Savage Worlds - Fantasy - Magic Handbook

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Of Wizards and Wizardry

Magic flows stubbornly in Tarth. It is much

easier, if one is pure of heart, to gain arcane Note: Apart from the benefits of the Wizard
power through the Church of Solace. That said, Professional Edge and the contacts gained by
some individuals have mastered the eldritch attending the academy, there are no other game
arts, and their powers are quite phenomenal. mechanic differences between trained Wizards
Those who develop power on their own typically and Hedge Wizards.
live in isolation and are called “hedge wizards.”

Formal schooling is available for those who Wizards and Society

seem to have a penchant for the arcane. In
Valusia, training is offered at Mizridoor, an Wizards are well known in Tarth, although not
academy of secretive wizards on the cliffs at the common. Despite being well known, Wizards are
northern end of town. All characters who have respected only due to the efforts of Tyvek and
the Wizard Professional Edge graduated from other famous sorcerers. Common folk are
Mizridoor, or its sister school “Kos Arcanum” in somewhat afraid of these characters. It’s
far-off Kos (no such academies exist in the believed by simpler minds that these talented
White Towns or the Dragon Isles). These spellcasters should have given their service to
Wizards have received their Staff and Ring, the Solace instead. In fact, the reality is that most of
official symbols of an academy-trained Wizard, the people of Tarth will go their whole lives and
and are more or less generally accepted never see a Wizard, much less see a Wizard
throughout the lands, even if they are viewed wield magic. Sun Priests are a more common
with some fear and superstition. sight to the common folk, and their magic is
more understandable and acceptable.
Some Wizards have not been formally trained.
They simply learned their powers on their own, This doesn’t mean that common folk are
without the help of a formal academy. These overtly rude or threatening to Wizards, at least,
“hedge wizards” do not carry the Staff and Ring, not usually. Most common folk are terrified of the
and do not share in the same respect as trained unknown and vast power that Wizards wield,
Wizards. Some are even branded as witches or and act accordingly. So, while they won’t harm a
warlocks – or worse. Wizard, they certainly won’t go out of their way
to help one, either.
Using Magic
Wizards use the standard rules for Using anchored (before any Wizard raise reductions).
Powers; however, there are a few additional So, a 4 Power Point spell would cost 5 Power
rules that apply to Wizards. These act like Points to Anchor, while an 8 Power Point spell
Edges, but are available to any Wizard who would cost 10 Power Points to Anchor.
meets the prerequisites.

Soul Drain
Anchoring Spells Requirements: Spirit d8+, Knowledge (Arcana)
Requirements: Smarts d8+, Knowledge d8+, Spellcasting d8+
(Arcana) d8+, Spellcasting d8+
Usually, when a caster gets to 0 Power
Typically, spells are cast, and then maintained Points, they can’t cast any more spells until they
by the caster as desired. However, this causes a have recovered more Power Points. In
cumulative penalty to Spellcasting rolls while desperate situations, a Wizard in dire need of
they are maintained, and they can be disrupted. Power Points may drain energy from their own
A Wizard can also choose to “Anchor” spells, by souls.
paying the full cost for the desired duration up
front. To use this dangerous ability, the Wizard
character first decides how many Power Points
When a Wizard Anchors a spell, he decides he wants to draw from himself. Then he makes a
how long he wants the spell to last – before the Spirit roll minus the number of points he’s trying
Spellcasting roll – and then spends all of the to drain (this is a free action). On a Spirit total of
Power Points immediately for that desired 1 or less, the character suffers a wound and falls
duration. If the spell fails, the caster loses the unconscious for 1d6 hours. On a failure, the
Power Points as per normal. character suffers a wound. On a success or
better, the character gets the points he needed
Anchored spells last until their prescribed and may attempt to cast a spell with them
duration is over, and don’t require any immediately (they may not be saved).
concentration for the caster to maintain
throughout that duration. This means that the Regardless of the result, Soul Drain always
caster doesn’t suffer any penalties for the causes the character to become Fatigued (first
ongoing effect, and the effect cannot be level of Fatigue only). If the character was
disrupted. It is possible, and even occasionally already fatigued, it doesn’t cause addition levels.
practical, to Anchor a spell without an extended
duration (since the spell cannot be disrupted). Wounds caused by Soul Drain can only be
healed by natural means, or by the Greater
Anchoring a spell increases the cost of a spell Healing Spell – but not by the Healing skill or
by 1 Power Point / 5 Power Points of spell being Healing spell.
The following edges are associated with Rapid Recharge
Wizards. Requirements: Seasoned, Spirit d6+, Arcane
Arcane Background (Magic)
Arcane Skill: Spellcasting (Smarts) This Edge allows an arcane character to
Starting Power Points: 10 regain 1 Power Point every 30 minutes.
Starting Powers: 3 + Light

