Unit 3: Capital Budgeting: Techniques & Importance
Unit 3: Capital Budgeting: Techniques & Importance
Unit 3: Capital Budgeting: Techniques & Importance
This is defined as the rate at which the net present value of the
investment is zero. The discounted cash inflow is equal to the
discounted cash outflow. This method also considers time
value of money. It tries to arrive to a rate of interest at which
funds invested in the project could be repaid out of the cash
inflows. However, computation of IRR is a tedious task.
It is called internal rate because it depends solely on the outlay
and proceeds associated with the project and not any rate
determined outside the investment.
It can be determined by solving the following equation:
According to the definition of Charles T. Hrongreen, “Capital
Budgeting is a long-term planning for making and financing
proposed capital outlays.”
One can conclude that capital budgeting is the attempt to
determine the future.
There are four benefit-cost criteria. They are ‘В — С/I’, ‘∆В /∆С’, ‘В
— С’ and ‘B/C’, where В and С refer to benefits and costs
respectively, I relates to direct investment and Δ is incremental or
But the best and the most reliable criterion for project evaluation is
B/C. In this criterion, the benefit-costs ratio is the measure for the
evaluation of a project. If B/C = 1, the project is marginal. It is just
covering its costs. If B/C > 1, the benefits are more than costs and it
is beneficial to undertake the project.
f B/C < 1, the benefits is less than costs and the project cannot be
undertaken. The higher the benefit-cost ratio, the higher will be the
priority attached to a project.
Social Cost-Benefit Analysis: Thing # 2. Identifying Benefits and
Identifying benefits and costs is essential for the
evaluation of benefits and costs of a project:
(a) Identifying Benefits:
A project is evaluated on the basis of the benefits accruing from it.
Benefits refer to the addition to the flow of income accruing from a
project. A project is beneficial to the extent it tends to increase the
income of the people, increase in income being measured by the
actual increase in production and consumption. Benefits may be
real or nominal and direct or indirect.
For instance, the construction of the Bhakra Nangal Project has led
to the construction of a new railway line connecting Nangal
township and the Bhakra Dam with the rest of the country. New
roads have been laid. A new town, Nangal, has come up.
A fertilizer factory has been started there which is the harbinger of
more factories. The Bhakra-Nangal Dam has been developed into a
tourist resort, thereby augmenting income. Usually external
benefits are nonmonetary, but sometimes they may result in direct
financial benefits.
Identifying Costs:
Just as there are various forms of benefits, so there are various
types of costs
Project Costs:
They are the value of the resources used in constructing,
maintaining and operating the project. They relate to the cost of
labour, capital, intermediate goods, natural resources, foreign
exchange, etc., including allowance for induced adverse effects.
External Costs:
There are of two types:
(i) Monetary Costs:
That relate to the loss of profits to competitors. In the case of Delhi
Metro, external monetary costs would include the loss of profits to
other transport operators such as three wheelers, buses, taxis, etc.
(ii) Non-monetary Costs:
These include pollution and other types of inconveniences to local
residents. Construction of an airport may lead to externalities
resulting from its operation, such as noise.
Thus in evaluating a project, we are to identify, compute and
compare its total direct benefits and total direct costs. If it is found
that the benefits are expected to be more than the costs, it will be
beneficial to undertake the project, otherwise not costs.
The rate of return can also be called the return on investment (ROI) or internal rate
of return (IRR). These names can mean slightly different things. As a concept,
rates of return are calculated by comparing the current value of the investment with
the initial cost of the investment, given as a percentage of the initial cost. The rate
of return formula is as follows:
Calculating the current value of the investment includes any income received
resulting from the investment as well as any capital gains that have been realized.
The rate of return is usually calculated using value created over a period of time,
thus representing the net gain or loss over that time period. It’s comparing two
snapshots of value: the cost of the capital and the gains it has provided.
This can be a critical part of the analysis. For example, a high rate of return means
something different over two years than it does over 20 years.
The rate of return can be used to judge the success of a project. Obviously, a
higher rate of return is desirable, whereas a negative rate of return represents a net
loss on the investment within that specific time period.
