General Inspection and Repair Remarks For Inspection/Repair Procedures

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Tier: GLB - Global Doc Type: Procedure

Element or Subelement: Operations and

AMO Quality
Doc Number: QP200-008
Rev: T
Effective Date: 30 Oct 2019

General Inspection and Repair Remarks for

Inspection/Repair Procedures
Table of Contents

1  Scope ...................................................................................................................................................... 2 
2  Inspection .............................................................................................................................................. 2 
2.1 Inspection Frequency ........................................................................................................................................ 2 
2.2 Visual Inspection ............................................................................................................................................... 2 
2.3 Dimensional Inspection ................................................................................................................................... 3 
2.4 Functional Inspection ....................................................................................................................................... 5 
3  Documentation .................................................................................................................................... 5 
4  Inspection Status / Color Coding ...................................................................................................... 5 
5  Corrosion Classification ......................................................................................................................6 
6  General Inspection Remarks .............................................................................................................. 7 
6.1 Inspection Symbols ........................................................................................................................................... 7 
6.2 Inspection Numbers.......................................................................................................................................... 7 

List of Tables
Table 1: Corrosion Classification ............................................................................................................................................................................ 6

Revision History
Rev. RDR Amendment Detail Reviewer Approver Effective Date
Current Revision
References to Obsolete document QP000-002 needs to be
T 2924 replaced with the new reference “AMO Color Code (Document No.: Blue Sr., William D Scala, Ricardo A 10/30/2019
Three Previous Revisions

Added the “Stator eccentric wear measurement for stator inner

and outer diameter qualification process” in QP200-008 under
R 2211/dc Blue Sr., William D Scala, Ricardo A 2/27/2018
dimensional inspection section applicable only for Drilling motors
for general references.
P 2163/dc Clarification of the description of the (1.1). Blue Sr., William D Scala, Ricardo A 1/18/2018
N 1800/dc Updated section 3. Blue Sr., William D Scala, Ricardo A 3/16/2017 MA-GLB-En-100030B_BH Rev. C

Copyright 2009-2019 Baker Hughes Company. All rights reserved. The information contained in this document is confidential and proprietary property
of Baker Hughes and its affiliates. It is to be used only for the benefit of Baker Hughes and may not be distributed, transmitted, reproduced, altered or
used for any purpose without the express written consent of Baker Hughes.

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QP200-008 Rev: T
Effective Date: 10/30/2019
General Inspection and Repair Remarks for Inspection/Repair
1 Scope
This document replaces the ATK 1.5-10-0811-022 General Inspection and Repair Remarks for
Inspection/Repair Procedure.
If a Failure Investigation Tape is attached on the tool or part inform
Note the responsible FRACAS Incident Analyst before performing any
disassembly or inspection.

2 Inspection
The required extent of inspection depends on the related tool status as described in the
applicable Maintenance Strategy (BHOS AMO, Section 5).
The required inspection of used tool assembly or part is outlined in the individual QC
Inspection and Repair Manual (BHOS AMO, Section 8).

2.1 Inspection Frequency

The inspection frequency should follow the respective product line maintenance strategy
as described in BHOS AMO R&M.
Used and Accepted tools or parts that have been stored for more than 1 year shall
require to perform a pre-deployment visual inspection, the result of which is to be
documented. In the event of questionable indications/conditions, a Level 1 inspection as
per the applicable BHOS AMO Section 8 QC Inspection and Repair procedure shall be
carried out.
Rejected part shall be color coded, segregated and dis-positioned via local facility's
Material Review Board (MRB) and/or Deviation Waiver Request (DWR) process.

2.2 Visual Inspection

The visual inspection shall be performed in accordance with Visual Inspection Procedure

2.2.1 Visual Receiving Inspection

Tools, especially those with a documented tool failure shall be visually inspected for:
 Obvious damage
 Lost parts
 Leakages
The documentation of any observations shall be reported in the Remarks section of
the applicable Inspection and Repair Dimensions Table or in the AMO Manual in the
Acceptance Checklist Section.