Magicians range from powerful wizards to vile Improved Rapid Recharge

cultists. They draw on raw supernatural energy Requirements: Veteran, Rapid Recharge
to fuel their eldritch fires. This energy often
infuses the worlds in which they live, and is The character regains 1 Power Point every 15
drawn forth with elaborate rituals, words of minutes.
power, runes, or perhaps even dark sacrifices.
Wizards are often quite weak early in their
careers, but are forces to be reckoned with as
they become powerful sorcerers. Wizard
Requirements: Novice, Arcane Background
Backlash: When a wizard rolls a 1 on his (Magic), Smarts d8+, Knowledge (arcana)
Spellcasting die (regardless of his Wild Die), he d8+, Spellcasting d6+
is automatically Shaken.
Wizards range from young apprentices to
frighteningly powerful supreme sorcerers. They
are often physically weak, however, and do not
New Power have the divine powers or healing abilities of
Requirements: Novice, Arcane Background priestly spellcasters. What they lack in spiritual
favor, however, they more than make up for in
An arcane character may learn a new power utility and eldritch might. Wizards can cast the
by choosing this Edge. He may choose from any widest variety of spells, and if advanced wisely,
powers normally available to his particular have a wide variety of Power Edges to further
Arcane Background. increase their awesome abilities.

Wizards learn their craft in formalized

Power Points institutions or under the tutelage of experienced
Requirements: Novice, Arcane Background masters. Each raise a wizard gets on his
Spellcasting roll reduces the cost of the spell by
Wizards, weird scientists, and other arcane 1 Power Point. The wizard must have the points
types always want more power. This Edge available to cast the spell in the first place before
grants them an additional 5 Power Points. rolling.

Power Points may be selected more than Note: Characters with the Wizard
once, but only once per Rank. Professional Edge also start with a bonus spell,
Pawn of Mizridoor.
Magic Spells
The following spells/powers are available to original caster then make opposed Arcane Skill
Wizard characters. rolls. The mage casting Backlash adds +2 to
their roll. The loser suffers 3d10 instant damage
that ignores normal armor (magical armor still
ARCANE Armor counts).
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2
Range: Touch Barrier
Duration: 30 minutes (1/10 minutes) Rank: Seasoned
Trappings: Mystical glow Power Points: 1/section
Range: Smarts
The caster can invoke magical energies to Duration: 30 minutes (1 per section, per 10 min)
protect someone from other eldritch or spiritual Trappings: Wall of fire, ice or barely-visible
forces. The caster can temporarily grant the force
Edge Arcane Resistance to a chosen target
(including their own person, of course). For a Barrier creates a solid, immobile wall to
raise, the target is protected by Improved protect the user against attack or to entrap an
Arcane Resistance. opponent. Regardless of what the barrier is
made of (ice, thorns, stone, energy, etc.), it has
a Toughness of 10. Every Power Point spent
Armor creates a 1” wide section of wall. The barrier
Rank: Novice ranges in width from a few “real world” inches
Power Points: 2 thick for stone or other hard materials up to a
Range: Touch foot for things like bones or ice. (If you’re using a
Duration: 30 minutes (1/10 minutes) gridded mat to play, draw the barrier between
Trappings: Mystical glow or hardened skin the squares directly along the grid-lines.) The
caster defines the exact placement of each
Armor creates a field of magical protection section, but each section must be connected to
around a character, or an actual shell of some at least one other section after the first.
sort, effectively giving the target Armor. Success
grants the recipient 2 points of Armor. A raise When the spell expires or a section is broken,
grants 4 points of Armor. it crumbles to dust or otherwise dissipates (the
trappings are never left behind).

