Soutache & Bead Embroidery
Soutache & Bead Embroidery
Soutache & Bead Embroidery
bursting with colorful style.
From the publisher of Bead&Button,
Bead Style, and Art Jewelry magazines
Though I have long since come to understand that her particular brand of poise,
patience, and strength is something to which I have not the faintest hope of
ever aspiring, she nevertheless inspires me. And so, I continue—with lurching,
graceless tenacity—to try.
Kalmbach Books
21027 Crossroads Circle
Waukesha, Wisconsin 53186
All rights reserved. Except for brief excerpts for review, this book may not be reproduced in part or in whole
by electronic means or otherwise without written permission of the publisher.
Numbered step-by-step photos and gallery images by the author. All other photography © 2014 Kalmbach
Books except where otherwise noted.
The jewelry designs in Soutache & Bead Embroidery are the copyrighted property of the author, and they may
not be taught or sold without permission. Please use them for your education and personal enjoyment only.
Published in 2014
18 17 16 15 14 1 2 3 4 5
ISBN: 978-0-87116-750-7
EISBN: 978-1-62700-088-8
The Basics
Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6
Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10
Soutache or metallized fibers (like Lurex), or any drape but, in general, it is slightly
Soutache is braid made up of fine combination thereof, and it is widely narrower, thinner, and more tightly
fibers wrapped figure-eight style available in both 1⁄8" and 1⁄4". In this braided. These qualities allow for
around two core cords. Also com- book, I use the 1⁄8" variety, and even more delicate, detailed work
monly referred to as Russia braid, within this seemingly narrow world, incorporating smaller beads.
soutache is one of the basic elements there are many variations of width,
used in passementerie—the French thickness, sheen, and drape. These Metallic: Metallics can be smooth
art of textile embellishment. This craft are very general categories: or textured and can add tremendous
includes tassel-making, upholstery sparkle to a piece. Remember to
enhancements such as gimp and Imported: Frequently made in wriggle or twist your needle if you
fringe, as well as clothing decoration, Thailand, imported soutache is usually encounter resistance when using
such as the swirling braids seen on made of polyester and is shiny, thick, metallic soutache, since forcing your
band and military uniforms. Soutache and wide. The fibers are loosely braid- needle through will break the fine
can be made of silk, polyester, rayon, ed, so it frays more at the cut ends, metallic fibers and cause burrs.
and it is susceptible to snagging. Its
beefier dimensions, however, make it The ”rib” of the soutache refers to
Before you begin, you’ll need
easier for a beginner to manipulate, the indented line running the length
a list of materials and tools,
and it works better with larger beads. of both sides of the braid. The ”grain”
along with a discussion of basic
soutache and bead embroidery Remember to cut your imported refers to the direction in which the
techniques. You can also refer soutache pieces extra-long to avoid fibers of the braid are oriented.
back to these pages when you having to fight with frayed ends.
need a refresher as you work on BeadSmith brand jewelry soutache:
the projects. Domestic: Domestic soutache runs This product is the first line of
the gamut in terms of sheen and soutache developed especially for
Think of the surface of the cuff as a Clothespins: Spring-loaded clothes- fusible webbing to bond my fabric to
canvas, and select the size that will pins are a great way to hold things in a beading foundation. This eliminates
best fit the work. place while gluing. the possibility of bleed-through from
glue and adds no bulk.
Beading foundation: My two Darning needle: I use darning
favorite beading foundations are needles for adjusting the final shape Glue: I really only use one kind
Lacy’s Stiff Stuff and Nicole’s Bead of a piece, for poking errant strands of glue: api brand Crafter’s Pick
Backing. Lacy’s is slightly lighter of beading wire or thread into place, washable fabric glue. It is nontoxic,
and more flexible, and can be dyed and even for getting glue exactly water-soluble, and behaves like the
or colored with a permanent marker. where I want it. Because they’re made good old-fashioned white glue we
Nicole’s is a bit heavier and is of steel, they can easily be wiped or all used in school. Unlike some of the
available in an assortment of rich, scraped clean. heavy-duty jewelry glues, it remains
vibrant colors. flexible after it dries so you can still
Drafter’s inking template: Inking run a needle through it. After about
Beading wire: For stringing, I templates allow you to trace basic two weeks, it's fully cured and can
recommend a 49-strand wire, such shapes such as circles, squares, and actually be hand-washed with soap
as Beadalon or Accuflex. Choose the ellipses quickly and accurately. You and water (an important feature for
size that offers the degree of drape can find them at most large office finished work that is essentially
that is appropriate for your project— supply stores. a textile).
thicker wire (.018) for larger pieces
with heavy beads, thinner wire (.024) Fusible webbing: When I want to Thread: Use a good-quality beading
for lighter work with small beads. bring Ultrasuede or another fabric to thread and select a color that coor-
the forefront, I use Mistyfuse brand dinates with your design, since it will
show on the back of the work. I like
Apply backing
Apply a dab of glue to the back of the
work. Use your finger, a darning needle,
or a toothpick to spread glue just to the
edges of the work (photo 5). Use glue
5 sparingly over the beads so it does not
ooze through to the front of the work.
Place the glued shape on the wrong side
of a piece of Ultrasuede, and let dry
completely (photo 6).
6 Backstitch
One of the basic stitches used in bead
embroidery, backstitch is used to lay down
a line of two beads at a time, often in a
curving path.
A. Sew up from the bottom of the beading
foundation. Pick up two beads (photo 7).
7 Sew down through the beading founda-
tion just barely beyond the end of the
second bead (photo 8).
B. Sew back up through the beading foun-
dation so the thread is exiting just behind
the second bead (photo 9). Sew through
8 the second bead, and pick up two beads.
Brick stitch
There are a number of different 14
edge beading techniques, some more
decorative than others. Brick stitch is one
of the most versatile, since the exposed
holes of the edge beads allow you to join
multiple components together.
A. Prepare the thread and bury the knot.
B. With the thread exiting the rib of the 15
outermost layer of soutache, pick up two
seed beads (photo 15).
C. Sew through the rib of the soutache
(approximately one bead's-width away
from where the thread last exited), and
sew diagonally out through the back of the
Arabesque shape – p. 34
20 Asymmetrical split – p. 34
Buckle shape – p. 70
Concentric layers – p. 37
Curved ladder – p. 59
Eskimo slipper shape – p. 19
Halo shape – p. 49
Harp shape – p. 25
21 Koala face shape – p. 22
Ladder – p. 27
Layering components – p. 28
Lily shape – p. 30
Lollipop shape – p. 20
Open loops – p. 64
Negative space – p. 66
22 Rhinestone chain – p. 58
Parallelogram shape – p. 55
Soutache-wrapped strap – 82
Thread-wrapped strap – p. 74
Wrap a cabochon (with beads) – p. 45
Wrap a large bead (with soutache
only) – p. 42
Centered loop
Use flatnose pliers to make a 90° bend
approximately 3⁄8" away from the end
of a headpin (photo 25). Use flatnose
pliers to hold the base of the headpin.
Use 6-in-1, rosary, roundnose, or bail- 24
making pliers to curve the end of the
headpin into a loop (photo 26).