2.2.2 Visual Inspection of Parts or Tools

Detailed visual inspection shall be performed during any Level 1–3 inspection as
outlined in the applicable AMO Manual
(BHOS AMO, Section 8).
Areas to be inspected are indicated with Inspection Symbols and Inspection
Numbers as described in General Inspection Remarks on page 6.

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QP200-008 Rev: T
Effective Date: 10/30/2019
General Inspection and Repair Remarks for Inspection/Repair
2.2.3 Visual Pre-Deployment Inspection
Tools or parts that have been stored for more than 1 year need to be visually
inspected at all accessible surface areas including machined areas and thread
connections for:
 Damage
 Corrosion marks
 Linear indication (s) (cracks)
 Inspection status / colour coding
 It may be required to inspect tools or parts which are stored less than 1 year. In
this case the required inspections are outlined in the applicable Maintenance
Strategy (BHOS AMO, Section 5) or QC Inspection and Repair Manual (BHOS AMO,
Section 8). Or upon Customer Request.

2.3 Dimensional Inspection

 Follow the required dimensional inspection limits of the applicable AMO Manual
(BHOS AMO, Section 8) or the applicable Quality Inspection Procedure (BHOS
 Dimensions with (1.1) in the remark field do not need to be measured during
inspection. The minimum / maximum values in the Inspection and Repair manual
must only be seen as limitations. In case rework is required e.g. to achieve the
mandatory surface quality, these values must not be exceeded. Best practice is
thereby to machine not more than necessary to potentially allow for further
repairs. In case any wear is detected on dimensions marked with (1.1), or visual
inspection is not sufficient to be sure that the dimension is still within
specification, it must be checked e.g. with a no-go gage that these dimensions
are still within the limitations.

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QP200-008 Rev: T
Effective Date: 10/30/2019
General Inspection and Repair Remarks for Inspection/Repair
2.3.1 Eccentric Wear – Inner and Outer Diameter – Qualification (Only to be
applied for Drilling Motors)
Purpose: Provide approach to qualify eccentric wear on outer diameter (OD)
for example on stator tubes during Section 08 inspection.
Issue: Standard process or measurements to qualify a body OD with
eccentric wear will result in an inadequate qualification when
comparing measurements (OD) to maximum/minimum values as
outlined by Section 08 document, refer to Figure below.

Figure 1—Example—Standard Measurement on Body OD with eccentric wear

 The diameter reduction in local spots (eccentric wear) is critical under
bending loads and high pressure application. More in detail, the local
reduction (eccentric wear) in diameter can cause overload when applying
bending load or high pressure. This can cause cracks and / or twist offs
and or tube burst or collapse in a worst case scenario.
Process: To qualify a body OD with eccentric wear, an “Equivalent Diameter” must be
identified to be used as reference for comparison of maximum/minimum
value as outlined by Section 08 document. The content below outline the
process to be applied.

This process shall not be applied on functional Body Outer

Diameter such as Sealing Areas, Contact Areas or Press Fits. For
functional body outer diameter standard measurement must be

Step A – Measure OD within the axis of “eccentric wear”  = ODEccentric

Step B – Measure OD within 90° offset to the axis ODEccentric  = ODStandard

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Effective Date: 10/30/2019
General Inspection and Repair Remarks for Inspection/Repair

Figure 2—OD – Eccentric and Standard Wear Measurement

Step C – Calculate “Equivalent Diameter” for reference = ODEccentric
ODEquivalent = ODStandard – 2 x (ODStandard – ODEccentric)
Step D – Compare ODEquivalent with min / max value as outlined by Section 08 document.

2.4 Functional Inspection

Functional Inspection, if applicable, is outlined in the applicable Level 4 AMO Manual
(BHOS AMO, Section 8) or in the applicable tool related rework drawing.