Each section of the barrier may be destroyed

Backlash by an attack that exceeds its Toughness of 10.
Rank: Seasoned Hitting the wall is automatic with a Fighting
Power Points: 3 attack (ranged attacks must roll to hit as usual),
Range: Smarts x 2 but raises on the attack roll do not grant bonus
Duration: Instant damage.
Trappings: Both hands on head
Opponents may climb the barrier at -2 to their
This dangerous and highly specialized power Climb roll if it is made of something solid. Fiery
allows a caster to follow a mystic link back to its versions of the barrier cause 2d4 damage to
source. If an ally is Puppeted by an enemy anyone who wishes to leap through instead.
adept, for example, a friendly caster could use
this power to send a surge of power back along
the link to attack the enemy. To use this power,
the caster nominates a character within range
currently affected by another character’s actively
maintained power. The attacking caster and the
Beast Friend
Rank: Novice Bolt
Power Points: Special Rank: Novice
Range: Smarts x 100 yards Power Points: 1-6
Duration: 30 minutes Range: 12/24/48
Trappings: The mage concentrates Duration: Instant
Trappings: Bolt of fire or ice
This spell allows mages to speak with and
guide the actions of nature’s beasts. It works Bolt is a standard attack power of wizards,
only on creatures with animal intelligence, not and can also be used for ray guns, bursts of
humanoids. Nor does it work on conjured, energy, streaks of holy light, and other ranged
magical, or otherwise “unnatural” animals. attacks. The damage of the bolt is 2d6.

The target must be within the sorcerer’s Additional Bolts: The character may cast up
range—it is not conjured. to 3 bolts by spending a like amount of Power
Points. This must be decided before the power
The cost to control a creature depends on its is cast. The bolts may be spread among targets
Size. The base cost is 3, plus twice its Size for as the character chooses. Firing the additional
creatures with a Size greater than 0. A great bolts does not incur any attack penalties.
white shark (Size +4) costs 3 plus (2x4=) 8 or 11
points. A roc (Size +8) costs 19 Power Points to Additional Damage: The character may also
control. Swarms may also be controlled. Small increase the damage to 3d6 by doubling the
swarms cost 3, Mediums 5, and Large 8. Thus a Power Point cost per bolt. This may be
single rat costs 3 to control, as does a small combined with the additional bolts, so firing 3
swarm of the creatures. bolts of 3d6 damage costs 6 Power Points.

Blast Boost/Lower Trait

Rank: Seasoned Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2-6 Power Points: 2
Range: 24/48/96 Range: Smarts
Duration: Instant Duration: 30 minutes (1/10 minutes)
Trappings: Ball of fire or shards of ice Trappings: Glowing aura

