The document repeatedly promotes joining a Telegram channel called "igcse_files" that provides IGCSE files and documents. Over 80 lines are included that state the name of the channel and encourage joining it at the provided link. The purpose is to share educational resources for the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) qualifications.
The document repeatedly promotes joining a Telegram channel called "igcse_files" that provides IGCSE files and documents. Over 80 lines are included that state the name of the channel and encourage joining it at the provided link. The purpose is to share educational resources for the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) qualifications.
The document repeatedly promotes joining a Telegram channel called "igcse_files" that provides IGCSE files and documents. Over 80 lines are included that state the name of the channel and encourage joining it at the provided link. The purpose is to share educational resources for the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) qualifications.
The document repeatedly promotes joining a Telegram channel called "igcse_files" that provides IGCSE files and documents. Over 80 lines are included that state the name of the channel and encourage joining it at the provided link. The purpose is to share educational resources for the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) qualifications.
Ric Pimentel, Frankie Pimentel, Terry Wall, Sophie Goldie, Chris Allen - Cambridge IGCSE Core and Extended Mathematics Teacher's Guide With Boost Subscription-Hodder Education (2023)