3 Documentation
Every inspection must be documented using the applicable:
 Tool related AMO Inspection and Repair manual (Section 8) or Inspection Report (Section
10) documenting the condition of parts.
 Inspection Report for Drill Stem Equipment (QP900-001) for all thread connections
 New/Post Step 3 rework BH-T2 thread Inspection Report (QP900-007)
 Maintenance and Performance System (MaPS) in the event of a waived

4 Inspection Status / Color Coding

For Color Coding please refer to AMO Color Code Procedure BHOS-AMO-001.

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Effective Date: 10/30/2019
General Inspection and Repair Remarks for Inspection/Repair
5 Corrosion Classification
The corrosion needs to be classified into 2 categories:
 Corrosion of Carbon Steel Material
 Corrosion of Non-Mag Steel Material
The corrosion behavior of these different material groups differ and thus the Corrosion
samples S-samples (N900090002) cannot reflect the correct grade of corrosion for both
material groups.
S-samples are available from Grade S1 to S3. Grades 0.25 S1 and 0.5 S1 are to be estimated
as 1/4 and 1/2 of the severity corrosion marks from the S1 sample. S-samples should only be
used to grade corrosion on Carbon Steel material.
Corrosion samples for Non-Mag material will be created and be published within one of the
next updates of this procedure. In the meantime the grade of corrosion shall be estimated
and compared to the values from Table 2 below.
Table 1: Corrosion Classification
Carbon Steel Non-Mag Steel

Grade of % corroded quantity of
S-Grade Max. Diameter corrosion
Corrosion Max. Depth of surface per
/ Depth marks per
corrosion 1 in.² (645
of corrosion
mm²) 1 in.² (645

0.006 in. 0.004 in.

0.25 S1 weak <10% 20
0.15 mm 0.1 mm

0.012 in. 0.019 in.

0.5 S1 low <20% 15
0.3 mm 0.5 mm

0.023 in. 0.039 in.

S1 moderate <50% 10
0.6 mm 1.0 mm

0.059 in. 0.078 in.

S2 heavy <100% 5
1.5 mm 2.0 mm

>0.059 in. 0.157 in.

S3 badly =/>100% 3
>1.5 mm 4.0 mm

Corrosion which doesn't meet the requirements of it's grade could be accepted using a
deviation waiver form signed off by Engineering/Product Reliability Engineering/Reliability
Engineering or Quality Assurance department.

If not otherwise stated, surface must fulfill corrosion Grade S1.

Tool OD surfaces must fulfill corrosion grade S3.

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Effective Date: 10/30/2019
General Inspection and Repair Remarks for Inspection/Repair
6 General Inspection Remarks
In the tool related Inspection or Repair & Maintenance Manual the associated areas for
Visual and NDT Inspection are marked with Inspection Symbols ( ----- / …… / xxxxx ) and / or
Numbers (1)–(5) and need to be inspected in accordance with the given requirements of
this procedure.

6.1 Inspection Symbols

Symbol Specific Inspection Remarks

-------------- Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) acc. to QP100-001 (Ferromagnetic Material) or

-- Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT) acc. to QP100-003 (Non-Ferromagnetic Material)

…………….. Special Surface Demands (specified under 4.…)

No Surface Damage permitted (corrosion, scratch, dent, etc.)

xxxxxxxxxxx No polishing allowed!!! The usage of soft abrasive material such as “scotch-Brite” is
acceptable to remove visual impefections.

6.2 Inspection Numbers

(1) Dimensional Inspection
For new documents with an initial release date after May 07, 2009 all dimensions must be measured as
specified in Section 8 of the respective AMO Manual as long as not otherwise stated. The Level of
Maintenance are given in Section 5 of the affected R&M Manuals.
For tools in BHOS AMO, Section 8 with an initial release date before May 07, 2009 inspection shall be done in
case that there is a damage or wear obviously or if there is a doubt of potential problem.