Blast is an area effect power that can put This power allows a character to increase any
down many opponents at once. The character of a target’s Traits by one die type for a standard
first picks where he wants to center the blast, success, and two with a raise. The affected Trait
then makes the appropriate skill roll. Normal can exceed d12. Each step over d12 adds +1 to
ranged attack modifiers apply. his Trait total. For example, a raise on someone
who already has a d12 in the affected Trait
The area of effect is a Medium Burst grants him d12+2 for the duration of the power.
Template found in the back of this book. If the
roll is failed, the blast deviates as a launched The power can also be used to lower an
projectile (see page 62, Core Rulebook). opponent’s Trait. This is an opposed roll against
the victim’s Spirit. Success lowers any Trait of
Targets within the blast suffer 2d6 damage. the caster’s choice one step, a raise lowers it
Unlike other attacks, raises on the attack roll do two steps. A Trait cannot be lowered below a d4.
not add to damage to area effect attacks. Multiple castings stack, though the caster must
keep track of when each casting expires as
Additional Effects: For double the Power usual.
Points, the blast does 3d6 damage or the size is
increased to a Large Burst Template. For triple
the points, it does both.
Burrow Deflection
Rank: Novice Rank: Novice
Power Points: 3 Power Points: 2
Range: Smarts x 2 Range: Touch
Duration: 30 minutes (2/10 minutes) Duration: 30 minutes (1/10 minutes)
Trappings: Caster dissolves into the earth and Trappings: Mystical, glowing shield
reappears elsewhere
Deflection powers work in a variety of ways.
Burrow allows a mage standing on raw earth Some actually deflect incoming attacks, others
to meld into it. He can remain underground if he blur the target’s form or produce other illusionary
wants in a sort of “limbo” or burrow to anywhere effects. The end result is always the same
within his range. A mage with a Smarts of d8 however—to misdirect incoming melee and
could therefore move up to 16” (32 yards) on the missile attacks from the user.
first round, maintain the spell and stay
submerged for the second and “move” another With a standard success, attackers must
16”. subtract 2 from any Fighting, Shooting, or other
attack rolls directed at the user. A raise
A burrowing earth mage can attempt to increases the penalty to -4. This also acts as
surprise a foe (even one who saw him burrow) Armor against area effect weapons.
by making an opposed Stealth versus Notice
roll. If the mage wins, he gains +2 to attack and
damage that round, or +4 with a raise. Targets Detect/Conceal Arcana
on Hold may attempt to interrupt the attack as Rank: Novice
usual. Power Points: 2
Range: Sight
Duration (Detect): 30 minutes (1/10 minutes)
Burst Duration (Conceal): 3 hours (1/hour)
Rank: Novice Trappings: Waving hands, whispered words.
Power Points: 2
Range: Flame Template Detect/conceal arcana allows a character to
Duration: Instant sense supernatural persons, objects, or effects
Trappings: A shower of flames or burst of ice within sight. This includes invisible foes,
shards enchantments on people or items, mad science
devices, and so on.
Burst produces a large fan of energy that
bathes its targets in red-hot fire or other The power can also be reversed to conceal a
damaging energy. When cast, place the thin end single supernatural item, being, or effect. This
of the Cone Template at the character’s front. has the same cost, but the duration is much
Targets within the template may make Agility longer—1 hour with a maintenance cost of 1 per
rolls versus the caster’s arcane skill roll to avoid hour. When used in this way, those who wish to
the blaze. Those who fail suffer 2d10 damage. see through the ruse with detect arcana use
This counts as a Heavy Weapon. their arcane skill roll as an opposed roll against
the concealer’s skill (rolled anew each time
With a fire trapping, victims have a 1 in 6 detect arcana is cast). The detecting character
chance of catching fire as well (see the Fire may only attempt to see through concealed
rules in Chapter five). powers once per fresh casting.
Dispel Fire: The caster can snap his fingers to create
Rank: Seasoned a small flame (about the size of a hot match).
Power Points: 3 With existing fire, he can urge it to spread (+1 to
Range: Smarts see if a fire spreads), cause it to flare (perhaps
Duration: Instant as part of a Trick maneuver), or slowly light an
Trappings: Waving hands, whispered words. object over the course of a few rounds (as if
holding a match to it).
Dispel allows a hero to negate enemy spells,
miracles, mad science, or super powers. It has Water: The caster can conjure up to a pint of
no effect on innate powers, such as a dragon’s water somewhere within his sight (not “inside”
breath or a banshee’s scream. Neither does objects or people. A wave of his hand also
dispel work on magic items or permanent purifies one gallon of water, whether it be
enchantments unless the specific item or poisoned or simply salt-water. Those who have
enchantment says otherwise. been poisoned within the last minute also get a
second chance to resist any remaining effects.
Dispel can be used on a power already in
effect, and can also be used to counter an
enemy power as it’s being used. The latter
requires the countering mage to be on Hold and Entangle
interrupt his foe’s action as usual. Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2-4
In either case, dispelling the opponent’s Range: Smarts
power is an opposed roll of arcane skills. The Duration: Special
dispelling character suffers a -2 modifier if the Trappings: Air swirls around target or ground
target power is of another type (magic vs. entangles target
miracles, superpowers vs. mad science, etc.)
This power allows the character to restrain a
target with snaking vines, lengths of hair, spider
Elemental Manipulation (Lesser) webs, or some other vine-like trapping.
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 1 The arcane skill roll is opposed by the target’s
Range: Smarts x 2 Agility. Success indicates partial restraint so that
Duration: Instant the target suffers a –2 penalty to Pace and skills
Trappings: A few simple gestures linked to Agility and Strength. A raise restrains
the target fully. He cannot move or use any skills
A character who chooses this power must linked to Agility or Strength.
select one particular element to control (though
he may choose other elements as a new power). Each following round, an entangled target
This allows him to perform basic “tricks” within may make a Strength or Agility roll to break free.
his chosen element. Other characters may also attempt to free the
ensnared person by making a Strength roll at -2.
The specific tasks that may be attempted are
listed below. For 2 Power Points entangle targets a single
opponent. For 4 points it affects everyone in
Air: The caster can create lesser air currents Medium Burst Template.
to blow out a candle, fan a flame, lift a skirt, or
cool his body in oppressive heat (+1 to a single
Fatigue roll caused by heat).

