Computer Organization and Architecture

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Prepared by; Asrat Mamo Kebede

Submitted to: Mekonen

ID No : AD/1528/18 @Admas University
Addis Ababa
Section: 2DECS1 2020/21
Answer the following questions.
1) Discuss data transmission modes.
2) What is the purpose of accumulator (EAX)?
3) Which of the following activity has no change on flag?
A. ADD and SUB
B. INC and DEC
4) __________ memory helps CPU to increase its processing speed.
5) Differentiate RISC and CISC.
6) Differentiate combinational and sequential circuit.

1) Discuss data transmission modes.
i) What is the data transmission mode?
Data transmission mode defines the direction of the flow of information
between two communication devices. It is also called data communication
or directional mode. It specifies the direction of the flow of information
from one place to another in a computer network.
ii) What are the types of data transmission modes?
We have different types of data transmission modes based on:
a) The direction of exchange.
The data transmission modes can be characterized in the following
three types based on the direction of exchange of information:
1) Simplex
֎ Simplex is the data transmission mode in which the data can
flow only in one direction, i.e., the communication is
unidirectional. In this mode, a sender can only send data but
cannot receive it. Similarly, a receiver can only receive data
but cannot send it. Graphically, it is represented by:

֎ This transmission mode is not so popular because we cannot

perform two-way communication between the sender and
receiver in this mode. It is mainly used in the business field as
in sales that do not require any corresponding reply. It is
similar to a one-way street or it is called unidirectional.
֎ Examples of simplex modes of data transmission.
 Communication between keyboard or mouse and monitor
 Radio broadcast
 Communication from our computer to the printer
 Television
֎ Advantages of simplex modes of data transmission
 It (the station can utilize the entire bandwidth) utilizes
the full capacity of the communication channel so that
more data can be transmitted at a time.
 It is very simple way of transmission
 It has no traffic issues
֎ Disadvantages of simplex modes of data transmission
 There is only one way of transmission
 No inter-communication between devices
 There is no mechanism for information to be
transmitted back to the sender (No mechanism for
2) Half-duplex
֎ Half-Duplex is sometimes called alternating connection or semi-
duplex in which the data can flow in both directions but in one
direction at a time. It is also referred to as Semi-Duplex. In
other words, each station can both transmit and receive the
data but not at the same time. When one device is sending the
other can only receive and vice-versa. Graphically, it is
represented by:

֎ In this type of transmission mode, the entire capacity of the

channel can be utilized for each direction. Transmission lines
can carry data in both directions, but the data can be sent
only in one direction at a time.
֎ This type of data transmission mode can be used in cases
where there is no need for communication in both directions at
the same time. It can be used for error detection when the
sender does not send or the receiver does not receive the
data properly. In such cases, the data needs to be transmitted
again by the receiver.
֎ Examples of half duplex modes of data transmission
Internet Browsers
Radio communication device in the battlefield
֎ Advantages of half duplex modes of data transmission
 Data are transmitted in both directions, but not at the
same time
 Performance is better than simplex
 Troubleshooting is very easy
 The entire bandwidth of the communication channel is
utilized in one direction at a time
֎ Disadvantages of simplex modes of data transmission
 The two-way communication cannot be established
simultaneously at the same time
 Delay in data transmission
3) Full duplex
֎ Full-Duplex is the data transmission mode in which the data
can flow in both directions at the same time. It is bi-
directional in nature. It is two-way communication in which
both the stations can transmit and receive the data
simultaneously. Graphically, it is represented by:

֎ Full-Duplex mode has double bandwidth as compared to the

half-duplex. The capacity of the channel is divided between
the two directions of communication. This mode is used when
communication in both directions is required simultaneously.
֎ Full-duplex mode has two simplex channels. One channel has
traffic moving in one direction, and another channel has traffic

flowing in the opposite direction. The Full-duplex mode is the
fastest mode of communication between devices.
֎ Examples of full duplex modes of data transmission
 A telephone network, in which both the persons can talk
and listen to each other simultaneously.
 Two way traffic in which vehicles can enter from
opposite side
֎ Advantages of full duplex modes of data transmission
 The two-way communication can be carried out
simultaneously in both directions
 It is the fastest mode of communication between
 A sender can send as well as receive the data
 Full duplex has better performance as it doubles the
utilization of bandwidth (utilizes the maximum
֎ Disadvantages of full duplex modes of data transmission
 The capacity of the communication channel is divided
into two parts
 No dedicated path exists for data transfer
 It has improper channel bandwidth utilization as there
exist two separate paths for two communicating devices
 It is more complex than a simplex and half-duplex mode