As rate of return is usually calculated at the end of an investment’s useful life, rates
of different investments can be compared with each other. This information can be
used to drive future investments by revealing which types of investment provide
net gain and which are unsuccessful. A higher ROI represents a better return on
the investment, but it should be taken into consideration that ROI looks at a time
period without making many adjustments for the change in the value of money over
Consider a company that invests $100 into three different projects. Each project
ends up being worth $300 at the end of its life, meaning each project would have
the same ROI. However, if project X returned $300 in two years, project Y returned
$300 in five years and project Z returned $300 in 10 years, then that’s a significant
difference in project performance that isn’t necessarily captured in the ROI. This is
why businesses use the internal rate of return as well.
Return on Investment
The calculation of the IRR involves many iterations, so it’s best to use a tool like
Excel to obtain this value. The concept involves calculating over a number of time
periods (for example, years) the discount rate at which the profits and losses during
that time period — discounted for the future value of that time period — net to zero.
This sounds confusing, so consider IRR as a number whose value is most
important in comparison to other ones.
If a project has an IRR of 20% and other investments the company can make are
only expected to yield 5% over the same time period, then that investment project
looks favorable as opposed to the alternatives. The higher the IRR, the more
potential that project has to be a good company investment as compared to other
investments. This can help a company choose its types of investment strategies.
With this in mind, the difference in IRR and ROI is that ROI looks at two snapshots
and does not account for the change in the value of money over time, while IRR
offers an understanding of a comparable “interest rate” the investment may pay
IRR may seem more representative, but ROI is easily calculated and offers a
straightforward capture of the value produced by the investment. IRR can be
difficult to calculate, although most software like Excel offers ways to solve the
iteration sum formula for the IRR.
How to Use Rates of Return
The rate of return can also be used to compare potential future projects, which
will require estimation of the project’s lifespan, revenues to be gained over this set
timeline and the potential cost of the project in capital. This is one of the values
often used when management creates the capital budget for a company.
The internal rate of return is usually used against some benchmark determined by
company executives as a minimum desired discount rate. Since IRR looks at the
decreasing value of money over time, IRR can capture comparisons that won’t
appear in ROI.
This is usually done at project close, but often, a company will look at investments
over the last five to 10 years to evaluate which sorts of projects were the most
successful. The information gained from this type of analysis becomes a part of the
next step, which is making investment decisions to establish a capital budget
projection for the company’s future.
Normally, a company will have a desired value for both ROI and IRR, and the
departments tasked with estimating capital costs and future returns will compare
their projections to the targets in question. Investments with tangible products —
new equipment, facilities, production units, improvements and so on — are often
the responsibility of an engineering department that can use industry standards and
best practices to estimate initial costs, ongoing costs and potential revenues.
These values are then used to determine where to spend limited capital. It’s rare
that a company has enough capital to invest in every single potential project on its
list. Therefore, these values are part of the decision-making process. Keep in mind
that there are other factors to consider when looking at potential investments.
For example, some capital projects are unavoidable — replacing old equipment or
investing in new software — no matter what the ROI or IRR might be. The
managers of the capital budget should be able to consider these factors to make
sure that the overall rate of return stays positive.
Likewise, a project with an incredibly high IRR might come with too high of a price
tag for the board of directors to approve. There are limitations in every company’s
resource pool.
There can also be benefits of investments that can’t necessarily be seen in cash.
For example, a targeted marketing campaign may also help the company’s brand
image and perception within its marketplace, which may not translate into a dollar
figure but still represents intangible value to the company. Likewise, investments in
research and development often don’t directly affect the company’s bottom line —
they may, in fact, increase costs — but the value of research and development is
difficult to capture directly.
Those types of investments may appear to have a poor rate of return but offer
opportunities for the research and development team to explore new areas, which
may lead to new product lines or additional improvements in the future. Another
example is investment in intangible efficiency creators, like online software suites
or data management programs. These types of services can improve record
retention and data analysis, none of which has a direct impact financially but
definitely has value within the company.
All of these factors then become a part of the decision-making process for a
business. However, since a company is often driven by its financial success, values
like ROI and IRR are usually significant. For any investor, it’s important to
understand how these numbers are calculated so that good financial choices can
be made. A business’s future is decided by the way investments are made in the
past and present. It’s critical to consider the rates of return as a big portion of the
decision-making process.