All dimensions given in the Inspection or AMO Manuals (BHOS

AMO, Section 8) are absolute values. No additional tolerances
Note accepted. A deviation waiver must be send to Reliability
Engineering/ Product Reliability or Quality Assurance for
approval if extended limits are needed
Dimensions with a (1.1) in the remark field do not need to be measured in case of:
 surface remark requirements being fulfilled (e.g.: within corrosion limits,
limit for wash acceptable, no scratches),
 no rework being done in this area.
In case of rework is required:
 e.g. to achieve the mandatory surface quality (d2), or
 e.g. to recut the thread/shoulder (L1)
the given dimensional values (e.g. d2, L1) must not be exceeded. Best practice is thereby to polish/machine
not more than necessary to potentially allow for further repairs.

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General Inspection and Repair Remarks for Inspection/Repair

(1) Dimensional Inspection

Dimensio Pas Fai
inch mm actual Nam Remarks
n s l OK
L1 Min 28.40 721.50 ☐ ☐ (1.1) to be measured if
6 damaged / reworked
D1 Min 4.921 125.00 ☐ ☐

D2 Max 3.728 94.70 ☐ ☐ (1.1) to be measured if

damaged / reworked
D3 Max 4.098 104.10 ☐ ☐ (1.1) to be measured if
damaged / reworked
D4 min 4.921 125.00 ☐ ☐

Cylindrical Threads - (1.1) - to be measured if damaged / reworked

In addition the Inspection Procedure QP200-007 including Inspection Report QP900-001 must be
used if applicable.
Thread Profile Gage PD min actual PD Pass Fail Remark
OK Name

Cylindrical   (1.1)

Conical Threads
Thread Inspection has to be performed according to QP200-006 including Inspection Report
QP900-007 or QP200-007 including Inspection Report QP900-001.

(2) Magnetic Particle Testing (MT) according QP100-001

(2) Liquid Penetrant Testing (PT) according QP100-003

MT/PT Inspection: any relevant linear indication(s) extended to the base material shall be rejected.

(2) Ultrasonic Inspection on T2A Hardfacing & Wall Thickness Measurement (UT) according QP100-002

(3) Thread Inspection

Follow the thread Inspection/Rework Procedure:

QP200-006 (BH-T2 Thread Inspection/Rework Procedure - all Sizes)

QP200-007 (Used Thread Inspection/Repair Procedure)

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QP200-008 Rev: T
Effective Date: 10/30/2019
General Inspection and Repair Remarks for Inspection/Repair
(4) Surface Inspection
All surfaces without additional surface remarks must fulfill the corrosion grade S1. Tool OD surfacees must
fullfil corrosion grade S3
Standard Remarks:

(4.1) No marks, burrs, corrosion or damage allowed but can be polished out.

(4.2) Maximum moderate corrosion accepted (S1).

(4.3) Maximum low corrosion accepted (0.5 S1).

(4.4) No wash outs/damage deeper than 0.019 in. (0.5 mm) accepted.

(4.5) No wash outs/damage deeper than 0.039 in. (1 mm) accepted.

(4.6) No wash outs/damage deeper than 0.078 in. (2 mm) accepted.

(4.7) No linear indications (crack) accepted.

(4.8) No dirt and/or corrosion in bores accepted.

Hardfacing must be intact. No peeling or chipping accepted. No break outs of hardfacing or abnormal
(4.9) wear accepted. Any crack is cause for rejection, except that hairline cracks in the hardfacing are
permissible if they do not extent into the base material.
(4.10) No wash outs accepted.

(4.11) Maximum weak corrosion accepted (0.25 S1).

(4.12) Maximum heavy corrosion accepted (S2).

(4.13) Maximum badly corrosion accepted (S3).

(4.14) No burrs or deformation accepted.

Special Remarks:
(4.15) No standardized surface remark. Details are defined in the applicable tool related Inspection or AMO
and higher Manual.

(5) Repair
In some cases repair areas are marked with a repair remark. These areas need to be repaired following the
repair remark given in the applicable AMO Manual. For all other areas and for additional rework information
please follow the applicable rework drawings or procedures from BHOS AMO, Section 8—Level 4.

(6) Inspection of T2A Ribs according to QP200-009

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