b) Synchronization between the transmitter and receiver.
Given the problems that arise with a parallel-type connection, serial
connections are normally used. However, since a single wire transports
the information, the problem is how to synchronize the transmitter and
receiver. In other words, the receiver can not necessarily distinguish the
characters (or more generally the bit sequences) because the bits are
sent one after the other. There are two types of transmission that
address this problem: an asynchronous connection and a synchronous
connection. The data transmission modes can be characterized in the
following two types based on the synchronization between the
transmitter and the receiver:
1) Synchronous
֎ The synchronous transmission mode is a mode of
communication in which the bits are sent one after another
without any start/stop bits or gaps between them. Actually,
both the sender and receiver are paced by the same system
clock. In this way, synchronization is achieved.
֎ In synchronous transmission, the data is sent in form of blocks
or frames. This transmission is the full duplex type. Between
sender and receiver the synchronization is compulsory.
֎ In a synchronous mode of data transmission, bytes are
transmitted as blocks in a continuous stream of bits. Since
there is no start and stop bits in the message block. It is the
responsibility of the receiver to group the bits correctly. The
receiver counts the bits as they arrive and groups them in
eight bits unit. The receiver continuously receives the
information at the same rate that the transmitter has sent it.
It also listens to the messages even if no bits are transmitted.
֎ In synchronous mode, the bits are sent successively with no
separation between each character, so it becomes necessary
to insert some synchronization elements with the message,
this is called "Character-Level Synchronization".
֎ For Example, if there are two bytes of data, say(10001101,
11001011) then it will be transmitted in the synchronous mode
as follows:

֎ Example of synchronization
 Communication in CPU, RAM
֎ Advantage of synchronization
 Transmission speed is fast as there is no gap between
the data bits
֎ Disadvantage of synchronization
 It is very expensive
2) Asynchronous
֎ The Asynchronous transmission mode is a mode of
communication in which a start and the stop bit is introduced
in the message during transmission. The start and stop bits
ensure that the data is transmitted correctly from the sender
to the receiver.
֎ Generally, the start bit is '0' and the end bit is
'1'.Asynchronous here means 'asynchronous at the byte level',
but the bits are still synchronized. The time duration between
each character is the same and synchronized.
֎ In an asynchronous mode of communication, data bits can be
sent at any point in time. The messages are sent at irregular
intervals and only one data byte can be sent at a time. This
type of transmission mode is best suited for short-distance
data transfer.
֎ For Example, if there are two bytes of data, say (10001101,
11001011), then it will be transmitted in the asynchronous
mode as follows:

֎ In asynchronous transmission, data is sent in form of byte or
character. This transmission is the half duplex type
transmission. In this transmission start bits and stop bits are
added with data. It does not require synchronization.
֎ Example of asynchronous transmission
 Data input from a keyboard to the computer
֎ Advantage of asynchronous transmission
 It is a cheap and effective mode of transmission
 Data transmission accuracy is high due to the presence
of start and stop bits
֎ Disadvantage of asynchronous transmission
 The data transmission can be slower due to the gaps
present between different blocks of data

c) The number of bits sent simultaneously in a computer network.
The data transmission modes can be characterized in the following two
types based on the number of bits sent simultaneously in the network:
1) Serial
֎ The Serial data transmission mode is a mode in which the data
bits are sent serially one after the other at a time over the
transmission channel.
֎ It needs a single transmission line for communication. The data
bits are received in synchronization with one another. So,
there is a challenge of synchronizing the transmitter and
֎ Applications:

 Serial transmission occurs between two computers, or
from a computer to an external device located far away.

֎ In serial data transmission, the system takes several clock

cycles to transmit the data stream. In this mode, the data
integrity is maintained, as it transmits the data bits in a
specific order, one after the other.
֎ This type of transmission mode is best suited for long-
distance data transfer, or the amount of data being sent is
relatively small.
֎ Example of serial data transmission
 Data transmission between two computers using serial
 A connection established between a computer and a
modem using the RS-232 protocol
֎ Advantage of serial data transmission
 It can be used for long-distance data transmission as it
is reliable
 The number of wires and complexity is less
 It is cost-effective
֎ Disadvantage of serial data transmission
 The Data transmission rate is slow due to a single
transmission channel
2) Parallel
֎ The Parallel data transmission mode is a mode in which the
data bits are sent parallelly at a time. In other words, there is
a transmission of n-bits at the same time simultaneously.
֎ Multiple transmission lines are used in such modes of
transmission. So, multiple data bytes can be transmitted in a
single system clock. This mode of transmission is used when a

large amount of data has to be sent in a shorter duration of
time. It is mostly used for short-distance communication.
֎ Applications:
 Parallel transmission can take place within
a computer system, through a computer bus, or to an
external device located nearby.