Create a bridge
Bridges usually appear at joins and are
decorative additions to the work.
A. Adjacent to any join, sew from the back
of the work to the front so that the thread
is exiting the innermost braid between the 26
bead and the join (photos 28).
B. Pick up one small, one slightly larger
bead, and another small bead. (This may
mean an 110, an 80, and an 110, or a 150,
an 110, and a 150, depending on the scale
of the work.) 27
C. Stitch down through the front of the
work at the corresponding point on the
opposite side of the join (photo 29).
D. Sew back up through the work so the
thread is exiting the innermost braid near
and closer to the join. Sew through the
middle bead (photo 30). 28
E. Stitch down through the front of the
work at the corresponding point on the
opposite side of the join. This second
stitch secures the bridge to the work and
creates a slight curve (photo 31).
The fine fibers of soutache braid give
it two almost magical properties: First,
it behaves almost like felt; stitches
are easily anchored inside the fibers 30
so, there is rarely a need to knot the
thread before trimming it. Second, the
fibers will open up or part, allowing
stitches made carefully on the front
of the work to sink into the braid and
essentially disappear.
33 Slide bead(s) onto a headpin. Bend the
top of the headpin 90°. Cut the headpin
3⁄8" from the bend (photo 35). Use looping
Edge beading
34 (See brick stitch.)
37 Ladders
A ladder is any succession of beads
stitched between two separated stacks;
each stitch connecting the two stacks
holds one bead. These connections
become the “rungs” of the ladder. A
ladder can be straight or curved,
38 graduated or even, closed or open,
connected or independent.
A. From the outside of the stacked pair,
sew through the stack.
B. Pick up the desired bead. Sew through
the second stack from the outside to the
39 inside (photo 41).
Prepare thread
Cut 36" of thread. Thread a needle, pulling 40
approximately 9" through the eye of the
needle. Tie an overhand knot on the other
end of the thread (photo 44). Tie another
knot directly on top of the first to double
the size of the knot (photo 45). Trim the
tail close to the knot. 41
As the craft of soutache and bead
embroidery becomes more widely
known, many talented artists are 42
coming to the forefront, each with his
or her own distinctive patterns and
techniques. There are many ways of
tackling soutache, and one question
comes up quite often: Is edge beading
really necessary? 43
The short answer is “no.” There are
many artists who simply glue on a
backing. There are some who glue on
the backing and whip-stitch around
the edges. As a bead embroiderer
from way back, edge beading was my
natural go-to finishing technique— 44
and after trying other techniques, I
remain committed to edge beading.
No glue is forever, and nothing makes
me sadder than seeing beautiful work
that is falling apart. An adhesive is
a great placeholder, but stitching is
the mechanical connection required
to ensure longevity. Edge beading
makes a beautiful finished edge that
can easily be embellished, hides the
outermost shaping stitches, protects
the edges from wear and snags, allows
components to be strung together,
and secures jump rings deeply into the
work. For me, the benefits of strength
and durability far outweigh the expedi-
ency of other finishing methods.
Trace a path
Sometimes you’ll need to get from
one area of the work to another without
51 pulling the work across the back or cutting
and re-knotting the thread. Simply sew
through the front of the work. Keep
stitches inconspicuous by burying them
in the soutache stacks and/or going
through the holes of larger beads until
the thread is exiting the desired location.
Two-sided join
A. Separate the stacks of braids where
they meet, and pinch together the inner-
most braids of both stacks (photo 51).
B. If the thread is exiting between the 54
two innermost braids, sew through one
braid only from the inside to the outside
(photo 52). (If the thread is exiting outside
of the two innermost braids, sew through
both innermost braids.)
C. Sew back through both innermost 55
braids (photo 53).
D. Sew back through both inner braids and
the adjacent outer stack (photo 54).
E. Sew back through the outer stack, the
innermost braids, and the second outer
stack (photo 55). The braids have now
become one large stack. 56
F. Keeping the thread close to the bead,
retrace the thread path two or three times
until the join looks clean (photo 56).
Whip stitches
On the back of the work, sew through 57
the ribs of the stack, pushing the needle
away from you (photo 57). Pull the thread
toward you, and repeat (photo 58). Repeat
as necessary to bind the braids of the
stack together.
size 10 beading needle
flush cutters
flatnose pliers
looping pliers
½ yd. 1⁄8" imported soutache in each of 3 colors
(mint, chartreuse, and mauve)
2 12x8mm teardrop beads (vitrail fire-polished)
2 6mm glass pearls (Czech, fuchsia)
2 4mm druk beads (Czech, silver)
2 4mm bicone crystals (Swarovski, palace
green opal) The first basic shape is the “lollipop,“ but the lollipop
is not a finished shape—its stacks still need to be
110 seed beads
• 4g color A (transparent rainbow lime green)
ended in some way to complete a component. The
• 1g color B (apricot ceylon) “Eskimo slipper“ is the first possible finished shape
4 150 seed beads (coral-lined crystal lustre)
you can make after having completed a lollipop.
4 6mm soldered jump rings (silver plate)
Work your way through the instructions for these
pair of ear wires (silver) delicate and sparkling earrings, and you’ll learn how
2 2" 21-gauge headpins (nickel) to make both the lollipop, which you will use as a
Nymo thread, size B (rosy mauve) nucleus for many other shapes and projects, and the
2½x3" piece of Ultrasuede (glaze) Eskimo slipper, a wonderfully versatile shape that can
washable fabric glue be embellished in dozens of ways.
A. String a teardrop bead and 4mm
bicone on a headpin (photo 17).
Make a centered loop above
the beads.
B. Connect the loop to a jump ring 10
at the bottom of the component
(photo 18). Repeat to embellish a
second earring.
C. Attach an ear wire to the jump ring
at the top of the component.
D. Repeat steps A–C to assemble the 11
second earring.
Koalas on Parade
size 10 beading needle
flush cutters
flatnose pliers
looping pliers
1 yd. 1⁄8" imported soutache in each of three
colors (light yellow, reef gold, and dark taupe)
8 6mm druk beads (Czech, cream)
The “koala face“ is the second finished
16 4mm glass pearls (cocoa)
shape you can make after completing a
10 4mm faceted round beads (Czech
fire-polished, gold) lollipop. These symmetrical shapes can be
26 80 seed beads used alone, joined with other shapes, or
3g 110 seed beads (gold-lined antique white opal)
connected together to make something
2 6mm soldered jump rings, brass oxide
as elaborate as a necklace. This bracelet
2 2" 21-gauge headpins, brass oxide gives you the chance to practice making
6mm magnetic clasp (gold-plated) consistent, symmetrical shapes. When you
Nymo thread, size B (gold yellow) have six even components, edge-bead
3x3" piece of Ultrasuede (gold medal) them, string them together, and—voila!—
washable fabric glue koalas on parade!