Earth: A wave of the hand can open a one-

foot square hole in soft earth (or half that in
stone), or cause a spray of sand that might blind
an opponent (+1 to a Trick roll).
Environmental Protection Fly
(Lesser) Rank: Veteran
Rank: Novice Power Points: 3/6
Power Points: 2 Range: Touch
Range: Touch Duration: 30 minutes (1/10 minutes)
Duration: 1 hour (1/Hour) Trappings: Target glows
Trappings: Slight glowing aura
Fly allows a character to fly at his basic Pace
Many Savage Settings allow parties of with a Climb rate of half that number. He may
adventurous heroes to travel beneath the double his Pace by spending twice the number
waves, in space, or other hazardous of Power Points.

This power allows the target to breathe, Foretell Weather

speak, and move at his normal Pace while Rank: Novice
underwater, in zero-G, a vacuum, in the lava of Power Points: 1-4
a volcano or the heat of the sun, the arctic Range: Area around caster
wastes, and so on. Pressure, atmosphere, air, Duration: Instant
etc, are all provided for the character. Trappings: Gestures, whispered words

Complete protection is offered only for Foretell Weather allows a character to feel the
background hazards. A fire attack still causes upcoming changes in the weather. The farther
normal damage even with environmental into the future the character looks, the less
protection, for example. specific the foretelling is, and the more Power
Points it costs to cast the power.
A success is needed to accomplish the power.
With a raise, maintaining the power becomes 1 Cost How Far Into the Future
Power Point per 2 hours (for that particular 1 1 Day
target). 2 1 Week
3 1 Month
4 1 Season
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2 Illusion
Range: Smarts x 2 Rank: Novice
Duration: Instant Power Points: 3
Trappings: Burst of eldritch energy Range: Spirit
Duration: 30 minutes (1/10 minutes)
This power causes the target overwhelming Trappings: Gestures, whispered words
dread and horror. The area of effect is the Large
Burst Template. Every creature beneath the Illusion makes the target see something that
template must make a Guts check, apply -2 to isn’t there, or else see things differently than
the Guts roll if the caster got a raise. they actually are. The caster’s Spellcasting Skill
is opposed by the target’s Spirit; a success
Wild Cards who fail roll on the Fear Table means the target perceives the illusion as real
(page 91). Extras are Panicked instead. with one of their five senses. Once they examine
the illusion with any of their others senses, the
illusion is broken. A raise indicates that the
target perceives the illusion as real with all of
their other senses.

Illusory attacks can never actually Wound a

target, though they can cause a target to
become Shaken. Passive illusions, like a wall,
take little effort to maintain. The Power Point see—ignore any penalties for illumination when
cost must be met, but only normal maintenance attacking such an affected target.
penalties apply. Active illusions, such as a black
cat or phantom enemies, require constant The light is as bright as a torch, and provides
concentration to maintain. The caster may move clear illumination in an area equal to a Large
their normal Pace, but may take no other actions Burst Template.
while maintaining such an illusion.

