Mudit Mehta Final CV

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Mudit Mehta

N-65, Greater Kailash-I, New Delhi -110048

Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Corporate Recruitment Programme

Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (2005-07)
Mudit Mehta
CGPA: 3.54/4.00
 Placed in the Director’s Merit List for ranking in
the Top 5% among 255
students in the class of 2007
N-65, Greater Kailash-I, New Delhi -110048
 Secured 4.0/4.0 in Investments and 3.8/4.0 in Financial Derivatives; appointed tutor
for Quantitative Methods
 Ranked among Top 20 students in IIMB on basis of admission criteria; shortlisted
for the AVB Scholarship
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (Electrical Engineering, 2001-05)
CGPA: 8.43/10.00
 Secured Rank 122 in IIT JEE, 2001 and Rank 79 in the Screening Examination out
B. Tech
of 127,000 applicants
 Designed an experiment kit at NIIT that offers 95% cost savings & has a market
potential of INR 10 million
Summer 2006 HSBC Global Markets
Awarded a Pre-Placement Offer in recognition of excellent performance during the
ALM  Portfolio Construction: Designed optimal investment portfolios for clients by
Structuri generating efficient frontiers
ng  Idea Generation: Designed a diversified Cat Bond fund & proved its
effectiveness in enhancing a portfolio
 Pitch Book preparation: Independently prepared a pitch book on financial trends
in European Insurance industry for a leading financial services firm. Instrumental
in subscription of client to HSBC’s ALM products
Summer 2004 Infineon Technologies
Verificati Munich
on Designed a standardized platform currently being employed for quality assurance of
all Infineon processors
 Authored a white paper on hedging of CDO tranches; selected from several
international entries for presentation at the annual conference of Asia Pacific
Association for Derivatives at Korea
 Characterized 3 month MIBOR vis-à-vis global benchmark rates using various
 Priced cross-currency options on Nifty through quanto pre-washing and a
change of numeraire

 Secured 1st position for a paper presentation on ‘Growth and Sustainability of Indian
Capital Markets’ at IPE
 Formulated an investment attractiveness model for foreign portfolio
investment in Emerging Markets
 Authored a research paper on the entry of ‘Foreign Players into Indian Commodity
Commodi Futures Market’; selected among Top 5 National entries in the NCDEX Paper
ty Presentation Competition organized by IIM Indore
Derivativ  Selected among Top 3 entries from IIMB for a potential publication in the
es prestigious Journal of Finance, IIM Lucknow for a research paper on ‘Development
and Broad-basing of the Indian Commodities Market’
 Campus Winner among 32 teams in the JP Morgan M&A Case Study
Indian Institute of Management Bangalore Corporate Recruitment Programme
2007 Competition. Presented the analysis to senior management in the National Finals
and received accolades for preparing the Best Pitch Book

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