pin or pendant
size 10 beading needle
flush cutters
flatnose pliers
looping pliers
fine-point permanent marker
1 yd. 1⁄8" imported soutache in each of three
colors (dijon, rust, and willow)
2 9x6mm glass pearl teardrops (gold)
The “harp” is the next naturally occurring
2 7x5mm glass pearl teardrops (gold)
symmetrical shape. Harps make great medium-
6mm druk bead (Czech, gold antique)
sized earrings, and they can be used in groups
2 6mm crystal bicones (Swarovski, olivine)
4mm druk beads
or with embellishment to create much larger
• 2 color A (green iris)
statement pieces. What sets harps apart from
• 2 color B (matte gold) the shapes in previous projects is the addition
4 60 seed beads (jonquil clear-lined papaya)
of “ladders.” A ladder is simply a row of beads
stitched between two stacks. Ladders can be
80 seed beads
curved, straight, parallel, graduated, open, or
• 8 color C triangle (forest green-lined topaz)
• 1 color D (olive metal matte)
closed. Getting your ladders smooth requires
careful attention to thread tension. Bear this
1g 110 seed beads (sparkly green-lined pale
amber round) in mind as you’re creating the outer curves of
6mm soldered jump ring (brass oxide) this piece: Use only enough tension to pull the
2" 21-gauge headpin (brass oxide) stack into the desired curve. It is not important
1¼" pin back that the stack be pulled tight to the beads in
vertical brooch converter the ladder. Once you see the curve you want,
Nymo thread, size B (olive) stop pulling!
3x3" piece of Ultrasuede (fern)
washable fabric glue
20 A. Position Component 1 behind
Component 2 between the two
A beads (photo 22). Use tacking
stitches to secure Component 1 to
Component 2 (photo 23).
B. On the back of the work, position
the pin back so the hinge is closest
to the teardrop end of the work.
Stitch the pin back to the work, being
careful not to sew it through to the
front (photo 24).
C. Fold a piece of Ultrasuede in half,
wrong side out. Position the fold
along the pin back, and use a fine-
tip permanent marker to mark the
locations of the hinge and clasp. Snip
small openings at the marks. Be sure
23 to snip vertically for the hinge and
horizontally for the clasp. Test-fit the
Ultrasuede over the work to be sure
that openings slide all the way over
the hinge and clasp.
D. Apply glue to the back of the
24 work. Spread thinly. Avoid getting
glue on the hinge or clasp.
E. Refit the Ultrasuede, wrong side
down, over the pin back. Let dry
completely. Trim the backing. Be sure
to trim the Ultrasuede away from the
25 exposed portion of jump rings.
F. Edge-bead the work using 110s
(photo 25).
G. String a 9x6mm teardrop bead, a
60 seed bead, a bicone crystal, and
a 60 on the headpin. Make a dangle.
Connect the dangle to the jump ring
(photo 26).
H. To wear the pin as a pendant, open
a pin-back, slide the brooch converter
over the pin, and close the pin back.
size 10 beading needle
flush cutters
flatnose pliers
crimping pliers
1yd. 1⁄8" imported soutache
in each of four colors (pewter,
copen, light turquoise, and orange)
3 9x6mm glass pearl teardrop (silver)
9 6mm druk bead (hot pink)
10 4mm druk beads (red)
8 6°ˉ seed beads (Czech, purple metallic)
8°ˉ seed beads
• 2g color A (dove gray opal)
• 2g color B (medium lilac opal)
• 1g color C (dark yellow opaque)
3 6mm crystal bicone (Swarovski, Montana AB)
3g 11°ˉ seed beads (mint green)
1g 15°ˉ seed beads (Montana blue-lined
crystal AB)
4 6mm soldered jump ring (silver)
2 2" 21-gauge headpin (silver)
4x4" Ultrasuede (silver pearl) The “lily” is really just a harp taken a few steps further.
Nymo thread, size B (sterling) As you make this necklace, focus on symmetry; the
2 ft. 49-strand beading wire lily itself needs to be very balanced, and the Eskimo
4 crimp tubes (silver) slippers at the top of the piece should be almost
4 crimp covers (silver) perfect mirrors of one another.
toggle clasp
washable fabric glue
Center component, part 2
A. Cut eight 6" pieces of soutache,
two in each of four colors. Align and
stack in this order: pewter, orange,
light turquoise, two copen, light
turquoise, orange, pewter. Locate the
center of the stack. Sew up through
Finishing components
A. Apply backing to all three
components. Let dry completely. Trim
the backing from the components, 15
including the exposed jump rings.
B. Edge-bead all three components.
If desired, add picot edge beading.
C. Bury the knot in the face of the
work. Pick up two 110s, hold the work
face down, and, working from left to
right, sew on a diagonal through
the rib of the soutache and the
Ultrasuede two bead widths away
from where the thread last exited
(photo 20, p. 32). Sew back through
the second bead.
A. Bury the knot in the face of the
center component so the thread is
exiting the edge beading at the top
left. Pick up an 110, a B, and an 110.
Sew through the edge beading of the
left side component as shown (photo
22). Retrace the thread path twice.
B. Trace a path through the side
component so the thread is exiting
the edge beading where shown.
Pick up an 110, a B, and an 110, and
sew through the edge beading of
22 the center component (photo 23).
Retrace the thread path twice. Bury
the thread.
C. Work as in steps A and B to attach
the right side component.
D. Cut 12" of beading wire. Loop the
23 beading wire through the jump ring.
String a crimp tube over both ends
of the beading wire. Crimp the crimp
tube (photo 24). Close a crimp cover
over the crimp tube (photo 25). Re-
peat on the other side component.
24 E. String the remaining beads on the
beading wire to the desired length.
Use crimps to attach a jump ring to
each end. Finish with crimp covers.
F. Use two 6mms and two headpins
to make two bead chain links. Attach
each link to a jump ring on one end
of the strung beads. Repeat on the
other side.
G. Attach the loop on the other side
of the link to one half of a toggle
clasp. Repeat on the other side.
size 10 beading needle
flush cutters
flatnose pliers
1 yd. 1⁄8" imported soutache in each of two colors
(charcoal and pewter)
2 yd. 1⁄8" imported soutache (black)
1 yd. 1⁄8" domestic soutache (black-and-white
2 10mm faceted glass round beads (smoke gray)
6mm beads
• 2 color A (Czech, silver gray)
• 2 color B (Czech, fire-polished, jet)
• 2 color C (cat’s eye, black)
4mm beads This will be the last basic shape that starts with the
• 2 color D (Czech, fire-polished, hematite) lollipop. It’s not really even a shape—it’s more of a
• 2 color E (Czech, silver gray) concept. Up until now, every time you’ve made a join,
2 60 seed beads (black matte) you’ve then separated the large stack into two equal
80 seed beads stacks. But what if you separated them into unequal
• 8 color F (jet matte) stacks? The result is an asymmetrical shape that is
• 4 color G (gilt-lined, soft gray opal) reminiscent of arabesque design motifs.
1g 110 seed beads (black diamond, silver-lined)
4 6mm soldered jump ring (silver-plated) If you don’t have striped soutache, don’t worry—just
2 2" 21-gauge headpin (silver) use what you’ve got on hand. But at some point, try
2 filigree bead caps (silver-plated) working with some two-tone soutache. Its tiny pattern
pair of ear wires adds a whole new level of detail to the work.
