, we have thickness 15.868.
(Refer Slide Time: 42:00)
And then you can see table B1 where next value, then this is available as 16. So 16 mm we have
considered as standard thickness.
(Refer Slide Time: 42:10)
In the similar line we can compute the thickness for other material okay.
(Refer Slide Time: 42:16)
And here you see material is IS: 2041-1962, 20 molybdenum 55, so this is the material and
corresponding to 475, 7.7 is the value, which we have considered over here. And similarly IS:
1570-1961, 15 chromium, 19 molybdenum 55, so this is the material. And corresponding
allowable stress value is 11.7 at 475oC. So that we have taken here like this, and then we can
compute the standard thickness.
(Refer Slide Time: 42:54)
For this material we have 10 mm as a standard thickness, and for this material we have 7 mm as
standard thickness.
(Refer Slide Time: 43:02)
And similarly we can compute for material d and where this material that is IS: 3609-1966 1%
chromium, 0.5% molybdenum. It is available in next page of this table. So here you can find this
material and corresponding to 475 we have f value as 9.7 okay. So considering this we can
compute the thickness for the material and then it is coming as 8 because 7.795 is the thickness
after adding corrosion allowance and next value to this is 8 mm okay.
So in this way we have computed all thickness of four material. And now we will speak about the
savings. How I can find the savings, I need to find out the volume of material of each category,
which is used to design the shell and then we will multiply that with the density and then we will
compare that with 5 ton material available.
(Refer Slide Time: 44:21)
So for saving, we need to calculate the volume. Volume you can calculate by this expressions,
that is a common expression. And for material a we have 0.3989 mete cube as a volume, and
similarly we can consider volume for other materials also.
(Refer Slide Time: 44:36)
Multiplying that volume with the density, we can find mass of each material as these are shown
over here. And when we compare these with 5 ton, we can find out that all material are below 5
ton, so we can have savings in each material in these magnitude as it is shown over here. So in
this way we can find out the savings in the material, which is used to design the shell okay. So
here we have discussed two examples.
(Refer Slide Time: 45:13)
And here we have the reference books. This you can use for your study purpose and IS: 2825,
how it will be used that we have already demonstrated. And you can follow other books also okay.
(Refer Slide Time: 45:28)
Now we have summary of this video as expression of thickness of cylindrical shell with thick wall
is derived, based on it expression of thickness of spherical vessel is discussed, and internal pressure
vessel failure is discussed, a few examples with detailed solution are discussed. And that is all for
now, thank you.