This Power only works on sentient, living Obscure

beings. It is useless against animals, spirits, or Rank: Novice
the undead. Power Points: 2-3
Range: Smarts
Duration: 30 minutes (1/10 minutes)
Invisibility Trappings: Dome-shaped cloud of fog
Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 5 This power does exactly what its name
Range: Self implies— creates a dome-shaped area of
Duration: 30 minutes (1/10 minutes) obscurement equal to a Large Burst Template.
Trappings: None Attacks into or out of the area of effect suffer the
standard penalty for pitch darkness of -6.
Being invisible is a powerful aid in combat,
and useful for spying on maidens’ changing For an extra Power Point, the caster can “fill-
rooms as well. Even inventors and supervillains in” the dome, creating an area of total darkness.
in pulp genres enjoy the “invisible man” routine. Any attacks into, out of or within the area suffer
the standard penalty of -6.
With a success, the character is transparent,
but a vague outline is visible. A character may
detect the invisible presence if he has a reason Pawn of Mizridoor
to look and makes a Notice roll at -4. Once Rank: Novice
detected, he may attack the foe at -4 as well. Power Points: 3
Range: Smarts
With a raise, the character is completely Duration: 30 minutes (1/10 minutes)
invisible. The penalty to Notice or hit him is -6. Trappings: A chess pawn
In either case, the power affects the character Some students who graduate from the
and his personal items. Anything picked up after wizard’s academy at Mizridoor are given a final
the power is cast remains visible. gift—a powerful spell called the Pawn of
Mizridoor. The spell requires a pawn from
Mizridoor’s chess set. If the pawn is lost, the
Light spell cannot be cast. (Grand wizards of
Rank: Novice Mizridoor, it is rumored, can create guardians of
Power Points: 1 the other pieces of the set.)
Range: Touch
Duration: 30 minutes (1/10 minutes) To cast the spell, the wizard merely pulls the
Trappings: Floating globe (usually on staff) pawn from his pocket and speaks the magical
words “From Mizridoor, I summon thee!” When
The ability to create light is a pretty simple the piece hits the ground, it transforms into a
one as magical spells and powers go, but a sturdy soldier who is completely under the
party trapped in the dark with loathsome undead wizard’s control.
is happy to have an ally with this ability. Light
must be cast on an inanimate object, such as a When a pawn suffers a wound, it crumbles to
coin, a sword, a shield, or even someone’s dust. Somewhere in the dust is an intact pawn,
clothing. Clever casters often cast light on a magically restored and ready to be summoned
foe’s clothes or weapon to make him easier to again.
When the owner of a pawn perishes, his pawn Shape Change
crumbles to dust as well. It is said that the Rank: Special
original pieces of the set, which reside in Power Points: Special
Mizridoor itself, are tangible artifacts, and do not Range: Self
crumble when their owner perishes. Duration: 30 minutes (1/10 minutes)
Trappings: Shape “morphing”

Puppet Many cultures have legends of shamans or

Rank: Veteran wizards who can take on the shape of animals.
Power Points: 3 This power does just that. This version of the
Range: Smarts power only allows a user to transform into
Duration: 30 minutes (1/10 minutes) mundane animals, but more bizarre
Trappings: Reddish eyes, blank stare transmutations may be found.

Sometimes it pays to persuade others to do A character may learn this spell while of
your fighting for you. Some do this by blatant Novice rank, but cannot transform into the more
mind control, others do it by manufacturing powerful creatures until he attains the
visual and auditory illusions. appropriate rank. The cost in Power Points
depends on the type of creature the character
Puppet is an opposed roll of the character’s wishes to change into. Use the Shape Change
arcane skill versus the target’s Spirit. The user Table as a guideline for unlisted creatures.
must score a success and beat the target’s roll
to gain complete control. The victim will attack Weapons and other personal effects are
friends and even commit suicide, though such assumed into the animal’s form and reappear
acts allow the victim another opposed Spirit roll when the power ends, but other objects are
to break the spell. dropped.

Villainous types may have other versions of While transformed, the character retains his
puppet that allow them to control subjects for own Smarts, Spirit, and linked skills (though he
much longer periods of time—perhaps even may not be able to use them since he cannot
permanently. Such versions usually require a speak). He gains the animal’s Agility and
personal belonging. Strength and linked skills, and cannot use most
devices. He has no capacity for speech and
Compulsion is considered an evil act by most, cannot use powers, though he may continue to
and is usually only taken by villainous types. maintain powers previously activated.

The GM has final say on what an animal can

Quickness and cannot do. A shaman in dog-form might be
Rank: Seasoned able to pull the trigger on a shotgun, for
Power Points: 4 instance, but would use a default skill roll of d4-2
Range: Touch as the animal has no Shooting score of its own.
Duration: 30 minutes (2/10 minutes) The shaman’s Persuasion functions normally,
Trappings: Slight glow, blurred motion but without speech, might suffer a -4 or worse
penalty depending on what he tries to
Super-speedster heroes and the warrior- accomplish.
friends of battle mages are the most frequent
recipients of this power. With success, the target Cost Rank Animal Types
has two actions per round instead of the usual 3 Novice Hawk, cat, snake
one (at no multi-action penalty). With a raise, the 4 Seasoned Dog, wolf, deer
recipient gains the benefits above, and can also 5 Veteran Lion, tiger
discard and redraw any initiative cards lower 6 Heroic Bear, shark
than 8 each round. 7 Legendary Great white shark
Silence Speed allows the target of the power to move
Rank: Novice faster than usual. With a success, the recipient’s
Power Points: 2+ basic Pace is doubled. With a raise, running
Range: Smarts becomes a free action, so he may ignore the
Duration: 30 minutes (1/10 minutes) usual -2 running penalty as well.
Trappings: A shimmering dome

