A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10

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Ayala High School

Ayala, Magalang, Pampanga

S.Y. 2018-2019

A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10

I. Objectives:

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a.) interpret the message of the excerpt from book “The Little Prince”;
b.) share ideas about the important points of the story; and
c.) work in groups to accomplish the task about the excerpt.

II. Subject Matter:

Title: The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
Reference: Celebrating Diversity through World Literature, pp. 282-292
Materials: PowerPoint presentation, audio-visual materials, and printed materials.

III. Lesson Proper/Procedure

Teacher’s activity Students’ activity

1.Preparatory Activity

Good morning class! Good morning teacher!

Let us stand and pray first. Who is the prayer

leader for today? Kindly lead the prayer.
(The students will stand and pray.)
Before you may have your seats, kindly check
if there are pieces of paper under and in front
of your chair, pick it up and arrange your
chairs properly. (The students will pick up the pieces of paper
Ms. Secretary do we have any absentees for and arranged their chairs.)
Thank you, Ms. Secretary. I’m glad to tell you ma’am that all of us are
2. Motivation present today.
This time, I will ask for two volunteers from
the class. One representative from the boys
and one representative from the girls. The
participating students should follow the
instructions to complete the task. I will be (the students will participate in the task)
giving them colored papers and their task is to
write the characteristics that best describe
their closest friend inside the classroom. The
twist is: they won’t reveal the person they are
describing until someone from their
classmates guessed the person that the I could feel that my classmates are grateful
participants are referring to. and proud of their friendship with their closest
friends. I have also observed that they could
vividly recall their memories with them. I
How did you feel upon observing your think, friendships like those are hard to find
classmates while they are describing their these days, but they’re blessed to have it. .
closest friends? Yes, Katrina?

Our topic for today is all about friendship,


Very good, Katrina! Accordingly, could

someone please tell me what our topic for
today is? Yes, Lauren?

Exactly! We are about to discuss an excerpt

from book The Little Prince by Antoine de
Saint-Exupery, a book meant for both
children and grown-ups.

3. Lesson Proper Yes, ma’am!

Now that I’ve already given you hints about
our lesson for today, I will then ask you to
read the excerpt lifted from the book “The Yes, ma’am!
Little Prince.” It has captured the hearts of its
readers around the world since it first
appeared in 1943. Written by pilot Antoine de The characters in the excerpt are the Little
Saint-Exupéry while in America. The tale was Prince, the Fox, the roses, and the Rose.
inspired by his experiences in the French Air
Force. On the surface it’s a simple story, but
this little prince is as wise as they come and Because one only understands the things that
his messages of compassion and goodwill one tames. Once you’ve tamed someone, you
continue to endure.  are already responsible for it. If you tame
As you read, I want you to pay close attention someone, then you shall need each other.
to the conversations between the main
characters in the story. It means that we can’t attain happiness by the
material things that we own, but by what we
Did you enjoy reading the excerpt from the truly feel that makes us more human. The
story of The Little Prince, class? most

That’s good to hear, class! This time, can important things in life are those that we can’t
someone from the class enumerate the see by our naked eyes and no material thing
characters in the excerpt? Yes, Tony? can value its worth. In short, it is when people
have the chance to spend time with their
Very good! How about someone who could loved ones that they finally found the only
tell us how important the “rite” or “ritual” of priceless possession in every human life.
taming in the friendship of the Little Prince
and the Fox? Other roses may be beautiful, but they’re
empty. I think that the Little Prince was right.
His rose may not be the only rose in all the
Excellent! Now, I want you to reflect on the world, but she is his rose. There may be
conversation of the Little Prince and the Fox hundreds of other roses, but his is special.
when it is time for them to part ways. What This is because he has tamed her, and she has
do you think is the implication of the Fox’s tamed him. The Rose and the Little Prince are
responsible for each other.
secret when he said, “It is only with the heart
that one can see rightly; what is essential is
invisible to the eye.” Yes, Athena? I think the Little Prince finally realize that his
Rose is not an ordinary rose. It was his rose. It
was unique in all the world. It is the time that
he has wasted with his rose that makes it so
Exactly! What about your feedback when the important and special.
Little Prince talked to the roses and said,
“You are not at all like my rose,” “As yet you (Answer may vary depending on the
are nothing. No one has tamed you, and you experience of the student.)
have tamed no one.” Any idea, Celestine?
(Answer may vary depending on the view of
the student.)

Very good! Next, do you think that the Prince

is really responsible for his rose? How will
you prove to us that his rose is unique in all
the world? Defend your answer, Ginny. None, ma’am.

Impressive! Do you think you have tamed

another and have been tamed as well? Tell us Taming means to establish ties, ma’am. It also
your answer, Rhian. means that one only understands the things
that one tames.
That was inspiring, Rhian. Lastly, with the
convenience that technology brings in making It is important for the Fox to be tamed by the
friends, do you think that being a friend, Little Prince because he believes that the
befriending others has become superficial? Little Prince is nothing more than a little boy
Yes, Talia? who’s just like a hundred thousand other
boys, but if he tamed him, he will be unique
in all the world.

Excellent! Very good, everyone! It seems like

we really had a meaningful discussion about
the story. Otherwise, is there any question or
anything that you wish to clarify?

After reading and discussing about the story,
what is “taming” again? Yes, Shamy?

Excellent! Now, how important is it again for

the fox to establish ties?

That’s a great answer!

IV. Evaluation and Assessment

For your task, I will divide you into 3 groups.

Instruction: Describe the Little Prince and the Fox by writing a sentence that would appeal to the
senses. Be sure to use words that will create pictures in the minds of your readers. Use a graphic
organizer to complete your task.

V. Assignment
Create a big greeting card with a message promoting appreciation for our differences. Your
greeting card must focus on how each of us is unique in our own way. The way the Little
Prince treated his rose makes it unique in all the world.
Prepared by:
English Student Teacher

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