Nymo thread, size B (black)
washable fabric glue
A. Apply backing (photo 13). Let dry
completely, and trim the backing.
B. Edge-bead both components with
110s (photo 14). 11
C. String a 10mm bead, a bead cap,
and a G on a headpin. Create a
centered loop above the G. Repeat
to complete a total of two dangles
(photo 15).
D. Attach the loop of an ear wire to
the top of one component. Attach 12
the loop of a dangle to the bottom
of the component. Repeat for the
second earring.
Pinwheel bracelet
size 10 beading needle
2 yd. 1⁄8" imported soutache in each of four
colors (chartreuse, delphinium, garden
rose, and rust)
6mm druk beads
• 4 color A (Czech, matte copper)
I love beads—and I love soutache. Most often, I like my
• 1 color B (antique gold)
work to represent a balanced interplay between the two.
4mm glass pearls
But occasionally, I’ll look down at a handful of soutache
• 8 color C (olivine)
colors together and just fall completely in love with the
• 9 color D (burgundy)
material all over again. Concentric layers of soutache are a
10 80 seed beads (jonquil clear-lined
papaya) great way to let the braid have a little time to itself in the
12 100 hex-cut cylinder beads (metallic
spotlight, and that’s what this piece is all about.
rainbow gold/violet)
2g 110 seed beads (dark bronze) This project is also an introduction to organic design. Rath-
.5g 150 seed beads (silver-lined smoky er than having a concrete pattern or final outcome in mind,
topaz) begin creating from the heart, letting your eye tell you what
6mm magnetic clasp (gold plate) to add. Once you've created a focal point, begin creating
Nymo thread, size B (gold yellow, light other small components to enhance it and complete the
purple, red, olive)
3 3x4" pieces of Ultrasuede (brass, fuchsia,
piece. If you are ever stymied by stitcher’s block, gather the
and fern) materials you love, and simply begin with no end-game in
washable fabric glue sight. The results will surprise you.
A. Prepare the thread. Cut two 10"
pieces of soutache, one each of
delphinium and rust. Align and stack
in that order. Sew through the stack
about 1½" from one end.
B. Fold the stack over the knot. Sew
through both stacks close to the fold
(photo 11). Retrace the thread path.
C. Wrap the short end of the stack
behind the long end. Sew through the
fold (photo 12).
D. Rotate the work 180°, letting the
12 long end of the stack wrap over the
fold. Sew through the stack and the
fold (photo 13). Rotate the work 180°,
letting the long end of the stack wrap
around the work. Sew through the work.
E. Continue working as in steps D–G
13 of “Circles” until the circle is 2" in
diameter. To end the stack, secure the
inner braid first and then the outer
braid (photos 14, 15). Trim the ends.
A. Bury the knot in the face of the large
component. Exit the edge beading at
the top right, and pick up an 80 seed 21
bead, a color A 6mm bead, and an
80 (photo 21). Sew through the edge
beading of the right-hand component at
the desired location (photo 22). Retrace
the thread path twice.
B. Trace a path to the next desired 22
connection point so the thread is exiting
the edge beading. Pick up an 110, a
4mm, and an 110. Sew through the edge
beading of the center component where
desired (photo 23). Retrace the thread
path twice. Bury the thread. 23
C. Measure the work. Make another
component, if needed.
D. Continue making connections as in
steps A and B. Embellish other areas of
edge beading as desired.
E. Make a swag (a longer connection)
(photo 24): Bury the knot in the face
of the work so the thread is exiting the
edge beading. Pick up a series of beads.
Sew through the edge beading at the
desired location, and retrace the thread
path twice. Bury the thread.
So go on…
Stone necklace
size 10 beading needle
flush cutters
flatnose pliers
looping pliers
permanent marker (purple)
10" 1⁄8" imported soutache in each of five colors
(purple, scarlet, antique, metallic bronze, and
40x30mm flat top-drilled teardrop pendant
(purple crazy lace agate)
25x18mm flat oval bead (purple crazy lace agate)
4 9x6mm glass pearl teardrops (bronze)
8x20mm treated quartz drop
4 6mm round beads (bronze)
80 seed beads
• 13 color A (olive metal matte)
• 8 color B (opaque frosted, red pepper)
1g 110 seed beads (topaz silver-lined)
2 6mm soldered jump ring (copper oxide)
4 2" 21-gauge headpin (copper oxide)
12" chain (antique copper)
toggle clasp (antique copper)
You now know how to wrap a small, round bead, but
Nymo thread, size B (dark purple) what if you want to wrap a larger bead? A larger bead
Fireline, size D (crystal) will want to spin within the frame of soutache, which
11⁄2x2" foundation makes it difficult to get a nice, clean join. This project
2x21⁄2" Ultrasuede (scoundrel) will explain how to overcome that obstacle.
washable fabric glue
Add swags
A. Using a 30" piece of Fireline, bury
the knot in front of the work so the
thread is exiting the edge beading at 9
the bottom left corner (photo 8).
B. Pick up eight 110s, an A, a
40x30mm flat teardrop, an A, and
eight 110s. Sew up through the edge
beading at the corresponding right
corner of the work (photo 9). Retrace
the thread path.
C. Trace a path so the thread is
exiting the edge beading one bead
to the left of the edge bead from
step A. Pick up three 110s, an A, an
110, a 9x6mm teardrop, an 110, a B,
an 110, an A, a 6x20mm quartz drop,
an A, an 110, a B, an 110, a 9x6mm
teardrop, an 110, an A, and three 110s. 11
Sew through the edge beading one
bead to the right of the edge bead
from step B (photo 10). Retrace the
thread path, and bury the thread.
D. Make four bead chain links as
shown (photo 11).
E. Attach a loop on each of the longer 12
links to a jump ring on the center
component. Attach 6" of chain to the
other end of each longer link (photo
12). Attach short links to the other
ends of the chains. Attach half of a
toggle clasp to each remaining short
link loop (photo 13). 13
Shebangin’ Shield
size 10 beading needle
flush cutters
crimping pliers
flatnose pliers
looping pliers
1 yd. 1⁄8" domestic
soutache in each of
three colors (merlot,
ivy, and ruby glint)
polymer clay pieces
• 55x45mm shield-
shaped cabochon
• 2 45x35mm shield-shaped cabochons
• 4 10mm lentil-shaped beads
5 14x14 mm puffed square beads (elephant skin
9 8x6mm fire-polished, faceted oval beads
(Czech, bronze)
10 6mm druk beads (antique gold)
4 4mm druk beads (matte gold)
80 seed beads
• 50 color A (permanent-finish saffron)
• 90 color B (topaz, silver-lined)
11g 110 seed beads (matte gold)
2g 150 seed beads (transparent rainbow smoky As if there weren’t enough beautiful beads to choose
topaz) from out there, life has to go and throw us cabochons,
7 6mm soldered jump ring (brass oxide) those delightful little flat-backed nuggets of loveliness
5 2" 21-gauge headpin (brass oxide) that—alas and alack—have no hole. Not to worry! In
4 #2 crimp tubes (gold-plated) this project, you’ll learn how to create a peyote stitch
4 4mm crimp covers (brass oxide) bezel around a cabochon, which you can then treat
toggle clasp (brass oxide)
just like any large, flat bead. For this piece, I used
24" .018" 49-strand beading wire
shield-shaped polymer clay cabochons made by artist
2x4" piece of beading foundation (Nicole’s Bead-
backing, Beadwright, Orangey Orange) Ann Dillon. Due to its light weight, polymer clay is
3x5" piece of Ultrasuede (brass) a natural fit for working with soutache, and Ann’s
Nymo thread, size B (burgundy) pieces, with their intricate patterning and organic
washable fabric glue textures, need little more than a soutache frame.