Like Obscure, the caster creates a dome- Stun

shaped area over a Large Burst area, through Rank: Novice
which no sound can pass in or out of, although Power Points: 2+
sounds created inside the dome can be heard Range: 12/24/48
inside the dome. Duration: Special
Trappings: Burst of light and sonic boom
For an extra Power Point, the caster can “fill-
in” the dome, and create a dome-shaped area of Sometimes foes must be taken alive, or a
total silence. No sound can be created or pass character might not want to kill unnecessarily.
into, out of or within the area of effect. Stun shocks those within a Medium Burst
Template with concussive force, sound, light,
magical energy, or the like.
Rank: Novice If the arcane character scores a success,
Power Points: 2 targets within the area of effect must make Vigor
Range: Touch rolls or be Shaken. With a raise, victims must
Duration: 30 minutes (1/10 minutes) make Vigor rolls at -2.
Trappings: Weapon sheathed in flame or ice
Increased Size: At Seasoned Rank, the
This power is cast on a weapon of some sort. caster can increase the Stun area to a Large
If it’s a ranged weapon, it affects one entire Burst Template for an extra 2 Power Points.
magazine, 20 bolts, shells, or arrows, or one full
“load” of ammunition (the GM may have to Telekinesis
determine the exact quantity for unusual Rank: Seasoned
weapons). While the spell is in effect, the Power Points: 5
weapon’s damage is increased by +2, or +4 with Range: Smarts
a raise. Duration: 30 minutes (1/10 minutes)
Trappings: A wave of the hand
Example: A crocodile shaman blesses a
warrior’s arrows with smite. The warrior has Telekinesis is the ability to move a single
20arrows in a quiver, so 20 arrows now do +2 object or creature (including one’s self) with
damage (or +4 if the shaman gets a raise on his arcane will. The weight a caster can lift is equal
Faith roll). to 10 lbs times his Spirit die type, or 50 lbs times
his Spirit with a raise on the casting roll.