֎ For n-bits, we need n-transmission lines. So, the complexity of

the network increases but the transmission speed is high. If
two or more transmission lines are too close to each other,
then there may be a chance of interference in the data,
degrading the signal quality.
֎ Example of parallel data transmission
 Data transmission between computer and printer
֎ Advantage of parallel data transmission
 It is easy to program or implement
 Data transmission speed is high due to the n-
transmission channel
֎ Disadvantage of parallel data transmission
 It requires more transmission channels, and hence cost-
 Interference in data bits, likewise in video conferencing

2) What is the purpose of accumulator (With examples)?

֎ A special purpose register is one that has a specific control or data

handling task to carry out. There are a number of special purpose
registers within the CPU. Some specialist ones include accumulator,
program counter, and instruction register. In a computer's central
processing unit (CPU), the accumulator is a register in
which intermediate arithmetic and logic results are stored. Without
a register like an accumulator, it would be necessary to write the result
of each calculation (addition, multiplication, shift, etc.) to main memory,
perhaps only to be read right back again for use in the next operation.
Access to main memory is slower than access to a register like the
accumulator because the technology used for the large main memory is
slower (but cheaper) than that used for a register. Early electronic
computer systems were often split into two groups, those with
accumulators and those without.

֎ Modern computer systems often have multiple general purpose

registers that operate as accumulators, and the term is no longer as
common as it once was. However, a number of special-purpose
processors still use a single accumulator for their work to simplify their
֎ Therefore, An accumulator is a type of register included in a CPU. It
acts as a temporary storage location which holds an intermediate value
in mathematical and logical calculations. Intermediate results of an
operation are progressively written to the accumulator, overwriting the
previous value. For example, in the operation "3 + 4 + 5," the
accumulator would hold the value 3, then the value 7, then the value 12.
The benefit of an accumulator is that it does not need to be explicitly
referenced, which conserves data in the operation statement.
֎ In modern CPUs, accumulators are replaced by general-purpose
registers because they offer more flexibility. However, accumulators
may still be in some special-purpose processors.

3) Which of the following activity has no change on flag?

A) ADD and SUB
B) INC and DEC


a) ADD and SUB: Yes, both of them activities are done or changed by flag.
b) INC and DEC: Yes, both of them activities are done or changed by flag.
c) MOV: No, move cannot be done or changed by flag.
4) __________ memory helps CPU to increase its processing speed.
Answer: Cache memory
5) Differentiate RISC and CISC.
Besides the classification based on the word length, the classification is also based
on the architecture i.e. Instruction Set of the microprocessor. These are
categorized into RISC and CISC.

6) Differentiate combinational and sequential circuit.
Combinational circuits are defined as the time independent circuits which do not
depends upon previous inputs to generate any output are termed as combinational
circuits. Sequential circuits are those which are dependent on clock cycles and
depends on present as well as past inputs to generate any output.
Combinational Circuit:

1. In this output depends only upon present input.

2. Speed is fast.
3. It is designed easy.
4. There is no feedback between input and output.
5. This is time independent.
6. Elementary building blocks: Logic gates
7. Used for arithmetic as well as boolean operations.
8. Combinational circuits don’t have capability to store any state.
9. As combinational circuits don’t have clock, they don’t require triggering.
10. These circuits do not have any memory element.
11. It is easy to use and handle.
Examples – Encoder, Decoder, Multiplexer, Demultiplexer

Sequential Circuit:
1. In this output depends upon present as well as past input.
2. Speed is slow.
3. It is designed tough as compared to combinational circuits.
4. There exists a feedback path between input and output.
5. This is time dependent.
6. Elementary building blocks: Flip-flops
7. Mainly used for storing data.
8. Sequential circuits have capability to store any state or to retain earlier
9. As sequential circuits are clock dependent they need triggering.
10. These circuits have memory element.
11. It is not easy to use and handle.
Examples – Flip-flops, Counters


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