11 Assembly
A. Prepare the thread. Bury
the knot: Sew through the bezel
and soutache stack of the largest
cabochon. The thread should be
exiting the edge beading of the
12 component at the upper left corner
(photo 15).
B. Pick up a color A 80 seed bead.
Sew through the edge beading of the
left-hand cabochon at the upper right
corner (photos 16, 17). Retrace the
thread path twice.
13 C. Trace a path so the thread is
exiting the edge beading of the
left-hand component two beads
away from the last connection.
Pick up a 4mm bead and sew
through the center component at
the corresponding point (photos 18,
19). Bury the thread.
Nest earrings
drafter’s ellipse inking template
permanent marker pen
size 10 beading needle
flush cutters
flatnose pliers
looping pliers
1 yd. 1⁄8" domestic soutache in each of five colors
(ivy, ivy-and-celery stripe, mint, textured
copper, and sage)
2 7x5mm fire-polished teardrop beads
(crystal gold)
Much of what I love about soutache and bead
6 freshwater potato pearls (3 each of sand and
antique gold) embroidery is wrapped up in the tactile qualities
6 4mm glass pearls (olivine) of the materials. The soutache itself, with its drape
50 100 hex-cut cylinder beads (metallic rainbow and sheen, is compelling to me. And, of course, I
gold/violet) love the beads. But along the way, I developed an
1g 110 seed beads (metallic copper) appreciation for other materials, including Ultrasuede.
50 150 seed beads (silver-lined smoky topaz) With its rainbow of saturated colors and soft, velvety
2 6mm soldered jump rings (oxidized copper) texture, it does not always need to be relegated to
2 2" 21-gauge headpins (brass oxide) the back of my work. Try this simple technique to
2 10mm flat-pad earring posts (stainless steel) make Ultrasuede a focal point in a piece.
pair of earring nuts (yellow)
Nymo thread, size B (olive) A “halo” is a new stack connected to a secured stack
2x4" piece of Ultrasuede in each of two colors
(Fern and Topiary)
by means of a ladder. This is one of the many ways
2x4" piece of Mistyfuse fabric bond to increase the size of your work, as well as add more
2x4" piece of Lacy’s Stiff Stuff color and texture.
washable fabric glue
Add a halo
A. Working on the back, sew up
through the edge of the beading 5
foundation and stack at the center
top. Pick up a hex bead. Align and
stack the three remaining pieces of
soutache in this order: mint, textured
copper, and sage. Locate the center
of the new stack, and sew through the
stack (photo 7). 6
B. Working from right to left, sew
through the new stack one hex bead
width away from where the thread
last exited. Pick up a hex bead, and
sew through the secured stack. Sew
back up through the secured stack
one bead width away from where the
thread last exited (photo 8).
C. Continue this halo pattern using
hex beads, stopping one bead width
from the 4mm. Work the last
A. Push an earring post through
12 the wrong side of a 2x2" piece of
Ultrasuede. Apply backing, and glue
the work to the wrong side of the
Ultrasuede. Make sure the disk of the
earring post is completely covered
by the work and is positioned near
13 the top (photo 15). Allow to dry
completely, and trim the Ultrasuede.
B. Edge-bead using 110s.
C. Repeat to make a second earring.
D. Create two bead dangles as shown
(photo 16). Attach a dangle to a jump
ring on each earring.
size 10 beading needle
flatnose pliers
1 yd. 1⁄8" domestic soutache in each of four colors
(blue, royal, navy, and gunmetal textured
45x27mm cabochon (labradorite, irregular shape)
2 12x8mm polished teardrop glass beads
(purple iris fire)
6 3x10mm daggers (frosted light sapphire)
4 6mm fire-polished round (blue iris fire)
4 6mm glass pearls (Montana)
12 4mm druk beads (matte silver)
6 4mm fire-polished round (hematite)
2 4mm bicone crystals (Swarovski, Montana AB)
5 4mm glass pearls (Swarovski, dark purple)
9 3.4mm drop Japanese seed beads (matte When I was a kid, I prayed every night that I would
transparent capri blue AB)
4 #3 (1⁄4") bugle beads (opaque powder blue)
be magically transformed into Wonder Woman. I
mean, really, the girl had it goin’ on: the killer boots,
8 60 seed beads (opaque cobalt)
the invisible plane, and those rockin’ bullet-deflecting
80 seed beads
bracelets. And though I have long since stopped
• 34 color A (jet matte)
wishing for a comic-book makeover, my fascination
• 40 color B (Montana silver-lined)
with the big, chunky cuffs remains. I own lots, and
110 seed beads
when I wear one (or four), I really do feel like I could
• 7g color C (silver-lined gray matte)
save the world.
• 2g color D (gunmetal)
60 150 seed beads (Montana blue-lined
crystal AB) Give your soft, silky soutache that bold geometric
2"-wide dapped (domed) brass cuff form by applying it to a brass cuff blank.
Nymo thread, size B (dark purple)
2 3x8" pieces of Ultrasuede (executive gray and
stone gray)
washable fabric glue
Center component
A. Glue the cabochon to the beading
foundation. Let dry completely.
B. Using color C 110 and 150 seed
5 beads, secure the cabochon to the
beading foundation with a peyote
stitch bezel as in the Shebangin'
Shield Necklace (p. 45) (photo 6).
(Note: if your cabochon is tall, you
may need more rows of 110s.)
C. Trim the beading foundation from
6 the cabochon. Try to make your
cutting line as smooth as possible.
D. Cut eight 10" pieces of soutache,
two each of all four colors. Beginning
with the blue soutache, apply it to
one half of the edge of the beading
foundation (p. 42). Apply the other
piece of blue to the other half. The
joins should be across from each
Side components
To make two arabesque shapes,
follow the simplified instructions
below or refer to p. 34 (photo 11).
A. Cut four 10" pieces of soutache in
each of all four colors. Align and stack
in this order: navy, royal, gunmetal,
and blue.
B. Make a lollipop around a 12x8mm
faceted teardrop.
C. Split the large stack asymmetrically,
with five braids to the left and three
braids to the right. On the left side 10
of the join, add and wrap a 6mm
fire-polished bead. End the stack.
On the right side of the join, begin a
graduated, curved, open ladder. Use
the following beads in this order; a
6mm pearl, a 4mm fire-polished bead,
a 4mm druk, a 60 seed bead, a color 11
A 80 seed bead, and three Bs.
D. On the opposite side of the
stack, add and wrap a 4mm pearl.
End the stack.