Speed Lifting Creatures: If the target of the power is

Rank: Novice a living creature, it may try to resist the power
Power Points: 1 with an opposed Spirit roll. If the Spirit roll is
Range: Touch greater than the caster’s skill total, the creature
Duration: 30 minutes (1/10 minutes) is unaffected. If the creature loses, however, it is
Trappings: Slight glow, blurred motion lifted as usual and does not get another attempt
to break free.
Warriors who need to close with their foes
quickly often use this power, as do those who Occasionally a victim might manage to grab
sometimes need to outrun things Man Was Not onto something solid to prevent itself from being
Meant to Know. lifted. When this happens, the victim may make
an opposed Strength roll versus the caster’s
arcane skill. If the victim is successful, he The teleporter can never enter a solid space
manages to grab onto whatever was available even if he tries. The power instantly returns him
and is not moved, bashed, or otherwise affected to his starting location as above.
that round.
Carrying Others: The hero can carry other
Telekinetic Weapons: A caster can use beings with him, but this automatically causes
telekinesis to wield a weapon. When this occurs, one level of Fatigue per additional “rider.” (More
the weapon’s Fighting is equal to his arcane than two may be carried at once, but causes
skill, and its damage is based on the caster’s instant Incapacitation.) One Fatigue can be
Spirit instead of his Strength. A sword that does regained for each full hour of rest.
Strength+2 damage, for example, does Spirit+2
when wielded by telekinesis. The weapon
otherwise functions normally, including granting Ward
bonus damage when it strikes with a raise. Rank: Novice
Power Points: 2+
Dropping Things: Particularly ruthless Range: Around caster
characters often use telekinesis to drop their Duration: 30 minutes (1/10 minutes)
foes or bash them into walls and the like. A Trappings: A faintly shimmering dome around
creature affected by this power can be moved warded area
up to the caster’s Smarts in inches per turn in
any direction. Dropped creatures suffer falling Ward creates an area that is considered
damage as usual. protected, and alerts the caster whenever
someone or something crosses into that area.
Victims who are bashed into walls or other
solid objects suffer the caster’s Spirit+2 as The basic spell creates a dome-shaped area
damage. If a caster with a d12 Spirit smashes equal to a Large Burst Template (or any similar
an orc into a wall, for example, the orc suffers area, such as a room). Anyone that is inside the
d12+2 damage. If this is a Wild Card, the player area at the time the spell was cast can enter and
may roll his Wild Die with this damage as well. exit the Ward at will. Anything living that crosses
the Ward or any magical effect that enters the
Ward will alert the caster immediately, even
Teleport waking the mage if asleep.
Rank: Seasoned
Power Points: 3+ Invisible: For 1 extra Power Point, the caster
Range: Special can make the Ward invisible to sight.
Duration: Instant
Trappings: Puff of smoke Increased Size: At Seasoned Rank, the
caster can double the radius of the Ward for an
Teleport allows a character to disappear and extra 2 Power Points. Instead of the area being
instantly reappear up to 10" distant for each 3 equal to a Large Burst Template (ie, a 3” radius),
Power Points spent, or 15” with a raise. This the Ward covers a 6” radius.
counts as his movement for the round. Adjacent
opponents do not get a free attack against the Triggered Effect: At Veteran Rank, the caster
teleporting character. If the hero wishes to can add a triggered effect to the Ward for an
teleport somewhere he can’t see, he must make additional 2 Power Points. You must cast (and
a Smarts roll at -2. If it is an unknown area he spend the Power Points) on the triggered effect
has never seen the roll is at a -4 penalty. at the same time you create the Ward. The
triggered effect must be an Instantaneous effect
Failure of either roll means the teleporter has (such as Burst or Bolt), and target a single
hit an object of some sort. He returns to where individual (such as Bolt), or an area of effect
he came from and is Shaken. A roll of 1 on the (such as Burst). As with normal Wards, anyone
casting die (regardless of the Wild Die) indicates who was in the area at the time of casting may
a more serious disaster—in addition to being enter and exit the Ward without setting off the
Shaken he also suffers 2d6 damage. triggered effect – but the first person or living
thing that crosses the Ward sets off the triggered
effect. If the triggered effect is an area of affect When cast, zombie raises a number of dead
spell (such as a Burst), the effect is centered on specified by the character when he spent his
the cause of the trigger. Power Points. The undead are immediately
obedient, though perhaps a bit mischievous and
literal-minded in their duties.
Wall Walker
Rank: Novice Corpses aren’t summoned by this ability, so
Power Points: 2 there must actually be a supply of bodies
Range: Touch available for the power to have any effect. The
Duration: 30 minutes (1/10 minutes) bodies don’t have to be fresh—zombie can raise
Trappings: Caster touches feet and hands, servants that have been waiting patiently for
sticky feet/hands centuries. Graveyards, morgues, and battlefields
can all serve this purpose.
Wall walker allows a wizard to function much
like a human spider. He can stick to any solid With a success, the dead remain animated for
surface, allowing him to climb walls and even 1 hour. With a raise, they remain animated for
hang from ceilings. 1d6 hours. With two raises, they remain
animated for an entire day.
The character can move along such surfaces
at his normal Pace. He may also run as usual Certain powerful necromancers may have
while skittering along such surfaces. improved versions of this power that are
cheaper to cast and create permanent undead.

Water Walk
Rank: Novice
Power Points: 1
Range: Touch
Duration: 30 minutes (1/10 minutes)
Trappings: Caster touches feet

The caster can walk upon the very surface of

the water as if it were solid ground. Lakes,
becalmed seas, and other calm waters may be
traversed normally. Rough seas count as
Difficult Ground as the caster must run up and
down waves. While under the effects of the
spell, the caster or target walks as if in a shallow
puddle. They cannot go beneath the surface any
more than he can go beneath that of the earth.

Rank: Veteran
Power Points: 3/Corpse
Range: Smarts
Duration: Special
Trappings: Carving symbols on corpses

This power is considered evil in most settings,

and so is typically used only by villainous
nonplayer characters such as necromancers,
evil scientists, dark cultists, and the like.

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