E. Repeat steps A–D to make an
identical (not a mirror) component.
Edge beading
Use Cs to edge-bead all three com-
ponents without backing (photo 12).
A. Apply glue to the back of the
center component. Position the
component on the center top of the
Branch stitching
A. Prepare the thread. Bury the
knot by sewing through a 4mm bead
near the edge of the center compo-
nent. Sew through the stack and out
13 through one of the edge beads.
B. Pick up four or five 110 seed beads.
Test-fit the line of beads to see where
they naturally meet the edge beading
of the cuff blank. Sew through that
edge bead (photo 15).
C. Sew through the adjacent
14 edge bead. Sew down through the
Ultrasuede and back up through
the edge bead (stitching through
the Ultrasuede secures the thread).
Sew through the first edge bead
and partway through the line of 110s
(photo 16).
D. Pick up a line of beads. Begin
incorporating some of the other
beads in various shapes and sizes.
Test-fit to the edge, and then sew
through the edge beading of the
prepared cuff (photo 17).
E. Repeat steps B–D, bringing
branches of beads out to the edge of
16 the cuff. (Slide your needle under the
Ultrasuede just beyond the first large
bead. This secures that longer line of
beads tightly to the surface so it won’t
snag when worn. Do this as needed.)
F. Continue branch-stitching, making
random angles and patterns. Keep
17 returning to the center and side
components, since branch stitching
secures the components to the cuff.
Bend the cuff blank back into a curve
to fit your wrist. Bending the cuff may
18 expose the foundation. To cover the
gap: Prepare the thread. Bury the
knot in the face of the center com-
ponent. Pick up four or five 110s, and
sew through the beading foundation.
Trace a path back to the last bead.
Sew through the last bead, and add
more beads as necessary (photo 18).
Repeat on the other side.
Tools Bead-Me-
size 10 beading needle
flush cutters
flatnose pliers
looping pliers
1 yd. 1⁄8" domestic soutache in each of two
colors (black and gunmetal textured
4 18x18mm rounded-triangular faceted
beads (onyx)
5 8mm crown rosebud beads (hematite)
10 6mm Czech glass beads (silver gray)
3 12x8mm fire-polished teardrops (jet)
9 #3 (1⁄4") bugle beads (hematite)
3 80 seed beads (gilt-lined soft gray opal)
One of my favorite super-secret techniques is
2g 110 seed beads (hematite)
using bugle beads to make small “parallelograms.“
7" bead chain (silver/clear/gray beads)*
Depending on how they are joined to the work, these
6 6mm soldered jump rings (gunmetal)
19 2" 21-gauge headpins (gunmetal)
small forms not only add a contrasting geometric
toggle clasp (black finish) texture to the otherwise curvaceous world of soutache
Nymo thread, size B (black) jewelry, but they can also evoke natural images such
2x2" piece of Ultrasuede (black) as leaves, flower buds, and birds’ heads.
washable fabric glue
If you like your accessories a bit on the subtle side,
*If you don’t have pre-made bead chain, use the soutache to make tiny individual components,
you can simply make your own by using
more beads and headpins to make as
and then treat each component like a bead. Pack
many links as you like. visual interest into the smallest space possible.
A. Use headpins and beads to make
bead chain links: Make four links 10
using rounded-triangular faceted
beads. Make two links using 8mm
beads. Make 10 links using 6mm
beads (photo 13).
B. Use headpins, teardrops, and 60s
to make three dangles (photo 14). 11
C. Connect components, links,
and dangles as shown (photo 15).
Connect the bead chain to the last
two links in the assembly. Add
6mm links to the end of the bead
chain. Add a toggle half to each link
(photo 16). 12
Full-Dress Thistle
size 10 beading needle
flatnose pliers
1 yd. 1⁄8" domestic soutache in each of five colors
(limelight, green, mint, lilac, and lavender)
2 10x14mm flat oval beads (dyed imperial jasper,
2 8x12mm teardrop glass beads (vitrail
4 2mm round beads (green, cat’s eye)
4 60 seed beads (gilt-lined, olive gray opal)
80 seed beads
• 2 color A (jonquil color-lined papaya)
• 2 color B (dark green opaque luster)
110 seed beads I use a lot of abstract shapes in my work, but I
• 1g color C (sage green pearl) love to make figurative pieces, too. Soutache, of
• .5g color D (amethyst color-lined
magenta AB)
course, just cries out to be made into flower shapes.
• 12 color E (silver-lined olivine color-lined Thistles are one of my garden favorites. They’re
pink matte) tenacious tenants, however, and are often viewed
8 150 seed beads (Montana blue-lined crystal AB) more as a spiky weed than as a wonderful, structural
5" 2mm (14ss) rhinestone chain contrast to a sea of flowers. To emphasize my thistles’
(crystal/gold-plate) significance, I’ve added some rhinestone chain. Learn
2 6mm soldered jump rings (brass oxide)
the trick to getting the chain to lie flat on your work,
pair of French hook ear wires
and get ready to blingify an entire garden of blooms.
Nymo thread, size B (Sterling)
1x3" beading foundation (Beadwright, Nicole's
BeadBacking, chartreuse shine) Frayed fringe is one of my favorite techniques. It
4x2" piece of Ultrasuede (fresh lime) makes perfect thistle-fluff, but think of all the other
washable fabric glue ways you could use it.
11 A. Prepare the thread. Bury the
thread in the front of the work by
sewing through the 2mm and the
stack. The thread should be exiting
just to the right of the vs.
B. Edge-bead using color C 110 seed
beads (photo 12). When you reach
12 the v pieces, switch to color D 110
seed beads. When you reach the Cs,
turn the work over and continue edge-
beading with Ds across the top back.
C. Return to the front, and exit the
first D. Pick up two Ds and a 150. Sew
13 back down through the Ds, making
a tiny fringe (photo 13). Make three
more fringes across the top.
D. Trace a path to the bottom of the
work so the thread exits the center
bottom edge bead. Pick up a color
A 80 seed bead, a color B0 80 seed
14 bead, two 60s, a teardrop bead, and a
C. Sew back up through the teardrop,
60s, Bs, As, and edge bead (photo
14). Bury the thread.
E. Lay the work on a flat surface. Press
the point of a darning needle into
the rib of one of the vs, and drag the
needle toward the end to unravel
the braid (photo 15). Repeat several
times for all the vs, moving farther up
the braid as you go.
F. Trim the top of your thistle as
desired (photo 16). Add an ear wire,
and repeat to make a second earring.
1½ yd. 1⁄8" domestic soutache, in each of four colors
(royal, purple, cadet, and willow)
12x25mm marquise-shaped bead
12x17mm teardrop crystal (green AB)
4–8 6mm flat round wooden beads (navy)
4–8 6mm Czech glass round beads (frosted)
4–8 6mm Czech fire-polished beads
20–30 6mm bugle beads (green)
4–8 4mm glass pearls (lavender)
6–8 4mm bicone crystals (Swarovski, palace green opal)
60 seed beads
• 30–40 color E (blueberry)
• 30–40 color F (purple metallic)
• 30–40 color G (green luster)
80 seed beads
• 40–50 color C (gilt-lined grass green)
• 40–50 color D (414 opaque cobalt)
110 seed beads
• 6g color A (durocoat mint green metallic)
• 6g color B (cobalt clear-lined white) size 10 beading needle
.5g 150 seed beads (matte metallic patina iris)
flush cutters
30–40 “interest beads,” such as cubes and barrels (these will
be used for the cord parts of the lariat so, make sure they crimping pliers
fit through the open loops) flatnose pliers
2 crimp beads
2 crimp covers (brass oxide) By now, you’ve probably begun to realize how
2 6mm soldered jump rings (brass oxide) sensitive soutache can be; change the thread
6 2" 21-gauge headpins (brass oxide)
tension, and you change the shape. Change
Nymo thread, size B (royal blue)
the height of a bead, and you change the
2 yd. .018" 49-strand beading wire
shape. And while these nuances can cause
5x4" piece of Ultrasuede (jazz blue)
2x2" piece of beading foundation (Nicole’s BeadBacking,
you a lot of grief in the beginning, under-
chartreuse shine) standing how to manipulate this sensitivity
washable fabric glue opens up all kinds of new opportunities.
Component 2
A. Cut three 18" pieces of soutache, 14
one of each color (cadet, purple, and
willow). Align and stack. Locate the
center of the stack, and use a 4mm
glass pearl to make a lollipop
(photo 13).
B. Use three bugle beads to create a
parallelogram (photo 14). 15
C. Separate the large stack into
two equal stacks. With the thread
exiting left of the join, pick up a 6mm
fire-polished bead, and sew through
the left stack where the hole of the
bead naturally meets the stack. Use
shaping stitches to wrap the bead,
and end the stack.
D. With the thread exiting the
soutache to the right of the join,
pick up a 6mm wooden bead, and
sew through the first two pieces of
soutache in the stack only where the
hole of the bead naturally meets the
stack (photo 15). Wrap the bead, 17
and end the stack. Trace a path so
the thread is exiting the outer layer of
soutache, wrapping the wooden bead
near the join.
E. Cut a 6" piece of royal soutache.
Sew through the third piece of
soutache (the loose one) in the right- 18
hand stack and the new 6" piece
about 2" from the end (photo 16).
Beginning with a color A 110 seed
bead and continuing with alternating
colors C and D 80 seed beads, create
a curved ladder between the loose
stack and the stack wrapping the 19
wooden bead (photo 17). End
the stack.
Connecting components
A. Prepare the thread. Bury the knot
in Component 2, and sew through the
22 edge-beading so the thread is exiting
at the bottom of the wooden bead.
B. Pick up a color C 80 seed bead,
a 4mm glass pearl, and a C, and
sew through Component 1 where
indicated (photo 21). Retrace the
thread path twice.
C. Trace a path so the thread is
exiting Component 1. Pick up a color
A 110 seed bead, a color D 80 seed
bead, a color F 60 seed bead, a 6mm
Czech round frosted bead, an F, a D,
and an A, and sew through the edge
beading of Component 2 (photo 22).
Retrace the thread path twice. Bury
24 the thread.
Add cords
A. Poke one end of 2-yd. piece of 28
beading wire through the edge
beading at the top of Component 2.
Poke the other end of the beading
wire through the adjacent edge bead
(photo 30).
B. On one of the two strands, begin
stringing the remaining beads in a 29
semi-random pattern (photo 31) (I
used 10–15 110 seed beads, a couple
of larger interest beads, 10–15 more
110s, and so on). When you have
about 3" of beading wire left, string a
crimp tube and a jump ring.
C. Thread the beading wire back
through the crimp tube and the
last three or four strung beads. Pull
the beading wire snug. Use crimping
pliers to crimp the crimp tube, and
press a crimp cover over the crimp
(photo 32). Trim any excess
beading wire.
D. Repeat steps B and C for the 31
second strand.
Make dangles
A. Use seed beads and interest beads
to make six dangles of varying lengths
(photo 33). Hang three dangles from
each of the two jump rings. 32
B. To wear the necklace, thread both
cords through the front of the work.
size 10 beading needle
flatnose pliers There are many different ways to add layers to your
work to increase the level of interest and complexity.
The simplest, layering components, was explored in
the ”VIP Pin or Pendant” (p. 28), when you attached
the second part of a center component behind the
2 yd. 1⁄8" domestic soutache in each of four colors
(peacock, duck, medium blue, and rainbow first. Halos (ladders that are created between an exist-
metallic) ing, secured stack and a new, entirely separate stack,
2 17x8mm spindle beads (opaque aqua) forming a new curve of beads and soutache) were
10 6mm druk beads (ivory)
incorporated in the ”Sparrow’s Nest Earrings” (p. 49).
4 60 seed beads (gilt-lined antique white opal) “Buckles” are curved ladders made completely
80 seed beads separate from the existing work and then wrapped
• 32 color A (hex, light jonquil-lined aqua) over a portion of the design. You will use all three
• 16 color B (gilt-lined antique white opal) techniques in these elegantly elaborate earrings.
110 seed beads
• 4 color C (permanent galvanized Bead caps—wondrous little findings that fit over
silver matte)
the top of a bead—can enhance your work beautifully.
• 2g color D (color-lined capri)
6 5x5mm bead caps (silver finish)
First, if you have mostly round beads, bead caps
2 6mm soldered jump rings (silver finish)
basically double the number of shapes available to
2 French hook ear wires (silver) you. After all, what is a teardrop shape but a sphere
4x4" piece of Ultrasuede (jazz blue) with a cone on one end? Furthermore, the addition of
2x2" piece of beading foundation (optional) the caps allows you to quickly and easily incorporate
Nymo thread, size B (turquoise) yet another element or texture into your work, adding
washable fabric glue to the visual richness of your finished piece.
size 10 beading needle (or darning needle)
size 12 beading needle
flush cutters
flatnose pliers
2 yd. 1⁄8" domestic soutache in each of three
colors (dark lilac, poinsettia, and goldenrod)
4 yd. 1⁄8" domestic soutache (pansy)
5 5x12mm briolettes (red with violet AB finish)
(teardrop shaped beads will work fine for this
project too) The challenge of the pendant for this
5 4mm bicone crystals (Swarovski, ruby AB) choker lies in trying to make five long,
80 seed beads curved ladders as close to identical as
• 4g color A (hybrid luster opaque Picasso) possible. The fun, however, of weaving
• 17 color B (opaque curry) them one over the other to make this
3g 110 seed beads (light amethyst color-lined Celtic-knot inspired piece will make
magenta) it well worth your effort. As added
.5g 150 (Montana blue-lined crystal AB) incentive, you will then be able to fill
2 6mm soldered jump rings (gunmetal) your window with fine veining and
6 2" 21-gauge headpins (black) Swarovski crystals—like leading and
toggle clasp (black finish) stained glass!
4x4" piece of Ultrasuede (scoundrel)
Nymo thread, size B (royal blue)
washable fabric glue
A. Prepare the thread. Bury the
knot in the front of the work so the 10
thread is exiting the edge beading
inside one of the openings. Pick up
three 150s, a 4mm bicone, and three
or four 150s. Sew across the opening
and into the edge beading on the
other side (photo 15, p. 74). Retrace
the thread path so the thread is 11
exiting the edge beading where the
veining is connected, and sew just
past the bicone (photo 16, p. 74).
B. Pick up two or three more 150s,
and sew through the edge beading
in a different spot (photo 17, p. 74). 12
Continue making randomly placed
connections so the lines of beads in
the opening resemble the veining on
a leaf or the wing of an insect.
C. Repeat steps A and B for all
Lady Josephine
size 10 beading needle
flush cutters
flatnose pliers
looping pliers
2 yd. 1⁄8" domestic soutache in each of four colors
(marine, ivy, cream, and textured matte gold)
40x25mm chandelier crystal (green)
10x17mm Lac Jewelry element (turquoise
and gold)
10x12mm Lac Jewelry element (turquoise
and gold)
2 6mm glass pearls (cream)
2 4mm bicone crystals (Swarovski, indicolite AB)
4 4mm glass pearls (cream)
2 3mm glass pearls (cream)
2 60 seed beads (metallic antique gold matte)
60 80 seed beads (metallic gold)
30 100 hex beads (metallic rainbow gold/violet)
110 seed beads
• 2g color A (metallic antique gold matte) Chandelier crystals—whether vintage
• 1g color B (rainbow light topaz/sea foam or mint—beckon to me with an almost
2 6mm soldered jump rings (antique brass)
irresistible siren call. I simply cannot leave
6 2" 21-gauge headpins (brass)
them on thrift shop or flea market tables.
6mm magnetic clasp (gold-plate) I have drawers full of them, but I inevitably
Nymo thread, size B (turquoise) buy more that go home to live amongst
2x3" piece of beading foundation (Beadwright, their sparkling brethren, waiting for their
Nicoles BeadBacking, powder blue) turn to glitter once again. The pocket bail
4x4" piece of Ultrasuede (fern) technique described in this project is perfect
washable fabric glue
for glittering goodies, but it can be
Lac Jewelry components are wax-filled, foil, and employed in any type of jewelry to bring
enamel beads. light and translucence to a piece.
18 ⁄ " imported soutache
• 3 yd. in each of three colors (charcoal, sable, and garden
• 1 yd. metallic bronze
• 12" scrap soutache, any color
3" rhinestone chain (pink with gold plate)
10x10mm window glass bead (lavender/pink) with
Picasso edges
8mm rice-shaped freshwater pearl (dusty rose)
3 9x6mm teardrop-shaped glass pearls (cocoa)
10x6mm fire-polished flat teardrop glass bead (violet)
2 6mm glass pearls (rose)
6mm glass pearl (burgundy)
3 6mm faceted fire-polished beads (hematite)
4 assorted 6mm coordinating beads (crystal, glass, bicones,
crow beads)
4mm faceted fire-polished bead (hematite)
2 4mm glass pearls (rose)
2 7x3mm wood disks (pink)
#3 (1⁄4") bugle beads
• 3 color E (lavender gray)
• 3 color F (metallic purple)
60 seed beads
• 7–10 color A (pink metallic) TOOLS
• 3–5 color B (gilt-lined medium lilac opal) • size 10 beading needle
• scissors
80 seed beads
• flush cutters
• 30 color C (raspberry bronze)
• flatnose pliers
• 30 color D (gilt-lined antique purple opal)
• looping pliers
3g 110 seed beads (silver-lined champagne)
• permanent marker (purple)
8 6mm soldered jump rings (antique brass)
12 2" 21-gauge headpins (antique brass)
toggle clasp (antique brass) Incorporating multiple techniques into a single piece increases
Nymo thread, size B (burgundy) the perception of complexity and detail and adds to the level
5x5" piece of Ultrasuede (violine) of interest. If you’ve been making pieces that look too much
2½x2½" piece of beading foundation alike, try this exercise and create something that uses as many
washable fabric glue different techniques as you know.
Component 2
A. Cut four 6" pieces of soutache, one
of each color. Align and stack in this 14
order: garden rose, charcoal, sable,
and metallic bronze. Using a teardrop-
shaped pearl as the center, a wood
disk, and a freshwater pearl, make
a koala face (p. 22) with an
asymmetrical split. 15
B. Use two 110s and Ds to create a
bridge at the join. Add a jump ring at
the upper right corner of the teardrop
(photo 16).
Finishing 16
A. Apply backing to both
components. Trim the backing.
B. Edge-bead using 110s.
A. Prepare the thread. Sew 28
Components 1 and 2 together as
shown (photo 31). Use spacer beads
to adjust the fit. Be sure to retrace
the thread path at least twice for
each connection.
B. Use headpins and the remaining
beads to make a dangle and eight 29
or nine bead chain links. Connect
the links, and attach the dangle and
bead chain to jump rings. Add half of
a clasp to each link at the top of the
soutache-wrapped straps (photo 32).
size 10 beading needle
flush cutters
flatnose pliers
looping pliers
permanent marker (aqua)
18 ⁄ " domestic soutache
• 2 yd. in each of four colors (tyrol, sage, duck, and ivy)
• 4 yd. (textured metallic matte gold)
7 10mm coin beads (cocoa pearl)
6 8x5mm fire-polished, faceted barrel-shaped beads (red AB)
27 #3 (1⁄4") bugle beads (red)
60 seed beads
• 6 color A (matte antique gold)
• 6 color B (silver-lined red)
Large breastplate or bib-style necklaces can
7g 80 seed beads (metallic gold)
be dramatic and eye-catching. Learning to
4g 110 seed beads (metallic pearl sage)
create soutache pieces that move and bend
15" 2mm (6.5ss) Swarovski crystal rhinestone chain (silk with
gold plate) like more traditional, linked jewelry, however,
7 6mm soldered jump rings (antique brass) is a worthy challenge. This piece is made of
11 2" 21-gauge headpins (antique brass) individual, connected links resulting in an
toggle clasp (antique brass) elegant necklace that drapes beautifully and
Nymo thread, size B (turquoise) moves with the wearer.
5x5" piece of Ultrasuede (verde)
4½x2" piece of beading foundation
washable fabric glue
A. Using five headpins, five faceted
beads, five color A 60 seed beads,
26 and five 80s, make five dangles
(photo 27). Attach a loop on one
dangle to the jump ring on link 2
(photo 28). Attach the remaining
four dangles to the other links.
B. Using six headpins and six
27 color B 60s, make six bead chain
links (photo 29). Make two chains
with three bead chain links each
(photo 30).
C. Attach half of a clasp to the end
of each chain. Attach the bead chain/
clasp assemblies to the jump
28 rings and ends of the linked work
(photo 31).
”Roses Released from the Tapestry” necklace, 2013 Bead Dreams Finalist
121 E. Cotati Ave. Cotati, CA US 94931
BeadSmith/Helby Import Co. (wholesale only)
37 Hayward Ave. Carteret, NJ 07008
Field’s Fabrics
3975 Lake Michigan Drive NW
Grand Rapids, MI 49534
Technique, Design, & Inspiration
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